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  • 8/10/2019 FINAL second issue.pdf





    in this issue >>>

    Technical Artical by Dr. C.H.Vithalani

    Techno-link & Infotainment

    Ingeniare Art

    Alumni Connect & Many More..

    ControllerClub!An Initiative by Electronics & Communication Dept. - GEC,Rajkot



    ..!! Happy Teachers Day

    - Umang Sangani

    radiation in India is about 5.2 to 6.5 kWhper square meter per day. There is ampleland and roofs are available in India for

    solar park. State Government and centerGovernment is taking initiative steps totake advantage of solar energy. . As solar

    panels increase in efficiency, more andmore applications will begin to use themas either a primary power source or as abackup power source. For applicationswhere the ambient light is continually

    changing, the Maximum Power SolarConverter can be a very effective tool inincreasing the total power delivered bythe solar panel. Implementation of suchmaximum power solar converter is dis-cussed here. Solar panels are an array of

    solar cells. Cells are connected in series-parallel combinations of various archi-tectures to scale up voltage and currentrequirements. Solar panel comes in dif-

    ferent shape and size. To get the solarpanel to operate at its maximum powerpoint, there are a few items needed. First,

    in order to know the output power of thesolar panel, both the current and voltageof the solar panel have to be monitored.This will be accomplished by a high sidecurrent monitor and simple resistor di-vider on the solar panels output voltage.

    There also needs to be a way to controlthe output power of the solar panel. Thisis done by manipulating the panels out-

    put current. And lastly, a software algo-rithm is needed to know which way tomanipulate the current (e.g., whether the

    Minor projects related to Implementation of Green

    technologies. - Dr. C. H. Vithalani (HOD Electro. & Comm. Dept.)current out of the solar panel should beincreased or decreased).A solar panel

    generates maximum voltage in two cases:[1] When there is full sunlight on it and[2] When there is no load connectedacross it. Output voltage of solar paneldecreases as sunlight reduces or currentis drawn out of it to drive load or tocharge battery. We will get maximumefficiency of solar panel, if we operate itat knee point of I-V characteristics. Prob-lem is that knee point is not fix, knee

    point changes as intensity of sunlightchanges. Knee point also changes whenthere is temperature variation on solar

    panel. Thus, we require some dynamiccircuit which monitors voltage and cur-rent continuously to find out knee pointand operates solar panel at knee point.We can implement circuit with help of

    PIC16F690 microcontroller to monitorknee point and take power from solar

    panel according to knee point. BasicCkt Diagram & B/D with PIC16F690:

    We know that we are exploiting earthsresources to feed our daily needs and to

    feed hungry devices like Automobiles, Airconditioners, Lighting, Industry plants,Computers etc. We have damaged envi-ronment to satisfy our needs and due tothat temperature rise, glaciers melted,

    fertile land is becoming parched, andwind direction changed and schedule of

    seasons becomes irregular. We alwayscomplain about ourselves whenever wemeet at some conference, meetings re-lated to Green technologies though at themeeting place itself all these resourcesare being used. We must admit that wecannot live without all these resources sowe have to find out some alternative waysto solve the problems. In this article, im-

    plementation of Green Technologies us-ing minor projects is discussed. Final

    year and pre-final year students are ad-vised to think in this directionIncreasing efficiency of solar panel

    with help of embedded systems:

    Use of solar panels is widely acceptedand people are aware of it. Annual solar

  • 8/10/2019 FINAL second issue.pdf



    Techno-Link >>>

    Smart shoes vibrate you in the right directionusing Google Maps - Aishwarya Jayadas (EC 3rd)

    Le-chal shoes and insoles work with Google Maps on yourphone to buzz your feet when it's time to turn.Indian wearable tech startup Ducere Tech has created smart shoes called Le-chal that can give the wearerdirections without needing to look at a smartphone. Le-chal means "take me there" in Hindi.

    Krispian Lawrence and Anirudh Sharma developed the device primarily as an improvement to thewalking and navigation aids currently available to the blind.

    When you're out running, walk- ing, or biking, it's inconvenientand potentially hazardous to keep your eyes glued to the map

    on your phone. Imagine if your shoes told you which way to gowithout you ever having to take your eyes off the road or side-

    walk. That's the idea behind the Le-chal smart shoes and insoles

    from Ducere Technologies.The shoes sync over Blue- tooth to an app that pulls yourpath from Google Maps. The shoes buzz to tell you which direc-

    tion to turn. A buzzing right shoe means to hang a right. A buzzing left shoe means to go the other way.The shoes were originally designed to help people with visual impairments navigate more effectively, but

    the company's founders soon realized there could be a much wider market.Potential uses for the Lechal go beyond just getting somewhere. They can also be used to send prox-

    imity alerts to phones, notifying tourists of interesting landmarks nearby. The footwear will alert youshould you accidentally try to leave your phone behind so you don't get stuck out in the middle of nowhere.

    The shoes also aspire to work as a wearable fitness monitor, tracking steps and calories burned.

    Today, synchronous processors consist of hundreds of millions of tran-sistors and reach clock rates up to several GHz. the high clock ratesimply that several millions transistors switch several billion times a

    second, means up to 40% of power consumption is spent in the clock generation, the drivers. the asynchro-nous microprocessor. Asynchronous are different from synchronous processor is the designing technique of

    synchronizing the sequential elements among each other .communication between several parts of theprocessor can be self-timed and since the asynchronous microprocessor do not have central clock, there is

    no need to adjust operational speed of each part & each part can operate at its maximum speed withoutaffecting the other components. For example ALU can execute an add operation in half time of a multipli-

    cation. In synchronous processor ,the clock cycle has to be at least as long as slowest operation even ii thisoperation is rather rare . In synchronous processors the system is slowed down only if this rare operation

    occurs otherwise it operates faster.

    FYI, asynchronous processor have some specific advantages like up to four times higher energy efficiencythan synchronous elements ,which makes them useful in niche areas like smartcards where low power areimportant .in future may be asynchronous processor may also benefit from techniques developed for asyn-

    chronous processors ,like lowering supply voltage & thats easy to implement in asynchronous design.

    Techno-Link >>> A Technical Article by Students

    ASYNCHRONOUS MICROPROCESSORThe clock less future - Pariya Jay (EC 5th)

  • 8/10/2019 FINAL second issue.pdf



    Infotainment >>>


    A dad is someone who

    wants to catch you before you grow up,brushes you off,and let you try again.

    A dad is someone whowants to keep you from making mistakesbut instead lets you find your own way,even through his heart breaks in silence

    when you get hurt.

    A dad is someone who

    holds you when you cry,scolds you when you breaks rules,shines with pride when you succeed

    and has faith in you even when you fail

    -Joshi Rohan (EC 5th)

    Connectivity betweenworlds two largest and

    unsolved question..!!


    There are two questions in world which are notsolved till now first one is the birth of galaxy andsecond is the birth of human being. In India, in the

    sight of religion soul has a great importance ac-

    cording to religion The soul is a one form of

    god. Which is not seen, formless, and colorless

    from which it came and gone no one knows butsoul is transfer from one body to another body. Re-

    born and before born are scientifically proved.

    In present time scientist are capable to

    make blood using stem cell. But most important

    thing is soul ,without soul our body is meaningless.

    Soul is working as a battery. As electronic item does not work without battery as same our body will not work withoutsoul. What is soul? Till now scientist could not found. In sight of religion the soul is one type of energy which is created

    by god. If we found the secret of soul (Energy), we found the secret of human being.Other important question is the birth of galaxy .Galaxy is group of stars , planets , satellite and other space ele-

    ments which are internally connected by gravitational force. According to law of thermodynamics energy is neither be

    create or nor be destroy but it can transfer from one form to another form . At present scientists found HIGS BOSONwhich is the smallest particle, it is also called god particle.God particle are responsible for the birth of earth. From Einstein equation E= mc^2 HIGS BOSON is the

    smallest particle in mass. We can take m= HIGS BOSON. That means energy is related to this particle and we discussed

    above that soul is one type of energy that is colorless , formless , and neither created nor destroy. Energy and soul both

    have same characteristic. According to the scientists god particle is responsible for the birth of earth and accordinglythey are also responsible for the birth of galaxy because earth is one part of galaxy.

    If we find the solution of these two questions, first we consider science and religion together because scienceand religion are two sides of coin.

    According to religion In every micro particle god are present and according to the science god particle

    are responsible for the birth of earth.

  • 8/10/2019 FINAL second issue.pdf



    Ingeniare Art




  • 8/10/2019 FINAL second issue.pdf




    Google Glass

    Google Glass is a type of wearable

    technology with an optical head-

    mounted display (OHMD). It was de-

    veloped by Googlewith the mission of

    producing a mass-market ubiquitous

    computer.Google Glass displays infor-

    mation in a smartphone-like hands-freeformat. Wearers communicate with the

    Internet via natural language voice

    commands. Google started selling

    Google Glass in the US on April 15,

    2014 for a limited period for

    $1500, before it became available to

    the public on May 15, 2014 for the

    same price. Before that users were re-

    quired to receive invitations before

    they could try Google Glass. Google

    provides four prescription frame

    choices for $225.00 U.S and free with

    the purchase of any new Glass unit.

    It is necessary to remove a small

    screw in order to move the Google

    Glass from one frame to another.

    Google entered in a partnership with

    t h e I t a l i a n e y e w e a r c o m -

    pany Luxottica, owners of the Ray-

    Ban, Oakley, and other brands, tooffer additional frame designs.

    Features :

    Loc Le Meur controls Google Glass

    using the touchpad built into the side

    of the device.

    Touchpad: A touchpad is located on

    the side of Google Glass, allowing

    users to control the device by swiping

    through a timeline-like interface dis-

    played on the screen. Sliding back-

    ward shows current events, such as

    weather, and sliding forward shows

    past events, such as phone calls, pho-

    tos, circle updates,etc.

    Camera: Google Glass has the abil-

    ity to take photos and record 720p

    HD video.

    Display: The Explorer version of

    Google Glass uses a Liquid Crystal

    on Silicon (LCoS), field-sequential

    color, LED illuminated display. The

    display's LED illumination is first P-

    polarized and then shines through

    the in-coupling polarizing beam

    splitter (PBS) to the LCoS panel. The

    panel reflects the light and alters it

    to S-polarization at active pixel sites.

    The in-coupling PBS then reflects the

    S-polarized areas of light at 45

    through the out-coupling beam split-

    ter to a collimating reflector at the

    other end. Finally, the out-coupling

    beam splitter (which is a partially

    reflecting mirror, not a polarizing

    beam splitter) reflects the collimated

    light another 45 and into the

    wearer's eye.,_Inc.,_Inc.
  • 8/10/2019 FINAL second issue.pdf




    China opened its second railway line in Tibet, constructed at a cost of $ 2.16 billion, close toIndian border in Sikkim. The rail link will make efficient mobility of its military in the remote andstrategic Himalayan region.

    India has join hands with Singapore to get its expertise in building Smart Citieseven as the two nations decided toramp up economic engagement besides defence and security cooperation. Recently, India allocated over Rs 7,000 crorein its Budget 2014-15 for development of 100 Smart Cities.

    Rajni Razdan (64) assumed charge as new chairman of Union Public Service Commission, which conducts theprestigious civil services examination to select IAS, IFS and IPS officers among others. Outgoing chairperson D PAgrawal administered Razdan the oath as UPSC chief.

    As per ARWU, Worlds Top 5 Universities are:

    1. Harvard University (US) 2. Stanford University (US) 3. Massachusetts University (US) 4.University of California-

    Berkeley (US) 5. University of Cambridge (UK)

    Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), Indian Institute of Science (IISc) is the only Indian institu-

    tion to secure a spot in the top 500.

    PM Narendra Modi, in his maiden speech from Red Fort, stressed on achieving economic self-reliance, saying the

    country should strive to become a manufacturing hub for global investors with Zero-defect products and Zero-

    effecton environment.

    The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed Banks to set a limit on free ATM transactions customers can do at

    ATMs of rival lenders. Now customers of a bank can make only three free transactions per month from the ATMs of

    rival banks. The banks are also allowed to set a limit on the number of free transactions at their own ATMs at five. The

    central bank has also permitted banks to charge up to Rs 20 for every transaction beyond the limit.

    The World Health Organisation (WHO) on 12 August 2014 sanctioned the use of experimental drug ZMapp tofight against Ebola as the death toll increased.

    NASA on 2July 2014 launched Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2(OCO-2),a satellite designed to track carbondioxide

    ISRO has launched PSLV C23 that carried five satellites from four nations from Satish Dhawan Space Centre at

    Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh.

    Worlds most powerful telescope ATLAST to be built by NASA to track aliens life

    Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant on 8 June 2014 became Indias first nuclear plant to generate 1000 MW power.

    Softbank Corp unveiled worlds first humanoid robot named Peeper. It is engineered to communicate and read

    human emotions.

    Justice R Banumathi has become the first woman judge from Tamil Nadu to be elevated to the Supreme Court.

    Senior IPS Officer Archana Ramasundaram on 8 May 2014 appointed as first Woman Additional Director of

    Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).

    An Israeli startup StoreDot on 8 April 2014 developed a new smart phone battery called Nanodots.
  • 8/10/2019 FINAL second issue.pdf



    Alumni Connect

    Students of EC Depart-

    ment GEC, Rajkot (Deep

    B h i m a n i , J a s m i n

    Nandiya, Chirag Patel,

    Dulari Kothari and

    Khyati Kotecha) won

    Gandhiyan Young Tech-

    nology Award 2012 for

    their final year project

    Tiles Measurement and

    Grading Equipment. It is

    a national level award

    given by society for re-

    search and initiatives for

    sustainable technologies

    and institution. Only 14

    projects were selected

    from all over India.

    Students of EC Department GEC, Rajkot(Chandan Purohit, Pavan Vora, Dipti

    Jani and Sara Bharmal) won Devang

    Mehta IT Award 2012 and also nomi-

    nated in Top 50 innovative ideas at Na-

    tional level under iCreate project. This

    project won 1st prize in whole saurashtra


    Jaydeep S. Parmar and Ankur B. Thumar, Stu-dents of IC department, GECRajkot have designed

    and prepared a prototype of an Automatic Cloth

    Spreading Machine as their final year IDP. This

    design is cost-effective as the market prize of this

    instrument is almost Rs.10lac now a days and they

    prepared this prototype in around Rs.50,000.




    For this innovation these students got National

    level Award. Only 4 projects were selected from

    Gujarat for this award from total 1840 nation

    wide entries.

  • 8/10/2019 FINAL second issue.pdf



    Finding An Agent Thats Right ForYou

    O n t h e o c c a s i o n o fPraveshotsva Tree Planting

    Event is celebrated. Almost 300

    Trees Were Planted By Faculties,

    Students and Parents.

    Glimpse of GECR : Hot Line

    Seminar based on the topic Water Conservation.

    Also.. >>>Blood Donation camp was organized by GEC-Rajkot. We collected 110 unit blood.

    Android Workshop was organized by Electro. & Comm. Dept. for EC Students. Many Interested stu-

    dents learnt the Android OS During three days of workshop.

    Controllor Club!- A Newsletter of Elect. & Comm. Dept. - GECR

    Published By : Electronics & Communication Dept. - GEC,Rajkot.

    Government Engineering College, Rajkot

    (Dept. of Technical Education, Government of Gujarat)Mavadi-Kankot Road, Rajkot











    The Organizing Team of Brizingr14 is Awarded

    on the day of Praveshotsav14.Photo shows

    the team members Jay Fefar, Samir Malek and

    Tejas Talsani. Unfortunately Umang Sangani

    and Rohit Singh could not remain present.

    Designer : Umang Sangani

    Staff Coordinators

    Prof. A.J.Mankad / Prof. R.D.Mehta / Prof. Jay Pandya

    Student Coordinators

    Raval Jhanvi & Desai Hetal (Editing of Selected Doc.)

    Joshi Rohan & Ashar Khushbu (Collection of Current Issues)

    Adesara Vishva/ Maniyar Ankit / Solanki Hardik(Latest Gadgets)

    Shingadiya Dhara & Jesadiya Nikunj (Collection of Thoughts)
