final sulyap vol 2 issue 7

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  • 8/14/2019 Final SULYAP Vol 2 Issue 7


    News: PKCH,FEWA Strengthen Ties

    News: Philippine Fiesta in Seoul

    News: SSS-NPS Update

    Editorial: Too Early for Optimism

    Labor Updates: EPS Guide Part 2

    Nominees for the upcoming FEWA ElectionsVolume 2 Issue 7 2009 NOT FOR SALE






    by Alden Balgos

    SULYAPINOY is accepting cash donations for its monthly printing expenses. You may deposit them @ Account #: 049702 04 058587 / Account Name: Sofonias N. Paragsa / Bank: KB or Kookmin Bank



    (turn to page 2)

    (turn to page 2)

    Seoul, May 31- President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo urged overseas Filipinoworkers (OFWs) in South Korea to unite and volunteer their time, skill and

    resources to support the government in its campaign to secure a brighter futurefor Filipinos and the country.

    The President made the appeal during a gathering with the Filipino communityheld at Lotte Hotel in downtown Seoul. She stressed the need for volunteerism asa tool against poverty amidst the recurrent world economic crisis and promised tohelp OFWs who might lose their jobs and be forced to go home.

    In her speech, she said that workers in such situation could borrow from the P1-billion fund set up by the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA).They can also receive additional entrepreneurial and skills training under the P3-billion fund allocated to Technical Education and Skills Development Authority(TESDA). The President said that her administration is carrying out this programof full reciprocity to help expatriate workers who are returning home from theirhost countries that are now being affected by the global economic crisis.

    My advocacy is on doing everything in our power to protect our people and ourcountry during these challenging times and to work on economic growth. We arefocused on putting food on the table, investing in education and basic socialservices, improving infrastructure and, most of all, securing peace in the country.Poverty is the root of terrorism, thus the need to further improve the economy isimperative,President Arroyo said.

    Signatories of the MOU on EPS: Labor Executives pose for a photograph as they meet

    during the signing of the labor deal on EPS last May 30. On the left is DOLE Secretary Marianito D.Roque and MOL Labor Minister Lee Young Hee.

    Photo courtesy of RP Embassy

    The Presidential Delegation: Photo taken during the Meeting with the FilipinoCommunity held in Lotte Hotel in Seoul. From the left is Senator Ed Angara, President Arroyo,FG Mike Arroyo, and Foreign Affairs Secretary Alberto Romulo. They are also joined by otherhigh ranking government officials (not on the photo) like DOLE Sec. Marianito Roque, EnergySec. Angelo Reyes, DENR Sec. Lito Atienza, and several LGU officials from different cities andprovinces of the Philippines.

    Photo by Felix Ferrer

    JJJJ ongno-gu, SeoulApproximately 8,000 Filipino aspirants may be hired inSouth Korea every year for the next three years following the signing of anew memorandum of understanding (MOU) on Employment Permit System(EPS) in Seoul last May 30.

    The labor deal between the two countries - the Philippines and South Korea,was signed with Presidents Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and Lee Myung Bak aswitnesses at Cheong Wa Dae or the Blue House the executive office and

    presidential residence. The MOU signing was part of a myriad of activities ofPresident Arroyo during her official state visit here.

    The new MOU on EPS was signed by Philippine Labor Secretary Mariantio D.Roque and his Korean counterpart, Labor Minister Lee Young Hee. The MOUwhich was last renewed in October 2006 and expired last year, aims to continu-ally provide protection and security to Filipino workers by recognizing theirrights and privileges as contributors to the Korean economy.

    Secretary Roque said the renewal of the MOU reflects the high regard of theKorean government for Filipino workers. It also ensures greater transparencyand efficiency in the deployment of Filipino workers, Roque added. He likewiseenthused that there is a special provision in the MOU for the reintegration ofFilipino workers who will be forced to return to the Philippines due to the global

    economic crisis.

    Under the new MOU, Filipino workers will be granted rights such as coverageunder the Korean Labor Standards Act: minimum wage, medical and accidentinsurance, severance pay and freedom of association. Originally, the labor dealwas supposedly only for two years however, due to strong and positive feed-back from Filipino workers, it was extended to three years.

    The three-year provision of the labor deal cites the Philippine OverseasEmployment Administration (POEA) as the primary Philippine governmentagency responsible for the deployment of workers, and its Korean counterpart,the Ministry of Labor (MOL) as the primary government agency responsible forthe screening and prequalifying of OFWs intending to work in South Korea.

    by Edward Castro

  • 8/14/2019 Final SULYAP Vol 2 Issue 7



    2 wwwwwwwwwwww....ssssuuuullllyyyyaaaappppiiiinnnnooooyyyy....oooorrrrgggg

    by Reeve

    JJJJ ong-gak, Seoul - The Philippine-Korean CulturalHouse (PKCH) and the Filipino EPS WorkersAssociation (FEWA) are continually working together toprovide services to the Filipino community through freelegal assistance every third Sunday of the month in itsSeoul office.

    FEWA officers led by President Sofonias Paragsarecently visited PKCH office to seek legal advice for thecomplaint of Felix Ferrer, an EPS worker, regardingunpaid salaries against his Korean employer. Atty. LeeSeung Woo of the Seoul Bar Association assured Ferrerof legal assistance.

    Also, PKCH told the group of its support to the Filipinocommunity to continually offer free legal services andpursue means to help improve its current socialprograms.

    Moreover, PKCH coordinator for Filipino community,Rebenson Recana urged Atty. Lee to be more aggressivein dealing with labor related problems.

    Beside counseling, Recana solicited help from Atty.Lee to extend assistance in negotiating and filingcriminal cases against unscrupulous and abusiveemployers.

    Whereas, PKCH Public Relations Coordinator ParkEun Ha vowed to strengthen the tie-up betweenPKCH and FEWA by providing free legal service andsupport to Filipino migrant workers as well as tothose Filipina women married to Korean nationals.We are doing our best to serve Filipinos throughcultural exchange,Park said.

    FEWA established ties with PKCH for more than oneyear now to curb-down labor and migration relatedproblems of OFWs and help promote Philippineculture to Koreans and vice versa .

    Individuals who wish to seek legal guidance from

    PKCH, you can contact Mr. Recana at his mobilenumber 010-30406204 or email him [email protected]

    MOU on EPSThe MOU also reiterates that POEA has the right to review contract offers from Korean employers. Minimum laborstandards such as workers' free food and accommodation should be ensured, otherwise, a contract will berejected. It will also likewise lessen pre-departure cancellations of employment contracts and early terminations ofthe existing ones by disqualifying employers as well as workers with prior derogatory records.

    The EPS is a government-to-government recruitment system implemented by both countries since 2004. It waslaunched to remedy the exorbitant mobilization costs charged by recruitment companies and their brokers in SouthKorea.

    PGMA Meets FilComAdditional support to be given specifically to OFWs inKorea, is a program to ensure their proper documenta-tion and protection which she said is the goal of theMemorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Employ-ment Permit System (EPS). Labor Secretary MarianitoRoque and Koreas Labor Minister Lee Young Heesigned the new labor deal at the antechamber of theBlue House with the presence of Presidents Arroyoand Lee Myung Bak.

    There are presently around 60,000 Filipinos working asfactory workers, teachers, and high-skilled profession-als in various companies throughout Korea. `We recog-nize the value of the contributions of the overseasFilipino workers, but we also want to have an economicrevolution in our country so that one day, going abroad

    'will only be a career option and not because there s no''choice. That is our goal, Arroyo added.

    She also pointed out that among the things Filipinosshould be thankful about is the positive economic

    growth rate the country has been experiencing despitethe global crisis. But that does not mean the countryhas not been affected. The Philippines has beenaffected, but her administration remain cautiouslyoptimistic that its resources and plans will allow them tomanage their way through this difficult time.

    D uring these trying times, the Filipino spirit andcommitment to caring should prompt each of us, tocount our blessings and give back to those who areless fortunate. Our nation needs us all pulling in thesame direction. Volunteering time, skill and resourcesis a noble undertaking we should all take seriously,the President said.

    Likewise, President Arroyo along with members of thePhilippine delegation came to join other heads ofgovernments of the Association of Southeast AsianNations (ASEAN) in commemorating the 20th anniver-sary of the establishment of dialogue relations between

    ASEAN and the Republic of Korea held in Seogwipo&City, Jeju Province last June 1 2.

    Photo courtesy of Alfonso Delgado

    All Set for Fiestas Filipinas! Sinulog performers fittingtheir costumes for the upcoming 14th Filipino Migrants Day in

    Banpo Park, Seoul on July 5. Also joining the street danceparade are performers representing various Fiestas of thePhilippines: Ati-Atihan, Maskarra, Panagbenga, Kadayawan,Dinagyang, and Flores de Mayo. Other activities that day willinclude Catholic Mass to be officiated by HE Papal NuncioOsvaldo Padilla, musical and cultural performances fromdifferent Filipino organizations, and Free Medical and LaborCounseling services.

    The Philippine Embassy in Seoul will organize Free Medical Services for OFWs during the upcoming 14th FilipinoMigrant Workers Day celebration on July 5 at Banpo Park in Seoul.

    The Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH) in cooperation with the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO)will bring state-of-the- Xart medical equipment and machines that will produce detailed analysis on ray, ultrasono-graph and electrocardiogram, rendering results in the fields of internal medicine, orthopedics, ophthalmology andotorhinolaryngology. The services will be administered by specialist doctors and medical practitioners of SNUH.

    Embassy officials are encouraging OFWs to take advantage of this rare opportunity especially when getting eventhe most basic medical services these days are too expensive.

    The Embassy also plans to provide Korean Labor Law counseling, and Occupational Accident Prevention

    demonstrations from Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) during the occasion.

    The event is in conjunction with the joint-celebration of the Philippines' 111th Philippine Independence Day and60th Year of RP-ROK Bilateral Relations.

    by Amie Sison

    Hanging by a thread - Social SecuritySystems (SSS) Chief Actuary and ExecutiveVice President for Operations Horacio T.Templo told SULYAPINOY in an interview thatthe social security agreement between SSS andSouth Koreas National Pension System (NPS)is still indefinite. Templo said that the bilateralagreement needs still to be reviewed andratified by the Philippine Senateand is uncer-tain as to when. Recalling, the Filipino EPSWorkers Association and SULYAPINOY spear-

    headed a community-wide signature campaignin September of last year to oppose the imple-mentation of the said agreement and havegathered around 6,000 signatures. Mr. Templomet with SULYAPINOY staff at the Meeting withFilipino Community at Lotte Hotel in Seoulduring the recent state visit of President GloriaMacapagal-Arroyo here in South Korea.

    Photo by Felix Ferrer

  • 8/14/2019 Final SULYAP Vol 2 Issue 7



    D I S C L A I M E RD I S C L A I M E RD I S C L A I M E RD I S C L A I M E R

    Different opinions are encourage to stimulatemember input and involvement. SULYAPINOYsrole is to provide information that permits FEWAmembers to develop informed opinions on

    subjects that will affect their status as migrantworkers and, in some instances, their personallives. FEWA does not hold itself responsible forstatements made by any contributor. Statementsor opinions expressed in SULYAPINOY reflect theviews of the author(s) and not the official policy ofFEWA unless so stated.

    For Comments, Suggestions, Contributions & AdvertisementsPlease submit them to our website or to the following emails below:

    All Staff: [email protected]

    * SULYAPINOYobserves the Philippine Press Code of Ethics . *We reserve the right to refuse any submission we deem does not meet our policies and guidelines.* SULYAPINOYis still in need of writers and community correspondents. Aspirants may email the

    Editorial Staff for more details.

    Thank you for your time and interest!

    SULYAPINOY Office Address: 115-9 Songbuk-gu, Songbuk 1 dong, Songbuk Villa, Seoul, Korea 136-020FEWA Office Address & SULYAPINOY Distribution Center: Inside WOORI BANK, Hyehwa-dong Branch, Jongno-gu, Seoul

    EDITORIAL STAFFEditor-in-Chief:Edward A. Castro Managing Editor:Alden C. BalgosOpinion Editor: Rebenson B. Recaa News Editor: Edward A. CastroLiterary Editor:Amie Sison Cartoonist: Alden C. BalgosPhotojournalist: Felix S. Ferrer Layout Artist: L

    Circulation Managers: Teofilo C. Camo;Alwyin A. Casio; Marcelino M. Serdea III

    Community Correspondents: Billy Vela (Ansan); Anthony Carl Dacones (Kasan)

    Valentino de Guzman (Gimhae, Busan); Maria Elena Famor (Ulsan)Contributor/s: &Mary Ann Octavio (Literary), the Philippine Embassy POLO

    Adviser: Ma. Regina P. ArquizaEditorial Consultant: Elizer M. Pearanda

    BOARD OF PUBLICATIONChairman: Rebenson B. RecaaV-Chairman: Marcelino M. Serdea IIISecretary: Rodney Queman

    Board of Publication in:

    Outreach, Recreation and Religious Program:Alden C. BalgosSULYAPINOY Website Development and Maintenance: Dondave JabaySponsorship & Promotions Program:Annabelle Lopez

    Trainings & Workshop: Ehd G. Villarta Jr.

    Board Consultants: Fr. Alvin B. Parantar, MSP; Prof. Emely Dicolen-Abagat, Ph.D.FEWA President: Sofonias N. Paragsa

    wwwwwwwwwwww....ssssuuuullllyyyyaaaappppiiiinnnnooooyyyy....oooorrrrgggg 3

    President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, after visitingthe Filipino Community here last month, and after

    meeting with South Korean President Lee Myung Bak

    for bilateral talks in improving both our countries'partneship, also followed by signing of several govern-ment-to-government MOU's, her return in thePhilippines was what her aides say was anotheroverwhelming success state visit. However seem-ingly sounds like encouraging, we beg to differ.One of the several MOU's signed was that of a newlabor deal on Employment Permit System (EPS).Despite the renewal of the pact, salient issues regard-ing the hiring permit program are still left uncertainand questionable. Pre-mature cancellation of contracts,denial of medical and financial benefits, discriminationand basic rights violations, as well as removal ofworkers' free food and accommodation allowances are

    just few of the many predicaments of OFWs plight.It was certainly reassuring to discern that Presidents

    Arroyo and Lee, as well as both RP and ROK's laborbureaus headed by DOLE Secretary Roque and LaborMinister Lee respectively, vowed once again- tocontinually hold working level consultations in improv-ing the EPS side-by-side with other sending countriesof the said permit program. Equally relieving, the twolabor chiefs also signed an MOU on Labor andManpower Development which provides, amongothers, for the training of workers onsite to better pre-

    pare them for their eventual return to the Philippines.Still, this is no time to be a roaring bull, although some

    degree of optimism may be just the ticket. Frustratinglyabsent in their rhetoric however, is a clear solution asto how they would deal and downsize these labor andmigration problems. With the renewal of the EPS MOU,

    around 8,000 Filipino hopefuls are expected to enter

    and work in Korea every year for the next three (3)years. What's truly worrisome is - if the irregularitiesof the labor program are left unsolved, it will likely

    make these hopefuls susceptible to similar miseryand frustrations that many of the OFWs here arealready battling.

    After the most feared abolition of worker's food andaccommodation benefits, another reason for ourpessimism is the Ministry of Labor's Directions forImproving the Minimum Wage Program. We areforced to wonder whether it really is the ministryresponsible for policy pertaining to working people.Rather, we get the feeling that it has lowered itself tobeing some companys labor management depart-ment. Many workers are facing a crisis of survival inthis unprecedented economic cold front. To say thatyou are going to cut the minimum wage by half at

    such a time instead of thinking about ways tosupport working people is like this administrationcutting out the liver of a flea and using it to fatten therich.In October, during the Korea National Assemblysyearly review of government affairs, Labor MinisterLee hinted that he would be meddling with theminimum wage when he declared that it has risentoo steeply compared to South Korea's economiclevel. The minimum wage was created to guaranteea minimum of a livelihood for low-paid workingpeople. Currently, Koreas minimum wage is 4,000won an hour. With that you earn 904,000 won amonth, if you work all 44 hours a week and even getweekly holiday pay for working on Saturdays. If thisplan pushes through and the minimum wage isreduced to a certain extent, is it best still to work andearn 452,000 won monthly in a country dubbed as

    the world's seventh largest economy?

    It seems difficult to expect that the context of labormigration will reform itself on its own. Judging fromwhat has been revealed so far, it is hard to guaranteethat despite the renewal of the labor agreement,OFWs ordeal will get better. At this point, it may be too

    soon for anyone to be talking of success. Too muchoptimism could send wrong signals to both aspiringoverseas workers in the Philippines and the Filipinolabor community here, thus hampering the laborbureau's efforts in resolving the issues and to further

    improve the permit program.In the end, the choice is both our governments. Wehope that both DOLE and MOL decide wisely to ration-ally resolve the issues through constant dialogue withthe labor sector and actively involving the migrantworkers themselves in consultations and decisionmaking, as it will help secure its goals of effective labormanagement and the advancement of the hiringsystem, otherwise, choosing a hard line stance will onlybe an invitation to disaster. Both must do its best toensure that the deal goes through and that we have

    rightful reasons to celebrate.

  • 8/14/2019 Final SULYAP Vol 2 Issue 7



    4 wwwwwwwwwwww....ssssuuuullllyyyyaaaappppiiiinnnnooooyyyy....oooorrrrgggg

    TheEmployment Permit System for foreignworkers enables workers from countries

    with which the Korean government has concluded anMOU on sending workers to be legally employed bycompanies in Korea which have obtained a permit toemploy foreign workers.

    How to receive Insurance Benefits

    In the event of a foreign workers departure, change ofworkplace, death or disease other than occupationalaccidents, as well as delayed payment of wages, aforeign worker may receive insurance benefits as statedin related laws.

    Departure Guarantee Insurance (Toe-ji-kom)

    this is purchased by the employers.

    Often referred to as retirement allowance.

    When a foreign worker who has continuouslyworked for one year or more at a workplace withfive or more full-time employees, moves to anotherworkplace or leaves Korea and applies for insur-ance benefits to the HRD- &Korea or Samsung FireMarine Insurance, the insurer will directly send themonetary benefits to the workers bank account.

    Return Cost Insurance (Kukmin Yeung-geum)

    this is purchased by foreign workers within 80 daysupon arrival to Korea.

    When a foreign worker is planning to leave Korea(excluding a temporary departure e.g. vacation)he/she shall submit a Departure Schedule Notifica-tion Form to any Job Center to file and claim to

    &HRD Korea or to Samsung Fire Marine Insur-ance for the benefits. The insurer will send themonetary benefits to the workers bank account.

    Casualty Insurance/Accident Compensation Insurance

    this purchased by foreign workers.

    When a foreign worker suffers from death or per-manent impairment other than an occupationalaccident and file claim to the HRD Korea or Sam-

    &sung Fire Marine Insurance for benefits, theinsurer will investigate the accident report andsend the insurance benefits to the workers ac-count. In the event a foreign worker dies and abereaved family member applies to HRD Korea forinsurance benefits, the HRD Korea will checkwhether the person is a bona fide member of thebereaved family (in cooperation with the sendingcountry). After the verification of such information,the insurer will send the insurance benefits to theaccount of the bereaved family member. Also,other insurance benefits such as Departure Guar-antee Insurance and Return Cost Insurance will besent all at the same time.

    Wage Claim Guarantee Insurance

    this is purchased by employers.

    In the event an employer of a workplace with lessthan 300 full time workers or a workplace notcovered by the Wage Claim Guarantee Insurance

    Act, delays payment of wages, the worker may fileclaim with the HRD Korea or Seoul GuaranteeInsurance for benefits. The insurer will then exam-ine the case to determine whether the payment ofwages has been actually delayed and if so, sendthe insurance benefits to the workers account.

    Strict Observance of Korean Laws

    While a foreign worker stays in Korea, he/she mustabide with all Korean laws. Any violation shall be subjectto punishment. The Korean Labor Law has a purpose toensure minimum labor standards and enhance workerssocial and economic status in accordance with the Ko-rean Constitution. Minimum Labor Standards includesprovisions on working hours, overtime work pay, paidleave, holidays, retirement allowance, dismissal, etc.



    Magandang araw po. Ako po ay isang EPS workerat nais ko pong idulog sa inyo ang aking problema.Simula pa noong March ng taon na ito ay wala nakaming maayos na trabaho dito sa aming kum-

    panya. Kalimitan po ay 2 hanggang 3 beses lang saisang linggo kung kami ay pumasok sa trabaho.Dahil dito ay wala na ako halos sinasahod dahil ang kumpanya ko po ay mayroongno-work-no-

    pay policy. Ngunit kamakailan lang ay nabali-taan ko sa isang kaibigan na sa mga ganitongsitwasyon ay dapat sumasahod parin daw ako ng

    7 %atleast 0 mula sa aking buwanang sahod.Totoo po ba ito? Sana ay mabigyan nyo ako nangmaliwanag na kasagutan sa tanong na ito.Maraming salamat po.


    Kabayang Jhune,

    Salamat din sa tiwalang ipinagkaloob mo sa aminsa pamamagitan ng iyong katanungan. Totoo pokabayan, sa kabila na ikawy walang trabaho saiyong kumpanya ay nakasaad po sa LaborStandards Act (LSA Article 46) na: An Employershall pay workers wage (Business Suspension Allowance) amounting to seventy percent ormore of average wages during the period of

    business suspension. If business is suspendedfor reasons attributed to the employer such as power or water outages, machinery malfunction,reduced production, etc. including closedown orbankruptcy.

    Ibig sabihin po lamang nito ay dapat ka paringmakatanggap ng buwanang sahod nang hindi

    %bababa sa 70 . Kung sakaling ayaw kang bigyansa kadahilanang mayroon kayong no-work-no-pay policy na ipinapatupad sa kumpanya, pina-payuhan po namin kayo na dumulog sa HumanResources Development Service of Korea(HRDS) Address: 370-4 Gongduk-dong, Mapo -

    Gu, Seoul Tel. # 02-3271-9434-9436, o sakanilang website

    Maari din po kayong dumulog sa HRDS tunggkolsa iba pang usapin sa EPS gaya ng release,toejikom, unpaid salaries, violation of contract, atmarami pang iba. Meron po silang English opera-tor kaya hindi po magiging problema ang pagpa-paliwanag sa anomang bagay na inyong ilalapitsa kanilang tanggapan.

    S a m g a n a i s m o p o n g m a g t a n o n g o h u m i n g i n g

    S a m g a n a i s m o p o n g m a g t a n o n g o h u m i n g i n g S a m g a n a i s m o p o n g m a g t a n o n g o h u m i n g i n g

    S a m g a n a i s m o p o n g m a g t a n o n g o h u m i n g i n g

    o p i n i o n h i n g g i l s a m g a u s a p i n t u n g k o l s a E P S

    o p i n i o n h i n g g i l s a m g a u s a p i n t u n g k o l s a E P S o p i n i o n h i n g g i l s a m g a u s a p i n t u n g k o l s a E P S

    o p i n i o n h i n g g i l s a m g a u s a p i n t u n g k o l s a E P S ,

    , ,


    i p a d a l a l a m a n g a n g m g a i t o s a S U L Y A P I N O Y

    i p a d a l a l a m a n g a n g m g a i t o s a S U L Y A P I N O Y i p a d a l a l a m a n g a n g m g a i t o s a S U L Y A P I N O Y

    i p a d a l a l a m a n g a n g m g a i t o s a S U L Y A P I N O Y .

    . .


    S e n d y o u r i n q u i r i e s a t

    S e n d y o u r i n q u i r i e s a t S e n d y o u r i n q u i r i e s a t

    S e n d y o u r i n q u i r i e s a t :



    [email protected] visit our website


    Observance of the Act onForeign Workers Employment

    a. In the event a foreign worker has not used thestandard labor contract when concluding a labor

    [ ]contract; or Article 9b. In the event a foreign worker has not subscribed to

    [ ]an Casualty Insurance, Article 23

    /He She shall be subject to a fine not exceeding to five (5)million won.

    c. In the event a foreign worker is not insured by a Return[ ]Cost Insurance; or Article 15

    d. in the event a foreign worker has refused to respond orfalsely responded to a public officials request to make a

    [ ]report or submit necessary documents, Article 26

    /He She shall be subject to a negligence fine to exceedingto one (1) million won.

    Observance of the Immigration Controls Act

    e. In the event a foreign worker has committed an actthat he/she is not allowed to in accordance with the rulesthat govern his/her status of sojourn or in case a foreignworker remains in Korea after the period of lawful stay is

    [ ]over. Article 23, Article 25

    /He She shall be subject to penal servitude or imprison-ment not exceeding three (3) years, or a fine not exceed-ing twenty (20) million won.

    f. In the event a foreign worker has left his/her desig-nated workplace without permission or has not obtaineda permit to chance workplace or add workplace; or[ ]Article 18, Article 21

    g. In the event a foreign worker has not applied for andreceived a foreigner registration within a certain number[ ]of days as required by law, Article 31

    /He She shall be subject to penal servitude or imprison-ment not exceeding one (1) year, or a fine not exceedingten (10) million won.

    h. In the event a foreign worker has not made a notifica-tion of moving-in when changing the area of residence,[ ]Article 36

    /He She shall be subject to a fine not exceeding one (1)million won.

    i. In the event a foreign worker has not duly reported achange in any matters related to the foreigner registra-

    [ ]tion, Article 35

    /He She shall be subject to negligence fine not exceedingone (1) million won.

    J. In the event a foreign worker knowingly makes false[entries in various application forms or reports, Article


    /He She shall be subject to negligence fine not exceedingto five (5) hundred thousand won.

    In the event a foreign worker has been found

    to have taken narcotics or committed crimessuch as assault, murder, or theft, he/sheshall be subject to punishment according torelated laws.

    (to be continued).Source: Guide to Employment to Korea for Foreign Workers (Ministry

    of Labor, Korea); Easy Korean Labor Law (KLEI)

  • 8/14/2019 Final SULYAP Vol 2 Issue 7



    wwwwwwwwwwww....ssssuuuullllyyyyaaaappppiiiinnnnooooyyyy....oooorrrrgggg 5

    As I sat down on a chair I saw a picture of Father and Son.

    Then it dawned on me, how is it to be a father? Is it enough that youhave kids and work hard for them? There's a story of a poor youngboy who dreamed of having even one small toy car. One day he sawit on the store and to his amazement, he immediately called hisather. He beg his Father to buy him the toy car but the fatherrefuses, for he doesn't have enough money. And so they both wentfar away from that store while the son was so sad and crying. With-out the son's knowledge, his father was more hurt for he couldn'tgive the simple thing he was asking.

    I didn't experience that story from above for I am workingabroad but sometimes it made me think twice or more, if money isenough for them in exchange of my absence. Thank God for the

    involvement of technology that I could able to see them on computer.But it seems that I'm not satisfied to see them on the monitor alone.Although I know that my wife will take the best of care and love them,to be with them on their achievements...still, there's a part of afatherhood that is missing on me.


    Buhay ay sadyang masalimuotBuhay ay sadyang masalimuotBuhay ay sadyang masalimuotBuhay ay sadyang masalimuotMaraming tao ay sadyang madamotMaraming tao ay sadyang madamotMaraming tao ay sadyang madamotMaraming tao ay sadyang madamot

    NagNagNagNag----aagawan sa biyayang kakarampotaagawan sa biyayang kakarampotaagawan sa biyayang kakarampotaagawan sa biyayang kakarampotKaya kaginhawahan palaging nauudlotKaya kaginhawahan palaging nauudlotKaya kaginhawahan palaging nauudlotKaya kaginhawahan palaging nauudlot....

    Sino ba ang may karapatanSino ba ang may karapatanSino ba ang may karapatanSino ba ang may karapatanPara kanino ang ating karangalanPara kanino ang ating karangalanPara kanino ang ating karangalanPara kanino ang ating karangalan????

    Laban kung laban ang ating batayanLaban kung laban ang ating batayanLaban kung laban ang ating batayanLaban kung laban ang ating batayanPalaging sinasabi ng mga matatapangPalaging sinasabi ng mga matatapangPalaging sinasabi ng mga matatapangPalaging sinasabi ng mga matatapang....

    BastaBastaBastaBasta''''t may katwiran o kahit wala mant may katwiran o kahit wala mant may katwiran o kahit wala mant may katwiran o kahit wala manAng mahalagaAng mahalagaAng mahalagaAng mahalaga''''y makamit ang mithingy makamit ang mithingy makamit ang mithingy makamit ang mithing

    kayamanankayamanankayamanankayamananMasayang dumalo sa malalaking pigingMasayang dumalo sa malalaking pigingMasayang dumalo sa malalaking pigingMasayang dumalo sa malalaking piging

    Makadaupang palad mga nilalangMakadaupang palad mga nilalangMakadaupang palad mga nilalangMakadaupang palad mga nilalangna maningningna maningningna maningningna maningning....

    Sa maikling oras sa panahong matulinSa maikling oras sa panahong matulinSa maikling oras sa panahong matulinSa maikling oras sa panahong matulinMagpakasaya tumawa ang oras gugulinMagpakasaya tumawa ang oras gugulinMagpakasaya tumawa ang oras gugulinMagpakasaya tumawa ang oras gugulin

    Upang kahit papaano kahit sa isang saglitUpang kahit papaano kahit sa isang saglitUpang kahit papaano kahit sa isang saglitUpang kahit papaano kahit sa isang saglitMadama ang saya tulad sa isang paslitMadama ang saya tulad sa isang paslitMadama ang saya tulad sa isang paslitMadama ang saya tulad sa isang paslit....

    Linangin ang kaalamanLinangin ang kaalamanLinangin ang kaalamanLinangin ang kaalamanAt itakda ang kapalaranAt itakda ang kapalaranAt itakda ang kapalaranAt itakda ang kapalaran,,,,

    Baguhin ang ikot ng mundong inaapakanBaguhin ang ikot ng mundong inaapakanBaguhin ang ikot ng mundong inaapakanBaguhin ang ikot ng mundong inaapakanUpang sukatinUpang sukatinUpang sukatinUpang sukatin,,,, linanginlinanginlinanginlinangin,,,, at ating hatulanat ating hatulanat ating hatulanat ating hatulanAt ang ating Diyos ibigay ang kaharianAt ang ating Diyos ibigay ang kaharianAt ang ating Diyos ibigay ang kaharianAt ang ating Diyos ibigay ang kaharian....

    As a father myself, it's not easy to be away from my family,

    especially here in Korea. Loneliness and temptations are myenemies. I heard several stories, some became successful andsome went home with nothing. Im thankful to Him because even ifI'm not earning enormous amount of money, I have God in my heart.I know I couldn't entrust my life to anyone, but thanks to my wife forshe implanted the seed of faith to God within me. Thanks to my kidsas well, even if they are several hours travel on the plane away fromme, they always make sure that I am their father.

    Sometimes, I can't help but question my self...Am I a goodfather? Or I am the otherwise? Or so I thought. Did it also occurred inyou? How will you know if you are a good one? Is it by accepting aplaque which recognizes you as a role model father? Or is it our

    big impact to our family especially to our children? I could not com-prehend furthermore, for I am once a son too to my father and forme, my dad is the best father in the whole world.

    To all Tatay, Papa or Dad out there, Happy Father's day!

    Hanggang Kailan KayaHanggang Kailan KayaHanggang Kailan KayaHanggang Kailan Kaya????Rodney Queman

    Umalis tayo sa bansa para lamang kumita

    Lahat ay gagawin ni Juan para sa pamilya

    Tanging paraan para makaahon sa hirap

    Ngunit hanggang kailan kaya itong paghahagilap?

    Kilala tayong mga OFW sa sipag at tiyaga

    Halos lahat may Pilipino sa bansa ng banyaga

    Pagiging mapagkumbaba sila'y talagang hanga

    Hanggang kailan kaya itong ating pagdurusa?

    Sa Pilipinas kung saan naroroon ang pamilya

    Naghihintay ng buwanang sahod na ating padala

    Habang mga pulitikoy walang tigil sa bangayan

    Hanggang kailan kaya matatapos ang kanilang alitan?

    Pilipinas mag-isip, kumilos at gumising

    Unahin ang pamilya at trabaho,

    Pangungurakot ay supilin!Mga bulok na sistema iwasto at iyong baguhin

    Hanggang kailan kaya matutupad ang nasirang mithiin?

    Bigyan ng magandang halimbawa at aral

    ang bawat Pilipino

    Dito masusukat kung hanggang saan ang kaya nito

    Huwag puro salita, drawing at walang agarang aksyon

    Hanggang kailan kaya tayo sa ganitong sitwasyon?

    Kabayan, panahon na para tayo maging buo

    Labanan ang katiwalian,unahin ang kapwa tao

    Dahil kung hindi tayo kikilos wala pa ring pagbabago

    Magtatanong at magtatanong pa rin tayo, Pilipino

    Hanggang kailan kaya tayo magiging ganitoHanggang kailan kaya tayo magiging ganitoHanggang kailan kaya tayo magiging ganitoHanggang kailan kaya tayo magiging ganito????

    Tayo ang Bagong BayaniAmie Sison

    Naalala mo ang ating mga bayaniSa hirap ng bansa sila ay naging saksi

    Pakikipaglaban at hindi paghigantiNa sa puso nila ay namamayani.

    Naisip mo ba na ikaw ay katulad nilaHindi ka man nakipagdigmaan sa iba

    Naiangat mo naman angating ekonomiya

    At bayani ng ating bawat pamilya.

    Paglaya ng ating hinangad noonNgayon ba'y nakalaya na ngayonSa mga balakid tayo'y nakabaon

    Bisyo, recession, Amo ang ilan doon.

    Napakaraming problemanghaharapin

    Mga liko-likong daan na dapat tahakinTapang natin ang kailangan sukatin

    Upang bansa at pagkataoay maiangat natin.

    Tulungan natin ang bawat isaTsismis, inngit, ating kalimutan muna

    Isipin na tayo ang tanging bidaBagong bayani ng Pilipinas at sa Korea.

    h h h hLingering T oug ts on Fat er oodAn Essay by Bro. Joel Tavarro

  • 8/14/2019 Final SULYAP Vol 2 Issue 7




    By: Mary Ann Octavio

    I remember the famous episode in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, the one in which Tom turned the white washing of his Aunt Pollys fence intoan exercise in manipulating his friends. As I recall, Tom applied the paint with gusto, pretending to enjoy the job. Do you call this work? Tom toldhis friends. Does a boy get a chance to whitewash a fence everyday? Armed with this new information, his friends discovered the joys of whitewashing a fence. Before long, Toms friend were not only paying him for the privilege, but deriving real pleasure from the task a win-win out-come if there ever was one. From my perspective, Tom transformed his negative experience to a positive one. So, I thought I could give it a try.

    My honeymoon with teaching has finally come to an end. I have been teaching English to Korean students for five years now. Each lesson Iteach, I make it a point that I would put my heart into it. Every lecture that I would deliver is carefully thought of and that every possible questionthat my students might ask me is carefully plot down. After a deep sleep, I rouse up one morning and realized that my heart is no longer in teach-ing. Each day I walk to work like a zombie. The feeling of uncertainty spoils every single circumstance that I deal with each day. Few years

    back, I told my students that I would grow old teaching and might even die while teaching. Suddenly like a thief, my passion and my directionswere snatched away from me.

    Korea and teaching itself deprived me of several things. One of which is my country - my comfort zone, my home. From being discriminated orstereotyped by some racist people around me to not being able to wear my comfortable sneakers and sleepers I used to wear back in the Philip-pines. I wander around with the absence of belongingness. I feel that I am the odd one out. Coming from a third world country, having a brownskin and being a non-native speaker - teaching for me in Korea is demoralizing. Loaded with this heavy burden, I felt tired and exhausted.

    Much Like Tom Sawyer, then, I tried to take an ambiguous experience and arbitrarily make my demoralizing teaching experience to a pleasurableone. Descartes said, Cogito ergo sum I think, therefore I am. Now, from a light sleep, I rouse up and said I love teaching. I think I loveteaching, therefore, I love teaching. I realized that not everyone gets a chance to teach English in Korea, not everyone earns five times higher oreven more than they used to earn back in the Philippines. I take pride of the fact that Filipino teachers are far better than most of native speakersin educating Korean learners. I remember one co-teacher who happen to be a native speaker, interrupted my class and asked me to explain tohim the meaning and function of the word gerund. I keenly explained it to him. I realized that its not the skin color, mother tongue nor race thatcounts, but the execution, passion and the quality of education that a teacher can impart to students. Armed with these facts, I flipped my teach-

    ing style upside down, from a traditional and boring execution of lessons to an exciting and interesting ones. With the touch of media practitionerskills, and with the help of my reliable laptop, my lessons are now more interactive, fun-filled, and well-thought of. I made short films related to mylessons, something that my boss and students truly enjoyed. I coached speech and drama which enable my students to master the English lan-guage in a practical way. I earn, I got to practice my expertise in Mass Communication and regained my self-confidence. It was a win-win out-come, so to speak.

    Just like Tom, I did not dwell on the negative perspective of teaching in a foreign country, but rather, transformed it to a pleasurable experience.

    FEWA Office Hopefuls: The nominees pose for a photo during the recentFEWA General Assembly held last June 21 at Hyewhadong Catholic Church cafete-

    ria. Voting will be on July 12 at Woori Bank Hyewha. Voting starts at 10 AM - 4:00PM. The nominees are the following:

    For President: Marcelino Serdena IIIJulius Caesar Ocampo

    For Board Member:Teofilo Camo, Marvin Babasa, Ronnie de Guia, Alwyin Casino, Ismael Calandria,Rodrigo dela Cruz, Darwin Galicia, Norman Matudan, Rodel Arias, Ehd Villarta Jr.,Rodney Queman

    Kasan International Community (KIC) conducts Santa Cruzan in Kasan and Concert for aCause last June 14 to raise fund to help underprivileged families and communities in thePhilippines. KIC Filipino Community under the leadership of Anthony Carl Dacones havebeen continuously sending financial support to the Philippines such as for typhoon victims inLingayen Pangasinan, Iloilo City, construction of a church in Guimaras, and many more.

    3rd Annual Basketball League Opening Ceremonies of the Human Rights Welfare Organiza-tionFilipino Community in Cheung-Ju last June 14, 2009 at the Jeungpyeong JonghapSports Center. On the photo are (L-R) Fr. Edward M. Whelan-Spiritual Adviser, Ana MariaAdante-Adm.Adviser, New OWWA Welfare Officer Ma. Evangelina V. Filamor, Ms. KarenRoxas Muse of Daehwa Aces Daejon receives Trophy Best in Uniform, Best in Muse, Ms.Daisy Salazar of Chungju Barako Team receives trophy, Ahn Geon Soo-LegalAdviser ,Reeve and Frank Caturla,HRWO-FC president.

  • 8/14/2019 Final SULYAP Vol 2 Issue 7


    by Alden Balgos


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    2-Chona GutierezSonia Ancheta

    4Rodney QuemanMarizel Damgo

    7Buenaventura Ang Jr.Roberto Paez

    10Edwin Dionesio12Marilyn Cabayao

    Jhon MartillanaRoscoe Ignas

    13Anthony Bansil14June Eser

    Cecil Matera

    16Arnel Batiu17Ismael Borja19Rizaldy Salazar22Jounwynn Joven23Marvin Babasa24Rodel Arias

    Alvin BautistaRejeanne Millen Recana

    25Melanie Lopez29Avelino Ente

    1Mark Anthony Torrado2Prof. Emely Dicolen-Abagat

    Alex GuevarraRic Villanueva

    3Jose Abello5Cathy Arreola6Casario Ferrer10Robert de Vela

    Roger Estares13Cecilio Medios Jr.14Francis Alojado15Ariel del Rosario20Ronnie Cascayan

    21Michael Castro22Noel Espiritu

    Julio Habana24Amie Sison

    Jasser Lozares28Gemma Rato29Celso Ampatin

    Ronald Balan30Victor del Rosario

  • 8/14/2019 Final SULYAP Vol 2 Issue 7



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