final swot presentation

AARON JAMAAL Final Pitch to Idea

Upload: princessmays1

Post on 22-Jan-2018




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Final Pitch to Idea

Chosen Idea

The idea chosen for me to take forward was a documentary about how sports is utilized in school for students with SEN needs. throughout the documentary I want to explore whether the activity of sport is utilized differently to students without SEN conditions and to form a discussion on whether students and/teachers believe students are deprived from engaging in physical activity.


Looking at the SWOT’s received from my audience, I was given insight that there are many positive factors to my idea and a minimal potential drawbacks. This further enhance my interest in the field, allowing me to confidently explore this topic.


The purpose of the documentary is to inform people on a matter they are unaware on due to simply not having the needs of other students. If other students can gain information on how SEN students cope with their issue, other students should be able to relate and schools may discover, offering more sports maybe best for their students.

Development/mapping to my idea

The secondary research I conducted helped shaped my idea. During my research, I found a series of artists who would be considered as SEN individuals who had accomplished a lot. This allowed me to connect the idea of SEN students and sports together.

Development of my idea came from the changing of the title and the total research primary and secondary that I had conducted allowing me to further widen my knowledge in my subject.

Development of Title

special needs – the importance of supporting us all.

Sports and SEN students: The importance of supporting us all.

Sports and Students: The conduct of sports

Changing the title a third time allowed me to not pick out students with SEN conditions and prevented any

possibilities of my documentary possibly discriminating or making them feel as they aren’t

normal students like the rest.

Factors to changing my idea

As my documentary was going to have a more general exploration about why these students need moral support, I later had a further encounter with a group of students part of LSC where they expressed and argued about how they are not being able to play/exercise their sport. I gained a sense of empathy when I realised that I myself am not able to utilize the schools facilities as much as I’d like to. From here, I found a more narrow aspect to investigate allowing me to focus my idea on how sport affects the lives f these students.

Appealing to my target audience

Employment Environment:

There are a total of 3 people living in my household including me, and every one apart from my primary audience, are full-timed employed. I have an older brother recently got employed full time to a zero contract organisation forcing him to work long hours of a minimum of 10 hours a day. His hours can stretch to 14 hours shift, which he would be steadily adjusting to. Brother being newly employed full-time allows my documentary not to focus too much on an older audience, as there is a clear shift in genres of topics. The parental figure to Irving would ideally be a mum is a full-time teacher at a primary school. This is due to the stereotypical idea of females sympathising with student issues a lot more than male audiences. The prevention of gaining a masculine parental audience allows my documentary to potentially gain a more intense and dramatic feel to the documentary. The friends and family connected and associated with my primary audience (Irving) will ideally work within the same class. This is so I can grasp a bigger appeal to my documentary

Primary Research

Primary research conducted: focus group and two questionnaires conducted excluding individual conversations had with staff of schools allowing me to gain little knowledge in the area.

Primary Research


A group ‘society of Sports Therapists’ was established in the year 1990. The forming of the organisation was used to address, respect and present the growing demands from sporting and leisure individuals. The demands were ideally for those involved in the management and care of injured athletes/sport players. The purpose of the brand is to help ensure sport athletes were undergoing adequate and effective training courses allowing them to function efficiently.

Articles and statistics

Structure 1

The conventions I will use: Voxpop/public views: presentations of team members or

people who are fans of the sport. Can show whether they believe sports is necessary to all communities.

Interview/confession: participant lead able to express his feelings directly to the audience. This allows the information he expresses about his life is accurate and reliable as its first hand evidence.

Cutaways – of cast playing basketball, basketball courts possible extra activities taken place during conversations we have with experts or members of the public

Graphics – Astons, credits, Diegetic dialogue Non-diegetic Music


Introduction - presented character introducing the documentary with cross cutting cutaways of students in classes instantly demonstrating the topic.

Central point - series of voxpops and public student views. draw comparisons against the teachers and students on the topic. engage in physical activity exploring the topic hopefully allowing audience to be informed on why physical activity/education is utilized and controlled in the way it is.

Ending - draw a conclusion with a raise question allowing the audience to have their own interpretation on whether thy believe sport or physical activity is used frequently enough.

Filling the Gap


My documentary will be shown on E4 due to my beliefs that my documentary's topic fits the audience of the channel, similar documentaries to mine are presented on E4 and its sister channels, allowing my documentary to be more suitable for the program and also benefit the channels views.

As my documentary hold a lot of similarities to documentaries which were successful on this channel, I believe my documentary will gain a lot of views and high ratings which will give my documentary commercial viability.

7:30pm e4 – 8:30pm E4+1


Publicity - Flash mobAdvertisement - 30 second TV advert on Channel 4Promotion - FBB (Football Beyond Boarders

Similar Documentaries

Similar Documentaries

Looking at documentaries similar to mine, I have realised that the documentaries tend not to use archive footage. Being in the current day they are only exploring current activity. I realised I have the ability to further fill in the gap and make my documentary different by placing some archive footage within my documentary where I will be able to make comparisons against the way physical activity is conducted in schools.



To ensure legal implications were considered and attended to, I have made release forms for:

- Location

- Music

- Candidates 16+

- Parental releases for candidates below 16

