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  • 7/30/2019 Final Wellness Book


  • 7/30/2019 Final Wellness Book


  • 7/30/2019 Final Wellness Book


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    Quality Levels

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    My Nutrition Profile

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    Provide Building Blocks for the body

    Help rebuild muscles

    Chronic excess can lead to kidney problems


    Store energy

    Chronic deficiencies can put you below required body fat levels

    Oils, Nuts, Meat

    Saturated Fats

    Rebuild Cell membranes

    Chronic Deficiencies arent bad unless you are far to deficient

    Coconut oil, Poultry, Dairy


    Brain Function

    Growth and Development


    Cardio health

    Brain function

    Fish, Avocados, Nuts


    Helps to convert Carbs into Energy

    Chronic excess has no known side effects

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    Body growth and red blood cell production

    Chronic excess has no known side effects


    Aids Digestive system

    Converting Food to energy

    Chronic excess can lead to liver damage


    Make Antibodies

    Break Down Proteins

    Chronic excess can lead to difficulty coordinating movements


    Helps to make DNA

    Prevent Anemia

    Chronic excess has not been found to have side effects


    Produce and maintain new cells

    Chronic excess has not been found to have side effects

    Vitamin C

    Helps with the immune system

    Chronic deficiency can lead to a weaker immune system and scurvy

    Citrus Fruit, Sweet Potato, Tomato

    Vitamin D

    Enables normal mineralization of the bones

    Chronic Deficiency can lead to risk of rickets

    Milk, eggs, liver

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    Vitamin A

    Immune system and vision

    Chronic Deficiency can lead to problems with pregnancy

    Carrots, Sweet Potatoes

    Vitamin E

    Prevent from damaging effects of free radicals

    Chronic Deficiency can lead to impairment of immune response

    Broccoli, spinach, almonds


    Support bone structure and function

    Chronic Deficiency can lead to osteoporosis

    Milk, yogurt, salmon


    Produce hemoglobin and myoglobin

    Chronic excess can lead to iron poisoning


    Control acid-base balance

    Build muscle

    Chronic deficiency can lead to hypokalemia

    Bananas, salmon, dried apricots


    Controls blood pressure and blood volume Chronic excess can lead to hypertension

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    Perfect Plan Analysis

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    Overcame Deficiency by adding oils to foods that I ate

    Omega 6

    Overcame deficiency by snacking on almonds

    Omega 3

    Overcame deficiency by eating avocados, salmon and almonds

    Vitamin C

    Overcame deficiency by eating more fruits and vegetables


    Overcame deficiency by eating more yogurt and drinking more milk


    Overcame deficiency by eating a banana every night


    Overcame excess by reducing fast foods

    In order to solve the problems that I faced nutritionally with WB1 I had to change

    the way that I ate. Before, a lot of the vitamins and mineral I had in my diet was through

    the form of supplements. I also had supplemented Flaxseed oil to increase my omega 3

    intake. However, through this class I learned the benefits of whole foods and nutrient

    dense foods and how you cant supplement them. By switching to eating whole foods and

    nutrient dense foods I was able to overcome deficiencies in potassium, calcium, vitamin

    c, omega 3, omega 6, and lipids. According to the Dash Diet, the amount of sodium

    should not exceed 1,500 mg. In WB1 I had 2355mg of sodium which is far above what

    the Dash diet recommends. However, in WB4 I had 1020 mg of sodium I reduced my

    sodium by reducing the amount of fast food that I ate. Potassium and calcium are otherminerals that I struggled on and in order to increase my intake of those minerals I ate

    milk, yogurt and bananas. The aim of the DASH diet is to help people reduce the amount

    of sodium that they eat because we as Americans consume way more sodium then we

    should and we do it on a consistent basis. The Dash diet shows alternative foods that we

    can eat to help avoid the foods high in sodium that way we reduce risk of heart attacks.

    The Dash diet is authored by the National Institute of health.

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    Super Foods

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    Vitamin B 6

    They are a very good low calorie food that tastes good and contains goodnutrients

    Brown Rice


    Carbs, Thiamin, Niacin, B6, Magnesium, Zinc

    Brown rice is a great alternative to white rice nutritionally



    B6,Vitamin C

    I like to eat bananas every night before I go to bed because it helps to

    prevent cramps in the morning when I wake up




    Very low calorie and very good too add into sandwiches provides good

    nutrients for its lack of calories.



    Protein, fiber, Omega6, Thiamin, Niacin, B6, Folate, Calcium, Potassium,

    Zinc Great snack as an alternative to potato chips



    Fiber, Vitamin C

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    I chose apples because of the common saying an apple a day keeps the

    doctors away

    Greek Yogurt



    Greek yogurt is a good form of dairy and is better than normal yogurt



    Protein, omega 3, thiamin, niacin, B6, B12, Folate, Magnesium, Potassium,

    Zinc Fish is a really healthy meat to eat and is very good for omega 3s

    Sweet Potato


    Water, Carbs, Fiber, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin

    A, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium

    I chose sweet potatoes because they are a very good source of carbs an

    nutrient and have all sorts of nutrients and it is very dense

    Olive Oils



    Good way to improve taste of foods and get needed lipids into the body

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    From Farm to Table

    The super food that I have chosen is sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are produced by the

    Western growers Association. Some of the problems that they face have to deal with

    immigration, environment, pests, and pesticides. Sweet potatoes are grown in the agricultural

    areas of California. These areas are located in more Central and Northern California as opposed

    to Southern California. Sweet Potatoes are planted in early March and April. They then become

    in season around October and November. They may be in season toward autumn and winter but

    they are sold all year round. Farmers that want to grow sweet potatoes out of season use plastic

    film in order to keep the plants warm when they are growing in the colder seasons. Once the

    sweet potatoes are removed from the ground they must be left for 2 months to be properly cured

    before eating. While they are curing, they are kept in humid, dark places with temperaturesaround 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Sweet potatoes are often confused with yams even though they

    are nothing alike. Yams are long white tubers while sweet potatoes are more round and potato

    like. This mistake is commonly made because there are many different types of sweet potatoes.

    They use yams to describe it as the type that has red skin and orange flesh however they are

    incorrectly labeling the vegetable. Yams are also very different nutritionally than sweet potatoes

    because they contain much less Vitamin A than Sweet potatoes do. Sweet potatoes, I have

    learned are one of the most nutrient dense foods that exist. They happen to be extremely high in

    Vitamin A in the form of Beta-Carotene which is known to aid with vision. Sweet Potatoes also

    contain good sources of other nutrients such as Fiber, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, B6, Vitamin

    C, Iron, Potassium, and Magnesium. Sweet potatoes contain all those nutrients and only have

    102 calories which makes it a good nutrient dense food. Sweet Potatoes even have more Beta-

    Carotene then carrots which are very well known for having an excellent source of beta-carotene.

    In the local markets sweet potatoes are around a dollar and fifty cents per pound which is not that

    expensive. So in addition to being very good for you, they are a good type of food that comes out

    to be a very affordable price which isnt too common with most nutrient dense food. The recipe

    that I chose to use was the sweet potato wedges. Sweet Potato wedges are a classic choice and

    there are so many things that you can do to customize them to taste the way that you want them

    to. With the sweet potato wedges however, you need to make sure that they are cooked well or

    they will be too hard to eat as opposed to being soft and easy to eat. When made correctly the

    sweet potato wedges are a very delicious and nutrient dense side.

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    My Plate

    I feel that the DRI goals are better than the my plate because you can get all the nutrients you

    need while possibly not being able to reach the amount that is required in the my plate. This can

    also still go the other way where you meet the plate but you are lacking nutrients that the DRI

    goals say that you need.

    I feel that this is a very user-friendly resource and it is easy to use. It is very simple and easy to

    read. It sets a good goal for people just starting to watch their nutrition so that they can see about

    how much of everything that they should be consuming.

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    Water plays a very big role in overall wellness. Water is very important to be consumed

    during meals and in between meals. Keeping your body properly hydrated provides a cushion for

    the bones and muscles and can also help to keep the organs in your body running smoothly. For

    example, when your kidneys are removing and cleansing the waste in your body having proper

    amounts of water in your system help the kidneys to flush the waste out of your body and keeps

    the kidneys from retaining waste which can lead to problems with your kidneys. Drinking water

    between meals can help to keep you from feeling to hungry and resorting to unhealthy foods

    often times you feel hungry but you are really just thirsty. Water plays a big role in weight

    management and obesity. When you arent feeling as hungry due to proper hydration you wont

    be eating unhealthy food so it can help you to lose weight. Also drinking lots of water reduceswater weight in your body because since you ample water supplies in your body it releases more

    of it in urine and makes you look leaner. As opposed to soda and sugary beverages water does

    not contain calories when you drink your calories you are not relieving the true hunger that you

    feel which by the end of the day with the food and al the calories consumed as fluids you are

    exceeding the calories you want to be consuming and will be gaining weight. Sugary beverages

    also do not provide you with hydration the way that pure water does. I can do not think that

    juices should replace water in meal plans if you want the vitamins from the juice you should just

    eat the fruit or vegetable itself. In WB1 I consumed less water then I felt like I had been

    consuming so even for me a person who always worries about hydration my water consumption

    was lower than it should be so it was even more of a wakeup call. When it came to WB4 I made

    sure the amount of water consumed was enough I did this by just drinking water even when I

    didnt feel like I was thirsty. I did that because I learned when you feel like you are thirsty your

    body already is slightly dehydrated. So all in all consuming the proper amounts of water every

    single day is one of the most important things to do when it comes to your overall wellness and


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    Fiber is a very important nutrient for your overall health and wellness. Fiber allows for

    your digestive track to move more smoothly this can help when it comes to your stool and

    removing wastes from your body. Eating fiber can help your body to feel full while eating less

    than you would without fiber in your diet. Since your body is feeling less full it helps to reduce

    the amount of empty calories that you would normally consume. The reduction in empty calories

    then goes on to reduce the amount of calories you eat throughout the day which will help you to

    maintain weight and even reduce and prevent obesity. Fiber also helps to reduce the amount of

    cholesterol in the body. This helps to prevent heart diseases. Fiber is used as treatment for

    diabetes, diverticulosis and heart disease. I dont think drinking juice as a source of fiber is a

    good idea because the actual fruit or vegetable will contain far more fiber then the juice will.With the juice you remove the skins of the fruits which in some cases like apples are where most

    of the nutrients are contained in the skins of the fruit. Also juices contain excess sugar which you

    should avoid putting into your diet as much as possible. The only problem with fiber is that if

    you are not accustomed to a high fiber intake is that you slowly increase your intake so your

    digestive system isnt shocked that way you dont experience side effects such as cramps and

    diarrhea. However due to all the benefits that fiber provides it becomes and essential nutrient in

    any meal plan that is developed. In my personal experience with fiber it has benefited me in

    many ways. I have always consumed proper amounts of fiber and in both my WB1 and Wb4

    fiber was not an issue that I had faced. Due to my proper intake of fiber I never faced issues

    when it came to the stool and I never really felt hungry cravings. This helped me to maintain a

    strict diet whether I am trying to lose weight or trying to gain weight because Im not eating

    unhealthy food because of hunger cravings. Good ways to get sources of fiber that I found are

    wheat bread, brown rice and other whole grains even fruits like apples and bananas. In my

    personal opinion fiber is one of the nutrients that you should be keeping the closest eye on and

    making sure that you are consuming the proper amounts fiber in your diet.

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    My Wellness Life

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    I am 5 foot and 7 inches and I weigh 170 pounds. Although I am overweight according to

    BMI it doesnt apply to me because I am an athlete and BMI results do not apply to athletes or

    pregnant women. My family has a history of being involved in athletics. My Grandfather played

    football for college and was also a gymnast. My father played varsity soccer for all 4 years of

    high school and also went to the junior Olympics for cycling. My Uncle played varsity soccer as

    well in high school for all 4 years and also did track and field, he went on to play soccer for Mt.

    San Antonio College for 2 years. My Mom did track and field during high school and also was a

    rock climber for several years. My family is always trying to do activities that involve being

    active. This background influenced me since I was very little. I have always been a part of

    athletics. When I was a child I played in AYSO for 8 years and then in high school I participated

    in track and field and football. Wellness has always been very important to me because my

    dream is to become a personal trainer and maybe one day become strength and conditioning

    coach for a professional sports team. Ever since I started lifting weights it made a big impact on

    my confidence and my body and I loved every second of it then I began to watch what I eat so

    that I can see the best results. I now am currently very into bodybuilding and I go through cycles

    of bulking and cutting down weight. I am meeting my activity requirements by far I usually go

    out with friends and play pickup games of football and basketball over the weekends in addition

    to lifting weights 5 times a week. Wellness is a priority to me because if I dont look fit and am

    not healthy how can I help to train other people to be. I have learned many things through this

    nutrition class. I learned that supplements cant replace everything and whole foods are the most

    important thing to be consuming. Before this class I used to take all kinds of supplements

    thinking that it would do the same thing but now I know that I just need to eat the food itself.

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    Bibliography1. WGA.Com

    2. National Institute of Health



    5. Professor Betty Crocker