financial controller


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Post on 25-Sep-2015




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Company Info and Job Description

Architected Business Solutions (ABS) este compania care activeaza in domeniul consultanei in business management, fructificnd expertiza locala si parteneriatele valoaroase in domeniul managementului proceselor de afaceri IDS Scheer (Germania) i cel al soluiilor ERP SAP si Oracle.

Echipa noastra de profesionisti dedicati si serviciile integrate confirma expertiza noastra pe diverse industrii precum: FMCG, industrie grea, retail, imobiliare, utilitati, farmaceutice, sectorul financiar-bancar. Aceasta constituie formula de succces care defineste parteneriatul de incredere, flexibil, cu un singur obiectiv: cresterea valorii pentru companiile clientilor nostri.

ABS integreaza servicii de consultanta si optimizare de procese de afaceri, impreuna cu implementarea si managementul solutiilor tehnologice, servicii financiare si programe de resurse umane, oferind astfel beneficiul unui adevarat portal de solutii privind Optimizarea Proceselor de Afaceri.

Am reunit gama noastra de servicii complementare sub un concept unic pe piata romaneaca:

=solutie integrata si adaptabilade servicii complementare de consultanta/implementare/executie/control

Suntem organizati in 4 departamente astfel:

Departamentul Consultanta de Afaceri (Business Consulting) sprijina companii de dimensiuni medii si mari in adoptarea Managementului Proceselor de Afaceri ca mijloc de a-si imbunatati performantele si de a reusi proiectarea strategiei de business in plan operational.

Departamentul Solutii Tehnologice (Technology Solutions) se concentreaza pe tehnologiile utilizate de clientii ABS, identificand oportunitati de optimizare ale acestora si implementand solutii si sisteme tehnologice adecvate, bazandu-se pe o experienta solida in afaceri, provenita din industrii variate.

Departamentul Servicii Financiare (Financial Services) dezvolta, implementeaza, executa sau supervizeaza implementarea metodologiilor contabile si financiare, rapoartelor manageriale, externalizarea functiei financiar - contabile pentru clienti locali si internationali in diverse domenii precum, productie, comert, servicii.

Departamentul Servicii de Consultanta in Resurse Umane (Human Capital Services ) dezvolta solutii care implica strategia si gestionarea schimbarii, performantei, talentelor si dezvoltarii personale, configurarea hartii competentelor si gestionarea lor, leadership development si cultura organizationala.

Interview questions:1. Tell me about yourself

--------------------------------------------------------------------------I graduated the bachelor degree in 2010 the academy of economical sciences and the major I did was Accounting and Mangement Information Systems. From the very first I was pleased and I liked to get more knowledge especially in finance controlling, audit and accouting management. Since I wanted to get more and more involved in all the financial activities I continued my studies and did a master degree in Accounting, Audit and Management Information Systems which I finished in 2012 at the same university. I've started working since university and I was involved in many financial activities like base accounting, reporting, controlling and audit. At the moment I'm following the CECCAR studies which I'll finish them this year in order to become a Finance Export.I am challenge person, I like to learn new things every time and I believe that s the way that can make me imporve myself- assuming responsability and be focused of what I can improve at the company from finance perspective and a prospere business.2. Finance Controller job responsibilities

A financial controller is responsible for ensuring that all accounting allocations are appropriately made and documented. In smaller companies, the controller may also perform cash management functions and oversee accounts payable, accounts receivable, cash disbursements, payroll and bank reconciliation functions. Every company should maintain a separation of duties with regards to accounting functions to insure that there are checks and balances in the system. For instance, if the controller is responsible for preparing cash disbursements, he should not be a signatory on the account; the owner, chief executive or chief financial officer should be required to sign all checks.As a financial controller I'm responsible for establishing and executing internal controls over the companys accounting and financial procedures. This includes reviewing and approving all invoices to be paid, as well as reviewing accounts receivable aging reports.Often I handle collections on invoices, especially ones that are 45 days to 60 days overdue. I am also responsible for coordinating with external tax accountants for income tax preparation and auditors who prepare internal audits of the company. This includes keeping company records organized and readily available for examination.One of the other responsibilities are banking and finance activities. This includes negotiating lines of credit and vendor agreements, as well as reviewing all financial contracts, financing agreements and insurance policies. Also I need to provide accurate and comprehensive financial information to executive management for long-term financial strategizing. In any way I must provide crucial financial data and work with executive management to coordinate all financial planning functions with business operations. Financial reporting duties include preparing financial statements, balance sheets, cash flow reports, budgets, budget-to-actuals and financial projections.

In addition to financial reporting, I am skilled at in-depth financial analysis and I am able to provide expert financial perspective and opinions(10:54:20) Marilena Crjan: Role: The position main role is to manage all of the accounting, financial reporting and analysis of operating data for all the divisions of the group


1. Develop, implement, and ensure compliance with internal financial and accounting policies and procedures2. To issue and analyze efficiency reports for each department and projects;3. To issue consolidation reports on costs centers;4. Budgets on departments/ realized vs budgeted, P&L, balance sheet reports;5. Cost center verification allocation;6. Manage the cash flow and prepare cash flow forecasts in accordance with policy;7. Various reports requested by Bank, for existing and future credits;8. Costs optimization;9. Prepare all supporting information for the annual audit , reporting packages for the audit


- University degree Finance/Accountancy background- Advanced business English mandatory- Advanced PC Skills, excellent oral & written presentation skills- SAP would be an advantage- A minimum of 3 years experience with proved hands on experience on group consolidation reports- Excellent communication skills, customer orientation- Project Management skills- Being able to act independently with minimum supervision- Driving license- Agriculture related experience could be considered an advantage

Romanian version

1. Am absolvit Academia de Stiinte Economice, specializarea Contabilitate si Informatica de Gestiune. De la inceput am fost pasionata si mi-a placut sa am cat mai multe cunostinte in mai multe aspecte ale domeniului financiar cum ar fi: control financiar, audit si managementul contabilitatii. Pentru acest lucru mi-am continuat studiile tot in cadrul domeniului financiar absolvind studiile de master tot in cadrul aceleasi universitati in Contabilitate, Audit si Informatica de Gestiune. Am lucrat inca din universitate si am fost implicata in multe activitati financiare cum ar fi contabilitatea primara, raportare, control si audit. In momentul actual urmez cursurile CECAR pentru a deveni contabil expert. Sunt o persoana caruia ii plac provocarile, imi place sa invat lucruri noi in fiecare zi si sunt sigura ca acest lucru ma poate promova pe mine, asumandu-mi responsabilitati si concentrandu-ma pe aspectele care pot imbunatatii business-ul din perspectiva financiara.

2. Un controlor financiar este responsabil sa se asigure ca toate alocarile financare sunt facute in mod corespunzator si documentate. Ca si controller financiar am responsibilitatea de a verifica situatia incasarilor, platilor, salarilor, cash management dar si de reconciliere bancara.

Am responsibilitatea pentru a stabili si a executa controale interne asupra documentelor contabilitate si a procedurilor financiare ale firmei. Acestea include deobicei reviziuire si aprobarea facturilor care urmeaza a fi platite, si deasemenea revizuirea incasarilor si raportarea acestora. Des ma ocup de verificarea acestora in special acelor facturi ce au o intarziere de 45/60 zile. Sunt responsabila de coordonarea cu contabili externi pentru pregtirea impozitul pe venit i a auditorilor care pregtesc audituri interne ale companiei. Acesta include deobicei mentinerea organizata a documentelor pentru a fi supusa examinarii. Alta responsabilitati din firma de care ma ocup sunt cele de ordine bancara. Acestea include negocierea liniilor de credit, acordurile dintre furnizori si de asemenea ma ocup de revizuirea politelor de asigurare. De asemenea trebuie sa furnizez informatii concrete pe termen lung managementului in vederea strategizarii acestora. Ma ocup cu furnizarea informatiilor importante financiare si lucrez cu managentului pentru a coordona toate activatiile financiare.

Raportarea financiara presupune preparea declariitilor financiare, balantelor, raportarea cash flow-ului si a bugetelor.