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Page 1: FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 2018 SCHULER …...Financial Summary Report Schuler Group 2018 1 for 01/01/2018 through 12/31/2018 Consolidated income statement in € millions 2018 2017


Page 2: FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 2018 SCHULER …...Financial Summary Report Schuler Group 2018 1 for 01/01/2018 through 12/31/2018 Consolidated income statement in € millions 2018 2017

Key Figures of the Schuler Group (IFRS)           



2017 2016 2015 2014 

Sales  € million  1,212.1  1,233.1 1,174.2 1,200.0  1,178.5 


New orders  € million  1,255.1  1,141.0 1,199.5 1,015.7 1,193.7 

Order backlog  € million  926.1  901.9 1,013.1 894.7 1,057.9 


EBITDA  € million  71.5  141.4 122.6 70.9 120.9 

EBITA  € million  45.3  117.1 101.8 44.9 101.0 

EBT  € million  18.0  106.4 95.1 44.0 100.7 

Group profit or loss 

€ million  13.5  72.1 77.4 39.3 66.9 


EBITDA margin  %  5.9  11.5 10.4 5.9 10.3 

EBITA margin  %  3.7  9.5 8.7 3.7 8.6 

EBT margin  %  1.5  8.6 8.1 3.7 8.5 


Personnel including Apprentices 

 6,574  6,570 6,617 5,167 5,423 


Cash flow from investing activities 

€ million  ‐16.4  18.3 ‐130.4 ‐34.0 ‐27.0 


Balance sheet total 

€ million  1,233.9  1,276.6 1,361.3 1,074.5 1,121.7 

Shareholders‘ equity 

€ million  495.0  498.4 438.4 369.1 322.0 

Equity margin  %  40.1  39.0 32.2 34.3 28.7 



Due to rounding effects, there may be slight deviations in the totals and percentages 

presented. As of fiscal year 2015, the statement of financial position and income 

statement are reported in accordance with the structure used by ANDRITZ. The key 

figures for 2014 have been adjusted accordingly. 

Page 3: FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 2018 SCHULER …...Financial Summary Report Schuler Group 2018 1 for 01/01/2018 through 12/31/2018 Consolidated income statement in € millions 2018 2017

F i n a n c i a l S u m m a r y Re p o r t S c h u l e r G ro u p 2 0 1 8


for 01/01/2018 through 12/31/2018

Consolidated income statement

in € millions 2018 2017

1. Sales 1,212.1 1,233.1

2. Changes in inventories of finished goods and work in progress -12.9 17.93. Internally produced and capitalized assets 0.0 0.44. Other income 36.3 64.75. Cost of materials 570.4 563.56. Personnel expenses 427.7 416.57. Depreciation of amortization of intangible and tangible assets 42.3 31.58. Other expenses 165.9 194.7

9. Operating result 29.2 109.9

10. Interest income 3.8 12.111. Interest expense 14.2 19.312. Other financial result -0.8 3.713. Financial result –11.2 –3.5

14. Profit or loss before tax 18.0 106.4

15. Income taxes 4.5 34.3

16. Consolidated profit or loss for the year 13.5 72.1

of which attributable to shareholders of Schuler AG 13.5 72.1of which attributable to non-controlling interest 0.0 0.0 Earnings per share in € Basic earnings per share 0.5 2.4Diluted earnings per share 0.5 2.4

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F i n a n c i a l S u m m a r y Re p o r t S c h u l e r G ro u p 2 0 1 8


for the fiscal year ending 12/31/2018

Consolidated statement of f inancial position

in € millions 12/31/2018 12/31/2017


A. Non-current assets 1. Intangible assets 138.5 143.82. Property, plant and equipment 266.4 252.13. Interests in affiliates and participations 7.0 3.54. Income tax receivables 0.2 0.25. Other assets 7.3 3.56. Deferred tax assets 29.0 28.8

448.4 431.9

B. Current assets 1. Inventories 183.4 171.32. Trade receivables 150.5 179.93. Future receivables from long-term construction contracts 227.3 187.54. Income tax receivables 6.3 31.15. Other assets 73.1 91.06. Securities 15.0 17.87. Cash and cash equivalents 129.9 166.1

785.5 844.7

1,233.9 1,276.6

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F i n a n c i a l S u m m a r y Re p o r t S c h u l e r G ro u p 2 0 1 8


in € millions

12/31/2018 12/31/2017


A. Shareholders' equity 1. Share capital 77.8 77.82. Capital reserves 125.4 126.83. Retained earnings 322.8 316.44. Accumulated other comprehensive income –31.0 –26.8Equity attributable to shareholders of Schuler AG 495.0 494.25. Non-controlling interest 0.0 4.2

495.0 498.4

B. Non-current liabilities 1. Financial liabilities 18.4 21.22. Other liabilities 4.6 68.7Pension provision 133.8 130.34. Other provisions 29.6 26.05. Deferred tax liabilities 11.6 12.8

198.0 258.9

C. Current liabilities 1. Financial liabilities 8.3 37.32. Trade payables 105.8 87.63. Other liabilities 384.4 321.44. Income tax liabilities 3.7 23.75. Other provisions 38.7 49.3

540.9 519.3

1,233.9 1,276.6

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F i n a n c i a l S u m m a r y Re p o r t S c h u l e r G ro u p 2 0 1 8


for 01/01/2018 through 12/31/2018

Consolidated statement of cash flows

in € millions

2018 2017

Consolidated profit or loss for the year 18.0 106.4+/– Depreciation, amortization and impairments/impairment reversals of non-current assets and inter-ests in affiliates and participations 42.3 31.5+/– Increase/decrease in long-term provisions 4.0 –12.2–/+ Gain/ loss from disposal of non-current assets –8.5 –23.1–/+ Increase/decrease in inventories 5.4 –12.3–/+ Increase/decrease in receivables and other assets not relating to investing or financing activities 1.1 –30.2–/+ Increase/decrease in short-term provisions –10.6 –21.2–/+ Increase/decrease in liabilities not relating to investing or financing activities –30.6 11.2–/+ Tax payments –3.2 –37.5– Dividend payment from not-consolidated companies 0.6 1.1–/+ Other non-cash expenditure 14.5 –1.0

Cash flow from operating activities 33.0 12.7

+ Proceeds from sale of tangible and intangible assets 29.0 38.0– Purchase of other tangible and intangible assets –30.4 –28.2– Investments in financial assets –17.6 –0.6–/+ Proceeds from purchases of short-term cash investments 2.6 9.1

Cash flow from investing activities –16.4 18.3

– Dividend payment to shareholders of Schuler AG –3.3 –3.3– Dividend payment to non-controlling interest –1.8 0.0–/+ Change in interest-bearing financial liabilities –36.9 –86.1

Cash flow from financing activities –42.0 –89.3

Change in cash and cash equivalents –25.4 –58.3+/– Change in cash and cash equivalents due to exchange rate fluctuations –10.8 –17.4+ Change in cash and cash equivalents due to changes in the consolidation group 0.0 0.0

Net change in cash and cash equivalents –36.2 –75.7

+ Change in cash and cash equivalents 166.1 241.8

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 129.9 166.1

Cash flow from operating activities includes: Interest received 4.5 12.1Interest paid 3.0 10.5

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Schuler AGSchuler-Platz 173033 GöppingenGermany Phone +49 7161 66-0Fax +49 7161 66-233

[email protected]










Schuler offers customized first-rate technology in all areas of forming – from the networked press to press shop planning. In addition to press, our product includes automation and software solutions, dies, process know-how and service for the entire metalworking industry. Our customers include automotive manufacturers and suppliers, as well as companies in the forging, household appliance and electronics industries. Presses from the Schuler Group mint coins for more than 180 countries. When it comes to the digital transformation of the forming technology, we support our customers worldwide as a supplier of innovative system solutions. Founded in 1839 with headquarters in Göppingen, Germany, Schuler AG has about 6,600 employees at production sites in Europe, China and America, as well as service companies in more than 40 countries. The company is majority-owned by the Austrian ANDRITZ Group.