find special needs toys for autistic children, therapy swing and fidget toys

Find special needs toys for autistic children, therapy swing and fidget toys

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Post on 14-Jun-2015




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DESCRIPTION Where finding what you need is easy! Find special needs toys for autistic children, therapy swing and fidget toys.The Sensory Kids Store : Products for Sensory Integration & Autism Spectrum. The Sensory Kids Store at Bellybum is the first retail and online store of its kind in the country. Whilea handful of stores have opened catering specifically to the needs of Autistic Children, The Sensory Kids Store supports the developmental needs of all kids. Every child can benefit from a healthy "sensory diet", some just need more than others. At Bellybum, Items specific to children with "developmental differences" are not limited to children on the spectrum. The store provides for the needs of kids struggling with any type of disability, disease or delay-physical or neurological-that affects his/her ability to function in everyday life. With ease of navigation in mind, Sternweiler has simplified categories in The Sensory Kids Store to avoid clinical descriptions and terminology whenever possible, and has limited her inventory to only the best products for any given need. "Parents don't want to wade through a warehouse of 15,000 products looking for what they need. They only need one or two. We've done the legwork for them.


Page 1: Find Special Needs Toys for Autistic Children, Therapy Swing and Fidget Toys

Find special needs toys for

autistic children, therapy swing

and fidget toys

Page 2: Find Special Needs Toys for Autistic Children, Therapy Swing and Fidget Toys

The Sensory Kids StoreProducts for Sensory Integration

& Autism Spectrum

Page 3: Find Special Needs Toys for Autistic Children, Therapy Swing and Fidget Toys

The Sensory Kids StoreThe Sensory Kids Store at Bellybum is the first retail and online store of its kind in the country. Whilea handful of stores have opened catering specifically to the needs of Autistic Children, The Sensory Kids Store supports the developmental needs of all kids. Every child can benefit from a healthy "sensory diet", some just need more than others. At Bellybum, Items specific to children with "developmental differences" are not limited to children on the spectrum. The store provides for the needs of kids struggling with any type of disability, disease or delay-physical or neurological-that affects his/her ability to function in everyday life. With ease of navigation in mind, Sternweiler has simplified categories in The Sensory Kids Store to avoid clinical descriptions and terminology whenever possible, and has limited her inventory to only the best products for any given need. "Parents don't want to wade through a warehouse of 15,000 products looking for what they need. They only need one or two. We've done the legwork for them."

Page 4: Find Special Needs Toys for Autistic Children, Therapy Swing and Fidget Toys

The Sensory Kids StoreThe store houses dozens of products organized simply and in lay-terms by sense/skill. For example, as opposed to the using the clinical term "Vestibular" the sub-category is just called "Balance." Product categories include: • seeing• hearing• talking• touching• moving• feeling• using my senses• learning resources

Page 5: Find Special Needs Toys for Autistic Children, Therapy Swing and Fidget Toys

The Sensory Kids StoreExperts say that sensory-focused toys and products like these can be great tools to help parents and kids reinforce at home and in their everyday lives what they learn in formal therapy setting. Although the items in the store were selected specifically because they can assist children with a variety of special needs, kids without sensory challenges will also enjoy the selection. "All kids benefit from a sensory diet. Kids with developmental disabilities just need more," Sternweiler said. "Having easy access to these items in a warm, comfortable, fun environment is a great resource for any parent, and potentially profound for kids and parents facing developmental challenges."