finding your true colors an exercise in self-awareness

Finding Your True Colors An exercise in self- awareness

Upload: sabrina-harper

Post on 14-Jan-2016




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Finding Your True Colors

An exercise in self-awareness

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True Colors

• We will study personality qualities tied to a color spectrum, it’s just simpler that way.

– Blue– Gold– Orange– Green

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Caution: Labels Are Not Good

• You will find your color spectrum

• Often, you will be shades and variances of your colors

• You will exhibit traits of your dominant color but also your less dominant colors

• Knowing about you and about your coworkers is a huge asset

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• Our work forces us into an unnatural color so how we work with this and understand this makes us more flexible.

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Complicating the spectrum…

• The way we process information and share information tends to blur the color lines sometimes– Some are introverted in their demeanor– Others are extroverted

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As we examine our colors

• Remember that we are “shades” of the colors, for the most part

• The way we process and interact may be hampered by our introversion or our extroversion

• Introverts usually show their second color as a dominant color

• Extroverts go full force with their dominant color• We may change the color in which we operate

depending on the circumstances

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Let’s figure this out

• Work your way through the survey and total the points

• When you have completed the work, take a quick break

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Survey Time

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True ColorsSurvey says…

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The Blues among us…

• Caretaker• Optimistic• Passionate• Enthusiastic• Imaginative• Cause Oriented• True Romantic• Need to be Unique• Cooperative rather than

Competitive• People Oriented• Peacemaker

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Strengths of the Blues

• Accepting• Act as a Catalyst• Communicating• Cooperating• Counseling• Creating• Guiding• Imagination• Intuition• Leading

• Listening• Mentoring• Motivating• Optimism• Recruiting• Speaking• Supportiveness• Teaching• Tolerance• Training

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It’s about the lens through which you look

• Others may see Blues as– Over-emotional– Mushy– Other-Worldly– Unrealistic– Too Tenderhearted– Wishy-washy– Smothering– Manipulative– Groveling– Bleeding Heart– Talking too much– Nosy

• Blues may see themselves as– Caring– Romantic– Spiritual– Having Faith– Nice– Flexible– Caretaker– Pleasant-not pushy– Polite– Willing to work tirelessly for a

cause– Great Communicator– Genuinely interested in the

welfare of others

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Turn to a Blue for…

• Validation• Cheering up• A Confidant• A Mentor• Understanding Affects on People• Help!• Creative Ideas• Training• Leading a Human Needs Cause• Sharing• Affection• A Friend

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The Golds among us• Loves to Plan• Detail Oriented• Punctual• Strong Sense of Duty• Belief in Policies• Values Family Traditions• Conscientious• Conservative and Stable• Well-Organized• Strong “Shoulds and Should

Nots”• Most Comfortable in a Structured


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Strengths of the Golds

• Accounting• Belonging• Caretaking• Collecting Data• Contributing• Coordinating• Dispatching• Family• Following Directions

• Guarding• Handing Details• Organizing• Planning Ahead• Securing• Supervising• Work time THEN play


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It’s about the lens through which you look

• Others may see Golds as– Rigid– Restricted– Stubborn– Boring– Self Righteous– System-Bound– Unimaginative– Judgmental– Bossy– Uptight– Rigid Idea of Time– Married to Task

• Golds may see themselves as– Stable– Providing Security– Dependable– Firm– Knows What’s Best– Efficient– Realistic– Appropriate– Executive Type– Responsible– Punctual– Goal-Oriented

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Turn to a Gold for…

• Planning• Responsibility• Supervision• Trust • Details• The correct way to do something• The Rules or Policies• Accuracy• Tradition• Fairness• If you need someone to be on time or enforce an

agenda• Organization

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The Orange among us

• Energetic• Desires Change• Playful• Master Negotiator• Natural Entertainer• Pushes Boundaries• Accepts Challenges• Impulsive and Spontaneous• “Just Do It”• Appreciates Immediate Feedback• Most Productive in Non-Structured

Environments• Self-Confident

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Strengths of the Orange

• Able to take charge• Being the master of tools• Carefree• Dealing with chaos• Determination• Direct communicator• Eclectic, diverse,

changing• Going with the situation

• Hands-on• Keeping options open• Living moment to moment• Negotiating• Proficient, capable• Receptive to opportunities• Risk-taking• Trouble-shooting• Welcomes new ideas

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It’s about the lens through which you look

• Others may see Orange as – Rude– Irresponsible– Not serious– Selfish or self-centered– Ignoring the rules– Manipulative– Impatient– Easily distracted– Unprepared– Flirtatious– Taking advantage of others– Flaky

• Orange may see themselves as – Straightforward– Easy-going– Enjoying the process– Now-oriented– Productive Freedom– Good negotiator– Mover and Shaker– Multitasker– Spontaneous– Friendly– Succeeding– Flexible

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Turn to an Orange for…

• Leadership• Trouble-shooting• Tasks requiring risk

and chance• Fun ideas• Action• Proficiency with tools

• Variety• Negotiation• Entertainment• A good laugh• Attention• Straight


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The Green among us• Problem-solver• “Why” mentality• Very complex• Standard-setter• Cool, calm, collected• Intellectual• Work is play and play is work• Need for independence and

private time• Driven by Competence• Perfectionist• Analytical• Approaches interpersonal

relationships in a logical manner

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Strengths of the Green

• Analyzing• Conceptualizing• Confidence• Designing• Determination• Developing• Diagnosing• Intellectualizing

• Inventing• Mapping Out• Problem Solving• Reasoning• Technical know-

how• Thinking

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It’s about the lens through which you look

• Others may see Green as – Intellectual snobs– Arrogant– Heartless– Unrealistic– Eccentric, Weird– Unfeeling– Anti-social– Cool, aloof– Sarcastic– Critical– Lacking mercy– Unappreciative

• Green may see themselves as – Knowledgeable– 98% right– Expedient– Visionary– Innovative– Rational– Independent– Deep thinkers– Able to find flaws– Witty– Fair– Assume things will be done


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Turn to Green for…

• Ideas• Information• Competence• Tenacity• Firmness• Objective Decision

Making• The Right Word

• Technology• Critique• To Learn• To Get

Something Fixed

• To Invent or Create Something

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In True Colors

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Communication Across the Color Spectrum

• There are general rules to follow to assist in effectively communicating no matter the color!

• They make good sense and should be used by all

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Ways to Open Lines of Communication Across the Spectrum

#1 Share True Colors with everyone!

• Knowing True Colors helps you understand the values, needs and actions of others

• It provides a nonjudgmental language base• You can begin to see the uniqueness of

perspective and truly appreciate others in your life in new ways

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#2 Pause and Pay Attention

• Remove yourself from the “center spotlight” and consider the needs of the other people

• Listen intently without over analyzing

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#3 Learn from the past but avoid over generalizing

• Just because someone is predominantly one color doesn’t meant that is the ONLY color they exhibit

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#4 Look for the positive intention behind the behavior

• When you dig deep enough you’ll find the positive behavior

• Standing firm for what is right is a positive aspiration

• People normally have a good reason to act the way they do

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#5 Give others the benefit of the doubt

• Just because someone isn’t communicating effectively at one time, doesn’t mean they never communicate effectively

• Sometimes a different approach is all that is necessary to set things on a better path

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#6 Keep experimenting—there is no such thing as failure, only results

• Every situation is useful• Even results you aren’t satisfied with can yield

assistance• Notice what works and what doesn’t and take good


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#7 Be prepared to adapt

• Every successful interaction requires give and take• Keep the other person’s “color” in mind when

communicating• Make their strengths work for you

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#8 Decide what is important to you– Is it important to know the styles of the other


• Be aware of the other colors “touching” your life• Open the lines of communication with “other

colors”• Keep their strengths in mind as you communicate

with them

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True Colors

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How Blue communicates

• Friendly• Helpful• Express emotion• Optimistic• Fosters harmony• Empathetic• Takes time to relate• Creative• Indirect• Reads between the lines• Personal• Polite and compassionate unless

personal values are violated

• Creative• Indirect• Reads between the lines• Personal• Polite and compassionate

unless personal values are violated

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How Gold communicates

• In writing for accuracy

• Purposeful• Appropriate• Topic Focused• Loyal • Predictable• Chronological

• Detail Oriented• Status Quo-the way

we have always done it

• Judgments of right and wrong

• Closure, completion• Accountable

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How Orange communicates

• Confident• Loud• Casual• Desire to speak in the

moment• “Now” oriented• Quick

• Brief• Straight forward• In motion• Flexible• Varied• Involved

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How Green communicates

• Purposeful• Private• Logical• Think before they speak• Irritated at “stupid questions”• Abhor redundancy• Theoretical

• Like the big picture• Love to share ideas• Ask many

questions• Use big words• Communicate with

conviction• Wry with a sense of


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True Colors