fire emblem - walkthrough

FIRE EMBLEM : REKKA NO KEN AVERAGE STATS AT MAX LEVEL FAQ V2.1 By Dark Kain ([email protected]) ***************************************** * 1.TABLE OF CONTENTS * ***************************************** 1.TABLE OF CONTENTS 2.REVISION HISTORY 3.INTRODUCTION 4.TACTICIAN'S ELEMENT 5.AFA'S DROP 6.HECTOR'S HARD MODE 7.AVERAGE STATS BY CHARACTER 8.CREDITS 9.LEGAL ***************************************** * 2.REVISION HISTORY * ***************************************** V1.0: All average stats for every character. In future editions I'll add suggestions about wich characters can benefit more from tactician's element and Afa's drop.

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Page 1: Fire Emblem - Walkthrough



By Dark Kain ([email protected])
















V1.0: All average stats for every character.

In future editions I'll add suggestions about wich characters can benefit

more from tactician's element and Afa's drop.

V1.1: Fixed a couple of miscalculations, nothing else... yet

V2.0: Quite a lot of fixes and also added the effects of tactician's bonus,

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added some notes on Afa's drop and Hector's hard mode.

V2.1: Very quick update: other fixes, including some wrong stats growths.

Dart is now confirmed not having Hector's hard mode bonus.




First and foremost I am *not* an English native speaker.

So expect to find mistakes and funny expressions several times while reading

this FAQ.

Second this is *not* another character guide, in this FAQ you won't find things

like support between characters at all.

This FAQ is only about characters' stats, exactly about the average stats each

character is most likely to clock in after his max number of level ups.

This means, for example, that all the unpromoted characters are supposed to

class change only after reaching level 20.

All these stats are obtained using several simple statistic math expressions

and are the most *probable* ones.

This doesn't mean that in any single game every single characters will end with

those stats, but most of the characters (expecially those that start at low

levels and unpromoted) will end with stats very similar to the ones in this FAQ.

Remember that those stats are in their "natural" form, certain items could rise

them way above those values, while certain factors (namely the tactician's

element and Afa's drop) can improve stat growths, thush resulting in better

final stats.

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In this FAQ you'll be also able to find base stas, stat growth and class-change

bonuses for each character since all these elements could be useful to check

possible miscalculations (I know just too well that I am far from perfect).

Several notes about the format:

Final stats are expressed with this format "xx/yy"; i.e. Eliwood's final HP are

"52/60", the first number is the actual final value of that stat, the second is

the max possible value for that character.

I have used the "Pow" or "Power" expression to refear both to Strenght and

Magic, hence the "Pow" of a mage means magic, while means strenght for all the

other characters.

Last I've added a peculiar value called "Quickness"; this value is roughly

Speed + Constitution.

Since both attack speed and dodge chance are affected by the "overflow" of

weapon weight on constitution, and since in this game weapon weight is usually

so high that unless you stick with thin, iron or killer weapons it will affect

characters' Speed somehow, then "Quickness" is usually more relevant than Speed.

Feel free to mail me at [email protected] for questions, critics or

anything else.

Any polite mail will surely receive an answer.

Otherwise you could sometime find me on gamefaqs message boards with the nick

"Salasar Elerital".




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At the beginning of Lyn's mode or at the beginning of Eliwood's or Hector's

mode (if you skip Lyn's mode and chose to create a tactician) you will have to

enter your tactician's data.

Most of these datas do not affects the game, however the birth month (birth

month and blood type in the japanese version of the game) do determinate your

tactician's element.

Tactician's element is an important aspect of characters' stats, in fact every

single character that has the same element of the tactician will gain a +5% to

every single stat growth.

The effects of this bonus vayr according of the level and the class a character

joins and his maximum and average stats.

I've now added the average final stats that every character has if he is

affected by tactician's bonus.

Next are the overall average bonuses every element give to the characters in the

game (notice that it is supposed that every character reaches his maximum level,

that it is not realistically possible and that you somehow obtain all the

characters in the game, that it is not possible without the use of cheating


Element Overall HP Bonus Overall other stats bonus

Anima +10 +41

Wind +11 +42

Thunder +10 +58

Fire +12 +61

Rain +08 +28

Darkness +05 +21

Light +05 +20

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The HP bonus is separated from the other stats bonus since it is just too low

to affects any character actual usefulness.

It is pretty obvious that elements with a lot of characters with very average


are better than elements with few characters that join at high levels or that

already max several of their stats.

The best elemnt seems to be Fire, however you sould take in account the fact

that Lords are compulsory characters, hence Thunder should probably be

the best choice (expecially in Hector's mode) since it is the second best


statwise and also affects the stats of a lord.

Of course if several of your favorite characters have another element, you

should chose that element instead.


* 5.AFA'S DROP *


At a certain point of the game, if you're playing with a tactician, Archsage

Athos will give him/her a present: Afa's drop an one use item that increases the

"maturity" of a chosen character.

Using this item on a character have two different effects:

- It doubles all the experience gained by that character in battle

- It increases by +5% all the character's stats' growth (just like tactician's

elemental bonus)

Both those changes are not retroactive, so it is better to use Afa's drops on a

character that is not class-changed and has a low level (since Afa's drops also

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double the experience gained that character will quickly skyrockets to the max


Since it is possible to give Afa's drop at any level the average bonus gained

is *very* variable, hence it is not possible to cover an extensive guide to all

the possible combinations.

Anyway since the stats growth bonus is the same of tactician's bonus it is

possible to use tactician's bonus while judging the possible results.

In fact if a character is given Afa's drop at the same level he joins he will

obtain a bonus exactly equivalent to tactician's bonus, for every single level

he gains before using Afa's drops the bonus will drop sighly (this probably will

not be noticeable unless the character gain at least 5 levels before using

Afa's drop).

Since Nino joins very late and at a very low level too, many players prefears

giving her Afa's Drops.

This is probably one of the best choice (since it also make Nino actually

useful before the very end of the game thanks of the experience bonus),

but there are others that are as good or maybe even better.

Before giving Afa's drop to a character you should consider how many stats he

maxes "naturally" (the lesser the better, so very average characters are

usually the best choice), and also you should consider if the character has

already tactician's element bonus and/or Hector's hard mode bonus (see below).

There are very little characters that would obtain a noticeable effect from

Afa's drops if they also have one of the other bonuses, the most important

being Canas: since he is under-average in pretty much anything and he is still

useful because he is the only dark mage of the game, giving him Afa's drop even

if your tactician's element is Anima do actually make sense.

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I will not write a complete list of the characters that I found worthy of

Afa's drop since it would be based mainly on my personal opinions.




Just like Fire Emblem 6 hard mode in Fire Emblem 7 Hector's hard mode all the

characters that start as enemies have an extra bonus at their starting stats.

This bonus is in Hector's hard mode *only*: in Hector's normal and Eliwood's

hard there is no bonus at all.

This bonus is, by my knowledge, totally random exactly like Fire Emblem 6 and

it is generated at the begininng of the chapter in wich the character joins

(even if the character appears before as an enemy like Vaida); because of this

just restarting a chapter will not change the bonus (restarting a previous

chapter instead should work).

The average values for this bonus seem to be around an extra 5 HP and an

extra 2 for each of Pow, Skl, Spd, Luc, Def & Res; however it seems that this

randomized bonus is also realted to characters' stats' growths (or maybe to

their "natural" starting stats), in fact the bonus is usually of 3 points in

stats that are high anyway and of only 1 point in stats that are very low.

Most of these observations were made by taking in account Guy's starting stats

in five different Hector's hard mode files.

The list of characters that should gain Hector's hard mode bonus is the


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- Guy

- Raven

- Legault

- Heat

- Geitz

- Harken

- Vaida

In case you are wondering Nino and Jaffar are confirmed not having any bonus

even if they are show as enemies in several cutscenes.

The same goes for Dart even if he is an enemy in a gaiden chapter.




1) Lords (Class change item: heaven seal)

- Eliwood

Element: Anima

Base stats growth: HP 80% Pow 45% Skl 50% Spd 40% Luc 45% Def 30% Res 35%

Joins as: Lv1 Lord

HP : 18 Def: 05

Pow: 05 Res: 00

Skl: 05 Mov: 05

Spd: 07 Con: 07

Luc: 07 Aid: 06

Weapons : Swords

Weakness: Swordman

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Special: Can equip rapiers

Class Change: Knight Lord

HP : +4 Def: +1

Pow: +2 Res: +3

Skl: +0 Mov: +2

Spd: +1 Con: +2

Luc: +0 Aid: +10

Weapons : Swords, Lances

Weakness: Cavalier

Special: Can equip rapiers and Durandal, can move after using rescue

and item commands

Average final stats: Lv20 Knight Lord

HP : 52/60 Def: 17/23

Pow: 24/27 Res: 16/25

Skl: 24/26 Mov: 07

Spd: 23/24 Con: 09 Quickness: 32/33

Luc: 24/30 Aid: 16

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 54/60 Def: 19/23

Pow: 26/27 Res: 18/25

Skl: 26 MAXED Mov: 07

Spd: 24 MAXED Con: 09 Quickness: 33 MAXED

Luc: 26/30 Aid: 16

Overall improvement: +2/+11

- Lyn

Element: Wind

Base stats growth: HP 70% Pow 40% Skl 60% Spd 60% Luc 55% Def 20% Res 30%

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Joins as: Lv1 Lord

HP : 16 Def: 02

Pow: 04 Res: 00

Skl: 07 Mov: 05

Spd: 09 Con: 05

Luc: 05 Aid: 04

Weapons : Swords

Weakness: Swordman

Special: Can equip Mani Katti

Class Change: Blade Lord

HP : +3 Def: +3

Pow: +2 Res: +5

Skl: +2 Mov: +1

Spd: +0 Con: +1

Luc: +0 Aid: +1

Weapons : Swords, Bows

Weakness: Swordman

Special: Can equip wo daos, Mani Katti and Sol Katti

Average final stats: Lv20 Blade Lord

HP : 46/60 Def: 13/22

Pow: 21/24 Res: 16/22

Skl: 29 MAXED Mov: 06

Spd: 30 MAXED Con: 06 Quickness: 36 MAXED

Luc: 26/30 Aid: 05

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 48/60 Def: 15/22

Pow: 23/24 Res: 18/22

Skl: 29 MAXED Mov: 06

Spd: 30 MAXED Con: 06 Quickness: 36 MAXED

Luc: 28/30 Aid: 05

Overall improvement: +2/+8

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- Hector

Element: Thunder

Base stats growth: HP 90% Pow 60% Skl 45% Spd 35% Luc 30% Def 50% Res 25%

Joins as: Lv1 Lord

HP : 19 Def: 08

Pow: 07 Res: 00

Skl: 04 Mov: 05

Spd: 05 Con: 13

Luc: 03 Aid: 12

Weapons : Axes

Weakness: None

Special: Can equip wolf beils

Class Change: Great Lord

HP : +3 Def: +1

Pow: +0 Res: +5

Skl: +2 Mov: +0

Spd: +3 Con: +2

Luc: +0 Aid: +2

Weapons : Swords, Axes

Weakness: Knight

Special: Can equip wolf beils and Armads

Average final stats: Lv20 Great Lord

HP : 56/60 Def: 28/29

Pow: 30 MAXED Res: 15/20

Skl: 24 MAXED Mov: 05

Spd: 21/24 Con: 15 Quickness: 36/39

Luc: 14/30 Aid: 14

With tactician's bonus:

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HP : 58/60 Def: 29 MAXED

Pow: 30 MAXED Res: 16/20

Skl: 24 MAXED Mov: 05

Spd: 23/24 Con: 15 Quickness: 38/39

Luc: 16/30 Aid: 14

Overall improvement: +2/+6

2) Servants (Class change items: earth seal, knight crest)

- Kent

Element: Anima

Base stats growth: HP 85% Pow 40% Skl 50% Spd 45% Luc 20% Def 25% Res 25%

Joins as: Lv1 Cavalier

HP : 20 Def: 05

Pow: 06 Res: 01

Skl: 06 Mov: 07

Spd: 07 Con: 09

Luc: 02 Aid: 16

Weapons: Swords, Lances

Weakness: Cavalier

Special: Can move after using rescue and item commands

Class Change: Paladin (M)

HP : +2 Def: +2

Pow: +1 Res: +1

Skl: +1 Mov: +1

Spd: +1 Con: +2

Luc: +0 Aid: -2

Weapons: Swords, Lances, Axes

Weakness: Cavalier

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Special: Can move after using rescue and item commands

Average final stats: Lv20 Paladin (M)

HP : 54/60 Def: 17/25

Pow: 22/25 Res: 12/25

Skl: 26 MAXED Mov: 08

Spd: 24 MAXED Con: 11 Quickness: 35 MAXED

Luc: 10/30 Aid: 14

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 56/60 Def: 18/25

Pow: 24/25 Res: 13/25

Skl: 26 MAXED Mov: 08

Spd: 24 MAXED Con: 11 Quickness: 35 MAXED

Luc: 12/30 Aid: 14

Overall improvement: +2/+6

- Sain

Element: Wind

Base stats growth: HP 80% Pow 60% Skl 35% Spd 40% Luc 35% Def 20% Res 20%

Joins as: Lv1 Cavalier

HP : 19 Def: 07

Pow: 09 Res: 00

Skl: 05 Mov: 07

Spd: 07 Con: 09

Luc: 04 Aid: 16

Weapons: Swords, Lances

Weakness: Cavalier

Special: Can move after using rescue and item commands

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Class Change: Paladin (M)

HP : +2 Def: +2

Pow: +1 Res: +1

Skl: +1 Mov: +1

Spd: +1 Con: +2

Luc: +0 Aid: -2

Weapons: Swords, Lances, Axes

Weakness: Cavalier

Special: Can move after using rescue and item commands

Average final stats: Lv20 Paladin (M)

HP : 51/60 Def: 17/25

Pow: 25 MAXED Res: 09/25

Skl: 19/26 Mov: 08

Spd: 23/24 Con: 11 Quickness: 34/35

Luc: 17/30 Aid: 14

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 53/60 Def: 19/25

Pow: 25 MAXED Res: 11/25

Skl: 21/26 Mov: 08

Spd: 24 MAXED Con: 11 Quickness: 35 MAXED

Luc: 19/30 Aid: 14

Overall improvement: +2/+9

- Lowen

Element: Fire

Base stats growth: HP 90% Pow 30% Skl 30% Spd 30% Luc 50% Def 40% Res 30%

Joins as: Lv2 Cavalier

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HP : 23 Def: 07

Pow: 07 Res: 00

Skl: 05 Mov: 07

Spd: 07 Con: 10

Luc: 03 Aid: 15

Weapons: Swords, Lances

Weakness: Cavalier

Special: Can move after using rescue and item commands

Class Change: Paladin (M)

HP : +2 Def: +2

Pow: +1 Res: +1

Skl: +1 Mov: +1

Spd: +1 Con: +2

Luc: +0 Aid: -2

Weapons: Swords, Lances, Axes

Weakness: Cavalier

Special: Can move after using rescue and item commands

Average final stats: Lv20 Paladin (M)

HP : 58/60 Def: 24/25

Pow: 19/25 Res: 12/25

Skl: 17/26 Mov: 08

Spd: 19/24 Con: 12 Quickness: 31/36

Luc: 22/30 Aid: 13

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 60 MAXED Def: 25 MAXED

Pow: 21/25 Res: 14/25

Skl: 19/26 Mov: 08

Spd: 21/24 Con: 12 Quickness: 33/36

Luc: 23/30 Aid: 13

Overall improvement: +2/+10

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- Marcus

Element: Rain

Base stats growth: HP 65% Pow 30% Skl 50% Spd 25% Luc 30% Def 15% Res 35%

Joins as: Lv1 Paladin (M)

HP : 31 Def: 10

Pow: 15 Res: 08

Skl: 15 Mov: 08

Spd: 11 Con: 11

Luc: 08 Aid: 14

Weapons: Swords, Lances, Axes

Weakness: Cavalier

Special: Can move after using rescue and item commands

Average final stats: Lv20 Paladin (M)

HP : 43/60 Def: 13/25

Pow: 21/25 Res: 15/25

Skl: 25/26 Mov: 08

Spd: 16/24 Con: 11 Quickness: 27/35

Luc: 14/30 Aid: 14

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 44/60 Def: 14/25

Pow: 22/25 Res: 16/25

Skl: 26 MAXED Mov: 08

Spd: 17/24 Con: 11 Quickness: 28/35

Luc: 15/30 Aid: 14

Overall improvement: +1/+6

- Isadora

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Element: Darkness

Base stats growth: HP 75% Pow 30% Skl 35% Spd 50% Luc 45% Def 20% Res 25%

Joins as: Lv1 Paladin (F)

HP : 28 Def: 08

Pow: 13 Res: 06

Skl: 12 Mov: 08

Spd: 16 Con: 06

Luc: 10 Aid: 14

Weapons: Swords, Lances, Axes

Weakness: Cavalier

Special: Can move after using rescue and item commands

Average final stats: Lv20 Paladin (F)

HP : 42/60 Def: 12/23

Pow: 19/22 Res: 11/26

Skl: 19/28 Mov: 08

Spd: 26 MAXED Con: 06 Quickness: 32 MAXED

Luc: 19/30 Aid: 14

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 43/60 Def: 13/23

Pow: 20/22 Res: 12/26

Skl: 20/28 Mov: 08

Spd: 26 MAXED Con: 06 Quickness: 32 MAXED

Luc: 20/30 Aid: 14

Overall improvement: +1/+5

- Wallace

Element: Thunder

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Base stats growth: HP 70% Pow 45% Skl 40% Spd 20% Luc 30% Def 35% Res 35%

Joins as: Lv12 Knight

HP : 30 Def: 15

Pow: 13 Res: 02

Skl: 07 Mov: 04

Spd: 05 Con: 13

Luc: 10 Aid: 12

Weapons: Lances

Weakness: Knight

Class Change: General

HP : +4 Def: +2

Pow: +2 Res: +3

Skl: +2 Mov: +1

Spd: +3 Con: +2

Luc: +0 Aid: +2

Weapons: Lances, Axes

Weakness: Knight

Average final stats (Starting as Lv1 General): Lv20 General

HP : 47/60 Def: 24/30

Pow: 24/29 Res: 12/30

Skl: 17/27 Mov: 05

Spd: 12/24 Con: 15 Quickness: 27/39

Luc: 16/30 Aid: 14

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 48/60 Def: 25/30

Pow: 25/29 Res: 13/30

Skl: 18/27 Mov: 05

Spd: 13/24 Con: 15 Quickness: 28/39

Luc: 17/30 Aid: 14

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Overall improvement: +1/+6

Average final stats (Starting as Lv12 Knight): Lv20 General

HP : 53/60 Def: 26/30

Pow: 27/29 Res: 14/25

Skl: 20/27 Mov: 05

Spd: 13/24 Con: 15 Quickness: 28/39

Luc: 18/30 Aid: 14

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 54/60 Def: 28/30

Pow: 29 MAXED Res: 16/25

Skl: 21/27 Mov: 05

Spd: 15/24 Con: 15 Quickness: 30/39

Luc: 19/30 Aid: 14

Overall improvement: +1/+9

- Oswin

Element: Anima

Base stats growth: HP 90% Pow 40% Skl 30% Spd 30% Luc 35% Def 55% Res 30%

Joins as: Lv9 Knight

HP : 28 Def: 13

Pow: 13 Res: 03

Skl: 09 Mov: 04

Spd: 05 Con: 14

Luc: 03 Aid: 13

Weapons: Lances

Weakness: Knight

Class Change: General

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HP : +4 Def: +2

Pow: +2 Res: +3

Skl: +2 Mov: +1

Spd: +3 Con: +2

Luc: +0 Aid: +2

Weapons: Lances, Axes

Weakness: Knight

Average final stats: Lv20 General

HP : 59/60 Def: 30 MAXED

Pow: 27/29 Res: 15/25

Skl: 20/27 Mov: 05

Spd: 17/24 Con: 16 Quickness: 33/40

Luc: 13/30 Aid: 15

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 60 MAXED Def: 30 MAXED

Pow: 29 MAXED Res: 17/25

Skl: 22/27 Mov: 05

Spd: 19/24 Con: 16 Quickness: 35/40

Luc: 15/30 Aid: 15

Overall improvement: +1/+10

3) Flyers (Class change items: earth seal, elysian whip)

- Florina

Element: Light

Base stats growth: HP 60% Pow 40% Skl 50% Spd 55% Luc 50% Def 15% Res 35%

Joins as: Lv1 Pegasus Knight

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HP : 17 Def: 04

Pow: 05 Res: 04

Skl: 07 Mov: 07

Spd: 09 Con: 04

Luc: 07 Aid: 16

Weapons: Lances

Weakness: Flyer

Special: Can move after using rescue and item commands

Class Change: Falcon Knight

HP : +5 Def: +2

Pow: +2 Res: +2

Skl: +0 Mov: +1

Spd: +0 Con: +1

Luc: +0 Aid: -1

Weapons: Swords, Lances

Weakness: Flyer

Special: Can move after using rescue and item commands

Average final stats: Lv20 Falcon Knight

HP : 45/60 Def: 12/23

Pow: 22/23 Res: 19/26

Skl: 25 MAXED Mov: 08

Spd: 28 MAXED Con: 05 Quickness: 33 MAXED

Luc: 26/30 Aid: 15

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 47/60 Def: 14/23

Pow: 23 MAXED Res: 21/26

Skl: 25 MAXED Mov: 08

Spd: 28 MAXED Con: 05 Quickness: 33 MAXED

Luc: 28/30 Aid: 15

Overall improvement: +2/+7

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- Fiora

Element: Wind

Base stats growth: HP 70% Pow 35% Skl 60% Spd 50% Luc 30% Def 20% Res 50%

Joins as: Lv7 Pegasus Knight

HP : 21 Def: 06

Pow: 08 Res: 07

Skl: 11 Mov: 07

Spd: 13 Con: 05

Luc: 06 Aid: 15

Weapons: Lances

Weakness: Flyer

Special: Can move after using rescue and item commands

Class Change: Falcon Knight

HP : +5 Def: +2

Pow: +2 Res: +2

Skl: +0 Mov: +1

Spd: +0 Con: +1

Luc: +0 Aid: -1

Weapons: Swords, Lances

Weakness: Flyer

Special: Can move after using rescue and item commands

Average final stats: Lv20 Falcon knight

HP : 48/60 Def: 14/23

Pow: 21/23 Res: 26 MAXED

Skl: 25 MAXED Mov: 08

Spd: 28 MAXED Con: 06 Quickness: 34 MAXED

Luc: 16/30 Aid: 14

With tactician's bonus:

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HP : 50/60 Def: 16/23

Pow: 23 MAXED Res: 26 MAXED

Skl: 25 MAXED Mov: 08

Spd: 28 MAXED Con: 06 Quickness: 34 MAXED

Luc: 17/30 Aid: 14

Overall improvement: +2/+5

- Farina

Element: Anima

Base stats growth: HP 75% Pow 50% Skl 40% Spd 45% Luc 45% Def 25% Res 30%

Joins as: Lv12 Pegasus Knight

HP : 24 Def: 10

Pow: 10 Res: 12

Skl: 13 Mov: 07

Spd: 14 Con: 05

Luc: 10 Aid: 15

Weapons: Lances

Weakness: Flyer

Special: Can move after using rescue and item commands

Class Change: Falcon Knight

HP : +5 Def: +2

Pow: +2 Res: +2

Skl: +0 Mov: +1

Spd: +0 Con: +1

Luc: +0 Aid: -1

Weapons: Swords, Lances

Weakness: Flyer

Special: Can move after using rescue and item commands

Average final stats: Lv20 Falcon Knight

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HP : 49/60 Def: 19/23

Pow: 23 MAXED Res: 22/26

Skl: 25 MAXED Mov: 08

Spd: 28 MAXED Con: 06 Quickness: 34 MAXED

Luc: 22/30 Aid: 14

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 51/60 Def: 20/23

Pow: 23 MAXED Res: 23/26

Skl: 25 MAXED Mov: 08

Spd: 28 MAXED Con: 06 Quickness: 34 MAXED

Luc: 24/30 Aid: 14

Overall improvement: +2/+4

- Heath

Element: Thunder

Base stats growth: HP 80% Pow 50% Skl 50% Spd 45% Luc 20% Def 30% Res 20%

Joins as: Lv7 Wyvern Knight

HP : 28 Def: 10

Pow: 11 Res: 01

Skl: 08 Mov: 07

Spd: 07 Con: 09

Luc: 07 Aid: 16

Weapons: Lances

Weakness: Flyer, Wyvern

Special: Can move after using rescue and item commands

Class Change: Wyvern Lord (M)

HP : +4 Def: +0

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Pow: +0 Res: +2

Skl: +2 Mov: +1

Spd: +2 Con: +1

Luc: +0 Aid: -1

Weapons: Swords, Lances

Weakness: Flyer, Wyvern

Special: Can move after using rescue and item commands

Average final stats: Lv20 Wyvern Lord (M)

HP : 58/60 Def: 20/28

Pow: 27 MAXED Res: 09/22

Skl: 25 MAXED Mov: 08

Spd: 23/24 Con: 10 Quickness: 33/34

Luc: 13/30 Aid: 15

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 60 MAXED Def: 21/28

Pow: 27 MAXED Res: 11/22

Skl: 25 MAXED Mov: 08

Spd: 24 MAXED Con: 10 Quickness: 34 MAXED

Luc: 15/30 Aid: 15

Overall improvement: +2/+6

- Vaida

Element: Fire

Base stats growth: HP 60% Pow 45% Skl 25% Spd 40% Luc 30% Def 25% Res 15%

Joins as: Lv9 Wyvern Lord

HP : 43 Def: 21

Pow: 20 Res: 06

Skl: 19 Mov: 08

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Spd: 13 Con: 12

Luc: 11 Aid: 08

Weapons: Swords, Lances

Weakness: Flyer, Wyvern

Special: Can move after using rescue and item commands

Average final stats: Lv20 Wyvern Lord (F)

HP : 50/60 Def: 24/27

Pow: 25 MAXED Res: 08/23

Skl: 21/26 Mov: 08

Spd: 17/24 Con: 12 Quickness: 29/36

Luc: 14/30 Aid: 08

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 50/60 Def: 24/27

Pow: 25 MAXED Res: 08/23

Skl: 22/26 Mov: 08

Spd: 18/24 Con: 12 Quickness: 30/36

Luc: 15/30 Aid: 08

Overall improvement: +0/+3

4) Infantry (Class change items: earth seal, hero crest)

- Dorcas

Element: Fire

Base stats growth: HP 80% Pow 60% Skl 40% Spd 20% Luc 45% Def 25% Res 15%

Joins as: Lv3 Fighter

HP : 30 Def: 03

Pow: 07 Res: 00

Skl: 07 Mov: 05

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Spd: 06 Con: 14

Luc: 03 Aid: 13

Weapons: Axes

Weakness: None

Class Change: Warrior

HP : +3 Def: +3

Pow: +1 Res: +3

Skl: +2 Mov: +1

Spd: +0 Con: +2

Luc: +0 Aid: +2

Weapons: Axes, Bows

Weakness: None

Average final stats: Lv20 Warrior

HP : 60 MAXED Def: 15/26

Pow: 30 MAXED Res: 08/22

Skl: 23/28 Mov: 06

Spd: 13/26 Con: 16 Quickness: 29/42

Luc: 17/30 Aid: 15

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 60 MAXED Def: 17/26

Pow: 30 MAXED Res: 10/22

Skl: 25/28 Mov: 06

Spd: 15/26 Con: 16 Quickness: 31/42

Luc: 19/30 Aid: 15

Overall improvement: +2/+11

- Bartre

Element: Thunder

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Base stats growth: HP 85% Pow 50% Skl 35% Spd 40% Luc 30% Def 30% Res 25%

Joins as: Lv2 Fighter

HP : 29 Def: 04

Pow: 09 Res: 00

Skl: 05 Mov: 05

Spd: 03 Con: 13

Luc: 04 Aid: 12

Weapons: Axes

Weakness: None

Class Change: Warrior

HP : +3 Def: +3

Pow: +1 Res: +3

Skl: +2 Mov: +1

Spd: +0 Con: +2

Luc: +0 Aid: +2

Weapons: Axes, Bows

Weakness: None

Average final stats: Lv20 Warrior

HP : 60 MAXED Def: 18/26

Pow: 29/30 Res: 12/22

Skl: 20/28 Mov: 06

Spd: 18/26 Con: 15 Quickness: 33/41

Luc: 15/30 Aid: 14

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 60 MAXED Def: 20/26

Pow: 30 MAXED Res: 14/22

Skl: 22/28 Mov: 06

Spd: 20/26 Con: 15 Quickness: 35/41

Luc: 17/30 Aid: 14

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Overall improvement: +0/+11

- Geitz

Element: Thunder

Base stats growth: HP 85% Pow 50% Skl 35% Spd 40% Luc 40% Def 20% Res 20%

Joins as: Lv3 Warrior

HP : 40 Def: 11

Pow: 17 Res: 03

Skl: 12 Mov: 06

Spd: 13 Con: 13

Luc: 10 Aid: 12

Weapons: Axes, Bows

Weakness: None

Averange final stats: Lv20 Warrior

HP : 54/60 Def: 14/26

Pow: 26/30 Res: 06/22

Skl: 18/28 Mov: 06

Spd: 20/26 Con: 13 Quickness: 33/39

Luc: 17/30 Aid: 12

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 55/60 Def: 15/26

Pow: 26/30 Res: 07/22

Skl: 19/28 Mov: 06

Spd: 21/26 Con: 13 Quickness: 34/39

Luc: 18/30 Aid: 12

Overall improvement: +1/+5

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- Raven

Element: Rain

Base stats growth: HP 85% Pow 55% Skl 40% Spd 45% Luc 35% Def 25% Res 15%

Joins as: Lv5 Mercenary

HP : 25 Def: 05

Pow: 08 Res: 01

Skl: 11 Mov: 05

Spd: 13 Con: 08

Luc: 02 Aid: 07

Weapons: Swords

Weakness: Swordman

Class Change: Hero

HP : +4 Def: +2

Pow: +0 Res: +2

Skl: +2 Mov: +1

Spd: +2 Con: +1

Luc: +0 Aid: +1

Weapons: Swords, Axes

Weakness: Swordman

Average final stats: Lv20 Hero

HP : 58/60 Def: 16/25

Pow: 25 MAXED Res: 08/22

Skl: 27/30 Mov: 06

Spd: 26 MAXED Con: 09 Quickness: 35 MAXED

Luc: 16/30 Aid: 08

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 60 MAXED Def: 17/25

Pow: 25 MAXED Res: 10/22

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Skl: 28/30 Mov: 06

Spd: 26 MAXED Con: 09 Quickness: 35 MAXED

Luc: 18/30 Aid: 08

Overall improvement: +2/+6

- Harken

Element: Fire

Base stats growth: HP 80% Pow 35% Skl 30% Spd 40% Luc 20% Def 30% Res 25%

Joins as: Lv8 Hero

HP : 38 Def: 15

Pow: 21 Res: 10

Skl: 20 Mov: 06

Spd: 17 Con: 11

Luc: 12 Aid: 10

Weapons: Swords, Axes

Weakness: Swordman

Average final stats: Lv20 Hero

HP : 48/60 Def: 19/25

Pow: 25 MAXED Res: 13/22

Skl: 24/30 Mov: 06

Spd: 22/26 Con: 11 Quickness: 33/37

Luc: 14/30 Aid: 10

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 48/60 Def: 19/25

Pow: 25 MAXED Res: 14/22

Skl: 24/30 Mov: 06

Spd: 22/26 Con: 11 Quickness: 33/37

Luc: 15/30 Aid: 10

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Overall improvement: +0/+2

- Guy

Element: Fire

Base stats growth: HP 75% Pow 30% Skl 50% Spd 70% Luc 45% Def 15% Res 25%

Joins as: Lv3 Myrmidor

HP : 21 Def: 05

Pow: 06 Res: 00

Skl: 11 Mov: 05

Spd: 11 Con: 05

Luc: 05 Aid: 04

Weapons: Swords

Weakness: Swordman

Special: Can equip wo daos

Class Change: Swordmaster (M)

HP : +5 Def: +2

Pow: +2 Res: +1

Skl: +0 Mov: +1

Spd: +0 Con: +1

Luc: +0 Aid: +1

Weapons: Swords

Weakness: Swordman

Special: Can equip wo daos, +15% critical rating

Average final stats: Lv20 Swordmaster (M)

HP : 53/60 Def: 12/22

Pow: 19/24 Res: 10/23

Skl: 29 MAXED Mov: 06

Spd: 30 MAXED Con: 06 Quickness: 36 MAXED

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Luc: 21/30 Aid: 05

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 55/60 Def: 14/22

Pow: 21/24 Res: 12/23

Skl: 29 MAXED Mov: 06

Spd: 30 MAXED Con: 06 Quickness: 36 MAXED

Luc: 23/30 Aid: 05

Overall improvement: +2/+8

- Karel

Element: Light

Base stats growth: HP 70% Pow 30% Skl 50% Spd 50% Luc 30% Def 10% Res 15%

Joins as: Lv7 Swordmaster (M)

HP : 31 Def: 13

Pow: 16 Res: 12

Skl: 23 Mov: 06

Spd: 20 Con: 09

Luc: 15 Aid: 08

Weapons: Swords

Weakness: Swordman

Special: Can equip wo daos, +15% critical rating

Average final stats: Lv20 Swordmaster (M)

HP : 40/60 Def: 14/22

Pow: 20/24 Res: 14/23

Skl: 29 MAXED Mov: 06

Spd: 27/30 Con: 09 Quickness: 36/39

Luc: 19/30 Aid: 08

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With tactician's bonus:

HP : 41/60 Def: 15/22

Pow: 21/24 Res: 15/23

Skl: 29 MAXED Mov: 06

Spd: 27/30 Con: 09 Quickness: 36/39

Luc: 20/30 Aid: 08

Overall improvement: +1/+4

- Karla

Element: Darkness

Base stats growth: HP 60% Pow 25% Skl 45% Spd 55% Luc 40% Def 10% Res 20%

Joins as: Lv5 Swordmaster (F)

HP : 29 Def: 11

Pow: 14 Res: 12

Skl: 21 Mov: 06

Spd: 18 Con: 07

Luc: 16 Aid: 06

Weapons: Swords

Weakness: Swordman

Special: Can equip wo daos, +15% critical rating

Average final stats: Lv20 Swordmaster (F)

HP : 38/60 Def: 13/22

Pow: 18/22 Res: 15/25

Skl: 28/29 Mov: 06

Spd: 26/30 Con: 07 Quickness: 33/37

Luc: 22/30 Aid: 06

With tactician's bonus:

Page 35: Fire Emblem - Walkthrough

HP : 39/60 Def: 13/22

Pow: 19/22 Res: 16/25

Skl: 29 MAXED Mov: 06

Spd: 27/30 Con: 07 Quickness: 24/37

Luc: 23/30 Aid: 06

Overall improvement: +1/+5

5) Barbarians (Class change item: ocean seal)

- Dart

Element: Fire

Base stats growth: HP 70% Pow 65% Skl 20% Spd 60% Luc 35% Def 20% Res 15%

Joins as: Lv8 Pirate

HP : 34 Def: 06

Pow: 12 Res: 01

Skl: 08 Mov: 05

Spd: 08 Con: 10

Luc: 03 Aid: 09

Weapons: Axes

Weakness: None

Class Change: Berserker

HP : +4 Def: +2

Pow: +1 Res: +2

Skl: +1 Mov: +1

Spd: +1 Con: +3

Luc: +0 Aid: +3

Weapons: Axes

Weakness: None

Special: +15% critical rating

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Average final stats: Lv20 Berserker

HP : 60 MAXED Def: 14/23

Pow: 30 MAXED Res: 07/21

Skl: 15/29 Mov: 06

Spd: 28 MAXED Con: 13 Quickness: 41 MAXED

Luc: 14/30 Aid: 12

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 60 MAXED Def: 16/23

Pow: 30 MAXED Res: 09/21

Skl: 17/29 Mov: 06

Spd: 28 MAXED Con: 13 Quickness: 41 MAXED

Luc: 15/30 Aid: 12

Overall improvement: +0/+7

- Hawkeye

Element: Wind

Base stats growth: HP 50% Pow 40% Skl 30% Spd 25% Luc 40% Def 20% Res 35%

Joins as: Lv4 Berserker

HP : 50 Def: 14

Pow: 18 Res: 10

Skl: 14 Mov: 06

Spd: 11 Con: 16

Luc: 13 Aid: 15

Weapons: Axes

Weakness: None

Special: +15% critical rating

Average final stats: Lv20 Berserker

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HP : 58/60 Def: 17/23

Pow: 24/30 Res: 16/22

Skl: 19/29 Mov: 06

Spd: 15/28 Con: 16 Quickness: 31/44

Luc: 20/30 Aid: 15

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 59/60 Def: 18/23

Pow: 25/30 Res: 16/22

Skl: 20/29 Mov: 06

Spd: 16/28 Con: 16 Quickness: 32/44

Luc: 20/30 Aid: 15

Overall improvement: +1/+4

6) Stealth specialists (Class change item: fell contract)

- Mattew

Element: Wind

Base stats growth: HP 75% Pow 30% Skl 40% Spd 70% Luc 50% Def 25% Res 20%

Joins as: Lv2 Thief

HP : 18 Def: 03

Pow: 04 Res: 00

Skl: 04 Mov: 06

Spd: 11 Con: 07

Luc: 02 Aid: 06

Weapons: Swords

Weakness: Swordman

Special: Can use lockpicks, can steal

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Class Change: Assassin

HP : +3 Def: +2

Pow: +1 Res: +2

Skl: +0 Mov: +0

Spd: +0 Con: +0

Luc: +0 Aid: +0

Weapons: Swords

Weakness: Swordman

Special: Can use lockpicks, 1/3 of the criticals are istant kills

Average final stats: Lv20 Assassin

HP : 49/60 Def: 14/20

Pow: 16/20 Res: 09/20

Skl: 19/30 Mov: 06

Spd: 30 MAXED Con: 07 Quickness: 37 MAXED

Luc: 21/30 Aid: 06

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 51/60 Def: 16/20

Pow: 18/20 Res: 11/20

Skl: 21/30 Mov: 06

Spd: 30 MAXED Con: 07 Quickness: 37 MAXED

Luc: 22/30 Aid: 06

Overall improvement: +2/+9

- Legault

Element: Rain

Base stats growth: HP 60% Pow 25% Skl 45% Spd 60% Luc 60% Def 25% Res 25%

Joins as: Lv12 Thief

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HP : 26 Def: 08

Pow: 08 Res: 03

Skl: 11 Mov: 06

Spd: 15 Con: 09

Luc: 10 Aid: 08

Weapons: Swords

Weakness: Swordman

Special: Can use lockpicks, can steal

Class Change: Assassin

HP : +3 Def: +2

Pow: +1 Res: +2

Skl: +0 Mov: +0

Spd: +0 Con: +0

Luc: +0 Aid: +0

Weapons: Swords

Weakness: Swordman

Special: Can use lockpicks, 1/3 of the criticals are istant kills

Average final stats: Lv20 Assassin

HP : 45/60 Def: 17/20

Pow: 16/20 Res: 12/20

Skl: 23/30 Mov: 06

Spd: 30 MAXED Con: 09 Quickness: 39 MAXED

Luc: 26/30 Aid: 08

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 47/60 Def: 18/20

Pow: 17/20 Res: 13/20

Skl: 25/30 Mov: 06

Spd: 30 MAXED Con: 09 Quickness: 39 MAXED

Luc: 28/30 Aid: 08

Overall improvement: +2/+7

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- Jaffar

Element: Rain

Base stats growth: HP 60% Pow 15% Skl 40% Spd 35% Luc 20% Def 30% Res 30%

Joins as: Lv13 Assassin

HP : 34 Def: 15

Pow: 19 Res: 11

Skl: 25 Mov: 06

Spd: 24 Con: 08

Luc: 10 Aid: 07

Weapons: Swords

Weakness: Swordman

Special: Can use lockpicks, 1/3 of the criticals are istant kills

Average final stats: Lv20 Assassin

HP : 38/60 Def: 17/20

Pow: 20 MAXED Res: 13/20

Skl: 28/30 Mov: 06

Spd: 26/30 Con: 08 Quickness: 34/38

Luc: 12/30 Aid: 07

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 39/60 Def: 17/20

Pow: 20 MAXED Res: 13/20

Skl: 28/30 Mov: 06

Spd: 27/30 Con: 08 Quickness: 35/38

Luc: 12/30 Aid: 07

Overall improvement: +1/+1

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4) Archery (Class change items: earth seal, orion's bolts)

- Wil

Element: Wind

Base stats growth: HP 75% Pow 50% Skl 50% Spd 40% Luc 40% Def 20% Res 25%

Joins as: Lv2 Archer (M)

HP : 20 Def: 05

Pow: 06 Res: 00

Skl: 05 Mov: 05

Spd: 05 Con: 06

Luc: 06 Aid: 05

Weapons: Bows

Weakness: None

Special: Can use ballistas

Class Change: Sniper (M)

HP : +3 Def: +2

Pow: +1 Res: +3

Skl: +2 Mov: +1

Spd: +2 Con: +1

Luc: +0 Aid: +1

Weapons: Bows

Weakness: None

Special: Can use ballistas

Average final stats: Lv20 Sniper (M)

HP : 51/60 Def: 14/25

Pow: 25 MAXED Res: 12/23

Skl: 26/30 Mov: 06

Spd: 22/29 Con: 07 Quickness: 29/36

Luc: 21/30 Aid: 06

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With tactician's bonus:

HP : 53/60 Def: 16/25

Pow: 25 MAXED Res: 14/23

Skl: 27/30 Mov: 06

Spd: 24/29 Con: 07 Quickness: 31/36

Luc: 23/30 Aid: 06

Overall improvement: +2/+9

- Rebecca

Element: Fire

Base stats growth: HP 60% Pow 40% Skl 50% Spd 60% Luc 50% Def 15% Res 30%

Joins as: Lv1 Archer (F)

HP : 17 Def: 03

Pow: 04 Res: 01

Skl: 05 Mov: 05

Spd: 06 Con: 05

Luc: 04 Aid: 04

Weapons: Bows

Weakness: None

Special: Can use ballistas

Class Change: Sniper (F)

HP : +4 Def: +2

Pow: +3 Res: +2

Skl: +1 Mov: +1

Spd: +1 Con: +1

Luc: +0 Aid: +1

Weapons: Bows

Weakness: None

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Special: Can use ballistas

Average final stats: Lv20 Sniper (F)

HP : 44/60 Def: 11/24

Pow: 22/24 Res: 14/24

Skl: 25/30 Mov: 06

Spd: 29 MAXED Con: 06 Quickness: 35 MAXED

Luc: 23/30 Aid: 05

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 46/60 Def: 13/24

Pow: 24 MAXED Res: 16/24

Skl: 27/30 Mov: 06

Spd: 29 MAXED Con: 06 Quickness: 35 MAXED

Luc: 25/30 Aid: 05

Overall improvement: +2/+12

- Louise

Element: Light

Base stats growth: HP 60% Pow 40% Skl 40% Spd 40% Luc 30% Def 20% Res 30%

Joins as: Lv4 Sniper (F)

HP : 28 Def: 09

Pow: 12 Res: 12

Skl: 14 Mov: 06

Spd: 17 Con: 06

Luc: 16 Aid: 05

Weapons: Bows

Weakness: None

Special: Can use ballistas

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Average final stats: Lv20 Sniper (F)

HP : 38/60 Def: 12/24

Pow: 18/24 Res: 17/24

Skl: 20/30 Mov: 06

Spd: 23/29 Con: 06 Quickness: 29/35

Luc: 21/30 Aid: 05

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 38/60 Def: 12/24

Pow: 19/24 Res: 17/24

Skl: 21/30 Mov: 06

Spd: 24/29 Con: 06 Quickness: 30/35

Luc: 21/30 Aid: 05

Overall improvement: +0/+3

- Rath

Element: Darkness

Base stats growth: HP 80% Pow 50% Skl 40% Spd 50% Luc 30% Def 10% Res 25%

Joins as: Lv7 Nomad

HP : 25 Def: 07

Pow: 08 Res: 02

Skl: 09 Mov: 07

Spd: 10 Con: 07

Luc: 05 Aid: 18

Weapons: Bows

Weakness: Cavalier

Class Change: Nomadic trooper

HP : +3 Def: +3

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Pow: +2 Res: +3

Skl: +1 Mov: +1

Spd: +1 Con: +1

Luc: +0 Aid: -1

Weapons: Swords, Bows

Weakness: Cavalier

Average final stats: Lv20 Nomadic Trooper

HP : 54/60 Def: 13/24

Pow: 25 MAXED Res: 13/23

Skl: 23/28 Mov: 08

Spd: 27/30 Con: 08 Quickness: 35/38

Luc: 15/30 Aid: 17

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 56/60 Def: 15/24

Pow: 25 MAXED Res: 15/23

Skl: 24/28 Mov: 08

Spd: 29/30 Con: 08 Quickness: 37/38

Luc: 16/30 Aid: 17

Overall improvement: +2/+8

6) Mages (Class change items: earth seal, guiding ring)

- Erk

Element: Thunder

Base stats growth: HP 65% Pow 40% Skl 40% Spd 50% Luc 30% Def 20% Res 40%

Joins as: Lv1 Mage (M)

HP : 17 Def: 02

Pow: 05 Res: 04

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Skl: 06 Mov: 05

Spd: 07 Con: 05

Luc: 03 Aid: 04

Weapons: Anima magic

Weakness: Nothing

Class Change: Sage (M)

HP : +4 Def: +3

Pow: +1 Res: +3

Skl: +0 Mov: +1

Spd: +0 Con: +1

Luc: +0 Aid: +1

Weapons: Anima magic, Staves

Weakness: Nothing

Average final stats: Lv20 Sage (M)

HP : 46/60 Def: 13/21

Pow: 21/28 Res: 22/25

Skl: 21/30 Mov: 06

Spd: 26 MAXED Con: 06 Quickness: 32 MAXED

Luc: 14/30 Aid: 05

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 48/60 Def: 15/21

Pow: 23/28 Res: 24/25

Skl: 23/30 Mov: 06

Spd: 26 MAXED Con: 06 Quickness: 32 MAXED

Luc: 16/30 Aid: 05

Overall improvement: +2/+10

- Pent

Element: Rain

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Base stats growth: HP 50% Pow 30% Skl 20% Spd 40% Luc 40% Def 30% Res 35%

Joins as: Lv6 Sage (M)

HP : 33 Def: 11

Pow: 18 Res: 16

Skl: 21 Mov: 06

Spd: 17 Con: 08

Luc: 14 Aid: 07

Weapons: Anima magic, Staves

Weakness: Nothing

Average final stats: Lv20 Sage (M)

HP : 40/60 Def: 15/21

Pow: 22/28 Res: 21/25

Skl: 24/30 Mov: 06

Spd: 23/26 Con: 08 Quickness: 31/34

Luc: 20/30 Aid: 07

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 41/60 Def: 16/21

Pow: 23/28 Res: 22/25

Skl: 25/30 Mov: 06

Spd: 23/26 Con: 08 Quickness: 31/34

Luc: 20/30 Aid: 07

Overall improvement: +1/+4

- Nino

Element: Fire

Base stats growth: HP 55% Pow 50% Skl 55% Spd 60% Luc 45% Def 15% Res 50%

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Joins as: Lv5 Mage (F)

HP : 19 Def: 04

Pow: 07 Res: 07

Skl: 06 Mov: 05

Spd: 11 Con: 03

Luc: 10 Aid: 02

Weapons: Anima magic

Weakness: Nothing

Class Change: Sage (F)

HP : +3 Def: +3

Pow: +1 Res: +3

Skl: +1 Mov: +1

Spd: +0 Con: +1

Luc: +0 Aid: +1

Weapons: Anima magic, Staves

Weakness: None

Average final stats: Lv20 Sage (F)

HP : 41/60 Def: 12/21

Pow: 25/30 Res: 25 MAXED

Skl: 26/28 Mov: 06

Spd: 26 MAXED Con: 04 Quickness: 30 MAXED

Luc: 25/30 Aid: 03

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 42/60 Def: 14/21

Pow: 27/30 Res: 25 MAXED

Skl: 27/28 Mov: 06

Spd: 26 MAXED Con: 04 Quickness: 30 MAXED

Luc: 27/30 Aid: 03

Overall improvement: +2/+8

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- Priscilla

Element: Wind

Base stats growth: HP 45% Pow 40% Skl 50% Spd 40% Luc 65% Def 15% Res 50%

Joins as: Lv3 Troubadour

HP : 16 Def: 03

Pow: 06 Res: 06

Skl: 06 Mov: 07

Spd: 08 Con: 04

Luc: 07 Aid: 16

Weapons: Staves

Weakness: Cavalier

Special: Can move after using rescue and item commands

Class Change: Valkyrie

HP : +3 Def: +2

Pow: +2 Res: +3

Skl: +1 Mov: +1

Spd: +0 Con: +1

Luc: +0 Aid: -1

Weapons: Anima magic, Staves

Weakness: Cavalier

Special: Can move after using rescue and item commands

Average final stats: Lv20 Valkyrie

HP : 35/60 Def: 10/24

Pow: 22/25 Res: 27/28

Skl: 24 MAXED Mov: 08

Spd: 22/25 Con: 05 Quickness: 27/30

Luc: 30 MAXED Aid: 15

With tactician's bonus:

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HP : 37/60 Def: 12/24

Pow: 24/25 Res: 28 MAXED

Skl: 24 MAXED Mov: 08

Spd: 24/25 Con: 05 Quickness: 29/30

Luc: 30 MAXED Aid: 15

Overall improvement: +2/+7

- Serra

Element: Thunder

Base stats growth: HP 50% Pow 50% Skl 30% Spd 40% Luc 60% Def 15% Res 55%

Joins as: Lv1 Cleric

HP : 17 Def: 02

Pow: 02 Res: 05

Skl: 05 Mov: 05

Spd: 08 Con: 04

Luc: 06 Aid: 03

Weapons: Staves

Weakness: None

Class Change: Bishop (F)

HP : +3 Def: +2

Pow: +1 Res: +2

Skl: +2 Mov: +1

Spd: +1 Con: +1

Luc: +0 Aid: +1

Weapons: Light magic, Staves

Weakness: None

Average final stats: Lv20 Bishop (F)

HP : 39/60 Def: 10/21

Pow: 22/25 Res: 28/30

Page 51: Fire Emblem - Walkthrough

Skl: 18/25 Mov: 06

Spd: 24/26 Con: 05 Quickness: 29/31

Luc: 29/30 Aid: 04

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 41/60 Def: 12/21

Pow: 24/25 Res: 30 MAXED

Skl: 20/25 Mov: 06

Spd: 26 MAXED Con: 05 Quickness: 31 MAXED

Luc: 30 MAXED Aid: 04

Overall improvement: +2/+11

- Lucius

Element: Light

Base stats growth: HP 55% Pow 60% Skl 50% Spd 40% Luc 20% Def 10% Res 60%

Joins as: Lv3 Monk

HP : 18 Def: 01

Pow: 07 Res: 06

Skl: 06 Mov: 05

Spd: 10 Con: 06

Luc: 02 Aid: 05

Weapons: Light magic

Weakness: None

Class Change: Bishop (M)

HP : +3 Def: +3

Pow: +2 Res: +2

Skl: +1 Mov: +1

Spd: +0 Con: +1

Luc: +0 Aid: +1

Weapons: Light magic, Staves

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Weakness: None

Average final stats: Lv20 Bishop (M)

HP : 41/60 Def: 08/22

Pow: 25 MAXED Res: 30 MAXED

Skl: 25/26 Mov: 06

Spd: 24 MAXED Con: 07 Quickness: 31 MAXED

Luc: 09/30 Aid: 06

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 43/60 Def: 09/22

Pow: 25 MAXED Res: 30 MAXED

Skl: 26 MAXED Mov: 06

Spd: 24 MAXED Con: 07 Quickness: 31 MAXED

Luc: 11/30 Aid: 06

Overall improvement: +2/+5

- Renault

Element: Anima

Base stats growth: HP 60% Pow 40% Skl 30% Spd 35% Luc 15% Def 20% Res 40%

Joins as: Lv16 Bishop (M)

HP : 43 Def: 15

Pow: 12 Res: 18

Skl: 22 Mov: 06

Spd: 20 Con: 09

Luc: 10 Aid: 08

Weapons: Light magic, Staves

Weakness: None

Average final stats: Lv20 Bishop (M)

Page 53: Fire Emblem - Walkthrough

HP : 45/60 Def: 16/22

Pow: 14/25 Res: 20/30

Skl: 23/26 Mov: 06

Spd: 21/24 Con: 09 Quickness: 30/33

Luc: 11/30 Aid: 08

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 46/60 Def: 16/22

Pow: 14/25 Res: 20/30

Skl: 23/26 Mov: 06

Spd: 22/24 Con: 09 Quickness: 31/33

Luc: 11/30 Aid: 08

Overall improvement: +1/+1

- Canas

Element: Anima

Base stats growth: HP 70% Pow 45% Skl 40% Spd 35% Luc 25% Def 25% Res 45%

Joins as: Lv8 Shaman (M)

HP : 21 Def: 05

Pow: 10 Res: 08

Skl: 09 Mov: 05

Spd: 08 Con: 07

Luc: 07 Aid: 06

Weapons: Dark magic

Weakness: None

Class Change: Druid (M)

HP : +4 Def: +2

Pow: +0 Res: +2

Page 54: Fire Emblem - Walkthrough

Skl: +0 Mov: +1

Spd: +3 Con: +1

Luc: +0 Aid: +1

Weapons: Dark magic, Staves

Weakness: None

Average final stats: Lv20 Druid (M)

HP : 47/60 Def: 15/21

Pow: 24/29 Res: 24/28

Skl: 21/26 Mov: 06

Spd: 22/26 Con: 08 Quickness: 30/34

Luc: 15/30 Aid: 07

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 48/60 Def: 16/21

Pow: 26/29 Res: 26/28

Skl: 23/26 Mov: 06

Spd: 23/26 Con: 08 Quickness: 31/34

Luc: 16/30 Aid: 07

Overall improvement: +2/+9

7) Uniques

- Nils & Ninian

Element: Rain

Base stats growth: HP 85% Pow 05% Skl 05% Spd 70% Luc 80% Def 30% Res 70%

Join as: Lv2 Bard

HP : 14 Def: 05

Pow: 00 Res: 04

Skl: 00 Mov: 05

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Spd: 12 Con: 03

Luc: 10 Aid: 02

Weapons: None

Weakness: None

Special: Can use dance and rings

Average final stats: Lv20 Bard/Dancer

HP : 29/60 Def: 10/24

Pow: 01/10 Res: 17/26

Skl: 01/10 Mov: 05

Spd: 25/30 Con: 03 Quickness: No weapons

Luc: 24/30 Aid: 02

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 30/60 Def: 11/24

Pow: 02/10 Res: 18/26

Skl: 02/10 Mov: 05

Spd: 26/30 Con: 03 Quickness: No weapons

Luc: 25/30 Aid: 02

Overall improvement: +1/+6 (only +1/+4 is useful)

- Merlinus

Element: Darkness

Base stats growth: HP 120% Pow 00% Skl 90% Spd 90% Luc 100% Def 30% Res 15%

Joins as: Lv5 Transporter

HP : 18 Def: 05

Pow: 00 Res: 02

Skl: 04 Mov: 00

Spd: 05 Con: 25

Page 56: Fire Emblem - Walkthrough

Luc: 12 Aid: 24

Weapons: None

Weakness: None

Special: Can store items

Class Change: Transporter (Mobile)

HP : +0 Def: +0

Pow: +0 Res: +0

Skl: +0 Mov: +5

Spd: +0 Con: +0

Luc: +0 Aid: -24

Weapons: None

Weakness: None

Special: Can store items

Average final stats: Lv9 Transporter (Mobile)

HP : 46/60 Def: 12/20

Pow: 00/20 Res: 05/20

Skl: 20 MAXED Mov: 05

Spd: 20 MAXED Con: 25 Quickness: No weapons

Luc: 30 MAXED Aid: 00

With tactician's bonus:

HP : 47/60 Def: 13/20

Pow: 01/20 Res: 07/20

Skl: 20 MAXED Mov: 05

Spd: 20 MAXED Con: 25 Quickness: No weapons

Luc: 20 MAXED Aid: 00

Overall improvement: +1/+4 (Only +1/+3 is useful)

- Athos

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Element: Anima

Joins as: Lv20 Archsage

HP : 40/60 Def: 20 MAXED

Pow: 30 MAXED Res: 28/30

Skl: 24/30 Mov: 06

Spd: 20/25 Con: 09 Quickness: 29/34

Luc: 25/30 Aid: 08

Weapons: Anima magic, Light magic, Dark magic, Staves

Weakness: None

Special: All skills are S, can equip Forblaze




Thanks to Tigana and Junta for giving me the elements of Farina, Geitz, Harken

and Karla that I was missing.

Most of the stats growth and starting stats were taken from the other FAQS on

Gamefaqs (mainly Juntas' and Firelizard's).

Thanks a bunch to Shanrak for his constuctive criricism: if all the feedbacks

were like yours FAQs writers' lives would be much better ;P

And, of course, thanks a lot to all the people that keeps sending feedbacks,

they are just too many for a complete list ^^


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