first a few words about push


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First A Few Words About Push-Pull...

Similar to the Meta-Frame, every guy I've met who's genuinely skilled with women uses some form of


Unfortunately, ninety-eight perent of the rest of the males in the world have no idea what Push-Pull is.

For most of my life, I didn't either.

In fat, I was so lueless, I'd have thought using Push-Pull would mess up my hanes with women !"his

ouldn't have #een further from the truth. $oy was I wrong%.

But When I Discovered The Power Behind Push-Pull My Ability To Consistently And Powerfully

Attract Woen !"yroc"eted...

$efore I share with you the ins and outs of what Push-Pull is I'm gonna give you three &eal orld

e(ample of me using Push-Pull...

Push-Pull #$a%le &'

I gra##ed a woman's hand and said, )*ou have the most ama+ing smile I've seen tonight It makes me

feel so happy inside

She responded with, )"hank you

"hen I ounted the fingers on my other hand and said, )*ou know what/ atually there were four other

girls with really ama+ing smiles tonight as well. 0ut of them, you have the fourth #est smile. I'm going to

all you num#er four.

1nd then I pushed away her hand.

She demanded, )2ooo I want to #e num#er one

1nd I replied , )1lright, I'll promote you to num#er three for #eing feisty.

Push-Pull #$a%le &(

1 woman replied sarastially to something I said.

So I said to her, 3*ou know... you're pretty sarasti... and some people might think you're mean

#eause they don't get your sarasm. $ut I think your sarasm is ool #eause I'm the same way. I'm

also sarasti. 1nd that's e(atly why you and I ould never hang out. '4ause if we did we'd have the

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#est time making fun of everyone in our environment at their e(pense. 1nd that'd #e karmily #ad 'ause

then all the people we made fun of would have low self esteem.3

She responded with, 32ooo. e have to hang out. *ou're giving me your num#er right now.3

Push-Pull #$a%le &)

I hallenged a woman to kiss me... and she did.

So I said, 3*ou're more adventurous than I thought. *ou get an 1-. 1nd you have permission to ook me


She retorted with, 3hat type of food do you want me to ook you53

6o you understand how these e(amples I gave...

*enerate attraction in woen. 

are neither manipulative nor mean.

a"e healthy woen %erceive you as charin* and attractive and as a Pri+e they,re

co%elled to win over 

If you do, you're on the right trak. 1nd as you're reading what I'm gonna tell you, you'll pro#a#ly #e

thinking/ 1men #rother, finally someone who gets it.

If you don't yet understand, there's a good hane you're missing out on heaps of suess with women

you ould #e having. 1nd it's ruial to your future with women that you pay attention to what I'm a#out

to tell you.

0ne reason it's diffiult for some of us guys to understand Push-Pull is that men #eome arouseddifferently than women.

For any a an when he,s turned on he can,t wait to clia$... and *et the /ob finished.

Many men #eome frustrated when women prevent them from lima(ing. "hey think she's ating mean

and manipulative.

$ut may#e not.

1s you might know...

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Woen 0et Aroused Differently Than Men1

For most women, it's a huge turn on when a man gets them all hot and #othered... and then stops

touhing them, making them antiipate his touh... and then starts again, e(ponentially inreasing their


"his is e(atly the same as the underlying struture of Push-Pull...

1nd pro#a#ly why many women are natural Push-Pull artists.

1nd as you saw with the e(amples a#ove...

Push-Pull an #e used to generate arousal and attration inside women #efore you ever #eome intimate

with them !1 truism most men don't reali+e%.

I want you to do something...

"ouh your arm with your hand very lightly, as if it were a feather... and then take your hand away.

If you did it right you'll feel an ithing sensation.

"ouh your arm again lightly... and then take your hand away.

"he ithing sensation should have inreased, yes5

Push-Pull has the same struture.

henever you emotionally Pull a woman into you and then Push her away... and then Pull her in... and

so on, you're reating inside her a se(ual and emotional ith to want and reah and hase for more of


If you do this in a playful way, women won't see you as a manipulative 7erk.

"hey'll instead...

See you as harming and attrative.

Perceive you as a Pri+e they ust %ossess. 

8now that you're one of the few oveted men that understand what arouses and attrats women.

Be itchin* with attraction toward you.

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Inside y course you *et a world class education on usin* Push-Pull to *enerate attraction in

any woan... re*ardless of you bein* her %hysical ty%e... and this is the only %lace in the

entire universe where you can learn about Push-Pull... because I, the only one teachin* it.

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