first digipak deconstruction

Analysis of pop digipak’s

Upload: charlottesmith3333

Post on 30-Jun-2015




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Page 1: First digipak deconstruction

Analysis of pop


Page 2: First digipak deconstruction

Front Cover of digipak

The artist’s name is written in a different font to the title of the album. The font that her name is written in looks like it could be her signature. By having her name written in bright pink suggests that this is a more female digipak as pink is commonly more of a female colour.

The image on the front of the digiipak is a mid-shot. This will automatically attract the artists audience because you can tell that it her digipak straight away, this is also a brightly coloured front cover and would be easy to spot on the shelf in a shop amongst other CD’s. Her flawless makeup and curled hair make her more desirable to her target audience.

The background colour on this digipak is a white/light grey colour, as this is an incrediably plain background, the image of Demi Lovato stands out even more, with the writing standing out over the top of her.

The digipak doesn't have a strong boarder colour, causing the whole digipak to fade in together, this makes a soft feel to the digipak which could be reflecting the type of music.

The main convention of a CD front cover are: an eye catching image, an eye catching colour, the name of the artist and the name of the actual album.

The font and colour that the album is written in is in capitals and a really light neutral colour, this gives the digipak a very natural feel to it.

Page 3: First digipak deconstruction

The barcode is placed at the bottom of the digipak on the back cover which is in a suitable place and where it isn’t in the way. The barcode makes the CD look professional and genuine. I need to have a barcode on my digipak.

The track list is also listed on the back cover of the digipak, this is so the audience can quickly pick up the CD and have a quick scan down to see what songs are on the CD. By having track numbers, the audience can also quickly skip to the songs that they want to listen too. I need to have a track list and track numbers on the back of my digipak.

Back Cover of digipak

The production details are in small print as this information isn’t that important to fans however it does contain the necessary details and legal information such as copyright, the production team, record labels etc. The production company is also printed small on the back as this detail is important to have on a digipak cover but isn’t important to the fans that would buy it.

The track list is in the same colour font as the artist’s name on the front of the album. The font is also in spaced out capital letters, which makes it easier to read.

The colour of the background of the back cover links to the background cover which is on the front cover, there is a clear link that these two covers link together and are not out of place.

The image that has been placed on the back cover has been chosen very careful, half of her face is hidden which makes the track list writing stand out, on the other side you can see her face, her makeup is very natural and has been used to enhance features of the face, for example her eyebrows have been made boulder and the eyeliner and mascara has been used to make her eyes stand out, face makeup has also been used to giver her skin a flawless look. Lighting has also been used here to shine on certain parts of the face, such as they temples of the cheeks, the eyebrow bone , next to the corner of the eye and part of the forehead near her eyebrow, this highlights part of her face, making it compliment her skin., this has also been used to draw you in to the features on her face.