first family news - amazon s3...the crucifixion of jesus christ is the single greatest scandal in...

Sunrise Service at Meinen Lake, 7am (If raining, Sunrise Service will be at Grace Baptist Church.) Traditional Service, 8:30am Churchwide Brunch, 9am—10:30am Sunday School, 9:45am Contemporary Service, 11am First Family News all the way from the manger to the cross. Why? Because we need- ed saving. Can you get more scandalous than that? There is no historical event more disquieting than this. Jesus, God in flesh, took on the dirtiness of humanity in all of its grotesque immensity, to cover my sin and yours. And that is why I feel the urge to look away from the image of the crucified Jesus. Yet, at the same time, I know that it’s the most beautiful thing that I’ve ever seen. Even though my flesh does not want to look upon or think about the true nature of Jesus’ crucifixion, I will lift my eyes to gaze upon its horrible beauty. For it might be my sin that nailed Jesus to the cross, but the blood that stains that cross covers my sin. In a world that is repulsed by the image of a crucified God, we most hold that image in our mind. We must continue to tell the story of the God who loved us, who loved the whole world, enough to humiliate himself. We can tell the story of how God used this humiliation to over- throw the powers of sin and death, how Christ’s humiliation on the cross gave way to his glorification on the other side of the empty grave. You will undoubtedly see images of the crucified Christ this Easter season. What will you do? Will you turn away because of the discomfort the image causes? Or will you gaze upon the one who died for you with a thankful heart? Will you allow the image to remind you that Christ died for your family, your friends, your neigh- bors, and even your enemies? We preach Christ crucified. In Christ, God hangs on the cross, and we must not look away. The Crucified God “For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” – 1 st Cor. 2:2 Do you remember when the movie “The Passion of the Christ” came out years ago? There were several controversial issues sur- rounding the movie, but the biggest was the movie’s violent depiction of the crucifixion. It was easy to understand why the movie received an R rating and why many Christian leaders suggested that parents should refrain from allowing young children to see the film. Still, I watched the whole gory thing from beginning to end on its opening weekend. I remember, during certain points of the movie, wanting to close my eyes or cover my face and ignore what was happening on the screen, but I didn’t; I couldn’t. After watching that movie once, I never want to watch it again. Why is that I wonder? It’s not as if I don’t enjoy watching other violent movies. Some of my favorite movies, like “Braveheart,” have their fair share of extreme violence. Maybe it has more to do with whom the violence was perpetrated against in “The Passion of the Christ.” Maybe it’s the same reason I, and most other Protestant Christians along with me, prefer the crosses that we hang up in our homes to have nothing hanging on them. We say that our crosses are empty because Jesus didn’t stay on the cross, but might it actual- ly be that the crucifix, the cross with Jesus still hanging upon it, simp- ly makes us uncomfortable? The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is the single greatest scandal in world history. Think about it. God himself, in order to restore rela- tionship with us, came to the earth in human form as the son of a poor Jewish carpenter and an unmarried teenage girl. His first crib was a feeding trough surrounded by the stench of livestock. As the son of a carpenter, he likely grew up performing difficult manual la- bor; crafting items with his own hands, sweat, and blood. At the approximate age of 30, he embarked on a ministry that would forever change the world, but not because he was attractive in appearance. Isaiah 53 leads us to believe otherwise. Nor did he do so because of a great speaking voice or some other esteemed leadership trait. No, he led his ministry by befriending sinners and telling people to love unconditionally . . . even their enemies. When his followers took up arms to defend him, he commanded them to lay their weapons down. And after he had earned the respect of his apostles, he knelt before them and washed their feet as if he were their servant. In return, he was arrested by those he came to save, betrayed and abandoned by those he loved, beaten by those he had sought to teach, and hung on the cross to blot out the sin of the very people who would murder him. In Jesus, God himself was the subject of incredible humiliation

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Sunrise Service at Meinen Lake, 7am

(If raining, Sunrise Service will be at Grace Baptist Church.)

Traditional Service, 8:30am Churchwide Brunch, 9am—10:30am

Sunday School, 9:45am Contemporary Service, 11am

First Family News

all the way from the manger to the cross. Why? Because we need-ed saving. Can you get more scandalous than that? There is no historical event more disquieting than this. Jesus, God in flesh, took on the dirtiness of humanity in all of its grotesque immensity, to cover my sin and yours. And that is why I feel the urge to look away from the image of the crucified Jesus. Yet, at the same time, I know that it’s the most beautiful thing that I’ve ever seen. Even though my flesh does not want to look upon or think about the true nature of Jesus’ crucifixion, I will lift my eyes to gaze upon its horrible beauty. For it might be my sin that nailed Jesus to the cross, but the blood that stains that cross covers my sin. In a world that is repulsed by the image of a crucified God, we most hold that image in our mind. We must continue to tell the story of the God who loved us, who loved the whole world, enough to humiliate himself. We can tell the story of how God used this humiliation to over-throw the powers of sin and death, how Christ’s humiliation on the cross gave way to his glorification on the other side of the empty grave. You will undoubtedly see images of the crucified Christ this Easter season. What will you do? Will you turn away because of the discomfort the image causes? Or will you gaze upon the one who died for you with a thankful heart? Will you allow the image to remind you that Christ died for your family, your friends, your neigh-bors, and even your enemies? We preach Christ crucified. In Christ, God hangs on the cross, and we must not look away.

The Crucified God

“For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” – 1st Cor. 2:2

Do you remember when the movie “The Passion of the Christ” came out years ago? There were several controversial issues sur-rounding the movie, but the biggest was the movie’s violent depiction of the crucifixion. It was easy to understand why the movie received an R rating and why many Christian leaders suggested that parents should refrain from allowing young children to see the film. Still, I watched the whole gory thing from beginning to end on its opening weekend. I remember, during certain points of the movie, wanting to close my eyes or cover my face and ignore what was happening on the screen, but I didn’t; I couldn’t. After watching that movie once, I never want to watch it again. Why is that I wonder? It’s not as if I don’t enjoy watching other violent movies. Some of my favorite movies, like “Braveheart,” have their fair share of extreme violence. Maybe it has more to do with whom the violence was perpetrated against in “The Passion of the Christ.” Maybe it’s the same reason I, and most other Protestant Christians along with me, prefer the crosses that we hang up in our homes to have nothing hanging on them. We say that our crosses are empty because Jesus didn’t stay on the cross, but might it actual-ly be that the crucifix, the cross with Jesus still hanging upon it, simp-ly makes us uncomfortable? The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is the single greatest scandal in world history. Think about it. God himself, in order to restore rela-tionship with us, came to the earth in human form as the son of a poor Jewish carpenter and an unmarried teenage girl. His first crib was a feeding trough surrounded by the stench of livestock. As the son of a carpenter, he likely grew up performing difficult manual la-bor; crafting items with his own hands, sweat, and blood. At the approximate age of 30, he embarked on a ministry that would forever change the world, but not because he was attractive in appearance. Isaiah 53 leads us to believe otherwise. Nor did he do so because of a great speaking voice or some other esteemed leadership trait. No, he led his ministry by befriending sinners and telling people to love unconditionally . . . even their enemies. When his followers took up arms to defend him, he commanded them to lay their weapons down. And after he had earned the respect of his apostles, he knelt before them and washed their feet as if he were their servant. In return, he was arrested by those he came to save, betrayed and abandoned by those he loved, beaten by those he had sought to teach, and hung on the cross to blot out the sin of the very people who would murder him. In Jesus, God himself was the subject of incredible humiliation

First Family News Page 2

A Time for Gratitude and Wel-come . . . Now is an appropriate time to

say, “THANK YOU!” Of course, it’s al-ways a good time to express gratitude, for we have much for which to be thankful. But now is an especially appropriate time to express our gratitude to Jared and Sally for their leadership in our youth ministry these last few years. We have seen

countless dozens of students come to know Christ as Savior and many others deepen their relationship with the Lord. We have also seen a huge number of adult leaders enlisted and trained for ministry with our students. We have much for which to thank the Lord as He worked so powerfully through the minis-try of this young family. Goodbyes to staff members are difficult, but this one is made less difficult by the fact that the Greers will be staying with us as fellow church members, even as they embark on a new, creative, full-time ministry of evangelism. We look forward to supporting Jared, Sally, Micah, and Bennett in this new endeav-or as missionaries from our church. This goodbye is also made more bearable by the fact that we already have a new Student Minister to welcome to our church. Daniel and Julia Johnson will be here the week of East-er, and we are excited about what the Lord has in store for us and our students through their ministry here. As great a job as Jared has done in student ministry, we can rest assured that the Lord has no intention of seeing our youth ministry take a down-turn. As confident as we are that Jared has clearly heard from the Lord and responded to His leadership in his new ministry, we can be equally confident that the Lord has just as clearly spoken to us and to Daniel and Julia in regard to their ministry among us. Let’s do all we can to warmly welcome the John-sons to our fellowship, even as we offer all we have to support their ministry here.

In Him,





01 Jeff Hudson ............................................. 214-663-5976

08 Greg Firebaugh ....................................... 214-212-6328

15 Erin Jenkins ............................................. 817-201-3479

22 Robbie Mayse .......................................... 254-231-1431

29 Jeff Moore ................................................ 817-866-2762


Church Family,

Sally, Micah, Bennett, and I cannot say thank you enough for all you have done for us over the past few years. Our last Sunday, March 18th, on staff was very spe-cial to us. Your love and support and prayers were such a blessing!

Of course, we are filled with so many different emotions and having your loving arms wrapped around us has truly helped us continue on towards the next step in our journey. As I said last Sunday, your genuine kindness and friendship have brought us so much healing and has changed our lives. You loved us with Christ’s love and we are forever grateful for all of you. Thank you so much for your generous gifts. We really appreciate all you have done! We have 10,000 reasons to praise our Lord! And your love has helped us see how truly blessed we are.

In Christ,

The Greer Family

Sundays at 9:45am

Come step out in faith and learn how to disciple the people whom God has placed in your life through the lessons found in “multiply” by Francis Chan. It will be a chal-lenge for the Kingdom that you need to be

a part of. Bring along a fellow student to experience the jour-ney.

It’s Almost Time!

By the time you receive this newsletter, our new Minister of Students, Daniel Johnson, and his wife, Julia, will proba-bly be just beginning to settle into their

Grandview home. Daniel’s first day on the job in the office will be Monday, April 2nd. Stop by to give them a warm FBC welcome and pray their ministry here will bring glory to the Lord.

Wednesday Nights

Food will continue to be served begin-ning at 5:45pm. The worship service will follow the meal as usual and will be

over by 7:30pm.

First Family News Page 3

From the Children’s Director

March, where have you gone? Can you believe we only have 15 ½ days of CDO left this year? On the 10th of April we will all wear yellow to celebrate our color of the month! The 12th of April we will have a Ninja Day! The kids will be working with our very own Jared Greer for the morning using Ninja stuff to not only have fun but to start planting the seeds of learning how to overcome obstacles. The 26th we will have Fiesta Day!! We have all kinds of fun things planned to make this an extra special day. You should be getting your 2018-2019 packets to register for the fall! Please get those turned in quickly to reserve your spot for next year! We have had such a great year so far, I can’t believe it is coming to a close! We have such great teachers. I’m thankful for each and every one of them plus all the work that they do! I am so blessed to be here working with your kids. I just love them all!

Ninja Day: Thursday, April 12th

Hello April! Wow, time flies! I have been keeping a tally of the days . . . and there doesn’t seem to be too many more before summer time gets here! On that note! I am already starting on Vacation Bible School!!! I love VBS. It is one of the most fun ways to teach kids about the Bible and the love of Christ! The best part is that we have opportunities that we might not have any other time of the year! If you are interested in helping with VBS, please let me know! The dates are June 24-28. Trust me. There is a place for you!! We will have a VBS worker meeting April 29th at 4pm in the Fellowship Hall. Come join us for an amazing time to learn about VBS 2018!!!! Reminder for all kids 3rd—5th grade!!! Kid’s camp will be here before you know it! We are going back to Riverbend Re-treat Center in Glen Rose, Texas!! The theme is “Gaming.” It is going to be a great week!!! If you have questions about camp please come and see me! It is going to be lots and lots of fun! The total cost is $200. The dates are July 20-24! The 6th we have Parent’s Night Out! Please let us know if your kids are coming by Wednesday April 4th at 4:00pm! The cost is $10 for the first child and $5 for each additional child. Also, youth planning to go to camp, if you would like to earn some money to go towards camp, then let me or Julie know you would like to help with Parent’s Night Out! If your child is participating in an event of any kind, let me know! I would love to come and support them!


VBS Worker Meeting Sunday, April 29th

4:00pm Gear up for something special!

Ms. Amy

Ms. Amy

New enrollment starts May 1st

VBS 2018


PAID Grandview, TX Permit No. 8

First Baptist Church PO Box 454 Grandview, Texas 76050 (817) 866-4430 / [email protected] Corey Cornutt, Pastor Daniel Johnson, Minister of Students Bill Louthan, Minister of Music Amy Curry, Children’s Ministry Director Joel Allen, Contemporary Worship Minister

Sundays - Traditional Worship 8:30am Sunday School 9:45am Contemporary Worship 11:00am Sr Adult LIFE Connect Group 5:00pm Faith Bible Institute Class 6:00pm

Wednesdays - Youth 5:45pm FBC Kids 6:00pm Adult Prayer Meeting 6:00pm Ladies & Men’s Bible Studies 6:30pm Mixed Adults Bible Studies 6:30pm

FOR THE RECORD WEEK OF: Feb 25 Mar 04 Mar 11 Mar 18 SS Attendance: 173 149 136 157 8:30 Worship: 73 56 53 53 11:00 Worship: 139 129 115 169 Income Rec’d: 12001.06 21056.74 7663.36 13500.24 BUDGET: YTD Required: 98036.37 108929.30 119822.23 130715.16 YTD Receipts: 98156.57 113726.17 120067.72 132255.68* Wkly Required: 10892.93 10892.93 10892.93 10892.93 Wkly Receipts: 10140.17 15569.60 6341.55 12187.96*

*All online donations may or may not have been reported /included this date at newsletter print time.

Address Service Requested

By Letter

John “Will” and Barbara Robinson Zaca Wilson

Lord’s Supper Sunday, April 15th

Both Services

Shut-ins and persons unable to come to services but wish to partake of the Lord’s Supper are asked to call the church office at 817-866-4430 to schedule a time for the pastor and/or a deacon to come administer it to them.

To accommodate those in our congregation who are gluten intolerant, we will begin using gluten free bread on the 15th.

First Family News Insert

Seasons of the year often speak to us in seemingly random ways. There are certain songs that seem to sit within a time of year for me. For example, “Salvation Song” by the Avett Brothers makes me think of cold, Fall mornings. It has been helpful to look towards

songs and Psalms when approaching new parts of life. Many times, certain songs help give words and feelings to what we are walking through. In the Spring, I think about Psalm 23 or put to music in Jon Foreman’s song “House of God Forever.” The essence of the Psalm involves looking to the Good Shepherd for provision and care. No matter what the new season brings, we can look forward to the promise of resurrection. Foreman’s song is the Psalm translated,

God is my Shepherd, I won’t be wanting, I won’t be wanting He makes me rest, in fields of green, by quiet streams Even though I walk, through the valley of death and dying I will not fear, ‘cause You are with me, You’re always with me.

Moving into the Spring pushes me to think of God’s provi-sion. We see the beauty of Creation as the new plants, flowers, and fresh days give a vivid example of resurrection and provi-sion. No matter the days ahead of us, we know that God is con-tinuing to lead us. As the Psalm states, “You are with me.” De-spite what is upcoming, and the discomfort that may come with newness, let us take heart and look hopefully to the newness of the coming season.

Grace and Peace,


02 Brighton Blackwell, Brittain Blackwell, Montana Early, Su-

zanne Pierce 03 Wesley Johnson, Brittny Lee, Lynn Nall, Blaine Scharn-

horst, Mark Shane, Cindy Smith 04 Alan Hale, Madison Mays, Kenadee Shelton, Kathrine

Stewart 05 Juan Martinez, Ella Summerhill 07 Tamie Barron, Tom Clynch, Rebekah Hale, Barbara Pow-

ell 08 Ja’Kobee Crownover, Coltyn Eason, William Harlow 09 Coy Emery 10 Jama Derting, Tanner Webb 11 Jack Baker, Trinity Watts 12 Cooper Gray 13 Hanna Hudson, Jan Moran 14 Bennie Bridge, Dean Siratt 16 JBo Hudson, Peggy Lyle 17 Carman Bruner, Earnest Crownover III, Shelby East 18 Rita Basham, Sue Ellen Hale, Christie Jenkins, Ada

Rhodes, Waylon Terry 20 Stephanie Laird, Wally Pippin 21 Paige Goodman, Jarrod Peabody 22 Kyndal Clendennen, Alexcis Firebaugh, Hunter Stagner 23 Canon Cornutt 25 Britny Harlow, Shannon McClure, Stacie Rudduck 27 Corey Cornutt, Alexis Galvan, Kylee Grissam, Karen

Smith, Ezra Wallace 28 Kory Davis, Micah Greer, Jackie McSwain, Tanya Miller,

Amy Quisenberry, David Quisenberry 29 Tave Doty, Katie Gray, Tamie Hudson, Curtis Knowles

Please report any additions or corrections to the church office.

We are compiling a list of our graduating seniors — high school and college. If you have or know of an FBC graduate that does not attend Grandview High School, please turn in his/her name to Sharon in the church office no later than Thursday, April 19th at 817-866-4430 or [email protected].



OCC Monthly Donation Suggestions

April — Stuffed Animals

Celebrating Birthdays

Operation Christmas Child . . . Make OCC

an ongoing outreach project for 2018 by col-lecting items all year to fill shoeboxes for kids in need. Collection containers are in the hall.

A church directory supplement is now available for church members . . . one per family. They are located on media tables in the main hallway. Please report any additions or corrections to the church office.

First Family News Insert

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 7:00 Sunrise Service @ Meinen Lake (If raining, then Grace Bapt Ch) 7:45 Choir Rehearsal 8:00 Prayer Time 8:30 Worship 9:00 Churchwide Brunch 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Worship 2:00 GV Nursing Home

2 9:00 Sew ‘n Sews 6:00 FBI Class

3 7:30/8:30 CDO 9:00 Staff Mtg

4 4:00 PNO Reservations Due 5:30 Wed PM Supper 5:45 Youth 6:00 Kids—Games 6:00 Adult Prayer Mtg 6:30 Adult Bible Study Ladies Bible Study Men’s Bible Study 7:30 Committee on Committees Mtg

5 7:30/8:30 CDO 5:00 Primetimers

6 6:00 Parents Night Out


8 7:30 Deacons 7:45 Choir Rehearsal 8:00 Prayer Time 8:30 Worship 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Worship 5:00 Sr A Life Grp 6:00 FBI Class

9 9:00 Sew ‘n Sews 6:00 FBI Class

10 7:30/8:30 CDO Wear Yellow Day 9:00 Staff Mtg

11 5:30 Wed PM Supper 5:45 Youth 6:00 Kids—Games 6:00 Adult Prayer Mtg 6:30 Adult Bible Study Ladies Bible Study Men’s Bible Study 7:30 B/F Mtg

12 7:30/8:30 CDO Ninja Day 5:00 Primetimers



15 7:45 Choir Rehearsal 8:00 Worship Com Mtg 8:00 Prayer Time 8:30 Worship 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Worship 5:00 Sr A Life Grp 6:00 FBI Class

16 9:00 Sew ‘n Sews 6:00 FBI Class

17 7:30/8:30 CDO 9:00 Staff Mtg 10:00 Talbert Mtg

18 5:30 Wed PM Supper 5:45 Youth 6:00 Kids—Games 6:00 Adult Prayer Mtg 6:30 Adult Bible Study Ladies Bible Study Men’s Bible Study 7:30 Nominating Committee Mtg

19 7:30/8:30 CDO 5:00 Primetimers

20 7:00 Deacons/Spouses Retreat Begins

21 9:45 Homeless Min COOKS Depart 10:15 Homeless Min SERVERS Depart

22 7:45 Choir Rehearsal 8:00 Prayer Time 8:30 Worship 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Worship 5:00 Sr A Life Grp 6:00 FBI Class

23 9:00 Sew ‘n Sews 6:00 FBI Class

24 7:30/8:30 CDO 9:00 Staff Mtg

25 5:30 Wed PM Supper 5:45 Youth 6:00 Kids—Games 6:00 Adult Prayer Mtg 6:30 Adult Bible Study Ladies Bible Study Men’s Bible Study

26 7:30/8:30 CDO FIESTA Day 5:00 Primetimers

27 28

29 9:00 Choir Rehearsal 9:00 Prayer Time 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 COMBINED Worship 12:00 Churchwide Covered Dish Lunch 4:00 VBS Mtg 5:00 Sr A Life Grp 6:00 FBI Class

30 9:00 Sew ‘n Sews 6:00 FBI Class

ANNIVERSARY Barbara Taylor Apr 3 2 Yrs

April 2018

Antique Alley

Deacons/Spouses Retreat

First Family News Insert

Our Christian love and sympathy are extended to

Sally Greer and family on the loss of her aunt, Faye Howard.

Crownover and Fisher families on the loss of their son, grandson, and nephew, Titus Crownover.

Jarrod Peabody and family on the loss of his grandmother,

Lois Peabody.

Dave Clark Ada Rhodes NC Nina Sikes NC Bobbie Jane Mosley NC David and Paula Quisenberry NC Titus Crownover Bill and Peggy Lyle YF Tom and Sharon Brock Mis F-Canada Mignon Hobbs J.D. and Suzanne Pierce Mus F Faye Howard David and Paula Quisenberry NC Nolen Massey David and Paula Quisenberry NC Lois Peabody Jarrod and Nancy Peabody and family College Jarrod and Nancy Peabody and family Easter Stuff Mildred Pippin Erma Burnett Ch Camp Marcia Tackett GF Wayne and Susan Polson MF Patsy Russell MF Ada Rhodes NC Mary Ray GF Nina Sikes NC David and Paula Quisenberry NC Janet Smith NC

Bud Rogers Ada Rhodes NC Mary Sue Sain YF David and Paula Quisenberry NC

Mossy Gillum Woods Bill and Peggy Lyle MF Janet Smith NC

Jared Greer Bobbie Jane Mosley YF

BF Building Fund BN Benevolence Fund BTSF Back to School Fair CDO Children’s Day Out CDO Sch Children’s Day Out Scholarship Fund CCF Children Camp Fund CM Children Ministry

CF Choir Fund FFF Funeral Food Fund

GF General Fund HM Homeless Ministry

IM International Missions KF Kitchen Fund LF Library Fund

LO Local Outreach

MF Memorial Fund MisF Missions Fund

MTF Mission Trip MusF Music Fund

NC - New Construction SSF Sew ‘n Sews Fund

YCS Youth Camp Scholarship YF Youth Fund

Kids Summer camp! Riverbend Retreat Center

Glen Rose, Texas Friday, July 20th

thru Tuesday, July 24th

For Kids in Grades 3—5 Cost: $200

$40 Deposit Due Now See Amy Curry for more info.

NOTE WEEK CHANGE: Friday, April 6th


For Kids Ages 6 months up to 5th grade

Cost: $10 for 1st Child/$5 Each additional sibling Includes childcare, snack & activities

Bring your child’s supper!

Reservations Due: Wed, April 4th by 4pm in the office.