first presbyterian church valatie, ny · 2019-05-11 · healing space for women survivors of human...

SESSION Class of 2020 Class of 2021 Class of 2022 Steve Hohneker Rick Jacker Nancy Pienta Sarah Sayers Chuck Shattenkirk Moderator: Rev. Kathi L. Jones Clerk of Session: Sarah Sayers DEACONS Class of 2020 Class of 2021 Class of 2022 Laurae Hoffmann Melissa Barton Alicia Albertson Hertha Matuszek Judy Bury Rosalie Hemingway Moderator: Judy Bury Church Treasurer: Sandra Hohneker Assistant Treasurer: Vieve Gay Financial Secretary: Bill Ring First Presbyterian Church 3212 Church Street P.O. Box 267, Valatie, NY 12184 Church Phone – 518-758-9658 Pastor’s Phone – 518-755-2557 Church’s Email – [email protected] Pastor – Rev. Kathi L. Jones Pastor’s Email – [email protected] Organist – Ardelle Stewart Secretary – Naomi Handley Sexton – Nick Becker First Presbyterian Church Valatie, NY Where friends are made, faith is nurtured, service begins and All Are Welcome!

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Page 1: First Presbyterian Church Valatie, NY · 2019-05-11 · healing space for women survivors of human trafficking By Cheri Harper Wings of Refuge in Iowa Falls, Iowa, is a 2019 Birthday


Class of 2020 Class of 2021 Class of 2022 Steve Hohneker Rick Jacker Nancy Pienta Sarah Sayers Chuck Shattenkirk

Moderator: Rev. Kathi L. Jones Clerk of Session: Sarah Sayers


Class of 2020 Class of 2021 Class of 2022 Laurae Hoffmann Melissa Barton Alicia Albertson Hertha Matuszek Judy Bury Rosalie Hemingway

Moderator: Judy Bury

Church Treasurer: Sandra Hohneker Assistant Treasurer: Vieve Gay Financial Secretary: Bill Ring

First Presbyterian Church 3212 Church Street P.O. Box 267, Valatie, NY 12184

Church Phone – 518-758-9658 Pastor’s Phone – 518-755-2557 Church’s Email – [email protected]

Pastor – Rev. Kathi L. Jones Pastor’s Email – [email protected]

Organist – Ardelle Stewart Secretary – Naomi Handley

Sexton – Nick Becker

First Presbyterian Church

Valatie, NY

Where friends are made, faith is nurtured, service begins and

All Are Welcome!

Page 2: First Presbyterian Church Valatie, NY · 2019-05-11 · healing space for women survivors of human trafficking By Cheri Harper Wings of Refuge in Iowa Falls, Iowa, is a 2019 Birthday

May 12, 2019 11:00am.



* * * * *

Gathering in the Name of the Lord (In silence and meditation prepare yourself for worship)



We are a small congregation, part of God’s larger family,

teaching and living God’s Word, and sharing God’s love

throughout the community.


CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsively)

It is right and good for us to gather here.

God has blessed us beyond our ability to comprehend.

Not a step we make, not a breath we take is ours, but all things come

from our Creator.

So it is a right and good thing to gather here to give

thanks and praise.

So let us be mindful of our countless blessings. Spend a moment

now as we have gathered to be quiet in your spirit and begin

counting your blessings.

Then let us lift our voices together in joyous singing and

shouts of praise as befits the benevolence of our Lord.

*HYMN 39 Great Is Thy Faithfulness



Fourth Sunday of Easter

TODAY 9:30am. Sunday School 11:00am. Worship 12:15pm. Coffee Hour MONDAY 12noon Food Pantry Open TUESDAY 7:00pm. Scout BSA Meeting

WEDNESDAY Epistle Deadline 12 noon ICC Clergy Meeting

6:00pm. Food Pantry Open 6:15pm. Scout Board of Review 7:00pm. Scout Committee

THURSDAY 2:00pm. Warm Up America! FRIDAY 5:00pm. Plant and Bake Sale Prep SATURDAY 8:00am. Plant and Bake Sale set-up 9:30am. Plant and Bake Sale, Books and Café Too

Looking Ahead – NEXT SUNDAY – May 19, 2019

Fifth Sunday of Easter 9:30am Sunday School last day

11:00am. Worship – Sunday School leading 12:15pm. Coffee and Fellowship

Birthdays This Week 12–Richard Armstrong 13– Sandy Hohneker

16-Elise Sayer

Page 3: First Presbyterian Church Valatie, NY · 2019-05-11 · healing space for women survivors of human trafficking By Cheri Harper Wings of Refuge in Iowa Falls, Iowa, is a 2019 Birthday

Minute For Mission: Presbyterian Heritage

Soon after Congress passed the 13th Amendment in 1865, officially ending slavery in the United States, the chaplain of Congress asked the Rev. Henry Highland Garnet to preach before the House of Representatives on Capitol Hill.

In many ways, Garnet was a logical choice for the Sunday worship service. The 50-year-old pastor of Washington, D.C.’s Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church had escaped slavery as a child and grown up to become a leading abolitionist and orator. And yet Garnet was also an ardent and dedicated political activist who did not hold back when speaking out against injustice — no matter the audience.

Garnet’s sermon of Feb. 12, 1865, “Let the Monster Perish,” detailed stark truths about slavery’s lasting legacy and listed future steps needed for a just society, including full enfranchisement and education. Garnet said the work of emancipation is not complete until the “burdens of war and the blessings of peace are equally borne and enjoyed by all,” and asked the gathered Congressmen to see emancipation as an opportunity to live into their Christian faith and make manifest the love of justice seen in the Bible.

Though Garnet’s full vision of emancipation was not immediately realized, his ideas found expression in the 14th and 15th Amendments, which would enshrine wider citizenship and voting rights during Reconstruction. Those changes to the U.S. Constitution laid the groundwork for Civil Rights legislation in the mid-20th century and remind Presbyterians today of the enduring blessings of justice.

Last year, the 223rd General Assembly approved an overture recognizing “Reverend Henry Highland Garnet’s Prophetic Voice for Today.” Learn more about the overture at

Heritage Sunday is an annual day of celebration set aside by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Download past bulletin inserts and learn more about Presbyterian history at

Presbyterian Historical Society

PRAYER OF CONFESSION (Unison) Taught by our culture to want everything, Comfort of the righteous, we confess an emptiness which sends us scurrying for more and more. We look and see folks whose lives seem richer and fuller than ours, and so are filled with lust and envy. We are convinced that peaceful waters offer us nothing, and so thirst for whitewater adventures in our lives. We listen to the silly promises of the world, turning away from the shelter you offer to us. Forgive us, Source of wonder and joy. Your goodness follows us around, so we can share it with everyone we meet along the journey. Your mercy shadows our every step, so we can find the way which you would have us live. We find rest in your heart, healing at your hands, and life together in Jesus Christ, our Lord, our Savior.


Proclaiming the Word PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION (Unison)

Most loving God, please stir that part of our brain where hopes are renovated and visions created, that we may have a faith that is open to wherever you wish to take us. In the name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

EPISTLE LESSON Acts 9:36-43 (NT. pg. 125)

GOSPEL LESSON John 10:22-30

(N.T. pg. 102)

NOT FOR CHILDREN ONLY HYMN 324 For All the Faithful Women

Page 4: First Presbyterian Church Valatie, NY · 2019-05-11 · healing space for women survivors of human trafficking By Cheri Harper Wings of Refuge in Iowa Falls, Iowa, is a 2019 Birthday

SERMON What Is Real Healing?

Responding to the Word


Loving God, whose promises to us find their fulfillment in Jesus Christ, grant us to walk in the way of peace, giving thanks for every blessing you send. Accept the work of our hands and all the gifts we dedicate to your service. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

*HYMN 182 I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say *CHARGE AND BENEDICTION *PASSING THE PEACE (Responsively) The peace of Christ be with you. And also with you. Go in peace. Amen.

* * * * * * - indicates that all who are able, may stand. Lay leader today is Bill Ring. Greeting at the door this morning is Stark Jones.

2019 Birthday Offering of Presbyterian Women funds safe, healing space for women survivors of human trafficking

By Cheri Harper

Wings of Refuge in Iowa Falls, Iowa, is a 2019 Birthday Offering recipient.

Wings of Refuge provides a safe and healing space for women victimized

by human trafficking. One of their staff members shared this story:

Every other week the women attend a wellness group where they

learn to take back possession of their bodies. For far too long their

bodies did not belong to them, but instead to anyone who could pay

to use them. One afternoon, we got ready to go to the gym and

when we got there, each woman chose a machine to start on. One

woman found the leg press machine and started doing a few

repetitions. As she continued to increase the weight she was

pressing, a smile grew bigger and bigger on her face. The other

women crowded around to cheer her on and she surprised

everyone, herself included, when she maxed out at 380 pounds!

Within a few weeks, she could leg press the entire maximum

weight—400 pounds! After that day, she was excited to work out to

see what else her body could do, which strengthened her capacity to

see past her exploitation in other areas of her life. Instead of hating

her body, she realized that it could do amazing things. She realized

that strong is beautiful.

PW’s 2019 Birthday Offering grant will help fund a larger long-term safe

home at Wings of Refuge so more women will find restoration, identity,

community, opportunity and hope, and transition into independent living.

To learn more about Wings of Refuge, visit

Page 5: First Presbyterian Church Valatie, NY · 2019-05-11 · healing space for women survivors of human trafficking By Cheri Harper Wings of Refuge in Iowa Falls, Iowa, is a 2019 Birthday

Prayer for Mother’s Day

By Rev. Dr. Diane Moffett President and Executive Director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency,

Divine Creator, we welcome you into our sacred space. With open hearts, we usher in your presence and await the movement of your Holy Spirit. God of all mothers, stand with us as we celebrate those who have mothered, those who are mothering and those who will mother. Abide with us as we honor those who found ways to give life and nurture children even in the midst of the Middle Passage. Slavery. Jim Crow laws. Racism. And hatred that threatened to take away life before it was given. Stand by us as we acknowledge mothers who stand at the border seeking life for their children and families only to have those children snatched from their hands by cruel, callous laws that are indifferent to human suffering. Walk with us as we lift up mothers who are frail and in the final season of living. Mothers who have given more than they ever received. Mothers who have cared for, caressed and counseled us. Who have etched their mark upon our flesh. Mothers whom we grieve because they have died and their memory leaves us wanting … Comfort us as we remember mothers who are homeless and hopeless, who are locked up and locked out of their children’s lives because of Incarceration. Or mental disorders or self-imposed imprisonment that inhibits one’s ability to other. Like our earthly mothers, You have given us life and brought us forth to be a source of life and light in this world. You have blessed us with your merciful love Even when our behavior breaks your heart. Forgive our rebellious, wayward ways. Heal our lives and the planet in which we live. As we enter the celebration of Mother’s Day make us grateful for your unwavering Mercy. Love. Provision. Patience and Guidance. And help us to share the same with others. Amen.

Tending the nursery today is Laurae Hoffmann. Head usher for May is Gale Bury.


Wayne Austin Tina Coons

Mary and Charles Heermance Ricky Jacker

Laura Kinnicutt Geraldine and Bruce McCrum

Marc Petrie Chris Wells

Marie and Daniel Wloch

EXTENDED FAMILY, FRIENDS AND THE WORLD Bea and Henry Croteau, Marge’s friends

Caren Stewart Kayla, a preschool mother, with stage 4 cancer

Linda, Ardelle’s neighbor Rita, a friend of Vieve’s

Those who have lost loved ones Farmers during this planting season Immigrants, Migrants and Refugees

Iran Israel Syria

Venezuela The West Bank

Government leaders

Page 6: First Presbyterian Church Valatie, NY · 2019-05-11 · healing space for women survivors of human trafficking By Cheri Harper Wings of Refuge in Iowa Falls, Iowa, is a 2019 Birthday


NURSERY CARE DURING WORSHIP is provided for infants and

children through the second grade. Parents are asked to take their child

(ren) to the nursery during the hymn just before the sermon. The nursery

is found through the door to the left of the pulpit, down the hall on the left.

Children who are in the third grade and older should remain in the

sanctuary with their families during the worship service.

THE ECUMENICAL FOOD PANTRY continues to meet a growing need

for cereals, jam, jelly and tuna. If you have any questions about the Food

Pantry or how you might get involved, speak with Dorothy Johnson or

Carol Matthews, our representatives on the Food Pantry Committee.

The May editions of the Upper Room and Our Daily Bread is available on

the table. Please take one to use during your personal devotions.

On Sunday May 19, the 2019 Birthday Offering will be collected. This is a

long standing project sponsored by the Presbyterian Women in the United

States. This offering will be used this year for 4 projects in the U.S. “Help

us to help others.”

CROP Walk 2019

Had a great day! Thank you to all

who continue to support this

wonderful cause! As always

thank you to our traditional

congregation members who

never miss the chance to stay

committed to our mission.

NEXT SATURDAY MAY 18 is our Plant and Bake Sale and Books and

Café too! Please help us make it a success by deciding what you

can donate in plants, baked goods and used books.


Annual Plant, Book and

Bake Sale, Saturday, May 18

9:30 to 2:30

Spruce up your yard , garden

and home with seasonal plants!

Find a favorite book or two

Check out fresh homemade baked goods