first presbyterian holy... · web view” –...

The Mission Of Our Church Sharing the grace of God, creating a warm and welcoming environment and making our church a vibrant witness to the community and the world through worship, Bible study, discipleship, outreach and service to those in need. CHURCH DIRECTORY ~ 2019 Pastor Janet B. DeWater Pastor Emeritus Wilson P. Rhoton, Jr. Director of Music J. Nelson Whittington Administrative Assistant Yvonne E. Webb Treasurer Stefanie F. Faith Missionary Sandi Thompson-Royer

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Page 1: First Presbyterian Holy... · Web view” – a tradition rooted in the musings of early church theologians (like Augustine, Gregory

The Mission Of Our ChurchSharing the grace of God, creating a warm and welcoming

environment andmaking our church a vibrant witness to the community and the world

through worship, Bible study, discipleship, outreach and service to those in need.

CHURCH DIRECTORY ~ 2019 Pastor Janet B. DeWaterPastor Emeritus Wilson P. Rhoton, Jr.Director of Music J. Nelson WhittingtonAdministrative Assistant Yvonne E. WebbTreasurer Stefanie F. FaithMissionary Sandi Thompson-Royer

First Presbyterian Church133 South Main Street

Mount Holly, North Carolina704 827-0521

Holy Humor Sunday April 28, 2019 Eleven O’Clock


PRELUDE “Every Time I Feel the Spirit” Nelson Whittingpound arr. Anthony Giamanco

Page 2: First Presbyterian Holy... · Web view” – a tradition rooted in the musings of early church theologians (like Augustine, Gregory

WELCOME Irrev. Janet Dewater (Please sign the Ritual of Friendship Pad and greet those around you.)

*GATHERING MUSIC Jonathan Parenthesis

*CALL TO WORSHIP Hear the good news; Christ is risen!We are a happy resurrection people!Christ is risen, indeed!We are a joyful resurrection people!Let us worship our risen Lord!

*HYMN (Insert/Screens) “Christians, We are Made for Laughter” (Tune: Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee)

*PRAYER OF CONFECTION God, we are grateful for this SWEET life that you have given us; it is BONBON. Forgive us when we FUDGE the truth, CANDYCOAT issues of injustice, and do not live according to a RECIPE for a faithful life. We are grateful that you don’t DESSERT us when we are tempted to WAFFLE in our choices, or are in a JAM. Help us to choose the right path. We know that your realm is like an UPSIDE DOWN CAKE, where the first are last, and the last first. Help us to live according to your ways which are “SWEETER also than HONEY, and the drippings of the HONEYCOMB”. Trusting in your love, we offer our confessions and longings for faith, PRALINE in the name of Jesus Christ. (Silence is observed for a moment of personal prayer.)

*DECLARATION OF PARDON Though our words may have been SYRUPY, know that God’s love is a SHERBET and that we are a forgiven people, called to live in the light of the risen Christ.Thanks be to God!

*SONG OF RESPONSE #582 (Purple Hymnal) “Glory to God”

TIME WITH OUR CHILDREN Children: The Peace of Christ be with you.Congregation: And also with you.




ANTHEM “Every Time I Feel the Spirit” arr. Joseph Jones




*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH AND JOY We believe with the Bible that “there is a time to weep and a time to laugh.” We believe with Chrysostom that “laughter has been implanted in our souls.” We believe with Luther that “You have as much laughter as you have faith.” We believe with Calvin that “we are nowhere forbidden to laugh.” We believe with Keirkegaard that “Humor is intrinsic to Christianity.” We affirm the joy of our faith in our risen Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

*HYMN #515 (Purple) “I Come with Joy” Stanzas 1, 4, & 5

PASTORAL PRAYER AND THE LORD’S PRAYER THE OFFERING Please place your 5 Cents A Meal Offering in the basket. Offertory “The Solid Rock” arr. Jason Krug *Doxology *Offertory Prayer

God of joy and God of laughter; God of abundant grace: we offer ourselves and our gifts before you. In our giving, may our hearts reflect your justice and generosity, and may our ministry reflect your light to a world in need. Amen!


*HYMN #157 (Purple) “I Danced in the Morning” Stanzas 1, 4, 5

*CHARGE AND BENEDICTIONLet us go, taking with us our doubts, our hopes, our faith.Christ is risen!Let us go, rejoicing in the one who lifts us from death to new life.Christ is risen! Yipee!Let us go, receiving and sharing the blessings of God.Amen!

*RESPONSE #591 (Purple) “Halle, Halle!” (Refrain, sing two times)

*POSTLUDE “Love Lifted Me” arr. Mary McDonald

Page 3: First Presbyterian Holy... · Web view” – a tradition rooted in the musings of early church theologians (like Augustine, Gregory

*Please rise in body or in spirit.

Welcome to all of you visiting with us this morning. We are happy you are here and hope you find the worship and fellowship to be a blessing. If you do not have a church home and would be interested in hearing more about this church, please ask the pastor or one of the ushers. We invite you to visit our website at for more information concerning the church. We welcome your participation in the worship, fellowship and mission of this church.

Holy Humor Sunday – this morning we are celebrating “Holy Humor Sunday” – a tradition rooted in the musings of early church theologians (like Augustine, Gregory of Nyssa and John Chrysostom) that God played a practical joke on the devil by raising Jesus from the dead. Our service is light-hearted in nature and continues the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection.


Sunday, April 28, 2019 9:45 AM Sunday School for all ages11:00 AM Morning Worship Service/5 Cents A Meal/Holy Humor Sunday 😊

Tuesday, April 30, 2019Presbytery Meeting (Montreat Conference Center)

Wednesday, May 1, 2019 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal

Next Sunday, May 5, 2019 8:30 AM Men of the Church breakfast meeting11:00 AM Morning Worship Service/Communion (Intinction)12:15 PM Worship Committee meeting

Children are Welcome in Worship Children are welcome in worship, wiggles, giggles and all! We value their presence with us as we worship God, knowing that this is how they experience the loving community of Christ and how they learn to worship.

What is your favorite hymn?The Dentist’s hymn: Crown Him With Many CrownsThe Contractor’s hymn: The Church’s One FoundationThe Tailor’s hymn: Holy, Holy, HolyThe Golfer’s hymn: There is a Green Hill Far AwayThe Optometrist’s hymn: Open My Eyes That I May SeeThe Shopper’s hymn: In the Sweet By and By


Sunday, April 28, 2019 9:45 AM Sunday School for all ages11:00 AM Morning Worship Service/5 Cents A Meal/Holy Humor Sunday 😊

Tuesday, April 30, 2019Presbytery Meeting (Montreat Conference Center)

Wednesday, May 1, 2019 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal

Next Sunday, May 5, 2019 8:30 AM Men of the Church breakfast meeting11:00 AM Morning Worship Service/Communion (Intinction)12:15 PM Worship Committee meeting

Page 4: First Presbyterian Holy... · Web view” – a tradition rooted in the musings of early church theologians (like Augustine, Gregory

Children are Welcome in Worship Children are welcome in worship, wiggles, giggles and all! We value their presence with us as we worship God, knowing that this is how they experience the loving community of Christ and how they learn to worship.

What is your favorite hymn?The Dentist’s hymn: Crown Him With Many CrownsThe Contractor’s hymn: The Church’s One FoundationThe Tailor’s hymn: Holy, Holy, HolyThe Golfer’s hymn: There is a Green Hill Far AwayThe Optometrist’s hymn: Open My Eyes That I May SeeThe Shopper’s hymn: In the Sweet By and By

HYMN Christians, We are Made for Laughter Jo Cassidy-Maloney

(Tune: Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee)

Christians, we are made for laughter, born to giggle and guffaw!Even in the great hereafter mirth is interspersed with awe.Don’t hold back, just let it fill you, let your smiles do their thing.Don’t you worry, it is easy! Just let go and laugh and sing.

This is how our great God made us – faces, lungs, and hearts for gleeAnd it’s how God would parade us, showing forth most joyouslyAll the love and all the gladness, such a great capacity.For the joy that drives all sadness out of every you and me.

Christ was dead and now he’s risen! Isn’t that a cause for glee?Love has shattered all the prisons we have built so carefully.Now unfettered, free as breezes, giggles, snorts and glee abound!Even when our laughter wheezes, we praise God with every sound.

HYMN Christians, We are Made for Laughter Jo Cassidy-Maloney

(Tune: Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee)

Christians, we are made for laughter, born to giggle and guffaw!Even in the great hereafter mirth is interspersed with awe.Don’t hold back, just let it fill you, let your smiles do their thing.Don’t you worry, it is easy! Just let go and laugh and sing.

Page 5: First Presbyterian Holy... · Web view” – a tradition rooted in the musings of early church theologians (like Augustine, Gregory

This is how our great God made us – faces, lungs, and hearts for gleeAnd it’s how God would parade us, showing forth most joyouslyAll the love and all the gladness, such a great capacity.For the joy that drives all sadness out of every you and me.

Christ was dead and now he’s risen! Isn’t that a cause for glee?Love has shattered all the prisons we have built so carefully.Now unfettered, free as breezes, giggles, snorts and glee abound!Even when our laughter wheezes, we praise God with every sound.