first time video conferencing

BigM IOCO Spra SeeV Cisco Jabber BlueJean s Polycom LifeSize Vidyo Zoom.U S Sponta nia FuzeBo x ClearO NE AGT Skype GoToMeetin g WebEX Google Hangout MS Lync by st Time Video Conferenc 21 st Century Guide

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First Time Video Conferencing guide by Conference Room Systems covering the following topics. Technology TimeLine, Types of Online Meetings, Common Uses for Video, Migration & Adoption, Preparing for a Launch, Best Practices for Equipment Setup, Setting Expectations and Organizational Goals, Offering “Reduced Travel” benefits and the Conclusion.


Page 1: First Time Video Conferencing



Spranto VSEE SeeVo


Adobe Connect


RadVision MS 365

Cisco Jabber BlueJeans Polycom LifeSize Vidyo

Zoom.US Spontania FuzeBox ClearONE AGT

Skype GoToMeeting WebEX Google Hangout MS Lync


First Time Video Conferencing

21st Century Guide

Page 2: First Time Video Conferencing

Video Conferencing for the 21st Century Contents

1. Technology TimeLine2. Types of Online Meetings3. Common Uses for Video4. Migration & Adoption5. Preparing for a Launch6. Best Practices for Equipment Setup7. Setting Expectations and Organizational

Goals8. Offering “Reduced Travel” benefits9. Conclusion

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1. Technology Timeline

Video Conferencing moves to the Cloud. Features make Video Conferencing easier

Costs of entry go down!

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2. Types of Online Meetings

• The “Video Call”• The “Virtual Meeting Room”• The “Mobile Meeting”• The Webinar

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The Video Call

• The “Video Call” is just like a ordinary phone call with the ability to show video and applications with the click of a button

• Like a phone call, one person dials and the other person must accept the call

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The Virtual Meeting Room

• A Virtual Meeting room is a video conferencing room with an ID that can be joined on the fly in a group settings

• A Virtual Meeting room has a link, an ID and optionally a password for private meetings

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The Mobile Meeting

• Mobile Meetings are launched from a Smart Phone or Computer on the Go

• They can be pre-arranged like a “Virtual Meeting” or on the fly like a “Video Call”

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The Webinar

• The Webinar is ideal for large events where 2-way communication with each participants would be cumbersome.

• 2-Way video and chat communication is managed by a set # of host presenters.

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3. Common Uses for Video Conferencing

Identifying where your organization can use video conferencing is key to reaping the benefits

• Routine Meetings• Sales & Marketing• Training and Events• Connecting your Mobile Workforce• Performing Remote Services

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4. Migration and AdoptionOnce you have identified how you can benefit from Video Conferencing. The more important

step is planning how to introduce your organization successfully.

• Establishing Executive Sponsorship• Identify key team leaders and discuss roles• Plan Migration date and set up pre-launch plans

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5. Pre-Launch Planning1-2 Months before Launch

Develop end user training program Meet with Marketing & Communications to create

promotional campaign (posters, flyers, & emails)1 Month before Launch

Send out informational email with executive approvalPrepare user guides, references and contact info

2 Weeks before LaunchAdd information to company news letter

Launch video calls using system with Team LeadersWeek before Launch

Send our training reminders and set up “Do it Yourself” Instructions

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Event Launch

“Seeing is Believing”Demonstrate the practical benefits with your users.

• Launch a Test Call• Demonstrate Screen Sharing• Demonstrate Annotation• Review Common Uses

• Review Mobile Application

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6. Video Conferencing Best Practices

• Choosing a Video Conferencing Software• Choosing Video Conferencing Hardware

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Video Conferencing Software

With so many Video Conferencing Software offerings available there are two main choices

that need to be made

We would like to Standardize on one

software everyone will use to connect to our meetings i.e. (Skype, GoToMeeting,

WebEX, MS Lync ect…)

We would like to be Interoperable with multiple

VTC software standards (H.323, SIP, Unified

Communications, ect…)

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Standardizing on a Video Conferencing Software


1. Staff training is simplified

2. Branding and Comfort levels rise

3. Easy management for IT support

4. Lower cost of Ownership

21st Century Benefits

1. One Click Login for users2. Easy launch from any

Computer via Link3. Integration with

Calendar Software4. BYOD Support now

covers all PC’s, Macs, iOS and Android


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Choosing a Interoperable Video Conferencing Software


1. The cloud connects advanced systems with

even the most basic systems

2. Greatest flexibility for dynamic organizations3. One size fits all


21st Century Benefits

1. One Click Login for users2. End users can connect

with software of their choice

3. Integration with Calendar Software

4. BYOD Support now covers all PC’s, Macs,

iOS and Android.

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Video Conferencing Hardware

4 Simple Components to any Video Conferencing Systems

1. Computer2. Camera3. Microphone4. User Control: Remote, Keyboard or

Touch Screen

+ + +

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Video Conferencing HardwareChoosing a PC

Dedicated PCBenefits

1. One time connection to equipment

2. Reliable one time installation

3. Provide IT Management & Support Remotely

User’s BYODBenefits

1. End users can use their own machine with

system2. Lower initial equipment


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Video Conferencing HardwareChoosing the Camera

Details to review about your camera

• Optical Zoom• Field of View• Resolution• Video Output

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Choosing a Camera for small rooms

Field of view is the most important factor in small

rooms to ensure every seat is being displayed by

your camera.

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Choosing a Camera for Medium/Large Rooms

Optical Zoom may be required for larger

rooms. Optical zoom allows users to zoom

into presenter, products and whiteboard presentations.

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Choosing a Camera Resolution

Most cameras today are either 720 or 1080p

resolution. Check with your software for


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Choosing a Camera Video Outputs

For Online virtual meetings USB 2.0 or 3.0 is ideal to connect with

any PC. If you are using a Hardware Video

Conferencing Codec you may desire a HDMI or DVI-I Video Output.

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Choosing a MicrophoneTable Top


• Best pick up performance

• Lowest Cost• Integration with

analog phones• Daisy-Chain for

larger spaces

Ceiling MicrophonesBenefits

• No cabling to table• Clean integrated

look• Wireless control

options• Integration with

existing phone connections

Bluetooth Microphones

Benefits• No Cabling to table• Less expensive

than Ceiling microphones

• Additional tools, such as call

recording, phone connections.

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Choosing a User Interface

Wireless Keyboard / MouseBenefits

1. Everyone is familiar with interface

2. Simply take control of Dedicated PC and

launch your meetings

Touch Screen BenefitsBenefits

1. Even simpler than a keyboard and mouse

2. Great for annotation capabilities

3. Simple Launch call with touch of icon

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Setting Organizational Goals and Expectations

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7. Setting Organizational Goals and Expectations

Create a Productivity Baseline• User Satisfaction

• Corporate Communications• Productivity Gains• Return on Investment

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8. Offering Reduce Travel Benefits to your customers

Pass along your saving & gain a new competitive edge• Review potential business

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9. Conclusion

Video Conferencing is a powerful tool that enables business to

communicate more effectively. With new technologies lower the

cost of entry there has never been a better time to consider video enabling your office for


Page 30: First Time Video Conferencing



Spranto VSEE SeeVo


Adobe Connect


RadVision MS 365

Cisco Jabber BlueJeans Polycom LifeSize Vidyo

Zoom.US Spontania FuzeBox ClearONE AGT

Skype GoToMeeting WebEX Google Hangout MS Lync

There’s a lot of options out thereSpeak with one of experts here:


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Call Us for more information on Web Video Conferencing

Call toll free: (800) 486-5276

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