fisiologi tear film

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  • 7/26/2019 Fisiologi Tear Film


    1.2.1 Fisiologi Tear Film

    Tear film normal diperlukan untuk mempertahankan fungsi permukaan okuler.

    Perubahan patologis yang terlihat pada dry eye disease mempengaruhi semua

    komponen tear film,mengubah bagian permukaan okuler yang awalnya bersifat

    ocular surface supportive menjadi pro - inflamatory(Khurana, 200!.

    "olume terbesar air mata dihasilkan oleh kelenjar lakrimalis yang terletak di

    fossa glandula la#rimalis yang terletak di kuadran temporal atas orbita. Kelenjar yang

    berbentuk kenari ini dibagi oleh kornu lateral aponeurosis le$ator menjadi lobus orbita

    yang lebih besar dan lobus palpebra yang lebih ke#il, masing%masing dengan sistem

    duktulus yang bermuara ke forniks temporal superior (Khurana, 200!.

    Persarafan kelenjar utama datang dari nu#leus la#rimalis di pons melalui ner$us

    intermedius dan menempuh suatu jaras rumit #abang ma&illaris ner$us trigeminus.

    Kelenjar lakrimal assesorius, walaupun hanya sepersepuluh dari massa kelenjar utama,

    mempunyai peranan penting. 'truktur kelenjar Krause dan olfring identik dengan

    kelenjar utama, namun tidak memiliki du#tus. Kelenjar%kelenjar ini terletak di dalam

    konjungti$a, terutama di forniks superior. 'el%sel goblet uniseluler, yang juga tersebar di

    konjungti$a, mensekresi glikoprotein dalam bentuk musin. )odifikasi kelenjar sebasea

    meibom dan *eis ditepian palpebra memberi lipid pada air mata. Kelenjar )oll adalah

    modifikasi kelenjar keringat yang ikut membentuk tear film. (Khurana, 200!.

    +ambar 2. Produksi -ear film

    (http//$$ingwithnf2ailments1#aredryeye.php !
  • 7/26/2019 Fisiologi Tear Film


    'ekresi kelenjar lakrimal dipi#u oleh emosi atau iritasi fisik dan menyebabkan air

    mata mengalir melimpah melewati tepian palpebra (epifora!. Kelenjar lakrimal

    assesorius dikenal sebagai pensekresi dasar. 'ekret yang dihasilkan normalnya

    #ukup untuk memelihara kesehatan kornea. ilangnya sel goblet, berakibat

    mengeringnya korena meskipun banyak airmata dari kelenjar lakrimal.(Khurana, 200!.

    1.2.2 Fungsi Tear Film.

    3ir mata membentuk lapisan tipis setebal %40 5m yang menutup epitel kornea

    dankonjungti$a(Khurana, 200!.

    6ungsi lapisan ultra tipis ini adalah

    4! )embuat kornea menjadi permukaan optik yang li#in denganmeniadakan ketidakteraturan minimal di permukaan epitel. -ear film adalah

    komponen penting dari the eyes optical system. -ear film dan permukaan

    anterior kornea memiliki mekanisme untuk memfokuskan refraksi sekitar

    07. 8ahkan sebuah perubahan ke#il pada kestabilan dan $olume tear film

    akan sangatmempengaruhi kualitas penglihatan (khususnya pada sensiti$itas

    pada kontras!. Tearbreak up menyebabkan aberasi optik yang akan

    menurunkan kualitas fokus gambaranyang didapatkan retina. 9leh karena itu,

    ketidakteraturan pada tear film preo#ular merupakan penyebab gejala $isual

    fatiguedan fotofobia.2! )embasahi dan melindungi permukaan epitel kornea dan konjungti$a yang

    lembut. Pergerakan kelopak mata dapat menimbulkan gaya : 4;0 dyne/#m

    yang mempengaruhi tear film. ", alergen dan iritan. Tear filmharus memiliki stabilitas untuk

    menghadapi paparan lingkungan tersebut. Komponen tear film yang

  • 7/26/2019 Fisiologi Tear Film


    berfungsi untuk perlindungan adalah ?g3, laktoferin, liso*im dan en*im

    peroksidase yang dapat melawan infeksi bakteri maupun $irus.

  • 7/26/2019 Fisiologi Tear Film


    o ?nfeksi atau kerusakan berulang pada kelenjar ini (seperti hordeolum,

    kala*ion serta blefaritis! akan menyebabkan gangguan lapisan lemak

    sehingga terjadi Clipid deficiency dry eyeC akibat penguapan berlebihan.o 6ungsi

    )enghambat penguapan lapisan air mata. )eningkatkan tekanan permukaan.

    )elubrikasi kelopak mata.

  • 7/26/2019 Fisiologi Tear Film


    Eat anti bakteri la#toferin, lyso*yme, betalysin.

    )emberikan permukaan optis yg halus.

    )embersihkan debris.

    o )ekanisme terbentuknya airmata

    Pada saat mengedip dan saat mata terbuka di antara kedipan. Pada saat mata terbuka, lapisan air mata (aAuous! akan berkurang

    akibat e$aporasi serta aliran keluar melalui pungtum dan duktus


    3pabila mata mulai terasa kering dan terjadi Cdry spotC pada kornea,

    mata akan terasa perih, menimbulkan rangsangan pada saraf

    sensoris dan terjadi refleks mengedip sehingga lapisan airmata

    terbentuk lagi dan seterusnya.

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  • 7/26/2019 Fisiologi Tear Film


    non%liso*im lain, membentuk mekanisme pertahananpenting terhadap infeksi. Dn*im air

    mata lain juga bisa berperan dalam diagnosis berbagaikondisi klinis tertentu, mis.,

    he&oseaminidase untuk mendiagnosis penyakit -ay%'a#hs.("aughan, 200!

    +ambar 2.44Komposisi air mata

    (http//majiidsumardi.blogspot.#om/2044/44/air%mata.html !

    Clinical features

    Symptoms suggestive of dry eye include irritation,

    foreign body (sandy) sensation, feeling of dryness,

    itching, non-specific ocular discomfort and

    chronically sore eyes not responding to a variety of

    drops instilled earlier.Signs of dry eye include: presence of stringy mucus

    and particulate matter in the tear film, lustureless

    ocular surface, conjunctival xerosis, reduced or absent

    marginal tear strip and corneal changes in the form of

    punctate epithelial erosions and filaments.

    Tear film tests

    These include tear film break-up time (!T), "chirmer-# test, vital staining $ith %ose engal, tear levels of

    Fig. 15.3. &limination of tears by lacrimal pump mechanism.

    lyso'yme and lactoferrin, tear osmolarity and
  • 7/26/2019 Fisiologi Tear Film


    dr. prashant goyal

    366 Comprehensive *+T**/0

    conjunctival impression cytology. *ut of these !T,

    "chirmer-# test and %ose engal staining are mostimportant and $hen any t$o of these are positive,

    diagnosis of dry eye syndrome is confirmed.

    1. Tear film break-up (BUT). #t is the interval bet$een

    a complete blink and appearance of first randomly

    distributed dry spot on the cornea. #t is noted after

    instilling a drop of fluorescein and examining in a

    cobalt-blue light of a slit-lamp. !T is an indicator of

    ade1uacy of mucin component of tears. #ts normalvalues range from 23 to 43 seconds. 5alues less than

    26 seconds imply an unstable tear film.

    2.Schirmer-I test. #t measures total tear secretions. #t

    is performed $ith the help of a 3 7 43 mm strip of

    8hatman-92 filter paper $hich is folded 3 mm from

    one end and kept in the lo$er fornix at the junction of

    lateral one-third and medial t$o-thirds. The patient isasked to look up and not to blink or close the eyes

    (ig. 23.9). fter 3 minutes $etting of the filter paper

    strip from the bent end is measured. ;ormal values of

    "chirmer-# test are more than 23 mm. 5alues of 3-26

    mm are suggestive of moderate to mild

    keratoconjunctivitis sicca (? pattern represents mild or

    early cases $ith fine punctate stains in the

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    interpalpebral area@ >? the moderate cases $ith

    extensive staining@ and >? the severe cases $ith

    confluent staining of conjunctiva and cornea.

    Treatmentt present, there is no cure for dry eye. The follo$ing

    treatment modalities have been tried $ith variable


    1.Supplementation with tear substitutes. rtificial

    tears remains the mainstay in the treatment of dry

    eye. These are available as drops, ointments and slo$release

    inserts. ostly available artificial tear drops

    contain either cellulose derivatives (e.g., 6.A3 to 6.BCmethyl cellulose and 6.4C hypromellose) or polyvinyl

    alcohol (2.9C).

    2. Topical cyclosporine (6.63C, 6.2C) is reported to

    be very effective drug for dry eye in many recent

    studies. #t helps by reducing the cell-mediated

    inflammation of the lacrimal tissue.

    3.ucolytics, such as 3 percent acetylcystine used9 times a day help by dispersing the mucus threads

    and decreasing tear viscosity.

    4. Topical retinoi!s have recently been reported to

    be useful in reversing the cellular changes (s1uamous

    metaplasia) occurring in the conjunctiva of dry eye


    5."reser#ation of e$isting tears by re!ucing

    e#aporation an! !ecreasing !rainage.

    DEvaporation can be reducedby decreasing room

    temperature, use of moist chambers and protective


    DPunctal occlusion to decrease drainage can be

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    carried out by collagen implants, cynoacrylate

    tissue adhesives, electrocauterisation, argon laser

    occlusion and surgical occlusion to decrease the

    drainage of tears in patients $ith very severedry eye. (kurana)

    acrimal "ystem =ysfunction


  • 7/26/2019 Fisiologi Tear Film


    destruction of the lacrimal gland.

    G Altered composition of the tear film. The composition

    of the tear film can

    alter due to vitamin deficiency, medications (such asoral contraceptives

    and retinoids), or certain environmental influences (such

    as nicotine,

    smog, or air conditioning). The tear film breaks up too

    1uickly and causes

    corneal drying.

    =ry eyes can represent a disorder in and of itself.

    "ymptoms: +atients complain of burning, reddened eyes,

    and excessive lacrimation

    (reflex lacrimation) from only slight environmental causes

    such as

    $ind, cold, lo$humidity, or reading for an extended

    period of time. foreignbody sensation is also present. These symptoms may be

    accompanied by

    intense pain. &yesight is usually minimally compromised

    if at all.

    =iagnostic considerations: *ften there is a discrepancy

    bet$een the minimal

    clinical findings that the ophthalmologist can establishand the intense

    symptoms reported by the patient. %esults fromSchirmer

    tear testing usually

  • 7/26/2019 Fisiologi Tear Film


    sho$ reductions of the $atery component of tears, and the

    tear rea!"up

    time ($hich provides information about the mucin

    content of the tear film$hich is important for its stability) is reduced. 5alues of

    at least 26 seconds

    are normal@ the tear break-up time in keratoconjunctivitis

    sicca is less than 3


    Slit lamp examination$ill reveal dilated conjunctival

    vessels and minimal

    pericorneal injection. tear film meniscus cannot be

    demonstrated on the

    lo$er eyelid margin, and the lo$er eyelid $ill push the

    conjunctiva along in

    folds in front of it.

    4 acrimal "ystemang, *phthalmology I A666 Thieme

    ll rights reserved. !sage subject to terms and conditions

    of license.


    #nsevere cases the eye $ill be reddened, and the tear film

    $ill contain thick

    mucus and small filaments that proceed from a superficialepithelial lesion

    (filamentary keratitis@ see ig. 3.11). The corneal lesion

    can be demonstrated

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    $ith fluorescein d#e. #n less severe cases the eye $ill

    only be reddened,

    although application of fluorescein dye $ill reveal corneal

    lesions (superficialpunctate keratitis@ see p. 24E). The rose engal test (see

    p. 3A) and impression

    c#tolog# (see p. 34) are additional diagnostic tests that are

    useful in evaluating

    persistent cases.

    Treatment: =epending on the severity of findings,

    artificial tear solutions in

    varying viscosities are prescribed. These range

    fromeyedrops to high-viscosity

    long-acting gels that may be applied every hour or every

    half hour,

    depending on the severity of the disorder. #n persistent

    cases, the puncta canbe temporarily closed $ith silicone punctal plugs (ig.

    4.11) to at least retain

    the fe$tears that are still produced. Surgical oliteration

    of the puncta may

    be indicated in severe cases.

    +atients should also be informed about the possibility of

    installing an airhumidifier in the home and redirecting blo$ers in

    automobiles to avoid

    further drying of the eyes. =ry eyes in $omen may also

    be due to hormonal

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    changes, and a g#necologist should e consulted

    regarding the patient?s hormonal


    +rognosis: The prognosis is good for those treatmentsdiscussed here.

    o$ever, the disorder cannot be completely healed.

    Treatment of dr# e#es.

    ig. 4.11 Treatment

    can be augmented

    by temporarily


    the puncta $ith

    silicone punctal


    4.9 acrimal "ystem =ysfunction