fiskaz company profile

36 Company Profile : Social Media

Post on 19-Oct-2014



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www.fiskaz.comCompany Profile : Social Media

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Digital Marketing

Social Media Optimization

Search Engine


Online Media Buying

Online Reputation


Web Development

Mobile and Email



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CLIENTSIndia• Aircel • Reliance Pictures• Reliance Home Videos• Femina Miss India• Mainland China• SSA Business Solutions • Streax (Vasmol)

UK• Consensus • British Red Cross• Chesterton Humberts• West London College• London Training College• All Bar One• Hopkins Bicycles Online• Shell Petroleum

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The DM Team

Evangelist /Lead Account


Social Media Experts

Content Creators, Managers & Developers

Online Public Relations & Reputation Managers

Data Analysts

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Founding Members

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Kenneth Hopkins : 25yrsSocial Media Evangelist / General Manager

Kenneth has worked as a Marketer for 7years, of which he has 5 years’ experience within the Social Media domain spanning experience across India and the United Kingdom. While in UK, he has been associated with Consensus Business Group (Hedge Fund), British Red Cross, All Bar One, West London College, Shell Petroleum, London Training College, Chesterton Humberts; all in the area of Social Media and Strategy. Kenneth has a BBA and a Double PG from the UK with specialization in Marketing Management. He is currently working towards his PhD producing a thesis on SMO a sustainable resource. Kenneth is referred to as a rising Social Media Evangelist by a college of his peers.

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Yashvir Dalaya: 25yrsSocial Media Head / ORM

Yashvir has several years of experience in the Customer Service industry and the leap to Social Media was only a natural advancement of his people skills. After completing his graduation he pursued a specialized course in the digital media industry to further sharpen his skills and gain a holistic understanding of the field in its entirety. He has worked with brands like Kingfisher Airlines, GE, Aircel, Reliance Home Video, Paramount films of India, Warner Brothers, Yardley London, among others. He is currently studying to further his skills in SEO and Analytics.

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1. Exposure to an international socio-economic environment, education and experience.

2. Deep insight into varied consumer behaviour - Ability to analyse & forecast consumer trends.

3. Multilingual – Ability to communicate with a variety of people nationally and internationally.

4. Utility of Neuro Linguistic Programming - Ability to apply subliminal marketing techniques.

Our Team comprises of Experts Possess the following Skill-Set.

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5. Great media planning & buying capacity - Ability to strategize and manage projects efficiently.

6. Ability to provide the clear analytics to measure ROI

7. Internet Marketing, Media Buying, Social Media Marketing,

8. Online Reputation Management and Search Engine Optimization

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Still Asking that Silly Question ?? Why SMO?? Why DM??

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In the last few months, have YOU,

either professionally or personallyDone the Following???

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1.Responded or answered to a direct mail letter or brochure?

(Current research shows just a 3% respond rate)

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2. Did you follow up on a mainstream media advertisement such as TV, Radio, Magazine or Newspaper?


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3. Did you go to the Yellow Pages to look up a company to buy a product?


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4. Did you Google and search online when looking to purchase a product or service?


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5. Used Your Peer to Peer Network via Facebook, Instant Messenger, Twitter, LinkedIn or other Social Media to get a URL to a website for a product that you were looking to buy?


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And here is the clincher…..

6. So why are you still using marketing for your company that you yourself have minimal

response to?

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Our Approach

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IDEASBecause we understand that Each Brand is Different

And because we Believe that Content is King,

We are all about the IDEAS

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Not Just Facebook and Twitter

Though FB and Twitter are Important, we believe Social Media is Far beyond Just FB and Twitter Its

about a holistic Digital Plan with custom Ideas and Metrics to track progress.

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The Progressive Process

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Each one of the three stages has its own nuances, so let’s take a

look at what happens during each.

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From the Pro Web 2.0 business community,

About 50% are still at the Launch stage,

About 40% are at the Management stage

& About 10% are at the Optimization stage.

3 stages of the Social Media ROI cycle

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Stage 1: Launch

During the Launch stage, 100% of a company’s focus is on setting up the big four: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

Some companies focus on the big four plus more. We will focus on the Big 4 plus Wikipedia at this stage.

The approach during this Launch stage is very executional with very little long-term planning. The primary objective is simply to

get started.

After all, don’t you want to ensure that YOUR brand is utilizing cutting-edge techniques?

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Unfortunately, the results of theStage 1 process are negligible. Though we would have a social media campaign running, we won’t really see much traction unless you move on to Stage 2.

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Stage 2: Management

During this stage, roughly 60% of a company’s efforts are focused on the big four (or the big four plus more).

About 10% of the focus is on creative and offer development,

20% on tracking quantitative metrics such as traffic, inbound links, Facebook “Likes,” etc.,

and about 10% on qualitative metrics such as brand sentiment, survey results and customer polls.

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Stage 2 is where many of the moresophisticated companies find themselves right now. They’re managing their social presence, testing creative ideas, tracking quantitative metrics and analyzing qualitative data.

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The approach during the Management stage is still very tactical,

But the focus is on mid-term instead of short-term results, which is an improvement over Stage 1.

The corporate objective at this stage is to engage prospects and customers in some way that gets them to connect with the brand.

Ideally, this would mean buying something, but it can also mean downloading a brochure, liking a Facebook Page, responding to a survey, or any other measurable evidence that they’re connecting with your brand.

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Quantitative Metrics: These are the metrics that are data-intensive and number-oriented. You can really get overloaded with different metrics here, so the trick is to pick the key metrics that most influence your business and not get bogged down with the rest. Those metrics might include unique visits, page views, followers, demographics, frequency, bounce rate, length of visit or just about any other metric that’s specifically data-oriented.

Qualitative Metrics: These are the metrics that have an emotional component to them. For example, if 75% of the people who mention your product online call it “cheap” and only 25% call it “inexpensive,” that’s a qualitative metric that has an impact on your business.

At this stage you can choose to go in for regular or advanced ORM (Online Reputation Management)

Regular ORM : Would include Brand Analysis Advanced ORM : Would include Brand Analysis & Competitor Analysis

*We highly recommend the later since there is more value to a combined analysis.

Stage 2 : Metrics at this Stage

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Stage 3: Optimization About 25% of the focus at this stage is on the “big four plus


about 30% is evenly split among creative and offer development, quantitative metrics and qualitative metrics,

Another 25% of a company’s focus is on improving conversion and optimization of campaigns,

o It’s all about tracking inbound leads and traffic across social media platforms, using tools, and watching those leads turn into customers, either on e-commerce landing pages or through B2B lead generation programs. It also means testing your way to success with social media campaigns. This can be as simple as trying two different landing pages to see which one drives more clicks. Or, it can be as complex as multivariate testing that analyzes more than one component at a time.

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The final 20% of a company’s efforts in Stage 3 include measuring the success of the campaign on an ROI basiso The process involves understanding your Customer Lifetime Value (the total

revenue the average customer generates for your business during the lifetime of their engagement with you) and comparing it to the results generated by your social media campaign..

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In the end, all roads should lead to social media ROI. After all, businesses don’t dosocial media to be social, they do social media to grow sales and revenues.

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Along with the Quantitative & Qualitative Metrics mentioned before there will also be ROI Metrics: In the world of social media, all roads should lead to ROI. After all, during business hours, social media isn’t just about being social, is it? We’re doing it to make money. And if you track what percentage of people you converted from a prospect to a customer on your e-commerce site, or how many people you converted from a prospect to a client on your B2B website, then you’ll be able to measure the success of your social media campaign on an ROI basis.

At this point Advanced ORM (Online Reputation Management) becomes mandatorySince the overall analysis would be incomplete without this facility.

Stage 3 : Metrics at this Stage

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Standard Operating Procedure

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Work with Us

We are always eager to build new relationships. We would Love to Hear from You

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Fiskaz - Media & Marketing Solution2, Silver Croft, 16th road, TPS III, Pali, Bandra,

Mumbai, Maharashtra 400050

M: +91 9768 920 125 | +91 8898 552 522E: [email protected] | [email protected]

W: Skype ID: