five forces qigong

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  • 7/27/2019 Five Forces Qigong


    5FORCESQIGONGby Mark Johnson

    According to modern physics, in all

    the universe there are only 4 forces acting

    on matter: gravity, electro/magnetism, and

    the strong and weak nuclear forces. Theseforces are supposedly held together by a 5th

    force, the Unied Field Theory.

    Three thousand years ago, the Chinese

    said roughly the same thing... there are 5

    forces: the tendency to expand out in all

    directions, (the Wood element phase) the

    tendency to rise, (the Fire element phase)

    the tendency to sink, (the Water element

    phase) and the tendency to contract. (the

    Metal element phase) These 4 energy phases

    are held together by the 5th Phase, (theEarth element phase) which contains all

    the others. From now on, I will not refer to

    those 5 Phases of Energy Transformation

    as "Elements" because they are not "things",

    they are forces that eventually transform

    into each other.

    The following is a detailed description

    ofhow to move so that you give expression

    to all 5 tendencies of your being. It is called

    5 Forces Qigongand is considered by some

    to be the best thing you can do for yourself

    when you only have a 5 minute break. So

    now, stand up from that chair and give

    expression to your "Fire" phase.

    Stand in the beginning Qigong posture,

    feet shoulder width apart, tail bone lowered,

    head suspended, tongue touching the roof

    of your mouth, relax and breathe deep.

    Your left hand is in the "beak' position,

    (all 4 ngers converging on your thumb)

    put it at the base of your spine pointing up

    to encourage your Qi to

    rise up your spine. Your

    right hand is rising up

    from the top of your head

    (palm up) to encourage

    your Qi to go out the

    top of your head. Your

    right arm curves down to

    become the "beak" in theback as your left hand

    rises up to the top of your

    head to repeat the move

    on the left. Repeat this on

    both sides 9 times. Inhale

    up your back, exhale out

    your head and down.

    Next, give expression

    to your "Wood" phase by spreading

    your feet wide and

    inging your armsup and out as wide

    as you can. Look

    up and inhale as

    you expand out,

    then exhale as you

    lower your arms.

    Repeat 9 times.

    Then give expression to your "Water"

    or sinking energy. Put your weight on

    your bent left leg and

    touch your right toe tothe ground. Brush the

    back of your right hand

    across your right and

    left kidney then down

    the outside of your left

    hip and leg. Imagine

    your kidney energy going

    down and out your left

    leg. While that is happening, the back of

    your left hand is passing in front of your

    face from right to left heading for your

    left kidney. Exhale while

    brushing down your leg

    and inhale before brush-

    ing down your other leg.

    Repeat on both sides 9


    Next, give expres-

    sion to your "Metal"

    or contractive energy.

    This exercise is the exact

    opposite of the Wood

    phase. Stand feet shoul

    der width apart, slightly

    slumped over, shoulders

    rounded, toes pointed in

    palms facing each other in

    front of your lower abdo-

    men. With the emphasis

    on the exhale, squeeze a

    small ball then inhale and make the bal

    larger. Repeat 9 times.

    The nal Phase is

    "Earth" or the phase that

    contains all the others.

    Start slightly hunched

    over, backs of your hands

    facing each other at your

    lower Tan Tien and start

    to exhale. Then slowly sit

    down while exhaling unti

    your fingers touch the

    Earth between your feet

    With your head down

    look at your ngers. Then

    inhale as you stand up

    straight and throw your

    head back as your arms

    y out and up with your

    palms facing up. Look up....

    Then start exhal-

    ing as you slump

    down as the backs

    of your hands meet

    near your navel.

    Repeat 9 times.

    Then do a few

    moments of quiet

    standing as you

    run the microcosmic orbit up your spine and

    down your front in order to congeal your

    energies. Finish by rubbing your palms

    around your navel clockwise 9 times to

    store your Qi.

    Since 5 Phase Qigong only takes 5

    minutes to do and stirs up all the energies

    in your body, it is ideal for those of you

    who sit at a desk all day. Do it several times

    a day and see if you don't sustain a higher

    energy level throughout the day.

    Mark can be contacted at:

    [email protected]