five situations in which company valuation comes handy


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Post on 22-Jan-2018




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Page 1: Five situations in which company valuation comes handy

Five situations in which company valuation comes handy

Page 2: Five situations in which company valuation comes handy

A common query of most small businessmen is to know how beneficial it is to get one’s business appraised or valued. While it is not an unknown fact that the data of a business valuation helps in better decision making, there are certain situations which demand authentic valuation of the business for

legitimate reasons. Here are five such situations any small businessman might face which can be steered clear of with an authentic business valuation.

Page 3: Five situations in which company valuation comes handy

Needless to say it is quite impossible to take up the right decision while planning an exit strategy without the knowledge of the worth of one’s business. A company valuation from an authentic valuation service provider helps the businessman to understand the direction the business is heading to and facilitates the laying down of alternatives of exit strategy i.e. whether to sell, or merge with another company or to make it public.

While developing an exit strategy

Page 4: Five situations in which company valuation comes handy

The knowledge of the value of a company is a must for a businessman who is thinking of any merger. It would be extremely difficult to negotiate the price of a merger without the company valuation report. In fact, there is ample chance of missing out great opportunities if the company is under-valued during the merger. Another dimension which must not be neglected is the fact that the company valuation report also helps in attracting the best merger prospect, increasing the profitability of the business in the long run.

While negotiating a merger

Page 5: Five situations in which company valuation comes handy

The valuation report also comes handy in a great way when the company is undergoing a partnership buyout. The report provides the information which helps a businessman to determine the fairest buyout amount, thus, protecting him or her from getting under-paid. The valuation report might also reveal data which might make the separating partners reconsider their decision of divorce.

While undergoing a partnership divorce

Page 6: Five situations in which company valuation comes handy

A sound tax planning demands comprehensive knowledge of the company’s turnover and worth. The information derived from a business valuation is used to determine the areas where taxes can be broken legitimately. In fact, an online business valuation calculator also presents the data of taxable areas of the business, making the tax planning profitable. Such information helps in minimizing the tax burden to a great extent.

While planning for taxes

Page 7: Five situations in which company valuation comes handy

When a businessman seeks to determine the domains of the business which have lagged behind from others and needs to immediately be improved, the document which comes in the handiest is the business valuation report. The report not only reveals the areas which need greater care, but also helps in understanding the trend of under-performance. The understanding, in turn, helps in taking proper precautionary measures.

While investigating domains with scope for improvement

Page 8: Five situations in which company valuation comes handy

For more information click below :-Company Valuation