flat plans

Flat Plan Hannah Sewell

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Post on 24-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Flat plans

Flat PlanHannah Sewell

Page 2: Flat plans

This will be a sentence telling people about the homeless, this is used by a chosen font. I have used the ‘Russo One’ font due to it’s boldness and size.


A frame is used to help make the billboard more sophisticated and 3D

Using a young man means it can reach out to that age group

URLStop Youth Homelessness

This lets them know what the billboard is about. By using a subtitle makes it look organized and neat.


Stop Youth Homelessness

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Colour Scheme: I have used blue for the background because it’s a very gender neutral colour. It’s a relaxed and calming tone that looks smart and sophisticated. When this goes onto a billboard it will really stand out in the streets, this is because most of the objects that surround this billboard will not have this colour background. Once the public see the calming colour they will see a sentence on it. Sentences: The sentences will be things like ‘they should be visible not invisible’ and ‘did you see that boy before, if not make him visible’. This tells the audience that they are there own person and should be looked at. It’s a very strong message to put across. I’m trying to go from a calming mood of the colour into reading a strong message so it’s more of a shock.

Stop Youth Homelessness

I’ve put an URL and a subtitle for the billboard because people can see what the billboard is about and the URL can send them to other information for there benefit which is important. This means SASH can receive more donations and volunteers. The subtitle will be a black but much smaller and not in a bold font, this is because I want all the attention on the title and then they will read the subtitle. This will make more sense to them that way.

This font used is very bold and strong and will be used in a black colour. The contrasting black goes really well with the blue because it makes a statement and they are both bold strong colours which will stand out on a billboard. The cartoon quirky effect gives it more of a youthful edge. The fact that this font covers most of the PowerPoint means it the attention is on that and not the image which is what I want.

The image fits really well with this billboard because it’s a young person, who’s in black and white which automatically makes the image look old and dreary. This is a good effect because you would look at the title before the image. The image is small and doesn’t stand out which is a bonus and fits well with the billboard. The emotion that that persons in looks miserable and the public would automatically think ‘I would hate it if my son was on the streets’ then they would consider volunteering. That why this billboard is important to SASH. Even though I have used a male for my image, it should still attract females that are homeless. This is due to the colour and the title, the image would help them to connect to what he is going through. This means they are more likely to ask for help.

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Fonts and Images

These images all have something in common, it’s the fact that they are all looked down on. The first image has a young man sitting on the floor looking up at people. Whilst the two girls are in a building that’s dangerous, old and has graffiti on it. I have picked these images because all of these teenagers look normal which is important, they all have a tired, sad emotion on there faces and there message is to ask for help. In the billboard I’m using a picture of a person without the background, this is important because I think having the person on there own looks more affective than having someone with a background. They will look more lonely on a massive billboard when the image is really small in insignificant. The fact that they are all people that are aged 16-24 means it fits the target market perfectly.

I like these fonts because they are all strong attractive text that will grasp an audience’s attention. The font ‘Front Page News’ is a good font because all the letters are straight, smart and have no quirkiness to it. This will fit well with people that are 25+ because then it means more people will become volunteers due to the fact that the font caught there eye and that they read newspapers on a daily basis. The ‘BP Reply’ font reminds me of the font Apple uses for there produces. For example IPod advertisements etc. It’s what teenagers like and always want when blocking out things in there area. This will look youthful and more exciting as a title. ‘Gross’ and ‘Russo One’ font are very similar because they are both quite masculine, this makes the title look more bold and large which is what you want when putting a statement across. ‘H.H. Samuel’ is very feminine and sophisticated which is what you want when making an elegant billboard. I think this will reach out to the more feminine audience which is a good thing.

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Title here, with no background colour just black text

Image takes up all of the poster so that it’s centre of attention

Following on the sentence at the top and putting it at the bottom

URL and Logo goes here

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I’ve used a picture that has both genders on it. I believe this is effective as it is sending out a big message to both female and male genders. I’m hoping to get an image of two people that are the same age and then merge them together so it looks like this. By having the image covering the whole poster it means that the attention will be on them straight away. This will cause people to ask questions which is what you want. The public will also look at this because it’s not a normal face, by distorting or having two different faces always catches someone’s eye.

The couture font is trying to show that the font is going to be large and bold. The sentences I was going to use is ‘Your Not Alone, we can help’ and ‘You’re an individual, not invisible’. Sentences like this will really bring in an audience. I was going to use a SASH font but then I thought have big bold writing to attract the audience more like a newspaper title. The title will be at the top of the poster and then a sentence at the bottom saying ‘help the homeless’. This will help the public understand that this is a homeless poster.

I’ve put the website URL in a different font as it looks sophisticated and neat in the corner. If it’s neatly away at the bottom it means once everyone has looked at the poster, they can read the URL and use it later on to find out information.

The background will be white which means it’s stripped back and easy to understand. I don’t want to have bright colours because then it will take away the meaning of the poster. Also SASH uses a white background on most of there advertising to it’s important to link in some similarity.

It’s important to have an image of young people that look normal. This is what I’m trying to put across when making the poster. SASH are also trying to show that teenagers are normal when they are homeless. All they need is help. I’m going to have different posters for each one. The only difference will be the picture of the male and female. The fact that they are different means there is a collection of advertisements for people to look at. It shows the public that they are normal whatever they look like, even if they are homeless.

I will put the SASH logo on the bottom right where the URL is so everything is next to each other. This looks more organization and a sophisticated charity that help others.

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Four Box Images of a girl that’s sad then smiling in the box next to it. Below: there is a boy upset then a picture of him happy on the next one.

2nd Flat Plan Idea

-By having 4 different pictures in a box it shows that different people need help. Also the transaction of having a teenager that’s sad and then one that’s really happy shows that this charity has helped to look after those people. By putting the images in the centre it means it’s directly eye level which will be suitable for the public to see. They are good size, I was thinking of having a background to there images as it shows where there from and why they are sad or happy. By having both genders in this picture means this charity helps a variety of people which is important.

- The text will be in the ‘American Purpose’ type font, it’s quirky and really fits well with teenagers. I think the fact that the text looks like it’s in a comic book really adds to the youth element of it. The fact that it’s in a large font means the audience can read the title and see how the charity can help, this will be done through going on the URL at the bottom which will be in the same font so it all fits together nicely.

- The logo is going to be large to it tells the public that it’s a secure charity that’s want to do good advertisements. The fact that not many people know about SASH means that it’s good to make the logo as large as possible so people can see what it looks like. For example McDonalds have there brand picture right in the centre of there products so it’s good to put the SASH logo in a secure place.

- The background will be white again so that the main features can really stand out, like the font, images and logo. These three things are the most important on the poster.

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SASH Before


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Fonts Decisions for Both Ideas

These are the fonts that I am considering for my first poster layout. They each have there own character that will really help towards making a statement in the poster. I’m trying to get a newspaper heading kind of feel when it comes to the final layout of the poster. By having a title font is means that the audience automatically reads the title first to find out what the story or meaning is about. This is why I chose thick black fonts. The font will tell the audience that there is news and that this charity can help you. It’s encouraging them to make a stand and to really find out about SASH. For the first layout poster I was thinking of making the font a green colour so that it fits the logo and the colour scheme is shown well. Green is a natural, elegant colour which is good because it makes the poster look more positive instead of negative.Tondu is a good font because each letter has a thick outer layer of

black which really stands out and brings the letter forward on the page. The lettering also looks quite youthful and simple which is what you want from the title. The only negative is that it’s not very easy to read, if you have big thick letters on a page then it takes over everything which is what you don’t need. If the title is short enough then this font would be perfect for that. The Muro font is very similar to the Tondu font because they are both bold and big. The difference with the Muro font is that it’s got curvier letters which gives a more masculine look towards the poster. This would work well because it catches attention and it’s not a normal font that someone would use. It would help make the poster look very unique.

This font is very urban and it links well with newspapers. When you read a newspaper most of there titles would be in this font which is really good for what I need. You also see these fonts in restaurant menu’s and business titles because of it’s newspaper and quirky feel. This is one of the main fonts that I would definitely consider when putting it on my poster as it’s neat, sophisticated and puts the point across.

This is a very chic look towards the poster. It’s clear and neat which is important but it also has a flare that teenagers like especially 17-19 year olds. I think the fact that it’s bold structured nicely means it would fit perfectly within my poster. It might be a a bit to girly as it’s a gender neutral advertisement.

This is my favorite font so far, this is because it looks like it’s come straight from a comic book. This is good because teenagers around 16-17 read comic book which will help towards the project. Even if it’s for teenagers, people that are 19-24 will still like the font because it’s quirky and has a edge to it. The font is very positive and will not take over to much of the poster.

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Image Ideas for the Posters First PosterThe main idea for the posters was to have different images of people that had different expressions. On one poster I would have one half of a girl sad and the other half smiling. This would represent that over time SASH has helped those teenagers. This will give confidence to other homeless children that they can get help if they wanted. The image on the right of the girl is similar to this, one half of the girl is healthy and the other half is on drugs. Instead the healthy side of the girl would be smiling and the other half would still be normal but sad. This makes the poster look different, it also involves a lot of emotion. The fact that there is emotion means that it can connect the text and picture together nicely so it portrays a strong message to the audience. It’s also a good method to have both male and female connected in a picture, this is good as it shows a community feel that people are in this together. It shows that SASH doesn’t work with a one dominant gender which is good because then they can welcome anyone. Volunteers would look at this and think that it would be good to help homeless teenagers because they still look normal.

Second Poster ImagesInstead of having images that a combined together, I was thinking of having separate pictures that show one persons feelings. Showing a girl being upset and then showing there happiness is a really effective way of showing how healthy and pleased they are now as people. Volunteers would like to see this because then they get to see that SASH works hard to give people happiness. I have put 4 pictures together like this because it’s good to see how people from both genders come out of something that is horrible. A young teenager male would look at that man and see that he can be happy again. A teenager girl can do the same thing, it will give them comfort. I would make sure that the pictures were of the same person. This is just a sample, I would go out and take pictures of one female and one male through different emotion so that I can match them together like this. I would do this for the images on the first poster too. By editing these images I would make sure that the positive pictures were bright and nice whilst the sad pictures are surrounded dark colours. This gives of a strong atmosphere to the audience.

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Colour scheme

There isn’t going to be a strong colours in my posters. The only colours that I am considering is changing the font colour into the SASH colour theme which is light green. This is a nice colour that represents things like beauty, nature and happiness which is what SASH do, they give confidence back into those teenagers. The green colour will also help to make the poster stand out if need be, the image will hopefully do that but the text will bring out the information needed. By connecting the text and logo together it means it looks smart and in the right order. It’s also important to link different parts of the poster to SASH because then people will know that it’s all connected. This can be through colour scheme, fonts and the layout. I’m trying to connect the font and colour theme to the charity so it looks similar. I want to do an urban/street edge to the advertisement by putting peoples faces together. This is because these posters will be on shopping centre walls and bus stops which is where most teenagers would go to travel and to shop etc. It’s important to locate it in the right area and I think these are the best areas to put the posters.