fliahif tbe democratic - chronicling america

l/iavre colicotlon a necklace of preciona atonee of fcalxteenth centnry workmanship, wbich carae to C as rWidnary legatee. Ita onlv equal in tbe world tin tbe regalia at St. Petershu.g. Mine. Thiers 2,afew_T(..t occaeions woreit in the early years "ber married life. M Mignet and other oid and tntimate fri.uda are legateea. Oeneral S!ierman ia indebted to " Private Dalzell" Hwtlesecomtnendatlona: " He has a quick eye and teads yon clear throngh tbe moment bo casts bia flance at you. He bates yon, deepisea yon, loves or .dmires you on aight, yet wilh tbe thorougb breed- _ng aud reflneinent ef a gentleman he never givee onneceaaary offence to even tbe nieanest men or women. All he wanta ls a wide berth to diviue him from their aociety. and if ibey cannot take one of bis pleaaant hinta to vacate the premises, they mnst not be anrpriaed to hear inverted acripture burtlmg »hoiit their eara. for oid Billv despiaes borcs and foola and won't h8ve them uenr bim. Hia apeech is rapifl, flowing, eloqoeut, full of emotiou. earnest »,id uobesiUtiuglv eandid. He calla thiutra t.y their right names, aud never miuce* mattera a bit to please any man." Tbe Norwegian Poet. Bjom-tjerne Bjornson, bas written a pleaaant letter from Boaton to the Vienna XieteFrtie Prette. General Grant waa there at the time, and the po.t haa worda of lofty admiration for tbe independent and decent mannera of the crowd, compoeed of the ricb and the poor. that snrrounded tbe 8tate House and even torotige<l tbe balls during tbe reception in General Grant's honor. Tbe same republican qualitiea impreased him at a political meeting. Tbe inteliiaence und manly dignity of the gndienoc electriflod him ao that " he never in bis life felt atronger or ao fllled with the joy of life." He waa snrprised to fiudsociety so abnndantly sprinkled with men notable for learning and ability. It seemed .ronderfnl to him tbat" ao manv of the ednoated men abouid have a super-apiritual trait, and poesess tu ideal. even sentimental eitttinsiasm. lt waa the laa' thing 1 exp«*ted to flnd ln Araerica." He gives this pea aketc'i _f General Grant: " He ib small and thick-set, with bis head beat a little forward. Hia M wander while be ls greeting a person, but when beaoeaksto any one theyrest quietly aud atead- faatlv upon the person spoken to, and tb;n one a.ea bow bia Btrong characteristic is hcaltbv eold refleo- tion, and firmness of grasp, poaition, look aud mien. Urant ia not a greut _oul, but Le ia a pnre, a strong obaracter, that of all counsels chooaes theaoundeat, »nd holde iirmly to it nntil tbe purpoae becomos the Jeed." Otiawa, Onr.. Jan. 16..It ia aaid that the Pnn- eessLouise will >eturu to Ottawa early in May. GLXERAL NOTES. A mania for oarricb fartning possesses the HttlerB ln Konth Afrioa, and vast traets or siieeii-paattiro are heing converted into ranees for tha more priinrat>U WpedB. As a result the prioe of niuitou bas advanced 2 cent* per poiiud. The " petrified serpentv reeently diaeovered <._ tbe bank of tb> Oswego Biver larna ont to be a frnud ol so palp.it>,e a nature as to be unwoitl.y a plaee bc-idc Ihe "Card ff glaut," whlih was made ot gn;>ri. sni.st.in- tial atone. w_ile hls ei,ake*bip ls fouiid lo cousist of clay. Biotiideii aid bakrd like rude potterv. The town of Windham, Me., boaats of an aged mlnlster and au aueteut cliuicn. lhe latter haviug bem organzed early ln tiie last eeatary. The paatsa. ttie Rev. Luth'-r Wiswell, ls an octogeuiirli.il. but still nmalns ln active sorvlce. Oa Snnrtuy, tbe 14th ln-t-. he celebrated the eigl.tleth anulveraarv of* hls birtti by Bsermon frooi ihe uppropiiate text, " I am tbia day Iour acore years oid." A Gennan correspondeut of Ihe Pall Hall Gazett; wilti-a tbat tue fltiaucial diatreas iu lieruiauy ls Yery great. Selling prices and land rents ure falliug Irlghtrully low. Tue result ls that iichtors on uiortcuge rannot pay tbe Interest of their debts, aud ure dlspo.a- .eased and their propertles freqnemlv aold al half lhe value th.y had souie time ago. Tlil*d( iireclailon oanuot ba iutrit'iiieil to furclgn comnetitio.i. a:< fie importatlon ( f corn and other proiluee baa been tuxed. It ls general y believed thutthe la.l mprlcea ls duc is tne »c_icity ot aaafe. Mother Shiptoo's venerable Btar is waning. A migliter sooti.sayer than she lia* an*eu ln the person ot a Kingston, Jamolea, philoeopbcr, who dtducts fiom the second ehapter ot 8t. Matthew'a goapel tbe Btarllni- conclusiou that the 8tar of Betblehein ln ita periodlc revolution of ab<*-t 315 years. a ill appear as a bnght atar lo 1887, and that tbe earth will then uadergo cou- vulalons, phyaleal and moral, with clvil etilfe, aataMf ln North Aiuerlca. Strange, too, lor that ia uot a Preai- deutlal electlou year. However, tbls Is no! tbe flrst prophecy relatiug to 1887. The Rev. Abd Piereon, of Teunesaee, many years ago evoln-d Irom the book of Daniel a fortnuia hy which he coaiputed that aboui tbe l_tb ol M-.cti, in lb_t year, the nilileninnm woulU be.lu. There laevldentlva wide dlacreiancy between ibe two propheclee. Probably moer people wni luvor tb< lait r oiw. on account ot Ita mora venerable age, ita greaier deflniteoe-s of uate, aud. pariioular.y, its more jgreeable eharaatar. The p_pular impre_sion that Newfoundlaud la adepenileney or Oreai Hritalu apjieara t-e erroucous. Lord Dunraveu bas Just called atteutiou to the fsct tbat by tbe treaty al Utreeht, atill ln forci. tl-bini. riKhtsover tbe shore Irom Cape Ray to Cape Jobn. coniprlsiug abont three-seventh* of tbe cntlre ceaat line ot the 1»- land, were secured to Frauce; and that country laya Claim to b *trlpol laud haita mile tn wldlh along the entire weatern-eaboard. Bome day tbe settleruent ot cona.ctiug Clalma ot tbe EuirllBh and Freueh G*>vem;ueuts wil. al- ford a flue field lor dlploinatie inauc-uvring. Mcan- while the UBcertaluty ls a aeiious bar to the prospenty of tbe whole lslaud. Tba QoTernmi-nt isdebarred rr.mi mak¬ ing auy dtspositloii ot over 2. .000 squsre miles or lami. Kobody carei to purrhaae or a'U-iupt to dsvelop the xoaources ot ibe land. Worse Biln, as it is *ul>J.-ct to no autLonty. it bas beiume tne refuge ol cr.iuiuaia or all claaaea. tor nn wrlts are effectlve tbere, bul " every man doea tltai which seeuu beat to bim in bis own eyes." PLBL1C OPINION. A very general demand w made by the ata'e jirc*s. not that Grow aball be tbe ticxt _nnalor, but tiiat Oliver sba 1 aot be...PhUadelpiua Freaa (Rep.) The Deraocrntic party ia quite unlike the Oid Ouanl.ituever diea; italwyya suiTeuuers..(Port¬ land Preas (Rcp.) The country would be a gainer even by per- BBiittng the »lx and flre per cent bonda to remain out- atajMtlu*. rataer tban by aooeuiiua bucU a meaaure ot refunoieg aa that now piopoaed by tue Houae oi Hepre- arBtailves ln Committee ef the Whole..fIToy Timea ¦a»J If tbe Democratic party shall only accom- fliah tbe roaiiue labo, of pasami: thu approprUtlon lUa, tunui'g over tbe Fuadiug bill, revenue reform, atnlaBBrrlee reform and tbe repeal or ibe uavlgaaoo liwi to tbe tender merriesof tne cext Congreea, it wi.l ahow that tl.e party tbu* repreaented cunnot and ougbt Bvtto govern tbe country . (Pbtiadelpiiia Record (Ind.) ALL THK I.E ISOF IT. From Tk« Albany Jcumol ijup.» A raiachievoua eoggeation ia uiade that, on BBe o|*eo vote lor Benator oa Tnaaday utxi. tbere will be . bolt from tbe caucua caaaldate aud a union with Dem- erats to d"fcat him. But tho sug^esiion is absurd. HothiBg ol the klnd la tbouxht ol by any one who par- gic'pated ln the caucua. Tbe lleuiocrata. like Barkis, are ** wiUJa'," and that la all there la or it. KAILINO A DEMOCRATIC LIE. From a LetUr to The LouunHU* C*trUrJovmal (Dtm.) . The charge that we have bulklored, ui- /ttBHdaied or Irlgotencd our meu ia utierlr uutrue. Nur _a it aseessary to rely on our word tor this. It ls a ract of eontmon knowledga here with botb Itepubicans and yiiBBiiiBBlB that at laaat _0 per cent or our men vote the fir-Bucractc ticket. and did ao at lhe laat election ; that BMa promtnent tn our empior for years buve been llte-long aadardaBtDeiuaeraia, aieaibennf IieuxxsniUcclobaacil at DatBoeraUe Ceatral Oommitieea, am_ug thein three o' tbe moat tmportaut officlala of our uBlce. oue ot them a eteetBotder »t tne eoaipany. Not . Biaa Ib our employ waa evardlsebanrad lor poUiloal i-aaoaa, or threatened wita dlaebarge or witb loss of favor ot any kiud or de- araa ob tbia aeeooat. We have excieucd the taBlleDi.ole right of every treeaiaa to vote aooordiug Ui the diciatea al our oonsc-tnee, and »hile we bave oot he-itated to aapiesa oor vIbwb on tbeae roMecis to our men aa to Other*, we have aavar lotrluged oo tbu preroaatlre witb atbera. It u my obserration thai the mt-chuniu ta no RatlaekeyerslavB. Ha read*. t-take and acta for aaaif, aad I do tbaaa m .«r tartorr the iiuUoe to he- bava tbat there ls not oae among the nunitx-r but wouid aaeeat a_y atteaspt at hls coercion at oooe and witb ra- anaasitsa,, trelyrsora, cxbji.St_di:___bkb. nasulaat StudebaBar Bi-ua Ml'g. Co." THE Bi-MX OLD D_8IK)XE8TY. __ *»*-* Th* CAimgo JVifruw iSem.) __ Tho fact ia that the diacuasion in tho Houae aaa develuped aa ttiogieai aad victoua aunao*ity ot the DaatooraU ta tba pneeet apataai 1 cwrraacy rathar 8mb a deelra to ral uud tha matariag bouda at ibe lewest wtaot laterestaad upoa tbaiaoetravorab<e terma. Tbe Mk a_ tba Peaaswata. laaiadawr bobm ot their leadera. ayyaar to he attarty ladi-bnat to the weUare aod luter- aata af tha Oovei-aaeat la tbia whole matter if they can .atr grathry aa anraaaeauur awjadt-a agaiaat the haaha B-d taatr ald-daaa avpoauioa wo r-.iunpiion. Il U to oa bepad that the leuue wuV darelop tu> ablilty, boaeaty Bad arataasa ta dofeat tha dea.B|B»_rian_ _a this Hwaae; ¦ aet. taa Btasaasts me anaraaiTal rarnnUlng undar the aaantii** or taa pwxanl Onoirtu will be rar- forlura. Wt- HIBCOCS AUD THK 8PEAKBRHH1P. Fttm fktamamtt Jtmmml (M*g.) Atidkb from geaial manaaera, forensio talenta at Wah utder. aad toag bvbbb-hiih ib taa ac-ool ol poll- %t»,Ut.B_K*iefc hasbohiaill-_B two termtof active aud ¦BHTtnsa. OnagrawBaa-i Hiacoeb deaarved walt ol tbe aad the raurty Jby Ma patnotle fxerttona at tha _laartad whioh toOowad tba dispated aieattosor ra Be haB provad hlaaaatt B«t oaiy a akUful laader of b aad director ef aaartaa- feraaa, oat be has alao de- iWiaaja. aad diapiataa tha Mchar taalHiaa af a atatas- aaaa. Ooubuitaatbaataet aaa aeraonai tateeaee wlih laal ability to grasp tha aaTaln or state. tha Hoo. Fraok glaaiBttfta eaailBats whsse eleetl^a w_uid do oredit to Iba BafBBhUeav party aad ba paoulmi ly graufylua to tbe IS jawaiBnwealth had tha dlatriet taat woald B. hanored THE IRISH TRIALS. OPEN-NG SCENES A_D LNDICTMENTS. ORKATKK INTERE8T IN PfBLIN THAN IS I.OMJOX.. AOTIIORITV OF THK I.ANO LKAOUK.COMPOSITION OF THK JUKY.THK CHABOE8. IfROM THK RKOULAK ( uRRt'Sl'OI*I>KVT OF THF. TRIItnr*«.l London, Deo...()..One of tho leading jonrnala of I_>ndon liogins its commcnts on tbe second day cf the litsh State triala with tbo remark tbat they bave alreatly lost much of tLe intereat with whieh they wero unticipated. That may be truo enongh of Fngland. or raih.T of London, but I donbt whether it ho true of Irelynd. The sj.ccial corre- spondents whom tlie London pres* diapatched to Da him Himil liome, it is true, narrativeswhirhshow that therowaano great exeitement in tbe streets. There were no mobs. There was not mneli ehcer- ing. The "martyrs" were not accompanied to tlie stake by throngs of devoted adhercnts, oaeer to bo immolated with tbeir leadera. But on tnrning to tbo Dublin papers 1 iind the proceedings r4>portetl with lar more particularitv than in thoae of Lou- (iiin. and some detiiils are given, among which the rain bolds tbe first place, which acconnt in a measnro for tbe quietnc*. ot the public munifesta- tions. In Ihe Freetnan'g Jout ml the icpoitsnf the lirst day fill lifteen coliuuns. The speech of the At- torney-Generol, ao fai as he has gone. ik rcported verbatiin. Witb what I take to he Ililx.niaii hnmor, this paper alleues tbat " the BBthotitiee did whatover lay in their power to rrrflfr toramotion In the netghborhood ot tho Four Courta by barring oll the gatea, garrisoning them with police, and swnep- ing the adjoiniug quay with patrolaof horse nmi foot." Tben. with logic not loss Hlbernlan, tho Barae anthority a Ids that " a far moro eflective en* gine tor clearing the 8tro<'t8 waa the cold and diiigy rain wbich 'drizzled down tho whole day with melancholy consistency." All the popn!nr enthnsl- asm or popnlar indignation that can bediaeovered ia roncentrated in tho groupa.not miiwrotw. ap- parently.who in apiteol the murky rain aml ot the caracoling horsemen. did stand eootentedly aat- urated upon the open qu»y all day long. "Dirty Dublin," absetves ono London chroiiicler. *. never more beneatly deetrved ita name." And yet tho occasion waa not Bantini in dramatic intereat; nor even in t-ensational im i- deiits. 1 am afiaul it is true that, as writers on both si.ks the Channel s;iy, Ihe real Qovernment of Ireland.real for the uioment, is belnf tried bv tbe ju.licial reiircseiitallvesol the nniuinal atnl olli.ial Government. Throiighout tWO-thirds of Ireland, Alr. l'iunell's deciees, or th<- decraes of the Land Leagne of whieh Mr. Parnell ia the ttanrebead, aro implioitly obayed. Tbedvereesof Mr. Porator, the pioieaaria of thn law courta whieh mn in tho name of the Qaeen, are just as regnlarly diaobeyed. 11 any evidence of that (acl were wanting, it ia snp* plied l.y the remarkable nie-.norial addreaaed to Mr. Gladstone bj 700 Irlah magiatnttea, aflirming that tho state oi lawle aneaa nnd intimtdation at pre¬ aent exiating in this country is such thnt the law i* utterlv anable toeope withit. Whatsnaweria there to that ? lt is not Beceaaary to refer to Chiel Jnatiee May's retireineni fri>m the bench (for tho parpotea of these triala) ns atnrthei proof of tho power oi the Leagne oi of tii.tt section of lri..ii pulilie oi.inion of wbieh tbo Leagne is the recog* nized eiecutive f»r tho time being. Engliah opinion not lesa than liiah reqniredit What this nnlncky Jodge aaid tbe other day is what might truly unii properly have been sai.l anywhere l.ut lrmii tlie bench, and by anybody lmt a judge wbo vmis to preaadeovet the trial of peraona accnaeil ol tlu- very oit.-nees he justly .1. nounic.l. Bnt Engliah fccliim will not tolcrute a llagraut violation of the traditiooaof jndicial ImpartiaUty. In Ireland, im- partiality in the Ensliah aenae has by no meana been asrietly obaerved, and iu England itneli tbe notion, in its preaent eompleteneaa und with reference to eaaea between the Crowu and tba aubject, la "i luialeru growth. But nono tho le>*.lid tbeCbief Justicc's iu.lisireli'ili give a lian.lle to tbos'- who ¦ee peraeeution in everj e_ort to put tho ordinary proceaaesof the law in motion; just as they deecry tyranny lu every raggeation for reetorins public order hy extra-l.gal mcaiis, or by the saspensiofl ot the ordinary aafeguards ol the loyal citi/en a sus- pension to which few loyal citi/ens object. If a third seusatiou.il incldent lx) want. d, it may be found in tbo preeence of Mr. Mat-donogfa aa aenior counscl for Mr. Parnell and hia eo-defendanl who six-and-thirty years ago was counscl lor 0*Connell in similar circumstances; then, l believe, aa jtiuior. now as leader Tjf all his associates. Tho l.ain-t. ra cuiployed on ono aide or the other iinlnle ull the emincnt names at tho lristi liar. But there seema to beadeaitb of forenaie talent, oi, at least, of fo- rensic eloqnenee. No ono man is singled ont by eonunon ooaaent aa head aml abooldera above his f.llows. Tho Atlorney-O'.-uiral. who lea.la for tbe Crowu, is able but dry, and there uro great tom- plaints tbat be eannot bo heard. ln Ireland even inorc than in Francn. it is the nn- expectt-d whicb liappeus, and the lirst day of tbe trial (TucBday, Deeember 28)proved bo exceptlon to the rule. Kobody SBppoaed a jury could e ini- panellod tho lirst day. It was iu fact impanelled without troublc beforo luuch. The Jnrora sum- moued aeeni to have been tbe only peraona in Dub¬ lin who wero not eagat to ba preaent al the trial. Tbey wero ordered to put in an appearanee under a penalty of Sf-.BOO eticb, yet only cightecn ont of twenty-four were tbrre, and after some bad been excuscd from ill-health, the re.iuiaito twelve went peaceably into tho box. It is rcmarkod with won- der that bo little __**____og occurre.l umongtbo lawycrs at tho opening. Whether IocbI qnlbbles were dispensed with at tbe instance of tbe defend- antsor bccaiiso tbe Crowu lawycrs bad done their work too weil to permit of its being challengol, seems uncertain. Fossibly Mr. Farnell thought tho moral efleet of his appearanee would he impsired by aliowing hia counsel to indulge in technical ol>- jections to tbo indictment. They wiy.all aorti of p<'ople any.that tbe defendants are too will satis- li(_ with tbe comoositiou of tbe jurv to take, much troublo about minor matters. From the begiuning, tho difflculty of aecunng a conviction on no matter what (haiges aupportod by no matter what evi¬ dence, haa been reeognized. There waa, bowever. a great outcry againit tho authoritiss becauae they cbose tc adopt an old mctbod of selocting jurora. the method employed in O'Connell'a ease.whieh was supposed to give aome advantage to the Crown. lt doea not appear to bave given much. Estimatcs vary, but tbe lowest 1 have seen reckons thrro as tbe numbor of jurymen wbo may be relied on not to convict; three " boot-eaters," in the phraseot aoclebrated jurorof times past, whode- clared he would eat his boota before he would Iind the accused gnilty. 'ihe higbest la nlne; which perbapa BpringB Irom tbe religious distribntion of tbo panel into three Frotestants and niue Catholica. If these men aro supposed to be amenable to ex- t .rnal intlueuces, one ialluenco is as gocxl as an- othpr; and amons them may be reckonod tho Btage- procoasion cle7erlv organUed for the entrancc into Conrt A band of Home Rule membera of Parlia¬ ment had been engaged for the purpose. On the way ta the Four Courta, the O'Oorman Mahon and Mr. W. H. Snllivan eonstituted the advance guard. Next came Mr. Parnell himseli, tbe principal tra- veraer. aa tbe lriah papers call him, arm-lu-arni witb the right hoaorabla the I_rd Mayor of Ditbliu, M. P., and there wore aome twenty thar M. P.'a in all; part defendanU, part armpathizera. If it had been ib Fraaee, wbere a Deputy on great occaaiona wears abeanUful scaif. tho spectatular efleet would bave been much tiner. lt ie depreaaing to think bow wet tbey moat all have been on arriviug, aud in wbat aa atmoaphere ot aeetbing gar- tuenta tbey paaaed tbe day. Tha Indictment, or iatber the ex-officio intorma- tion, cont-ioa .inetoon couiiU. BtriptMNl of tecli- nicalitiee tbe ohargea are cbargea for conspiracy to incite tenante not to pay their renta, cbargea for deterring tenants from paying (minna the con* Bpiracy, that ie), cbargea lor carrying out tbeae deaigna by threata and violenoe, cbargea for pre venting new tenanta Irom taklng the larms of other evieted tenanta, and cbargea of - Boycottinf." The latter connt is cnrloua enongb to bear qnoting: "that the traveraera conaplred to outofl and ut- teily preclnde trom all inte*rt*onrae a»d commuaion whataoever, and from all inteicaarae and deallnga In tbe way of buylng and aelUng and otber bnai- neaa. and to abna at all timea and in all plaoea aa if affected with loathaome diseass, and to bold up to pnblio hatred and contempt, and to snbject to an- noyance, injniy and losa in the Durauit of his law- ful ocenpation and industry, auy and every tenant who ahould pay the rent to whicii be waa liound nniler his contract of tenancy.'' And aaafuither speciiniu ol the way in which tho legal mind deals vitb plain uiattera, the last rount of all may he cited j nlleging that the traversers. " being evil dle- ]m>ss1 persona. linlawtully, wickedly, and sedi- tioualy did conapiie, conihme, cnnferterato and ngreo together to cause and creato discontent and disatic. tion BSBOBg tlio liego snbjecta of our lady the Qneen, to eicite and promote fcelings of ill-will and bostility between difEereat clasaes of her Majesty's subjects, that is to say. Iietwcen .landl<>nla and tenants in lreland, nnd fnrther to ciiitc and promote teelings of ill-will and hostility towaid the landlorda of lreland atnongst the rest of her Majesty's suiijccts in lreland, to the great terror and (ilarni of the said landlorda, to the cvil exatnnle of nll othcra in the like case oflVnding. und againat tbe peaco of our lady the Qucon. her crown and dignil.v.' Theae are bnt cuiioeitica. Wo all know what MeaatB, Parnell & Co. havo really been doitig: what eonaplraey they have organized: what meaaa ?>iey bavo employed: what reiirn oi terror they bave set np and what they avowedly nim at. The queation now to Ihi tried ia not wbethertbe l.and League and its leadera havo tried to suhv.rt the laws and aro still trying: not whether they are tbe promotera of a vast acrartan agitatioa. with tho nlterior purpoaeof setting up a llurao Bale l'arlia- ment in Diiblin, and the luuuodiate pnirose ot not payiag their rents nor nllowing anylxxly else to do so. All that is admiSted; more than adtnitteil, boaatedoL Hut. aaa great lawyeroaoe remarked, aman is not baagad bcauee he bas eommitted a inuider. He ia baaged bcaaaa he ia legally proved to havo oommltted a marder. Aml tbe quaathm now ia simply whether Maasra. Parnell & Co.. in their pnis.it ol illrgal uud levolutionary < n<K bava einploycil enda wbich are iliegiil and ean ba proved to be II legal. Tbe lurther queation whether if this be proved the traverscra will ba found gnilty, la not a queation ol law ai all, bnt, aa Iba lawyara say, la tor tba juryi and what latboagbl of tiie probable action of tbe jury I have indicatad nhove. _____________________ °-w- H' GEORGE ELIOT OH "DINAH MtHUilS." QKNE_I8 OP THE CHARACTER PBIVATB i.iTiFi: Of Tiie Ai'TMOK)EM to MIM -A_U. HkNNH.1.. OF CoVBBTaY. i/Diii The PaU Muli Qtuette. lloi.t.v Lodor, Oet. 7. 1880. DfAK Saiia : I ahould like, while Iba aubjecl is vividlv present witb me, to tell y»u more eiaetly than I haveevei yet done, wbal 1 knewoi my aoat, l-'.liz il>. tli Evans. My father, yoa know, bved in Warwiekshire all my life wub him, having tinally lelt M.tlinl-liir liist, Bnd iheli l»erl.v«liire, ail or Beren years before lie married my motber. I lieie ius hardly any intercounw between my father'a family, reaid nt ln Herbyahira and Btaffbrdshire, aod oat lamily.few aud far-between viaita of tto my childiab feeling) strange nuclea and annta and 1,,11-mi* irom my father'a far ..il native country. and on, :i jouniey oi ui*. own. as n little eblld, with my father ;ii;<l uiotlvr. to s,-.-my uncle Williiim. a ri. M bullder. Ul SlalVorililiire .liut not my uncle uud aimt Siiiniiel. so lar as 1 can leeall the dira ontline of tbinga.ara what I r< uiembe. ofmortberly n-la- tives iii mv cli'liliiood. Hut when 1 waa aeventeen nr more.after my sister waa married, and 1 was mistress ol tbe house .niv fatiier took a jonrney into Derby»bire in which, viaiting my nucle and aiint Samn*., iv-lm were very poor, anu lived in a bnmble cottage a! VYirkaworth, lie loiiiid iiii iiiiiit iii a very dellcate Btate ot bealth altii :i Berion. Illneaa, and, lo do her Imdilv good, hepersuaded her lo retnrn with him, lelliugher that! slmiil.l be very.very banpv tobavo li- r wub ni'- t"i a lew weeks. I i\is tben atrong v onder the induencoof Kvangebcal belief, aml ear* neatly endeavoring to tbape tbia anomalona Ki gbah- ('iiriatiau life ol oura mto aome eousistency witb tho apmt aml simple verhal tenor <>t tbe New Testament. 1 was debghted lo aee my nunt. Atthongta 1 had only beard l.r *p >- ken ol aa a strange person, given to a fauatlcal vebemenee <.i exbortation in private aa well a* public, I believed tbat 1 sbonld liud syra- palb) between us, Whe waa tben an uld woman. sbovoaixty.and, 1 believe, bail f«T u good many yeara given up preucbiug. A liny little woman, wit h bngbt, amall dark eyre, and hi-ir thal bad beeu iilii.k. I imagine, bnt was now grav.a nretly woman In her ynutb, ut ol ¦ totally different phvBical tyoe Irom Dinah. Tbe ditferenei..a vou will bclievi.waa not _implv physual: no differ- . ie.¦ ia. Mie waaa womauol atrong natural exciin* lulity. which 1 kuow, from the doMtription 1 bave heard my father nnd hall-_i*ter give, prevaiited her from tha eaerelaa <>f diacrvtion nnder tlio proinpringa of bar /al. Uut tin* vebemenee waa now aubdaed by aga and aiekn.-s; ahe waa veiy (eOtla al.d qniel iu Inr uiaiiiK r«.very l.ivinr;.i»-"t (wbal ahe muat bave been ii""i tha very t'n*i) a Iraly religiooa aoul, ni Whom lhe love of Ood aml love ol man were fu-nl Uigetber. Ibera waa notbing hiehiy distincti\e im ii,i religioiia oonveraation. 1 bad ha much inteiconrae witb piona I»;-v*».-iit. ra before. The only freahneaa I found, in onr lalk, cauie from tbe [act that abe had been tne greater part of her life a Wealeyau, and tboogfa abe l> tt t e aoriety wben women were no l.mger allowod to preach, nnd jomcil lhe New Wesleyaua, she retained Ibe liarac- i.T ot iinuigiit that belonga to the gennine oid Wesleyan. I had never talked with n Wialeyan before, and we u*.-il to bave little detiates aboui predestination, for 1 waa tben a atrong Calviuiat. Mere ber superiority eame oui, and I re- member now. aitb lovina aalmiration. one iluug wbich ut ile- nni.; 1 diaapprovad. lt waa <mi stticlh a con.'.. (|iience of her Aruiinian belief, nii'i iv lir*t sigld niigbt Baem oppoac to it. yel .1 came from tbe apirit ol love whicii clings to the bad logio ol Armim.iniam. When mj uncle eame tn fetcb ber, after ahe had been with us a fortinght or three week-, be waa s|« aking of a dereased mmister, nnea greatly reapected, wbo from ihe action nf trouble upon hun had taken to amall tippling, lliongh otlnr wiaenol eulpable. **Hut I bope theco "I man'sin hei veii liu all Uiat," aaid my tiiul*'. " Oh yes." i-aid my iiiini. with a deep inw.iril uiOii.i of >., ful COBVlCliou. "Mr. A.'stn hcaven.tluit'.a sure." Thia WBa al th"' time iu; offence to mv siern aseetic hard viena.how beaatilnl it is to mo now! "A* lo my aunt'a convers.ition. it is a fact that the only two things ol anv intereat I remeuilier in ourlouelv sittiug*and walkaare her tellmg aaa uae sonny afternoou uow she had, witb anotber piona woma-i, viaited aa nnbappygtrl in priaoo. atayad with her all night, and gone with her torxecUtlon, ano oaa or two accaunia of auppoaed aiiraclea In wii.ch she iiclieveil.among the rcst, tbafaoewitli the crown of thornasoaa ia the ghiaa. lu her ac¬ count of tba prlaon h.enes, I retueuibei- no word ^h.- uttered.I oi.iy n iii'iiiber ber tone and iiiinn r, and the deep feeling I bad under Ihn reci'al. Of Ibe girl abe knew nothing, 1 believe.or told uie noth¬ ing.but that ahe waa a cuuiioti enarae uirl, con- yicied of cbild-morder. lhe incident lay in mv mind for yeara oa yeara, aa h de:i<l ^i-rm, appanrntiy .till time had made uiy mind a nidns In wlih i it cou'd fructifv; it tben turucd out to bo the gerin of "Ailam Bed..'' I saw n.y aimt twico after this. Once [aponta day and night witb my lather rn tho Wirkaworth coitage, slei-ping with my uiint, I reineinher. Onr iut.rview was leaa intere*ting than in tbe former time : 1 thiuk 1 waa lesj simply devoted to rebgiona ideas. And once again she came with my uncle t<» aee me.when lather and I were bring nt FoleshiM ; then there was eoine patn, tor 1 had given up the fonn of Chnatian lieltef, aud wtm in a cnide state of free-thinkiug. She staveal al.ont three or fourdavs, I tbink. Thisisull I reiuember diatinctly, aamatfer I could write down. of my dear uunt, whom I really loved. Vou aee how ahe suggeated Dinnli ; bOttl ls not possible you ahould see us 1 do how entirely ber ltidividualitv iliU'ered from Lhnah'a. How curioiis it beems to me that people should tbink 1) nab's sermou, prayers and spe- chee were copied.when they were written with hot tears, as they surg.-d np iu my own mind I , ¦ i Ab to my indebtodneas to facta of locale, anu peraonal bistory of n small kind, -onnccted with ritriftordBhireand Uerbvshire.yon may imagine of wbat kind tbat is, when 1 tell you that 1 never re¬ mained in eltber of those countiea more tban a few daya togetbei, and of ouly two aucb viaita have 1 more tban a ahadowy, inlerrupted rccollection. The fletBils which 1 Bnew as facta, and have made use of for mv picture, were gattiered from auch lm- perfeet allnsion nud narrative aa I heard from my futher iu bu occaaional talk about oid timea. Aa to my auut's children or grandchildren aay- ing, tf thev did say, tbat Dlnah ia a good portralt of my aunt.lhat ia simply tbe vague casily aatianeu notion imperfectly insiructed people alwaye bave ofportraita. It ia not aurpriBiug tbat aimple meu and women without pretension to enlightened dis- cnmination abouid think a generio reaamblanca eonstitutea a portrait, wben weaeo the great pnblio eoacenstomod te bedellghtod with miarepreaenU- tion-of lile and cbaracter. whioh theT »C(»-Pt as representatlona. that tbey are ecaBdaliied wben art makes a uearer approach to trutb. Perhsps 1 am dolng a supernuons thing ln wnt- iog all tbia to you.but I am pmmpted to do lt by the feeliug tbat in futnre years " Adam Be<ie ¦ aod all tbat concerna it may bave beeome a uim portion ot the paat, and I may no be able to recall ao much of tha trutb aa I have now told yon. Ooce more, thanke, dear riara. Ever yonr lov- iUg ^^^^^^^^^^ Mabiab. IN POBT IN A LEAEY COXDITWX. The hrig Solveig, from fiahia for Boston, reached thia port yeaterday tn a laaky conditlon, having met with extramely heavy weather duriwr ber voyage. December 27 ahe anconotered a heavy gale, in whieh she lost ber foretopgallant maat aud split a number of saila. GENEUA L WO RE ] G X~NE WS. TUKKEY DALLYING AGAIN. CoNSTANTIStiri.E, Jan. 16, 1881. Tho Porte has eommunicated to the Ambassadors a frcsh note. regrotting the warltke preparations of Greece, whieh are bringmg tronble nnd nncertainty upon the pcnce ol Europe. ln order to terminate auch a state of :,fl'airs. which ia disnstrons to bolh Turkey aud Greece, tho Powera are invited to send instructions to their ambassadors at Constantinople for a Earapeaa conference. The Porte hopes a pa- cifle solution will Uraa be attained. Tbe note has cr.ated a kowI imnrpssion. Ali Paebs is at*_aeeted of inciting the Kaatratl and Hottl tribea. on the sontliern bonler of Montenegrn, to attack the Montenegrina. Dervisch Pacha has ud- vised M.inteiiegro to take precautiens, aud he is acuding troops to the distnrbed district. DEFENDING THE GEKMAN JEW8. BaaUB, J in. 16. 1881. The Crown Prinee Fredenck Wiliiam, ap. akitn* at nn institntion for invalids to-day condoinned stronglv tbe auti-Jewish movement. Ile said ho felt eapecinlly aggnoved because the movement was iaradtna the achools and BBrveraitieg. He could not coaccive how intollcctiial iiion could supnorta mov.-meut which should bo condemned for its tendencicsand itaaima. Ha hoped tbe movement would Boon die out, lor il waa impoaaible that sueh an iinliealthy eouditioa of thines should continue. Tbe Bavarian Mimnrer of tho Inlerm. has in- striict.d the p.lio in rarioui distnets to try to ar- rent tho auti-J.'wish movement aud to euforce the law whon iif.. vs.tiv. FBENCH REPUBLICAN BUCCE-8E& rABIS.Jdtl.lO, 1K^l. Tlie supplemontary municiiml eleetions were h.'lil to-.luy, Hinl hh far aa kn..wn have tcutruliy resulted ln tlie sueceasof the Moilerule lieputillciins. PEACE RE-TOKED INT CUBA. MaduiI). Jan. 16, 1831. In tho Cliamhor of Dep-ttee to-duy tho Minmier of Colooiea aononiicad that tho picifieation of Cuba waa oomplete. ? THE CANADIAN PACIF1C SYNDIOATE. Touonto, Ont., Jan. 16..-Tbe Canadian Syn- dlc.iie wM to niorrnw fepoaU iU.jdO.OOO with the Kccoivrr (ipiier.il ns i> giiarauiee ..1 tbetr good lntculioua us regarda ttie i.tui.iiux ..i ihe Paclfle Huliway. FOREIGN NOTE8. LOMDOB, M'.nilay, Jaa. 17, 1«31. The fHandariTi ii.nvapoiiileul at Conat**.tliiople auys ifllciai Bewi bas beea received tbere tbat Ibe T>*_w- T.ik oui.ii.-i w< r.- teverely dela tr. i by General snobolefi. Twnof ihe I'llii.'lp'il CO.l iiwu'i'-, WbO WiTO clncflv inatrutiii-nt.il in ca_Bin_ thi anike la Laiteaabire, bave atrraed io tbe t.nn< ilemanded i>y tho mei., aml tlie .irik.' ts conaldarrd virtuall/ on led. Itia cortiapon.lent of The Tlmet at C.ilculta conflrms tii' ii-iM.ri. i) tii.' Colapoor eonapiraay. T"_.ivjic.' baveXpund u elew wbich may lead to th° .ii-r..vrry ofj_o_parpetratura <.f iho explosloa at the .- i I.ni Ujivt-C.*. AllttXWill WhA'IHEIi EEFGE'l. GTrvTRN^ENr INDICATION'S. Synop$i» for-the jmtt H. hourt. WASniXOTOlf, Jan. 17, 1 a. m..Tlie tem- peratore haa risen altgbtly on tbe Atlantio (.o.ist, with northerly and easterly winds and ole.r <>r f4ir weather, exept locil r.iiiia on tha Hoath AU ntlo Coast. Light oeal r.iii". aad partly eloudy we ittier nr." reportad Irom llio (lulf .;it-\ T.-niu H-i' uinl thn Onlo Valley, wltb iiiciaaa.il pro84ine, ao ehanga in temperalare, and nortnerly wloda, exeept on tbe coaat Lght -now pro- valled during ih.' dny, fatlowed by alearing weat.er, lu tbe Lake region and Northweet, with ri-in_ barometer, Dortber >. to weeterly win.i*, an.l in tii^ Korthweel a r-llgbt fall ln ti'iiip.rniiire. Tii.' barometer lsloweat near Biowusviile. anu blglii H al (Juiaba. Inthf'ttiont. For tlie Mi.l.ll.' HMte*. Mtl_titIy wnnn*r nnd partly clondv weather ll.bt .i.iw iu tlie nortbern pnriion*. followed .iutiii(* ni.- night by illgbtly e.ii.l -r \\."<t to it iriiiila, .iii.l 8 ntlo ...ry ..r rtsina b irometer. l.,i Sew-1'ngiai.d, purtiy ol>'U>ty weather aad i»ei i- .louul lubt anow. Iigot varialiie win.t, aud sllgbt cbaugea ui u-niperatui. aad birometer. TRIBUVE LOCAL DKSERVATI0N8' IC't'llS Mornuig. Ml'lil. "*.K.' i " 3 i a « 7 b pin ." . ? n * r. c - h aion [aou,t 5TJ-J30 __, ' i i8.__a. -_-. Th. )l««r.m .ho-. m- nn n.trl. » »«r.«l. >u .:. n ' ... - l>. .... i. :..,,.»¦ Iirn.tr |>| -4»» I........ ol !. n-f.- llir ). 8 ir. f,,. .,|,,. r>f .'.- -.i,l« .- -'-.-..;.-'.. i '.« l.y ii- imt »ry U-rt-,f lhn<* u. ir. To. kr .«-n ..r inttf Ilu. rr .1 .- , 4b» »_M.._ !'.'» <i, - .t.". u iiii ».»1 ./m'jemiu'.riu iln ¦¦iirHi.. ., 4uar_d-*, Tribi-m: orrtcr. .T411 1?. 1 a. B..Tben waa no rli mi.'- In Ihe 'mroiii-1-r yteterAtf. Tin y rlondyand il.miy waatber praralkd. TIjo unperatura raaaed between 13* aad -T0. ilir a\cra_e ISIVI i.ems ll*.9 ii.nrr ib.Mi...1 th- rorreapondiDg tluy laal yojr, und B^" i.i.'.i'-r n nn i.n .".itnr.l iv. ( inii.iy a..ii p.iriir elnud** weather, wltto hluber tetn* |. i..Mri- i.ti'l >!l.ln rli .nr .- "' 11 trI.t IDOW (i| l.ilii, ID.vy ali'Crteil to-day ut tlila rlly mui viiliiliv. DE8TBDCTIFB 8N0W 8UDE8. TIIK IOWN OF All A. I' 1 All. IN llAMiiill . HEAVY I '-.Hi ai.t Lake City, Utali, Jun. 16..Saow baa tal eu alnioat conti ii.u-Uiu tbe V/ubauti b Monntaioa nbuiit thu heada of the Llttto aad I>i)* C nionwoo i iiiv- ara *rfoee Chriatmaa. Tue tnoua'ataa ttrroundlnx the miniiiff town ot Aim are ateep and hltth and the treaa bava been cin off. The iramway .iie.ii of ibo Wabaatch and JorJan Viillev Ballroad bave b"<-n BWfpt awar lo aeveral plaaaa fur Bvetul ... b low Alta^endenairiaaTeaa oregreaa aioKtat Impoa-ble. Two weeki ago aanow "liil'-iaiilHil awiiv i> imiii ii.i'.i.'l Kirliy. T.i- ctorin In- . rriif il lu fury wUh the 0*_-l0g <>f lu*l week. On Weil- n.-'iiiy ni^'lit tlio anow fcll lu abeete aml the wlnd beranio a luirrlciinc. Almut 10 o'clock B anow all.In ciirrl.il away tbo f_#8_- nri' Imiiai" and l()0 foel of tbe r.illroa.l ahe.li, und swept aeiwaa tlu flut and the ereeh totbe ..ppoaito BoontalD. I_ter, unutber alido paascd over tlie Vletorla and Im- perlal hoaaea, baryiM tno nea, who dun tbeir way i.ut iu ten iiinira. ('.ititiiiuinir, it awant uw.iy Iba (inzzly boardlaa-bouae, in wiilrh were Mra. J-.iiatban Hoakins and four clnMren. t'tiarlca BymoBa, K..hert Ilowatb and Evan Mi.ins. Of Ibaae, Mrs. Hoaktos, ber daugbter Jan<. Howath and Motrla were killed. Auother allde amiiabod aud burled the Tolt do worka aud boardiug- hou«., ktlllng Charlea B*rbrnl)ra aml Frank Luporte. On ThimAay aud Friday work waa atopped ut the pnn- tlpal min-, aml luauy of the men left the canon for tbe valley. Itichiird Wllliama nnd John Wsilungton. who renialned to look after iBe J..al. Lawranea property, wuh Itiatrnc- tlona tn alerp in tho iniiiiel, Bre rolaalng. Tue avulaneiio awept _way every nullilluit owned by tbe Joiib L.iwrence CiimpanT. toretuerwtth tlioir trainwuy. inflictiug a loas ot 4.(1,000. I. nurled tbe liuflalo hou _, i>ut tbree inen bad retii-d Into a tunnel aud wara resened eihau-ied. Fifty peraona came dowa laat night, leaving twenty wlm for viirloiifl reaauna could not k?i awuv. ihe trip down waa fearful j leaving their horuaa with notbing but the clothea on tbrir backa, tba women wallowrd iiir..u«h tha anow as beat tbey could, thu meu carrying tue children. , ,,,, There remnlna enough of t*re mountain alope atlll nn- dentided t«. compietn the deatrueilon ot the towu, aua it m»y allde at any momeut. Kight ioH**- °/,tn" V_*!P?5 Big Cottoawood are aaid to ba one buge slldo, coverlng every tb Ing. ______»_..__....- THE FIBE RF.CORD. -?- IIEAVT L089-9 AT DURHAM, N. C. Raleiqu, N. C. Jan 16.-Thc flre at Dur- hamyeate rday broke ontln the drygooda eatalillshmeut ot Measrs. Btyron * Co., and wsa purely aeoideutaL The tmlldlng waa entlrelr conaumed, as were elghteen other sioresof more orleas importauoe. -betredamagedDr. Carr-adnig atore te tre extewt of WOO, A. M. Blggabae'B bnUdlng »500. I_~J**e <*t Longee's atock aiOO, and Mobaburg's atore B300 and stockB150. Thatouleatlmatedloas ls*.5.000; Inaur- ance on bmldlngs. $30,800: on stock. $22,000. Four- teen eompantca are Involved. A ^B_^___^________ the ilre. But for a cheialoal angine, which fMaealM work. and the labor of citiseoa, the wbole bualneas por- tion of tbe tewn would bave been awept away. ¦ a> DAMAOB IN PATEBflON. W. J. A flre waa dlscovered Saturday night in Weldtnann'a BUk Dyelng Worka, at Eillaoo and Paterson- ata., Paterson. N. J.. but the flamea were soon ex- tlng-iiUlied by the flre englnea. Tbe alllt in the baildlng was ilamaged to tbe extent ot $4,500 and the bullding $2,00d. The ___(_ oiiginaled in tbo drying-room. ? IN THIS CTTY. A ftre, tho cauae of which waa unknown, oocurred yeaterday aHernoon ^? tbe foorth floor of the teaenent-honae at »<». 0 Monroe-at., daatroying furol- tara to tba value oi $500 belongUig to aeveral poor tnmu 1I«S aad d___alag ibe building to tkeuxtrni of $1,000. The taticy gooda store of P. Quaaeok, No. 10 Piinee-at, waa lavadad by -amea last avenlna. aod Ihe stock ia tba atore was Uamaged Bl.OOa Tbai danaga to tba baildlng WBBtrlflnr. Theenuse oftbe flre was not known. and the police were uouble to lee.rn tbe amount of the lo- anranoe. A flre ocenrred last nl.ht m tbe feed-store of Cook A Hardt, Ho. 607 NIntb-uve., and d»etroyed -Talu wortti S-J'Obelourfii.gto Ibeflrm. The buildlug waa damaged $000 by thu fl.imes. ~~obituaby7~ PR0FES8OR WILLIAM CHAUNCEY FOWLER. Hartford, Conn., Jan. 16,.-Profeaaor Wllliam Cliauaccy Fowler, LL.D., died al Durham last night, Professor Fowler was born in Clinton, Conn., September 1. 171)3. aod waa graduated at Yale ln 1816. From 1819 to 1823 he waa a tuior nt Yale, and from 1823 io 1827 he was paator of a Congregatlonal Cburcb at Orreiifleld, Mass. lie was Professor or Cbemiatry ai d Natural History in Mlddl>t>ury College, Vermont, rroui 1827 to 1838. and waa Professor of B letortc aud Oiatoryin Amuerat Cillege from 1838 (o 1843. Ia 1861 bo was a meuiber ot tbe Connecticut Benate. He wus tbe Boii-ln-iaw ot N ab W.-baier. and edtted the Univeralry editlmi of " Webster'-. Diotlonnrv." publlsbed in IH 15. Iu 1850 Prof.-BBor Fowl.-r publiabed a treiitue on " Ibe Ivii|.)l-.ii -.inituage ln I'a El.-nieut- and For.n-." Tbls tresttse, wh:cli gave a htatorv ot tbe oiijriu and de- velopinent of tbe Eiuillah laoiruage, ia a work of great elaboration aud care, aud carriestl.e reUtions m irrauunar to uibcr sricnces mucb lurtbei tbsn wa* usual in aucb treattsea at lhe time it was ttr-t publlsbed. Proiessor Fowler slso publiabed " Conditmus of Suoceas In Ueuirnl Investigiiiions, ua dluairated in the Cb.racter oi Nailiantnl Chauueey," " Eieiiientary English Oram- mar for Comiinui Scbools," "Esaays," " lhe Seouonal Controversv" (1863), and "Tue History of Duruaru. Conn." (lHitr,.) l*rof, »s .r Fowler waa the lather ot Mra. (Jurdou L. I'ord, of Brooklyn. JTJDGE 8AMUEL EVANS. Trexton, N. J., Jan. 16..Judge SamueJ Kvans, one of the oldeai and tk-st-known eifsens of Tr.-nton, died last eventrg. He was nearly nlnety years ol a^e. ___-_-_-_-______________¦_ risiTixQgeneraTgarfield. 8ICRKIARY SHKKMAN AT MKNTOR.SKXATOB ALLI- S0N 0OIX0 1BBBB, OLKV-LAMO, Ohio, Jan. 1G..Secrotary Sherman rttnrncd from Menior late thia afternoou. On being nsk'.-d conceriiiug the signiticance of bis viait there be aiiBwered that, being in Ohio, he simply called upou Qaaeral Gartield and they talked over matters and things which came up. Ha said be would go home to Manslield to-morr >w and remain in Obio nntil the latter part of tho week, when ho would return to Waslnngtou. Benator Alliaon, of Iuwa, will go toMeutorto- morrow. in au latarview be said be had had no Intimatioa of being appoiated Secrctary of tbe ireasury, bnt statedtbui tiie Congresamaa of Iowa and tbe people of the North weat believe tbat the liou. James F. Wilson should bave a plaee 111 the Cabinet. He addol: " lu connectiou witb my viat to MeotorI ezpect to say aomethiag aboo Mr. vYil.'in uud tba wialif- of our people in reffard to luin." _ THL 8UNDA Y TRIBUNE. Itiiisissuo of yeaterday Tm: Sdndat TbiBCne contained, aniuug otlu-rs, tbe followingapeeiai iea- turcs: The Kews in London..Tba speeial cable dispate'i to l iii. i ii; uns ileBeribea ihe polit cal situatlon iu t! ijri in I an,. i.i-i.i.il, nnd siiowb tii.it ibe Goveruuicui Isoidly KIowiuk atiDinter. an.l wi 1 ii.i much louger brook H.e wiliul obstruciion of __r. Parnell aud hls tuction tn tiie I1"U.*U ol <J Ol. II,, ,n*. b Telegraph Union..Tbe presideul -A the w<-stcrn I'n.ou Telegraph Company has made a atalemeut to a '1 i.iiiiNK reporter regarding n.o proapeeitre eotabina- Uud <>l lelegrupb unes, aud tbe advuniages wbieh wdi result therelrom. >'i-u Pub'leatinna..A comprebrnsive revlew of- .* M. Ouizot ni Frivaie Life," wltn leveial lutereaUng ex- :r.) ,a froin tbe truuslated woiki of Mme. De Witt. ii l.rnm i ib Lonuou..Tn_ regular eorreavoude il «r Tin. Ui ni:. k gives a .1, Uiled ac.-.iuut ol Ur. Ti-uuy boii'b newpUy," Iba Cup," aad the nianner iu which it ba* in. n received a ihe Lye nui l'neaire. l'iopo-,-,1 City Beform*..A i-Yu m ot proposed Inn. -r- tanl cbangea iu ibe admii lairalion ol wuuiclpal af iira. l;,-,-,,|,i-i- ioiisoi a Keader..Mr, C-iig lou'sieulh _rtic e uum r this head ia " A Cu.ip.iTi. i Br_adil_st," givmg an ucc unt of p, inn irita-s of diet ia dOerent uniea aud Mldwinter Faablona..A cbapter ob briJal gift* ai.d toilette*. riie Hcdneed Dlui.er Partr..A talo o? sucial life tn London, i.i .1 mi. s r.u ii. Ui me li,i.¦!<¦.!.¦>..A u ai.ee at the cootenU of tne uiar- le u ,i inldwinier. Lad) Kuuerdile'a Jewels..Th inanc.thehaitu- lesB thrftofaulauioud uec_._4.-e, .i_d Us happy ooase- queuc ->. .. f,.r the Peoplo. Re una l-it -ln-. i.c Knliilug anu rocbet. < i, ..ui oi lhe M.i-.i-iues. l.nii Mlcbcl. LlBbtlUB by Klectrleltv. Lui.-, un i>..u-i.i* ns I.awyers. An .'.'.!.. iu- -oei.ii Cclebtity. ri irard S uan. 'il.- late Aa-u- Haiu.-n. ( ,i irl. » .-um ii. r tbe Morker. (leorg. I. ioi nnd ib. Jews. -i I-.,-: Wei in -oelery. llll i -. K.iae. Victor Euianuel'a -Suupli Taatea. The general aewa of tbe 'lay i.-igiven In tho follow- Ingsnuimary: I*.'iiiiiiN.-The Loinloii cjible (li>p:itch to Tiik Tbibi \k givea the lafcal pli. a.-a of the political ait- iiii i.m ar Londo.i, including the aiina ol tbe Parnell nnd liuciic.l factioua; tbe British Qoveruuient is becomiuKimpatieiti .ii obatractionin Parliament; ihe-..Uicnls favor liberal lerma for tbe lnsii. l.ut ln (ji.v. iMii' ti t baa so lur maile no rluiuire m ita progrumiuc; Mr. Qltulstotie i- recoveriog fmin a roiil, iiinl expecta to attend Parliaoieol lo-daj. ____ Ore< <.<* luteuda toattaek Tarkey ai the end of Jauiiart ; all the Powera now lavor arbitratioo. liauibliBR in Itocks wluch are iu ile.nult is on tn in reaae in London. -.. llie Ruaaiaa ilimster oi Pinauce aaya ibal tbe artny aod naval expeneea should Le cut dowu. r_._- Ihe Hritiab (Juuri ot .\p- |..;il baaordered tbediacbargeol the wnisof ettaea- ineui airaiual ihe Rov. Mo_ra. D.Oo aud Lmaght. llie Uanlau-Layeuck boat raee may oe poet* poned. Uo.mi st ic.The action of the Demoeratie lcader.4 in tbe Houae in regard to rcfuudiug Bieaeorea ia criticised ua dealfnied to cause repndiation. .== s..(..)( Mi'v .-"heriii.ui visiicd General tiartielii Saiur- iluv. ___-- Goveruor-elect Ludlow. of New-Joraey, will be inaugurated to-morrow. It is propoaed f.> huihl a largo botel at Long Ilrancb. j. _. _j_or, a bauker ot Fredencksburg. V.4.. haa disappearOii; his ullair- aro in had shape. ____ lt is claimed that fr.unln ti|_-ii the trca-ury uf Albnin t'oiiiitv, ti. Y. bavo beeu discovered 'lue hoistiig worka at the Hale and Norcrosa mine, Virginia titv, Nev., havo t>.n damaged bv lire. -Ttie crew of a lreigut traiu was catight iu a tuuuel uear Newark, Ohio, Friday night, ;<nl the uuu were aenously injured by the suioko from the enmue.- A boilercxploded at Pateraon, N. J., !-ntiiruav. with fatal effeeta, i-A uoteil burglar, ¦entenct- to a loug lerni of iapnaoomeot, imule an utteiupt to eacape trom siing 8i»g Priaou Sut urday, uuu was ahoi dead hy the guiird. . Tho l nitod tates steamer Disuaich made thtrteeu kuois au Iiour, Batardar morning, iu golug from Hamptuu Roada to .Noriolk. COBOBaaa..'l_e Senato waa not in sesanm batur- ilay. .-Ihe ut ten tion of the Houae waaoccu- pied with the debate ou tho Kcfuuding bul, to wbich uiauy ameutl.ieuta were otlereti: ii is be- li. v-d that a fiual vote on the bill will be reached to-uiorrow. __ _ City and Subcktun..Dr. Green Batunlay de- fend.d the acheme tounite the telegraph companiea; mciubcrs of the Cotton Excbauge thrcaumed to aiart arivnl liue. : Furtuer details of the aut- lonnga ol Mary Hammel were leamed. - Toe 1 .nauce Committee ol Ihe World'e Fair Comniisaion met. Copies of the paper may atill be obtained at the oflice of T ue TniBi'NK or by mail. Price, 3 ceute. POPl'LAllON OF XEWYOBK CITY. From The TriVtine Almenaefor 1881. Warat. 1880. 1870. pir-t . 17,tf39 14.a_3 ^_d . L«W- 1.312 T__d. . 3.58!* 3,715 Ko ir il. 2-_-5 23,748 KSk". 16.131 17.150 H.i.h. '. 20.193 al *W u',','t'h.'... O-.006 44.818 _____T. . 35.880 34.913 SlSh. ***-s»3 47tJ"9 %°[l. .....:. 417.503 41.431 v__^.;_. . 68.779 64.230 SjjSk*.:::::."..... 8i.8o_ 47.41*7 SKSSrti. 87.797 33.364 J__rt-^v:.:::::::.*". gog 26.43a _...te. nth. 104.895 95.365 ____a-tb '....-... ...". W-e-O 59.5H3 Nn oenbi - . 158.108 86090 _^__tfr_r. «fl'0!i3 IM?7 tImiv ftrit. *«538 50'70** TwSSlJ.e-04.41. UL605 71,349 Twcntv-rtud-.. IZ'ZmI . T«enty-fourt_. *_.«» __2___, ToUi .1,206.577 942,292 Olwte-C'iloiaa. J80.433 1S.OV2 fOf Ihe vopoUUon of Hew-York City, 690.782 are rniieB, 615.81- femalea; 727.743 are of naUve blrth, aud 478,8'M are of lorencn.] FATAL ACCIDBNT AT BED BAXK, N. J. Red Bahk. N. J., Jan. 16.-Ed*-ard WU1- latna, BRe iblrty-ihree, an unmarned man. aon of Harta- home Williams, a w«H _nown New-York merobaat, and nepbaw of tbe late Commodore Carpenter, U. 8. "..while raatev-ig a piatform from (Jw boathouae at Dr. Fielda yeatatday afternooa, in order to ralaaaa aa ice-boat. waa earned with ibe falling plaifarm a dlauaee of thlrteen leel, strUiag bU head and ahoaldera oa tbaioe. He Unaertrd unUl 1 0*_«ok tbia morniaa *bau ba died. BU iknll havlnc beea rraetsrad. Bfr. Wtlrtaat. waa a _.» ber of tbe Carterate Boat Clnb. et Partb Ambey. SITTIXG BOLL DE8TITVTE. CmcAoo, Jan. 10..A diapatch baa beea reeeived fr»m Wolf Potni Intiaa Ageney, Uimcsua, nnder date of Jannary 12. via F rt _*iford, Jaan&ry 19. whleb says In auhatance: " Advicea from Sltunc Buil'a camp at tbe nmtitb of tbe Milk Ktver inolcata that ha la wiilin* to come in qoli>Uy. Tba Indians are ln a destlfnte condltion. and are un.uiia to move eltherBoath to anrrend*. or Norfb to earap* Ibe soldiera. Alilaon, tbe aoout, will start on -atordar fer the Indian vlllaae, aad will give Sitttnar Bnll nntai Jann¬ ary 181» begln tbe removal of hia eamp, and if Slttlng Buli falla ta do ao wilbin that time, tbe foroe ol M-Jor Iigee will move at once upon bia villaee." A diapatch from 8t. Paol aaya thtt foar companiea nf the 18th Infantrv and two of tba 3d Cavalrv were o**- dered to move from Fort Aaaimbolue on Jannary 14 dowu Milk Rlver to the vlciniij of Slttlng Buil'a camp Tbe ileiaenux-ut la auder tho oommand of Captain Mor* ria, ot tbo 18<_ luur.tr>. MAKIXE IXTELLIGBNOE. MINIATU'l- IL-.l.tia TO-DAV. Sanriaea. 7 .1 isno-au_. 6-OOiCloeb faatlO_'<i,'Me M....D n.-aa.... 7:27 Moot eaauha. 1:'* aoon .*.'«. da->.17 uion watbb To-oar-A. n. aan.tr Uoob.. 8:50 uot. laiaaa. W_.|_*U 1818 .... 11:21 lill.H WAT_*t TO-DAY- P. M. Baudy Hoot.. 9:09 | v_t. iaian.i.. tf:J4 Hall Uate.11:43 8HIPPIXG XEW8. POIVTOF NBWYOaX_JAN*. 18. 1991. AJUUVBO Btr ('.inlma (Br), McLireo, st lohna. NF, via Hahfax. !****, 2"a day.aitb _naeaad paan-tot-m to clark A _nl_an. .-.tr .alerno (Hr), Neill, .ull Dee ii, wltb mdac and pasaen- ger» to Haniler-on A aoa. Sir Devouia (iln, Youdk, Glaaa-ow Jan 6. and Moville 7. with Tudse and paasena-ra to lland.raon Broa. t4tr Mi.areabrook iBr , Jamea, Catmia I).. 7. Ml an».o 11. Paiermo I7.\'ai utia 21.Malaya 23 aud (Jlbrait.rfT.WMB fruit etc, to Henileraou Htoa. eir Atizona (Ur), Marray, Llveroool Jsa 8 aad .aeea* (own 5. wllh mdse aml paaseaifra io Wlihama * .onioo. nix Claribel (Br), J.m.'... black 141 ver Ji_ 1. .v-m. la Mar 3. Lucla 4,MoQttEO Bay Oau.l Faliuoath o, wuii md._ ruid paa- aoncur* to Piiu. rorwood A co. ntr Old Ooiui.ioo, Waikor, lUchmond. City Point and *<_. folk, wn li ni'is.r au.l paaa^nftera to Ol.l Dominion Wa Co. Mr Uent-iai Wliitui'v, ol-imn, NewOriaana Jan D, witb niiiao aud p.-reuaHt* to Uoirt-rt A Murgaa. -ti itv oi savauuah. Kieeiwoou, Haraouab 2 daya with nulwi au.l panavoeera u> (le Yo .ue. .-"iriiiaucua. Ufur.-H'. Uomiou with mdae an.t pa-sengers to Ji f OiaiocB. B*rk Viola (of St John, N F>. Jotl.tfe. Pernam uico 32 daya wllh aiiuailo . il-iroj. .v Co; v-Mtel lo J A Uoraay. nark ilavana, nice, ii'Hln.i i da, a, iu lu.iaii io i. S IVooit. Bari r-aiaii (Nod, Iaa irkau. C'ork ;;7 daya. tu baha.it to Fuucb, Edye A Cu. i'Hk Uoivi iNon. ttoiff.il. Bahia (J*. daya, with ancar lo order, vtis-.j. io Fum.h, _ilyp .iJo. auMa**rr.wiiro-'-»aa-ar iioot n_ht, ssn. very t_»y aud cloudy. At city IalaniL hjjhi. MV, c.oar. aRAMBB .OVlBBltTTa.POHBI«»B PORTS. U( ..F.:..*i')w\, Jan lU-i*iule.atr WlK-.n-i), Bentlfy. from I.lverii...)! tor NoW-YOTB. ckdobiiavkx. Jau lo-Arnv<_, *>tr iiahic, I'ur-eU Iiodi New-V ,i« Ioi L,iveiu_ii. BTBAim MOV-UKNTrt-AM-KlCA.V P08T4 li.:.i as , Jau lU-Ari'ivmi, 8tr onuno, WliUa.a. frora Lir r:... ... I'liu.ADKi.l'iii i. J:m I'i.vrr.v.-, »ti* fat! Brtne Wlu inc Ilanilna ProvfcU-oei i o..i u.»u«-ii,iiii«ii_ uverpouh Pjtta- v. I'i'.'i..'. l'oil.ii.i'.'K: 1_ui'hsI.i. .ii.ls, i.oatoo. Saileti. »lrt V ..' L»r.l. -quBUT. .\8.ij id. UAUiaoaa. Jau 16.Arnvwi, atra Mac'raaa Hovrea, Boatotu UrtiuB'.'. JlHIBB. Ni'Mi.Iil. .V'C. isaiiad.atr naiila ¦.>. Mii4..iin.KA.'>». Jan 16.Arrivo.1 a'. tb<- i'jsa'4, atr Mor.au LTty. .c.v i.na. ".. ... li -t Olif. l'oiii KiAAL J.i.i l6-.lrr.vcl.-tr MhVO. Poll.'Xf.'n. Pub- lui. kak Fii.4.vT-(". uii 16-natiad.atn cu> of At'anta. >"ew. Y..i£; \ hjflUia, I'.nlu.i._pu>- A.iicil, >uii>st _ai», NioLoH. .Vi'W-Yjr.. [netead o! Tnfli-g with a Had Cold Baa Dr. Juync'a Ex|.t..i mt, wuu-h aritl io,... u ih.- pbMBB, aaa- dac in_ammatioa, and eeriamly aave your Luuca aud Ibroat wncb daug roaa wear aod tear, * * UABBIED. BBCaWITH.lll' STBB-O- Th'iraiUy, .Tauuiry 13. hy tbe ic.v i-ooiaa iU-iiD^-i, o. i).. Brank B. Beckwltb, mo., lo M. a* l_wh. 11. lluuter. All nolic » of Manlagm mtut l- tndorted with full name ..¦.(/ addn i. Dli.ii aBBOTT.At t!.".«! "n.l. Obio, H tni.liv av*.'iiing. JADiiirf 1. Fr.llIK C \.l ...t lll .114 -. V T. I ii,..¦!..: iioiii !.¦*;.Vii.'. .'I iu. li o'.iei. Jo ni B. A'.b-.tt. .! \C- i j.i\*t.. oaw-York, inc*.i .'. Juiiu..ry ib, atli'. iu. U. ..uiv. s.in.ltil' .1.1* IHV1...1. BAWDGN-Oa tba leth inKt.. atMrlata k-.i.Ibii. ¦¦, Biaa JauvCbur. i. wlie ot WiUiaaa Ba I- tin. ral l m i iay. Kiiiii ":i it ii i.iv Bventng, Jajnary 15,al bia rea .. 161 W eat .i-:-.;.. .>) ituewBti- iu tim d.iii fmrtt m* Beiailvasaa'.taa4a ararsBpactA*_g mvitB.it> sttemi tb* luueralsetvlcea.ou T-a*-_y afiemoeo, Una*n .-.. at t oveiock, fiom tba ita-th Beiormad Cbarcb, ib^ Ber. _.P. Bofara oi .i :.vi- au.l -*l*i -t. lt. udi aie kiu.i.y r.'.jui' ,ed u.,1 waeod tl iwonl BROWN-AI BBsabaik, N. J.. out!:." l»Jth ln»t., Natii»a liown. tn ui^ --in y.-ai- ... F l rral tr.) ;n» u i re.i.len.-e, rnxi Ci'-ri., .»t., ou V. i-doe4- jay. t,.c lOib, at 11 o'rlock. Knlatlvr-ai.il. euds u vi> _«i to at .o:i.l. Eseier, N H.. Newa _-ttrr piea copv. Ill'CK.Oii Sa'iir.iav eveuina. ifllli. at :.i* ic.l.lanra. Bli*f* wo. d. >'. J.. <'f t.pl.o'd i>n uui'iiii i. J. J ii s .u. aou iu ..ua l'.'-v. I. Jui "ii ilii.'k in litf mn. v-ir.i .ii. an.-. nn-.. » u i.i-.-uianoii i'ndaaa lay 1 't'l.aii-r.t cii'irch, Bl.l.'ewoial. i'l 12 '.'i. 8 no.ui. I'.t-lat. eaauil fneuilaare nivitcil toattan-l. Traina leave f,_i «1 Oi.mbWB* - IO.Hjb r. tun.la* .oitb HblgBaeoil 8:07 aad ft:. 11>. m. CAYBOK DITCAYtB-AtSLOgi 't!ia\.'. Jcmary Id, Jean Bap.'iatcC'liarlea.M'.ho - c.i r n .hi I vaai*. i;..i.:._ nia_ ..' Cburcii *_. Vlat't_l ¦'. 1'aii. .'J i-t ou U ».!iie..._\, Jainur> r.i, l(i: la .a II '. I.I.-In ¦¦..» Y T,; .'.iy, ..n Prl .... Jaaoat-f !4, 1*81, Iia- BrUa H irriiou. -ll.'..: ja:ii«.¦ P Ha I. IB ;Uj bi 1 age. lti'.i nvinaii.t fn ii'-> are raapeetrutl] inftt-i to aiteu-l tbe tiiiura'»«ir vlo-. on Tiiowlay, Janu.<ir is. at 1- ..'civi, ai BLjamea'a -ore i. la 7-«l-at., uen '.esUiBtou _.m'. JOCKLY.'.Ia Bew-Havea. coim.. Jaua.iry U, Sntna ;1_ Joc-lyn, in lii-soth vriroflu aar-. Iinu-ra. wnl takapiaeeai big iate r.-aldeucr. ou Moa.tsv after- U'.'lU. lll 3 Oi':"' k. lt.'..iiiv.'.aiid fiiun.iaof tlio fam 1>- ara invitad to he pre* nt. Barlal pi Slfi II H.I.">"-Iii Brooklvn. on I'ri lav. .la>i larr 11 n.:v t_Ui M ii'iii'l nl Uir 1 .ir W11I18UI K. Miillialiou. M. I). in I aanfhiar«f tbe lat* WIIBbm Vaa AbMrara iu taa u..i reac ot ll r.'ife Th.'fi. 1 ralwlll tak.'1'l.if" ou ttimt*y, Janciry ., at 11 ..'. I >. k. irom ihr r h i" n" of 1'et aon-lu-Liw, r, li. \v or.:e»- tcr. 1*78 Laf.reltr^vp.. Urocklya. PALffXB.Al Manit.. Paik.CoL, January 10, tlie II.>n A. W. l'a'nier. ot Atii. la. V. Y. PABK.OnSit'Titny niornlnz. January l\ IS3!. narrl^l J.iaiiiii. aii'.oi uni-raik ;.al ilaj.l)t.:r of tlie Uu iw. Wi.haia A. Hailo k. O. I). Kelativeaaiiil ineuilsa i'liivite.1 toattomltbefuneral trom <"r latf r**-iilmici". No. 104 Weat lltli at.. on in.-a.uy un'iuiiijl, January 1& ut 11 o'cl. .k. BDHl.NH'iN.' tn 1'rinlir, 13th Iuat.. at Woreeatar. Maaa. Jamea KoUiukoq, foruariy of thia city, iu tbe i'utli y_rot bta a.e. 8T.* PIIB.N.*K)K-.\t f-t. An«-i*lina. Fla., SatoMay, January 8, U-iiJunlti. 800 Of J*Mill Jl. -JU-oheiiaon. F-ueralarrvl.'f. will t_heldai tbe Obnreh cfthe Heaalah. i-oruer a4tb »*. anu Paik-avc, 00 Moudar aft'-nioon, lanuair 17.at4o*c!oc_ FrleuiUara luudy requesied aot to __| flowera. TAYLOB-At Xew Ml!f*M, Conn.. Frl<lav tnornlrif, ltth Inst., Or. ueor»te laylur. In the T'.'tb year ,J bta ».**.. Hrianve. aud menda oi tha fauiilv aud of hia aon lu-iaw, Tbouiaa K. hlew .rt, arauiv.ieit toatuua lia lunt-rai aarvkaa Bt 111a late rr.<1.-ik"«." iu New-MUfo-.l, an Mou'iay, 17th ImL. at 2 o'ciuck p. ui. Political Sotices. ~Ylll»t tn-eioblT OUtrlct Uepabllcn- \«-ool«t!o_.- Pnnury electtea. m Mort Hall. H K**t .v.'ih «.. thl.. .Hon- day) eveumg. to olect delegate to tho lentrsl Committee to _lf yacancy lo 1* open 7 1.1 p.m. JA.OU HESi*, Free't KouT. o. N. Foao. seeri-tary. Suenal NfUees. ~Gce. A. Leavltt dt fo., Aactlooeers. THURSDAY AND FBIDAY EVENINO*. JANCARY 89 _Ud21,*ttbeLKAVITT AH T UALLKRIEa. 817 BKOADWAY, NOW ON EXHIBITION FREE. DAY AND EYEMXO, THE STBWART BROWN COI.I.ECTIOX, OIL AND WATfclTcO-OB PAINTINQS. Beloo__)«totheest_'oorthe late Stewart Brown, enj.. ot tbls city. by order of the ExecutnrB. Alao. A.S-TH_.il FI.N'K COLLECTION. from prlvate owter*. the wnoli an exceptionaily good aad floe eoUectwa ot painttags. KO.NOAY AND TDBBDA^EVEMNaS. AT U.IATOH MR. JOHN LAFABUES LIBRARY. mm-rated and Art Wort*. Oeneral Iiteratare. Ac. Ac U__xt A. aaalela. 81. O- ltt _->xin_u._-a-_. aear .*.*-« u. j m. H#ttr% x te I aod 3 ie 7. _AttaaUoa to B-nllowoa. " It ae-er lall* me whrre badicated. and ltapurlry and nee- feet eombiiiBiion renderltInvalaable," bbtb thedlitlnniiMd Auibor an.i ScienUst. Dr. TCLI > *. VKHDI, ot W_e__p«1op. 1). C. (ComBila-ioaer National Board <>f Uealuu. oi tae l_ebl| io.'»Ai_lcatedK_tractoi WiicB Has-L curea Waija Rh-um, KhenraaUsm. Pertodleal PaUw ol Ve-alea, Uaiarra, NearaH-i. sold ln fltty oeote and dallar buds. Feet 0__ee Net_ea. ___._-. T_ef-re_rn me'.lsfor tn*i weeBena.a*J*rOBOA Jjffgm W. wUl eloaa ai tbu oa_oai on TUB8DAT. alIgfJ* bb.. for Ku rope. of ateaaaulji W'yomiag. ."*».._»_;_*_*>.__'._._». WBDNB8DAY. UlBB.br Barepe. .*""***. __*.__¦ ria <4u*eaai*i*a ic)n_*pea.u>nc* lorrraaM ¦» oeepa- ueaia. CherBsargBBa^saiharg; on»*TVBDaVM£*£. t_r eotoiml bv ataaauhio Clty ol BkiBbbob*. via Qnaene- tT«n (corraBBoadeaca tor Qermaar BBdaeaUaad aiuat ha m-Uhr artdrBBBea); _nd at 7 a. m. tor SeatlaaMl aurot. _jr S___^^o_i_. n* duagaw a_d_t7 a. bl. tor Baigme. Mreci"yateaaMhlp HwitserUB.I.vla ABtww* eodtt lla__, tor __ri»a, br a _M_sh_» Oder.ru us>tBasBBiaB aad Bmm. TiYe ntaus lor Porto lueo laaro N«w-York J aaaarr 18. Tha i-liai'-raavaaalB-WB fiew-Yoi- JaaoBrr 18*** Tha __uil_ nwMtxico leave New-York Jaanejr _Oa__l n. Tha niau_ lor HarO leave Naw Tork JBanarv 3d Taa taali* toc iBoaiea, _a-aaili_.a<_,iea-e Mew-YaK Jaaaaty Sl.ThaatflUa tor Hou-onule_ve New-York January 3L Theaallator Vea- aBoeta aod O-mooa leave New-Yerlt Jaaaaij M. **- rMI7 "* THOa. b. IABB8, rastoasa Bew-Vgrt. J-a-__r llt laal.

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Page 1: fliahIf tbe Democratic - Chronicling America

l/iavre colicotlon a necklace of preciona atonee offcalxteenth centnry workmanship, wbich carae to

C as rWidnary legatee. Ita onlv equal in tbe worldtin tbe regalia at St. Petershu.g. Mine. Thiers2,afew_T(..t occaeions woreit in the early years"ber married life. M Mignet and other oid andtntimate fri.uda are legateea.Oeneral S!ierman ia indebted to " Private Dalzell"

Hwtlesecomtnendatlona: " He has a quick eye and

teads yon clear throngh tbe moment bo casts bia

flance at you. He bates yon, deepisea yon, loves or

.dmires you on aight, yet wilh tbe thorougb breed-_ng aud reflneinent ef a gentleman he never giveeonneceaaary offence to even tbe nieanest men or

women. All he wanta ls a wide berth to diviue him

from their aociety. and if ibey cannot take one ofbis pleaaant hinta to vacate the premises, they mnstnot be anrpriaed to hear inverted acripture burtlmg»hoiit their eara. for oid Billv despiaes borcs andfoola and won't h8ve them uenr bim. Hia apeechis rapifl, flowing, eloqoeut, full of emotiou. earnest»,id uobesiUtiuglv eandid. He calla thiutra t.ytheir right names, aud never miuce* mattera a bit to

please any man."Tbe Norwegian Poet. Bjom-tjerne Bjornson, bas

written a pleaaant letter from Boaton to the ViennaXieteFrtie Prette. General Grant waa there at thetime, and the po.t haa worda of lofty admiration fortbe independent and decent mannera of the crowd,compoeed of the ricb and the poor. that snrroundedtbe 8tate House and even torotige<l tbe balls duringtbe reception in General Grant's honor. Tbe same

republican qualitiea impreased him at a politicalmeeting. Tbe inteliiaence und manly dignity of thegndienoc electriflod him ao that " he never in bis lifefelt atronger or ao fllled with the joy of life." Hewaa snrprised to fiudsociety so abnndantly sprinkledwith men notable for learning and ability. It seemed.ronderfnl to him tbat" ao manv of the ednoatedmen abouid have a super-apiritual trait, and poesesstu ideal. even sentimental eitttinsiasm. lt waa thelaa' thing 1 exp«*ted to flnd ln Araerica." He givesthis pea aketc'i _f General Grant: " He ib small andthick-set, with bis head beat a little forward. HiaM wander while be ls greeting a person, but whenbeaoeaksto any one theyrest quietly aud atead-faatlv upon the person spoken to, and tb;n one a.eabow bia Btrong characteristic is hcaltbv eold refleo-tion, and firmness of grasp, poaition, look aud mien.

Urant ia not a greut _oul, but Le ia a pnre, a strongobaracter, that of all counsels chooaes theaoundeat,»nd holde iirmly to it nntil tbe purpoae becomos theJeed."Otiawa, Onr.. Jan. 16..It ia aaid that the Pnn-

eessLouise will >eturu to Ottawa early in May.


A mania for oarricb fartning possesses theHttlerB ln Konth Afrioa, and vast traets or siieeii-paattiroare heing converted into ranees for tha more priinrat>UWpedB. As a result the prioe of niuitou bas advanced 2cent* per poiiud.The " petrified serpentv reeently diaeovered

<._ tbe bank of tb> Oswego Biver larna ont to be a frnudol so palp.it>,e a nature as to be unwoitl.y a plaee bc-idcIhe "Card ff glaut," whlih was made ot gn;>ri. sni.st.in-tial atone. w_ile hls ei,ake*bip ls fouiid lo cousist of clay.Biotiideii aid bakrd like rude potterv.The town of Windham, Me., boaats of an

aged mlnlster and au aueteut cliuicn. lhe latter haviugbem organzed early ln tiie last eeatary. The paatsa.ttie Rev. Luth'-r Wiswell, ls an octogeuiirli.il. but stillnmalns ln active sorvlce. Oa Snnrtuy, tbe 14th ln-t-.he celebrated the eigl.tleth anulveraarv of* hls birtti byBsermon frooi ihe uppropiiate text, " I am tbia day Iouracore years oid."A Gennan correspondeut of Ihe Pall Hall

Gazett; wilti-a tbat tue fltiaucial diatreas iu lieruiauy ls

Yery great. Selling prices and land rents ure falliugIrlghtrully low. Tue result ls that iichtors on uiortcugerannot pay tbe Interest of their debts, aud ure dlspo.a-.eased and their propertles freqnemlv aold al half lhevalue th.y had souie time ago. Tlil*d( iireclailon oanuotba iutrit'iiieil to furclgn comnetitio.i. a:< fie importatlon( f corn and other proiluee baa been tuxed. It ls general ybelieved thutthe la.l mprlcea ls duc is tne »c_icity otaaafe.Mother Shiptoo's venerable Btar is waning.

A migliter sooti.sayer than she lia* an*eu ln the personot a Kingston, Jamolea, philoeopbcr, who dtducts fiomthe second ehapter ot 8t. Matthew'a goapel tbe Btarllni-conclusiou that the 8tar of Betblehein ln ita periodlcrevolution of ab<*-t 315 years. a ill appear as a bnghtatar lo 1887, and that tbe earth will then uadergo cou-

vulalons, phyaleal and moral, with clvil etilfe, aataMfln North Aiuerlca. Strange, too, lor that ia uot a Preai-deutlal electlou year. However, tbls Is no! tbe flrstprophecy relatiug to 1887. The Rev. Abd Piereon, ofTeunesaee, many years ago evoln-d Irom the book ofDaniel a fortnuia hy which he coaiputed that aboui tbel_tb ol M-.cti, in lb_t year, the nilileninnm woulU be.lu.There laevldentlva wide dlacreiancy between ibe twopropheclee. Probably moer people wni luvor tb< lait r

oiw. on account ot Ita mora venerable age, ita greaierdeflniteoe-s of uate, aud. pariioular.y, its more jgreeableeharaatar.The p_pular impre_sion that Newfoundlaud

la adepenileney or Oreai Hritalu apjieara i« t-e erroucous.

Lord Dunraveu bas Just called atteutiou to the fsct tbat

by tbe treaty al Utreeht, atill ln forci. tl-bini. riKhtsovertbe shore Irom Cape Ray to Cape Jobn. coniprlsiugabont three-seventh* of tbe cntlre ceaat line ot the 1»-

land, were secured to Frauce; and that country layaClaim to b *trlpol laud haita mile tn wldlh along the entire

weatern-eaboard. Bome day tbe settleruent ot cona.ctiugClalma ot tbe EuirllBh and Freueh G*>vem;ueuts wil. al-ford a flue field lor dlploinatie inauc-uvring. Mcan-

while the UBcertaluty ls a aeiious bar to the prospenty oftbe whole lslaud. Tba QoTernmi-nt isdebarred rr.mi mak¬ing auy dtspositloii ot over 2. .000 squsre miles or lami.Kobody carei to purrhaae or a'U-iupt to dsvelop thexoaources ot ibe land. Worse Biln, as it is *ul>J.-ct to noautLonty. it bas beiume tne refuge ol cr.iuiuaia or allclaaaea. tor nn wrlts are effectlve tbere, bul " every mandoea tltai which seeuu beat to bim in bis own eyes."


A very general demand w made by theata'e jirc*s. not that Grow aball be tbe ticxt _nnalor, buttiiat Oliver sba 1 aot be...PhUadelpiua Freaa (Rep.)The Deraocrntic party ia quite unlike the

Oid Ouanl.ituever diea; italwyya suiTeuuers..(Port¬land Preas (Rcp.)The country would be a gainer even by per-

BBiittng the »lx and flre per cent bonda to remain out-atajMtlu*. rataer tban by aooeuiiua bucU a meaaure otrefunoieg aa that now piopoaed by tue Houae oi Hepre-arBtailves ln Committee ef the Whole..fIToy Timea¦a»J

If tbe Democratic party shall only accom-

fliah tbe roaiiue labo, of pasami: thu approprUtlonlUa, tunui'g over tbe Fuadiug bill, revenue reform,

atnlaBBrrlee reform and tbe repeal or ibe uavlgaaooliwi to tbe tender merriesof tne cext Congreea, it wi.lahow that tl.e party tbu* repreaented cunnot and ougbtBvtto govern tbe country . (Pbtiadelpiiia Record (Ind.)

ALL THK I.E ISOF IT.From Tk« Albany Jcumol ijup.»

A raiachievoua eoggeation ia uiade that, onBBe o|*eo vote lor Benator oa Tnaaday utxi. tbere will be. bolt from tbe caucua caaaldate aud a union with Dem-erats to d"fcat him. But tho sug^esiion is absurd.HothiBg ol the klnd la tbouxht ol by any one who par-gic'pated ln the caucua. Tbe lleuiocrata. like Barkis, are** wiUJa'," and that la all there la or it.

KAILINO A DEMOCRATIC LIE.From a LetUr to The LouunHU* C*trUrJovmal (Dtm.). The charge that we have bulklored, ui-

/ttBHdaied or Irlgotencd our meu ia utierlr uutrue. Nur_a it aseessary to rely on our word tor this. It ls a ractof eontmon knowledga here with botb Itepubicans andyiiBBiiiBBlB that at laaat _0 per cent or our men vote thefir-Bucractc ticket. and did ao at lhe laat election ; thatBMa promtnent tn our empior for years buve been llte-longaadardaBtDeiuaeraia, aieaibennf IieuxxsniUcclobaacilat DatBoeraUe Ceatral Oommitieea, am_ug thein three o'tbe moat tmportaut officlala of our uBlce. oue ot them aeteetBotder »t tne eoaipany. Not . Biaa Ib our employwaa evardlsebanrad lor poUiloal i-aaoaa, or threatenedwita dlaebarge or witb loss of favor ot any kiud or de-araa ob tbia aeeooat. We have excieucd the taBlleDi.oleright of every treeaiaa to vote aooordiug Ui the diciateaal our oonsc-tnee, and »hile we bave oot he-itated toaapiesa oor vIbwb on tbeae roMecis to our men aa toOther*, we have aavar lotrluged oo tbu preroaatlre witbatbera. It u my obserration thai the mt-chuniu ta no

RatlaekeyerslavB. Ha read*. t-take and acta foraaaif, aad I do tbaaa m .«r tartorr the iiuUoe to he-

bava tbat there ls not oae among the nunitx-r but wouidaaeeat a_y atteaspt at hls coercion at oooe and witb ra-anaasitsa,, trelyrsora, cxbji.St_di:___bkb.

nasulaat StudebaBar Bi-ua Ml'g. Co."

THE Bi-MX OLD D_8IK)XE8TY.__ *»*-* Th* CAimgo JVifruw iSem.) __Tho fact ia that the diacuasion in tho Houae

aaa develuped aa ttiogieai aad victoua aunao*ity ot theDaatooraU ta tba pneeet apataai 1 cwrraacy rathar8mb a deelra to raluud tha matariag bouda at ibe lewestwtaot laterestaad upoa tbaiaoetravorab<e terma. TbeMk a_ tba Peaaswata. laaiadawr bobm ot their leadera.ayyaar to he attarty ladi-bnat to the weUare aod luter-aata af tha Oovei-aaeat la tbia whole matter if they can.atr grathry aa anraaaeauur awjadt-a agaiaat the haahaB-d taatr ald-daaa avpoauioa wo r-.iunpiion. Il U to oabepad that the leuue wuV darelop tu> ablilty, boaeatyBad arataasa ta dofeat tha dea.B|B»_rian_ _a this Hwaae;¦ aet. taa Btasaasts me anaraaiTal rarnnUlng undar theaaantii** or taa pwxanl Onoirtu will be rar- forlura.

Wt- HIBCOCS AUD THK 8PEAKBRHH1P.Fttm fktamamtt Jtmmml (M*g.)

Atidkb from geaial manaaera, forensio talentaat Wah utder. aad toag bvbbb-hiih ib taa ac-ool ol poll-%t»,Ut.B_K*iefc hasbohiaill-_B two termtof active aud

¦BHTtnsa. OnagrawBaa-i Hiacoeb deaarved walt ol tbeaad the raurty Jby Ma patnotle fxerttona at tha

_laartad whioh toOowad tba dispated aieattosorra Be haB provad hlaaaatt B«t oaiy a akUful laader ofb aad director ef aaartaa- feraaa, oat be has alao de-

iWiaaja. aad diapiataa tha Mchar taalHiaa af a atatas-aaaa. Ooubuitaatbaataet aaa aeraonai tateeaee wlihlaal ability to grasp tha aaTaln or state. tha Hoo. FraokglaaiBttfta eaailBats whsse eleetl^a w_uid do oredit toIba BafBBhUeav party aad ba paoulmi ly graufylua to tbe


jawaiBnwealth had tha dlatriet taat woald B. hanored



IfROM THK RKOULAK ( uRRt'Sl'OI*I>KVT OF THF. TRIItnr*«.lLondon, Deo...()..One of tho leading jonrnala of

I_>ndon liogins its commcnts on tbe second day cfthe litsh State triala with tbo remark tbat theybave alreatly lost much of tLe intereat with whiehthey wero unticipated. That may be truo enonghof Fngland. or raih.T of London, but I donbtwhether it ho true of Irelynd. The sj.ccial corre-

spondents whom tlie London pres* diapatched toDa him Himil liome, it is true, narrativeswhirhshowthat therowaano great exeitement in tbe streets.There were no mobs. There was not mneli ehcer-ing. The "martyrs" were not accompanied to tliestake by throngs of devoted adhercnts, oaeer to boimmolated with tbeir leadera. But on tnrning totbo Dublin papers 1 iind the proceedings r4>portetlwith lar more particularitv than in thoae of Lou-(iiin. and some detiiils are given, among which therain bolds tbe first place, which acconnt in a

measnro for tbe quietnc*. ot the public munifesta-tions. In Ihe Freetnan'g Jout ml the icpoitsnf thelirst day fill lifteen coliuuns. The speech of the At-torney-Generol, ao fai as he has gone. ik rcportedverbatiin. Witb what I take to he Ililx.niaiihnmor, this paper alleues tbat " the BBthotitiee didwhatover lay in their power to rrrflfr toramotion Inthe netghborhood ot tho Four Courta by barring ollthe gatea, garrisoning them with police, and swnep-

ing the adjoiniug quay with patrolaof horse nmi

foot." Tben. with logic not loss Hlbernlan, thoBarae anthority a Ids that " a far moro eflective en*

gine tor clearing the 8tro<'t8 waa the cold and diiigyrain wbich 'drizzled down tho whole day withmelancholy consistency." All the popn!nr enthnsl-asm or popnlar indignation that can bediaeoveredia roncentrated in tho groupa.not miiwrotw. ap-parently.who in apiteol the murky rain aml ot

the caracoling horsemen. did stand eootentedly aat-urated upon the open qu»y all day long. "DirtyDublin," absetves ono London chroiiicler. *. nevermore beneatly deetrved ita name."And yet tho occasion waa not Bantini in

dramatic intereat; nor even in t-ensational im i-deiits. 1 am afiaul it is true that, as writers on

both si.ks the Channel s;iy, Ihe real Qovernment ofIreland.real for the uioment, is belnf tried bv tbeju.licial reiircseiitallvesol the nniuinal atnl olli.ialGovernment. Throiighout tWO-thirds of Ireland,Alr. l'iunell's deciees, or th<- decraes of the LandLeagne of whieh Mr. Parnell ia the ttanrebead, aro

implioitly obayed. Tbedvereesof Mr. Porator, thepioieaaria of thn law courta whieh mn in tho name

of the Qaeen, are just as regnlarly diaobeyed. 11any evidence of that (acl were wanting, it ia snp*plied l.y the remarkable nie-.norial addreaaed to Mr.Gladstone bj 700 Irlah magiatnttea, aflirming thattho state oi lawle aneaa nnd intimtdation at pre¬aent exiating in this country is such thnt the lawi* utterlv anable toeope withit. Whatsnaweriathere to that ? lt is not Beceaaary to refer to ChielJnatiee May's retireineni fri>m the bench (for tho

parpotea of these triala) ns atnrthei proof of tho

power oi the Leagne oi of tii.tt section of lri..ii

pulilie oi.inion of wbieh tbo Leagne is the recog*nized eiecutive f»r tho time being. Engliahopinion not lesa than liiah reqniredit What this

nnlncky Jodge aaid tbe other day is what mighttruly unii properly have been sai.l anywhere l.utlrmii tlie bench, and by anybody lmt a judge wbovmis to preaadeovet the trial of peraona accnaeil oltlu- very oit.-nees he justly .1. nounic.l. Bnt Engliahfccliim will not tolcrute a llagraut violation of thetraditiooaof jndicial ImpartiaUty. In Ireland, im-partiality in the Ensliah aenae has by no meana beenasrietly obaerved, and iu England itneli tbe notion,in its preaent eompleteneaa und with reference toeaaea between the Crowu and tba aubject, la "i

luialeru growth. But nono tho le>*.lid tbeCbiefJusticc's iu.lisireli'ili give a lian.lle to tbos'- who¦ee peraeeution in everj e_ort to put tho ordinaryproceaaesof the law in motion; just as they deecrytyranny lu every raggeation for reetorins publicorder hy extra-l.gal mcaiis, or by the saspensiofl otthe ordinary aafeguards ol the loyal citi/en a sus-

pension to which few loyal citi/ens object. If a

third seusatiou.il incldent lx) want. d, it may befound in tbo preeence of Mr. Mat-donogfa aa aeniorcounscl for Mr. Parnell and hia eo-defendanl whosix-and-thirty years ago was counscl lor 0*Connellin similar circumstances; then, l believe, aa jtiuior.now as leader Tjf all his associates. Tho l.ain-t. ra

cuiployed on ono aide or the other iinlnle ull theemincnt names at tho lristi liar. But there seema

to beadeaitb of forenaie talent, oi, at least, of fo-rensic eloqnenee. No ono man is singled ont byeonunon ooaaent aa head aml abooldera above hisf.llows. Tho Atlorney-O'.-uiral. who lea.la for tbeCrowu, is able but dry, and there uro great tom-

plaints tbat be eannot bo heard.ln Ireland even inorc than in Francn. it is the nn-

expectt-d whicb liappeus, and the lirst day of tbetrial (TucBday, Deeember 28)proved bo exceptlonto the rule. Kobody SBppoaed a jury could e ini-

panellod tho lirst day. It was iu fact impanelledwithout troublc beforo luuch. The Jnrora sum-

moued aeeni to have been tbe only peraona in Dub¬lin who wero not eagat to ba preaent al the trial.Tbey wero ordered to put in an appearanee undera penalty of Sf-.BOO eticb, yet only cightecn ont oftwenty-four were tbrre, and after some bad beenexcuscd from ill-health, the re.iuiaito twelve went

peaceably into tho box. It is rcmarkod with won-

der that bo little __**____og occurre.l umongtbolawycrs at tho opening. Whether IocbI qnlbbleswere dispensed with at tbe instance of tbe defend-antsor bccaiiso tbe Crowu lawycrs bad done theirwork too weil to permit of its being challengol,seems uncertain. Fossibly Mr. Farnell thought thomoral efleet of his appearanee would he impsiredby aliowing hia counsel to indulge in technical ol>-

jections to tbo indictment. They wiy.all aorti ofp<'ople any.that tbe defendants are too will satis-li(_ with tbe comoositiou of tbe jurv to take, muchtroublo about minor matters. From the begiuning,tho difflculty of aecunng a conviction on no matterwhat (haiges aupportod by no matter what evi¬

dence, haa been reeognized. There waa, bowever.a great outcry againit tho authoritiss becauae theycbose tc adopt an old mctbod of selocting jurora.the method employed in O'Connell'a ease.whiehwas supposed to give aome advantage to theCrown. lt doea not appear to bave given much.Estimatcs vary, but tbe lowest 1 have seen reckonsthrro as tbe numbor of jurymen wbo may be reliedon not to convict; three " boot-eaters," in the

phraseot aoclebrated jurorof times past, whode-clared he would eat his boota before he would Iindthe accused gnilty. 'ihe higbest la nlne; whichperbapa BpringB Irom tbe religious distribntion oftbo panel into three Frotestants and niue Catholica.

If these men aro supposed to be amenable to ex-

t .rnal intlueuces, one ialluenco is as gocxl as an-

othpr; and amons them may be reckonod tho Btage-procoasion cle7erlv organUed for the entrancc intoConrt A band of Home Rule membera of Parlia¬ment had been engaged for the purpose. On theway ta the Four Courta, the O'Oorman Mahon andMr. W. H. Snllivan eonstituted the advance guard.Next came Mr. Parnell himseli, tbe principal tra-veraer. aa tbe lriah papers call him, arm-lu-arniwitb the right hoaorabla the I_rd Mayor of Ditbliu,M. P., and there wore aome twenty thar M. P.'a inall; part defendanU, part armpathizera. If it hadbeen ib Fraaee, wbere a Deputy on great occaaionawears abeanUful scaif. tho spectatular efleet wouldbave been much tiner. lt ie depreaaing to thinkbow wet tbey moat all have been on arriviug, audin wbat aa atmoaphere ot aeetbing gar-tuenta tbey paaaed tbe day.Tha Indictment, or iatber the ex-officio intorma-

tion, cont-ioa .inetoon couiiU. BtriptMNl of tecli-

nicalitiee tbe ohargea are cbargea for conspiracy toincite tenante not to pay their renta, cbargea fordeterring tenants from paying (minna the con*

Bpiracy, that ie), cbargea lor carrying out tbeae

deaigna by threata and violenoe, cbargea for preventing new tenanta Irom taklng the larms of otherevieted tenanta, and cbargea of - Boycottinf." Thelatter connt is cnrloua enongb to bear qnoting:"that the traveraera conaplred to outofl and ut-

teily preclnde trom all inte*rt*onrae a»d commuaionwhataoever, and from all inteicaarae and deallngaIn tbe way of buylng and aelUng and otber bnai-neaa. and to abna at all timea and in all plaoea aa if

affected with loathaome diseass, and to bold up to

pnblio hatred and contempt, and to snbject to an-

noyance, injniy and losa in the Durauit of his law-ful ocenpation and industry, auy and every tenantwho ahould pay the rent to whicii be waa lioundnniler his contract of tenancy.'' And aaafuitherspeciiniu ol the way in which tho legal mind dealsvitb plain uiattera, the last rount of all may hecited j nlleging that the traversers. " being evil dle-]m>ss1 persona. linlawtully, wickedly, and sedi-tioualy did conapiie, conihme, cnnferterato andngreo together to cause and creato discontent anddisatic. tion BSBOBg tlio liego snbjecta of our lady the

Qneen, to eicite and promote fcelings of ill-willand bostility between difEereat clasaes of herMajesty's subjects, that is to say. Iietwcen .landl<>nlaand tenants in lreland, nnd fnrther to ciiitc andpromote teelings of ill-will and hostility towaid thelandlorda of lreland atnongst the rest of herMajesty's suiijccts in lreland, to the great terrorand (ilarni of the said landlorda, to the cvil exatnnleof nll othcra in the like case oflVnding. und againattbe peaco of our lady the Qucon. her crown anddignil.v.'Theae are bnt cuiioeitica. Wo all know what

MeaatB, Parnell & Co. havo really been doitig:what eonaplraey they have organized: what meaaa?>iey bavo employed: what reiirn oi terror theybave set np and what they avowedly nim at. Thequeation now to Ihi tried ia not wbethertbe l.andLeague and its leadera havo tried to suhv.rt thelaws and aro still trying: not whether they are tbepromotera of a vast acrartan agitatioa. with thonlterior purpoaeof setting up a llurao Bale l'arlia-ment in Diiblin, and the luuuodiate pnirose ot not

payiag their rents nor nllowing anylxxly else to doso. All that is admiSted; more than adtnitteil,boaatedoL Hut. aaa great lawyeroaoe remarked,aman is not baagad bcauee he bas eommitted a

inuider. He ia baaged bcaaaa he ia legally provedto havo oommltted a marder. Aml tbe quaathmnow ia simply whether Maasra. Parnell & Co.. intheir pnis.it ol illrgal uud levolutionary < n<Kbava einploycil enda wbich are iliegiil and ean baproved to be II legal. Tbe lurther queation whetherif this be proved the traverscra will ba foundgnilty, la not a queation ol law ai all, bnt, aa Ibalawyara say, la tor tba juryi and what latboagblof tiie probable action of tbe jury I have indicatadnhove.

_____________________°-w- H'



HkNNH.1.. OF CoVBBTaY.i/Diii The PaU Muli Qtuette.

lloi.t.v Lodor, Oet. 7. 1880.DfAK Saiia : I ahould like, while Iba aubjecl is

vividlv present witb me, to tell y»u more eiaetlythan I haveevei yet done, wbal 1 knewoi my aoat,l-'.liz il>. tli Evans. My father, yoa know, bved inWarwiekshire all my life wub him, having tinallylelt M.tlinl-liir liist, Bnd iheli l»erl.v«liire, ail or

Beren years before lie married my motber. I lieieius hardly any intercounw between my father'afamily, reaid nt ln Herbyahira and Btaffbrdshire,aod oat lamily.few aud far-between viaita of ttomy childiab feeling) strange nuclea and annta and1,,11-mi* irom my father'a far ..il native country. andon, .¦ :i jouniey oi ui*. own. as n little eblld, with myfather ;ii;<l uiotlvr. to s,-.-my uncle Williiim. a ri. Mbullder. Ul SlalVorililiire .liut not my uncle uudaimt Siiiniiel. so lar as 1 can leeall the dira ontlineof tbinga.ara what I r< uiembe. ofmortberly n-la-tives iii mv cli'liliiood.Hut when 1 waa aeventeen nr more.after my

sister waa married, and 1 was mistress ol tbe house.niv fatiier took a jonrney into Derby»bire inwhich, viaiting my nucle and aiint Samn*., iv-lmwere very poor, anu lived in a bnmble cottage a!VYirkaworth, lie loiiiid iiii iiiiiit iii a very dellcateBtate ot bealth altii :i Berion. Illneaa, and, lo do herImdilv good, hepersuaded her lo retnrn with him,lelliugher that! slmiil.l be very.very banpv tobavoli- r wub ni'- t"i a lew weeks. I i\is tben atrong vonder the induencoof Kvangebcal belief, aml ear*neatly endeavoring to tbape tbia anomalona Ki gbah-('iiriatiau life ol oura mto aome eousistency witbtho apmt aml simple verhal tenor <>t tbe NewTestament. 1 was debghted lo aee mynunt. Atthongta 1 had only beard l.r *p >-

ken ol aa a strange person, given to a

fauatlcal vebemenee <.i exbortation in private aawell a* public, I believed tbat 1 sbonld liud syra-palb) between us, Whe waa tben an uld woman.sbovoaixty.and, 1 believe, bail f«T u good manyyeara given up preucbiug. A liny little woman,wit h bngbt, amall dark eyre, and hi-ir thal badbeeu iilii.k. I imagine, bnt was now grav.a nretlywoman In her ynutb, ut ol ¦ totally differentphvBical tyoe Irom Dinah. Tbe ditferenei..a vouwill bclievi.waa not _implv physual: no differ-. ie.¦ ia. Mie waaa womauol atrong natural exciin*lulity. which 1 kuow, from the doMtription 1 baveheard my father nnd hall-_i*ter give, prevaiited herfrom tha eaerelaa <>f diacrvtion nndertlio proinpringa of bar /al. Uut tin*vebemenee waa now aubdaed by aga andaiekn.-s; ahe waa veiy (eOtla al.d qnieliu Inr uiaiiiK r«.very l.ivinr;.i»-"t (wbal ahe muatbave been ii""i tha very t'n*i) a Iraly religiooaaoul, ni Whom lhe love of Ood aml love ol man

were fu-nl Uigetber. Ibera waa notbing hiehiydistincti\e im ii,i religioiia oonveraation. 1 bad hamuch inteiconrae witb piona I»;-v*».-iit. ra before. Theonly freahneaa I found, in onr lalk, cauie from tbe[act that abe had been tne greater part of her lifea Wealeyau, and tboogfa abe l> tt t e aoriety wbenwomen were no l.mger allowod to preach, nndjomcil lhe New Wesleyaua, she retained Ibe liarac-i.T ot iinuigiit that belonga to the gennine oidWesleyan. I had never talked with n Wialeyanbefore, and we u*.-il to bave little detiates abouipredestination, for 1 waa tben a atrong Calviuiat.Mere ber superiority eame oui, and I re-member now. aitb lovina aalmiration. one iluugwbich ut ile- nni.; 1 diaapprovad. lt waa <mi

stticlh a con.'.. (|iience of her Aruiinian belief, nii'iiv lir*t sigld niigbt Baem oppoac to it. yel .1 camefrom tbe apirit ol love whicii clings to the bad logiool Armim.iniam. When mj uncle eame tn fetcb ber,after ahe had been with us a fortinght or threeweek-, be waa s|« aking of a dereased mmister, nneagreatly reapected, wbo from ihe action nf troubleupon hun had taken to amall tippling, lliongh otlnrwiaenol eulpable. **Hut I bope theco "I man'sin heiveii liu all Uiat," aaid my tiiul*'. " Oh yes." i-aid myiiiini. with a deep inw.iril uiOii.i of >., ful COBVlCliou."Mr. A.'stn hcaven.tluit'.a sure." Thia WBa al th"'time iu; offence to mv siern aseetic hard viena.howbeaatilnl it is to mo now!"A* lo my aunt'a convers.ition. it is a fact that

the only two things ol anv intereat I remeuilier in

ourlouelv sittiug*and walkaare her tellmg aaa uaesonny afternoou uow she had, witb anotber pionawoma-i, viaited aa nnbappygtrl in priaoo. atayadwith her all night, and gone with her torxecUtlon,ano oaa or two accaunia of auppoaed aiiraclea Inwii.ch she iiclieveil.among the rcst, tbafaoewitlithe crown of thornasoaa ia the ghiaa. lu her ac¬

count of tba prlaon h.enes, I retueuibei- no word ^h.-uttered.I oi.iy n iii'iiiber ber tone and iiiinn r, andthe deep feeling I bad under Ihn reci'al. Of Ibegirl abe knew nothing, 1 believe.or told uie noth¬ing.but that ahe waa a cuuiioti enarae uirl, con-

yicied of cbild-morder. lhe incident lay in mvmind for yeara oa yeara, aa h de:i<l ^i-rm, appanrntiy.till time had made uiy mind a nidns In wlih i itcou'd fructifv; it tben turucd out to bo the gerin of"Ailam Bed..''

I saw n.y aimt twico after this. Once [apontaday and night witb my lather rn tho Wirkaworthcoitage, slei-ping with my uiint, I reineinher. Onriut.rview was leaa intere*ting than in tbe formertime : 1 thiuk 1 waa lesj simply devoted to rebgionaideas. And once again she came with my uncle t<»aee me.when lather and I were bring nt FoleshiM ;then there was eoine patn, tor 1 had given up thefonn of Chnatian lieltef, aud wtm in a cnide state offree-thinkiug. She staveal al.ont three or fourdavs,I tbink. Thisisull I reiuember diatinctly, aamatferI could write down. of my dear uunt, whom I reallyloved. Vou aee how ahe suggeated Dinnli ; bOttl lsnot possible you ahould see us 1 do how entirely berltidividualitv iliU'ered from Lhnah'a. How curioiis itbeems to me that people should tbink 1) nab's sermou,

prayers and spe- chee were copied.when they were

written with hot tears, as they surg.-d np iu my own

mind I , ¦iAb to my indebtodneas to facta of locale, anu

peraonal bistory of n small kind, -onnccted withritriftordBhireand Uerbvshire.yon may imagine ofwbat kind tbat is, when 1 tell you that 1 never re¬

mained in eltber of those countiea more tban a fewdaya togetbei, and of ouly two aucb viaita have 1more tban a ahadowy, inlerrupted rccollection.The fletBils which 1 Bnew as facta, and have madeuse of for mv picture, were gattiered from auch lm-

perfeet allnsion nud narrative aa I heard from myfuther iu bu occaaional talk about oid timea.Aa to my auut's children or grandchildren aay-

ing, tf thev did say, tbat Dlnah ia a good portralt ofmy aunt.lhat ia simply tbe vague casily aatianeunotion imperfectly insiructed people alwaye baveofportraita. It ia not aurpriBiug tbat aimple meuand women without pretension to enlightened dis-cnmination abouid think a generio reaamblancaeonstitutea a portrait, wben weaeo the great pnblioeoacenstomod te bedellghtod with miarepreaenU-tion-of lile and cbaracter. whioh theT »C(»-Pt as

representatlona. that tbey are ecaBdaliied wben artmakes a uearer approach to trutb.Perhsps 1 am dolng a supernuons thing ln wnt-

iog all tbia to you.but I am pmmpted to do lt bythe feeliug tbat in futnre years " Adam Be<ie ¦ aodall tbat concerna it may bave beeome a uim portionot the paat, and I may no be able to recall ao muchof tha trutb aa I have now told yon.Ooce more, thanke, dear riara. Ever yonr lov-

iUg ^^^^^^^^^^Mabiab.


The hrig Solveig, from fiahia for Boston, reachedthia port yeaterday tn a laaky conditlon, havingmet with extramely heavy weather duriwr bervoyage. December 27 ahe anconotered a heavy

gale, in whieh she lost ber foretopgallant maataud split a number of saila.


CoNSTANTIStiri.E, Jan. 16, 1881.Tho Porte has eommunicated to the Ambassadors

a frcsh note. regrotting the warltke preparations ofGreece, whieh are bringmg tronble nnd nncertaintyupon the pcnce ol Europe. ln order to terminateauch a state of :,fl'airs. which ia disnstrons to bolhTurkey aud Greece, tho Powera are invited to sendinstructions to their ambassadors at Constantinoplefor a Earapeaa conference. The Porte hopes a pa-cifle solution will Uraa be attained. Tbe note hascr.ated a kowI imnrpssion.

Ali Paebs is at*_aeeted of inciting the Kaatratl andHottl tribea. on the sontliern bonler of Montenegrn,to attack the Montenegrina. Dervisch Pacha has ud-vised M.inteiiegro to take precautiens, aud he isacuding troops to the distnrbed district.


The Crown Prinee Fredenck Wiliiam, ap. akitn*at nn institntion for invalids to-day condoinnedstronglv tbe auti-Jewish movement. Ile said hofelt eapecinlly aggnoved because the movement wasiaradtna the achools and BBrveraitieg. He couldnot coaccive how intollcctiial iiion could supnortamov.-meut which should bo condemned for itstendencicsand itaaima. Ha hoped tbe movementwould Boon die out, lor il waa impoaaible that suehan iinliealthy eouditioa of thines should continue.Tbe Bavarian Mimnrer of tho Inlerm. has in-

striict.d the p.lio in rarioui distnets to try to ar-rent tho auti-J.'wish movement aud to euforce thelaw whon iif.. vs.tiv.


Tlie supplemontary municiiml eleetions wereh.'lil to-.luy, Hinl hh far aa kn..wn have tcutruliy resultedln tlie sueceasof the Moilerule lieputillciins.

PEACE RE-TOKED INT CUBA.MaduiI). Jan. 16, 1831.

In tho Cliamhor of Dep-ttee to-duy tho Minmierof Colooiea aononiicad that tho picifieation of Cubawaa oomplete.


Touonto, Ont., Jan. 16..-Tbe Canadian Syn-dlc.iie wM to niorrnw fepoaU iU.jdO.OOO with theKccoivrr (ipiier.il ns i> giiarauiee ..1 tbetr good lntculiouaus regarda ttie i.tui.iiux ..i ihe Paclfle Huliway.

FOREIGN NOTE8.LOMDOB, M'.nilay, Jaa. 17, 1«31.

The fHandariTi ii.nvapoiiileul at Conat**.tliiople auysifllciai Bewi bas beea received tbere tbat Ibe T>*_w-T.ik oui.ii.-i w< r.- teverely dela tr. i by General snobolefi.Twnof ihe I'llii.'lp'il CO.l iiwu'i'-, WbO WiTO clncflv

inatrutiii-nt.il in ca_Bin_ thi anike la Laiteaabire, baveatrraed io tbe t.nn< ilemanded i>y tho mei., aml tlie.irik.' ts conaldarrd virtuall/ on led.

Itia cortiapon.lent of The Tlmet at C.ilculta conflrmstii' ii-iM.ri. i) tii.' Colapoor eonapiraay.T"_.ivjic.' baveXpund u elew wbich may lead to th°

.ii-r..vrry ofj_o_parpetratura <.f iho explosloa at the

.- i I.ni Ujivt-C.*.

AllttXWill WhA'IHEIi EEFGE'l.

GTrvTRN^ENr INDICATION'S.Synop$i» for-the jmtt H. hourt.

WASniXOTOlf, Jan. 17, 1 a. m..Tlie tem-peratore haa risen altgbtly on tbe Atlantio (.o.ist, withnortherly and easterly winds and ole.r <>r f4ir weather,exept locil r.iiiia on tha Hoath AU ntlo Coast. Lightoeal r.iii". aad partly eloudy we ittier nr." reportad Iromllio (lulf .;it-\ T.-niu H-i' .¦ uinl thn Onlo Valley, wltbiiiciaaa.il pro84ine, ao ehanga in temperalare, andnortnerly wloda, exeept on tbe coaat Lght -now pro-valled during ih.' dny, fatlowed by alearing weat.er, lutbe Lake region and Northweet, with ri-in_ barometer,Dortber >. to weeterly win.i*, an.l in tii^ Korthweel a

r-llgbt fall ln ti'iiip.rniiire. Tii.' barometer lsloweat nearBiowusviile. anu blglii H al (Juiaba.

Inthf'ttiont.For tlie Mi.l.ll.' HMte*. Mtl_titIy wnnn*r nnd partly

clondv weather ll.bt .i.iw iu tlie nortbern pnriion*.followed .iutiii(* ni.- night by illgbtly e.ii.l -r \\."<t to

it iriiiila, .iii.l 8 ntlo ...ry ..r rtsina b irometer.l.,i Sew-1'ngiai.d, purtiy ol>'U>ty weather aad i»ei i-

.louul lubt anow. Iigot varialiie win.t, aud sllgbtcbaugea ui u-niperatui. aad birometer.

TRIBUVE LOCAL DKSERVATI0N8'IC't'llS Mornuig. Ml'lil. "*.K.'i " 3 i a « 7 b pin ." . ? n * r. c - h aion [aou,t


__,' i i8.__a. -_-.

Th. )l««r.m .ho-. m- nn n.trl. » »«r.«l. >u .:. n ' ... -

l>. .... i. :..,,.»¦ Iirn.tr |>| -4»» I........ ol !. n-f.- llir ). 8 ir.

f,,. .,|,,. r>f .'.- -.i,l« .- -'-.-..;.-'.. i '.«

l.y ii- imt »ry U-rt-,f lhn<* u. ir. To. kr .«-n ..r inttf Ilu. rr .1 .- ,4b» »_M.._ !'.'» <i, - .t.". u iiii ».»1 ./m'jemiu'.riu iln¦¦iirHi.. ., 4uar_d-*,

Tribi-m: orrtcr. .T411 1?. 1 a. B..Tben waa no

rli mi.'- In Ihe 'mroiii-1-r yteterAtf. Tin y rlondyandil.miy waatber praralkd. TIjo unperatura raaaedbetween 13* aad -T0. ilir a\cra_e ISIVI i.ems ll*.9ii.nrr ib.Mi...1 th- rorreapondiDg tluy laal yojr, und B^"i.i.'.i'-r n nn i.n .".itnr.l iv.

( inii.iy a..ii p.iriir elnud** weather, wltto hluber tetn*|. i..Mri- i.ti'l >!l.ln rli .nr .- "' 11 trI.t IDOW (i| l.ilii, ID.vyb« ali'Crteil to-day ut tlila rlly mui viiliiliv.


TIIK IOWN OF All A. I' 1 All. IN llAMiiill.HEAVYI '-.Hi

ai.t Lake City, Utali, Jun. 16..Saow baatal eu alnioat conti ii.u-Uiu tbe V/ubauti b Monntaioanbuiit thu heada of the Llttto aad I>i)* C nionwoo i iiiv-

ara *rfoee Chriatmaa. Tue tnoua'ataa ttrroundlnx theminiiiff town ot Aim are ateep and hltth and the treaabava been cin off. The iramway .iie.ii of ibo Wabaatchand JorJan Viillev Ballroad bave b"<-n BWfpt awar loaeveral plaaaa fur Bvetul ... b low Alta^endenairiaaTeaaoregreaa aioKtat Impoa-ble. Two weeki ago aanow

"liil'-iaiilHil awiiv i> imiii ii.i'.i.'l Kirliy. T.i- ctorin In-. rriif il lu fury wUh the 0*_-l0g <>f lu*l week. On Weil-

n.-'iiiy ni^'lit tlio anow fcll lu abeete aml thewlnd beranio a luirrlciinc. Almut 10 o'clockB anow all.In ciirrl.il away tbo f_#8_-nri' Imiiai" and l()0 foel of tbe r.illroa.l ahe.li, und sweptaeiwaa tlu flut and the ereeh totbe ..ppoaito BoontalD.I_ter, unutber alido paascd over tlie Vletorla and Im-

perlal hoaaea, baryiM tno nea, who dun tbeir way i.utiu ten iiinira. ('.ititiiiuinir, it awant uw.iy Iba (inzzlyboardlaa-bouae, in wiilrh were Mra. J-.iiatban Hoakinsand four clnMren. t'tiarlca BymoBa, K..hert Ilowatb andEvan Mi.ins. Of Ibaae, Mrs. Hoaktos, ber daugbterJan<. Howath and Motrla were killed. Auother alldeamiiabod aud burled the Tolt do worka aud boardiug-hou«., ktlllng Charlea B*rbrnl)ra aml Frank Luporte.On ThimAay aud Friday work waa atopped ut the pnn-tlpal min-, aml luauy of the men left the canon for tbe

valley.Itichiird Wllliama nnd John Wsilungton. who renialned

to look after iBe J..al. Lawranea property, wuh Itiatrnc-tlona tn alerp in tho iniiiiel, Bre rolaalng. Tue avulaneiioawept _way every nullilluit owned by tbe Joiib L.iwrenceCiimpanT. toretuerwtth tlioir trainwuy. inflictiug a loasot 4.(1,000. I. nurled tbe liuflalo hou _, i>ut tbree inen

bad retii-d Into a tunnel aud wara resened eihau-ied.Fifty peraona came dowa laat night, leaving twenty

wlm for viirloiifl reaauna could not k?i awuv. ihe tripdown waa fearful j leaving their horuaa with notbing butthe clothea on tbrir backa, tba women wallowrd iiir..u«htha anow as beat tbey could, thu meu carrying tuechildren. , ,,,,There remnlna enough of t*re mountain alope atlll nn-

dentided t«. compietn the deatrueilon ot the towu, aua it

m»y allde at any momeut. Kight ioH**- °/,tn" V_*!P?5Big Cottoawood are aaid to ba one buge slldo, coverlngevery tb Ing. ______»_..__....-



Raleiqu, N. C. Jan 16.-Thc flre at Dur-hamyeate rday broke ontln the drygooda eatalillshmeutot Measrs. Btyron * Co., and wsa purely aeoideutaL The

tmlldlng waa entlrelr conaumed, as were elghteen othersioresof more orleas importauoe.-betredamagedDr. Carr-adnig atore te tre extewt

of WOO, A. M. Blggabae'B bnUdlng »500. I_~J**e <*t

Longee's atock aiOO, and Mobaburg's atore B300 and

stockB150. Thatouleatlmatedloas ls*.5.000; Inaur-

ance on bmldlngs. $30,800: on stock. $22,000. Four-

teen eompantca are Involved. A ^B_^___^________the ilre. But for a cheialoal angine, which fMaealMwork. and the labor of citiseoa, the wbole bualneas por-tion of tbe tewn would bave been awept away.

¦ a>

DAMAOB IN PATEBflON. W. J.A flre waa dlscovered Saturday night in

Weldtnann'a BUk Dyelng Worka, at Eillaoo and Paterson-

ata., Paterson. N. J.. but the flamea were soon ex-

tlng-iiUlied by the flre englnea. Tbe alllt in the baildlngwas ilamaged to tbe extent ot $4,500 and the bullding$2,00d. The ___(_ oiiginaled in tbo drying-room.


IN THIS CTTY.A ftre, tho cauae of which waa unknown,

oocurred yeaterday aHernoon ^? tbe foorth floor of theteaenent-honae at »<». 0 Monroe-at., daatroying furol-tara to tba value oi $500 belongUig to aeveral poor tnmu

1I«S aad d___alag ibe building to tkeuxtrni of $1,000.The taticy gooda store of P. Quaaeok, No. 10 Piinee-at,

waa lavadad by -amea last avenlna. aod Ihe stock ia tba

atore was Uamaged Bl.OOa Tbai danaga to tba baildlng

WBBtrlflnr. Theenuse oftbe flre was not known. andthe police were uouble to lee.rn tbe amount of the lo-anranoe.A flre ocenrred last nl.ht m tbe feed-store of Cook A

Hardt, Ho. 607 NIntb-uve., and d»etroyed -Talu worttiS-J'Obelourfii.gto Ibeflrm. The buildlug waa damaged$000 by thu fl.imes.

~~obituaby7~PR0FES8OR WILLIAM CHAUNCEY FOWLER.Hartford, Conn., Jan. 16,.-Profeaaor

Wllliam Cliauaccy Fowler, LL.D., died al Durham lastnight,Professor Fowler was born in Clinton, Conn.,

September 1. 171)3. aod waa graduated at Yale ln 1816.From 1819 to 1823 he waa a tuior nt Yale, and from1823 io 1827 he was paator of a Congregatlonal Cburcbat Orreiifleld, Mass. lie was Professor or Cbemiatryai d Natural History in Mlddl>t>ury College, Vermont,rroui 1827 to 1838. and waa Professor of B letortc audOiatoryin Amuerat Cillege from 1838 (o 1843. Ia1861 bo was a meuiber ot tbe Connecticut Benate. Hewus tbe Boii-ln-iaw ot N ab W.-baier. and edtted theUniveralry editlmi of " Webster'-. Diotlonnrv." publlsbedin IH 15. Iu 1850 Prof.-BBor Fowl.-r publiabed a treiitueon " Ibe Ivii|.)l-.ii -.inituage ln I'a El.-nieut- and For.n-."Tbls tresttse, wh:cli gave a htatorv ot tbe oiijriu and de-velopinent of tbe Eiuillah laoiruage, ia a work of greatelaboration aud care, aud carriestl.e reUtions m irrauunarto uibcr sricnces mucb lurtbei tbsn wa* usual in aucbtreattsea at lhe time it was ttr-t publlsbed. ProiessorFowler slso publiabed " Conditmus of Suoceas InUeuirnl Investigiiiions, ua dluairated in the Cb.racteroi Nailiantnl Chauueey," " Eieiiientary English Oram-mar for Comiinui Scbools," "Esaays," " lhe SeouonalControversv" (1863), and "Tue History of Duruaru.Conn." (lHitr,.) l*rof, »s .r Fowler waa the lather ot Mra.(Jurdou L. I'ord, of Brooklyn.

JTJDGE 8AMUEL EVANS.Trexton, N. J., Jan. 16..Judge SamueJ

Kvans, one of the oldeai and tk-st-known eifsens ofTr.-nton, died last eventrg. He was nearly nlnety yearsol a^e. ___-_-_-_-______________¦_


S0N 0OIX0 1BBBB,OLKV-LAMO, Ohio, Jan. 1G..Secrotary Sherman

rttnrncd from Menior late thia afternoou. On beingnsk'.-d conceriiiug the signiticance of bis viait therebe aiiBwered that, being in Ohio, he simply calledupou Qaaeral Gartield and they talked over mattersand things which came up. Ha said be would gohome to Manslield to-morr >w and remain in Obionntil the latter part of tho week, when ho wouldreturn to Waslnngtou.Benator Alliaon, of Iuwa, will go toMeutorto-

morrow. in au latarview be said be had had no

Intimatioa of being appoiated Secrctary of tbeireasury, bnt statedtbui tiie Congresamaa of Iowaand tbe people of the Northweat believe tbat theliou. James F. Wilson should bave a plaee 111 theCabinet. He addol: " lu connectiou witb myviat to MeotorI ezpect to say aomethiag aboo Mr.vYil.'in uud tba wialif- of our people in reffard toluin."



Itiiisissuo of yeaterday Tm: Sdndat TbiBCnecontained, aniuug otlu-rs, tbe followingapeeiai iea-turcs:The Kews in London..Tba speeial cable dispate'i to

l iii. i ii; uns ileBeribea ihe polit cal situatlon iu t! ijri in Ian,. i.i-i.i.il, nnd siiowb tii.it ibe Goveruuicui IsoidlyKIowiuk atiDinter. an.l wi 1 ii.i much louger brook H.ewiliul obstruciion of __r. Parnell aud hls tuction tn tiieI1"U.*U ol <J Ol. II,, ,n*.

b Telegraph Union..Tbe presideul -A the w<-stcrnI'n.ou Telegraph Company has made a atalemeut to a

'1 i.iiiiNK reporter regarding n.o proapeeitre eotabina-Uud <>l lelegrupb unes, aud tbe advuniages wbieh wdiresult therelrom.

>'i-u Pub'leatinna..A comprebrnsive revlew of- .* M.Ouizot ni Frivaie Life," wltn leveial lutereaUng ex-:r.) ,a froin tbe truuslated woiki of Mme. De Witt.

ii l.rnm i ib Lonuou..Tn_ regular eorreavoude il «rTin. Ui ni:. k gives a .1, Uiled ac.-.iuut ol Ur. Ti-uuy boii'bnewpUy," Iba Cup," aad the nianner iu which it ba*in. n received a ihe Lye nui l'neaire.

l'iopo-,-,1 City Beform*..A i-Yu m ot proposed Inn. -r-

tanl cbangea iu ibe admii lairalion ol wuuiclpal af iira.l;,-,-,,|,i-i- ioiisoi a Keader..Mr, C-iig lou'sieulh _rtic e

uum r this head ia " A Cu.ip.iTi. i Br_adil_st," givmg anucc unt of p, inn irita-s of diet ia dOerent uniea aud

Mldwinter Faablona..A cbapter ob briJal gift* ai.dtoilette*.

riie Hcdneed Dlui.er Partr..A talo o? sucial life tnLondon, i.i .1 mi. s r.u ii.

Ui me li,i.¦!<¦.!.¦>..A u ai.ee at the cootenU of tne uiar-le u ,i inldwinier.Lad) Kuuerdile'a Jewels..Th inanc.thehaitu-

lesB thrftofaulauioud uec_._4.-e, .i_d Us happy ooase-queuc ->.

.. f,.r the Peoplo.Re una l-it -ln-. i.cKnliilug anu rocbet.< i, ..ui oi lhe M.i-.i-iues.l.nii Mlcbcl.LlBbtlUB by Klectrleltv.Lui.-, un i>..u-i.i* ns I.awyers.An .'.'.!.. iu- -oei.ii Cclebtity.

ri irard S uan.'il.- late Aa-u- Haiu.-n.( ,i irl. » .-um ii. r tbe Morker.(leorg. I. ioi nnd ib. Jews.-i I-.,-: Wei in -oelery.llll i -. K.iae.Victor Euianuel'a -Suupli Taatea.The general aewa of tbe 'lay i.-igiven In tho follow-

Ingsnuimary:I*.'iiiiiiN.-The Loinloii cjible (li>p:itch to Tiik

Tbibi \k givea the lafcal pli. a.-a of the political ait-iiii i.m ar Londo.i, including the aiina ol tbe Parnellnnd liuciic.l factioua; tbe British Qoveruuient is

becomiuKimpatieiti .ii obatractionin Parliament;ihe-..Uicnls favor liberal lerma for tbe lnsii. l.utln (ji.v. iMii' ti t baa so lur maile no rluiuire m itaprogrumiuc; Mr. Qltulstotie i- recoveriog fmin a

roiil, iiinl expecta to attend Parliaoieol lo-daj.____ Ore< <.<* luteuda toattaek Tarkey ai the end ofJauiiart ; all the Powera now lavor arbitratioo.

liauibliBR in Itocks wluch are iu ile.nult is ontn in reaae in London. -.. llie Ruaaiaa ilimsteroi Pinauce aaya ibal tbe artny aod naval expeneeashould Le cut dowu. r_._- Ihe Hritiab (Juuri ot .\p-|..;il baaordered tbediacbargeol the wnisof ettaea-ineui airaiual ihe Rov. Mo_ra. D.Oo aud Lmaght.

llie Uanlau-Layeuck boat raee may oe poet*poned.Uo.mi stic.The action of the Demoeratie lcader.4

in tbe Houae in regard to rcfuudiug Bieaeorea iacriticised ua dealfnied to cause repndiation. .==s..(..)( Mi'v .-"heriii.ui visiicd General tiartielii Saiur-iluv. ___-- Goveruor-elect Ludlow. of New-Joraey,will be inaugurated to-morrow. It is

propoaed f.> huihl a largo botel at Long Ilrancb.j. _. _j_or, a bauker ot Fredencksburg. V.4..

haa disappearOii; his ullair- aro in had shape. ____

lt is claimed that fr.unln ti|_-ii the trca-ury ufAlbnin t'oiiiitv, ti. Y. bavo beeu discovered'lue hoistiig worka at the Hale and Norcrosa mine,Virginia titv, Nev., havo t>.n damaged bv lire.-Ttie crew of a lreigut traiu was catight iu atuuuel uear Newark, Ohio, Friday night, ;<nl theuuu were aenously injured by the suioko from theenmue.- A boilercxploded at Pateraon, N. J.,!-ntiiruav. with fatal effeeta, i-A uoteil burglar,¦entenct- to a loug lerni of iapnaoomeot, imule anutteiupt to eacape trom siing 8i»g Priaou Sut urday,uuu was ahoi dead hy the guiird.. Tho l nitodtates steamer Disuaich made thtrteeu kuois au

Iiour, Batardar morning, iu golug from HamptuuRoada to .Noriolk.COBOBaaa..'l_e Senato waa not in sesanm batur-

ilay. .-Ihe ut ten tion of the Houae waaoccu-

pied with the debate ou tho Kcfuuding bul, towbich uiauy ameutl.ieuta were otlereti: ii is be-li. v-d that a fiual vote on the bill will be reachedto-uiorrow. __ _

City and Subcktun..Dr. Green Batunlay de-fend.d the acheme tounite the telegraph companiea;mciubcrs of the Cotton Excbauge thrcaumed toaiart arivnl liue. : Furtuer details of the aut-lonnga ol Mary Hammel were leamed. - Toe1 .nauce Committee ol Ihe World'e Fair Comniisaionmet.Copies of the paper may atill be obtained at the

oflice of T ue TniBi'NK or by mail. Price, 3 ceute.


From The TriVtine Almenaefor 1881.Warat. 1880. 1870.

pir-t . 17,tf39 14.a_3^_d . L«W- 1.312

T__d.. 3.58!* 3,715Ko ir il. 2-_-5 23,748KSk". 16.131 17.150H.i.h. '. 20.193 al *Wu',','t'h.'... O-.006 44.818_____T. . 35.880 34.913SlSh. ***-s»3 47tJ"9%°[l. .....:. 417.503 41.431v__^.;_. . 68.779 64.230SjjSk*.:::::."..... 8i.8o_ 47.41*7SKSSrti. 87.797 33.364J__rt-^v:.:::::::.*". gog 26.43a

_...te.nth. 104.895 95.365____a-tb '....-... ...". W-e-O 59.5H3Nn oenbi - . 158.108 86090_^__tfr_r. «fl'0!i3 IM?7tImiv ftrit. *«538 50'70**TwSSlJ.e-04.41. UL605 71,349Twcntv-rtud-.. IZ'ZmI .T«enty-fourt_. *_.«» __2___,

ToUi .1,206.577 942,292Olwte-C'iloiaa. J80.433 1S.OV2fOf Ihe vopoUUon of Hew-York City, 690.782 are

rniieB, 615.81- femalea; 727.743 are of naUve blrth,aud 478,8'M are of lorencn.]


Red Bahk. N. J., Jan. 16.-Ed*-ard WU1-latna, BRe iblrty-ihree, an unmarned man. aon of Harta-

home Williams, a w«H _nown New-York merobaat, andnepbaw of tbe late Commodore Carpenter, U. 8. "..whileraatev-ig a piatform from (Jw boathouae at Dr. Fielda

yeatatday afternooa, in order to ralaaaa aa ice-boat. waaearned with ibe falling plaifarm a dlauaee of thlrteenleel, strUiag bU head and ahoaldera oa tbaioe. HeUnaertrd unUl 1 0*_«ok tbia morniaa *bau ba died. BU

iknll havlnc beea rraetsrad. Bfr. Wtlrtaat. waa a _.»ber of tbe Carterate Boat Clnb. et Partb Ambey.


CmcAoo, Jan. 10..A diapatch baa beeareeeived fr»m Wolf Potni Intiaa Ageney, Uimcsua,nnder date of Jannary 12. via F rt _*iford, Jaan&ry 19.whleb says In auhatance: " Advicea from Sltunc Buil'acamp at tbe nmtitb of tbe Milk Ktver inolcatathat ha la wiilin* to come in qoli>Uy.Tba Indians are ln a destlfnte condltion. and are un.uiiato move eltherBoath to anrrend*. or Norfb to earap* Ibesoldiera. Alilaon, tbe aoout, will start on -atordar ferthe Indian vlllaae, aad will give Sitttnar Bnll nntai Jann¬ary 181» begln tbe removal of hia eamp, and if SlttlngBuli falla ta do ao wilbin that time, tbe foroe ol M-JorIigee will move at once upon bia villaee."A diapatch from 8t. Paol aaya thtt foar companiea nf

the 18th Infantrv and two of tba 3d Cavalrv were o**-dered to move from Fort Aaaimbolue on Jannary 14dowu Milk Rlver to the vlciniij of Slttlng Buil'a campTbe ileiaenux-ut la auder tho oommand of Captain Mor*ria, ot tbo 18<_ luur.tr>.



Sanriaea. 7 .1 isno-au_. 6-OOiCloeb faatlO_'<i,'MeM....D n.-aa.... 7:27 Moot eaauha. 1:'* aoon .*.'«. da->.17

uion watbb To-oar-A. n.aan.tr Uoob.. 8:50 uot. laiaaa. W_.|_*U 1818 .... 11:21

lill.H WAT_*t TO-DAY- P. M.Baudy Hoot.. 9:09 | v_t. iaian.i.. tf:J4 Hall Uate.11:43


AJUUVBOBtr ('.inlma (Br), McLireo, st lohna. NF, via Hahfax. !****,

2"a day.aitb _naeaad paan-tot-m to clark A _nl_an..-.tr .alerno (Hr), Neill, .ull Dee ii, wltb mdac and pasaen-

ger» to Haniler-on A aoa.Sir Devouia (iln, Youdk, Glaaa-ow Jan 6. and Moville

7. with Tudse and paasena-ra to lland.raon Broa.t4tr Mi.areabrook iBr , Jamea, Catmia I).. 7. Ml an».o 11.

Paiermo I7.\'ai utia 21.Malaya 23 aud (Jlbrait.rfT.WMB fruitetc, to Henileraou Htoa.eir Atizona (Ur), Marray, Llveroool Jsa 8 aad .aeea*

(own 5. wllh mdse aml paaseaifra io Wlihama * .onioo.nix Claribel (Br), J.m.'... black 141 ver Ji_ 1. .v-m. la Mar

3. Lucla 4,MoQttEO Bay Oau.l Faliuoath o, wuii md._ ruid paa-aoncur* to Piiu. rorwood A co.ntr Old Ooiui.ioo, Waikor, lUchmond. City Point and *<_.

folk, wn li ni'is.r au.l paaa^nftera to Ol.l Dominion Wa Co.Mr Uent-iai Wliitui'v, ol-imn, NewOriaana Jan D, witb

niiiao aud p.-reuaHt* to Uoirt-rt A Murgaa.-ti itv oi savauuah. Kieeiwoou, Haraouab 2 daya with

nulwi au.l panavoeera u> (le Yo .ue..-"iriiiaucua. Ufur.-H'. Uomiou with mdae an.t pa-sengers to

Ji f OiaiocB.B*rk Viola (of St John, N F>. Jotl.tfe. Pernam uico 32 dayawllh aiiuailo . il-iroj. .v Co; v-Mtel lo J A Uoraay.nark ilavana, nice, ii'Hln.i i da, a, iu lu.iaii io i. S IVooit.Bari r-aiaii (Nod, Iaa irkau. C'ork ;;7 daya. tu baha.it to

Fuucb, Edye A Cu.i'Hk Uoivi i« iNon. ttoiff.il. Bahia (J*. daya, with ancar

lo order, vtis-.j. io Fum.h, _ilyp .iJo.auMa**rr.wiiro-'-»aa-ar iioot n_ht, ssn. very t_»y

aud cloudy. At city IalaniL hjjhi. MV, c.oar.

aRAMBB .OVlBBltTTa.POHBI«»B PORTS.U( ..F.:..*i')w\, Jan lU-i*iule.atr WlK-.n-i), Bentlfy. from

I.lverii...)! tor NoW-YOTB.ckdobiiavkx. Jau lo-Arnv<_, *>tr iiahic, I'ur-eU Iiodi

New-V ,i« Ioi L,iveiu_ii.

BTBAim MOV-UKNTrt-AM-KlCA.V P08T4li.:.i as , Jau lU-Ari'ivmi, 8tr onuno, WliUa.a. frora

Lir r:... ...

I'liu.ADKi.l'iii i. J:m I'i.vrr.v.-, »ti* fat! Brtne Wlu incIlanilna ProvfcU-oei i o..i u.»u«-ii,iiii«ii_ uverpouh Pjtta-v. I'i'.'i..'. l'oil.ii.i'.'K: 1_ui'hsI.i. .ii.ls, i.oatoo.

Saileti. »lrt V ..' L»r.l. -quBUT. .\8.ij id.UAUiaoaa. Jau 16.Arnvwi, atra Mac'raaa Hovrea, Boatotu

UrtiuB'.'. JlHIBB. Ni'Mi.Iil. .V'C.isaiiad.atr naiila ¦.>.Mii4..iin.KA.'>». Jan 16.Arrivo.1 a'. tb<- i'jsa'4, atr Mor.au

LTty. .c.v i.na.".. ... li -t Olif.

l'oiii KiAAL J.i.i l6-.lrr.vcl.-tr MhVO. Poll.'Xf.'n. Pub-lui.kak Fii.4.vT-(". uii 16-natiad.atn cu> of At'anta. >"ew.

Y..i£; \ hjflUia, I'.nlu.i._pu>-A.iicil, >uii>st _ai», NioLoH. .Vi'W-Yjr..

[netead o! Tnfli-g with a Had Cold Baa Dr.Juync'a Ex|.t..i mt, wuu-h aritl io,... u ih.- pbMBB, aaa-dac in_ammatioa, and eeriamly aave your Luuca audIbroat wncb daug roaa wear aod tear, * *

UABBIED.BBCaWITH.lll' STBB-O- Th'iraiUy, .Tauuiry 13. hy tbe

ic.v i-ooiaa iU-iiD^-i, o. i).. Brank B. Beckwltb, mo.,lo M. a* l_wh. 11. lluuter.

All nolic » of Manlagm mtut l- tndorted with fullname ..¦.(/ addn i.

Dli.iiaBBOTT.At t!.".«! "n.l. Obio, H tni.liv av*.'iiing. JADiiirf

1. Fr.llIK C \.l ...t lll .114 -. V T.I ii,..¦!..: iioiii !.¦*;.Vii.'. .'I iu. li o'.iei. Jo ni B. A'.b-.tt. .!\C- i j.i\*t.. oaw-York, inc*.i .'. Juiiu..ry ib, atli'. iu.

U. ..uiv. s.in.ltil' .1.1* IHV1...1.BAWDGN-Oa tba leth inKt.. atMrlata k-.i.Ibii. ¦¦, BiaaJauvCbur. i. wlie ot WiUiaaa Ba

I- tin. ral l m i iay.Kiiiii ":i it ii i.iv Bventng, Jajnary 15,al bia rea

.. 161 W eat .i-:-.;.. .>) ituewBti- iu tim d.iii fmrtt m*

Beiailvasaa'.taa4a ararsBpactA*_g mvitB.it> sttemi tb*luueralsetvlcea.ou T-a*-_y afiemoeo, Una*n .-.. at toveiock, fiom tba ita-th Beiormad Cbarcb, ib^ Ber. _.P.Bofara oi .i :.vi- au.l -*l*i -t. lt. udi aie kiu.i.y r.'.jui' ,edu.,1 waeod tl iwonlBROWN-AI BBsabaik, N. J.. out!:." l»Jth ln»t., Natii»a

liown. tn ui^ --in y.-ai- ...

F l rral tr.) ;n» u i re.i.len.-e, rnxi Ci'-ri., .»t., ou V. i-doe4-jay. t,.c lOib, at 11 o'rlock.

Knlatlvr-ai.il. euds u vi> _«i to at .o:i.l.Eseier, N H.. Newa _-ttrr piea copv.Ill'CK.Oii Sa'iir.iav eveuina. ifllli. at :.i* ic.l.lanra. Bli*f*wo. d. >'. J.. <'f t.pl.o'd i>n uui'iiii i. J. J ii s .u. aou iu ..ual'.'-v. I. Jui "ii ilii.'k in litf mn. v-ir.i .ii. an.-.nn-.. » u i.i-.-uianoii i'ndaaa lay 1 't'l.aii-r.t cii'irch,Bl.l.'ewoial. i'l 12 '.'i. 8 no.ui.

I'.t-lat. eaauil fneuilaare nivitcil toattan-l.Traina leave f,_i «1 Oi.mbWB* - IO.Hjb r. tun.la* .oitbHblgBaeoil 8:07 aad ft:. 11>. m.

CAYBOK DITCAYtB-AtSLOgi 't!ia\.'. Jcmary Id, JeanBap.'iatcC'liarlea.M'.ho - c.i r n .hi I vaai*.

i;..i.:._ nia_ ..' Cburcii *_. Vlat't_l ¦'. 1'aii. .'J i-t ouU ».!iie..._\, Jainur> r.i, l(i: la .a

II '. I.I.-In ¦¦..» Y T,; .'.iy, ..n Prl .... Jaaoat-f !4, 1*81, Iia-BrUa H irriiou. -ll.'..: ja:ii«.¦ P Ha I. IB ;Ujbi 1 age.

lti'.i nvinaii.t fn ii'-> are raapeetrutl] inftt-i to aiteu-l tbetiiiura'»«ir vlo-. on Tiiowlay, Janu.<ir is. at 1- ..'civi, aiBLjamea'a -ore i. la 7-«l-at., uen '.esUiBtou _.m'.

JOCKLY.'.Ia Bew-Havea. coim.. Jaua.iry U, Sntna ;1_Joc-lyn, in lii-soth vriroflu aar-.

Iinu-ra. wnl takapiaeeai big iate r.-aldeucr. ou Moa.tsv after-U'.'lU. lll 3 Oi':"' k.

lt.'..iiiv.'.aiid fiiun.iaof tlio fam 1>- ara invitad to he pre* nt.Barlal piSlfi II H.I.">"-Iii Brooklvn. on I'ri lav. .la>i larr 11 n.:vt_Ui M ii'iii'l nl Uir 1 .ir W11I18UI K. Miillialiou. M. I). in Iaanfhiar«f tbe lat* WIIBbm Vaa AbMrara iu taa u..i reacot ll r.'ife

Th.'fi. 1 ralwlll tak.'1'l.if" ou ttimt*y, Janciry ., at 11..'. I >. k. irom ihr r h i" n" of 1'et aon-lu-Liw, r, li. \v or.:e»-tcr. 1*78 Laf.reltr^vp.. Urocklya.

PALffXB.Al Manit.. Paik.CoL, January 10, tlie II.>n A. W.l'a'nier. ot Atii. la. V. Y.

PABK.OnSit'Titny niornlnz. January l\ IS3!. narrl^lJ.iaiiiii. aii'.oi uni-raik ;.al ilaj.l)t.:r of tlie Uu iw.Wi.haia A. Hailo k. O. I).

Kelativeaaiiil ineuilsa i'liivite.1 toattomltbefuneral trom <"rlatf r**-iilmici". No. 104 Weat lltli at.. on in.-a.uy un'iuiiijl,January 1& ut 11 o'cl. .k.

BDHl.NH'iN.' tn 1'rinlir, 13th Iuat.. at Woreeatar. Maaa.Jamea KoUiukoq, foruariy of thia city, iu tbe i'utli y_rot btaa.e.

8T.* PIIB.N.*K)K-.\t f-t. An«-i*lina. Fla., SatoMay, January8, U-iiJunlti. 800 Of J*Mill Jl. -JU-oheiiaon.

F-ueralarrvl.'f. will t_heldai tbe Obnreh cfthe Heaalah.i-oruer a4tb »*. anu Paik-avc, 00 Moudar aft'-nioon, lanuair17.at4o*c!oc_ FrleuiUara luudy requesied aot to __|flowera.

TAYLOB-At Xew Ml!f*M, Conn.. Frl<lav tnornlrif, ltthInst., Or. ueor»te laylur. In the T'.'tb year ,J bta ».**..

Hrianve. aud menda oi tha fauiilv aud of hia aon lu-iaw,Tbouiaa K. hlew .rt, arauiv.ieit toatuua lia lunt-rai aarvkaaBt 111a late rr.<1.-ik"«." iu New-MUfo-.l, an Mou'iay, 17th ImL.at 2 o'ciuck p. ui.

Political Sotices.~Ylll»t tn-eioblT OUtrlct Uepabllcn- \«-ool«t!o_.-Pnnury electtea. m Mort Hall. H K**t .v.'ih «.. thl.. .Hon-day) eveumg. to olect delegate to tho lentrsl Committee to_lf yacancy lo 1* open 7 1.1 p.m. JA.OU HESi*, Free'tKouT. o. N. Foao. seeri-tary.

Suenal NfUees.~Gce. A. Leavltt dt fo., Aactlooeers.





Beloo__)«totheest_'oorthe late Stewart Brown, enj.. ottbls city. by order of the ExecutnrB.


from prlvate owter*. the wnoli an exceptionaily good aad floeeoUectwa ot painttags.



mm-rated and Art Wort*. Oeneral Iiteratare. Ac. Ac

U__xt A. aaalela. 81. O- ltt _->xin_u._-a-_. aear .*.*-«u. j m.H#ttr% x te I aod 3 ie 7._AttaaUoa to B-nllowoa.

" It ae-er lall* me whrre badicated. and ltapurlry and nee-feet eombiiiBiion renderltInvalaable," bbtb thedlitlnniiMdAuibor an.i ScienUst. Dr. TCLI > *. VKHDI, ot W_e__p«1op.1). C. (ComBila-ioaer National Board <>f Uealuu. oi tae l_ebl|io.'»Ai_lcatedK_tractoi WiicB Has-L curea WaijaRh-um, KhenraaUsm. Pertodleal PaUw ol Ve-alea, Uaiarra,NearaH-i. sold ln fltty oeote and dallar buds.

Feet 0__ee Net_ea. ___._-.T_ef-re_rn me'.lsfor tn*i weeBena.a*J*rOBOAJjffgmW. wUl eloaa ai tbu oa_oai on TUB8DAT. alIgfJ* bb..

for Ku rope. of ateaaaulji W'yomiag. ."*».._»_;_*_*>.__'._._».WBDNB8DAY. UlBB.br Barepe. .*""***. __*.__¦ria <4u*eaai*i*a ic)n_*pea.u>nc* lorrraaM ¦» oeepa-

ueaia. CherBsargBBa^saiharg; on»*TVBDaVM£*£.t_r eotoiml bv ataaauhio Clty ol BkiBbbob*. via Qnaene-tT«n (corraBBoadeaca tor Qermaar BBdaeaUaad aiuat ham-Uhr artdrBBBea); _nd at 7 a. m. tor SeatlaaMl aurot. _jrS___^^o_i_. n* duagaw a_d_t7 a. bl. tor Baigme.Mreci"yateaaMhlp HwitserUB.I.vla ABtww* eodtt lla__,tor __ri»a, br a _M_sh_» Oder.ru us>tBasBBiaB aad Bmm.TiYe ntaus lor Porto lueo laaro N«w-York J aaaarr 18. Thai-liai'-raavaaalB-WB fiew-Yoi- JaaoBrr 18*** '£ Tha__uil_ nwMtxico leave New-York Jaanejr _Oa__l n. Thaniau_ lor HarO leave Naw Tork JBanarv 3d Taa taali* tociBoaiea, _a-aaili_.a<_,iea-e Mew-YaK Jaaaaty Sl.ThaatflUator Hou-onule_ve New-York January 3L Theaallator Vea-aBoeta aod O-mooa leave New-Yerlt Jaaaaij M. **-

rMI7 "* THOa. b. IABB8,rastoasa Bew-Vgrt. J-a-__r llt laal.