floating heads

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  • 8/14/2019 Floating Heads


    Floating Heads by Catherine Bell

    I floated there not quite feeling my body only the sensation

    of my head floating, observing - looking down. I felt a quietness

    that I hadnt felt since the baby was born. The irritability, the

    insomnia, the nausea all seemed distant and like the wife of a

    sailor I waved to it as it sailed gently away. Is this what euphoria

    felt like? And yet from where I looked down, a person looking an

    awful lot like me was still talking to the receptionist at the

    doctors office, still functioning as if all was normal. I was truly

    impressed with the coherent manner that I continued to talk with the

    woman. I congratulated myself from above.

    Nature of your visit? she asked.

    I am having some troubles with my antidepressants, my look-

    a-like answered back without a glitch.

    My lips felt a bit numb and my finger tips were tingling but

    from where my head was floating, my body continued to function. I

    swelled with a sort of awe. I really like this feeling. I can see

    why the Wizard went for this illusion in Oz. Who wouldnt want to be

    a floating head? As suddenly as it had happened, the sensation

    subsided and I felt the full presence of my body the painful

    breasts, the headache, the tiredness oh god, the tiredness. I just

    wanted to curl up right in the lobby chair and just take the longest

    nap. I ached for sleep.

    The doctor will see you now, the woman was saying to me. I

    got up dragging the baby-filled car seat with me. The feeling of

    euphoria long gone, my once floating head hung low. Ups and downs

    and ups and downs, the unexpected shifts in mood were exhausting.

    What seems to be the problem? The doctor asked as she leaned

    over to give my baby daughter, Elise, a look.

    Somewhat edgy and just a little bit wild feeling, I poured out

    my heart to her. I told her that I was no stranger to depression but

    I had managed to keep it at bay before with exercise and the

    occasional self-medicating merlot but this time with the baby and a

    husband to think about, I didnt have the luxury to nurture the


  • 8/14/2019 Floating Heads


  • 8/14/2019 Floating Heads


    Floating Heads by Catherine Bell

    Bingo! I answered with enthusiasm I didnt feel. He just

    wont accept it. After 20 minutes or more of him giving it his all,

    I want to gauge his eyes out! We are having a hard enough time with

    intimacy now that we have a baby.

    It is not an uncommon side effect of the antidepressant that

    you are taking. She said and then added, We could lower the dose

    and couple it with an alternative form of therapy.

    What kind of alternative form of therapy? I have grown to be

    very careful with doctors when it came to depression. Most seem to

    be as frustrated by the condition, as I was, and the others were

    over eager to try out the latest pill championed from the last

    convention they attended.

    The Womens Health Centre is conducting a study on postpartum

    depression and you would be a good candidate. She said. You would

    receive group therapy and therapy for you and your baby.

    I looked down at the bundle that was sleeping in her car seat.

    My heart tightened at the sight of her. I felt a tremendous amount

    of love and almost an animalistic feeling to protect her but if the

    truth were to be told, I also felt resentment and even anger at her


    # # #

    Not being seasoned in the art of leaving the house with an

    infant in tow, I ended up being ten minutes late to my first

    postpartum depression group. To outsiders, I liked to reference the

    group as my Mommy Group leaving the exact nature of it open to

    interpretation. The room I was directed to had a few couches thrown

    in to it along with a Lazy Boy and a wing back chair. All the seats

    were filled except for the Lazy Boy and the wing back. Elise and I

    sunk into the Lazy Boy. It was very comfortable and I figured if

    this didnt work out, at least I could nap.

    Three non-descript women sat slumped on the beige couch, each

    with a very generic looking baby on her lap. On the adjacent couch,was a tall thin woman wearing yoga pants, a scooped neck cotton top,


  • 8/14/2019 Floating Heads


    Floating Heads by Catherine Bell

    and a Mayan scarf around her head. Her child, who was more a toddler

    than a baby, was also sporting a bohemian look. Directly beside them

    was a very short, paunchy woman whose posture resembled that of a

    walrus. Her baby, much better looking than it should have been, sat

    on the floor in front of her chewing on his fist. Her eyes darted

    around the room trying to check out the other mothers. She kept her

    head in a timid stance making her look more like a Tolkien character

    than a woman who just had a baby.

    The therapist came in with an air of calm, having a seat in

    the wing back chair that none of us had the courage to sit in. She

    smiled and introduced herself.

    Welcome, Im Tracy and I will be heading our group sessions

    for the next eight weeks of our trial.

    She went on to explain what we could expect. Each session

    would be two hours long once a week. The first half hour would be

    with what she referred to as our dyadic therapist who would be

    responsible for helping us bond with our babies. The next hour would

    be group therapy and our babies would be cared for by our dyadic

    therapists and we would get some much needed mommy time. The last

    half hour would be filling out a form on how we felt at the end of

    the session.

    I raised my hand. What exactly is a dyadic therapist? I

    asked. I truly had no idea what I could expect considering Elise

    couldnt even carry on a conversation much less an enlightened view

    of her feelings.

    Dyadic is Latin for with two. Tracy explained. And that

    means it is a therapist that will work with you and your baby to

    help with the bonding process. On cue, the women responsible for

    our baby bonding walked in to join our group.

    Here are the women that will be working with you. Tracy

    announced and started the introductions.


  • 8/14/2019 Floating Heads


    Floating Heads by Catherine Bell

    My dyadic therapist was named Lisa and she was a gorgeous,

    young woman no more than 25 with long black hair and an obvious eye

    for fashion. I could tell I wasnt going to like her.

    Tracy then went around the room allowing each of us to

    introduce ourselves. The couch women all muttered something similar

    in ways of introduction. Yoga woman was next and she introduced

    herself as Leslie. We learned that she was indeed a yoga instructor

    who found herself here after having obsessive thoughts about walking

    into the river behind her house. Though her child was the oldest in

    the group, 18 months old, she still qualified for postpartum

    depression or the Centre was desperate for numbers to make this

    trial happen.

    The next woman to speak was the one who looked like she just

    got off the bus from Hobbiton. She cast her eyes downward and

    whispered that her name was Elizabeth and that her baby, Sean, was

    their third child. She took a deep breath and continued with more

    spirit than I was betting she could muster. She said she could

    barely get out of bed in the mornings and when she did she made her

    way to the couch.

    The lethargy seemed like the obvious (and understandable)

    problem to me, but she went on to explain why she was really there.

    She and her husband had made some sort of pact to have four children

    and now that Sean was six months old, it was time to start trying

    for the fourth. She was feeling very down about the idea of getting

    pregnant again.

    I listened to her trying to be polite by fighting off the urge

    to slap her. After hearing what she had to say, I was furious. What

    on earth was she thinking? She either represented depression or

    stupidity. Either way, if I could slap it out of her maybe I could

    save us all? But this logic didnt seem to make a whole lot of sense

    even to me. I just held Elise tighter and averted my eyes from her

    with the growing sense that I didnt belong here.

    Tracy looked over toward me encouraging me to continue withthe introductions.


  • 8/14/2019 Floating Heads


    Floating Heads by Catherine Bell

    I think I might be in the wrong group. I blurted out.

    She looked puzzled and asked, Whys that?

    I think I might be better suited to a less umm . . . sad

    group no offence intended, I said looking around at the women on

    the couch. And I certainly dont need help with my baby.

    Didnt your doctor recommend you for this program? Tracy



    Well, why do you think that was?

    I sighed realizing before I even spoke that I was indeed in

    the correct group.

    My antidepressants caused my head to feel like it was

    floating. I said matter-of-factly. And although I didnt want to

    walk into a lake, I did and still do want to push my husband in

    one. I conceded.

    We are here to help. She said smiling at my honesty and my

    surrender. Postpartum depression takes on many forms. The dyadic

    therapists are just here as a tool for you. You should take

    advantage of the quiet one on one time you will get with your


    Elizabeth leaned over and whispered to me. Ive gotten the

    floating head too! she said way too pleased for my comfort.

    We divided up into our dyadic groups and Lisa came over to me

    and Elise. She cooed at Elise and then complimented me in what I

    felt was at best a condescending manner on how appropriately I held

    my own baby. She directed us to a blanket where we could sit for our

    therapy/play time.

    And how many children do you have? I asked knowing full well

    those hips had never carried a baby.


  • 8/14/2019 Floating Heads


    Floating Heads by Catherine Bell

    I dont have any children, yet. She said with a smile. But

    I plan on having several when I am ready.

    She leaned over to grab a rattle with the intention of showing

    me how to engage the baby. The back of her shirt pulled up and the

    top of her pants pulled down giving me full view of her black thong

    panties that displayed sexy in rhinestones on the waistband. I

    stopped listening to her after that and just played along throughout

    the rest of the therapy to get the benefit of the group sessions

    with Tracy.

    Once we reconvened into our group and our babies were taken

    away with our dyadic therapists, I told the women in the group about

    Lisas thong before Tracy came in to join us. They all giggled and

    Elizabeth even snorted. We were bonding I guess.

    Tracy re-entered the room and the session began. I felt very

    comfortable with her. She had the ability to control a room by

    allowing us to feel like full participants in the therapy. She

    encouraged us to share with each other.

    Leslie added lots of calming advice and even walked us through

    a simple meditation exercise. One of the couch women suggested a

    fist clenching exercise that helped rid her of stress and the other

    couch women made a show of it following her movements aptly. It

    appeared that we felt comforted in the fact that others needed

    coping techniques too. It seemed offering advice to others made it

    obtainable to us as well.

    Just as we were getting some momentum in the group, I heard

    Elise crying. It was a pitiful cry and my breasts responded with a

    prickly tingle that meant my milk was going to let down. I sucked my

    stomach in and pulled my shirt forward, away from my now wet bra.

    Would you like to get your baby? Tracy asked.

    Yes I said with some urgency.

    Lisa walked in with a wailing Elise and I hopped up to grab

    her feeling panicked but incredibly pleased that my baby wanted me


  • 8/14/2019 Floating Heads


  • 8/14/2019 Floating Heads


    Floating Heads by Catherine Bell

    She latched on with efficiency and I looked down at her.

    Well, that was graceful, wasnt it? I said to the now suckling


    Did I just give myself a compliment? I said out loud

    surprising myself with a smile through my tears.

    The lessons and stories I had learned today floated in front

    of me, offering support. I took a deep meditative breath like Leslie

    had suggested and even clenched and unclenched my fists like the

    couch women advised. After Elise finished her snack, I put her in

    her swing, giving it a little push. I headed over to the dish-filled

    sink and rolled up my sleeves. It was time to get to work and this

    time I wasnt alone.
