flooding tins is - university of floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/07/58/92/00065/00107.pdf ·...

CRYSTAL RIVER NEWS CRYSTAL RIVER FLORIDA SHAPE AND VIGOR OF FOWLS Vitality Should Be First Requisite In Every Domestic Bird for Breeding Purppsesi- f By D J LAMBERT Poultry Instructor Rhode Istarid Stale College 1JK Careful selection of breeding stock eliminating all those showing traces of weakness will insure poultry raisers against threefourths of the mortality yof chlckenhoo- dJt Abounding vitality should be the i requisite In every domestic fowl JJ used for breeding purposes No tor what class breed variety size or cost or how excellent the prize record v or fine the plumage If the bird Is lack ing In stamina It should never be used for reproduction Those rules apply ft to all kinds and both sexes Tho vigorous common strutters and ready fighters and n male can be detected by the way he carries himself and by the way he stands upon his feet and throws out his chest when he crows Other unmistakable signs of vigor are a straight upright bright red comb stout beak broad back and smooth shanks set well apart Hens and pullets of strong vitality typo are generally prolific layers are off the roost at dawn and will keep t at work until darkness compels them ito are always wide awake industrious busybodies and in shape these hens are broad across the hips Is carried fairly well up and their size la the average for the breed For breeding purposes hens are gen orally preferred to pullets because they fully matured and possess Stored up vitality after their annual molt Furthermore their second lay- Ing year they will lay larger eggs which produce stronger chickens A yearold cockerel la often a surer stpck getter than an adult cock because the former Is gen yvV orally more active and sprightly The number to one male depends upon how many eggs desired for V Jncuballon arid the flock Is 7BniseItlB letter to breed onljrfrom the very beet than to Include Inferior i specimens to make up a larger pen Four tp eight hens with cockerel y is usually better than a large num ber especially when space Is limited and a vigorous mala 111 take care of forty of fifty hens on free farm range long as both strong and hardy It Is possible to get good results jn breeding from very closely related C stock which Is frequently done oy- vr Breeders of showring birds MAKE LIGHT NEST BOXES Material Suitable for the Purpose May r lY B Obtained From Grocer for the Mere Asking handy nestswhich can easily be taken out and cleaned aro made grocery boxes which may often Jibe had for the asking a hole C in tho side ot tho box 12 or 15 Inches square and hlngo one end with strapleather hinges as at D oo that it open out and allow for gathering eggs and for clean r Box Nest Easily Made Ing Two holes in the of the will be quickly made for hanging nest on nails driven into the side of the house Nests such as this can be made for A low cents each and are convenient for egg and says I Wisconsin Agriculturist Ten pf these box nests may bo taken down cleaned sprayed and refilled with fifteen minutes the boys make set of them Hens like the given bv neata of the box f1 l 4 mo males of fowls are Invariably loud crowers are athens v1 the MIw idlIt r TO 0 d Light 1 j ut A c or B d theri sn ta ti clull a Copy- right t mat- t Pt7 proud o vigorous the tall near well matured are i1 uAilnlte a l 4 one sexes are v c v y v Jill back t the Let u type Y r MSS > > > > > < ° flooding Cramping STELLAV1TAE STOPPED ITI This has a world of meaning to every woman who suffers as Mrs J S Blair of Enter prise Okla suffered and thero ere many thousands such Mr Blair tells the story of her suf- fering and cute much better thanwe can tell it We quote her own word I hAd flooding cramping n4 vomiting lot five months and Utlna medicine from ae rood a doctor i the country affords but be did mo no good I tired doctor medicine and tent to the ding tore a media dn and dractiit seat me STELLA VITA One boW topped erontbuc and I like a different woman I bate need six bottles already and will coatlnneto An STELLA V1TAB whenever I teed a woman medicine What did for Blair it will do for guar antee the first bottle to benefit you Your moneyback if it dont You cannot afford to try it when you have all to gain and not a to penny- to Go to dealer today and begin trying STELLAVITAE trying to become well We lose the price if you are benefited In many year of guaranteeing STELLA VITAE than one bottle out of every thousand has failed to benefit Your ohancam ofbofngbanefttod- ttfo a to onol Thacher Medicine Co CHATTANOOGA Why Scratch v onteed to stop and permanently cure that terrible itching It is I compounded for that purpose and your money refunded WITHOUT QUESTION if Hunts Cure to cure Itch Eczema Tetter Ring Worm or any other direct If Manufactured only by SAVE YOUR MONEY tor A dle s of the lck h rdrcM drapeptta cen tl Btte FREE TO ILL SUFFERERS U yon f l OVT of soar BCX BOWK GOT nxu iDrrm from x r ILIPDIH KIBTOU Diiutu dttomo WIUCNFM otc j ix tmnnn ni rtt far FREE cum IOVXD HEDICIL sooc oil dl MM woKDiuoL CDBis tdected br- and decide yluncinritli th remedy rotooiowxailment TREE Vo ap olrcalara No obilj tion wim imaino WILL ecu TOO MEXICAN WAR told Actual photos of battle scenes 400 beautl Descriptive circulars on request en salary GILT EDGE CO Pub Aaenli Highland Park QUIT COFfKK Jiy Homemade Cereal la pure and wholesome cot only 30 lb noon to weak stomachs and nervous peo- ple Superior to all others Formula Jtc I 1010 B LaSalle youth Bend Ind No Longer Secrets She says that she never has any secrets Thats right She tells them INEXPENSIVE SULPHUR BATHS AT HOME i People travel long distances and spend large sums of money to secure the benefits of sulphur and bafts because for generations has been known to be one of natures most valuable curatives unequalled blood purifier 3y dissolving 2 to 4 tablespoonfuls of Hancocks Sulphur Compound In a you get the same effect and system absorbs the sulphur through the pores of the skin For prickly heat and summer skin troubles of infants and children- use a teaspoonful of tho Sulphur in a bowl of warm water This makes a refreshing bath and quickly alleviates the pain Sold by all erg 50c bottle Hancock Liquid Sul- phur Co Baltimore Md Adr steal a kiss from you tr thought he did Puck ep HanfordB Balsam in your eta Adv You can always flatter a man by his advice but you doat have on it bees A rot of woman the felt use d praise STELLA VITAE Mrs ou We less Cureisguar be Disease soc at your or by A B RICHARDS MEDICINE CO ClnebouT auiPIU 1 T the TiiEEw FflliNCH REMEDY NO No2No3 Ua Jlu Co RD l Book In witness U yo sprl gs Com- pound tol r MadgeDid 1- lofarjorI He 5 bjo f a Ing act l for note TEN N Hunts A mall xas save many lira ladoc bile remedy for add a111N104 PPSAt Pull tees s AS N for f 1 Abo LONDON E55 vs son ova preparation b eye Sub- stitute as- a hot bath your deal Not to to ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ << Stick to Your Intentions Dont put off getting Hanfords Bal lam of Myrrh until something Get It now and be prepared for accident You will find frequent use for It In your home and In your stable for cuts burns bruises and any sore any lameness Adv Good Way to Deal With the Fool It Is recorded by the Sabetha that a man went to Dr Sam Mur dock and asked him for a prescrip- tion for poison he said he was tired of bothering others and wanted to take his own life Thats the most sensible thing I over heard you say said Doctor Murdock Youre n nui- sance and ought to get out of the world Now thai you think that way It seems to be unanimous The man was tremendously Iriolgnant and stormed out of the office He is still living and hearty Kansas City Star For wire cuts Hanfords Balsam i Adv Not Just What Minister An English minister who guarded his morning study hour very careful ly told the new maid that under no circumstances were callers to be ad mlttedexcept of course bo added- In case of life and death Half an hour later the maid knocked at his door A gentleman to see you sir Why I thought you Yes I told him she replied but ho says it is a question of life and death So he went downstairs and found an Insurance agent ARE YOU CONSTIPATED I Wrights Indian YeiretaWe Pills have Send for sample to 873 Pearl u York Adv New Rainproof Fabric X closely woven fabric has been introduced to the market In the United States by an English agent that Is designed tor use in the manufacturing raincoats No rubber is used in the construction of the fabric and it Is guaranteed rain proof although smoke may be blown through it at the very point on which the water is falling The fabric of this it Is said is self ventilating andwill not cockleup I Made since 1846 HanfordB Balsam It was bn numld almost a vis- itor from Chicago was to es cort two young women to the beach for a plunge in the surf The bridge cars were Jammed but after a fierce struggle he managed to got for his charges and as he stood swaying beside them in the aisle he mopped the fast trickling perspiration from hIs brow Life would be tolerable he grimly if it word not fr its Get it to the bottom of the affected part Adv Alsatian Potash Salts Kali or potash salts in natural was discovered In Alsace In 1904 when deep borings were being made in the hope oC striking oil In 1909 the first kali shaft was completed in this district and the following year 37000 tons of kali salts extracted Since then other mines have been developed and the work has rapidly Twelve mines are now In operation dis- trict For thrush use Hanfords Balsam Adv A Century Ago One hundred years ago Napoleon took leave of his soldiers at Fontaine bleau preparatory to beginning his exile at Elba On the same day Louis XVIII entered London In state and a few days later sailed from Dover for France to ascend the throne vacated by Napoleon In the midst of the enthusiasm excited among certain classes of tho French people by the fall of Napoleon and the restoration of the monarchy there was felt gen- erally a painful of depression As the celebrated historian Lamar iiae emarked Tho king must havo t courage or a thirst of pow buried under so Worms expelled jjromptljr the bnman Adv Good for hIs speech set the Audience on fireNo It was too dry I told theIr worth for 75 Tt them yourself now f at i Ady tine or T seats de- posits were sense had er to It a nation from J Dead KIndling- Did hap- pens Her- ald use Meant manufa- cturers be- cause Real Life awe y a 1m suffocate Induced pleas- ures grown in this uc throne and many Bee ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > Tins Coffee is Never Sold in BulkY- ou coffee for its is so largely due to its The old secret genuine French Market Coffee- is a combination of many different coffees that are grown in different countries hence that peculiar delicious flavor cannot be imitated If you would have the genuine French Market Coffee ask for it by see that you are given the ordinary kind of coffee The picture of the French Market on the label assures you of the genuine Market Coffee accept no other Let French Market Coffee teal Its own story Serve it several days with your every see if anyone in your family wants to go back to the ordinary kind of coffee Remember Madame that the fla- vor of coffee Is everything French Market Mill R w Cray tij Ui Pre rl lcn NEW ORLEANS Dlnelon W recommend that you French Market Coffee In your wry your bill flavorits stimulationwhich flavor blendthe names Marketnot mealthen Oil Celt make usual II 011 find It too reduee lnlll- trenlth an4 OaTOI are aaUfactor FreDcb more of coffee to the pound thp other brands I 7 aro- matic yr r t r- C r 4 strong Mark ft makes 4W thereby redu11W- ln Flowing Theme- I thought the speaker fluent Yes What was his subject Water ways Baltimore Sun RESINOL WILL SURELY STOP THAT ITCHING- My what relief The moment that reslnol ointment touches Itching skin the itching stops and healing begins That is why doctors have prescribed successfully for nineteen years In even the severest cases of tetter ringworm rashes and other unsightly skineruptions With the help of warm baths with jeslnol soap reslnol ointment restores the skin or scalp to perfect health and comfort quickly easily and at little cost Reslnol Ja also A perfect household remedy wherever a soothing healing application la needed It contains tooth lug or Injurious nature and imnfl nil tho f enrtdra t or most irritated u surface wouldnt elate lise other skip rem edles Every druggist sells resinol ointment COo and 1 and resinol soap 25c Try them today Adv Queer Cusses Stranger How pdd Why are all these men walking about with cuspi- dors around their necks you see we have started the city beautiful movement and its against the law to upon the streets KUBMYTISM Will cure your Rheumatism and all kinds of aches and pains N uralgla Cramps Colic Sprains Bruises Cute Old Sores Burns etc Antiseptic Anodyne Price 26c A4r A fatalist thinks that what is to be will that somebody else is to blame VII Boman Balsam for in Inflammation of yea of ytlldt Any insurance is good so long as it Is not needed i Putnam Fadeless Dyes color In cold water Adv The man who sets out to acquire money and experience at the same time always gets tho experience YOU most CItizenWell expector- ate beand Eye eczema torment- ing off harsh call sen- sation eyes ¬ ¬ rrwsi- rfr ttTbeatm H P STIMSONfor- merly Wltrrtlotel Imperial notel Cumberland New York Broadway at 54th Street Broadway from GRcI Casual 7th stew rlrerstl With Oath Send Near 50th St Subway and 53rd St Elevated ears Depot Are airs from- Peasa 5utioi- I sal p1 IIl ill I I i I Stried1r1t fyep- II I RitAeasoaableI- 1 tI I u iii I- t I 2lSA tit 11E fled LP- z R r w LOUGLAS SHOES Mans Ugg UloIlGW- omens U 510150 S3 Dn 1101 III1 UIOt- 40h f 06279- iMr8 I7 i- DnaJaa two m 1113 1111- TI1Ia II the reuon Wllve JOU the aameYaluM tor 00 IUO wlLharaa4JJllr cost II Jay not the price Oa the kid rOooI34O IUOloIId lUG You wnl be that for III 108 art abOolulel good u other JDakOl tOld l1I er rIeCt Tile dllfertllCO D the prac BUBBTITUTB miss J DtuM II L boll I 0 If b all W L DOVQ- ano Spark Strst W N U ATLANTA NO A 35 Misses BoyeChlldron- SIGo SI73 S2 N Ill see 5 is Ice W1 a ens r- and th- eugnnoua lucres III the Ct leather Our been lowered and Y Ask to show OX IOU shoos he- Uewnt A ocovtaced w they t as- Ir Only TAKEPIO gmata W ease s tks bottom W Daft rur wt r- dlrctaemhetry etaatarrymmbor- i te tnIt t ill p aentdseat bow y arwttZ 15515 221914 = ° j- 118rv us women Are the of and are sent bY nerves like flyIng and limbs Such or not be accompanied backache or or bearing The it there is treated with PIttedS the nen0UI1lte1Il and the entire womanly makeup IN6 the 08JC PIERCES Favorite pon TkthlI d6rbtfonn bIn 01 So N Y been la a rundown CDII ufterea dw of pals at certaB talCtn several but Favorlte given most relief any ever tiled Am very I time recamm1fI this NM8dy to WOIIIII1In of a V 11 Dr PItHt HfI J troubled with warnings n distress the headache down local Inflammation t any Lotion Tablets Thert start o- fDRI P r 4W ha Genes SL tins says have 1 pert irlfave medi- cs found your ha t of thing ve moth better than nnege ht i f y fit 4eaOdatesstoma dlNveiiowwls OE You Look PremIN- e UMefth MUciylxrzzlyr UM LA OMOU HAIH DnciilNt PBlcr fioo rtun y D 1 hake a has J k < °

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Page 1: flooding Tins is - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/92/00065/00107.pdf · blood purifier 3y dissolving 2 to 4 tablespoonfuls of Hancocks Sulphur Compound



Vitality Should Be First Requisite InEvery Domestic Bird for

Breeding Purppsesi-

f By D J LAMBERT Poultry InstructorRhode Istarid Stale College

1JKCareful selection of breeding stock

eliminating all those showing traces ofweakness will insure poultry raisersagainst threefourths of the mortality

yof chlckenhoo-dJt Abounding vitality should be the

i requisite In every domestic fowlJJ used for breeding purposes No

tor what class breed variety size orcost or how excellent the prize record

v or fine the plumage If the bird Is lacking In stamina It should never be usedfor reproduction Those rules apply

ft to all kinds and both sexesTho vigorous common

strutters and ready fighters andn male can be detected by

the way he carries himself and bythe way he stands upon his feet andthrows out his chest when he crowsOther unmistakable signs of vigor area straight upright bright red combstout beak broad back and smoothshanks set well apart

Hens and pullets of strong vitalitytypo are generally prolific layers areoff the roost at dawn and will keep

t at work until darkness compels themito are always wide awakeindustrious busybodies and in shapethese hens are broad across the hips

Is carried fairly well up andtheir size la the average for thebreed

For breeding purposes hens are genorally preferred to pullets becausethey fully matured and possessStored up vitality after their annualmolt Furthermore their second lay-

Ing year they will lay larger eggswhich produce stronger chickens

A yearold cockerel laoften a surer stpck getter than anadult cock because the former Is gen

yvV orally more active and sprightly Thenumber to one male dependsupon how many eggs desired for

V Jncuballon arid the flock Is

7BniseItlB letter to breed onljrfromthe very beet than to Include Inferior

i specimens to make up a larger penFour tp eight hens with cockerel

y is usually better than a large number especially when space Is limitedand a vigorous mala 111 take care offorty of fifty hens on free farm range

long as both strong andhardy It Is possible to get good resultsjn breeding from very closely related

C stock which Is frequently done oy-

vr Breeders of showring birds


Material Suitable for the Purpose May

r lY B Obtained From Grocer forthe Mere Asking

handy nestswhich can easilybe taken out and cleaned aro made

grocery boxes which may oftenJibe had for the asking

a hole C in tho side ot thobox 12 or 15 Inches square and hlngoone end with strapleather hinges asat D oo that it open out andallow for gathering eggs and for clean

r Box Nest Easily Made

Ing Two holes in the of thewill be quickly made for hangingnest on nails driven into the side

of the houseNests such as this can be made for

A low cents each and are convenientfor egg and says

I Wisconsin Agriculturist Ten pfthese box nests may bo taken downcleaned sprayed and refilled with

fifteen minutes the boysmake set of them Hens like the

given bv neata of the box


4 mo males offowls are Invariably loud crowers



v1 theMIw idlIt










theri sn tati






Pt7 proudo vigorous

the tallnear

well matured


i1 uAilnlte

al 4


sexes are







t the












flooding Cramping


This has a world of meaningto every woman who suffersas Mrs J S Blair of Enterprise Okla suffered and theroere many thousands suchMr Blair tells the story of her suf-fering and cute much better thanwecan tell it We quote her own word

I hAd flooding cramping n4vomiting lot five months and Utlnamedicine from ae rood a doctor i thecountry affords but be did mo no good

I tired doctor medicine and tentto the ding tore a mediadn and dractiit seat me STELLAVITA

One boW topped erontbuc andI like a different woman I bateneed six bottles already and willcoatlnneto An STELLAV1TAB whenever I teed a womanmedicine

What did forBlair it will do for guarantee the first bottle to benefit youYour moneyback if it dont Youcannot afford to try it whenyou have all to gain and not ato


Go to dealer today and begintrying STELLAVITAE trying tobecome well We lose the price ifyou are benefited In manyyear of guaranteeing STELLAVITAE than one bottle out ofevery thousand has failed to benefit

Your ohancam ofbofngbanefttod-ttfo a to onol

Thacher Medicine CoCHATTANOOGA

Why Scratchv onteed to stop and

permanently cure thatterrible itching It is

I compounded for thatpurpose and your money

refundedWITHOUT QUESTIONif Hunts Cure to cureItch Eczema Tetter RingWorm or any other

direct If Manufactured only by


tor A dle s of thelck h rdrcM drapeptta cen tl Btte

FREE TO ILL SUFFERERSU yon f l OVT of soar BCX BOWK GOT nxuiDrrm from x r ILIPDIH KIBTOU Diiutudttomo WIUCNFM otc j ix tmnnn nirtt far FREE cum IOVXD HEDICIL sooc oil

dl MM woKDiuoL CDBis tdected br-

and decideyluncinritli

th remedy rotooiowxailment TREEVo ap olrcalara No obilj tion

wim imaino WILL ecu TOO

MEXICAN WAR toldActual photos of battle scenes 400 beautl

Descriptivecirculars on request en salaryGILT EDGE CO Pub Aaenli Highland Park

QUIT COFfKK Jiy Homemade Cerealla pure and wholesome cot only 30

lb noon to weak stomachs and nervous peo-ple Superior to all others Formula Jtc I

1010 B LaSalle youth Bend Ind

No Longer SecretsShe says that she never has any

secretsThats right She tells them



People travel long distances andspend large sums of money to securethe benefits of sulphur andbafts because for generationshas been known to be one of naturesmost valuable curatives unequalled

blood purifier 3y dissolving 2 to 4

tablespoonfuls of Hancocks SulphurCompound In a you get thesame effect and system absorbsthe sulphur through the pores of theskin For prickly heat and summerskin troubles of infants and children-use a teaspoonful of tho Sulphur

in a bowl of warm water Thismakes a refreshing bath and quicklyalleviates the pain Sold by allerg 50c bottle Hancock Liquid Sul-

phur Co Baltimore Md Adr

steal a kiss fromyou tr thought he did Puck

ep HanfordB Balsam in your etaAdv

You can always flatter a man byhis advice but you doat haveon it



rot ofwoman



use d praise





Disease soc at your or by


ClnebouT auiPIU1



UaJlu Co RD

lBook In




sprl gs



tol rMadgeDid


lofarjorI He



a Ingact









save many lira ladocbile remedy for add

a111N104 PPSAt



sAS N for

f 1


LONDON E55vs son ova

preparationb eye




hot bathyour










Stick to Your IntentionsDont put off getting Hanfords Bal

lam of Myrrh until somethingGet It now and be prepared for

accident You will find frequent usefor It In your home and In your stablefor cuts burns bruises and any soreany lameness Adv

Good Way to Deal With the FoolIt Is recorded by the Sabetha

that a man went to Dr Sam Murdock and asked him for a prescrip-

tion for poison he said he was tiredof bothering others and wanted totake his own life Thats the mostsensible thing I over heard you saysaid Doctor Murdock Youre n nui-

sance and ought to get out of theworld Now thai you think that wayIt seems to be unanimous The manwas tremendously Iriolgnant andstormed out of the office He is stillliving and hearty Kansas City Star

For wire cuts Hanfords Balsam i


Not Just What MinisterAn English minister who guarded

his morning study hour very carefully told the new maid that under nocircumstances were callers to be admlttedexcept of course bo added-

In case of life and deathHalf an hour later the maid

knocked at his door A gentleman tosee you sir

Why I thought youYes I told him she replied but

ho says it is a question of life anddeath

So he went downstairs and found anInsurance agent

ARE YOU CONSTIPATEDI Wrights Indian YeiretaWe Pills have

Send for sample to 873 Pearlu York Adv

New Rainproof FabricX closely woven fabric has been

introduced to the market In theUnited States by an English

agent that Is designed tor usein the manufacturing raincoats No

rubber is used in the construction of

the fabric and it Is guaranteed rainproof although smoke may be blownthrough it at the very point on whichthe water is falling The fabric

of this it Is said is selfventilating andwill not cockleup

I Made since 1846 HanfordB Balsam

It was bn numld

almost a vis-

itor from Chicago was to escort two young women to the beachfor a plunge in the surf The bridgecars were Jammed but after a fiercestruggle he managed to got forhis charges and as he stood swayingbeside them in the aisle he moppedthe fast trickling perspiration from hIsbrow

Life would be tolerable hegrimly if it word not fr its

Get it to the bottom of the affectedpart Adv

Alsatian Potash SaltsKali or potash salts in natural

was discovered In Alsace In1904 when deep borings were beingmade in the hope oC striking oil In1909 the first kali shaft wascompleted in this district and thefollowing year 37000 tons of kali salts

extracted Since then othermines have been developed and thework has rapidly Twelvemines are now In operation dis-


For thrush use Hanfords BalsamAdv

A Century AgoOne hundred years ago Napoleon

took leave of his soldiers at Fontainebleau preparatory to beginning hisexile at Elba On the same day LouisXVIII entered London In state and afew days later sailed from Dover forFrance to ascend the throne vacatedby Napoleon In the midst of theenthusiasm excited among certainclasses of tho French people by thefall of Napoleon and the restorationof the monarchy there was felt gen-

erally a painful of depressionAs the celebrated historian Lamariiae emarked Tho king must havo

t courage or a thirst of pow

buried under so

Worms expelled jjromptljr the bnman


Good forhIs speech set the Audience on

fireNo It was too dry

I told

theIr worth for 75 Tt themyourself now

f at i


tine orT





hader to It a nation

fromJ Dead








Real Lifeawe

y a 1msuffocate



grownin this

uc throne andmany













Tins Coffee isNever Sold in BulkY-

ou coffee for itsis so largely due to its

The old secret genuine French Market Coffee-

is a combination of many different coffees that are grownin different countries hence that peculiar delicious flavorcannot be imitated

If you would have the genuine French Market Coffee ask for it bysee that you are given the ordinary kind of coffee

The picture of the French Market on the label assures you of thegenuine Market Coffee accept no other

Let French Market Coffee teal Its own story Serve it several dayswith your every see if anyone in your family wants to go

back to the ordinary kind of coffeeRemember Madame that the fla-

vor of coffee Is everything

French Market MillR w Craytij Ui Pre rl lcn


Dlnelon W recommend that youFrench Market Coffee In your wry

your bill

flavoritsstimulationwhich flavor




Oil Celt


II 011 find It too reduee lnlll-trenlth an4 OaTOI are aaUfactor FreDcb

more of coffee to thepound thp other brands









Mark ft makes4W thereby redu11W-ln

Flowing Theme-I thought the speaker fluentYes What was his subjectWater ways Baltimore Sun


My what relief The moment thatreslnol ointment touches Itching skinthe itching stops and healing beginsThat is why doctors have prescribedsuccessfully for nineteen years In eventhe severest cases of tetterringworm rashes and other

unsightly skineruptions With thehelp of warm baths with jeslnol soapreslnol ointment restores the skin orscalp to perfect health and comfortquickly easily and at little cost

Reslnol Ja also A perfect householdremedy wherever a soothing healingapplication la needed It contains toothlug or Injurious natureand imnfl nil tho fenrtdra t ormost irritated u surfacewouldnt elate lise other skip remedles Every druggist sells resinolointment COo and 1 and resinolsoap 25c Try them today Adv

Queer CussesStranger How pdd Why are all

these men walking about with cuspi-dors around their necks

you see we havestarted the city beautiful movementand its against the law to

upon the streets

KUBMYTISMWill cure your Rheumatism and allkinds of aches and pains N uralglaCramps Colic Sprains Bruises CuteOld Sores Burns etc AntisepticAnodyne Price 26c A4r

A fatalist thinks that what is to bewill that somebody else is toblame

VII Boman Balsam forin Inflammation of yea ofytlldt

Any insurance is good so long as itIs not needed


Putnam Fadeless Dyes color In coldwater Adv

The man who sets out to acquiremoney and experience at the sametime always gets tho experience









off harshcall

sen-sation eyes



rrwsi-rfr ttTbeatm

H P STIMSONfor-merly Wltrrtlotel Imperial

notel CumberlandNew York

Broadway at 54th Street

Broadwayfrom GRcI




With Oath


Near 50th St Subway and 53rd St Elevated


DepotAre airsfrom-

Peasa 5utioi-

I salp1 IIlill

II i


Stried1r1t fyep-II

I RitAeasoaableI-

1 tI Iu iiiI-

t I 2lSAtit 11E

fled LP-




Mans Ugg UloIlGW-

omens U

510150 S3Dn 1101


UIOt-40hf 06279-

iMr8 I7 i-

DnaJaa two m 1113 1111-

TI1Ia II the reuon Wllve JOU theaameYaluM tor 00

IUO wlLharaa4JJllrcost

II Jaynot the price

Oathe kid rOooI34O IUOloIIdlUG You wnl be

that for III 108art abOolulel good u

other JDakOl tOld l1I er rIeCtTile dllfertllCO D the prac


II Lboll I

0 If b all W L DOVQ-ano Spark Strst



35Misses BoyeChlldron-SIGo SI73 S2


Ill see5

is Ice W1 a


and th-eugnnoua lucres III the Ct

leather Ourbeen lowered and Y

Ask to showOX

IOUshoos he-

Uewnt A


they tas-


gmata W eases tks bottom W Daftrur wt r-

dlrctaemhetry etaatarrymmbor-i te tnIt t ill paentdseat bow


arwttZ 15515





118rv us womenAre the ofand are sent bY nerves like flyIng andlimbs Such or not be accompanied backache or

or bearing The it thereis treated with PIttedS thenen0UI1lte1Il and the entire womanly makeup IN6 the 08JC

PIERCESFavorite ponTkthlI d6rbtfonn

bIn 01 So N Y been la a rundown CDIIufterea dw of pals at certaBtalCtn several butFavorlte given most relief anyever tiled Am very Itime recamm1fI this NM8dy toWOIIIII1In of a V

11Dr PItHt HfI


troubled with warnings ndistress the

headache down local Inflammation tany Lotion Tablets Thert

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4W haGenes SL tins says have 1pert irlfave medi-cs foundyour ha t ofthing ve moth better than

nnege ht i f y

fit4eaOdatesstoma dlNveiiowwls OE

You Look PremIN-e UMefth MUciylxrzzlyr UM LA OMOU HAIH DnciilNt PBlcr fioo rtuny




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