floor, lok nayak bhavan,

F. No. 42/45/201.2-P&PW(G) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare 3 rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market, New Delhi - 110003 Oat e: ~tt Septembel', 2012 7 QFFICE MEMQRANDYM Subject: Zl st meeting of the Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (S,COVA) to be held on 27 th September, 2012 at 11 AM at Civil Services Officers' Institute (CSOI), Rendezvous Gr. Floor., F-116, Multi Storey Apartments, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi under the Chairmanship of Hon'ble MOS(PP). Please find enclosed herewith a copy of Action Taken Report on the decisions of the 20 th meeting of the Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) held on 21 st September, 2011 for "'kind perusal .. Enclosure: As aboye. ( 4 0 pot..o.R~) ( Sujasha Choudhury) Deputy Secretary (P) Telefax: 24644637 E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] To, / Director, NIC, 3 rd floor, Lol< Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi for placing the above on this Department's website www.pensionersportal.gov.in ~ Circulars ~ SCOVA (i) (ii) II (i ii) (iv) Secretary, National Council (Staff Side) JCM, 13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi - 110001.. President, All India Retired Railwaymen's Federation, Block 303, Railway Colony High School, Chilkallguda, Secunderabad ~ 500025 (A. P.). President, Indian Ex-Services League, 9, Nyaya Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi - 110 021. President, All India Federation of Pensioners Association, G-2, Soundarya, New No. 51, Old No. 22, Kavarai Street, Saidapet West, Chennai - 600015.

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F. No. 42/45/201.2-P&PW(G)Government of India

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & PensionsDepartment of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,Khan Market, New Delhi - 110003Oat e: ~tt Se p t em bel', 20 1 2


Subject: Zlst meeting of the Standing Committee of VoluntaryAgencies (S,COVA) to be held on 27th September, 2012 at11 AM at Civil Services Officers' Institute (CSOI),Rendezvous Gr. Floor., F-116, Multi Storey Apartments,Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi under theChairmanship of Hon'ble MOS(PP).

Please find enclosed herewith a copy of Action Taken Reporton the decisions of the 20th meeting of the Standing Committee ofVoluntary Agencies (SCOVA) held on 21st September, 2011 for "'kindperusal ..

Enclosure: As aboye. ( 4 0 pot..o.R~)( Sujasha Choudhury)Deputy Secretary (P)Telefax: 24644637

E-mail: [email protected] /[email protected]


/ Director, NIC, 3rd floor, Lol< Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi for placingthe above on this Department's websitewww.pensionersportal.gov.in ~ Circulars ~ SCOVA



II (iii)


Secretary, National Council (Staff Side) JCM, 13-C, FerozshahRoad, New Delhi - 110001..President, All India Retired Railwaymen's Federation, Block 303,Railway Colony High School, Chilkallguda, Secunderabad ~500025 (A. P.).President, Indian Ex-Services League, 9, Nyaya Marg,Chanakyapuri, New Delhi - 110 021.President, All India Federation of Pensioners Association, G-2,Soundarya, New No. 51, Old No. 22, Kavarai Street, SaidapetWest, Chennai - 600015.

(v) Secretary General, Bharat Pensioners' Samaj, Post Box No.3303, Jangpura P.O. New Delhi - 110 014.

(i) Vice President & Honorary Secretary, Air Force Association, AirForce Station, Race Course Camp, New Delhi - 110 003.

(ii) President, Retired Railway Employees Welfare Association,490A/16, Gurudwara Road, Gurgaon - 122 001, Haryana.

(iii) President/General Secretary, P&T Pensioners' WelfareAssociation, 1310/2, Sector 30-P, Chandigarh, Punjab.

(iv) President, Karnataka Central Government Pensioners'Association, Bangalore (Regd.) 'Swarna', No.120/1, 2nd MainRoad, GD Park Extension, Vyalikaval, Bangalore-560 003.

(v) General Secretary, Federation of Central GovernmentPensioners' Organization, 356, B. L. Saha Road, Kalabagan,Kolkata - 700053.

(vi) President, Central Government Pensioners Welfare Association,Jammu Olympic Association Bldg. Parad~, Jammu (J&K).

(vii) All India Organisation of Pensioners, Kanpur, 120/469, LajpatNagar, Kanpur - 208 005 (U.P.) _

(viii) Central Government Pensioners Association, Maharana Sahi,Vivekananda Marg, Bhubaneswar - 751 002 (Orissa).

(ix) All India Central Government Pensioners' Association, '1785,Sadashivpeth, Phadkeshankul, Near Pune, Vidyarthi Griha, Pune- 411030 (Maharashtra).

(x) Jharkhand Pensioners' Kalyan Samaj, Near Treasury Office,Court Compound, Ranchi (Jharkhand).

1. Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure)2. Ministry of Defence (Department of Ex-:Servicemen Welfare).3. Ministry of Railways.4. Department of Posts.5. Department of Telecommunications.6. Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.7. Department of Personnel & Training (DOP&T).8. Department of Financial Services.9. Controller General of Accounts (CGA).10. Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO).

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions(Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare)




Issue raised in the20th SCOVA meeting9.1 Issue ofCorrigendum PPOfor Pre-2006retirees and also tocommunicate theamount of pensionas well as FamityPension to berevised consequentto the 6th PayCommission to Pre1.1.2006pensioners. (Referpara 6.1 & 6.2 ofATR)


Decision taken in the 20tn SCOVA Follow up Actionmeetin~Secretary (P&PW) informed themembers regarding the steps takenby the Department in this regard.However, he expressed his concernover the pace of the revision. ShriPurohit at this point expressed hisconcern over the slow pace ofrevision and requested the Secretary(Pension) to intervene in the matterfurther and asked the variousMinistries/Departments to fix adefinite time line for the same asotherwise the process of revisionmay be further delayed. In case,required, additional manpower maybe requisitioned by the Ministries/ Secretary (Pension) took aDepartments. Thereafter, Ministries meeting on 28.8.2012 with theindicated their status of revision as officials of 15 largestunder: . Ministries/Departments under

CPAO net work in terms ofpendency of number of revisionof PPOs. The participatiI\gMinistries/Departments agreedto reducing the pendencysubstantially by December,2012.Secretary (Pension) is takinganother meeting with the next 15largest Ministries/Departmentson 24.09.2012.

i) Department of Postsinformed that 80% work has beendone. Out of the total Number of226000 PPOs, 186000 PPOs havebeen revised.

ii} Department of Telecominformed that they could not compiledata for the pensioners/familypensioners of the whole country.

iii) Ministry of Railwaysinformed that they have gIven30.9.2011 as target date for thecompilation of the work.

DoP&PW:This Department has beenmonitoring progress made by theMinistries/Departments underthe CPAO network.

Secretary (P&PW) had taken ameeting on 3rd November, 2011with the concerned Ministries/Departments on the furtherstatus of revision of PPOs attheir end and asked them tosubmit their regular status to thisDepartment.

It is seen that over the last oneyear SInce the last SCOVAmeeting, theseMinistries/departments havemade a good progress andpendency has been reduced toless than 35% in the case of post


Issue raised in the Decision taken in the 20tn SCOVA20th SCOVA meeting meeting

iv) 'CPAO has indicated that outof 645175 cases of pre 2006pensioners/family pensioners revisedPPOs in respect of 75594 cases havebeen issued.

v) Ministry of Defence informedthat CGDA was monitoring thework. They have to cater to therequirement of 22-23 lakhpensioners. The representative of theMinistry of Defence was asked tomake the latest data available.

Secretary (P&PW) requested all theorganizations /Departments/Ministries to expedite the samewithout further delay and update thelatest status with the Department ofPension & Pensioners' Welfare.

(Action : Desk E of DoP&PW,CPAO, Ministry ofRailwavs.Ministry of Defence. Departmentof Posts andDepartment ofTelecom)

Central Pension AccountingOffice (CPAO):

a) Position of Revision ofpenSIon cases of CivilMinistries /Departments as on17.8.2012 are as under:-

i)Cases with CPAO - 1,28,224ii)No.of cases already- 18,633revised by CPAO

iii)No. of casespending for - 1,09,591revision with CivilMinistries/Deptt.

iv)% of pendency - 85.47%

i)Cases with CPAO -3,96,534ii)No.of cases already -2,63,613revised by CPAO

iii)No. of casespending for - 1,32,921revision with CivilMinistries/Deptt.

iv)% of pendency - 33.52%

b) Controller General. ofAccounts convened a meeting on26.07.2012 with CCAs/CAs andrepresentatives of banks havingmaxImum numbers ofpenSIOners to reVIew theprogress of revision of pensioncases. He directed to completethe work by the end of theOctober, 2012

c) A letter to all PensionersWelfare Associations has alsobeen written with the request tointimate the name of the

Sf. Issue raised in the Decision taken in the 20th SCOV A Follow up ActionNo. 20th SCOV A meetine; meetine;

penSIOner where arrear ofrevised pension, additionalpension has not been paid by thebanks

d) A meeting has also beenconvened with the representativeof State Bank of India ( they arehaving maximum number ofpensioners) 6/8/2012 toreconcile and resolve the issueon Annexure-III which is veryessential in· revision of pensioncases SInce many pensionerschanges their banks but InCPAO data base is showing theirinitial opted banks.

e) Vide advertisement dated 3-11-2011, a request was made tothe pensioner to furnish detailedparticular regarding their date ofbirth, details of spouse etc. to thedepartment from wheresuperannuated. As a result,thousand of forms containingpenSIOners information hasreceived in this office which arebeing segregatedMinistry/Department WIse anddelivered after scanning to therespective offices. As on31.8.2012, about 44,693 f.om1shave been dispatched to therespective offices out of 50,496received in this office. It is a bighassle in finalizing the revisionof pension cases since date ofbirth is mandatory keeping inview the additional pension tothe pensioner after attaining theage of 80 years.

Department of Posts:Almost all the cases relating torevision of pension and paymentof arrear have since been

Sl. Issue raised in the Decision taken in the 20th SCOVA Follow up ActionNo. 20th SCOVA meeting meetine:

completed. As regard issuing ofrevised PPOs in terms ofDOP&PW O.M.No. 1/20/2011(E) dated16.12.2011, the target date30.6.2012 to complete the wholeexercise was give to Circles. Thecompliance is yet to come fromthe CirclesIFie1dUnits.

The matter IS being activelypursued by the concernedauthorities of the Department ofPosts with the CircleslFieldUnits.

Department ofTelecommunication:Comments awaited.

Ministry of Railways :Ministry of Railways have takennumber of steps to speed up thework of revision of Pre 2006pension cases. Railways haveissued advertisement In thenewspapers inviting pensionersto file pension revisionapplication with their respectivepension sanctioning authoritiesIn the division and theHeadquarters office from wherethey have retired. On the •request made by this office,Reserve Bank of India has alsoissued instructions to all thepension disbursing nationalizedbanks and State Bank of Indiafor receiving pension revisionapplications from the pensionerswhile taking their life timecertificate In the month ofNovember, 2011. Railways arein the process of getting thesepension reVISIon applicationsfrom various pension disbursingbanks and it is hooed that large

Sl. Issue raised in the Decision taken in the 20th SCOVA Follow up ActionNo. 20th SCOVA meetine: meetiJl2

9.2 Expeditingcases of sanction ofsecondary familypension withmonitoringmechanismvarious


chunk of pre-2006 pension caseswould be revised and clearedsoon. Besides this, instructionshave been issued to railways/production units to make out anAction Plan, create special cell,depute extra staff, and makejoint team of personnel branch(Pension Sanctioningauthorities) and AccountsBranch for better coordinationand result in this regard. As aresult of this, out of a total of11.21 lakh pre 2006 pensioners/family pensioners on railways,4.35 lakh pensioners haveapplied for reVlSlon of theirpension so far. Of these 3.27lakhs cases which have beenaccorded sanction by the pensionsanctioning authorities, a total of3.08 lakhs revised PPOs havebeen issued. Thus 2.04 lakhpension cases have been revisedin the period between Nov. 2010to Nov. 2011.

Ministry of Defence:Controller General of DefenceAccounts (CGDA) has informedthat total 2,67,365 corrigendumPPOs In respect of PBOR..pensioners who were dischargedduring 1996 to 2005 have beenissued to the respective RecordOffices by the PCDA (Pensions)Allahabad for onwardtransmission to their disbursingagencies.

Necessary clarifications have sincebeen issued on 1.4.11, 28.4.11,3.8.2011 and 2.9.2011 Rule 54 ofCCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 alsostands amended accordingly. Themembers felt that checklist of alldocuments required may be issued so

An OM No. 1/16/2011-P&PW(E) dated 8.12.2011 hasbeen circulated to all Ministries/Departments and Associations.It has also been posted on the


Issue raised in the20th SCOVA meetin2;(Para 6.3 of ATR)

9.3 Same fitmentbenefit to Pre-2006pensioners asrecommended andimplemented inrespect of servingemployees by the VICPC.Parity between Pastand FuturePensioners.Stepping up ofPension andFamily Pension to50%. and 30%respectively.Extension of newbenefits granted tothe past pensioners( Para 6.4 to 6. 7 ofATR)

9.5 A suitablealternative to mergerof DR after it reaches50% in view of VICPCrecommendationagainst 50% DA/DRmerger benefit to

Decision taken in the 20th SCOVAmeetin2;that different ministries do not havedifferent approach. It was agreedthat a list of documents to besubmitted along with the details offamily or application for grant offamily pension to other than spousewill be made available at the websiteof the Department. It is provided inthis Dept's OM dated 21.7.1999 thata self certificate for the income ofthose who are self employed or are inreceipt of income from sources otherthan employment may be accepted.It was decided to send a copy of OMdated 21.7.1999 to all memberAssociations as demanded by them.( Action: Desk - E of DOP&PW )Representative from DoPT informedthat the Second Meeting of theNational Anomalies Committee(NAC) was held on 15.2.11 but theseissues were not discussed in thatMeeting. It was further informedthat all pending issues includingthose related to penSIOn matterswould be discussed in the nextmeeting of the NAC, which is likelyto be held sometime in October,2011.On the question of constitution ofanother Anomaly Committee forresolving anomalies for Group A andB officers, DOPT informed that thiswas not a feasible option and thatsuch issues can be taken up by theconcerned Departments with theDep£l!Unent of Expenditure forresolution.( Action: DoPT and Desk - A ofDoP&PW)Representatives from Departmentof Expenditure mentioned thatthere IS 100% neutralization ofDearness AllowancelDeamess Payagainst the rise in price index. It isprecisely for this reason that the6th CPC recommended against

website of the Department.(Copy enclosed)

DOP&T has informed that thatthis was discussed In themeeting held on 17.7.2012 andthe Chairman stated that sincethe matter is sub-judice, anyfurther action on this issue willbe dependent on the directionsof the Court of Law. Thereseems to be no point in keepingthis item In the NationalAnomaly Committee. This wasagreed to.

DoP&PW & Department ofExpenditure:

The matter was again examinedin consultation with Dept. ofExpenditure on the matter andtheir observation is that (i) there


Issue raised in the20th SCOVA meetin2ensure revision atreasonable intervals.(Para 6.9 of ATR)

9.7 Restorationof commutedpension after 12years. (Para 6.11of ATR)

Decision taken in the 20th SCOVAmeetin2merger of DA/DR with BasicPay/Basic Pension at any stage.Shri Purohit mentioned that in thecase of serving employees, theyget increase in other allowancescorresponding to the rise in priceindex. However, the Commissionfailed to recommend any increasein the case of pensioners. On this,Secretary (Pension) mentionedthat m the case of servingemployees also, since the rise inprice index is 100% neutralized bymcrease m DA, norecommendation for any increasein Pay at any stage has been madeby the 6th CPC. It is only in thecase of other allowances ofserving employees which are notregularly increased correspondingto the rise in price index, that aseparate recommendation wasmade by the Commission forincrease in those allowances @25% after the rate of DA crossesthe mark of 50%. Since theseallowances are not applicable inthe case of penSIOners, thequestion of applicability of thisparticular recommendation to thepensioner would .not arise.Secretary (Pension), however,mentioned that if the PensionersAssociations come up with anyproposal as an alternative to themerger of DR with pension, thesame could be examined mconsultation with Ministry ofFinance.( Action: Desk G of DoP&PW )It was informed that this issue isunder examination in the NationalAnomaly Committee. Secretary(Pension) however intimated that ifthe Pensioners Associations come upwith any fresh proposal, the samewould be considered on merit.

IS 100% neutralization ofDearness Allowance/DearnessPay against the rise in priceindex. 6th CPC in its report hasstated that converSIOn ofdearness allowance into dearnesspay should invariably beaccompanied with simultaneousrevision of the base index whichwas not done in the conversioneffected on 1.4.2004. As suchany comparIson with theprevious rate of dearness reliefwould not be appropriate. (ii)6th CPC further observed thatconverSIOn of dearnessallowance as dearness payhowever, is not necessary in therevised structure beingrecommended where incrementsare payable as a percentage ofthe pay in the pay band andgrade pay thereon and provisionhas been made for allallowanceslbenefits to be revisedperiodically linked to theIncrease in the pnce index(4.1.18). In the Government'sResolution dated 29th August,

. 2008 it has been clearly statedthat merger of basic pay withdearness allowance has not beenrecommended (by 6th Cpe) atany stage and this position wasalso accepted by the Govt. 6th

CPC also did not make anyrecommendation for the mergerof Dearness relief for pensionereither.

DoP&PW, Department ofExpenditure and DoP&T

DoP&T has informed that thismatter was also discussed in theNational Anomaly Committeemeeting held on 5th January &

Sl. Issue raised in the Decision taken in the 20th SCOVA Follow up Action .No. 20th SCOVA meetin2 meetin2

(Action: Desk G o(DoP&PW) 17m July, 2012

The Staff Side stated that thecommuted portion of pension isactually recovered by theGovernment within 12 years andtherefore Government is over-recovering from the pensionersand thus there is a need to have arelook in the matter. The StaffSide also referred to theircalculations in this regard andrequested the Official Side toreconsider the matter.

Department of Pension andPensioners' Welfare stated thatthe matter was again examinedin consultation with Departmentof Expenditure and it has beendecided that the Hon'bleSupreme Court m 1986 hadruled in favour of restorationafter 15 years in WP No 3958-61. The 6th CPC had alsorecommended that the existing15 years period for restoration ofpension should be maintained.



The Staff Side demanded that acopy of the Judgment of theSupreme Court may be providedto them. It was decided that th-ecopy of the judgment shall beprovided to the Staff Side. Acopy of the Judgement hasalready been provided to theJCM on 23.8.2012 byDOP&PW.

9.8 Revision of It was informed that the proposal forEx-gratia rates in increasing the ex-gratia for CPFrespect of pre-1986 pensioners so as to bring them at parCPF/SRPF with SRPF beneficiaries is underretirees and their consideration at a very advancedfamilies. (Para stage.6.12 (a) to (c) of (;1.ction: Desk - E of DoP&PW and

The proposal for increasing theex-gratia for dependent family-members of CPF and SRPFbeneficiaries has also beenincluded. The matter is under

Sl. Issue raised in theNo. 20th SCOVA meetin

ATR)(a) : Revision ofex-gratia amount.(b) & (c) : DR andFMA to ex- gratiabeneficiaries:

9.9 Ex-gratiaamount to be raisedfor CPFI SRPFretirees. (Para 6.13(a) to (c) of ATR)(a) : Ex-gratia toCPFISRPF retirees:(b) : Uniform rates ofDR:(c) : Ex- gratia tothose who voluntarilyretired after 20 yearsof service:

consideration at a very advancedstage.

(a) The proposal for revisionof amount of ex-gratia beingpaid to the survIvmg pre1.1.1986 State RailwayProvident Fund (Contributory)SRPF(C) retirees and to theeligible family members ofdeceased SRPF(C) optees on theanalogy of consolidation alreadycarried out m respect ofpenSIOners and familypensioners in implementation of6th CPC recommendations, isunder advance stages ofconsideration m theGovernment.

Though the matter IS under theconsideration of the NationalCouncil, Cabinet Secretariat, it wasagreed that ex-gratia to those whowere retired on medical invalidationmay be examined again.( Action: Desk - E ofDoP&PW andMinistry of Railways

(b)&(c) On the subjectDOP&PW is the nodalDepartment of the Governmentand decision taken by them willbe followed b this MinistMinistry of Railways :

(a) The proposal for revision ofamount of ex-gratia being paidto the survIvmg pre 1.1.1~86State Railway Provident Fund(Contributory) SRPF(C) retireesand to the eligible familymembers of deceased SRPF(C)optees on the analogy ofconsolidation already carried outm respect of pensioners andfamily pensioners inimplementation of 6th CPCrecommendations, IS underadvance stages of considerationin the Government.

(b) Ininstructions




Issue raised in the Decision taken in the 20th SCOVA Follow up Action20th SCOVA meetin2 meetin2

DOP&PW vide their O.M. No.45/52/97-P&PW(E) dated16.12.1997, adopted on theRailways vide Board's letter No.F(E)III/97/PNI/Ex-Gr.l3 dated31-12-1997, 10 Pursuance ofimplementation of Government'sDecision on the recommendationof the 5th CPC, the survivingCPF beneficiaries, who hadretired from servIce onsuperannuation prior to 1986after rendering 20 years ofservice were granted ex-gratia.In terms of the above instructionfollowed by the clarificatoryinstruction issued vide Board'sletter No. F(E)III/97/PNI/Ex-Gr/5 dated 13-11-1998 (RBENo. 260/98), ex-gratia paymentis admissible only to those whohad retired on superannuationsubject to fulfilment of thecondition that the superannuatedSRPF (C) beneficiaries shouldhave rendered at least 20 yearsof continuous service prior totheir superannuation. ThoseSRPF(C) beneficiaries who hadretired from service other thanon superannuation, VIZ., onmedical invalidation, voluntaryretirement, compuls,ory·retirement as a measure ofpenalty, premature retirement,retirement on permanentabsorption 10 or under aCorporation or Company orbody corporate or incorporate,etc., are not eligible for grant ofex- gratia payment. Later videtheir OM dated 22-03-2004DOP&PW had also issuedcertificatory Instructionsmodifying para 7 of their OMdated 16-12-1997 stating that theEx-gratia payment IS not

81. Issue raised in the Decision taken in the 20th SCOV A Follow up ActionNo. 20th SCOV A meetin2 meetin2

admissible to (a) those who weredismissed or removed fromservice, (b) those who resignedfrom service, and (c) those whoretired from service other thanon attaining the prescribed ageof superannuation.

Ministry of Railways, being anadministrative Ministry onpensionary matters, is governedby the rules/orders framed!issued by the Department ofPension and Pensioners'Welfare, the nodal Departmentof the Government on suchmatters, and, therefore, cannottake any unilateral decision onthis issue.

(c) The matter regardinggrant of ex-gratia to thesurvIvmg SRPF (C) retireeswho had retired from serviceother than on superannuationafter rendering 20 years ofservice or more was taken up.with the Department of Pension& pensioners' Welfare(DOP&PW), the nodalDepartment of the Governmentin such maters vide this officeMemorandum dated 30.3.2010.The DOP&PW vide OM No.41/26/10-P&PW(E) dated2.11.2010 informed that theissue had been considered mconsultation with theDepartment of Expenditure,Ministry of Finance and that theDepartment of Expenditure didnot agree to the proposal.Ministry of Railways, being theAdministrative Ministry, cannottake any unilateral decision inthe matter.

Sl. Issue raised in the Decision taken in the 20th SCOVA Follow up ActionNo. 20th SCOVA meetin2 meetin2

9.10 Ex-gratiashould not be lessthan minimumpension and the sameshould be effectivefrom 01/01/06. (Para6.14 of ATR)

9.11 Extension ofsecondary familypension to dependantwidowed daughter-in-law.(Para 6.15 of ATR)9.13 FixedMedical Allowanceto be enhanced toRs. 1.000/- p.m.w.e./. 01/01/06 (Para6.17 of ATR)

It was decided that after the CPFbeneficiaries are brought at theexisting level of SRPF beneficiaries,the Department will consultpensioners' associations on theproposal for revision of ex-gratia toCPF and SRPF beneficiaries.( Action: Desk - E ofDoP&PWandMinistry of Railways )

Though already rejected, it was feltthat in case a proposal is received thesame would be examined.( Action: Desk - E ofDoP&PW

SCOVA members were informedthat the Department had taken up thisIssue with Ministry of Health &Family Welfare In VIew of thedecision during the meeting with therepresentatives of staff side (JCM)on penSIOnary matters held on18.5.2011. Department of Pensionand Pensioners' Welfare is activelypursuing this issue.( Action: Desk - D ofDoP&PW andMinistry of Health & Family Welfare

DOP&PW:The item was also taken up inthe JCM meeting on pensionarymatter held on 26.3.2012. It wasdecided in that meeting tocollect information froni theMinistry of Railways about thecourt cases filed against themand the number of cases Inwhich judgement was givenagainst them. Information fromMlO Railways is awaited.DoP&PW:

Revision of ex-gratia for CPFbeneficiaries to bring them atpart with SRPF beneficiaries isunder active consideration.

Ministry of Railways:This Ministry has initiated aproposal to revise the existingamount of Ex-gratia being paidto the surviving SRPF(C) opteeswhich is under advance stages ofconsideration In theGovernment.DoP&PW:

No new proposal has beenreceived. Item may be closed.

DoP&PW:The Govt. has not agreed forenhancement of FMA. TheGovt. had, on therecommendation of the 5thCentral Pay Commission,sanctioned Rs.100 p.m. as FMAIn the year 1997. After 6thCentral Pay Commission thisamount was raised to Rs.300p.m. w.e.f. 1.9.2008. Thedemand for further enhancementof FMA was raised during the

Sl. Issue raised in the Decision taken in the 20th SCOV A Follow up ActionNo. 20th SCOV A meetin2 meetin~

9.14Implementation ofWeb BasedPensioners Portal -

aj OnlineGrievance redressalsystem:

The members of the SCOV A statedthat the grievances registered by thevarIOUS Pensioners' Associationsthrough the Pensioners' PortalWebsite of this Department arepending as the ministries/department! organizations concernedare not taking necessary action todispose of the same. The Departmentinformed the Associations thatreVIew meetings are now beingconducted under the Chairmanshipof Secretary (Pension) and things areexpected to improve in the coming

meeting with representatives ofstaff side (JCM) on pensionarymatters held on 18.5.11. Thedemand has been examined ingreat detail. In view of the factthat the FMA was increasedthree-fold from Rs.100 toRs.300 p.m In May, 2010(effective from 1st September2008) at a substantial cost to theexchequer, any further upgradedincrease in FMA at this stagemay not be appropriate given theconstraint on the fiscal side ofthe revisions already effected.Govt. IS in the interim, alsocontemplating introduction ofCentral Govt. Employees andPensioners Health InsuranceScheme to meet the health carerequirement of Central Govt.employees and penSIOners.Therefore the demand for anyenhancement of FMA can not beaccepted at this juncture.Therefore, itemmay be closed.

Enhancement of Fixed MedicalAllowance does not pertain tothis Ministry and we have nocomments to offer. •DoP&PW:

With a view to minimIze thependency of Pension Grievancesregistered on CPENGRAMS thefollowing Review meetings wereconducted subsequent toSCOV A meeting held on21.09.2011:

(i) 16.02.2012(ii) 19.06.2012(iii) 14.08.20 12


Issue raised in the20th SCOVA meetin2

9.15 Theimplementation oforders dated01.09.2008 readwith the ordersdated 14.10.08 isnot correct forfixation of pension.(Para 6.19 of ATR)9.16 The Orders ofMinistry of Healthreiteratingthat all thepensioners are atliberty to optthemselves with anyof the nearest CGHShospital/dispensarymay be widelycirculated Arbitraryorders dated01/0811996 and01/09/1996 issued byMinistry of Healthand Director ofCGHS may bewithdrawn and thebenefit of CGHSfacilities be allowedtothe pensioners ofDepartment of Postand Department ofTelecom as speciallyprovided in the orderof the Department ofPersonnel andPension. (Para 6.20& 6.21 of ATR)

Decision taken in the 20th SCOVAmeetin2months. It is a continuous action.( Action: Desk - C ofDoP&PW

Para 9.3 of minutes may bereferred.

( Action : Desk 'A' of DoP&PWand DOPT

Representatives of M/O H&FWtold that merger of 19 P&Tdispensaries in 12 cities is underactive consideration( Action : Ministry of Health &Family Welfare)

As a result of these efforts madeby DOPPW, 17937 cases (till14.08.2012) were disposed in ashort span of about 11 monthafter the SCOVA meeting washeld as against 11102 casesdisposed pnor to SCOVAmeeting SInce launch ofPensioners Portal (i.e in a spanof around 4 and 1/2 years)Same as in S.No. 3 of theATR ( para 9.3 of minutes ofthe meeting held on 21.9.2011).

Ministry of Health & FamilyWelfare:

All OMs issued by CGHS arewidely circulated, with copiesaddressed to all the Ministries,C&AG, CGHS cities and NICfor uploading on the CGHSwebsite.

Orders dt. 1/8/1996 and1/9/1996 are not arbitrary.

The proposed merger of 19 P&Tdispensaries with CGHS in 12cities IS under activeconsideration of this Ministry.


Issue raised in the20th SCOVA meetin29.17 Earlycommencement ofmeeting of NationalAnomaliesCommittee to settleall anomaliesarising out of 6thcentral paycommissionrecommendations. (Para 6.22 of ATR)9.18 Grant ofconcessionaltelephone facilitiesto retired P& TEmployees. (Para6.23 of ATR)

9.19 (i) Theexisting Pensionersof Department ofPosts and Telecomcovered by P& TDispensaries areneither consideredfor treatment ofhospitalizationfacilities nor forFixed MedicalAllowance. (Para6.24 (i) of ATR)

Decision taken in the 20th SCOVA Follow up Actionmeetin2It was informed that all pending DoP&TIssues including those related topension matters would be discussedin the next meeting of the NSC,which is likely to be held in October,2011.( Action: DOPT)

After the SCOVA meeting heldon 21.9.2011, the NationalAnomaly Committee has mettwice - on 5th January, 2012 andon 17th July, 2012.

As on date the matter IS under Departmentsubmission to competent authority Telecommunication:for decision.(Action Department of Comments awaited.Telecom/Posts)

As per the comments mentionedby the Department of Posts in theagenda, further action in the matteris to be taken by M/o H&FW.( Action: Department of Posts andMinistry of Health' & FamilyWeltare)

The matter stands for action bythe Department of Telecom andnot for the Department of Postsas we have already furnished theinformation as to the number ofbeneficiaries of this Departmentas early as in February, 2011.Department of Posts:

The P&T pensioners residingwithin the jurisdiction of P&T'Dispensary are eligible for OPDfacilities and those residingbeyond the jurisdiction of P&TDispensary can opt for FMA~Only those GovernmentPensioners residing areas notcovered under P&T Dispensarycan be considered for FixedMedical Allowance.The IF Wing of Department ofPosts have advised that theorders passed by the CAT,Cuttack are not in accordancewith the Government of Indiainstructions & Writ Petition hasbeen filed in High Court ofOrissa. Hence as of now thematter is sub judice in the Orissa

Sl. Issue raised in the Decision taken in the 20th SCOVA Follow up ActionNo. 20th SCOVA meetin~ meetin~

(ii) Pensionersfalling within thelimit of P& TDispensaries /CGHSHospitals may beallowed to opt forP&T Dispensaries ordrawl of FixedMedical Allowance.(Para 6.24 (ii) ofATR)9.23 Inclusion of The matter is under examination in Ministry of Railways:Representatives of consultation with Zonal Railways.A.I.R.R.F and (Action: Ministry of Railways)SCOVA in RailwayHospital AdvisoryCommittees. (Para6.280fATR)10.1 Withdrawnew pension schemeas also the PFRDABill from theParliament.

It is stated that the P&T pensionersresiding within the jurisdiction ofP&T Dispensary are eligible forOPD facilities and those residingbeyond the jurisdiction of P&TDispensary can opt for FMA. Onlythose Government pensionersresiding in areas not covered underP&T Dispensary can be consideredfor Fixed Medical Allowance

Secretary (Pension, AR&PG)explained the contours of the NewPension Scheme which has beenintroduced w.e.f. 1.1.2004 for Govt.employees appointed on or after2004 to a notification dated23.12.2003 of Ministry of Finance,Department of Economic Affairs.The PFRDA Bill has been introducedIII Parliament to establish anauthority to promote old age securityto all citizens in the country. TheNPS Scheme has been extended tothe general public w.e.f. 1.5.2009.

The staff-side expressed theirreservations on the New Pension

Since P&T is already operatingtheir own medical schemenecessary action to be taken byDepartment of Posts andTelegraph. Ministry of Healthand Family Welfare has nocomments to offer.

In respect of P&T pensioners,we have no comments to offer.CGHS and medical schemeoperated by P&T Deptt. are twoseparate schemes.

The Proposal has been examinedby the Competent Authority andthe same has not been agreed to.

DoP&PW:Withdraw New Pension Scheme.•and PFRDA Bill : It was decidedthat the concern in regard toNPS Scheme will be conveyedto the Department of FinancialServices. Accordingly a copy ofthe Minutes of the Meeting wasforwarded to Department ofFinancial Services vide No.42/50/1O-P&PW(G) dated17.10.2011.

DepartmentServices:The employees' funds underNew Pension System (NPS) are

· Sf.No.

Issue raised in the20th SCOVA meeting

Decision taken in the 20th SCOVAmeetingScheme. In their view, the NPS isheavily dependent on the stockmarket and there is no minimumguaranteed return to the subscriber.The staff-side sought to knowwhether the Scheme was legallyvalid as a PFRDA Bill was yet to bepassed by the Parliament. They alsomentioned that there was no soundmechanism to communicate thedetails of the NPS accounts/wealth tothe subscribers.

The staff-side enquired about the roleof Department of Pension and PW inimplementation of Scheme. It wasinformed that while theresponsibility In respect of NPScontinues to remain with Ministry ofFinance (Department of FinancialServices) Department of Pensionand PW has recently been asked totake action to frame rules regulatingNPS In respect of Governmentemployees. This matter is underexamination In consultation withMinistry of Law to decide the exactscope of the proposed rules in orderto ensure that the proposed rules are.within the four comers of PFRDABill and the NPS Scheme notified bythe Ministry of Finance InDecember, 2003.

Secretary (Pension, AR&PG)assured the staff-side that theirconcerns in regard to NPS Schemewill be conveyed to the Departmentof Financial Services.(Action: Desk - A ofDoP&PW andDepartment of Financial Services

invested In fixed Incomeinstruments with a small equityexposure. However, it is in theinherent nature of the definedcontribution type of penSIOnsystem, which is what NPS is allabout, that pension benefits arenot guaranteed by the State andall investment risk is born by thesubscribers. However, in orderto protect the interests of thesubscribers to the NPS and tooptimize the risk-return profileunder the NPS, the Governmenthas prescribed investmentpattern for investment of pensionfunds. Hence, the investmentrisks involved, if any, areminimized. The Interim PensionFund Regulatory &Development Authority(PFRDA) is responsible forregulation of investments madein the New Pension Sytem(NPS).

The query of the Staff Side so asto whether the scheme is valid asPFRDA Bill is yet to be passedby the Parliament, is based onthe incorrect understanding ofNPS and PFRDA Bill. The•object of the PFRDA Bill· is tocreate a statutory regulatorcalled PFRDA which will havepower to regulate theinstitutional architecture of NPS.PFRDA would act in the interestof all the subscribers to NPS(both Government and privateemployees and citizens) andwould stipulate standards andnorms for intermediaries, frameinvestment regulations andprovide exit facilities in the formof annuity to be offered by theinsurance companies licensed by

SI. Issue raised in the Decision taken in the 20th SCOVA Follow up ActionNo. 20th SCOVA meetine: meetine:

10.2 Issue ofRevised PPOsfor preand post 2006retirees- Statusthereof

This item has already been discussedin para 9.1 ofthe minutes.( Action : Desk - E of DOP&PW,CGA. CPAO, Ministry of Railways.Ministry of Defence. Department ofPosts and Department ofTelecommunication)

IRDA. The existence of NPS isnot dependent on PFRDA Bill asNPS for Government servantshas been introduced by putting asunset clause in Central CivilServices (Pension) Rules, 1972,Central Civil Service(Commutation of Pensions)Rules and General ProvidentFund (Civil Services) Rules,1960, which are made Inpursuance to the power given tothe Government under Article309 of the Constitution.Similarly, the benefit rules forCentral Government employeescovered by NPS, are framedunder the powers gIven togovernment by Article 309 ofthe Constitution withoutreference to PFRDA bill even ifthe same has not yet beenenacted.

Further the National SecuritiesDepository Limited (NSDL)which IS the CentralRecordkeeping & AccountingAgency (CRA) under the NPSarchitecture, has alreadyestablished a sound mechanismto communicate the details ofthe NPS accounts/wealth to thesubscribers by way of sendingperiodic statement ofTransactions (SOT) tosubscribers under the NPS. Thesubscribers can also access totheir individual NPS accountsthrough their I-PIN/T-PIN.Same as in SI. No. 1 (para 9.1of the minutes of the meetingheld on 21.9.2011).


Issue raised in the20th SCOVA meeting10.3 Revision ofPension/FamilyPension Vth CPC:

10.7 Earlycommencement ofmeeting of NationalAnomalyCommittee(NAC) tosettle all anomaliesarising out of (/h CPCrecommendations.10.8 Sanction ofHouse Rent forAssociation office.

10.10 Fixed MedicalAllowance

(i) to be enhanced toRs. 1000/per monthw.e.f. 1.1.2006.

Decision taken in the 20tn SCOVAmeetine:Department of Pension & PW agreedto issue instructions to allow revisionof pension w.e.f. 1.1.1996 in respectof any pre-1996 pensioner/familypensioner who applies for revision ofpension in terms of Department ofPension & PW's O.M. No. 45/10/98-P&PW(A) dated 17.12.1998, withoutinsisting on the deadline earlierprescribed.( Action: Desk - A of DoP&PWDoPT informed that the next meetingof the NAC was likely to be heldsometime in October, 2011.( Action: DoPT)

The same is included in the proposalfor extension of Plan Scheme in theXIIth Plan. This item, thus may beclosed.( Action: Desk - C ofDoP&PW)

Item has already been discussed inpara 9.13 of ATR.( Action: Desk - D ofDoP&PW andMinistry of Health & Family Welfare

In accordance with the decisiontaken in the meeting, an OM No.45/86/97-P&PW(A) pt III dated9.11.2011 has been issued. (copyenclosed)

After the SCOVA meeting heldon 21.9.2011, the NationalAnomaly Committee has mettwice - on 5th January, 2012 andon 17th July, 2012.

While continuing the PlanScheme Pensioners' Portalcertain changes in the pattern ofGrant-in-Aid to identifiedPensioners' Associations havebeen carried out. Whileenhancing the quantum of Grant-in-Aid to identified Pensioners'Association from Rs.60,000 perannum to Rs.75,000 per annum,a provision has been made forgrant of subsidy towards rent ofbuilding / water / electricity tothe extant of Rs.27,000 perannum.Ministry of H&FW :

Same as in S1. No. 10 of theATR (para 9.13 of the minutesof the meeting held on21.9.2011).

On the subject DOP&PW is thenodal Department of the

Sl. Issue raised in the Decision taken in the 20th SCOVA Follow up ActionNo. 20th SCOVA meeting meeting

(ii) to pensionerresiding beyond2.5 Kms. fromdispensary.

10.13 CSD canteenfacility to DefenceCivilianPensioners

It was informed that jurisdiction of adispensary is decided by its admn.authorities. Department of Pensionand Pensioners' Welfare instructionsallow Fixed Medical Allowance topenSIOners residing outside thejurisdiction of dispensary.

Ministry of Railways explained thatthe 2.5 Km. limit is as laid down bydecision of courts. The membersthereafter raised specific issue ofRELHS. It was decided that theMinistry of Railways may Inconsultation with the membersresolve the issue.rAction: Ministrv of Railwavs )It was decided that the matter needsto be reviewed by Ministry ofDefence.( Action: Ministry of Defence )

Government and decision takenby them will be followed by thisMinistry.

DoP&PW:Same as in S.No. 10 of theATR ( para 9.13 of minutes ofthe meeting held on 21.9.2011)

Ministry of Railways :As regards territorial jurisdictionfor the grant of FMA in respectof Railway Pensioners, therewas some dispute and this wasdecided by High Court of Keralavide their order dt. 22.11.2002 ino.P. No. 17280/2002prescribing for criterion of 2.5Kms. This order of Kerala HighCourt has been upheld byHon'ble Supreme Court. Oncethe issue has been settled by theApex Court no further action inthe matter is feasible.

Regarding CSD canteen facilityto Defence Civilian Pensionersthat this issue was discussed inthe EC meeting held on11.8.2011 under theChairmanship of SpecialSecretary. Wherein it wasmentioned by DDGCS that thisIS a long outstaying demandfrom Defence Civilians to allowthem canteen facility afterretirement. However thought theconcerns are well appreciatedand understood, issue has not yetbeen recommended due tovarious factors like manpowerconstraints (present CSD ISdeficient by 25% manpower),inadequate number of CSD

Sl. Issue raised in the Decision taken in the 20th SCOVA Follow up ActionNo. 20th SCOVA meeting meeting

Implementation of the Governmentdecision on therecommendations ofthe CabinetSecretary'sCommittee - Revisionof PBOR pension topre-2006retirees:10.16 Anomaly infIXation of pension toDoT employeesabsorbed in BSNL,who retired between1.10.2000 and31.7.2001.

MoD informed that the issue is underactive consideration and orders arelikely to be issued shortly to resolvethis issue.( Action: Ministry ofDetence)

Order is to be issued.( Action DepartmentTelecommunication

Depots and infrastructure, lackof commensurate budgetarysupport, applicability of taxconceSSIOns to defencepersonnel only by various Stategovernments, additional load onexisting DRCs and likelihood ofspiral increase m similardemands for other agencies.Therefore, it was decided by theChairman, EC that as of Now"Status Quo" be maintained andthis point will be reviewed indue course when the abovementioned constrains areaddressed.Ministry of Defence:

Orders has been issued on 27th

March, 2012 ( copy enclosed)

Departmentof Telecommunication:

The proposal regardingrectification of anomaly mpension of BSNL employeesretired within 10 months of theirabsorption in BSNO. wasexamined in consultation withDepartment of Pension &Pensioners Welfare (DOP&PW)and Department of Expenditure(DOE) and the same has notbeen agreed to.However, DOP&PW hasclarified that the Governmenthas decided and implemented(w.e.f. 1.1.1996) the formula forfull mmimum pension of allpensioners irrespective of theirdate of retirement as not to be

Sl. Issue raised in the Decision taken in the 20th SCOVA Follow up Action .No. 20th SCOVA meetine meetine

10.17 Grantconcessionaltelephone facilities toretired P&Templovees.10.18 Payment ofpension to postalretirees throughbanks

of The matter is under consideration.(Action DepartmentTelecommunications)

less than 50% of the minimumpay in the revised scale.Therefore, the absorbees ( inBSNL) who are entitled forcombined service pension as perrule 37-A are also entitled forminimum of penSIon,irrespective of their date ofretirement, at the rate not lessthan 50% of the minimum pay inthe scale of pay held by them atthe time of retirement. Hence,the pensIOn cases of theemployees absorbed in BSNL,who retired within 10 monthsfrom 1.10.2000 i.e. the date oftheir absorption in BSNL, maybe settled by granting thembenefit of above provision ofmInImum pension, it isbeneficial to them and theamount of pension may becalculated proportionately basedon their actual qualifying serviceas per provisions of Rule 49(2)of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 inforce during that period, whichprovided for admissibility of fullpenSIOn after completing 33years of Qualifyingservice.Department

of Telecommunication:

Proposal has been sent to theController General of Accounts.( Action: Department of Posts )

Action taken by Departmentof Posts:a) The proposal forpayment of pension to PostalPensioners through NationalisedBanks in addition to Post Officeswas under examination in CGAOffice. Now CGA has conveyedits approval to the proposal ofthis Department communicatedvide its D.O. Note bearing No.I(7)(3)/2010/TA/43I dated

· Sl. Issue raised in the Decision taken in the 20th SCOVA Follow up ActionNo. 20th SCOVA meetine; meetille;

10.19 Revision ofpension of pre 1996Railway pensioners

26.6.2012.b) As per directions of RBI,consent of all NationalisedBanks was sought vide thisoffice letter of even number D-310 to 333-A dated 9.7.2012 .So far only 10 Banks asmentioned below have managedto convey their approval/consentto the proposal of theDepartment. The names of theBanks are as follows:-

1. State Bank of India2. State Bank of Bikaner &

Jaipur3. State Bank of Travancore4. State Bank of Patiala5. State Bank of Mysore6. Corporation Bank7. Andhra Bank8. Vijaya Ban9. Indian Overseas Bank10. Allahabad Bank.c) The matter is still underexamination at RBI Mumbai.The reply to the observationsraised by RBI was sent vide thisoffice letter of even number D-270 dated 30.6.2012 . As pertelephonic discussion the latestreply has also been sent to RBIon 13.8.2012 with a request-toapprove the .proposal at anearliest.Ministry of Railways:DOP&PW vide their OM No.45/86/87-P&PW(A) (Pt.) dated11.5.2001 had clarified that thepension/family pension of pre1996 retirees shall not be lessthan 50% / 30% of thecorresponding scale w.e.f.1.1.1996 of the scale of pay heldby the pensioner at the time ofretirement! death. DOP&PW inAnnexure-I of their OM dated14.10.2008 have specifically

It was informed that some pensionersassociations have raised this issue intheir representations and the RailwayBoard has clarified their stand in thisregard. The clarifications/advicesought from DoP&PW has also beenprovided to Railway Board. Sincethe matter involved interpretation ofthe Government orders for revisionof pension in respect of a particularcategory of posts (e.g. Head clerk) inthe Railways, it was beyond thescope of SCOVA to resolve this



Issue raised in the Decision taken in the 20th SCOVA20th SCOVA meetin2 meetip2

issue. Railway Board was advised tosort out this matter after hearing therepresentatives of the pensionersassociations.( Action: Ministry of Railways )

mentioned the corresponding IVCPC, V CPC pay scales and VICPC Pay Band + Grade Pay tofacilitate reVISIon of pension/family of pre 2006 retirees.

2. When some specific casefrom some of the ZonalRailways came to the notice ofthe Railway Board regardingnon adherence to the DOPW'sextant instructions whilerevising the pension/family.pension of pre 2006 retirees,relying on DOP&PW's OMdated 11.5.2001 and OM dated14.10.2008, clarificatoryinstructions, for reVISIOn ofpension/ family pension as on1.1.2006 of pre 2006 retireeswith respect to thecorresponding pay band +grade/pay scale of the scale ofpay held by the railwayservant/pensioner at the time ofretirement/death, were issuedvide this office letter No.F(E)III/2008/PN-1/2 dated2.2.2010 and 18.3.2010.

3. It was clearly mentioned inthe letter No. F(E)III/ 2008/PN-1/12 dated 18.3.2010 that thepension of all those employeeswho retired prior to 1.1.1996 hasto be stepped up whereveradmissible, w.r.t. the minimumpay of the corresponding scale,not the higher replacement scale.The corresponding scale of prerevised IV CPC of Rs. 1400-2300 is Rs. 4500-7000 in VthCPC, not Rs. 5000-8000, as hasbeen reiterated in item No. 9 ofDOP&PW's OM dated14.10.2008.

No. 1/16/2011- P&PW(E)Government-of India

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and PensionsDepartment of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare

(Desk 'E')

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,New Delhi, the 8th December, 2011.

Sub: Family pension - list of documents to be submitted by a claimant member offamily (other than spouse) along with Form 14, PPO and death certificate inrespect of the deceased pensioner/family pensioner - regarding.

The Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare has been receivingreferences for clarification by various Ministries/Departments of the Governmentregarding the documents for family pension, including certificate of income, requiredto be submitted bya claimant member of family (other than spouse) along withapplication form (Form 14), PPO and death certificate after the deatb- of apensioner/family pensioner. The matter was also discussed at length in the 20th

meeting of SCOVA held on 21st September, 2011 (item No. 9.2 of the Minutesrefers). It was agreed in the meeting that a list of such documents will be madeavailable at the website of the Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare. It waspointed out in the meeting that it is indicated in this Department's OfficeMemorandum No.45/51/97-P&PW(E), dated 21.7.1999 that a self certificate for theincome of those who are self employed or are in receipt of income from sourcesother than employment may be accepted. It was decided to send a copy of this O.M.to all member associations of SCOV A.

2. This is informed that the claims submitted by a claimant member of family(other than spouse) for family pension after the death of a pensioner/familypensiooer, in Form 14 and supported by the death certificate and PPO of thepensioner/family penSioner, may be processed in consultation with the Pay andAccounts Officer, who is the custodian of the pension file, which contains all relevantForms and information of the pensioner. In a very rare case where the name of theclaimant member is not available in the records of the Head of Office as well as thePay & Accounts Officer concerned and the claimant member also fails to submit acopy of PPO or Form 3 containing 'Details of Family' submitted earlier by thedeceased employee/pensioner, the certificates prescribed at serial number 9(v) ofForm 14 may be accepted. In addition to these certificates, PAN Card, MatriculationCertificate, Passport, CGHS Card, Driving License, Voter's ID Card and AadharNumber may also be accepted. Acceptance of voter's ID card and Aadhar Number issubject to the condition that the pensioner/family pensioner certifies that he/she isnot a matriculate and he/she does not have any of the documents mentioned inForm 14 or above. Apart from these documents, the Ministries/Departments mayaccept any other document submitted by the claimant, which may be relied upon andwhich establishes the relationship of the claimant with the pensioner and/or containshis/her date of birth.

3. The applicant has also to prove that no other surviving member in the family,who may-have a-prier-entitlement fer family pension, is eligible. For-this-lJurpose,theabove and/or any other documents, such as marriage/death/income certificates ofthe other members, which may be essential in a given situation, may be used.

4. As decided in the SCOVA meeting, a copy of O.M. No.45/51/97-P&PW(E),dated 21.7.1999 is enclosed for circulation to all Ministries/Departments/Associations.

(O.K. Solanki)Under Secretary

Ph: 24644632All Ministries/Departments/Organisations as per listAll Pensioners' Associations as per list available in the Department

Copy to NIC for posting it, along with enclosure, on the website of the Department ofPension &PW


0/0 Pension & Pensioner's We,flareMin. of Personnel, PG & Pensions

Govt.' of India

No.45/51(97 -P&PW(E)GovernmentofIfidia-

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions(Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare)

Third Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,New Delhi Dated: 21 sl July, 1999

Sub: Recommendations of 5th Central Pay Commission - Grant ofFamily Pension to Parents, sons and Daughters - Clarificationsregarding.

Orders were issued in this Department's Office Memorandum of evennumber dated 5th March, 1998 prescribing the income criterion andcertain other eligibility conditions for the grant of Family Pension tothe dependent parents and widowed or divorced daughters of deceasedCentral Government employees in pursuance of the recommendationsof the 5th Central Pay Commission. This Department has beenreceiving a number of references seeking clarifications on issues ofrelevance for implementation of these orders. Mter consideration ofthese references, the following clarifications are furnished for theguidance of all concerned:


1. In terms of the OM dated 5th March, 1998, parents who werewholly dependent onthe deceased Government Servant whenhe/she was alive will also be entitled to Family Pension witheffect from 1st January, 1998 subject to the ,fulfilment of theother conditions prescribed in this regard. Doubts have beenraised whether parents of Government Servants who died priorto 1st January, 1998.:will also be entitled to Family Pension. Itis clarified that Family Pension will be admissible in thesecases subject to the following:

a. The parents were wholly dependent on the GovernmentServant when he/she was alive;

b. The G9vernment servant has not left behind awidow/widower, eligible son or daughter or awidowed/divorced daughter, who will have a priorclaim to Family Pension in the order indicated;

c. All other prescribed conditions are fulfilled.

The Family Pension will, however, be payable onlywith effect from 1st January, 1998. It will be theresponsibility of the pension sanctioning authoritiesconcerned to satisfy themselves, based on a scrutiny ofthe service records and other relevant documents, thatt~~ parents were, in f(l~t~_~~olly dependent on t~e

deceased Government Servant when he/she was aliveand- that he/she has not left behind anyoHhee>ther-specified beneficiaries who have a prior claim to thefamily pension.

d. The family pension wherever admissible to parents, themother will receive the pension first and after her deaththe father will receive the family pension.

2. The production of Income Certificate as stipulated in thisDepartment's OM of 5th March, 1998 is also required to beinsisted upon before authorizing the FamilyPension to theeligible sons and daughters (including widowed/divorceddaughters) and dependent parents. In case they are self-employed or are in receipt of income from sources other thanemployment, Income Certificates furnished by the concernedbeneficiaries themselves may be accepted for the purpose.

3. Eligible sons of deceased Government employees will also berequired to furnish six-monthly certificates in regard to their

. marital status as is required of eligible daughters.4. Payment of Family Pension is to be discontinued in the event

of the eligible sons/daughters (including widowed/divorceddaughters) getting married/remarried or on their earning amonthly income exceeding Rs.2550/- or on attaining 25 yearsof age whichever is earlier. The crucial date for determiningtheir continued eligibility to Family Pension shall be 1stJanuary, 1998 and not 5th March, 1998 (the date of issue ofthis Department's earlier Office Memorandum) as has beenpresumed by some of the ministries and departments.

2. These clarifications issue with the concurrence of the Departmentof Expenditure, vide theirU.O.No.1064/EV/98 dated 29.6.1999.

3. Ministry of Agriculture, etc. are requested to .bringthe contents ofthis Office Memorandum to the notice of their Controllers ofAccounts, Pay & Account.~Officersand Attached and SubordinateOffices for their guidance and necessary action. --~.-

(RATTAN LAL)Deputy Secretary to the Government of India

ToAll Ministries/Departments of the Government of India .

• Department of Personnel and TrainingDepartment of Administrative Reform's & Public Grievances.

NO.45/B6/97-P&PW (A)-Part-IIIGovernment of India

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and PensionsDepartment of Pension and Pensioner$' Welfare

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak ShawanKhan Market, New Delhi 110003

Dated 91h November, 2011


Subject-Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the sth Central PayCommission - Revision of Pension of pre and post-19S6 pensioners/family pensioners etc. -Consideration of application for revision of pension/family pension.

The undersigned 1$ directed to refer to this Department's OM of even number dated21 122006 wherein the date of submission of applications for revision of pension/family pensionw.e.f. 1.1.1996 of pre-1986 pensioners/family pensioners in terms of thIs Department's OM. No45/86/97-P&PW(A)-Part III dated 10.02.1998 was extended up to 31.12.2007. It was also decided toextend the date of submission of applications for revision of penSion/family pension w.e.f. 1 1.1996 ofpre-1996 pen'sioners/family pensioners with reference to thIS Department's OM No. 45/86/97-P&PW(A)-Part IV dated 08.0S.1998 read with OM dated 30.91998 and dated 17.121998 forsubmission of applications by the pensioners/family pensioners covered under these OMs up to31.12.2007.

2. In spite of extension of deadline for submission of application from time to time, there may bea few pensioners/family pensioners who could not submit application for revision of penSion/familypension w.e.f 1.11996 under the above mentioned orders Some pensioner associations haverequested for extending the date for SUbmission of applications beyond 31.12.2007 in such cases.The matter was discussed in the 20th meeting Of the Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies(SCOVA) It has now been decided that in case any pre-1996 pensioner/family pensioner submits anapplication for revision of pension/family pension In terms of the orders mentioned in para 1 above,the same may be considered and pension/family pension may be revised w.ef. 1.1.1996 withoutinSisting on any deadline for this purpose,

3 MinIstry of Agriculture ete are requested to bring the contents of these orders to the notice ofheads of Departments/Controller of Accoun.ts., Pay and Accounts Officer and attached andSubordinate Offices under them on top priority basis All Pension Disbursing Authorities are alsoadvised to prominently display these orders on their notice boards for the benefit of thepensioners/family pensioners.

(H~)Under Secretary to the Government of India

1. All MinlstrieslDepartments of Government of IndIa2. All Pensioners' ASSOCiation(as per list)3 All Pension Disbursing Sanks (as per list)

Cf)1;qi~;q ~a.:rr~ ~ f:t~tlCf) (.q~I~)0/0 THE PRo CONTROLLER OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS (PENSION)

~ ClTC $~16Idtld\ -211014DRAUPADIGHAT,ALLAHABAD-211014

01. The Chief Accountant, RBI, Deptt. of Govt. Bank Account CentralOffice,C-7 IInd Floor Bandre Kurla Complex, P.B. No. 8143 Bandre,East, Mumbai-400051.

02. All CMDs of Public Sector Banks03. CMD of ICICI Bank04. CMD of IDBI Bank05. CMD of Axis Bank06. CMD of HDFC Bank07. Military and Air Attache, Indian Embassy Kathmandu Nepal.08. The Defence Pension Disbursing Officers.09. The Treasury officers.10. The Pay and Accounts Office.11. Pay and Accounts Office, Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai.12. The Post Master Kathua (J & K), Camp Bell Bay (Andaman &


SUbject: . Implementation of Govt. decision on the recommendations ofthe Cabinet Secretary's Committee- Revision of Pension inrespect of PBOR discharged prior to 01.01.2906.

Reference: 1. This office Circular No. 430 dated 10.03.2010 (Gal MODletter No. PC-10(1)/2009-0 (Pen/Pol) dt. 08.03.2010)2. This office circular no 453 dated 22.02.2011 (Gal MODletter No. 17(3)/2010-0 (Pen/Policy) dt. 15.11.2010

A copy of Gal MOD letter No. PC-10(01)/2009-D (Pensian/Palicy)-Val.li dt. 27.03.2012 is forwarded herewith for further necessary action atyour end.

1. Due to difference in weightage allowed for different ranks forcomputation of pension, the revised pension applicable wef 01.01.2006 and01.07.2009, in certain lower ranks with certain qualifying service happensto be more as compared to higher ranks with same qualifying service whichcreate anomaly in the rate of revised pension.

The above said anomaly in the rates of revised pension from01.01.2006 has already been removed vide GOI MOD letter No.17(3)/2010-D(Pen/Policy) dt. 15.11.2010 (Circulated by this office circularNo 453 dated:22.02.2011) by increasing the rates of minimum guaranteedpension of Pre-2006 Armed Forces Pensioners. Now vide above citedMOD, GOI letter dt. 27.03.2012 the above cited anomaly has also beenremoved w.e.f 01.07.2009 by stepping up the pension of higher rank to thelevel of his junior counterpart and various tables appended as appendix toGOI, MOD letter dated 08.03.2010, has been modified accordingly.

2. The revised rate of pension in respect of Pre-2006 retiree Hony. SubLt of Navy and Hony. Flying Officer of Air Force wef 01.07.2009 shall alsobe stepped up. In respect of Pre-2006 retiree Hony. Sub Lt of Navy andHony Flying Officer of Air Force with actual qualifying service of 28 yrs orabove shall be revised to Rs 13590/-per month w.e.f 01.07.2009.

3. All other subsidiary payment instructions will be the same ascirculated vide this office Circular No. 430 dt. 10.03.2010. It is requestedthat the cases for revision as per these orders may please be reviewed atyour end. The affected cases may be revised accordingly.

4. It is also requested that a copy of these orders/ instructions mayplease be circulated to all Pension Disbursing Authorities (DPDOs/Payingbranches/ Treasuries/ PAOs etc) under your jurisdiction to ensure therevision at the earliest.

5. This Circular has been uploaded on the PCDA(P) websitewww.pcdapension.nic.in for disseminating across the defence pensionersand PDAs.

Enel:- As above

No.GrantsfTech/0167/VIIIDated: - 19/04/2012

Copy to:

1. The Dy. Secretary, Govt. of India, Ministry of PPG & P (Deptt. of P & PW), LokNayak Bhawan, New Delhi.

2. Director (Pensions), Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence D(Pen/Sers), SenaBhawan, Wing 'A' New Delhi.

3. Army HQrs AG's Branch, PS-4(b) DHQ, PO New Delhi - 110011.4. AHQ GS Branch, TA Directorate, DHQ PO New Delhi - 110011.5. Naval HQrs, PP & A, DHQ PO New Delhi.6. DPA, Vayu Bhawan, New Delhi - 11.7. Air HQrs Ad PP & P - 3, West Block-VI, R. K. Puram, New Delhi - 110066.8. Sr. Dy. CGDA(AT-II), % the CGDA, Ulan Batar Road, Palam Delhi Cantt-

110010.9. CDA (AF), West Block-V, R. K. Puram, New Delhi - 110066.10. JCDA (AF) Subroto Park, New Delhi - 110010.11. Director of Audit, Defence Service, New Delhi12. All Record Offices/Regiment. Corp.13. Bureau of Sailors, Cheetah Camp, Mumbai.14. Air Force Record, Dhaula Kunwa, Delhi Cantt.15. Director MP8(1of R)lntegrated HQ of MOD(Army)AG's Branch, Addl Dte Gen of

MP/MP8(1of R) West Block-III, RK Puram ,N-Delhi 11006616. All Addl CsDAlJt. CsDA in Main Office.17. All GOs in Main Office.18. The Ol/C, G-1(M), AT(ORs)-Tech. & G-1/Civil (Tech.)19. All SAOs/AOs/AAOs in Gts/Ors Complex.20. The Ol/C, EDP Manual.21. The Ol/C, EDP Centre.22. Defence Pension Liaison Cell.23. All Sections in Main Office.24. Spare copies in file No. Gts/Tech/0148, 148,0162 & 015825. OIC,G -2 Section26. OIlC, G - 3 Sections.27. Ol/C, G - 4 Sections28. OIlC 0 & M Cell29. OIlC Complaint Cell30. The OIlC, Reception Centre31. The OIlC, EDP Centre (Website)32. The Ol/C, DPTI Cell33. Spare


No PC-1O( 01)/2009-D(Pension/Policy)-Vol. IIGovernment of India,Ministry of Defence,

Deptt. of Ex-servicemen Welfare,Sena Bhavan, New Delhi .,"

The Chief of the Army Staff,The Chief of the Naval Staff,The Chief of the Air Staff,

SUBJECT:'" . Implementation of Government decision on the recommendation of theCabinet Secretary's Committee...::::.,R~vtsion of P.~nsion In respect ofPersonnel below Officer Rank (PBoR) discharged p'rior to 1.1.2006 .

. The undersigned is directed to refer this Ministry's letter PC No 10(1)/2009

-D(Pen/Pol) dated 8th March, 2010 as amended vide letter PC No 10(01)/2009-

D(Pen/Policy)/Vol-II dated 15th April 2011 regarding revision of service pension/

speCial pension/invalid pension/service element of disability pension/service

element of war injury/liberalized disability pension in respect of pre-2006 PBoR

pensioners with effect from 1st July, 2009 in terms of Government decision for

implementation .of recommendations of ComrTJittee of Secretary's headed by

Cabinet Secretary. Due to difference in weightage allowed for different ranks for

computation of pension, the revised pension ,applicable from 1st July, 2009, in

certain lower ranks in certain qualifying service happens to be more as compared to

higher ranks with same qualifying service. Similar anomaly arising in the rates of

minimum guaranteed pension of pre-2006 Armed Forces pensioners has been stand

rectified vide this Ministry's letter No 17(3)/2010-D(Pen/Policy) dated 15th Nov,2010.

2. The above said anomaly in the rates of revised pension has been considered

by the Government and the Pr~sident is pleased to decide thatwhere the amount of

revised pension, determined In terms of this Ministry's above quoted I~tter dated 8th

March 2010 as amended, of a higher rank happens to be less than the p~nsion of a

lower rank of sqme group with same qualifying senrice, tIle pel'lslon of higher rank

(With same group) shall be stepped up to the level of his junior counterpart.

3. In view of above decisions, the revised rates of pension applicable from 1st

lan, 2006 and pt July, 2009, as indicated In various tables/their respective columns

and are appended as appendix to this Ministry's above said letter dated 8th March,

2010 as amended, shall be modified to the extent indicated In the appendix

attached to this letter.

3.1 With effect from 1.7.2009, the revised pension in respect of pre-1.1.2006

retiree Honorary Sub Lieutenant of Navy and Honorary Flying Officer of Air Force,

as determined in terms of this Ministry's letter No 17(4)/2008(1)/D(Pen/Policy)

dated 11.11.2008 as amended, with actual qualifying service (without weightage)

of 28 years and above, shall also be revised to Rs. 13,590/- per month.

4. This Issues With the concurrence of the Finance Division of this Ministry vide

their UO No. 10(18)2009/Fin/Pen, dated 27.03.2012.

Yours faithfully

~~~Under Secretary to the Govemment of India

Annexure to MOO letter No PC 10CQll120Q9-0CPenIPQIl-VQI1I dated 27.03.2012Amendments-

_.'-~-~,Length ofqualifying ---RCPuservice 6th CP(in years) on1.

-_._ .•..-Co--_._ .. _- ---is 40-,.'-"~-_. --

15.5 40_ .._.~"- --16 4116.5 42~.17 4317.5 4418 44

TABLE - 7Punder RCPunderCpCas 6th CPCas1.1.06 on1.1.06

Col. 5 Col. 9change Nochange----- ..-555 3555

3625 3625 .--3694 3694---3764 -37643834 I 3834I

rider RCPunderC as 6th epc asL06 on 1.1.06

RCPunder6th CPCason 1.1.06

RCF>under6th CPC ason 1.1.06

Revisedpensionwef 1.7.09

16 -40-16 -Sj-68 No No change Nochaii-ge-_ ..__ .•, .._ ..,.,~,_.-.- _.,.'------_ ....- ---- -_ ..__ .",----_.~~~.i~-~l~-~-~~3 ~~~~ ~~~~57 4257 I 5690 3694 369437-j~337~--5797 - 3764 376417-j~4171--590-51 3834 I 38311


-8.5' ! 9?J,. 4~~?~-6~O~(2 :'-_._-3-9-0-4-._~;--39-0-4-..: i 390.~ 3~-9..:t~: 4578, 4578 ,6119 3973 3973 3973 3973 I

I 19 I 4._6__5.8. 'I' 4658~6ii7--;No chan~ I N_o_c_h.a.._n_9_-_e_i 4·0.4.-_·3_·. I 40431! 19.5 6' 738 i 4738 I 6334 !No change !No change I 4113 4~-~~~_1-:1.·3?-2-_: 20 4819--[48"i9-r644-1-[No Chao"-lNocbao..-e[4182t~O.~====~!_~ I ~}~~ I NO_C~~lge~ c~ange Noc~ang-eQ18-2Amendments-

[Length ofi qualifying1

! service(in years)















RCPunder6'hCPC ason1.1.06

RCP : RCPunder6th ! under6t~CPC as CPC ason on1.1.06 1.1.06

RCPunderfjth CPCas on1.1.06-

IKPunder6thCPC as on1.1.06

RCPunder6'"CPC ason1.1.06



Col. 9--- Col. 5 -<:-01. 9 Col. 14 Col. 15 Col.S - Col. 9 Col. 15No ---r:i"o- No No 4410 4016 4016- 5368

change_Change_._c_~ange chang~ " _ .__

3555 3555 3555 3555 4498 4096 4096 5475---_.- _ ~----..__ .._- --_ .._ _.__ .._._ ••.._._.~--_ .._~".__ _-_ ..,_ .." -_.',,-

3625 3625 3625 3625 4586 4176 4176 5583__M__ _ ~.. 0. ..._ ._..._3694 3694 3694 3694 4674 4257 4257 5690--,-_. ""~--- ---- ---- _ .._-_.-._--, .._.,.-3764 3764 3764 3764 . 4762 4337 4337 5797

__ • __ ..._"_ __.. 0_" •__

3834 3834 3834 3834 4850 4417 4417 5905--_.----- ..,,_ .._,,- -'--' ._ ..__ •...._' ..3904 I 3904 3904 3904 4939! 4497 4497 60123973-1- 3973 -----3973 3973--- 502714578 '4578 61194043"1-.4043. --4043 --4043- -5ilS.:--t- 4658-' 4658- -6227:~~~-~:~~~~~:~~~:~~}-~i~~;:~~:::~~:=--:~~:4182 _ 4182 ~_182_ 4182 .No::nge t4819 4819 Nochange

Length ofqualifyingservice(in years)

RCP under6th CPC ason 1.1.06



3555--_ .._-36253694--_.-3764383439043973

ITen9th of

qual~fyingservicei (in years)

~underI :~~PCasI on 1.1.06


-_ .._._- ~-,-'''--------~,-RCP under RCP under RCP under RCP under RCP under6th cpe,s 6th CPCas 6th CPC as 6thCPC as 6th CPC ason 1.1.06 on 1.1.06 on 1.1.06 on 1.1.06 on 1.1.06

--'--- -Cot 5- ---- ._---_.- -----Col. 9 Col. 9 Col. 5 Col. 9No change No change No change NOdtange Noell.nge

3555 3555 3555 3555 3555._--_. --_... ------ ----3625 3625 3625 3625 I 3625

"-36-94-1-3-69-4 ---3694----3694-··T- 3694------:f764--t-'-3764'- -'-3764-'--"'--'3764--'.1--37-64,--,

3834 1 383~ 3834 '-3-834-- _-·-~3_8-3_4_--3904 I 3904 3904 3904 3904

-3973-;-'-3973 3973-- --3973---1-- 3973'-'"-NO·C-hange····-4043-- ~4043-'-'--4043-j' , 4043--

.-NoChange-----4Ti3-_.~ 13_ _~ 11~ ._4~13__.._-No-_Ch_a_nge-:_-3_1_8_2__ __~82 _ ~ 182 1_4182Noehal\geI 4182 4182 4182\ 4182

.._. .__ '-- . .____ _ __ ..•.__ ....1-


Length of Table No. 20qualifying -----service RCP under RCP under RCP under New

6th cpe as 6th CPC as 6th CPCas Revised(In years) on 1.1.06 on 1.1.06 Oil 1.1.06 Pension

--- --- wet 1.7.09-----col. 5 co!. 9 col. 14 col. 15..,-.,.----

No change No c11a;;ge- No cha-nge --_._-_.---.-_.-15 4410- --,._~- --,,--- -,--_._,-15.5 3555 3555 3555 4,498--_ ....- _.__ -.__ . _._-_ ....,.~-16 3625 3625 3625 4586_.~-- ------16.5 3694 3694 3694 4674

----- ---~- -'-.--~~--17 3764 3764 3764 4762-'._-- --17.5 3834 3834 3834 4850----- ---- ----18 3904' 3904 3904 4939--,_._-~._- ..._--"._----- .. _._-- •._-- --_ .._--" ------18.5 3973 3973 3973 5027_N ____··___., .._ .._--",". _ .... -_._,,_._,- -~---- ---_ ..-19 4043 4043 4043 5115...•.•....• _"_._ ....- --- -----19.5 4113 4113 4113 5203--- --20 4182 4182 4182 5291

I -- --- No change20.S 4182 4182 4182. ...•.. " ..._."." .•..... " -".",_ .......•...... - _.",-No change21 4219 4219 4219

....•.• ", •.._., .... _",., _.".,' •.......• , ..... _ .. -,-"-,.,,,.0 .•.._-.- ::;;r "21.5 4291 4291 4291------ ,...,_.~_..,."-",,..- _ ..• ,.•." ... ,'.',., .._ ..... -_.--~.."_.~.._ ..._ ..

22 4364 4364 4364--",,----- _~·.·_ ..·,·w·_··· __

Length ofqualifyin9 service(In years)

Table -17

N4i!wRevi*Pension wet1.7.09

RCP under' RCP under6th CPC as 6th CPC ason 1.1.06 on 1.1.06


co!. 10


______ •• _ ••• H-, 46354736483749385038



355513625 I


RCP under RCP under N~w6th CPC as 6~ cpe as fI..vlsedon 1.1.06 on 1.1.06 P~nsion

wet 1.7.09

col.5 col.9 Col.l0-"-~----'" -_ ...._.,,,,._ ..

No change No change 4635I_ ••___ ,,0_.- .._ .."._.-.--.3555 3555 4736I -3625 3625 4837

3694 3694 4938-- B3764 3764 5038- - -.00hO." ••'3834, 3834

Length of Table - 21 Table - 22qualifying

Rep under 6~ RCP under 6~ New Revised New Revised Pensionservice CPeas on CPC as on Pe"slon wef wef 1.7.09(in years) 1.1.06 1.1.06 1.7.09

col•.5 col. 9 .. col. 15 col. 15

15 4016 4016 5368 4635 II

I No change !!I II16 4176 4176 No change 4837

, ~)

16.5 ..• 4257 4257 No change 493817 4337 4337 • Nachange 503817.5 4417 4417 No change No change

Length of Table - 23 Table - 24qualifying

RCP under RCP under New RCP under 6tn RCP under 6tn Newservice 6th epc as 6th CPC as Revised CPC as on . CPC as on Revised(in years) on 1.1.06 on 1.1.06 Pension 1.1.06 Pension

wef 1.7.09 wef 1.7.09col. 5 Col. 9 Col. 10 col. 5 col. 9 col. 10

15 No change No change 4635 No change No change 463515.5 3555 3555 4736 3555 3555 473616 3625 3625 4837 3625 3625 483716.5 3694 3694 4938 3694 3694 493817 3764 3764 5038 3764 3764 503817.5 3834 3834 Mochange 3834 3834 No change

Length of Table - 25qualifying RCP under 6Ul RCP under f)tn RCP under 6th New Itevisedservice CPC as on CPC as on CPC as on Pension wef(in years) 1.1.06 1.1.06 1.1.06 1.7.09

col. 5 eol.9 Col. 14 Col. 15

15 No change No change No chang. 441015.5 3555 3555 3555 449816 3625 3625 3625 458616.5 3694 3694 3694 467417 3764 3764 3764 476217.5 ' " 3834 3834 3834 4850,-

18 3904 3904 3904 493918.5 3973 3973 3973 502719 4043 4043 4043 511519.5 4113 4113 4113 520320 4182 4182 4182 529120.5 4182 4182 4182 No change

21 4219 4219 4219 No change.21.5 4291 4291 4291 No chang.

22 4364 4364 4364 No change

Length of Table - 30qualifying service RCP under 6th CPC RCP under 6th CPC(in years) as on 1.1.06 as on 1.1.06

col. 9, col. 14

15 3600 j60015.5 3655 365516 3725 3725 -16.5 3794 379417 3864 386417.5 3934 393418 4004 400418.5 4073 407319 4143 4143 S

19.5 4213 4213--"20 4282 4282

Length ofqualifylng service(In years)


Table - 49RCP RCPunder 6th under 6th

CPC as CPC ason on1.1.06 1.1.06

Table - 50-_.-RCP RCPunder 6th under 6th

CPC as CPC ason on1.1.06 1.1.06

Table - 51_ ..._ .._-.-RCP RCPunder 6th under 6th

CPC as CPC ason on1.1.06 1.1.06

RCPunder 6th

CPC ason1.1.06

New.RevisedPension wef

~7.09Col. 15

Nochange NI)change NoChang9NOC~a.~~ NoCh~~~. 4353 Nochang9 Noc~~ng.

3555 3555 I 3555 3555 I 3555 4440 3555 3555.- -- ..-----"1---; j--- --- -_._~~§2S I 3625 I· 3625 I 3625 i 3625-l-1?_?J~§_?.5 3_625~§~4 I 369~694 \ 3~~Ll§2~ ! ~!ill694 I 369L3764 : 3764 ! 3764 . 3764 i 3764-r-4701 ! 3764 I 3764 I~83~i 3834 3}f~-4i 3~~~~Li83-4-r47~S8 '3~~)~4 I ~~~3-4;3904 3904 3904 3904 3904 4875 3904 3904-- -- ._----- - ._._---3973 3973 3973 3973 3973 4962 3973 3973- -_._- -- .._ .._,---4043 4043 4043 4043 4043 5049 4043 4043--- ~--~--.. _-,,_ .._ ..._' ._._- --- -- _.~ --4113 4113 4113 4113 4113 5136 4113 4113~_._-,,,".- ...-.- _._,~._---- _._., ...._ .._. -, .•..__.- -"_ ..- _ .._,,-- •.._ .. _",,-, ..•~--.- _._.--4182 4182 4182 4182 4182 5223 4182 4182

No(;hange No change 4-182- 41s-2- 4182- No- 4182- 4182-_._... __ _ .. _ ._._ .. _ _._ __ _. ._ <:!l,!,!~ . _ _. __

:'--Lengthof 'REqualifyin und9 6th

service as(in years)


15 ch-15.5 316 3--16.5 317 3--17.5 3-18 3-18.5 3_ ...

19 419.5 420 420.5 4


----Tabi"e-=-52 -- ·--I-T-able-~3-r-------iabie-.:.. 54---p. RCP RCP New INew--. --- -RCP-!RCP lRCp New-er under under Revised I Revised under I under I ~f~der6th RevisedCPC 6th CPC 6th CPC . Pension . Pension wet II 6

th epc 1', 6th CPC I epc as Pensionon as on as on wet 1.7.09 ason ,as on . on wet

:~__-=-1.06.~.1.0~L~·~·09_ ~ . . _1~~--L~~1.06_1.~'~:.~~.~.~~~~5.._..~:~9.-r::4_~---.~~;;.1 _._.. :051·81.~__ ".!_c:.~5._~.:~:~~...I_ .._C.~~014 _~~~.~~.'!R.e__ .2'.!!!D'!. chan~L_. ..__ ' cha!!Jil!_ chani!.... i•• clJ.a..!!i-C __ ~~S3555 3555 3555' 4440 4683 3555 3555 3555 4440--- --_. .' - -----,625 3625 3625 4527 4782 3625 3625 3625 4527-- ._-- ---_. -------694 3694 3694 4614 4882 3694 3694 3694 4614..._- --- ._-_. ----, --"""-,---- _ .. ---, ---_ .._._- ~._--,,~-_.-764 3764 3764 4701 4982: 3764 3764, 3764 . 4701834-13834 -3834-'4 78S--NO change-- t3834-- --3834r-383f!·-'4 7889C)4- 3904--3904 ...·-4875-- No change--!-3904-··3904·-3904'-487 597:f 397:3 --3973··-4962--;;'0 Change-,i-3973 .-3973 '-3973 4962043 4043 4043 5049 ~o change- 4043·- 4043 40435049

~i~~:t!;m ;m~~;~~:}ii~m.~~:~=N~!~~

Length of Table - 55 Table No. 56qualifyingservice New Revised RCP under RCP under RCP under New(in years) P•• lonw.' 6~CflC a$ . ~CPCas tltl·CPCas .""sed

1.7.09 on 1.1.06 on 1.1.06 on 1.1.06 Pefislofi we'1.7.09

Col.IS cot.S col.9 col.14 col.1S

15 4583 No change No change No change 435315.5 4683 3555 3555 3555 444016 4782 3625 3625 3625 452716.5 4882 3694 3694 3694 461417 . 4982 3764 3764 3764 : 470117.5 . No change 3834 3834 3834 478818 No change 3904 3904 3904 487518.5 HOchange 3973 3973 3973 496219 No change 4043 4043 4043 504919.5 No change 4113 4113 4113 513620 No change 4182 4182 4182 522320.5 No change 4182 4182 4182 No change

Length of Table - 85qualifying RCP under 6th RCP under 6tn RCP under 6tn Revisedservice CPC as on CPC as on CPC as on pension wef(in years) 1.01.06 1.01.06 1.01.06 01.07.2009

col. S col. 9 col. 14 Col. IS

15 No change Nochanoe No change 435315.5 3555 3555 3555 444016 3625 3625 3625 452716.5 3694 3694 3694 . 461417 3764 3764 3764 470117.5 3834 3834 3834 478818 3904 3904 ·3904 487518.5 3973 3973 3973 496219 4043 4043 4043 504919.5 4113 4113 4113 ·5136.20 4182 4182 4182 No change ".-

20.5 4182 4182 4182 ~ No change

- -109length of Table - 106 Table Table - 110 Table - 111qualifying

">~Vi~ '<,-----

"'. Revi~ .New Revisedservice ,M,., Rev..., RCPunder••-.ku, we' ,.,bion wet 6th CPC as Perision waf 'erisiol1 wef(in years) 1., ..09 1.7.09 on 1.1.06 1.1.09 1.7.09.

col. 15 col. 6 col. 14 col. 15 col. 15, •.._-

No c:hange -4353•..•..-

15 5519 4353 551915.5 5630 4440 3555 4440 5630•.. ._-- _.- .•_-- -_.- No change16 5740 4527 3625 4527

! -. .-._._.-.-16.5 I 5851 4614 3694 ! 46 14 No change

-- .. jNo c:hange17 • I 5961 4701 3764 i 4701

17.5 No change No C:hang. 3764 No C:hange .Lochange. . _ .._----_._ ..._-

Length of Table - 132g,!J~lify.ing

<~@~ice ..... Hew ReVtHdl"nslonwaf :1..1\1)9(in years).. ~-'-"-'--"'-'----'-Coa:-&

Dafadars, Havildars andothers ranking as suchDrum, Trumpet, Fife andBugle Majors, FarrierDafadars of IndianCavalry, 1st Grade clerksenrolled and Attested ascombatants

10 years or 4635more butless than 15years