flora & fauna of southern illinois

Flora and Fauna of Southern Illinois September 16 th , 2013 all photos & maps by presenter except where noted Camel Rock at Garden of the Gods Wilderness

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Page 1: Flora & Fauna of Southern Illinois

Flora and Fauna of Southern Illinois

September 16th, 2013all photos & maps by presenter

except where noted

Camel Rock at Garden of the Gods Wilderness

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Christopher D. Benda – Regional EcologistIllinois Natural Areas Inventory Update

Degognia Canyon – Jackson County

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Photo credit – Randy Nyboer

Statewide Project5 Regional Ecologists

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Illinois Native Plant SocietySouthern Chapter


Technical Expert


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The Flora of Southern IllinoisPLB 451 – Plant Biology Dept.

Southern Illinois University

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Chigger PoemOh why oh why do there have to be chiggers for a reaction in me they sure do triggerThe many little red bites feel like BrailleAnd when they itch they make me want to wail!

If you like evolution, then you must love the chiggerFor they would not be as bad if they happened to be biggerBut an invisible invertebrate has all the advantageAnd leaves me with little else than to put on a bandage.

I guess I could prevent them by staying on the trailOr if I took more time to scratch them with my nailI could spray myself with nasty chemicals and deetOr stay inside all together and beat the summer heat!

But that is not my style, I was born to exploreTo see the nature and learn from it more Plus if there were less chiggers there’d be more touristsAnd it would be impossible to be a nature purist.

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Chigger Myths

1. If you can see the chigger, it is not a chigger!(they are invisible to the naked eye)

2.Fingernail polish may help the itching, but the chigger is long gone!

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Binomial Nomenclature

“The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their rightful names.”

Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

Animalia Cordata Reptilia Testudines Emydidae Emydoidea E. blandingii

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Shawnee Hills & Shawnee Nat’l Forest

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Japanese Stiltgrass – Microstegium vimineum

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Camp Ondessonk – Packentuck Falls

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Camp Ondessonk – Packentuck Falls

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Camp Ondessonk – Pakentuck

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Blue Curls - Trichostema dichotomum

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Prickly Pear – Opuntia humifusa

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Farkleberry – Vaccinium arboreum

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Cardinal Flower – Lobelia cardinalis

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Netted Chain Fern – Woodwardia areolata

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Fence Lizard – Sceloporus undulatus

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Cricket Frog – Acris crepitans

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Spring Peeper – Pseudacris crucifer

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Lichen Grasshopper – Trimerotropis saxatilis

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Camp Ondessonk – Pakentuck

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Phantoms Canyon

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Phantoms Canyon

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Phantoms Canyon

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Phantoms Canyon

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Bobcats Den

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Shooting Star – Dodecatheon frenchii

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Adam & Eve Orchid – Aplectrum hyemaleCranefly Orchid -Tipularia discolor

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Goldenseal – Hydrastis canadensis

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Blue-eyed Mary – Collinsia verna

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Miami Mist – Phacelia purshii

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Gray Treefrog – Hyla chrysoscelis

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Gray Treefrog – Hyla versicolor

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Green Treefrog – Hyla cinerea

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Little Grand Canyon – Jackson County

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Bishop’s Cap - Mitella diphylla

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Partraige-berry – Mitchella repens

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Shining Clubmoss – Huperzia lucidula

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Sphagnum Moss – Sphagnum compactum

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Forbe’s Saxifrage – Saxifraga forbesii

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Marbled Salamander – Ambystoma opacum

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LaRue Pine Hills

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Wild Azalea - Rhododendron prinophyllum

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Cleft Phlox – Phlox bifida

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Dwarf Larkspur– Delphinium tricorne

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Broadhead Skink – Eumeces laticeps

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Cricket Frog – Acris crepitans

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Zigzag Salamander – Plethodon dorsalis

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Cave Salamander – Eurycea lucifuga

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Southern two-lined Salamander – Eurycea cirrigera

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American Toad – Bufo americanus

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Fowler’s Toad – Bufo fowleri

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Cottonmouth – Agkistrodon piscivorus

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Timber Rattlesnake – Crotalus horridus

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Timber Rattlesnakesnumber seen: 8

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More Timber Rattlesnakes

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Copperhead – Agkistrodon contortrix

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Northern Watersnake – Nerodia sipedon

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Boss Island – Little Black Slough

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Boss Island – Little Black Slough

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Buttonland Swamp – Lower Cache

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Copper Iris – Iris fulva

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Purple Fringeless Orchid – Platanthera peramoena

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White Swamp Milkweed – Asclepias perennis

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Azolla Fern – Azolla mexicana

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Sensitive Fern – Onoclea sensibilis

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Eastern Newt – Notophthalmus viridescens

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Eastern Spadefoot Toad– Scaphiopus holbrookii

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Crayfish Frog– Rana areolata

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Stinkpot – Sternothorus odoratus

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Copperbelly Watersnake - Nerodia eurythrogaster ssp. flavigaster X neglecta

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Cave Creek Glade – Limestone Glade

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Hoary Puccoon – Lithospermum canescens

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Wild Hyacinth – Camassia scilloides

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Blue-eyed Grass - Sisrhynchium albidum

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False Garlic – Nothoscordum bivalve

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Butterfly Milkweed - Asclepias tuberosa

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Blue Sage – Salvia azurea var. grandiflora

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Cave Creek Glade – June 2010

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Cave Creek Glade – June 2011Full Glorious Bloom

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Pale Purple Coneflower - Echinacea simulata

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Pale Purple Coneflower - Echinacea simulata

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Greater Spangled Fritillary - Speyeria cybele

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13-year Periodical Cicada – Magicicada sp.

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Bell Smith Springs

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Natural Bridge

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Wild Ginger – Asarum canadense

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Fence Lizard – Sceloporus undulatus

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Eastern Box Turtle – Terrapene carolina

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Northern Slimy Salamander Plethodon glutinosus

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Burden Falls

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Burden Falls

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Sandstone Glade - Garden of the Gods

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Liesegang Banding

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Spider Lily – Hymenocallis caroliniana

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Indian Pink - Spigelia marilandica

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Bellwort – Uvularia grandiflora

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Starry Campion – Silene stellata

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Walking Fern – Asplenium rhizophyllum

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Milk Snake – Lampropeltis triangulum

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Eastern Hognose Snake – Heterodon platirhinos

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Racer – Coluber constrictor

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Spicebush Swallowtail – Papilio troilus

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Flying Squirrel – Glaucomys volans

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Female Widow Skimmer – Libellula lactuosa

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Male Widow Skimmer – Libellula lactuosa

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Lusk Creek – Indian Kitchen

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Cretaceous Hills

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Whorled Pagonia Orchid – Isotria verticillata

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