flowers'myths by ann magkiosi

Flower’s myths 2012 -2014 Almond – amygdalia The Greek mythology tells us about a beautiful princess Phyllis, and was the daughter of a king of Thrace. This fell in love with his son Theseus Demophon. This new found in places as it was returning by boat from Troy and the king gave him a part of his kingdom and his daughter to wife. After some time the Demophon nostalgia for his native Athens so much that he asked to go there for a while. The Phyllis agreed after he promised he would be back soon so he went back to his ship and sailed. The Phyllis was abandoned waiting for the elite of her heart, the place where the wedding ceremony. The Phyllis waited years for his return, but eventually died of decline. The gods, out of pity, transformed in the Phyllis tree in almond, which became a symbol of hope. When the errant, remorseful, Demophon returned, he found Phyllis like a naked tree without leaves and flowers. Desperate hugged the tree, which suddenly flooded with flowers, showing that love can not be defeated by death.

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The book contains myths about flowers according to ancient mythology


Page 1: Flowers'myths by ann magkiosi

Flower’s myths 2012 -2014

Almond – amygdalia

The Greek mythology tells us about a beautiful princess Phyllis, and was the daughter of a king of Thrace. This fell in love with his son Theseus Demophon.This new found in places as it was returning by boat from Troy and the king gave him a part of his kingdom and his daughter to wife. After some time the Demophon nostalgia for his native Athens so much that he asked to go there for a while.The Phyllis agreed after he promised he would be back soon so he went back to his ship and sailed. The Phyllis was abandoned waiting for the elite of her heart, the place where the wedding ceremony. The Phyllis waited years for his return, but eventually died of decline. The gods, out of pity, transformed in the Phyllis tree in almond, which became a symbol of hope. When the errant, remorseful, Demophon returned, he found Phyllis like a naked tree without leaves and flowers. Desperate hugged the tree, which suddenly flooded with flowers, showing that love can not be defeated by death.

Anemone - Anemolouloudo

The name of the flower is associated with the ancient erotic myth of Adonis and Aphrodite. The legend is well known. And even inspired great poets like Ovid and much later Shakespeare to write hymns in this love. According to legend Adonis went hunting in the forest.But god Mars stalked him, as ex lover of Venus and was jealous of Adonis because Venus left him for AdonisMars transformed into wild boar, Adonis attacked and mortally wounded. Venus heard the groans of Adonis and rushed to him. But it was too late.

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Then Venus took inconsolable in her arms the lifeless body of her beloved and is said sprinkled nectar wound.

From the mixture made nectar with blood sprang a beautiful flower. Only the life of this flower lasts awhile. When the wind blows makes the buds of the plant to flower and then another wind blowing drifted away the petals.So this flower called anemone or anemolouloudo because the wind helps flowering and its decline. It was a failure if we did not mention that there flower named Adonis which even has medicinal properties.

Adonis – Agriopaparouna

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The flower says the myth is known to us all poppy meadows with lovely red color (The blood of Adonis).Iris - IrisThis information is not just a myth but symbolic content.The Iris flower got its name from the ancient goddess Iris, goddess of the rainbow. Iris was also a messenger of the gods, especially Zeus and Hera. Messages conveyed by the «eye of heaven «on earth with the curve of the rainbow.The word iris means “eye of heaven”.It was the name given to the goddess, flower and apple of our eye.This means that each of us carries with him a piece of heaven.


Hyacinthus was a handsome young man from Sparta. Hyacinthus was a companion of Apollo, the sun god and the Zephyr, god of wind.The two gods who were competing to win the favor of the pretty new.One day Apollo taught in Hyacinth discus, escaped the disc and hit the unlucky new killing him.From the blood of the new Apollo created a flower that blooms in each petal seemed to have written a plaintive cry (that seducer in the ancient language).

Narcissus - Manousaki

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The most appropriate way to give anyone the beauty of the flower narcissus is this ancient Greek myth. Narcissus was a very handsome young man. His mother had told him to remain so in his whole life if you do not pay any attention to beauty. Narcissus decided to see its reflection in the waters of a fountain. So captivated by the beauty of where there was still admiring himself until he languished and died on the banks of the source. According to another version, he thought that the reflection was the nymph who lived there. He jumped into the water to catch it and drowned.The narcissus flower grew at that point.


Crocus was a friend of the god Hermes. One day while the two friends were playing, Hermes accidentally hit the egg on his head and killed him. The scene grew a flower. Three drops of the blood of the unfortunate young man who fell in the center of the flower gave the stigmas of the plant since it was named after saffron. According to another aspect of the Crocus was a young man, who because of an unfortunate love for the Bride Smilaka transformed the namesake plant. Simultaneously Smilax became the namesake creeper.

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Daphne - Daphne Apollo

Daphne was a beautiful young nymph, daughter of the river god Peneus.He was a hunter and had devoted her life to Artemis, the goddess of hunting.As the goddess so she refused to marry. Surround many admirers but she rejected them all, even the powerful son of Zeus Apollo. Apollo fell in love with Daphne and when she refused his proposals chased her through the trees.Daphne was afraid and prayed to her father to help her. So then her father told her that he would protect the metamorphosis to tree roots will the bank of the river, (the famous laurel us).When Apollo came looking Daphne, his father told him that she was transformed into a tree. Apollo then cut some branches and wove a wreath in remembrance of beauty and his love for her.Apollo made the laurel his sacred plant. He established the award laurel wreath champions and those who excelled in various levels.

In ancient Olympics, all the winners were crowned with a laurel wreath.

Rose – Rose

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In Greek mythology, the rose was created by the goddess of flowers and vegetation to flora. One day found the lifeless body of a nymph in the woods and turned into flower.She called Venus the goddess of love and Dionysus the god of wine.Aphrodite gave the flower beauty and Dionysus added nectar to give it a sweet smell.Zephyrus, the god of wind blew away the clouds so Apollo, the god of the sun could shine and make the flower bloom.So the rose was created and was crowned "King of Flowers».

Aster - Astraki

This kind of flower began to grow from the tears of the stars of the goddess of the starry sky, when he cried because he saw when he looked at all the stars down to earth.

Peony - plant treatment

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The peony is named by peonies or paeans that seem to have been a deity after treatment had healed Hades and Ares wounds.The myth associated with the flower says the Paion was a student of Asclepius, the god of health and medicine.Once, Leto (mother of Apollo and goddess of fertility), taught him how to obtain a magical root that grew on Mount Olympus which eased the pain of women in childbirth. Asclepius was jealous and tried to kill his student. Zeus saved the peonies from the wrath of Asclepius by turning him in the peony flower.The seeds of the peony were used for pregnant women in antiquity.

The rose hellebore – Christmas

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In Greek mythology, Melampus the great seer and healer used this plant as a herb to cure the madness of the daughters of the king of Argos preparation, like other women who had lost their minds wandered and scattered among the mountains and in the desert Tyrintha thinking they are cows.The Melampus and his brother won a fortune Violence (two thirds of the kingdom of King preparation) after the married princesses healed.

Althea - Dentromolocha

The myth that follows has no connection with the outside plant Althea’s name. Althea was the wife of Eneas, king of Calydon and mother of Meleager and Deaneries.

When her son was seven days, the Fates goddesses of destiny, the thought came and told her that the child would die if the torch burning on the hearth then burnt.Immediately Althea took the torch, the faded and hid him in a chest.

The Meleager grew and became a famous hero. But during hunting boar of Calydon Meleager killed accidentally uncles brothers of Althea.At full rage then threw into the fire the torch, from which hung the life of her son. The Meleager died immediately. Althea despair hanged.

Achilles Chiliolouloudo

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It took its name from the Homeric hero Achilles, who is said to give this plant the soldiers of the legendary Myrmidons to help stop the blood running from their wounds during the Trojan War.Newer tests have shown that the plant contains chemicals that make it useful as a hemostatic.

Orchid - Orchis, julep, sernikovotano

In Greek mythology, Orchis was the son of a nymph and a satyr.During the festivities in honor of Bacchus, committed sacrilege, attempting to rape a priestess. His punishment was to be mangled by wild beasts and transformed into a weak and humble plant.Theophrastus in ancient Greece was the first of the ancient writers mentioned in orchids. The ancient Greeks believed that they could control the sex of their unborn children eating orchid tubers. If the father ate large tubers young child would be male if the mother ate small tubers, the child would be born female, because the root of the plant resembles the male genitals.

Agave - Amaranth, Immortal

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The word agave means admirable or noble. The plant of Agave came to Greece from Mexico.

However the name is Greek and possibly attributed because the Greek Agave was one of the minor goddesses of the moon, and this meant that it was a view of the ancient Mother Earth Mediterranean reminiscent soil ofJalisco, Mexico.

Agave was the daughter of the king of Thebes Cadmus, Semele's sister and the mother of Dionysus. When Semele was struck by her lover Zeus, Agave spread that Zeus punished her sister because she slandered.Later Dionysus avenged his mother and imposed heavy punishment in Agave. When Dionysus returned to Thebes, where Pentheus son of Agave reined then, ordered all the women of the city to go to the mountain Cithaeron, to celebrate its mysteries. Pentheus who did not agree with the introduction of the cult tried to spy on the Bacchae. His mother noticed, took him for a wild animal and in the fury of the devoured dismembering him.

Fir – Messochora

Nowadays we know as the ideal Christmas tree.What say but the ancient Greek myths for the fir? The fir was named by the ancient Greeks Pitis like pine, and was the sacred tree of the god Pan.

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He had once fallen in love with the nymph Pityousa liked and boron. Pityous preferred Pan made less noise, and the North Wind to avenge the blew and knocked down by a rock. There he found the dead Pan and transformed the sanctuary of the fir tree. Since the bride was crying whenever the north wind blew and her tears are drops of resin dripping from every autumn pine fir.

Cypress - Kyparissos

According to the mythical tradition Kyparissos was a handsome young man from Kea, son of Telephus and grandson of Hercules. He was beloved of Apollo and the Zephyr. His favorite companion was a tame deer sanctuary.

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But one summer day while deer lying asleep in the shade, the Kyparissos killed inadvertently by a javelin.The new full of despair, he wanted to die. Requested from the sky thanks to the flowing tears of eternal. The gods turned him into a cypress tree, the tree of woe.Since then considered as mournful cypress tree planted today in cemeteries.

Centaur Chiron

It is said that this flower was named after the wise centaur Chiron, teacher of Asclepius Achilles Jason, and Apollo.In titanic Chiron was the part of Hercules in his battle against the Centaurs. But Hercules accidentally wounded him in the leg with an arrow soaked in poison hydra.Chiron then used the plant as a centaur herb to heal his wound.


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This information is not just a myth but symbolic content. The Iris flower got its name from the ancient goddess Iris, goddess of the rainbow.

Iris was also a messenger of the gods, especially Zeus and Hera. Messages conveyed by the "eye of heaven" on earth with the curve of the rainbow. The word iris means "eye of heaven". It was the name given to the goddess and now is flower and part of our eyes. This means that each of us carries with him a piece of sky.

All these myths about flowers are according to ancient Greek mythology.

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Product by the coordinator Ann Magkiosi Principal of Nursery Rizario School