fn,0 lj7 1 ~jcf i

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Page 1: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

fn,0 rtt--n-u LJ7 ';f-~ /(P?auf-----../v ~j1'"'F ~ l<e.sCM~ 1 ~t"'JUS.' (;def ~jcf Jd-..-- ;,./_,._4 .1 .s-/n-u' I a l..- .e ~.,..s

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-:z:,'<i :~; r;:t:;/. '.;.- ~~--.7).r.fiq; 1,l?.a.t. f;hr::

::n G' ~~-._-.,.,!1.-; .y f.'llnt".l\t -,,G

DECLASSIFIED State Dept. Letter. 1~11-72-

By R. ILParks DatSEP 211972

Page 4: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I
Page 5: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

11M 2. 8 1945

Dear Oolonel Olaateadl

Pursuant to our telephone conversation of toda7, one of the memb~ra ot my etatt telephoned Jour ott~oe and dictated our requirements to your secretary. This let\er a1mply oon~il'llls theae .tvo oonverlie.t1on_a. .,,, J

Eaoll ot the 30o,ooo War Refugee Boar4 rood par­aela 1e to oontain one enoh ot the following items&

l B1souita, 12 (Pkg) 2 Oheeae (~in) 3 Whole Powdered Milk-(tin) 4 Oleomargarene (tin) 5 Salmon or Tuna (tin) 6 Pork luncheon meat (t1nl 7 Ohooole.te ~ar (pkg) 8 Bar ~t Soap (pkg) 9 Ouoe Sugar (pkg)

10 Mult1-Vitam1n Ospsules (pkg)

7 oz. 8 O:lo

16 or.. 16 0&.

7 3/4 oz. 12 oz.

4 oz. 2 oz. 8 0&~

1:511 200 lba• ltiO,OOO lba. :500,000 lba. 300,000 lba. l4&,312lr loa. 226 1 000 lba, 76,000 lbe. :57,1100 1bs.

1110,000 lba. 300 10~ pkgs •

. '~~~:,.

It is o~ wnderstand1ns tbat item 1, b1aauits, are unavailable exoept from Army ~arte~aater stooke. for ~ia reaeon, our oontraotor baa indicated that he oan supply ua with a substitute item, de-hid~ate4 soup, in •pprox1motely the same amount. ·

In order to get .thia p~graa ua4er V&7' aa 1peed111 •• poas1-bl•, 1t ·ia neoeaeary \hat we be r~rniaha4 by JOUr off1oe v1\h the aaergenoy allocation• that v1ll permit ~• to proo~e these 1tem~ae well aa author1aat1oa troa JO~ oftioa to obtain manr ot the iteru against govern111ent ee~~aaide!:•

\ . Ool. Ralph Olllstead, \ Deput1 Dbeotor

Otf1oe of D1atPbut1on, WaJ:t Food A4a1n11 tPa Uon, Washington, D~ o.

C11J~hd 3/28/46

Page 6: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I
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STit'].;E Distributlol1 of truE rEading o11ly by sp&;c;i.a),";r. ... , . arr,o.!:\:'l':lllt':nt. vJ.Jv . (.




ll'l'OO.KHOLM 56()


CG/1 :.i':ISOiJ

CONT~pL COPY i'he f9llot·71ng fo:a> Olsen is HRD 3~.

Repeated belot-1 is a portion or c: telegram received trom f I f . ,;,

l'illD's UoClellCIIld, i.lern, re I·IRB's stockpile rood parcele;~·tn ·-----~ -~ Q.UO~ll: On l-larch lG nccord1tJtSlY 1·1i th · my r.~provd ICtlC Geneve.

§ i~i 7 .tilei~ Ootoborg man o.uthorhing him turn~~~r 40,000 p~~~~s ~ :W>~r C. In interest of 6e~t1nt~ flfl Jar,ny 11Illi P~.rcels into Germoriy ,,., '"' ·~I ,p, ·«"'E 1:1pidly ·t';s poseibl~ .this app~ored to me recornnendElble move ot ~4~ •• ~rl t._">

)BJi~ h I l1ope you approve. UN~UO'l'E ··I

~:.·;:# :to~ are requested: (1) to mE',lte ci~~r to \1JO's. ::ltotl'otlJc~tt ;~·'j~ o _supplies ore p:ro9erty ·or ~JRll; e.nd (2) to mo.ke this t.rlri~rer

...._ _ _.,....ltll./...·, .1ti>er u~tellieh Red Cross or INCA nil, opposed ~1JC,,,~-~2ce ;ort1er

e.re in e. 110cltion to effect actur.J: ct(J.l..iver1e'a 1ntE!'ffi~~'s Bezov,en:.. Belsen.

tiHB:A-l.t.W:.KG 3/27/,6


(Aot !.nr:) (GH~lj

\J]j; :Jtlf'

DECLASSIFIED State Dept. Letter,-lcl:i;72--

By R. H. Parks Dat;S'fF'~z-t~ 1972 · ____,___

Page 8: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

':0 (.: ,.

•' ~~.

·•· .. .. . . , .. ,. ,.

"'·c·.·_. ·_. -~. ... ...,




' ' ! .

Repeated below 11 a po'''.o.a of a telesn11 i'eoei.nd taoo. WlW:~~ MoOlellNt, Ben, -~-~IUJ'• a'Hokplb t004 puoele 1n lioteDMrll

·'?'\)!ori.: ~ ... -11 aoeoruna17 vUb 117 appro•al. lOJW CHJ:Jna 1 ~ wll'e« tbdr a.•tbtl'l bia •lltbOI'ldlll bba kr .. Yil" .o,ooo. P-•• .. 18 •• w.ro. lD ,., ...... , ot aenaa •• .. ..., WRB paP .. b bato Chi'II&OJ •• l'apa..ur •• POidble :. 'hll appeal'lt M 11t 1'eo•!Uil4ablt lioYa of wbitb l bopt · lOll APPNYI • •

Y!tll al'l HQilea•eti (l.) \o malte olea.r \o w.ra.,. sto•oh tnali

tl\eee allppU.ea ••• propertr of WRB; a114 ( 2) to lUke $h1e tru1te1'

to tlth$P Svetlab Re4 OPOea or IJCCA aa oppoae4 WJO 111101 foN ..

·ar• 1ft a poa1t1o~ to efteot aetual dellYerlet laterneea Seriea-Belaea.

'•-'! ,_


12:2Qp.m. Y.arch 27, 194.5

. Mise Chauricey (for the Sec 1y), Cobm, IJtif36ia, Gaston, Hodel, Hutchison, McCormack, O'Dwyer, Files. ·

Page 9: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

11.,,, !1111jf

Page 10: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I


S~ATE INC~f'1~1N,~





V.-.C-lB72 Distribution reading only ar>l'angement.

of true by specitl (j )

Secretary of State


()) CIA \. ' l~ ;8.,~ .. -­e jr ;j_',u '') ( l \

Dated i4aroh 2~'; .. 19'45 . ;, )


Rec 1d 5 p.m.

1172,' March 28 1 4 p·.m. . -\ ,. I / ( -" According to report from IRC delegate in Gothenburg

r he has Pecei ved 37336 cartons r!'ontaining lvar <:tef.~gee ·Bom~d

( food parcels. This is our 131 for iV'\B in reply to

Depai~tment 1 s 49.6, ~1arch 16, 4 p.m. Each cB.Pton contains

8 r'ood paPcels ,,,eighing 3 kilos. Shipments of thPse

parcels have be.en as follows,

3600 cartons have been sent to concentration camp

at Hamburg, Neuengamme,

1600 cartons have been sent to concen~ration camp

at Ravensbrueck.

2200 cartons have been sent to Luebeclc for dis-

·tribution to prisoners of '·•Tar in compensation for

standaPd food parcels sent to Nor1~egian civilians,-

In addition to the foregoing 6554 caPtons containing

kosher f'ood parc!lls have, after autho:cization from Gencvn, ' ,/

this past '"e"k been placed at disposal of local1·Torld

· Jer1ish Congress group for shipment to ve.rious concentrc;,tion ._..._. ·-. .,......,......~ ' ---~~-~---_,.~..,-•T' -o>-P'-~_., . .---



Page 11: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I


-2- #1172, March 28, 4 p.m.,: x'rom Stockholm

Parcels Rre being shipped as. :rapidly as possible

but transportRtion problems 1~ome.1.n a serious obstacle.


Page 12: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

'\w', ·. '•- . ~ ' i '

l ';-, ....

Page 13: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

M~R 28 1945

Dear Bas1l1

This w1lltoontirm the informal arrangement made with your Mr. Rran in telephone oon~rsat1ons or March 21 and 22 to the etteot that the American National Red Oroee would make available to the War Refugee Board the fao1l1t1es or its N~w York packing oenter tor the packing ot 300,000 three-kilO'~fPMI'Oele~or the ~ar Refugee Board and their shipment to the International Committee of· the Red Oroee. ·

The War Refugee Board has already reoeive~ tl\8 neoesa~~tJ'~- ~uthorhat1on tor this shipment trom .the J6int Relief SuO.O.OommiUee __ Q[_~the Blooka4e. ·

Mr. Ryan further 1nd1oated that these paroela would be packed and shipped within 60 dafe of the del1verJ of the rood items to the lev York packing center.

Sincerely fours,

Mr. Basil 0 10onnor, Chairman, American Hat·ional Red Oroas, Washington, D. 0.

PJM~OifHihd 3/27/46

Page 14: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I
Page 15: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I


1\PR 6· 1945

I have 1W1' letter of lfarch 27, 19/15. .'l'hia 1a to advise yo11 tlat tbe two lltta UDder reference were tranmtted to the lleput11111t of State under date of March 17, 1~, with tbe nqueat that tbey be forw.rded to_llr. J'rib Holluder, Poat'IIU 7,306, Stockholll, tbZ'o1JCh tbe tacU1Uea of that lliiq:Artliellt ratbtr tban b7 cable.

'fhe corr~ion requested in 10ur letter of Karch fZB• 1945 111 being cabled to Mr. HollUlder.. ·

Mr. lfurt R, Groti!IDID, Beecue Depart-t, World Jewilh Congress, 18.34 llroadMP¥· • . Haw York 23, le~YOrk·

~RBHutchison: 4/4/45

Vrq ti"Ul.7 fOUZ"II,

:(Signed) FlOl'Gnce Hodel

llorace Hodel Aatiatllllt lxecllti ve Director

Page 16: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

LONDON One U~trl~y Street, W, 1

GllNllVA 37 Quai Wi~son

RUilNOS A!RilS Corrientes 2024;90

JllRUSALilM Vnnd Leumi, P, 0. n. 471

MONTRilAL 1121 ·St. Catherine St. W

MllXICO CITY Sonora 174--4



330 WEST 42nd STREET

NEW YORK 18, N. Y.

March 27, 1945

In reply refer to: No. 373


TBLnruoNn: LONr;Acrm 5.2600

Brig. Gen. William O'Dwyer, Execu.ti va Director, War ilefu.gee Board, Treaeu.ry Bu.ildint:, Naeh•~gton, D. c.

Attention: Mr •. MoCormiclc

Dear Sire:

On I.larch 13, - ou.r number 353 - and on Earch 14, -ou.r number 355 - we aske4-<iOll. to send cables contiOining the names of inm&tee of Bergen-Belsen to whom food parcel e should be diep&tched 1n /

Mr. l!1ritz Hollander, Congress Commi');tee, ?oetbox 7306, Stockholm

so f~;;r I have not as yet received your oonfirmiiti'.ln tJ:u:;t these cables -have been sent. ·

\'/ill you. plei.se be good. enough to look into thie ma:tter.

2hanking you. for your anticipated cooperation,

Sinoerel y you.re,


Page 17: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

\~····-! -..,.

Page 18: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

-f> OUTGOING DIVISION OF ~~ARTMENT CENTRAL SERVICES ,~:~ ST~~g . .TELEGRAJY:L·oh 20 , ~~l"GRAPH SECTION )~ Distribution of true: 0/ , J "- · . rEadinG only by spe:o1al 1 p.m. .. ~..t:(,..

arr•o.n~; Er.lEI'lt • • • Q 1) _ . ij);A' ,. fi'-''?1 . , _ 19·~r; M/~,( ·:; 1 - , ~~' .

• -.. 1·)· o~r-

J&U.Wi~onoN lJi::RN

1221 l'h~ OGble belOtiT is URH 464,

-~·!-~~-· . >!;~~~-~-' l'lense deliver tlle follot·1.1:rig messl'!.ge I I

Gall •. from l\, A. J..ee.vltt of 1tJi·,er1ccn St,

•;.-,,. ... /

to flF.!.lY llnye,.,

Dlstrolbution Committee: Je1<1i&Jll Joint

I I :/\; 1tUOT,~,; Jlssurne you t'r-m1linr !li'O(~l'tlm. l1oCleilonc1 secure I. j

truolte for lnterc;r>oss uee brine food supplieD 1ntex•neee J

Cl"mps. Ce;n Y0\.1 locr-te purchofle or ,rant t.H'l to 10 .t:r>ulll~s

for such purpoeee, liost uJte;ent you· tcas1.;t i!•;\Jl.v:~l:mcl !'~'. . ,,_,;·, --··

DEOT,A8.'JIJi'!ED St'ltc De1>t. J,r.tt,,., 1 ·1l·7i

By R. H. Pat•ka Date Sfli..2 J 1972

Page 19: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

·Please del1•er the tollow1Dg •••••s• to Saly .x.r•r, if.;__.-..•

at, Gall, tro• M. A. Leavitt ot Alllel'loan .rew1ah Jo1D1{'1)1itr1-

b~t1on Oom•1ttee•


4:50p.m. March 19, 1945

Miss Chauncey (for the Sec'y), Cohn, Du:Boia, Gas~~ll. Hodel, Hiit«%s~n, McCormack, O'Dwyer, Files. c?•> ·· -


,/19/4-5.-·~----·--~~-~ -:.~;:::-.:. .. ·.:.:.~.:-::~-: ... ;:._..: ____ --~-~- .:""~--._-__ _:_ ..:.... -· -·--·- ·-.

Page 20: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I
Page 21: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

. j Seo~e~ar,r Morgentba~

Mlfla Hodel

rgr rpyr Hte"'UMP

I aea4 JOII berewUh eop1ea of two oabl.ea vbieh we baft J~•~ reoeiYe4 troa Kl'• Ke01e11~ iDI~at1ac ~t ihe bot~le­neok oa the 4elher,r of o~ foocl paeltqea 11 beg1ara1DI to De broltea. 'fhe follow1ag Ueaa are of parUolllai" 1a~enat&




1,170 War Refugee Board paroe1a and other relief .e~ppliea were to so forward oa KarJb 2a b7 rail­,., oars froa 8w1taerlan4 to the:ooaoeatratioa oaap at Tberedeaeta4t.

•,900 War Refagee Board p.roela are expeotel to leaYe 5w1taerlaa4 ebo~tlJ oa railwaJ oars deat1ae4 for neaaa. · '

10,800 War Refill•• BOard paroe11 left Oo\eDers, Svelea, oa Karoh 16 tor the.voaea•a ooaoeatra­Uoa oaap d RueneDI'ueolt (aear Berl1D).

9,600 War ht~see 8ou4 paroele ldt Qo\INJ'I, awet••• u llal'eh 1'1 tor \be ooaoeatraUoa oup laeajUlle aeu ··a..lNzos~ ,; . , Six 12 toa '"'eta haft b8ea nate4 Q' Ill'~ .. OleUail& troa pl'lgte •••••na 1a Bwi\aerlPl PI vlll lie aYa11able aext vaek to start traaaporttas var Rata­gee BOarl ••PPliea.

IIBlgned) · · ., Hodel

Page 22: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

~ .. ~··, :~





STATE Dl\. ~c;~ uF

CE1HP'' ··. :·•l'GI:f:.

RS-554 . ,l\1 10 52

Born This telegram must be paraphrased before boiJ!g)/L conununioa ted to, a,nyon"\1/i!SON other than a ·Govornmont Agency. (~8iR!8!~

Secretary of State



~March 24, ll a.m.




Department 1 s }.083 Murch 16

March 24, 1945

Concorning onshipmont of our 224,328 WRB parcels

at Gotoborg ICRC recently informed me thut on March 16,

two railroad curs containing 5, <10.0 V'IRB parcels each

loft Gotobo.rg for women Is concontra tion camp at

Ravonsbruock·and on Murch 17 two more railroad curs

loft for Hamburg-Wuongo.oono concentration cump con-

ta~ning 4,~00 packages each. This makes total of

20 1 400·parcols which have gone forward lately.

When Kubowitzki of World. Jewish Congress was in

Switzerland early in March he informed me that Storch

WJC man in Stockholm was requesting funds to purchase

additional foodstuffs in Sweden to send to Jewish in­

ternees in Germany having been able forward his original .

stock to Borgen;.Belsen and TherosionstiJ.dt.. since we had

a large

Page 23: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I


-2-//1754, March 24, 11 a.m •. from Born

a largo unused stock of VIRB parcels in Gotoborg which

was not moving it soomod unnecessary to mo that WJC

should havo to purchase still more food. I therefore

offered Kubowi tzld to release 40 ,ooo VIRB 11K

11 parcels

to WJC in swodon for doli very to Jewish detainees

particular.ly in Borgen-Bolson through tho satisfactory

shipping channels which Storch scorned to have worked

out with swedish YMCh. On March 16 accordingly with

my approval ICRC Genova wired their Gotoborg man

authorizing him turnover ,10,000 parcels to WJC. In

interest of getting as many WRB parcols into Germany

as rapidly as possible this appeared to me recommendable

move of which I hope you approve.



Page 24: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I



; i:f,l 10 41


E:K•466 Distribution of , true: re:uding onl:f •oy.' · spEcial arrangEmEnt



1740, March 23, 6 p.m., )<


iDa.{; ~d March 23, 1945

Re:c 1d 9:50 p.m.


De:partmmt•a 1090, \'/RBIS 455 March 16,

Efforts to se:cure: trucks hErE and movE V/RB parcEls

from SwitzErland in collaboration with ICRC•S Division

of Spe:cial AssistancE (DSA) for unassimilatEd pErsons

are: now mEEting with small.succe:ss,

Six twElvE~ton trucks arE bEing rEntEd from private: i

concErn and w·i·ll bE avnilable: ne:xt WEEk to .transport

rEliEf suppliEs including WRB suppli e:s to Buchmwald

and ViEnna are:a e:xclusive:ly f'or_civil dEtainEEs,

riE WErE also ablE assist StErnbuch of' Union Rabbis

rEnt four trucks commErcially which will lEavE nExt days

for BErgEn Be:l:'!En with Je:wish Easte:r bre:ad and othEr

rEliEf' suppliES,

PricE such trucks is ve:ryhigh~-one: franc Eighty

pe:r milome:te:r plus stiff' insurance: charge:s but we: f'e:lt it


As re:porte:d in LEgation's 16871 March·21YM:Ci!l.has

•.• DECLASSIFIED StatfDept; Letter,-U i-72


By it H: P.;ks Da£e~2l 1972

Page 25: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

' .

-2-i/1740, i.;arch 23, 6 p;m;, from BErn.

cEdEd twElVE wood burning tl."Ucks now in GErmany to ICRCD

DSA, ThESE trucks havE not bEEn locatEd in confusion but

thEy ought bEgin tul."n up nExt' WEEk,

'Fl."Ench GovErnmEnt has sEnt 100 nEw thX'EE-ton REaault

tl."ucks to GmEva fol." ICRtJfs usE •. Fl."mch arE quitE willing

that Eight OX' tEh if not morE bE USEd ExclusivEly for

dEliVEX'iES to thEil." civil dEtainEES if fuEl can bE madE

availablE, Fl."Ench, howEvEX', can sEnd littlE or no fuEl

thEmsElvEs and pl."EsEnt Sr~EF dEliVEl."iEs arE solEly fol."

shipmEnts to POWS,

On March 23 or 24, onE l."ailway car containing 1170

WRB pal."CEls and othEr rEliEf suppliEs from Union Rabbis

and JDC will go forward to ThEX'EsiEnstadt and t'wo othE.r cars

containing 4,900 VJRB parcEls plus JDC matErial will bE

shippEd to Vimna al."m, \"IE sincEl!£.ly hopE thEy will gEt


1\!ol.".E tl."ucks can bE· rmtEd in SwitzErland if tirEs can

bE obtain.Ec;i; and I shall, of coul."sE, discuss this possi­

bility with SHAEF, LundErstand that AMCROSS plans ship

tirEs to Toulon for SwitzErland on nExt boat, Could you

not squEEZE in a fEW WRB tirEs for ICRC--DSA?



Page 26: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I
Page 27: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

M1B8 Hodel

rgr rgyr 1pfp£1A51pp

B1noe General OfDvrerte o:nterenoe·wl\h JO~ OD Tbarad.,, March 22 1 ~en be reported/'- ro~ ooaoera1Dc bla ettorta ~ obta1D an allooatloa ot prlaoaer of war atotka tor Var Ret~­gee opel'aUoaa, General O'DVJel' baa 4eol4e4 not to rireea on thle poiat a~ least ~til ~~/are no more;war R&fucee·Boar4 J)aroele 1D SvUaerl...ar Ill'. Rtaa ot the .Aaerloan Red Oroea, whom Mr. Basil O'Coaaor asked' to oall the General on thla matter, 1a etroaslr·oppoael \o &DJ allooatloa to theW~ Ret~see Boar4 t~a pr1eoaer ot var atooka 1D Bw1taerlaa4.

· Meaavblll, the Geraeral le preaelQ'tor cio•pleUoa__,of \he paokaglq ad eb.lpp.lq of an 11441tloaaliOO,OOO too4 paokagee from thls ooaatP,r vblob baa been approYel b.r ._. BlOOkade •~tborltleai lt ia hopei ~t uater preaent plane, these a441tloaal paoa.gee vlll be&iD to be eb.lppe4 trom the Un1te4 Statee 1D abo~t eo d&JI;

~~}.4 · 3/s4'/4G -~~~{.-_:_~~~-<---~-- -- ·- ,,_- ____ :_~---> ·----~>~-------

Page 28: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I
Page 29: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I



#~·~ ~e:LA

~~~ ~

~ ,.-,,o < • - -

.- - - - ·--


. I

Page 30: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

Dear John:

....... .> · .. ·· , . .._,.: -,'





Attention: Hr. LeFevre

Fursuant to conversations between members . of my staff and members of your staff·at :Procurement Division, the War Refugee Board respectfully requests that Treasury :Procurement Divisiop negotiate contracts with the three firm bidders in connection with the War Refugee Board's three-kilo packag·e's, currently b;J.ng handled by your office, at the rate of 100,000 parcels to each contractor.

Since speed in delivery is the motivating factor in this change, Treasury Procurement is like­\~ise requested to eliminate, if desirable_.An the interest of spef3d, the l50,000tins of kosher meats "1hich were originally to. have been a part of a cor- · responding number of pe.rcels,

Sincerely yoo..trs,

~·~ rWilliam O'D"Iyer

EXecutive Director

Nr.· John \~. Fehle, Assistant to .the Secretary, Treasury Procurement Division, Washington, D. C.

Page 31: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I
Page 32: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

' 1 v-t~rf f<>· vk.-""o't,-.1 , DEPARTMENT INCOMING




Di', CEifff~.

This telegram must be

:c;l OF . <·I! ;~:::s

,'>I'll 10 52 / Bern"

purnph:~sed before boin~C/L Dated conunun~eu ted to anyone lj, ISOtl othor _than u Governmenu t\ • Rocld J,goncy • (oft !iii iiliCi'lilioj,

Secretary of State

?1~-;;r¥/J~' o-~r-

Murch 24, 1945

9:35 a.m.

~;:";""'"" CONTROk;GDPY ~March 24, 11 a.m.



Departmentls 1083 Murch 16

Concerning onshipment of our 224 1 328 WRB parcels

at Goteborg ICRC recently in.formod me that on·March 16,-

two railroad curs containing 5,400--<'/RB parcels each

loft· Gotoborg./for women Is conc.ontru tion camp at i • - ' v'

Ravonsbruock and on Murch 17 -two more railroad cars

loft f'or Humburg-Nuonganuno concentration camp con­

taining 4 1 800 packages ouch. This makes total of

20 1 400 parcels which have gone forward lately,

When Kubowi tzki of-World...-Jewish Congress was in

Switzerland early in Murch he info:oncd me that Storch"

WJC man in Stockholm was requesting funds to purchase

additional foodstuffs in Sweden to send to Jewish in­

ternees in Germany having been able forward his original

stock to Borgon:..Belsen and Tho:P'&s:Constadt~ Since we had

a Tttr:ga

. '

Page 33: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

··' t

-2-j¥1754 1 March 24, 11 a,)ll, ,from Born

a largo unused stock of VIRB parcels in Gotoborg which

· wus not moving it sc;or~od unnecessary to mo that V/JC

should huvo. to purchase still more food,. I therefore

offered Kubowi tzki to release 40 1 000 VIRB 11 K11 parcels

to VJJC in Sweden for doli very to Jewish detainees

particularly in Borgon-Bolson~through tho satisfactory

shipping channels which Storch seemed to have worked

out with Swedish YMCJ,,,on March 16 accordingly with

my approval ICRC Genova wired their Gotoborg man

authorizing him turnover <10 1 000 parcels to WJC, In

interest of getting as many 1'/RB parcols into Germany

as rapidly as possible this appeared to me rocor.m10ndablo

move of which I hope you approve •1-H/,RRISON



Page 34: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I




DSH This tElEgram mQst bE puruphrasEd bEforE bE:l.ng communicatEd to anyonE othEr than a GoVErnm£nt AgEncy. (~i!!HJ5015ilii~



;;;f!J!_ 24,1945 8 ~

TE1Egraml754,_ March 24, 11 a.m., from BErn·rwding

"FOI{ WRB FROM MCCLELLAND DepartmEnt 1 s 1083, March 16 11

shoQ1d. bE numbErEd 1765 according to o.dvicE from BErn.



Page 35: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I
Page 36: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

MAR 24 1.94.5 \.

AUtaUgal lr. letfeyn

.Dear lohll: \

\ lMr$.aA\ to OODTtl'tat1oas betweea atabere

of., eott ~ uabere ot JOIU' tktf ·a• frooan••• D1Y1e1oa, the War Rtf-ate Board retpto\fallJ reqatt\t ~• frtatar.r Proo.reaeat D1T1a1oa ••lt\1ate.ooatraota vUb. Ute Ulfte fiN bt44trt 1a toueoUoa vUa .U•Var BefuCee 8oa1'4 1t t~aJoe.-kJ.1o pqkqee, OIU'I"tDUJ beial haaalet b7 Jour oft1oe, •• the rate ot 100,000 p&roele to eaoh ooatrao•or. ·

81aot eped 1a 4t11Ye.J lt tat aoUYa'llatr tao~r 1a tbta •baase, freaturr lro..re•••• le like­wile r-.ueetet to tliillAA•• U 4tllraltlt 1a \be · laa\eret\ ot epett., the 110,000 '~•• ot ltoelaar •••• vh1oh were or1s1aa117 •• hAYe · been a ,..., ot a oor­ret.P01141q auber of puaelt.

SJ.aoere17 70ure,

(Signed) Wi ll'!!lm n ,.,_~,.,


Page 37: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I
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~ .. ~ . .. ..,

/ Oeoretarr Morgen~~

Mlae Hodel

Eor · 1qyr 1otgmatlap

Tbe~t.taohed oable hae J~at. been reoeiYe4 troa Mr. Ko0lellan4. reporting on B~okhartt'• Yieit wi\b the Goa-.. an all tohoi"Uiee.

·~'.,.; 0 •

The malA polll\11 in the Burolr.hardt. repol"t. a~~ as follow Ill




-lcternat.ional-Re4-oroee-delegatee will be potmiite4 to be stationed 1n -.Jor oampa tor Sobut&b&ettllftge (politioal deportees) an4 priaonere ot war to euperYiae relief diet.ribuUoneJ

Tbe Ge~e are w1111ng to allow de11Yer1ee ot relief b7 t~t& to polltioal depor'-•• il'reapeotbe of :ll&_tionalitJ or raoeJ

'the Geruna ban qree4 1A pr1Aelple \o allow • ._~llaUoa of woun, ~re~a, •14•rl1 and ill people 1.rreepeouy.,;<of,'.J:"•l1s1oa,or .raoe J . . ·. •F !1'''8~


~enaUoaal Rea o,.Ojj''ie.P~,~'!.t.a:al,~a­llUllao 1'8\IAI'Illa& prleoaor o1.;~~.fl'~~~t;: t.rut. fo.r IY,:'!_~'~••• ).,:.~.'---~~:f;-~'.~:,c,. -"-"' _


Page 39: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I


FROJ.!J iJnerican Legation, Bern




Secretary of State .

!!arch 8, 1945

1480 I

The following message, McClelland for ,.,RB. '


To Nachum Goldmann of Y/orld JeWish Congress, froin Riegner, Geneva,

On the third of Earch, pursuing negotiations in the name of the Congress Kubowitzki discussed rescue problems With Carl Burckh>~rdt, President ICRC, 11nd with Von Steiger, President Swiss Confederation. For the purpose- of discussing the release of civil deta:Lnees with Rimmler, among other matters, ·Burckhardt announced his intention of leaving Uermany within a few days, ;; member of the .::i'wiss Legation in Berlin has been J.nstructed to undertake parallel intercession also, by the SWiss ~'ederal Council. ,,ssurance was giVE!Il by Von Steiger that any transports that might arrive from.Ge:nm1iw would be ndmitted by SWitzerlP.nd. Tl\e Gerntans he.d now· agreed to repatriation of certain national groups of civil detainess 1 BUrckhardt informed us,

For sending relief to c·amps in Germany /,nglo-Saxon authorities lli~ve agreed to make available trucks to_ICRC, but they insisted that the;;· be used for __ priscmers of .war only, civil detainees being excluded. It is.the belief of ICRC that it Willbe possible to conclade rirrangeinants for the use of such trucks returhing empty for the trani;iplantation of re­leased persons to SWitzerland, hoWeV(3r; It. is requested that you make urgent intercession with c·ompetent i.llied authorities value of·trilcks for the relief of detAined ·civiliims. Please approach-.'the'Swed:Lsh ·~d Cross and, for the evacuation from Northern Ger~~ny, send a steamer to Luebeck also, It is requested that you CHbleme in this nintter,


DC/L.:LCFi 3-9-45

·f~ji~*rc~~(;it::~!t\~~~~J/R;"n, Cohn, DuBois, Gaston; Hodel, · . riEcLAssiFJ:Eo .

Stat_e __ :QePt: :Le~fer.--ol~~-_1--J~_,::;

• By ~- H. P•riis Da~Jjgj? 2 J


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·~· _.

·~ .. ~' ___,

. I

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' ,!:





·"-_-_ - .. ·--., .' - -h·

Released fo:t' Distribution April 3

PARAPHRASE OF' 'l:ELEGRAU MCEIVED /' Ame~ican Emba~~y, Paris

Saore·tary of State, Vlashington

March 23, J. 945

1406 Y.


As scheduled..the meeting between Frenay, a representative / . c

of the International. Red Cross, Duff Cooper; and myself £or the

purpose of discussing relief of Allied and Frelioh pri~6Jers of I .

war _in Germany took place. An ~gent plea was made by Frenay

for immediate relief for all forced laborers, deportees and forel~h prisoners. Hovtever, Frenay was confused between plans for relief

after the collapse or Germany and relief to be afforded under

present circumstances before hostilities,,. cease.

However, the proposals of Frenay maY be divided :f.nto two

categories as follows: (o.) those relating to the present period

and (b). reli~f after hostilities cease.

With reference to. (a) he recomMended that all French, British -· , . . . I

and American food pa:~ltil'~es and medical supplies be placed in one


foreign forced

s'Witzerla.nd to be used in Germa.hy for ~ll. .

~s, political deportees and Allled prist:lril'~s of war, without rega.rd to their status or natio~lJ,tyf

- ,,_;;,--•C-

gasoline, tires and trucks fu~nished by those' tb¥f~Fgo'l,f

be plaied in a common pool~~~~,that in addition to the

300. trucks 500 more be allopS:t\\14 •. Subsequently I_

consulta,tf'bn ~71th the Inte'j!fiatib'ii. Red cf6f~ re ~a'tive ~Jf ' - --~::-~-::::::-,

DECLAB.sfi.iEn . State Dept. Leite~; 1-lHa. ·

By R. H. Park<j.~bita~Z 11972 believes tha:t c __


Page 42: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

' --_;-~s;~;.; {:!

believes that the proposal of Freilay as such is not w~;l~able, but

request~ that authorization be given the Internotional Red Cross

toU:t1lize gasoline and trucks furnished either by the Goverrunent

or the United States and the Government of the United Kingdom or I . . . by SHAEF for the emerg<mcy relief not only of all Allied prisoners

of \Var Russians includeq, for v1hich authorization is undersig~d to be available at pres'~~t but also for the emergency relief or

Allied civilian intep"nees and deportees on the march or .1n c~inps,

in addition •. Some ~~ucks have already been furn~shed by th~.lrench. Report from IRC states that condition of these peonle is tr~:gic

and that common humanity requires that if columns of starving men

and women are passed on the roads by the truck convoys, some ass~~-tance be given .these Aiiied natiomls. Instructions of the De-

\~(:~ c

partment in reference to the ooints brought up by the IRe· repre-

sentative are solicited ursently. -· -.-:;;~~-;

,Refcrsn~~;,<; (B), post hostilities period, sev:eral sugges-

tions as follows ,were made by Frenay:

(1) lie suggested that each French Department constitute a

SUpply of trucks and food StO(l~ts n;cn VIOUld proceed from the

French frontier into Germany 1 tately following the collapse

of Germany. to deliver sl}B!Jlies of foodstuffs. to deportees and foreign

prlsone.rs..; carrying depottees and French prisoners of war to France,

these t~i.fcks would t~~n return.

(2) The French s J1t~:, --.-:"""'''-:.'.·--

use large.

~kages ot foodst1l:f'r.s to deportees· - . - -~:'~},_- .. - -.-- - -- --.-


! ! L.~--------- _'_



Page 43: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I


and Allied prisoners of ~Jar in Gerqany along the roads. ;,/'

(3) It is proposed by the French that suggestion be made

to the Government of Switzerland that they send military truqks

and supplies of food in·to Germany from the south~ and that for the

purpose of supplying deportees and Allied pr,_soners of \7ar . Sfi,eden

send st§oks and ships from the no~~_h· The ~~S>blem of supplying

deportees and prisoners :J,nm1edia tely after collapse. of Ger!llany,

I pointed out, was primarily a problem of the Allied military

authorities and that the military agency charged with dealing w:l.th . :~~=·

displaced.people was G-5. While ho was in touch with various G-5

office1•s Frenay stated he felt nevertheless that plans \'lhich had

been dra1vn up might not be adequate for dealing with that question.

For discussing the ma.tte1• of safety and protection or the liyes

of prisoners of war and depor~~~-~ in the period a;-t~r the collapse

of Germany he has requested an additional conference. I shall

request that at the next meeting a representative or G~' SHAEF

attend for discussion of the propos:.ls of Frenay regarding t~~

second period above indicated.

Frenay, in my·o~fnion, is holding these meetings because ·he

is locally Uil.der heavy fil•e from the resistance groups, the

Soniaiists and the Commti!J.J,sts on acc0i1n,t of:' the failure _to do

more for French· deportee; and l>~~g~~~~~ compl!'!'i:;ely informed as to the situation,he tends to contuse the

,.-. .-:;_~ ·e- the oroblems of prisoners and dis-

placed peo ___ P_,_l_,_· .. ·_,_e_._._, __ on_ e ___ -_·-_-.·_;.!~.-~--_Jn_ gle_··-~-~ _·_ iem without'! - . iiit:tl~%he dird '-inherent iri-the SUpply for• SUCh larJJii~:bers ~tr~~~le.--·· .,

- i'Y~;wlllWII' ..;..~_,'~3-~-~~-~- ! -- .... __________ :_ ____ ~ ____ j


Page 44: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

:~.- -"" '""

.... 4-

b;v drawing us into ·the conve;:osation.; he hope~ t.o shift tS. o1,1r

shoulders the responsibility f'Ol' the faillll'e of his Ministry to

tali:e what the French: people consider adequate measures. This

sltuution is lo!l.ded r1ith political dynamite in view of the fact

that there is hF~rdJ.y a family in Franoe that does ll(),t have a de­

portee or a prisoner in Germany.

The foregoing massage as f~o. 135' has; beet} rep~<:-x,ed to Barn.


tr( DC/LrLC\V:CV'l



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< )

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Treasury Procurement. 50 Church Street New York, New York


.~it.. ... ~ ·~

March 22, 1945

In accordance with our conversation at your office, I am enclosing, in duplicate, e. summary of availability of ingredients and packing materials needed for .300,000 food relief parcels. · ·

The over-all picture seems fairly optimistic and the few difficult items such as oheese, oleomargarine, and fish are by· no rueana hopeless. Large quantitiea of these produots are purchased by Red Cross and Goverrunent, and it is my thought that the War Refugee Board could arrange shipments. for the comparably small quantity needed for this order.

Such purchases could be handled either as outright purchases by the Prince Compaey, or if Red Cross or tlie Government agmcy would prefer l'eplacement in kind, this also could be arranged.

I am in daily contact with prospective suppliers and hope to be able to secure a good portion of the as yet un­certain items.

Respectfully yours, THE PRINCE COI4];>ANY



Page 47: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

' '\('

SUrranary of Availability of Ingredients' and Packing Materials Needed for 3001000 Food Relief Parcels ·

~-- Biscuits are unobta;!.~ble. Mr. McCormack advised substitution will be necessary during conversation at the Treasury Procurement office. The suggested substitute item is debfdrated soup. We are in a position to obtain approximate:cy 601 000 units weighing 6 J/4 ounces and max¢'actw·ed by the Tetley Tea company, end 2401 000 6-ounce units packed in tit~~~ manufactured by the Capitol Packing Corporation •. The Tetley assortment will consist of 3 2t ounce unite and the Capitol assortment will consist of one or two 3-ounce tins~ The price of the 3-ounce tins is ,0725 each.

~J!.!! - S ounce tins are being packed by three companies.-Swift, Kraft, and Shefford Cheese Company. The Swift Compaey and the Kraft Company are com­plete:cy oversold' with direct army contracts for the balance of thie year. The. Shefford Cheese. Company are now packing 12,000,000 pounds for F.s.c.c. Mr, l'iurtz, Vice"'President of the Borden Company, suggested that we apply to w.F.A. who would' be in a. position to assign the quantity needed from any of the cheese packers who are today working on this item under a W,f,A, directive •

. Whole Powdered Milk - Kraft has arranged to supp:cy us with the entire ·quantity. Any allocations that are needed will not require special Government assistance.

Oleomargarine - This item is one of the most critical. Swift and Standard Brands both have direct Ar~ contracts which will run them through 1945· Although Swift has definitely rejected this business, Standard Brands is making a special effort and is trying to arrange for production. I have phoned Mr. McCormack to visit Mr. R, G. Spears, who is in charge of the oleo product for Standard Brands at the· carlton Hotel, Washington, D• c., and perhaps through the added influence of War Refugee Board they may supply us. The Miami Margarine Compa~ is packing this one pound tin and selling its entire output to the F.s.c.c., which is then supplied to Red Crose. They believe that we can purchase the 300,000 tins needed from F.s.c.c.

Salmop or Tuna - These items are unobtainable. Mr. McCormack li<JY.ised substitution will be necessary during conversation at the 'l'reu-sury Pr'ocilr~ement Office. The substitute items he ll\lggeeted consiet,e,d of two tins of sardines and he felt confident he could obt~~ from Governm&,nt set~asides.

~-~..,The Kosher meat will be furnished by Fineberg, wh~ w;p: require the usual expo!~, priorities ne~eS§fl:,ry,;for replacement of tin. We ·do not believe tluit this will'irequire unusua1JGCiv~ijU!ient aid. . ~ . . .M§A1! .:. 'Non-Koshe~ ,·:·The Swit;t;;c6~;;'f~ ,;~liing to .. supply • t}leif>~t!z·e qWintit,-, and we do not believe tha'tJthey will require unusual G<)ybrpment aid.

Chocolate - The sample 4-ounce"Ji~~'"conte.ined in -the,Ps.cmg~~~bmitted to l,lS by the Treasury Procilremeut Office, manufactured cy the \'falter Biiker Compaey, Dorchester, Massacinlsetts. This firm is at present packing these bars fox:''the Red Cross and the u.s. Ar~. They will accept our order for the entire quantity

Page 48: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

·'' ,. ~~. :·~ .. ':'


- 2 -

but will not be in a position to make their first delivery to ua until May 23· The amount needed for this order is ver.r· small in comparison to the shipments the Walter Baker Compaey ill making to Red Cro~>s, and it is our thought that Red Cross may cooperate in permitting the chocolate company to aupply·us with 100,000 4-ounce bars out of their allotment. The chocolate company will replace this quantity on May 23 and will be able to supply us with the balance of 200,000 bars within the time scheduled in the contract.

~ - p & G will accept our order for the entire quantity of 2-ounce caltes of Ivory soap. They will require War Food Admi~stration exemption certifi­cate.

Mu1ti-yitemin Capsu1es - The Vitamin Corporation of America are prepared to supply this item exactly as specified, namely 16 tablets containing all specified ingx·edienta, packed in cardboard container. ·

~ - The American Sugar Refinery and all other manufacturers of tablet or cube sugar are 100% sold to·the Government. Mr. Gering of the American Sugar Refinery advised that we .may purchase 18 ounce package direct~;r:.from c.c.c.

Cartons and Shipping Containers. - Mr. McCormack has arrJhged for the National Container Corporation to supply the entire quantity of both items. We ought to receive instructions from the Treasury Procurement as to the type of priority ap­plication,

lY!\,ter P;roof Paper - Water proof paper needed for shipping containers will be: supplied by the Kuhmarker Waxed Paper Company and Ylill be in exact accordance 'with :;;pecifications.

Receipt oardP will be supplied b.Y Joseph Zuckerman and will be made of first quality tag stock equal or better to ~he sample card.

Strapping - Labels and material for ptrapping will be supplied b.Y a commercial export packer •. Only routine Government aid will be required in obtaining this very critical material. In accordance with an arrangement made by Mr. McCormack of the War Refugee Board, we have been assured by Red Cross that they will permit us to borrow a sufficient amount of straps and seals to complete this order. In the event that this Red Cross aid is necessary,_we are to replace the amount borrowed at a later date.

Page 49: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

'~ .. · .. '·'· ,>.., . : "l•

. j . --- -~ I '· .,. I .

i [ tl ' ~


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·\., ' '} - - ···-

. ___ -.. -

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--·)~ CONTROL COPY und Olsen as No, 270 and :l.H


Cable :1o.:cch 17~ Ho, ~~070 f:c'Oic< \TI{i3~ l?Efi and the llep>J.rtment

medical supplies o.nd 500,0C·O l~i'onor eJ Gi:hh\[;o It is not clear· to

the Embassy hrm much of t:1J.;J uiJJ. or:i.g:tn:ltG in. the Unlted States

requesf; fol"t 100 tons of foodstuffs- V/~~d~c~t t 1 l(;) Brj~tish I.egat:i.Oi1 re~ I .

ferred to r~E\·.r (CG 183 of !.larch 4) &nd .rsc _l,;pl:i.c'7.t:fon V/921 for

i--=_15 tons of .roo0.stuff8 "\t!~ieh "tl·1o f:.J...,::ttish T.tegatl-oti ~lso re-re-rr-edo

....-< C'l the I.epe!rt"lent that; the dist:ri-

·"' ~ but :ton nould bo 11:111dJ.ed in ·i;}te same vray as t11e existing ·sc11el'!o for ; .. A.!.. food . parcels. It is understood by the Embassy from references- cited ~·!S 2, ~ <P A -:~ ~ J:l that the 1)2partf:lerr!; intelids"that the p:>.rce_~s would be sent on the

--~.·.-oi~ _ s.oj~ rel:iuble independent organiZation such as -

-:: "' , Cross or Intercross t}Jra:f; receipts would be~.;;~cqlla-ste.d an,:

ill ~i~~k1llaml tqat l;ter ship~e1~ts would depend on early lots

Page 52: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

being distl'ibuted saUsfactorll;,r, I!'l'om information r.mw rece~.ved from British r,e(:;a·tion (repo:r l;ine ·~o the lle•Jartment tn the Embassy's

despatch of Harch lll,, lkl. 21671) the f•:mbassy unde:t'stands that the

most customary method of fornarding parcels recen~ly has been· by / I

commercial ·channels 1. e,, J i·Jootbaar ancl A/B Bankompaniet. It is

felt by both r/lE\'1 and :>.:D 'as indicated in the ErabassyD S despatch7

that some independent ol•ganlzai;:lotl such as Swedish Red Cross or

Intercross should be prepared to take the responsibility for any

scheme to which approval is glven,.· r,cgation 1 s relief sub-committee

is prepared 'to approve further shipments provided this condition

can be met and some chec1~ on :recelp'Gs can be made. Information

from the Department: as to whather it concurs in the opinion that

some reJ.:!.abJ.e in.deoencleni; body IJhOUJ.d partlcipate and information

fl•om Stoclrholm regarding the total amount of' further authorizations

no17 requested would be apprecl.3.ted by FXID before givin~ final approval.



Page 53: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

L_-, ___ ·,, .• _-.

~·~ . ·, ·~'

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· ... \.~··.·. ·:· > 't

' -,

NEvi YORK T IMI£3 Tuesday, Murch 20, 1945

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1130~ TI:II::UtiEth >K

'rl'le cable belo~; for i'lcClellonCJ. 1e l:llli 459. :J

l'lease delivet• ti.'J :l'olloui!lf>; meeeov;e to IeE~rc .1tei•i;-.t1cll,

H1je1's, 1-iontreux, l';·om tile Ve>.r.d Hrh0t~elu !Lr;1e~ency Comrnitt';;o:

i~UO'J!C: In1'or1:•ad trucl•s onrrwint: foott c.n<f mect1ct'.t1on for

prleonerr. of '·;rr in Ger>Jav.ny mr1Y be CI.Vr.1lnble on retur•n tro1po

for trrnElportr: r-efv.e;eeo to '-l1·J1 tr.erlpml. 1;o requc11 t you

nppeel to J:nt·jrnt1tiOl1r:l Hed Cr·Oef\ on(l coneult HcOlell~rld.


GREif (Acting)


~:R.l:l: t•ilW: KG 3/20/46

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·~.A ~

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Bern 1121 Fdl Hl.RRISON

Narch 19, 1945

5 p. m,

;,s no word has been received from !.!cClelland since

!.!arch 8 it is assumed that he has gone to Paris.

In order to enable the Board to be prepared for the

situation which may"develop in &vitzerland, it is requested

th..'\t you reply at once to the following questions i

(1) Have any trucks been acquired for dolivory of ]"!ar

Refugee B<l<~rd food parcels in enemy territory?

(2) What are the prospects of evacuating detainees

frort ·onemy territory to Switzerla'nd?

(3) rf:iu Intercross use returning PO\T relief trucks

for evacuation of detainees in &vitzerland?

The above is '·rrm 465,

- i,CHESON (i.cting)


!Aiss Chalincoy (for thesec-'y), ;:,.k<!in, cil:!!iP;. DUBois; Gaston, Hodel, Hutchison, HcCorrnack, o • D•rJor,. Fiies

DECLASSIFIED ~tate Dept. ~ett~r;~~~~r1~72

· By R.H. P~~ks oa;f~S'EP 211972


Page 59: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I


'\./' '- --,~ • - < .:~ -_.-

Page 60: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

'-(1) -_/


.. ~~·



i e \'iHiJ 326 •

He ~ul' 11~> Jcnt.lt'.l'Y Sl, on(l you:r 676, l"eb~o.cy 22. 'l'l1e:re 1o -· ~~-·;;

t>opor.to·.:. i.JcJ.o" for yout> info:r.'fiiation to:tt ol' our cnble to .L.ono.on

:rt:ioUOOtin,•; jjlooltade (l.Uthol•i:?.t;ttion fo;r Oil Ship1.1e11t f!'O~l ilt·le,J.en Of . . .

r.Jedicrl supplij• cloth1J1i~, enu fooil. pr::r·celo t·r1th over-o~l rf.lotmt

or l, 000, 000 l~roner: J . .

'I,UO~~;,: ~l~ynnoion o1' Pe.l'<lel p:roe;rr,m f:rotl flueaen for

· -71ic1nuen in lJer;::enbolpen dosir>nble' at th1o t!~ o.M rocom-.-~,

r.1entled by il.r;l~ee;dti9n nrtu IIRIJ repl'Elnentntive Gtoc@,olm. b'o-

Clet:icc:.l supplien, 000,000 !~rom~r clotllinc·;, rnc'l f~C)0 1 000 l.rcner

(:c!'l,OOO pr,l>celo) l'oo.:: from fl11eaen.

DistribUtion uoulct. bG llrruue:t nfter t•ic nrnner of tJ.le ~~'!·0~.~~ .:__._ _____ -----~·~--·-


ir~ 1:Jr,O.e . t~ ~G~r>.rtc1ent 1 c 945 ot li'ebrof\ry 7.,.. your l55D,

li'eb~~~~ {:;;~~~~ ~:~~{e~e~~~g~36n ~11113 ~~j~:~t'> ~i>artment, ~'Lil.~ rl~~-- Hl1.3 rec,uest~~f,.~~n~. P;}_)~ovri t~m I -__ ;:---~.-

8u~.~J'Ji{tt~e · oo thr,t yt$g~ijzy&i~, c,riU ehip~'f Joint HeJ;~yt

c:'ll be uci~~ o.t tho oprliest pos~J.'bJ.e r;iOIJ_ont. If liildi ~rees, . .

DECLASSIFIED State Dept. Letter, J-11-72

B~'R._It Parks bat<> SEP. 21 1972

Page 61: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

/ ).1

-2..{1502, Naroh 17, 2 p.m., to ':.;tookholm.

plonoo inform Otocldlolm direct, vepeatlll{!; to \lnshin[~t-on.


V,OX' yov.:r info:rmnt1on ·tile ilsae:riov.n JeHj.E:h Joint l)fstr1bv.t1on

GommittfJe i&ere llea ·incl.:lcntell to tile llOt:l'tl thr.t it l:111 v.ni!.eP.:l'i.te

the COOt ui' tl<io J)I'Ol~r~.m.


a/13/4.5 BO



Page 62: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

R& oar 173, ,Jnnuar;y 31., I).Jid ;)l'llUl' 676, l<'ebrua17 22. There ill ~epeaW below for ;yom· illi'ormatioD t.ext. of our C:i!-bl.e tc> Londo!l.o_requeeting Block&de . authorization for ou ·shipment fro111 sweden of medical.· fi1lpplics, ol.ot.hino;, ·Ud food parcels with ovoi--&11 amount or 1,000,000 kronera' · · '

QIJOTE Expanoion of parcel. prograk fTOII 8wedw tor detai:liee• in Bo!'gvnbeleen desirable at thio t.im~; and :t'<'lCOmmendod by A1nembasq emd I'IRB I'$pre>sent.ativ<> _Stockl]ola. Propoual. covers on llhi,pmenb t'r0111 Sll'eden of ;:oo,ooo kronflr modical Sllpplies, :;oo,ooo kroner oJ.ot~ng, and 2001000 krom•:r (24-,0QO paroell) £ood from Sweden. ·;·~·

Dillt.rib,ltion W<>llld bo llumdle4 alter tho rnanner of the currently approved food J?al'col pl'06r<l.ll fro111 Sweden, Re.f'erenoe 1e made to Depart.raent.•a 945 of Febl'U&17 7. and ;your 1559, February 1.3, and ear1ier exchange on tt1is wbJect.,

Departllent,.FEA, and WRa requeat. urgent approval from Join~ Relief SubONIIittee so that procureaent and mipment can be beguu at the · · earUe1t posllib1e lllonumt. If ll1ll agrees, pleaoo inform Btockhola direct, repeating to Wasbinuton. IJMQUOTE · ·

. c~;;-t., •·,o!:. ,·. __ '<-:, .

Yor ;your inforamt.ion the .AIIIeri&an Jewish Joint Dietrii:lUtion Colllllittee here has indicated· to the Bourd that it will underwrite the cost of this pro~lllll•


9:30 a.m, !;[arch 13, 1945

"·rd.ss Chauncey (for the Sec •y), Akziri, Cohn, Du0 ois, Gaston, Hodel, Hlltch:Lson, r-:ccormack, 0 IJ)vzy-er' Files.

Page 63: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I
Page 64: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I



17;TBDEGRAPH SECTION ST. A::r:110" •· . RE!)[1it~ EGRAMarch '.1."1!1~ . . ~1v1s1ornw Distribl>tion ofUii),l, 1, 1 c·;:RV'OEe ·:, ~. ~ rEactin[l only 'b;<r ·If o.:J..·L·• • · l .. v 6 p.m.

arral1[E:1Hmt. II) .~/11 2 '12 Q,~, ~. ·~. . -: I

19~5l1Nl10 . " -v~:_. If"· ...__


2070 .. ::ru! 1 /·.·~; "<' 1


'l'~e toii.quinu 1'or liinant p,n(l. ntbne from Dfi'pertmont, l!'t;A : nd

Hr.l" }{ofugeo U~c\rd io lillli 57.

' ){

;,;xprnoion of pC!rcol r,ror.:·rrt:• i'roLl Gpocten fen• <'\etr.inen~ 'ln /

· lJerlSonbeloen ·.~ooire>ble rt tll.l.c time tcnr:: ~·ocorm;1endeQ by· .'IJ.llogrtion . . . I

r,nc1 l'iHD rep:rooentc.tive Utooltholm. l:'ropor.r:l covel's on F-hipmento -W:

fl'Ofj :31'19-:'i.On of 300,00(; l·:rOl'lGr l.iOdiorl ElU))))liofl, fi00,000 ltl'OflEw

clotliin(;, oncl 800 ,ooo kroner ( !-::4,000 !HWcelo) food :from ;;petJ.en. >;:.;--

Diat:rlbutlon uoulll ilo ilcndloll c>.f'tE¥J:; .~ho. mpnyte,r, of tho cur­

;reht~.¥.· \:i/W;pv,~~ }:~Sill, -'lpl'cel 'il'O(:;rr 1:1 .fr(?m· :JH~•Jen. •(efor·ence is

L1rlte 1;0 ~i!1·;;r-,rt}ilf).01; 1" q4f; 'l'? iP"hf'Uf'.l'Y 7 your. llJ07, 7't:bl:'Ulil:')]' 83 ~ <tl'IU ucr•J.:wv e:<CllNle;e on tnj.n oul>juct.

you.:r 155.9, L.'e'i:.I'llrry 1:5,

l Del,cl'ti.Jont, ii'J.::A, r.nd \:Il.i.; l'Ot!Ueat .urgent opprovtl fro::~ ioint

Hellel' :~~~bcollllili ttee oo tllnt. ;,~rocuz·e!.;crt o.nu ehipr.•ent ern~ be begun­

nt ·~P: ·e1:rlieot poDRible moment. If llli:H agrees, :olecae inform

Jtoc!i:liol.r.J llir&:¥,t• repeo.til'lt~;;to ''rcll1ngton.

iJIW: l'll!V: Mi-3/13/45

A.c~!!E'!lcm CAotfne:r


- DECLASSiFIED' - -. S_tat~ __ Dep_t. Let~):~- i-llw72

. By n: H. Park~ .D~iiSEP 21 1972 ,- ,>----~

Page 65: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

O.w.E •ro AloiBASS-'llOR .. WXIWlT AND ST(IllE, l''lUJM DEPARTI!ilifi i~.f>H~,Hp WAR R»UUEJ BOARD , .· . - ' .·., , -

_ ~pansion o£ piU'cel progx-aa from Sweden for detaue .. 1n Bergabelsen de.tirable at t.hJ.s t.:lllle .. nd reqouelllied'by AJQslllbu.aliJ and i\RB repre~:~enW.t.ivt Stoekholll, PropoE!al ~;QYeX'a on D111p111ents t'x-os Sweden of .)001000 kloiiQ' IUIU.cal eupplieD1 5001000 kroner olath1nc, e.nd 200,000 kroner (24,000 paroela), food froa a•9d••·

nletr1but1on wo~ be bandled after the ~r of the oUr~n~ approYed tood. parcel progra 1'ro11 Sncien. Reference it ~· to J)e~nt.t1 945. of Febru&1'7 7 and your 1559, Febl'llal'T 13, aJll1 ..x-11~ exchilnge on thia l)lbJeot.

Dewtsent, ru, and WllB request urgent approval froa Joint ReUet Bub­co..tt.tn eo that procureaem and lh1paent. caD be be£111l at the earliest. po11B1ble IIQMDt., If liEI'i asr•••• plea .. 1nfora Stockbola diraot., repeat.iD& to washington.


9:30a.m. !larch 13, 1945

Miss ChaUncey (for the Sec•y),

MfiE:~~:eiit:~ Akzin,Cohn,_DuBois, Gaston, HOdel, Hutchison,

- __;;.~-~~- ~---.

Page 66: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

·~·· I. . - , .~. . . .

. ' .... ·~

Page 67: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

( ~ I

Preliminary reports first lorry convoys and first blocked train in-

dicate operation completely successful, All· lorries northern convoy

reached destination without incident. One lorry full medicines delivered

Stalag 3a, 4 lorries are remaiul.ng Lubeck arro.nge to Eiffect distribution

from Lubeck while 2 lorries returned from that area bri~ng entire Jerry

cans, On southern convoy l lorry broke do~m en route and its supplies

were left at Stalag 7b, All other lorries proceeded to region Eger Carlsbad,

Prag, PU·sen, where distribution was ma<le to estimated 18,000 Ampows and

Dri tpows, Also some Belgiuta and French on march, Blocked train left

BuchsHMardh ru:rived J.!oosburg !•larch 8,6 a.m. Again unloading immediately

left Moosburg March 10, 3145 a,m, Returned Buchs March 11, 9130 a,m.

While at Moosburg trains placed. under double guard German sentries and

Allied NCO unloading operations proceeded 3 shifts French, British and

Ampo1~s. Delegate reports Ampows showed little willingness work and

pilfered considerably so that their use hacl. to be discontinued. At pre-

sent practice~ly no storage space remainirlg Hoosburg as barracks not

OCC1.Ipied by Pows have been taken over for German troops on march and

bombed out German civilians, 8 lorries remained Moosburg to effect

distribution from reserves carried by blocked train. 2nd blacked train

50 cars were· supposed return Mo.osburg this week btit difficulties have

arisen with German authorities concerning reserves at that ·camp, Train

is .. )oaded similarly to first and no>r at Buchs awai tirig departur,e which

depends on negotiations being conducted in Germany this weekend by Rigg.

As ·l~osb\lrg unavailable Intercross hopes .that ·your authorization es-

tablish reserve depot central southern Germany either in ava.ilable


Page 68: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

Lc .~,, ,-_,.

- 2-

local warehouse space or by for~mrding from Swi tzerlQ.nd transportable

wooden Olll'racks. 2 b!ll'racks ·capacity 200 tons each \Ould leave Swi tserJ.and

1·1i thin 3 days but estimated 10 adrli tional. required which >~ill take 4 to

6 weeks to forward and ~ erect. 2ncl convoy lorl'ies going forward in

4 columns 12 lorries each departed: 14a~ch 17, is, 19 b1·rp. Experience

first column has sho1m each convoy should consist small groups as moving

columns of prisoners are generally found on secondary roads. Intercross

delegate proceeding first column by first day in order to ascertain move-

ment prisoners who are at tl.mes difficult to locate. Each Amcross lorry

carrying a~.;:oroximately 6 tons food, medical suyplies, soap and boot

repair mate1·l.al while Cancross lorries carrying approximn.tely 3 tons

similar articles. Experience first convoy sho>ts inadvisable utilize

trailers because of heavy load inlorry as 1•/Clll as hindering maneuver-

ability >~hich highly necessary~ owing state of roads. 2nd blocked train

>~ill carry one tank car gasoline if storage. space available at destination.

Excluding blocked trains an<l lorries during February~ 430 freight cars

went for1mrd to camps from S11itzerland plus 164 freight cars also lorries

totaling 2,273 tons from Lubeck plus 5 freight cars totaling 78 tons

from Goteberg. lfurch 1 to March 12 44 freight cars for>~arded from

S1~itzerland to camps plus until !~arch 10. 74 freight cars totaling

1,208 tons plus 7 tons by lorry from Lubeck. As at Jl.arch 10 stock

-Lubeck 4,480 tons. Goteberg 21,600 tons not inci{;ding Saivo-. Intercross

received yesterday follo"ihg telegram from lt.arti concerning supply

northern area lorries will supply all camps Wehrkreises II, III, IV, IX,

X, VI, XI, From Lubeck. Can we execute equal distribution parcels

to all internationals except~ Italians and Russians. Pool is ideal.

Repeat Dunning.

Page 69: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

',~···.·· .... · .. ,~

, .. -.,_

Page 70: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I


STATE . CENTRAL SERVICES li\.1' TELEGR;~M)_ ... ru·c~l ~~I;EpJ;1bPHSECTION' Dlotl•ibutiof• oi' tvue ~IVJ.:,JON °~ . ' ~ /, ven.i liC on ~ • ..,. .. ··1 1 ·0 ,, 'l"OCit.lCEtHRM. 8.ERVIC~Sp,m. · '.(·-'?.. . ( l:ll:'l'hYJ[;0!ll0rt • 0 1 - " t ,, ..••.. ~) .... ~ . ').•


'1945 MAR 17 PM 2 01 ' ./. : Q_..r !"·"~ ,IJ--l .P1 \) " 1-' (. ,.

DC/L L C..' ~VU.ii:\k JrJ.'lOi\i

.Si~HN 1033


·.L'<Ie t'olloHh.g 1a for tlcOlellond from \'ir·r· Hefugee llot'!fd,

·.,}If' .<2 l/j7/ Re our 400:t at ~lovembel" 25, 1944. ~ rJ 7 · 1 . .. X

'!'hez•e 1P repal~teu bclot·r. for• your 1nfol'!uc.t~.!'l the text

ot o. Coble to th~.> tlon%•d. 1 !l re:.n·eeento.t1ve .ln ;.:tookholtJ.

·~UO~J.:: '.!'he 1loe.rtl requer::ts fpom you r..t the eorl:l.ent

ponA.!.hle mou,mt ~·- reJ,til"t on tllu atc.tua of ti·.e ··on-

G:ien ~:nie:lcr, AHC re;n"eP.ontl'tivc, Jtocl<:'folr;., or ICHC

de leg~' te, rml repo:rt your t'in(>inge imme,·iintely to tho

DorrO .• · t.n: .. .~iJO:l'!!:


Ii' you hv.vc f'ny ijif'or•f.lt:tion ~;1 th J>er.;lect to tho on­

llll1LiLitmt of su.pplicf\ t'rorJ 11otllenhv.rgl 1 t ~1111 be t!PJ>7~oc1r.te: •

1--- . . &"''·

Fo:r seau:ri t <i);~" tE':xt, Oi' th. Y :reasons • the

. . 1s mess .. "

-~ '''"'' ... ,,.r:·~~· t;l{U_: i~i.~ V: .KG 3/l5/45

Page 71: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

OAl:ILl': TO MlNlSTml IIAIUll:JtlN AJfll MOCL·,;:r,J,r.Nll, .l.ll'll!ll, !iWlTlll\lU..I!ID'i' FROM WAH HFJO'lJ(UJE llOAHD

Re our 4001 of llnve111ber 26, l9A4,

T.lleJ'e iB repeat.ed below for 7our inforraoUon the Ud of a cable to the Bo!ll'd1 e representative in lltookholm,

QUOTE The llo11rd rt>qWieta froa you at the enrlieet ponible . .OJI(nt a repOrt on the. a tutus of the on-ehipaent. of the 224 0328 three-kilo WRB food pnroels which were shipped to Goth~bur« the latter half' of Uonmber, It 1e euggeeted that you aheok with either Glen Whisler, ARC rwpreeentntive, Stookholm, or IORC del­gate, and report you,r findings lmmediotely to the Boord, UNQUOTE

It you hove.:any lii;h~mntlnn with respect to the on-ahi])lllnnt of euppliea from Gothenburg, it will be nppreo1oted,


4:45.p.m. March 14, 1945

MiSs Chauncey (for the Sec•y); Akzin, Cohn, DuBois, Gaston, Hodel,­lfu.tmhison, McCormack, O'Dwyer, Files.

Page 72: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I



November 25 1 1944


BERN 4001 Tho following for McClellanq is 1<fRB 291.

jl]flcross shipping on. SS Saivo to Gothenburg within next ten day's 3? ,388. casus containing 224,328 threoo.kilo cVRB food parcels .for consignment. to Intercross for distl•ibution to unassirnilated pors61is in camps. Shipment to swegish port being. mac!e due to lack of· shipping .facilities Marse;l.:lle. All three-kilo parcels, <in ·accordance with Intercross instructions, are unmarked cartons •. oUter. shipping cartons (each containing 6 three-kilo parculs) are'marked on each of two ends as followsi To International Rod Cross ·comrni ttoo, at tho top; loweJ:' ledlt: ''Joight .43 lbs; lower right: Cubic Feet: 1.32. In the. center portion of each ·of tho two·ends and on two sidos will rippEi~r a circle substituted for the Red Gross emblem (at:;\moross suggestion). That portion of the. shipment ,containing a· KoSl:\(}r meat produet (39,324 three-kilo par­cels. packed in 6, 554 shipping .cartons) will be distinguished by the latter UK" appearing 'l:;rtthe center of tlie four circles. ·Par­cels so pa6ked do not contain.roceipt cnrds and nro for distribil­tion by i:nt'ercross as outlined ,in paragraph 41 your 6263, Septetnbor ·;n. Balance of .30,834 shipji~ng cartons contnining

'183,004 throe-kilo parcels· includes receipt card as per wirephoto, Septembor 22, · ,.\11 parcels contain items J110ntioned our 5859, September 6, Remaining 60,672 three-kilo parcels will go for­ware sometime in December,

~~~-~--~~~Ji'_or,_;y'Ollf_infor'mation, .the Bqard has soclired authorizatioh from MEW to mako provision for the_ shipment of an additional 300,000 three-kilo pa.rcels to go foTWard beginning the latter hnlf of Decembei>;

The foregoing has been repeuted to Stockholm.

l~V.hus approve~ and amcross is prepared to ship for world .. Jewish Congress here a total of 10,000 pounds of clothing for

distribution to una~sirnilated per~ans • in Bergenbelson and· other camps •. Shipment Wi~i be made toicii\:thoriburg smhotime in' Docombar. when ·shij:>jiing 'space becomes avaJ:l,~!JJ-9• However, ]Uncross has asked. Board to obtain assurimce from!Intl!rcross that Intercross is pre­pared to recuive.and distribute' this clothing, You are requested -to' obtain such assurance arid a~v;is.e Board. ·

Reference Borgm}belseri .and· poirit No• ,3:your- 6265 September 2.;. Board would apprpciate defiru tion of nnutnber A internees in -Befgen- · beisen Germany,·" · · ·


STETTJ:ifiUS - .~c'l''IN'd

. I

i.~~~~t~t{~~~~r·o!~~~~~? ~~e~:~~!~?'~~~~ij~~~ltof!·{f~t·.~~-?J

Page 73: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

:\.1 . -, J.

' ' _i

Page 74: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I



~!VISION OF I.l!~rch 16 1945 P\::!.1 CEN tR/11 ''r''1Vi('f'S ' Dist:n.ill_u,~lon of' true: ,..,_ ':, /-:l . . ~.-~~ J re:ad:tn;:: only bl spe:oial . 4 p.m. . c..r~ ~ <:11'Y"fln::_:r::r:le:\1t. ~ I T.W~9 PM .. 2 43 - .




CD,~ft0t'!lr .~ff»rJV .· . . HdJl ~BUR M

~~ .follri\~lng io tor o{E'I:ln from ~~t'!r' Hefwt,oo !Jov.rd.

He. our 2372 of rlovembct> ?5, 1944.

riroment t report on tllo stt'.tul'l of the on-shipment of the / . 224,320 th:r.ee-!tilo \IHll :!'cod pnrceJ.e ,.,hi en. 1-;er·e ell1ppeG. to

GothetlbUl'(l; tlle lut.ter l&alf of tlovem'be:r, lt is sum·;ested I

thct you checl• ~d tll e1 tne:r Glen Ullirler, i~HC re;.J:reoentv.t1ve,

ot'oc!d+,olm, .Pl', ICHC .<!.ele15:.;te, t·nO. X.el)ort your 1'in6.1nge { .. ; . .' " ; " ' ~.. .

1: llli: hr~V: !1.\l-

3/15/45 ro£

DECLASSIFIED ~~-at~-Dep_t. Lett-er;-1_-~1~72.

By H. R Parks Date.s.£U 1 197Z

Page 75: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

O.AILl~ 'l'O NllllS'IF.R IOimSOI AllP. OLSI!JI, S'l'OOKHOLM, SWBD.EN, .no~)Qiu. Rlaoo:!'Jil BOARD

· Ro olll' 23'h! ot No•ea'ber as, 1944.

The lloard requellte froa JliU a\ the earU .. t poeetltle •alll\t • report 011 the •btua ot the on.-1hlpu11t ot the 8240338 thres-ldlo WRB food pnroele vhtoh were •htppad \o Gotheaburc the latter halt of No\' .. ber, It t• ·~«ea\ed thAt 70u oh1ok vlth either Gle~~ Whlal~r. ARO reproeentntl••• Stookhola, or IORO delegate, and report JOUr ttndtns• laaedlatel7 to the Board,


~~ss 'ICl:launcey (for the s~C:·~Wt~in·, Cohn, .DuBois, Gaston, H:gdel, Ifu.tchison, McCoririack, OIDwyer, Fires.

Page 76: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

{ FROhl: TO: DJ,TED: NU1!J3ER:

\.1 '- •·

ORIGIN.\.L TEx<fqF TELl!n!l.i.¥ SENT

So 'ta.ry of '.s~.ato, Wa:shirigton JJJEIUCJ.N LEGJ:T:i:PH, STOOKHOIM November 25, L944 2372

· Tho foliowing :i:f! ,a toxt of a cable to l39rn which is ropeatod for your informo.tion,

J.mcross shipping on S,S, .Saivo· to Gothen­burg within noxt ton days 37,388 cases contain­ing 224,328 throe-kilo \'IRB food parcels for con­signment to Intercross for distribution to un- · assindlated parsons ih camps~ Shipment to ,Swedish port being me.d13 due to lack of shipping facilities Marseille, JW.l three-kilo parcels, in accordance with Intercross instructions, are unnmrked cartons. Outer shipping cartons (each conta;inirig6 three-kilo parcels) are marked on each of two ends as follows: To Internationv~ Rod Cross Conunitteo, at the top; lower left 1 1 !'[eight 43 lbs; lower right I ' Cubic foot: 1.32. In the center portion of each of tho two ends and on two sides will appear a circle substitutec:l for tho Red Cross emblem (at ·ilmcross suggestion), Tha.t portion of the shipment oontaining a Kosher meat product (39,324 throe-J(ilo parcels packed in 6,554 · shipving cartons) will be distinguished by the letter 111{11 appearing in the center of the· four circle:;>. Parcels so packed do not contain re­ceipt cards,'~iid arc for distribution by Inter­cross as outlined in paragraph 4; your 6263, September 21, Balance of 30,834 shipping car­tons containing 185,004 three-kilo'parcols in­cludes receipt card as per Wirephoto, September 22. hll parcels contain.items,mentioned our 5859, September 6. Remairiing 60,672.'three-kilo parcels will go foi"Ward sometime in December.

For your information, Board has Secured authorization froll! !fJE.'[ to .make provision for the shipment of an additional 300,000 three-kilo -parcels to go forw~rd beginning the latter half of -Dec'elnber, ·

MEl'[ has approved a;.,d /uncross is prepared to ship for \lorld Jewish Corigr<Jss here 10,000 polliids,gf clok~Nk.f,qr Intercross distribui;:i?n to unassimila.t(J(}T )'f;3 BergeiJ!j(JJ;sori and other campsi sliipfi!.<int,will bo made s· -e inJnlTh~ElfhMr-when sp,;:ce bet(s>.nies· ayrll,~N~· rTill you infof,$li1yclea, .this mat tor witli aj'>~.ropriati, SWedish offic~als with ell v~ew to obtain­-:~,;.,g their approval for the' offload;i.ng_ of this shipmdntc at· Gothen:O burg.·

Page 77: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I




Page 78: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

:~_ ·-., .. ,--., . •, ..




191,5 lk\R /6 PM 4 37

....... i' ).A}!.- 9-~'~b-' ·, SfL. vv ,~ (~\ \

PLJ\.IIJ c 0 I ~) )

March 15J 1945

- w~n~&\rnrqrq: ~~~~_;\_:fr.r:_./ d r,:~<h··',' :i c __ ,~ ~ ~r~-Alu.EQii.'J!lOB


492, Fiftoonth W 1\ 6 3 :< :>.- /

.:f'l~r:ce (lelivel' the follo,·rint·; r/eoov.go to H11el t>to:rch, I

l'OD 7306, UtocithOlr.J, ft'Oul Kurt H. Groaomc.n, througll ~:r.r

Hei'ugeeUoL\1'(1: ;/

'tUG:i'll: :Uei'Benbel8en nrrivrlo report irllilt',teo Borr~cn"" - I

beleon <knger of etarvntion 1'ootlp01"celo o:r- grentoot

·irJpo:rtr.nce but very feu arrive. ·Nlvise you tnke a.ction

to obtc.in S£1.fe <lel1vory to ndt1reosen. lnforr.t ;:lle1;l}~r you

repe_nt ooncl.ing Pc.roels oil.:<:rosaes uo ecnd. UtlQ.UO'i'J.;;

uiUJ : ·rmv: 1m 'J/14/45


Page 79: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I


'11..._ . d < ,,-.._, ' .--~.:-

n-. -.u.- u. NJ.w&ac ..... tt •• .--. 1'0» .,.,

S\oeldle\M1 lfta '-" Ro 0.110SS I

-~ ....... AUIW.S lliPOif IIIMAIU ........ -•or IDIYAII~ .,.,_~ fJI GIMIMI.....,. JliT f1ll'f ,. AIIIIU. AllftD IOU till MltiOI to OIWI IW'i IC.Itm to'- ...... IJJ'(a .... -illlrat ._. P.UOU ADISilF WI IIIII, Ull4f,Otl


J:JO•p.m. ':;[£!!." March 10, 1945

Miss Chauncey (for the Sec'y), Akzin,- Cohn, DuBois, Gaston, Hodel Hutchison, McCol'IIBCk, O'Dwyer, Files. · · I

-1 I

Page 80: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I


LONDON 55 New Cavendish St., W 1

GENEVA 37 Quol Wilson

BUENOS AIRES CorricnleB 1979

JERUSALEM Vnnd Leumi P. 0. D. 471

MONTREAL 1121 St. Catherine St. W

MEXICO CITY Sonora 1744


NEW YORK, 23, N. Y. CABLEs: CoNcBESs, NEw Yon1

TELEPHONE: CincLE 6-1901

In reply refer to: !.larch 7, 1945 No. 345

Brig, Gen. William O'Dwyer, Executive Director War Refugee Board Treaeury Building Washington, D. C,

Dear General O'Dwyer:

May I ask you to be good enou@:l to have the following message transmitted throu@:l the facilities of the De­partment of State:

"To: Hilel Storch, POB 7306, Stockholm, Sweden From: Kurt R. Grossman

Bergenbelsen arrivals report inmates Bergenbelsen danger of starvation foodparcels of greatest tm­portance but very few arrive. Advise you take action to obtain safe delivery to addressees stop Infonn whether you repeat sending parcels addresses we send."

Thank you for giving this matter your kind attention.


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' ' .· ..

{. , !J1 r,/ c:Pk;;.v · •... :·.t• ..... ,.







1062' f


·194') /A/ill /6 f.M I I 49



I requer.t l·icClellt>.n<l delivex• tile follo•,;inr;

I tiesSt!ge to Leon Kubo1·:itzki, ·37 ·,)lr.1 1:11aon, Genevc, fl"om

J(urt vr~sllil.'n, throueh 1·:l'l' llefugee l';ocrcJ: WR.6 ~tft/ -- I .

. ~uo·~:----~e:rgenbelE'en rr:rivPls report ctnrv_~tion drllf;er /

t'or 1nmt,tes there. b'ood !'ltll"Celr. erMntirl tilelr Jx:i.r-ter.ce,

thrJU<::;t• r.;t•ny :reported not to (rrive. :>utte;eE_tecl lRC 1:r-silingto1(

eecure ctelivery e;uf:.rrntee uermf",n Govarnr.;ent. m: ,ucr~

l:.i£ -

Gi'li'1'Tnlltl.J (OTI\"1)

llillii.!Ji:.~KI} _ . __ -_-= ---~-~-- !~/14/,fJ.lii_~,c~---'c'. _; ____ ..;_ -:.i-~~.-1'\_(MHti_

Page 83: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I


n ... .. u .•• u. Ml.ewlq ....._to r... 1.11J1owltlltl, n • fltleoa. a...... ,.... 1\att Oto•-• ~ ltiiiGUIB&QM illlUYALS .RI!I'Oll'l' lft'AlYM'IOII IWIGIIl 1'01 lliMAtD flll'U. JtJO» f'IIIICIUI iS3MW.. 'llllR :W&'.l'IIOI, 'l'OOIJGU IWII lll'OI'JID Jrlar 1V,l IJWYB. Suot!Jiftll,l) 110 IMJIIIOO'ON S1'00liE IIUVSIY Otl'ARAiiTDl o:aw~ OOYiiUMM. 111\JJOH


4:4o p.m. March 10, 1945


Miss Chauncey (for the Sec'y), Akzin, Cohn,:DuBois, Gaston, Hodel Hll.tchison; McCoi'JIBCk, O'Dwyer, Files.

Page 84: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I


:~ ··~ ..., .


LONDON 55 New Cavendish St.1 W 1

GENEVA 37 Quai Wilson

BUENOS AIRES Corrientes 1979

JERUSALEM Vnnd Lenmi P, 0. B. 471

MONTREAL 1121 St. Catherine St. W

MEXICO CITY Sonora 1744


NEW YORK, 23, N. Y.


In reply refer to: March 7, 1945 No. 347

Brig. Gen. William O'Dwyer, Executive Director War Refugee Board Treasury Building Washington, D. c.

Dear General O'Dwyer:

Would you please be good enough to have -the following message transmitted through the facilities of the De­partment of State :

11 To: Leon Kubowitzki, 37 Quai Wilson, Geneva From: Kurt Grossman

Bergenbelsen arrivals report starvation danger for inmates there. Food parcels essential their exis­tence, though many reported not to arrive. Sugges­ted IRO Washington secure delivery guarantee German Government .n

Thank you for giving this matter your prompt attention.

Sincerely yours,

Page 85: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

'.\.... · ...... ,;/; .·· \._,

Page 86: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

TO llias Hodel

FROM Mr. McCormack




.:;-1 0 'J- 0 I 5 2- 2-.u Jj!CJ aoo

/J , I t~ DATE March 15, 1945

Unobligated balances of the congresaio~ appropriated funds for Foreign War Relief· are a11 follciwea . . , . ~ . r:---. t!cn~ L

Tr•811Ul7 Department 1..-J_55,,0202_oo~,822:l---~. 0 z. (!) If 2- 2-. (Procurement Div.) ~ ,

Agriculture Department e1,500,000 ?; ~/ / 7/ ,/ b~ (War Food Adm.)

War Departaqent . (Surgeon General)



You can readi~ see that an additional •earmarkiDgn for the Board by Bureau of the Budget of $1,125,000 to cover oostll involved in procurement of 300,000 additional parcels will not exhaust these balanoe11.

However, since American Red Cross expreesed eome concern about our moat recent tapping of this· fund, it might be prudent if either you or General O'Dwyer info~ cleared thie additional·Uille of these funds with Badl O'Connor. At the Bll!lle time, it 1Ei suggested that aaeurance11 be ob­tained from Mr. O'Connor tbat .Red Cross lli.ll perform with' respect to shipping as they hs.vEi in the past. (Yr. Pate has info~ assured me that he can accommodate UJI up .to 1,000 toDilJ per month witliout putting undue 11tra1n on existing ARC facilitiee.) When this has been done, it will be po1111ible for us to write the type of letter that we 1n1t1~ wrote·to Red crolis along the .liDilJsa- "It is DIY understanding that -•" · ·

. ;/

I will take no direct steps with Budget concerning actual obligation in this case until I hear from you. -

----~-------~-------- ------ -------~----~-: ~~~~~'='c========


Page 87: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

March 15, 1945

Jlias Hodel

Mr. McCoruclt

/ Unobligated balances of the oongreasio~ appropriated funds for Foreign War Relief are as followea

Treasur,y De~ent (Procurement Div.)

Agriculture Department (War Food- Ada.)

War l>epart.ent (Surgeon General)





You can readizy se~ that an additional •earmarkiDga tor the Board b;y Bureau of the Budget of $111251 000 to cover costs invol-ftd in procuremelllo of 3001000 additional parcels will not exbauat these balances.

\ . . However, since American Red Cross expressed eoae concern about our

most recent tapping of this fund, it lllight be prudent if either ;you or General o•Dw;yer intorllllll.q cleared this add_itional use of these funds with Basil O'COD.DOr. At\the 1111111e time, it is suagested that. asaurancee be ob-' tained_ from !llr. o•Co11110r that~ Cross will perform with respe-ct t.o shipping au the;y have in the paet. (llr. f>a" bu 1ntoraa1q a11aured 11e that he can acco11110data ~ up t.o ~.ooo t.on11 per 110nth without Pllt't.in& undue straia on eidsting ABO i'ac1lit1es.)-_ lhen this has_ been dons, 1t _will be possibl.e foi:" us to write the t;ype, of letter that •• initi~ wn»te to R&d cross along the linsea- •xt. is a,y undweianding tbat -.• ·

I will take no direct steps witb Budget Concerning CLctual. obligation in this caae W1t.il 'I hear fro~~ TOll~ · -


. I

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Page 89: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I


I ~I.Wl:G;d'lCil!

::Jl'vOKllCt.Ul 478, l•'ourteenth

~~e orble belou

·~ '· ... ·-- .:, ,,-'. ·.,''"'


for Olean 1o l:RLl 324. )t



li'leaae tleliver the follouine; meeeC'.r;e to r':r:l.t~ U~;~ilrn::er,

Oongrenn Ooooi ttee, i'ontbOl{ 7306, Utockholr.l, I I .

/ rrotl J<urt i}::t>Or! OI.Jr:n,

Horltl Je::is 1 OOfl!S:reoe:

· dJC'r'~ 1(1ndly have i'oodparcele 1'01'1'7r:rue(l 1rnt:.ell1c-,toly folloi~-/


1ng £le~enllelnen inmates: Demstein, two, llenY'iette; Diolor:;loHelt1,

Holf, uife rnd ohiltl; Colm, ilr. H1lrln; ilenetl.ict (o:rphr..ne b:·.rrcolt);

Guttotein, :.lonJo., rJ~tller, fc.tllex•; Dlooll, Dr.; DeElllr,u, l)r, Jr.J~, uife

(nee Gohle) cuill't; Druyr, Abrellr.'..m, lln't::rrethc (nee HcllelviR),

Jll'nolU., :;uly (nee vr>.n iXIbcton); ~'1oer!lite1m, llr.o (nco i:oeller),

i:iollael; <:1rschf.eldt, Kurt, B'etty (nee Zrum): 1(nollor>, i~J?lbert,

uert:rude, ~1mon, liartl'.; Levy, Loon.:or<.t; L:l.on; lire. net"trice

(nee Utrf".Dsbure;er); Loeuenbol"t£, Lucio,' f.lchi:>unbel'(S, !::l'tlst, Gertrut:l,

1'om1; ~>Chonlml<molty, Ioc-,c..c, Clt'll'c., 11.1r1u.l, !:oooo; v:·n ?1Jn, ;;enJc>min,

l.;ohJe (neo OzosliMlti); ae Vries, itoo.ron, rto:l.nq (nee J:l;;1er) .~ Uli\WU~E



·. 1;?Ji~IL1f? :m:'Ji/. .{iJ 'i I ·I

; ! '-f

Page 90: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

.\wf '-,-.·,

fMI«IIO deliver the~ follow1na me&Hge to Fritts Hollunder, Congr•aa COmaJ.tt•e, Poatbox 7306, ll~okholll, 1'ro111 l~ OrootJillAil1 hrl.d .Jewi1h Co~11111

QU01~ Ki~ have foodparcela forw~rded ~ediuto~ follow-ing Bal',;enhelsen iiii!W.tfJIJI Bl'imetoin, ~ru. Henri&t.te; BiologlowUS., \Vo:U 1 wUe and ollildJ Cohn, Dr, llilde.J u ... nediot. (orphana barraok) J Gutt.ate1Ji1 6wJa1 mot.lwr,tatMrJ Bloob, llr.J DesHil1 Dr. Sui, lli£t (neo Golde) ollildJ ~f, AbraiU1 llargareth& (noe SohelYi(l), Arnold, 14illf (nc;11 van Eutbdt~~)J floerabeiat llue (11.1,10 Nowller) 1 lliohru!lJ Hiraob1'el.dt1 Kurt, Betty" (net Z.nnJJ KnoUer1 Aribatt, Gertrude, Simon, BertnJ LoV,V, Leonard) Lion, Ur•• Beatriue .(nee Straeaburgor)J Loowonborl!, Luoie, Sulwmbors, trnat., UertNd, TomiJ Sqbollkolowelr,y, Inaa, Oli.>r~o~, 141riu, IIOilee; wn TiJn, BellJiilllill, BobJe (nee Caou­linllki); de Vl'ie~;, Aaron, Rdllll (awe Spier). UUQUDTE ..


1:30 p.m. J.larch 10, 1945

Uiss Chauncey (for the Sec 'Y), Akzin, Gohm, DuBois, Gastpn, Hodel, Hutchison, !f.cCormack, O'])ywer, Files

BAkzin:ar .J/9/45

Page 91: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I


LONDON 55 Now Cavendish St., W 1

GENEVA 31 Quni Wilson

BUENOS AIRES Corrientes 1979

JERUSALEM Vnnd Leumi P. 0. D. 471

MONTREAL 1121 St, Cntherine St. W

MEXICO CITY Sonorn 1744




In reply refer to: March 7, 1945 No. 346

Brig. Gen. William O'Dwyer, Exec~tive Director war Refugee Board Treasury Building washington, D. C.

Attention Dr. Akzin

Dear Sirs:

May I ask you to transmit, through the facilit,ies of the State Department, the following message to Hr. Hollander in Stockholm:

/'"To: Mr. Fritz Hollander, Congress Committee, Postbox 7306, Stockholm . ,.-

From: Kurt Grossman ltl{)'1 (,..(I ~./·'.·f<-·1-"£ A l n) . . , IIJ

Kindly have foodparcels forward~d immediately follow-ing Bergenbelsen inmates: Bernstein, Mrs. Henriette; Biologlowaki, Wolf, wife and child; Cohn, Dr. Hilda; Benedict (orphans barrack); Guttstein, Sonja, mother father; Bloch, Dr.; Dessau, Dr. Sam, wife (nee Golde) child; Dr!Qlf, Abraham, Margaretha (nee Schelvis), Arnold, Milly (nee van Embden); Floersheim, Use (nee Moeller), Michael; Hirschfeldt, Kurt, Betty (nee zann); Kneller, Aribert, Gertrude, Simon, Berta; Levy, Leonard; Lion, Mrs, Beatrice (nee Strassburger); Loewenberg, LUcie; Schaunberg, Ernst, Gertrud, Tomi; Schenkolews~, Isaac, Clara, Miriam, Moses; van Tijn, Benjamin, Behje (nee Czos­linski); de Vries, Aaron, Reina (nee Spier)/

Thank you for giving this matter your prompt attention.


E~ ~=in=~~


Page 92: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

.·\.i· . -···

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. . -'\.;-,:-'.- •,-



DATE !~arch 13, 1945

TO Miss Hodel


On March 12, 1945, Mr, White and Mr, l·lcCormack met. 1<1 th Messrs. Otie M, Reid, Assistant Director of Supplies, \'far Food Administration, and Hr, H, lt, Prentiss, Program Liaison, arid t«O other members of- their staff, ••i th a view to securing assurances from Vfar Food Administration that they would assist our efforts to secure restricted supplies in the Board's food parcel program.

As has been pointed out in the past, orally, Vfar Food Administration­is somewhat miffed over their failure to be the procurement agency in connection with the Board's program, After much discussion of the obstacles standing in the way of performance, Mr, Prentiss was instructed by Mr, Reid to prepare a -memorandum for Lt, Col, Ralph \t, Olmstead, Deputy Director, Office of. Distribu­tion, \tar Food Administration. This memorandum is to point up the possible methods that might be employed by War Food Administration on behalf of the Board, in order that so-called tight items of food will be made readily avail­able to the vendor who will do our packing,

Our three-kilo parcels will contain one each of the following items:

Bisc1rl ts, K 2 pkg, ~(tin) Whole Powdered Milk (tin) Qaa.mauax.ille. (tin)

~:&oft~~) Tug~,?~~'"'·' Chocolate Bar pkg.

·Bar of Soap pkg. Multi Vitamin Capsules pkg. Sugar (cubes) pkg.

7 oz, 8 oz.

16 oz. 16 oz.

7 3/4 oz. 12 oz.

4 oz. 2 oz.

8 oz.

It is recommended that General O'Dwyer call Colonel-Olmstead as soon as possible to point out the urgency of the Board's program, together >rith the fact that the President himself has signed the directive which makes the program possible, in order to insure completely War Food Administration cooperation:



Page 94: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

Mise Hodel March 1~, 1946

l~r. 1>\cUorm.,ck ann llr, \lhita

I On March 12, 1945, Hr, lih1t~ an<l Hr, H9-'lormnok met with Messrs, Otie M, Heid, fasistant llireotor of ~lupplies, War Food Administration, and Mr, !!, \i, Prentiss, Program Liatnon, And t11o other members of their staff, with n vh•·t to securing aseurances from l-Iar Food Administration thnt they/ would asnist1our efforts to secure restricted supplies in the Bonrd'e food parcel program,

As has been pointed out in the pnat, orAlly, WAr >'ood Administration is somewhat miffed over their failure to be the procurement agency in. connection with the Board's progrnm, After much dioouooion of the obstaclen ~tanding in the WAY of performance, Hr, Prenttes;wae inntruoted by l~r. Reid to prepare a memorandum for Lt. Col. Ralph tl, Olmatend, Deputy Director, Office of Distribu~ tion, liar Food Adminhtration, Thh memoran<lum is to point up the possible methode that might be employed by War Food Administration on behalf of the Board, in order that eo-c"lled tight items of foorl will be made readily avail­able to the vendor who will do our packing,

Our three-kilo parcel& will contain one each of the follo~<ing items:

Biscuits, K 2 pkg, 7 oz. Cheese (tin) 8 oz. \/hole Powdered Milk (tin) 16 oz. Oleomargarine (tin) 16 oz. Salmon or Tuna (tin) 7 3/4 oz. Meat (tin) 12 oz. Chocolate Bar pkg, 4 oz. Bar of Soap pkg, 2 oz. Multi Vitamin Co.nsules pkg, Sugar (cubes) pkg, · 8 oz.

It is recommended thnt General O'Dwyer oall Colonel Olmstead as soon ae possible to point out the urgency of the Bo.,rd1 s progrruf, together 11ith the f~at thRt the President himself has signed the directive which mAkes the program pos .. ible, in order to insure completely liar li'ood Arlmini•tratlon cooperation,

PJMcCormack:DWhJte:agr l'~_h(_ ~



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........ ''. "'' .. ...,

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Il8tod !o:Iarch 10, 1945

Rec'd 10:08 p.~., 11th

Soc;ctary of State,

~~a shingt on.

1152, T·'larch 10, 10 p.m. x

Following is a close paraphrase of' a lhossage

·accepted from Leon Kubovli tzki, Vl9rld Jewish Congress,

for transmission to tho Department for tho lcttor' 1 s

slocision r_vgarding onnard conveyance in w11olo

or in 1Y::u;t to the ·11ar Rof'uc;oo Boc.rd for Doctors 'i/ise

and Gelman, 1834, Droac1VIay, i:!mv ·:fork City.

Since nrr~ val Genova, ondcc.vorod obtnin dnnncdinto

direct talks botV!oon oppl'opriato Gorman authorities;

Swiss Government and International Rod Cross rogc.rding-

grand scale roloase and repatriation of civilian

dotainovs and fooding action until their roloaso. I.

was .rocoi vod by Von Stoisor, President of the Conf'oder­

ation, and Isaw Burkhardt two tim.os. I conferred

Vlith numerous porsonali tios and brought ab_out shml t aneous

representations to the various National Ro.d Cross

delegations. I can advise you in confiqonco that

Burkhardt, despite his a);lpointmont as Swiss l!inistor

to Frm1ce,

DECLASSIFIED State Dept.- ~etter, 1-11·7~

By R H. Park~ Dates.E.U 1 1972

Page 97: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

. .., .. _-_·.' 1· '>

. ·~

• -2-~~1152, I.Ic.rch 10, 10 p.m., from Pnris

to France, is Pfocood~ng soon t0 confer vrith Himmlor.

bs protecting power Swiss Minister, Borl, is simul·;.

tl:moously nslcine; for interview with Himmler. I hove

assurances of Burkhnrdt and Steiger that tho number

of refugees admitted into Switzerland will not be

limited. Germany has agreed in principle, I understand,

to repatriate uncmplo~rcd civilian populations according

to notiortolitios and that first nationality has

all' cady been egrood upon. Burkhardt expects, wi,th

regard to Gorman .. Jews, to got them out as International

Rod Cross protegees. It is at Iuebock that civilicns

in northern croes arc to be c6nccntratod end tho sending

of e ship requested of tho Swedish Rod Cross. From

tho·southern regions evacuntion is expected to be dono

pertly by i>llied brmy truclm on ·returning from carryii'lg

food to VIer prisoners. SH.AEI" unfortunately prohibits

using trucks fm' carrying food to other thBn vJBr

prisoners. Uninterrupted contact of ·.h,r Refugee BoHrd

and our Europe·an offices is required on this situation.

Before releasing this messego s·ec' fi.ocrct OSS

Paris January 20, 194.5, Germany political rG~1or't from_

Swi tzorland No. Bl39S· S/8. Ii' not immediately available

contract Hauck, office of Strntegie- se1;vices, i·:ashington •



Page 98: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

;\./· ...• ' :· - L '

' ·, ._,

Page 99: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

Mr. Conrad K. Osterman Food llationing Oi't'icer Office of Pl'ioe Administration 5601 Conneotiaut Ave,, u.w. Wnohington, D. c,

Dear llr, Oeteri!Uina

APR 141945

Retutned herewith o~·e ration checks as follow111

Sugar Check #949 Margarine Check #1070 Cheese Check #l07l Pork Luncheon

Meat Check #1072 Kopher Corned

Beet' . • Check (11073

150,000 pounds 1,soo,ooo points 1,soo,ooo pointo

6751000 point11

3931 750 points

Due to development~> nbroad1 tl1e l'lnr Refugee Board .found .. it ur~eoeeea~ to procure then~ products do~eotic~ and, ther.et'ore, has no.i'urther use for· theae oertit'icatell, The Board wlehea to !'txpress itfl appreciation to you for the prompt manner in which you handled our 1·equest,.


Very tm.ly yours,_--

{Signed) Floren~~ Hodal florence Hodel

A~sistant Exeoative Direotor

Page 100: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

:~_-., .. _;l '!

c.· •. - r-



5601 Connecticut Avenue, N. ':i. Vlnshington, D , C ,

:.1i~s li'lorence Hodel 1\.ssist.ant EO<ecutive Director ','Jar Refugee 3oord l,';ashington 25, D. C.

Den.r Miss Hodel:

11\arch 7, 1945

) Purvu~~nt to your several a~1 1icu·tions, we inclose herewith ration checks as follows:

Sugar Check #949 150,000 pormds

i'-.largarine Check i/1070 1,500,000 points

Cheese Check 1/1071 1,8oo,ooo points

Pork Luncheon Check #1072 675,000 points Meat

Kosher Corned Check ;{1073 393,750 poil1ts Beef

Very truly-yours,

~~~!m~ Food Rationing Officer


Page 101: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I
Page 102: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

.~;~ . ..,

American ~baesy, London

~eorctary of State,

March 7, 1945 .J

ll35t X

, .. .,, . .,i~ONTROl GOP~

The following is for I'IRD, :FEA and Department,

1'/1 th re!erenoe to DeJ)artment 1 e mesBage No, 1554 of 14aroh

l, provided IllCC will accept responsibility for d1otr1bution and 1f these

consignments do not prejudice distribution and transportatipn of parcels

for pri?onere of war, relieL ~ub-comm1ttee appr_oveo shipment of 300,000

more food paroele by liar Refugee :Board,


llC/L: GPI·/


DECLASSIFIED Stat<dlept. Letter, 1-11-72

By R. H. Park~ Date-SE-12-21 1972

Page 103: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I



NUlllil:lllJ 2353

This m!lGssge 11as dietr1butod to· you March 8 ae No. 2354,

Pleaee note tho con act number 1B 2353 and change you.r cop:J,ea accordingly.



. I

Page 104: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

I ~--

Page 105: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I



LONDON 55 New Cavendish St., W 1

. GENEVA 37 Quai Wilson

BUENOS AIRES Corrientes 1979

JERUSALEM Vnnd Lcumi P. 0. B. 411

MONTREAL 1121 St. Catherine St. W

MEXICO CITY Sonora 1744


NEW· YORK, 23, N. Y.

CABLES: CoNcasss, Nsw YoaK

TELEPHONE: ClncLE 6 • 1900

In reply refer to: March 6, 1945 No, 344

Brig. Gen. William QIDwyer, Executive Director war Refugee Board Treasury Building Washington, D. C,

Attention: Mr. P. McCormick

Dear Sirs:

I am taking the liberty of sending you,? copy of the l~ter I have sent todat to Dr. Marc Peter of the International-Red Cross, since I know you will be in­terested in the information it contains.

May I ask you to be good enough to act along the lines of my suggestions to Dr. Peter,

Sincerely yours,


Page 106: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

Maroh 6, l9ll 6

Dr. l!aro l'eter, Delegate lnter~~tional Committee of the Red Cross in Geneva Delegation to tho U.S.A, 1645 Connecticut Avenue, N.w. l'il'ahingtor' 9, D, 0,

Dear Dr, Peter:

~'ho arrivals from the transit camp Bergen Belson (Oennany) informed us that the people there are in dangar of dying of starvation, Food parcels, they told us, are one of the moat irn~oortant means of reoauillg thdl:>li vea,

.At th" same timo we were informed, hal7aver, that the food parcels sent, very raroly arrive, The arrivaln from llergen Belson stated that out of every ten paroela sent, no more than three to five aatually reaoh their destination, Ot course, the parcels which do arr1 va, may mean tho dittarenoe batlveen the lite or death of the inmate to whom it is addressed; eo important. are these ·paroals to their very existence.

I nm drawing ;your atten.Uon to thlo matter which is of utmost ur~noy in the hOpe that. you will take up'the following su~ gest1ons1 '

1- ·Increase the number of. food parcels being sent ·to Bergen Baleen.

a.. · Seoure a guarantee. from th\3 Gel'IDaJI GoverlllDltnt to'lt the sate and a:iuledy 4e11ve'ey of then pal'cela to the inmate of' Bergen Belsen. · ..

ei .• ".Tou tor giving this matt'er' your most urgent attenU.on.

S1noere1;y YOurs,

Kll1l1' R. Gl!OSSMAN Reeoue Department


Page 107: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

•. _t,-

L, ... _ .. _,

'~-. .

Page 108: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I



MAR 5. 1~~

Dear Mr, Oeteraan1

Ae per your telephone oonver•at1on vlth one ot the Jlle!llbere ot the War llefll(l:ee Board, enoloeell. pleaee find fl ve ooplee of your tiiJ'III ll-315 coTe ring those rationed items which will be represented in the 300,000 food pr~oele that the War RefUgee Board w111 ship to the International Reel. Oro .. , .

It vill be appJeolated if you will arrange to make tho necessary o(rtltloatee &Tallable to the Board at the earlleet poeelble aoaent, ·

V e '-ey trul7 70urs,

1,,, p,Mi.tl1t1o,.q·n~~• Tiolln'1

Jl.orence Hodel Aeeietant Execut1Te Director


Mr. Conrad ~. Oeterman, Ottloe ot Price Administration, Foocl. Dhhion, 6501 Oonneotl.out Annue, N, W,, Waehington, D, o,


. I

Page 109: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I
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r :, "] ._. _ ..... (-~! ~; .. ; "'/f"'r





MES-1519 Distribution of truE rEnding only by snEcL§l arrangEmEnt. ti VI)

SEcrEtary of StatE,

Hashing ton •

/ BErn

·DatEd March 2, 1945

1345, Mar'ch 2, 11 a.m. >< I

FOR DEP:.RTI:lENT AND VIRB FROM MCCLELLAND 0 co DEpartmmtts 819, FEbruary 23 and LEgation's 1217,

FEbruary 2.4.

Following is prEliminary nnsv1Er to your 819, (

From rEcmt convErso.tions with ICRC it can bE dEfin-

itEly statEd tho.'c it is not now nEcEsso.ry to ask Swiss

GovErnnEnt to makE food suppliES for rEliEf shipmEnt to

GErmo.ny o.vailo.blE to ICRC.

601000 - 2~ kilo \JRB £arcEls havE just rEachEd GmEva

fl'Om Toulon. This makES 150 tons of rEliEf parcEls.

ICRCis Division of SpEcial AssistancE which spEcio.lizES

in rEliEf to uno.ssimilatEd groups has adEquatE suppliEs I

on ho.nd_:f'ol:'_all FrEnch o.nd BElgian 11 SchutzhaEflingE 11 in

GErmany. I

ICRC has at lEast B01000 tons of POVI rEliEf suppliEs

wardJ.Ou.sEd'in SwitzErland at prEsEnt momEnt, an amount

considErably in EXCESS of what cane_ actually bE shippEd

into GErmany during c·oming months undEr prEvailing trans­

port conditions unlEss sEVEraL htm<lrEd tr.ucks bEcomE

availablE, DECLASSIFIED State-Dipt. L_etter, t-11-72 - -

A fEW· - -By R. H: ParkS D~~ S £ P~21"1972 ;


Page 111: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

·.L ........ . ''·1lttl' ' ,--;·:r-

A fEw days ago ICRA discussEd ExhaustiVf:ly with ·~ compEtEnt Swiss authoritiES particularly from Swiss Army

t . I S availabili y of motor trucks in 'witzErland for ICRC

shipmEnts into GErmany. ThEsE convErsations rEVEalEd

that total numbEr trucks availablE to Swiss Army is only

about 1 1 500, of which somE 357 arE alrEady laid up fol'

lack of suitablE tirEs. Swiss Army has accordingly

a.lrEady bEEn forcEd rEquisition privatE VEhiclE. As

furthEr ExamplE Swiss EXpEriEncEd grEatEst difficulty in"

Equipping with tirEs twElVE hEavy duty trucks and tN\ilEr

which wErE usEd somE months a.go to movE Swiss food stuffs

from Spanish bordEr across FrancEo

ThErE is thErEforE VEry littlE prospEct of Svliss

bEing ablE furnish ICRC with trucks and cErtainly not

unlEss tirEs arE first suppliEd from outsidE•

For prisonErs of war ICRC plan to sEnd.across Swiss

bordEr into GErmany two initia.l convoys of tEn trucks Each.

OnE. convoy will go to LUEbEck carrying mainly gas and oil

to supply six trucks placEd at disposal ICRC BErlin

dElEgation by GErman authoritiES.,; ThEsE six t;rucks arE

now pErforming invaluablE sErvicE dElivEring parcEls to

AlliE:d POWS on roads and in assEmbly cmttr that rEgion.

SEcond corivoy will procEEd to Uunich al'Ea loadEd with

POVI parcEls ..•

It is not

Page 112: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

-3- ;;<1345 1 Murch 2 1 11 a .m. 1 from ·Be:rn

It is not anticipatEd that GErmans vll.ll makE any

difficultiEs for e:ntry the:se: two convoys which will lEaVE

on or about March 2.

I unde:rstand that if thEsE first two convoys gEt off I

succEssfully SHAEF in France: will agrEE to supply ICRA

with fuJ:>thEr stocks of fuEl to be: brought up from

MarsEillE in tank cars. If thErEfore: ade:quate: supply of

fuEl is availablE to ICRC it is assumEd that truck

de:live:ry of POW purce:ls into GErmany will bE rapidly ste:pp

up until majority of 100 Amcross and Canadian Re:d Cross

trucks ·availablE to ICRC in Switzerland are: in use:. In

this e:ve:nt Amor:ess V/ashington might find it possiblE to

re:le:nse: four or five: of the:se: trucks to ICRC for currying /

parcEls to unassimilate:d groups in Ge:rmany.

Should sufficiEnt trucks bEcome: availablE· to move:

150 tons of V/RB Toulon parcds into Ge:rmany within ne:xt

fe:w we:e:ks que:stion of furthEr suppliEs can arise:. You



also discuss with Amcross que:stionof

the:ir re:le:asingfromunuse:d POW cstocks in Switze:rland

60 to 80 thousand p.urce:ls for YIRB program. J.t this point

it is no.t anticipatEd that Ge:rmans will objE:ct to use: of

five: kilo par'ce:ls for unassimilate:d pErsons s:i.ricE thErE

is no longEr any que:stion of using Ge:rman postal se:rvice:.


. I

Page 113: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

' .

~' , .. :-~

LimitEd amounts of cErtain ESSEntial mEdicinES arE

availablE for purchase: in SwitzErland; ahd large:r amounts

could probably bE se:cure:d against guarante:e:s of re:place:-


ThErE is no (re:pe:at no) clothing worth mEntioning

obtainablE in Swit::Erland unlEss it be: from Amcross, or

othe:r POW suppliEs concErning volumE of which I am not

infol'mEd, Any clothing parce:ls shippEd into GErmany vlill

thErEforE have: to come: from outside:,

Iefie is in principlE quitE Willing UndErtakE dEliVEry

rEliEf supplil';s to any catEgory of accEssiblE 11 Schutzhae:­

tlinge:11 pl'ovidEd committEE is suppliEd with nEcEssary

transport EquipmEnt •

I have: take:n up quEstion of reRe organizing and

EffEctuating re:moval of physically urtfi t dEtainEEs fr'om

GErmany to SwitzErland. I e:nte:rtain, hoY/EVEr, somE

doubt concErning fEasibility this program, OutsidE of

11usy affair, Nazis have: displayEd no willingne:ss to

rElEase: civil de:taine:e:s unsuitEd for labor in ge:he:ral

although such an EVEntuality-is not e:xclude:do I have:

askEd Burkhardt of -IeRe to be:ar this imytant_re:que:st

in mind in coursE: of ne:gotia tions with Hininle:r and othe:r

GErman authoritiES, Which is hopEd hE will bE ablE UlldEr-

take: in :ri-e:ar future:,, I will inform board as soon as

possible: cohce:rning this point,


Page 114: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

I f • '-


)- -_ ·\. '.:"""'· ' .<--..

REgarding SwitzEriand's accEptancE of such additional

groups of rEfugEES as might bE ExtricatEd by ICRC undEr

this program this will bE madE subjEct of spEcial

convErsations with Swiss authoritiEs. It is my fEEling

that such discussions will havE to bE supportEd by concrEtE

assurancEs of Evacuation within a givEn timE as wEll as

granting of rapid import facilitiEs to SwitzErland for

ntc£ssary supplEmEntal food stuffs. LUttEr point will

bE discussEd with curriE l.~ission.



Page 115: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I
Page 116: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I





~ .. ;, ·. ;_

1'. ·-.



q ~41 /;-.-/.--, / AA.J_. /L t"tlf.::- .. ~<::r;':'

- /t'"J •1',('1., (._/ ,,.~<-.(.t';j.

!.1urch 2, 1945 .- .. , (/ ~7~--/I.LH-1432 1 Distribution o~45 MAR 4 tl'UE rEnding only by srciul ~lrungEmEnt 'OO/l


SEcrEtary of StatE


1346, Murch 2, Noon ;< '


REc 1d 5:22p.m.


pErforming hEuvy physical v10rk such us road buildine;

dEbris clEaring, digging of unti-tunk ditchEs und

likE, Many womEn in RiwEnsbruEck for instancE nrE

EngagEd in rEconditioning usEd clothingshippEd from

EXtEJ;'l.Jinntion camps in Pblnnc1, JEwish dEportEES uho

rEcEntly rEachEd SwitzErland from thE REsiEnstndt

rEPOl'tEd . DECLASSIFIED _State Dept. Letter, 1-11:72

By R H. Parks Dafu.s£E..:2l J972

Page 117: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I


' ..

,1\.. " .. ...,

M2~ 1!1546 1

Murch 2, noon from BE:rn

rE:portE:d huving workEd·nt SEWing GErmnn army un;lforms

und ut muking hwvy woodEn casE:s for mtlchinEry und

I J:ilcE, Again at BE:rgE:nbdsE:n somE: eatE:goriES of in"

tErnEES work whilE othErS do not,

At this timE hoWEVEr u grEnt many SH nrE inactiVE

in tErribly crowdEd assEmbly cumps having bEEn EvacuatEd

from prEvious ccunps and jobs in East,

In any spEJial rEliEf program for SH ui:ldErtak~n this momEnt ICRC plans dElivEr parcEls insofur as

pructicully possiblE only to ill und ExhuustEd SH,

Nutionul groups mEntionEd in LEgution's 1056

FEbruary 16.1

comprisE JEWS of rEspEctiVE nationalitiEs.



Page 118: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

·\w'·· . . -- ... ·o;-·: __ ;

Page 119: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

DEPARTI\1ru-!:T OF Distr11mtiN:

STATEei!.cU.ng r.:o.J.Y !\l1ran~~~· .uen1;.


....... "; -~'

OUTGOING l-hrr '[ •d815

o1 ;;;-•vs )VISION OF Wl :31Hi•?fC:'J-EGRAM 4 '. r,QENTRAL SERVICES



1945 MAR 3 PM 4 31 (!) ·~~/--1._-


1~54/ b'or \anant rrom Department, l''B,'\. and mm as HRB flO.

Reference ilep~1.rth1ent 1 n 6036, .rv.ly 31, 04lfl, Noveraber 10,

e,nil yottr 02'79, J>ugLtet 6, 10022 of Novembe:r'l6.

In trie1~ of the extx•er.~,,; urgency of extent\1ng a.<J.0.1. t'ionul I .

s.111 to unassimllated prn•eons in eneruy-contr.olle<l concentrn'ilion

" campo una in vie~r of r•ecfmtly t•eocived :reporto !'rom lntercroea

that more 'r1deap:roao. il.i~.t••ibu'Gion can he ef'i'ectuated un<1er te:rms /

of !ierle··Foot t..greeraent, ';;he Dl:!pa.r.tment, F'l>il. anil. HHB :recor.lli!encl

·t11e sltl.pnient fl'Om tk~ coui'ltry by tile 1-lc\t' Hefugee iloa:rd of an 300,000 pac1m('_;oo of tht'<>O kilca onch

~Clx1itional~~l1t~~~..<mr.:of :t'dOO.stuffs fol' tiJ.stx•ibutlon by the

{nternut1onal Hed C:ro£\El. lt is req\<eoted. t;hat .this rao.tter be I

referred ur(!;ently to the Helia.f Gull'-Comml ttee for• m.ocltarle ..

authorization to pr.oceed uitl\ th~ s prog1•am at the e.:;.rlieet pos-·

sible c1a·te.

IY!lli: HMV; KG 2/26/43


GRJ~\'1 (Acting)

_ (GL':1)


.c:i .. State.Dept. Letter, 1-11·72

By R. H. Podie DateSEP 21 1972

Page 120: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

·'" '-~·. '~


Re£-,renoe ~t•• 603'~ July 31, 9419, November 10, and your 6Z19, Au~ s, 10022 ot Nov41111ber 16.,

ln dew o£ the extrem. urgency of extending additional aid to tm­••eillil.ated persona :ln eneJD3"'001ltrolled. oonoenuat:l.011 eqpe and :ln view of recently reoe:l.wd l'eJIOI't• £1'011 Intei'OI'OIII that aore wicleepread d1e­tribl&Ucm oan be effeotv.ated under t.uu of fiel'le-foot a~t, the Dep!ll'\Mnt1 FBA and. mm riCOIIIIInd the ahipMnt 1'1'011 tbU couatey by the w.r Retug .. Board of an addlt:l.cmal. 350 tou of foodetutfe tor ditl­uibution bT the Intematicmal Red O""e~ fbie recQlllllleJ1d.atlou ill en­doraed by the Departmant, m and lllUI,. and m1 jo:lnUy and urgently l'IIQ.Ueet ~at this llllltter bl;!l refel'l'ed to the Uelief Sllb-Caalt.tee tor ~lookade suthortllat:l.cm to proceed with this program at thll euUe•t potts:l.ble date.


4:15 p.m. February_23, 1945

M:issGhauncey (for the Sec 1y), Akzin; Cohn, DUBois~ Gaston,· Hbde1, Hutchison~ JlcGormack, · O'Dilyer, Files


Page 121: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I
Page 122: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I

'·\wl.··· : ' .. ·----,-

larch 3, 194~

1 11r. Pehle

l1Be Hodel

It has been decided to eliminate the package of cigarettes from /

the ;oo.ooo three-kilo parcels which Treasury Proour .. ent D1v1aion is

currently 118ldng arrangements to purchase for the Board.

(Signed) Florence !lode!).

Page 123: fn,0 LJ7 1 ~jcf I




DATE Mar. 1, 1945

TO Miss Hodel

FBOiol J. W. Pehle


If it has been determined not to include cigarettes

in food /arcels to be acquired for the War Refugee Board I would ·

appreciate your so advising me for the reeord.

