fnb 32 day interest plus account rules

FNB 32 DAY INTEREST PLUS ACCOUNT RULES For Office Use only: These account rules only applies to the following sub products: TOA 11, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, AD, LC, A5 08/11 First National Bank - a division of FirstRand Bank Limited Reg. No. 1929/001225/06 An Authorised Financial Services and Credit Provider (NCRCP20) 6th Floor, 1 First Place, Simmonds Street, Johannesburg, 2001, South Africa For general banking enquiries - Tel: 0860 11 22 44 International +27(0)11 369 1111 Website: www.fnb.co.za FNB 32 DAY INTEREST PLUS ACCOUNT RULES Amount you must deposit into the account when you open it R 100 (one hundred rand) Your account may not fall below this balance R 100 (one hundred rand) What interest will you earn, how and when is it calculated and paid? You will earn interest at the rate determined by the bank from time to time. Interest is calculated daily. Earn two interest rate increases; one after 32 days and another after 64 days. You must tell us where we must pay you the interest you have earned at the end of each month or it will automatically be paid into this account. Can you deposit money into the account at any time? You may transfer or deposit money into this account at any time. Fees you must pay us Penalty fees will apply if you make an early withdrawal. Refer to the “Withdrawals” section of these rules. The minimum amount of time the money must stay in your account 32 days When can you withdraw money from the account? Early withdrawal of funds is not allowed. You must give us at least 32 days notice for any withdrawal. In extreme circumstances we may at our discretion allow you to withdraw funds before the end of the 32 day notice period. However, an early withdrawal will attract penalty fees as determined by us from time to time. These penalty fees may reduce your capital amount. Other You must give us at least 32 days notice if you want to withdraw money from the account or if you want to close the account. You can give us notice in the following ways: Instruct your nearest FNB branch or contact our call centre or if you are registered for telephone or internet banking you can notify us on those service channels. Note: The Savings & Investment Account General Terms & Conditions also apply to you. A copy of these terms & conditions is available on www.fnb.co.za or from our call centre. VOORWAARDES VIR DIE FNB 32 DAE RENTE PLUS REKENINGE Die bedrag wat u in die rekening moet deponeer wanneer die rekening oopgemaak word. R100 (een honderd rand) U rekening mag nooit minder as die saldo wees nie. R100 (een honderd rand) Hoeveel rente sal u verdien? Hoe en wanneer word dit bereken? Wanneer word dit uitbetaal? U sal rente verdien teen die rentekoers wat ons van tyd tot tyd sal bepaal. Die rente word daagliks bereken. Verdien twee rentkoers verhogings, eerste verhoging na 32 dae, en a tweede verhoging na 64 dae. U moet ons inlig wat aan die einde van elke maand met die rente gedoen moet word anders sal dit outomaties in dié rekening in betaal word. Kan u enige tyd geld in die rekening deponeer? U mag enige tyd oorplasings of deposito‟s maak. Fooie wat u aan ons moet betaal Fooie sal gevra word as u vroeë onttrekkings maak. Verwys na die “Onttrekkings” afdeling van die voorwaardes. Die minimum tydperk wat die geld in u rekening moet wees 32 dae Wanneer kan u geld uit die rekening onttrek? Vroeë onttrekkings word nie toegelaat nie. U moet ons minstens 32 dae kennisgewing gee voordat u enige geld kan onttrek. In buitengewone omstandighede sal ons volgens eie diskresie „n vroeë onttrekking toelaat voor die einde van die 32 dae tydperk te maak. Let daarop dat ‟n fooi gevra sal word. Die fooi sal deur ons bepaal word en kan u kapitale bedrag verminder. Ander U moet ons minstens 32 dae kennisgewing gee as u geld wil onttrek of die rekening wil sluit. U kan dit as volg doen: Gee die instruksies aan u naaste FNB-tak of skakel ons Oproepsentrum. As u geregistreer is vir Telefoonbankdienste of Online Banking (ons Internetbankdienste) kan u dit gebruik om ons in kennis te stel. Nota: Die Algemene Terme en Voorwaardes van die Spaar- en Beleggingsrekeninge kan ook op u van toepassing wees. ‟n Afskrif hiervan is beskikbaar op ons webtuiste by www.fnb.co.za of u kan ons Oproepsentrum skakel.

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Post on 19-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Fnb 32 day interest plus account rules


These account rules only applies to the following sub products: TOA 11, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, AD, LC, A5 08/11

First National Bank - a division of FirstRand Bank Limited Reg. No. 1929/001225/06 An Authorised Financial Services and Credit Provider (NCRCP20) 6th Floor, 1 First Place, Simmonds Street, Johannesburg, 2001, South Africa For general banking enquiries - Tel: 0860 11 22 44 International +27(0)11 369 1111

Website: www.fnb.co.za


Amount you must deposit into the account

when you open it

R 100 (one hundred rand)

Your account may not fall below this balance R 100 (one hundred rand)

What interest will you earn, how and when is

it calculated and paid?

You will earn interest at the rate determined by the bank from time to time. Interest is

calculated daily. Earn two interest rate increases; one after 32 days and another after 64

days. You must tell us where we must pay you the interest you have earned at the end of

each month or it will automatically be paid into this account.

Can you deposit money into the account at

any time?

You may transfer or deposit money into this account at any time.

Fees you must pay us Penalty fees will apply if you make an early withdrawal. Refer to the “Withdrawals” section of

these rules.

The minimum amount of time the money

must stay in your account

32 days

When can you withdraw money from the


Early withdrawal of funds is not allowed. You must give us at least 32 days notice for any

withdrawal. In extreme circumstances we may at our discretion allow you to withdraw funds

before the end of the 32 day notice period. However, an early withdrawal will attract penalty

fees as determined by us from time to time. These penalty fees may reduce your capital


Other You must give us at least 32 days notice if you want to withdraw money from the account or if

you want to close the account. You can give us notice in the following ways: Instruct your

nearest FNB branch or contact our call centre or if you are registered for telephone or internet

banking you can notify us on those service channels.

Note: The Savings & Investment Account General Terms & Conditions also apply to you. A copy of these terms & conditions is available on

www.fnb.co.za or from our call centre.


Die bedrag wat u in die rekening moet

deponeer wanneer die rekening oopgemaak


R100 (een honderd rand)

U rekening mag nooit minder as die saldo

wees nie.

R100 (een honderd rand)

Hoeveel rente sal u verdien? Hoe en

wanneer word dit bereken? Wanneer word

dit uitbetaal?

U sal rente verdien teen die rentekoers wat ons van tyd tot tyd sal bepaal. Die rente word

daagliks bereken. Verdien twee rentkoers verhogings, eerste verhoging na 32 dae, en a

tweede verhoging na 64 dae. U moet ons inlig wat aan die einde van elke maand met die

rente gedoen moet word anders sal dit outomaties in dié rekening in betaal word.

Kan u enige tyd geld in die rekening


U mag enige tyd oorplasings of deposito‟s maak.

Fooie wat u aan ons moet betaal Fooie sal gevra word as u vroeë onttrekkings maak. Verwys na die “Onttrekkings” afdeling

van die voorwaardes.

Die minimum tydperk wat die geld in u

rekening moet wees

32 dae

Wanneer kan u geld uit die rekening onttrek? Vroeë onttrekkings word nie toegelaat nie. U moet ons minstens 32 dae kennisgewing gee

voordat u enige geld kan onttrek. In buitengewone omstandighede sal ons volgens eie

diskresie „n vroeë onttrekking toelaat voor die einde van die 32 dae tydperk te maak. Let

daarop dat ‟n fooi gevra sal word. Die fooi sal deur ons bepaal word en kan u kapitale bedrag


Ander U moet ons minstens 32 dae kennisgewing gee as u geld wil onttrek of die rekening wil sluit.

U kan dit as volg doen: Gee die instruksies aan u naaste FNB-tak of skakel ons

Oproepsentrum. As u geregistreer is vir Telefoonbankdienste of Online Banking (ons

Internetbankdienste) kan u dit gebruik om ons in kennis te stel.

Nota: Die Algemene Terme en Voorwaardes van die Spaar- en Beleggingsrekeninge kan ook op u van toepassing wees. ‟n Afskrif hiervan is

beskikbaar op ons webtuiste by www.fnb.co.za of u kan ons Oproepsentrum skakel.