foedumed: working practices, 38-16


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What is Tele-working Its just another way of saying working from home Fact: in the year 2005 11% of the working population in Europe was working home using ICT

How has new technology developments affected people?

Enabled them to become less tied to an office to do their work Ability to communicate with colleagues via VPN which is virtual private network from a distance has allowed

employees to work away from the office a grater period of time

What do you need?

Pc with internet access Access to e-mail Fax machine Landline phone Mobile phone Printer Scanner Appropriate software

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Who can work from home? Professional services tax advice or legal advice Writing book/Editing Translation of documents Technical customer support Telesales marketing Computer programming Qualities required to work from home The person must be able to manage their line well The must be well motivated The must have good communication skills They must have good self discipline They must have good time management skill Remote working People live a distance way from the office

How do these workers stay connected with the office?

Devices that have wireless networking capabilities Mobile telephones Remote working users

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Can use a PDA to email their report can use a sophisticated database work processing software Doctors. Use laptops with wife and are able to connect to the high security VPN Access patient records Travelling Salesman. Can use their mobile phone to contact other salesman RAS it stand for remote Access services At a allows the workers to access their desktop on their own PC when \they are way from home or form the office Public Network There are couple of things that a company must be cautions about before they can allow person Office based working Will the worker spend their wisely or will they just watch television Is the data with them safe or confidential if it is being transmitted outside the company? Professional terms. A number of employees fear their jobs, feeling that if they are out of daily routine they might

be easier to lay off when the company is looking to make.

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What things necessary in an office?

Desktop computes connected to a LAN or WAN Internet Email facilities Networked printers Video Conferencing What is video conference? It is the electronic equivalent of a conventional conference. What are the essential components? Standard pc (with keyboard and mouse) Monitor speakers network connection webcam microphone video conferencing Uses of video conferencing In education In medical applications In business Type of video conferencing Individual access to the conference Groups are involved rather then individuals

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Phone conferencing There conferences can be held by. Mobile telephone landline telephones VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) What is required to have a phone conference? The person who organize the conference is proved with 2 PIN Personal PIN Participant PIN VOIP. This is when you can use the internet as way of communicating

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Advantage. International calls or long distance calls are the same price as a local call if not free.


Can only make the call if the person on the other end uses the same ISP. ISP’s do not allow you to make emergency calls. Instant messaging What is instant messaging? It is the exchange of text message between 2 or more people logged into a specific IM service

What does it required?

User name password

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Faxing? Fax is a short form for Facsimile Transmission It is connected to a phone line The documents is scanned The fax machine on the other end then prints it out. Electronic Faxing The internet can be used for faxing The user print the document directly to the faxing software The user can then either receive this as a fax on their fax machine or if they have the

same software they can use it to convert the document in a form that can be stored.Advantages. Same time of going to the fax machine in order to receive or send fax Running cost is lower Confidential faxes are slower You don’t necessarily have to be in the office to collect the fax

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