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FoF 2014 – Sponsored by

2013 in review

Safety statistics business jets


�A good year, “only” 8 major accidents

�23 fatalities


20FEB 2013Hawker Beechcraft 390

Thompson, Georgia, USA

Missed approach, hit a utility pole

Both pilots survived, all 5 passengers killed

Source: Aviation Safety Network

04MAR 2013Hawker Beechcraft 390

Annemasse, France

VFR, high nose, excessive bank, stall after takeoff

1 pilot and 1 passenger in pilot seat killed

1 passenger survived

Source: Aviation Safety Network

17MAR 2013Hawker Beechcraft 390

South Bend, Indiana, USA

No hydraulics, several systems inop

Main landing gear not extended

2 pilots killed, 2 passengers survivedSource: Aviation Safety Network

05MAY 2013Learjet 60

Valencia, Venezuela

3km short of RWY10

Unknown nature

2 pilots killedSource: Aviation Safety Network

29SEP 2013Cessna Citation 525

Santa Monica, California, USA

Veered off the RWY after landing

1 pilot/3 passengers killed

Source: Aviation Safety Network

18OCT 2013Cessna Citation 500

Derby, Kansas, USA

Enroute, unknown

1 pilot/1 passenger killed

Source: Aviation Safety Network

19NOV 2013Learjet 35

Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA

Unsuccessful return, MAYDAY called

2 pilots/2 passengers killedSource: Aviation Safety Network

17DEC2013Raytheon 390

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Unsuccessful return

Declined emergency equipment

1 Pilot/1 passenger killedSource: Aviation Safety Network

Helikopter 2013 - 2014

�Havarier og alvorlige hendelser relevante for

norsk luftfart.

Eurocopter AS350B3 LN-OVO



�Persontransport i


�5 POB – alle ok.

�Hit slope during turn.

Eurocopter AS332L2


�Near Sumburgh, Shetland

�2800 M, SCT 002 BKN 003

�Lost speed, descended rapidly, struck in level pitch �Lost speed, descended rapidly, struck in level pitch

with engines developing power

�14 rescued, 4F

Eurocopter Bo105S


�McClure Straits, Canada

�Canadian Coast Guard, research vessel Amundsen

�Ice recce, not�Ice recce, not

return to ship.

Sikorsky S-92A

�9/9-2013 (incident only)


�Bristow Norway

�Diversion to unmanned platform due to warning�Diversion to unmanned platform due to warning

lights and reduced cooling of gear box oil.

�14 POB – ok.

Eurocopter EC135T2+



�Bond Air Services/Police Scotland

�Cleared RTB after search.�Cleared RTB after search.

�Dual engine flameout

over housing

�10 F (3 + 7),

�32 hospitalized,

�14 serious



�Bintula, Malaysia, MHS Aviation

�Ditched 92NM -> MV Viking, offshore due to wx?

�8 POB – all ok. Norw. pax, exploration, rescued by �8 POB – all ok. Norw. pax, exploration, rescued by


Sikorsky S-61A4



�Ditched after maintenance check

�4 POB – alle ok.�4 POB – alle ok.

Eurocopter EC135P2+


�Sollihøgda, Buskerud

�Norsk Luftambulanse

�Wirestrike during approach -> pitch link failure, �Wirestrike during approach -> pitch link failure,

uncontrollable descent.

�3 POB – 2F

Bell 412SP


�Mansukum, Panama

�3 AM Aeronaval military anti-drug mission,

chasing beached boat occupants.chasing beached boat occupants.

�9 POB – 1F.

Eurocopter BK117C1


�Baltic Sea, NE Germany, German Air Rescue

�Impacted sea during approach for pick-up from

rescue vesselrescue vessel

�1 OK – 3 F

Eurocopter AS332B


�Off Canary Islands, 30 NM SW Fuerteventura

�Spanish Military impacted sea during hoisting

training missiontraining mission

�1 OK – 4 missing

2013 in review


�Flight Safety Foundation

�Aviation Safety Network

�May use pictures but not on printed material�May use pictures but not on printed material

Airliner accident Fatalities 1989-2013



























1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013


730 778702


597 583


638 last

decade507 457


2012 extremely safe year for aviation,

2013 even better

�2013: 29 fatal airliner accidents, resulting in 265


�2012: 23 fatal airliner accidents, resulting in 475 �2012: 23 fatal airliner accidents, resulting in 475


�Since 1997 the average number of airliner

accidents has shown a steady and persistent

decline. Why do you think?

29APR 2013 NAC B747 Bagram AFB

�The airplane attained a very steep nose-up

attitude immediately after takeoff RWY 03

�It rolled left and right and entered a stall,

descending towards the ground until it struck descending towards the ground until it struck

the ground near the end of the runway,

bursting into flames

�POB 7 fatalities 7

06JUL 2013 Asiana SFO

�Flaps 30 and gear down, target threshold speed 137 knots

�Throttles autothrottle armed, at 1600 feet the autopilot was disengaged

�Speed 149 kts at 1000 feet�Speed 149 kts at 1000 feet

�500 feet, 34 seconds prior to impact, speed 134 kts the airspeed then dropped significantly, reaching 118 knots at 200 feet altitude.

�The instructor pilot reported that he noticed four red PAPI lights and concluded that the autothrottle had not maintained speed.

06JUL 2013 Asiana SFO

� Eight seconds prior to impact, throttles were moved forward, airspeed 112 knots at an altitude of 125 feet.

� Seven seconds prior to impact, one of the crew members: increase speed.

� The stick shaker sounded 4 seconds prior to impact

� One second later the speed was 103 knots, the lowest � One second later the speed was 103 knots, the lowest recorded by the FDR

� One of the crew members made a call for go a around at 1.5 seconds before impact. The throttles were advanced and the engines appeared to respond normally.

� The main landing gear and rear fuselage then struck a sea wall, just short of runway 28L. Airspeed was 106 knots. The empennage separated at the rear bulkhead.

Monitoring automation is a

demanding task in it selfdemanding task in it selfDavid Learmount

Flight Training and Development Guide 2014



By Robert Ramm


City University and

Captain B777

Boeing Flight Crew Training Manual

Boeing Flight Crew Operating Manual

�Flight Level Change:

V/S (Vertical Speed):

� Only available when Autothrottle is controlling


� Is not available:

� With the Autothrottle Arm Switches off.

Autothrottle Wakeup

� With the Autothrottle Arm Switches off.

� When pitch mode is controlling speed:



� Below 400 ft above the airport on Takeoff, or

� Below 100 ft RA on an Approach

Boeing 777 Mode Control Panel

2.Flight Level Change

3. Autothrottle

1.Vertical Speed

Autopilot disconnected • Flaps 20

Intercept hdg• LOC captured

During Descent• F/ D OFF and then• F/ D On on PM side • F/D OFF on PF side• Above profile• V/S increased 1500FPM

•MAA 3000 selected on MCP



Descent Profile and MCP Manipulation according to FDR

Just prior to descent open VS/FPA windowV/S set 1000 FPM


200 Feet


• Flaps 20•Gear Down

•FLCH selected

Approaching intercept hdg

• Flap 5 •Speed 180 kts

4000 Feet

1600 Feet82 seconds

•Flaps 30

1ooo FeetSpeed:149 Kts54 seconds

500 FeetSpeed:134 Kts Target: 139 34 seconds

200 FeetSpeed:118 Kts Target: 139 16 secondsBelow Profile

125 FeetSpeed:112 Kts Target: 139 8 secondsBelow Profile

STICK-SHAKERTOGA buttons pressed / Go Around Iniated

With MCP Altitude above airplane altitude, FLCH SPDwill

- add thrust to climb to target altitude

- autothrottle engages in “THR” mode (incl. FMA annunciation)

Simulator Findings

- manually overriding throttles will revert to autothrottle “HOLD”

- in “HOLD” autothrottle will not control speed

- if F/D on, pitch-bar will command climb to target altitude.

- Autothrottle-Wake-Up is not active; NO SPEED PROTECTION!!

• After STICK-SHAKER activation below RA 125 ft

and RA 90 with IAS at 112 Kts and the aircraft at

RA 50 ft, pressing TOGA-switches (and iniatiting a

GO-Around) will not recover the situation

Simulator Findings......

GO-Around) will not recover the situation

• At any stage a failure of the autothrottle system

is accompanied with a MASTER CAUTION Light,

caution sound and an EICAS-message

� Nothing wrong with the aircraft!

� Everything the aircraft did is in the books

� Automation – man machine

Sum up

We need real books again....We need real books again....We need real books again....We need real books again....

”PLEASE management” MKj”PLEASE management” MKj

Asiana says jet partly to blame for crash

� In its filing Monday 31MAR 2013, Asiana told investigators that something happened to the autopilot device when the plane was at 1,600 feet, for an unknown reason," the autopilot issued an order that commanded the plane to climb to 3,000 feet, the airline said

� Two of the three pilots in the cockpit said they did not � Two of the three pilots in the cockpit said they did not remember pressing TOGA

� In its filing with the safety board, Boeing said the third pilot in the cockpit said it was possible he had pushed the button. Boeing contends that the cockpit's voice recorder captured the sound of the button being pressed as the plane reached the 1,600-foot level

Asiana says jet partly to blame for crash

� Three seconds after the button was activated, PF, shut off the autopilot and told the crew he was going to land manually.

� He expected the jet's auto-throttle device to maintain a safe speed, Asiana saidsafe speed, Asiana said

� But the auto throttle "surprisingly" shut down in the process, and no alarm sounded right away in the cockpit, the airline said

� With its speed dropping, the aircraft descended too quickly and came up short of the runway. The warning alarm eventually went off, 11 seconds before impact

Asiana says jet partly to blame for crash

�Nothing wrong with the A/C

�This is automation!

�Pilots need to know the different modes and what the A/C does in these modeswhat the A/C does in these modes

�Result Auto Throttle change ?

�More here Learmount Blog:





25FEB 2014 Asiana fined 500.000$

�Asiana Airlines, was fined US$500,000 for negligence in assisting families of passengers

�Asiana took two full days to successfully contact the families of just three-quarters of contact the families of just three-quarters of the passengers and several passengers were not contacted until five days following the crash."

�Asiana said it acknowledges its lapses in failing to quickly notify families of passengers

12JUL 2013 Ethiopian B787 fire LHR

17NOV 2013 B737 Kazan Airport� During the approach to Kazan's runway 11/29 the airplane was 'not

in a position to land

� TOGA (Take Off/Go Around) mode was selected and the autopilot switched off. The engines spooled up to takeoff power and the crew raised the flaps from 30° to 15°.

� The airplane began to climb and the pitch angle increased to 25°

� When the airspeed reached 125 knots, the crew reacted by pushing the control column forward. Up until that moment, from the the control column forward. Up until that moment, from the execution of the go around, the crew had not used the flight controls.

� From 700 m the airplane entered a nose down attitude, reaching a -75° pitch and impacted the ground at a speed of 450 km/h.

� Time from the start of the go-around to the impact with the ground was 45 seconds.

� The investigation is ongoing.

29NOV 2013 Embraier 190 Mozambique

� Preliminary investigation indicate that the accident was intentional

� Co-pilot left the cockpit to the washrooms.

� The captain then manually changed flight altitude from 38,000 feet to an altitude of 592 feet below ground level. He did this three times, according to investigators. He did this three times, according to investigators.

� He retarded throttles to idle, selected Vmo

� One the cockpit voice recorder sounds were heard of someone pounding on the cockpit door.

� Rumours on several web sites: � Captain's son had died about a year prior to the accident

� Serious marital problems.

A look in the mirror......

10FEB 2011 A Virtual Airline, a Real Crash

�Manx2 on A/C

�The flight attendants said, "Welcome said, "Welcome aboard this Manx2 flight.”

�Headrests and pilots' ties had Manx2 on it

�Manx2 was formed in 2006 on the Isle of Man

�Its planes flew between such cities as

Blackpool, Cardiff, Newcastle and Cork as well

as to the Isle of Man itself

10FEB 2011 A Virtual Airline, a Real Crash

as to the Isle of Man itself

�Then one of its planes crashed, killing the

pilots and four others, and Manx2 said it

wasn't an airline after all. It was resolutely

earthbound, a mere ticket seller.

�"Passenger comfort and safety is our prime concern," a promotional video said

�But the accident report says this was all an illusion, noting "systemic deficiencies at the operational, organizational and regulatory levels."

10FEB 2011 A Virtual Airline, a Real Crash

operational, organizational and regulatory levels." No one was really in charge.

�The plane, was owned by a Spanish bank and leased to a Spanish company. It was then subleased to another Spanish company, Flightline, which in essence rented the plane and pilots to Manx2.

�Neither pilot was fully rested, so fatigue may have been a factor in the crash on a foggy morning at Cork, Ireland.

�The pilots did not have an adequate back-up

10FEB 2011 A Virtual Airline, a Real Crash

�The pilots did not have an adequate back-up plan involving alternate airports.

�The plane crashed on its third attempt at landing, one wing striking the ground first. The plane went upside down and went into the mud. All the fatalities were in the front

�The BBC investigation also noted that Manx2 had bragged in a news release that it could land planes in fog when other airlines would not.

10FEB 2011 A Virtual Airline, a Real Crash

�Manx2 no longer exists, it rebranded itself as CityWing, flying most of the same routes. "Manx2 customers have been assured it is business as usual," an Isle of Man paper reported in discussing the change.

24JUL 2010 CF-18 at Lethbridge

�Capt Brian Bews was practicing a daring low

altitude pass called the high alpha pass –

performed at very low-speed close to the

ground ahead of air show at Lethbridgeground ahead of air show at Lethbridge

County Airport, 130 miles south of Calgary,

when the plane's engine stalled.

�Smoke is from the canopy rocket motors.

�See canopy, seat rocket 2/10th of a second

�See head,


�Seat rocket burns 2/10th of a second

�Flame shooting out of the left engine . . its

'last gasp'.'last gasp'.

�There goes the seat above the fireball

03MAR 2014 AA at DFW

�As it was being towed to the gate, the jet's left

wing struck a concrete pillar that supports the


�No injuries were reported during this incident.�No injuries were reported during this incident.

3MAR 2014 MH370 B777 ”lost”

�The plane's last ping to a satellite was on

March 8 at 8:11 a.m. Malaysian time

�Malaysian military radar showed the plane

climbing to 45,000 feet soon after climbing to 45,000 feet soon after

disappearing from civilian radar screens and

then dropping to 23,000 feet before climbing

again, the official said.

Aftermath of MH370

�Visitors in cockpit, four pilots lose licence (India)

�Satellite spots ”elements” in the sea

�Math triangulation [Inmarsat & John Zweck]

�Speculation’s �Speculation’s



FoF 2014 – Sponsored by