fold and kinds

Folds 1

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Fold and Kinds of folds


Folds1Fold Folds form from curving, buckling, and bending of originally planar rock layers (e.g., beds, foliation) through ductile deformation. Practically, folds are defned by the attitude of theiraxis and/or hingeline, axial plane Folds occur in any geologic layer such as bedding, lava fow layers, foliation. Folds range in size from mm to km. Are a manifestation of ductile deformation. i.e., form at depth where T,are high and fracturing does not occur.2Single Folded Surface Hingeline !ines "oining points of ma#imum (tightest) curvature n!ection lines !ines connecting points of $ero curvature Half"#a$elength%distance between two infection points Fold domains% are separated by the infection lines These fold terminologies are only based on geometry% %ntiform%&omains with upward closure (' curvature) Synform%&omains with downward closure (( curvature) &eutral fold%Fold that closes sideways3Single Folded Surface ' %nticline A fold with the oldest rocks at the core (i.e., at the concave side). Syncline A fold with the youngest rocks at the core. Note%)n simply'folded areas, anticlines are generally antiformal, and synclines are synformal. *owever, in refolded areas this is not generally the case. %ntiformal syncline Synformal anticline4HingelineA special fold a#is, connecting points of ma#imum curvature on the folded surface *ingeline is a physical line that can be marked on the folded layer with a pen and be measured directly with a geologic compass5Folds in (ulti"layers)n a multi'layered folded rock, every folded layer has its own hingeline A plane that contains all these hingelines is called the hinge plane (or hinge surface if curved)Hinge plane may or may not be parallel to the axial plane6Fold %xis An imaginary line that generates the fold if it is moved parallel to itself in space Fold axis makes sense only for cylindrical folds +ost folds are non'cylindrical at a large scale These can be broken into smaller cylindrical parts (domains or segments) %xis (ln) is de,ned by the intersection of the% A#ial plane (-.) (or a#ial plane cleavage if it e#ists) with the folded layer (-.), i.e, (-.#-o) !imbs (-n) of the fold (-n#-n), where n could be any generation (/, ., 0, 1) 7Fold Shape )ightness%)s de,ned by the interlimb angle nterlimb angle%The angle between the tangents to the fold surface drawn through the infection lines8Shape Interlimb anglegentle 180o-120oopen 120o-70oclose 70o-30otight 30o - 0oisoclinal 0oelastica Negative valuesP*)+,-. Folds and its kindsFolds result from the plastic deformation of rocks at low strain'rates, usually under elevated temperature and pressure conditions. Folds are broadly subdivided into anticlines (upwards conve#) and synclines (downwards conve#). /epartment 0f Petroleum technology1ni$ersity of 2arachiFold %ttitudeThe attitude of a fold is given by the attitude of its%A#ial plane (strike, dip)*ingeline (trend, plunge) 2ertical fold% vertical a#ial plane and vertical a#is 3pright plunging% vertical a#ial plane, plunging a#is 3pright hori$ontal% vertical a#ial plane, hori$ontal a#is )nclined plunging% inclined a#ial plane, plunging a#is )nclined hori$ontal% inclined a#ial plane, hori$ontal a#is 4eclined% plunging a#is trends along the dip of the inclined a#ial plane 4ecumbent fold% hori$ontal a#is and a#ial planeFolds are classifed based on the relati$e $alues of the dip of the axial plane, and the plunge of the hingeline10)ypes of Folds(onocline%A local steepening in otherwise uniformly dipping strata.soclinal fold%!imbs are parallel to the a#ial plane.3ecumbent fold%Fold with hori$ontal a#ial plane.5ommonly isoclinal.Symmetric vs. asymmetric folds.11Symmetric FoldsThe median plane and the axial plane are perpendicular, and the a#ial plane divides the fold into mirror 6uarter wavesPolyharmonic fold%Fold waves with two or more orders of wavelengths and amplitude.!arge polyharmonic folds have parasitic (smaller) fold.12-tructural 7eology-tructural geologists are concerned with why parts of the 8arth have been bent into folds and others have been broken by faults.+apping of these structures provides important information to land managers and mineral e#ploration.3nderstanding of these features help us understand the dynamic 8arth.late TectonicsTectonic -tructures+ost structures are driven by the forces of late TectonicsThe kinds of structures are determined by%Temperature and pressure5omposition!ayeringAnisotropy or )sotropy of the layersAmount of fuids presentTectonic -tructures&uctile deformation produces%Folds&uctile Faults5leavagesFoliation9rittle &eformation5ertain types of folds9rittle Faults:oints-tructural 7eologySubdisciplines of Structural 4eologyField 3elations +ake accurate geologic maps +easure orientations of small structures to inform us of the shape of larger structures -tudy the se6uence of development and superposition of di;erent kinds of structures3ock (echanics < the application of physics to the study of rock materials.)ectonic and 3egional Structural 4eology < -tudy of mountain ranges, parts of entire continents, trenches and island arcs, oceanic ridgesApplications of -tructural 7eology8ngineering )ssues9ridges&amsower lants*ighway 5uts!arge 9uildings Airports8nvironmental )ssues8arth6uake ha$ard!ocation of land,ll sites5ontamination cleanup&istribution of groundwater+ineral e#ploration-cale in -tructural 7eology (icroscopic < =eed magni,cation Foliation, +icro folds (esoscopic < *and specimens and outcrops Foliation, Folds, Faults (acroscopic < +ountainside to map levels 9asins, domes, +etamorphic 5ore 5omple#es =on'penetrative structures < not present on all scales Faults )solated folds enetrative structures < found on any scale that we chose to study -laty cleavage Foliation -ome folds parallelsimilar?displacementthrowHeave Fault offsets - the jargonExercise 3: interpret the faultsfolds exist at all scales from < mm to entire mountain rangesw! do folds exist"what do they tell usabout kinematicsfrom# tt$#%%eart&leeds&ac&u'%learnstructure%index&tm(ot from# tt$#%%www&stmar!s&ca%academic%science%geolog!%structural%ow do te! form"wat does it mean for regional anal!sis"folded surface# (asic geometric elementslim(ingetrougcrestinflection $oint# were senseof curvature cangesinge line# werecurvature is greatestenvelo$ing surface#defines limit of foldenvelo$ing surface )s!nform* )connect trougs*envelo$ing surface)antiform*)connect crests*s!nform# +valle!,antiform# +ill,(ot from# tt$#%%eart&leeds&ac&u'%learnstructure%index&tmanticlinorium# regionals!nclinorium# regionalc!lindrical fold#surface wra$s $artwa! around c!linder-inge line is straigtonl! reall! exist at outcro$ scale or lessingescurvilinear fold# curved inge line)nonc!lindrical*note hinge line can moveparallel to itself and stillbe within folded surface;generates foldare folds in $otogra$ c!lindrical"all from# tt$#%%eart&leeds&ac&u'%learnstructure%index&tmc!lindrical#move (aton$arallel to $a$eronl! . as straigt inge linehinge lines not always straightfrom# /avis and 0e!nolds1 1226from# tt$#%%eart&leeds&ac&u'%learnstructure%index&tmwavelengtinterlim( angleam$litudesome fold $arameters defined in te $rofile $lane#interlim( angle gives 3ualitative estimate of intensit! of folding- 4smaller te angle1 greater te intensit!wavelengt# distance (etween inges of successive foldsam$litude# alf eigt of structure measured from crest to trougfold $rofile $lane#$er$endicular to inge line- reference $lanetrue shape of fold in 2Duse to descri(e# 5 ow tigt is fold 5 ow rounded is foldnote fold profile planenot same as cross section--cross section an! vertical $lane-if inge line $lunges )as ere*- cross section is not $rofile $lane(ot from# tt$#%%eart&leeds&ac&u'%learnstructure%index&tmaxialsurfacefold axis and axial surfacefold axis#line tat 6oins$oints of maximum curvatureon folded surfacefor cylindrical folds: fold axis = hinge lineaxial surface# imaginar! surfacetat 6oins inge lines of differentfolded surfaces )la!ers*t!$icall! called axial $lane1 (ut not alwa!s a $lanar surface fold axisintersection of axial surface with groundoutcrop is axial traceall from# tt$#%%eart&leeds&ac&u'%learnstructure%index&tmexam$les of axial surfaces.# axial $lane/#sows axial tracefor (otcross-sectionandma$ viewaxial trace is whatwe measurefrom# /avis and 0e!nolds1 12267# curvi$lanar surface)s!stematic*8# curvi$lanar surface)non-s!stematic*two exam$les of folds witinge lines andaxial surfacesfrom# /avis and 0e!nolds1 1226to name fold1 need to 'now facing4 to name fold1 need to 'now facing4!oungerolderolder!ounger!ounging direction!ounging direction s!ncline)s!nform wit normal facing* s!nformal anticline)s!nform wit reverse facing1 aging li'e anticline* antiformal s!ncline)anticline wit reverse facing*)aging li'e s!ncline*anticline )antiform wit normal facing*all from# tt$#%%eart&leeds&ac&u'%learnstructure%index&tmclassification of folds# fold shapes !cylindrical vs" non#cylindrical$fold facing !upward and downward#facing$fold sa$e in $rofile $lanefold orientation )di$ of axial $lane*all from# tt$#%%eart&leeds&ac&u'%learnstructure%index&tmu$rigtinclinedinclinedrecum(entfold orientation# fold axis ori9ontalfrom# tt$#%%eart&leeds&ac&u'%learnstructure%index&tmfrom# tt$#%%eart&leeds&ac&u'%learnstructure%index&tmfrom tt$#%%www&stmar!s&ca%academic%science%geolog!%structural%from# tt$#%%eart&leeds&ac&u'%learnstructure%index&tmif fold axis is not ori9ontal1 folds are said to (e $lungingfold orientation# $lunge of fold axisori9ontal# 0-10: sallow# 10-30:intermediate# 30-60:stee$#60-80:vertical# 80-20:$lunging foldto classif! fold com$letel!1 use di$ of axial surface and$lunge of fold axisfrom# tt$#%%eart&leeds&ac&u'%learnstructure%index&tm from#van der ;lui6m and 10:* to envelo$ing surface# s!mmetric if axial surface < 80: to envelo$ing surface# as!mmetric$arasitic folds often as!mmetric- as!mmetr! de$ends on larger foldnote for asymmetric folds% crest and hinge are not the sameall from# tt$#%%eart&leeds&ac&u'%learnstructure%index&tm