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COhiROL"COPY Li:::;c, September l, l 944.



Su.bj6ct: Informally 8Xpressed L~titude of FC1r·eit;n C_:'fic:e officir~l c-:.::~cc,rniE~= ~-c.:'~-lbility 'J-:: rece~.ti:: ... t:1 Peru 0f cbilclrcn of I!ur.,_:c,;-}IHi nhtior,ality,

'I\i-= ~-;'~c 1'·"'-t:-~ry of S ': -'l-tf'. ~~·~!~i~~ton, D. C.

~ r:. r_ ve t~-e ~-one- r t.:.. !~•:.rcl' to t'ue D:: --::~-::>.rtk-c:··1t t :~ ';: r:~ '..Ll.::r tsle­gran of A<L~nst 1:0, P ?•!'!", .Cirs:;tinc ne t.n q·,c),c-r(.,,i;\ i.C ~il a(trH­tion to 8 l i1r•i t.:;d !!LL·~bcr of r~~ .fazex --~ \.i :lf .. .:'~:n _ \-. F-··s1~c :~ :_ ;x· _dt;;!lt;ian r.ctionnl i ~~Y ·.-:,.._ ic~~ the Pfr~·,_Ti;J:, '}:.-·r0:r.; ... n~-'!:: L ~ . .:-.G. t.r:-~ 1J2'~--~.ssf~ w::.ll.!.;:.Gness to CtCCe~-t:. u:~drr ~s:::-t~i:1 ~;:-._:-: '-~~ti~<1D. t~:o ~:r.J'.lf! .·i·-).t bQ ~·,A;:• 1l~otC to include rcf·:ce?- cl:i_l·~~·orl o::' h:.u..t:-~ri~:_;:l :_.:.:.'!!"~olit_:.r.

I~ thE: :l·~;.·le r•.·";cn_..d I ~J.~ :·1tJlc tc: in-:·~,rw ~2k' .:._~l~!--~·r·t..n·.;I~t t~::.ut, ~·ihile (.::. ·:.r~_tt<?r:. cc:.:I.:-.inic::..:t!~(J."-'- ~-.r_ t:~E st.>bject. f,_!.• 1 !'C>LJ-·.-.]J-' t.:.('!.drt_.t::..;sed to the Fcre:-~-~-.::. Offic~· (A,,;·-.~~- 14, 1944) to ,·,·LicL r.c· :·t=::·,]~' te~ ::s yet t-een r0~·-·i~_T!3d, OCC:l .. ;o': v··:_~-- te~::cn by t!"lc c,_;}:_:;elor c•: t~tt.! .Em­bas~·;_]~ i!J tr~f- cvnrcc> ·:[' ,.:. cr~~ll cr. L':"~s l'.~iLL~-t::..·J' ... 0ccj__··el' l'./ G-~:..:rlerel on P.noth~·.r !-.atter, -::,o fl.8ke lnquiry concernilig .. r:y LBl!i~inl~ ir:.. regard to the'r:. r~ fug·:.6 ci.lildrer. h'hich t.L.e FDt·uvl:!Yl G-vvern­

roent r:._h_:ht Le·.rc tr:.~:er - LH'lJ.";~~ : :J. 1'c-rt1d.}_)l'L.

Dr. ::c.:rre:J. stnt?d i.ii J.8~!l.J that he. r1id not. believe his Govern­ment ·.o.;cu.ld fiLL!. its6lf in e. pcdi;_.1cn to f:xte1:..d c~,.;ce!=t:c-.:!CE- v~· 1·efugee ehildrcn to ir<cl.4<J..:' tt.ose cf !luJ:,£&riar; rc.tic:,&li ty, !\ct only were fr..cilitier. f'or t:·e c.cccr!!nodut:ic,n of su:.t~ chilal·t·u l~istiLctl~' limited in P.cru, :.:ut it ·t:us felt tbc.t it 1.oult~ ue "i:c<' tc l1r:i.t ucce.ptance of refugee cl..ildren tel r . .c:',<<'!i.9 y;ho~e nut.ic·r"ali ty ind.iclitet.i. lhoy might te rendily assimih.bl8 into tho Feruvi&ll yopultJ.tion •

• t>hould e r.:ore for!Ilal expression of view be commWliccted to the Emb~nsy, I shall not fail to inform the Depurtment thereof.

711 JP bW

Respectfully yours,

For the Ambassador;

' , -~ .. ~"u~~;; ;._; 2-.J Patterson Jefferson

Counselor of Embassy [.'

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No, ?Jl Subject: ty given to announc~nent of establ inhment

by President Roosevelt of refugee station at Fort Ontario, Oswego, New York.

\ ~

•. ·

CONTROL COPY The Ambassador has the honor to refer to the Departillent's

circular airgram of June 16, 1944, repeating the text of a W~r Refllgee Board cable relative to the annollncement of P::-8sident Rooeevel t on June 9 of the establishment of an emer,3ency ref11gee shelter at the .Army camp of Fort Ontl;rio, Oswego, New York, as well as other action being taken in the refllr,ee field.

Responsive to the Department's C.esire thct the eirgram should be brought to the attention of the Peruvian Govern.11en t, the Ambas­sador immediately upon receipt of the airgrRm in question acted in this sense. .As a result of his concurrer.t request for appro-

1/ prieta press publicity, the enclosed anno~cement appeared in the Lima newspapers of June 29.

/sure: rci~pp1JJ€, from La Prensa of June 29, 1944.

?11 JP bw

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~:_:--~.:-:.-.,~Ap . -;...\>· ~,


UNI'l'l.!d) STATES OF -/

L1m!l • I' Ell'U. June

/ '


No. 6~4

&ubJeot: D1.sseminat1on 1n Peru of f>:resident'e message concerning United States efforts to reeoue victims of enemy


The Honorable 'i'he Secretary of Stt1 te.



_, ........


1 have the honor to refer to the Department's oirou­lar a1rgram of June 19 direoti~~ tranern1ey1on to the Peruvian Government of the text of the Pfee1dent 1 e special meesage to the Congreu reletlve to effort!! tsl~en by the United 3tatee Government to reooue the Jews and other v1ot1ms of enemy oppreesion ae well ns l.n regard to m~aeuroe estnbliahing an emergency refugee shelter in the Un1 ted $tates.

/J ;// il',

follov1ing rooe1pt or tha inatruot1on under refe1•enoe \ ' an appropriate note tranom1tting the text taken from the Radio Bulletin of June 12 was promptly forwarded to the Foreign Office.

However, as th~ attached p:rane;olipping from the pre­pondernntly 1mportn11t Lima dnily "~:1 CoJI!er<liO~ would indicate, the I>reo1dent 1 s mooeage hac received excellent publicity ln the news oolurunc, oven though ed1 to1•inl oo!JI­ment has been lacking.


Respectfully yours,

For the Ambassador:


Jeffe:r9on Pstta:rnon, Counselor ot Embassy.

Clipping from 11 1!:1 Oomero1o''.

711 JP/da

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! l I

Enclosure to uespatch No. 684 dated June 24, 1944, ~rom the iUllerican Embassy, Lima, Pe~~

:u COM.i;riCIO June 13, 1944, Lima Peru.

ROOSEVELT envi6 al Congreso Norteamericano un informe sobre la atenci6n a los refugi~dos de guerra

tu;VELn. "'OL hl. t>CERC.Mlt;.;E L. HORi, FL:nl Di :CU DEHf,uTh, LOS Nn.Z1S CONTil-<l.J.-ill ._,U i'L,.N i.·E EXTEE .. MINIO

Inforrna que mil refugiados serl!n Llevados a los EE. Ul;.

(Epecial para "El Co~erclo")

'/iasbington, 12. (,.F) El Presidente delos Estudos unidos, senor Franklin D. Roosevelt, envi6 al Con~reso norteamericano un informe sobre los arrePlos bechos para la atenci6n de los refugiados de la guerra, en elcual express que, no obs­tante que se aproxima el final de la derrota nuzi, continua sin disimular los deseos ins nos del naclsmo para aniquilar en Europa a la raza judie. ..grega el Presidente que muchos grupos cristianos son tambi~n asesinados, pues considera que Hitler, ante la inminencia de su derrota militar, quiere conseguir la victoria de los principios nazis y llegar a su fin su progranw. de exterminio.

El mensuje dice:

"nl Congreso de los Estudos Unidos: "El Congreso ha ruanifestado repetidamente su profunda

preocupacion por la situaci6n lastimosa de las minorias perseguldas en Europa, cuyas vidas son cada dia ofrecidus en sacrificio en el altar de la tirania nazi. Esta nacion estA aterrada por la persecuci<!ln sistemAtica de los grupos indefensos de la minoria por los nazis. Para nosotros el asesiuato sin provocaci6n de gentes inocentes, simple­mente, ror su rtlza, religi<!ln o credo politico, es el mAs negro de todos los crimenes poslbles. Desde que los nazis comenzaron esta compuna, nuestros ciudadanos, de todas las esferas de vida y de todas las denominaciones politicas y religiosas, han expresado nuestros sentimientos de re­pulsi6n y nuestra c6lera. Es una cuesti6n respecto a la cual no existe ni puede existir divisi6n alguns de opini<!ln entre nosotros.

",..1 acercarse la hora final ie la derrota de las fuerzas hitleristas, la furia de su deseo insane de aniqui­lar a la raza judia en Europa contin~a sin disimular. Este no es sino un ejemplo: muchos grupos cristianos es-

tan siendo tambit!ln asesinados. Conociendo que han perdido la guerra, los nazis estA.n determinados a completer au programs de exterminio. Este programa no es sino una manifestaci~n del prop<!lsito de 1Iitler de salvar de entre la derrota rullitar la victoria de los principios nazis, esos mismos principles que esta guerra debe destruir, a mepos que hayamos combatido en vano.

"Este Gobierno no solamente ha dado a conocer olaramente

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,.;- ./

·_fi··Enclosure to Despat . 684.

au aborrecimiento de esta inhumane y barbara actividad nazi, sino que ta.mbi~n, en cooperacil!ln con otros Gobiernos, ha tratado de a11V:{ar las condiciones de los polacos perseguidos. En enero de este ano, decidi que este Gobierno debiera intensiifcar sus esfuerzos para combatir el terror nazi. De acuerdo con ello estableci una Junta de refugiados de Guerra, integrada por los Se­cretaries de Estado, del Tesoro y ue Guerra. Esta Junta toml!l sobre si la resnonsabilidad L!.e tomar tod:c. accil!ln consistente en continuer con exito la prosecucil!ln de la ,-uerra para rescatar las victimas de la opresi~n enemiga, en peligro inml~nte de muer­te, y de proporcionar a tales victimas todo otro posible auxilio y ayuda. Se le conlio el solemne deber de traducir la politica humanitaria del Gobierno en una pronta all.C'ion, manifestando una vez mAs en forma conereta que prevaleoer~ nuestra clase de mundo y no el de Hitler. du prop<!>sito est' dir-ecta y estreohamente relacionado con todo nuestro esfuerzo de guerra.

"JJesde su creecion, la Junta de refugio<los de e;uerra, actuando por intermedio de un p~rsonel administrative permanents, ha atacado en forma directa y decidida el problema. La Junta, actuando calladarnente, por interrnedio de sus representantes en varias partes del mundo ha logrado salvar las vidas de gentes inocentes, No solamente han sido evacuados los refuglados del territorio enemigo, ~ae han tornado muches medidas rara proteger las vida~s de aquellos que no han podido escapar. 6obre todo, los eafuerzos de la Junta han llevudo una nueva esperanza a los pueblos oprimidos de Europa.

"Estas declt.oraciones no son simples espe6ulaciones. De varias fuentes he recibido aviso de miles de personas que cansadas de tantos anos de resistencia y, debido a sus sufrimientos, estaban a punto de ceder en la lucha, a quienes se ha dado voluntad y deseo para oontinuar gracias a la concreta manifest~cion del deseo de este Gobierno de htcer todo lo posible para ayudar y rescatar a los oprimidos.

"A los hitleristas, a sus subordinados y funcionarios y satelites, al purblo aleman y a todos los demas pueblos bajo el yugo nazi, les hemos dado a oonocer claramente nuestra determinacion de castigar a todos los participantes en esos actos de sllvajismo. En nnombre de la humanidad les hemos solicitado que perdonen las vidas de esas gentes inocentes. No obstante los esfuerzos incesantes del Gobierno, que aun continuan, el numbro de los rescatados de l~s

\ I'


garras de la muerte es pequeno comparado con el numero de los q~todavia estan amenazados por el exterminio en el territorio aleman. Esto se debe prinoipalmente a que, nuestros enemigos, a pesar de todos nuestros lla.mados y de nuestra disposicion para encontrar lugares de refugio para t los pueblos·oprimidos, persisten en su malvada campana de exterminio y aotivimente impiden que sus victimas senaladas puedan huir para ponerse a salvo. En vista de esta actitud de nuestros enemigos, no podemos dejar de aprovechar de todas le~ oportunidades, por limitadis que sean, para rescatar a las victim~s de Hitler.

"Nos encontramos frente u una situacion suma.mente urgente. Por tal razon deseo informer sobre las medidas que he tornado en un esfuerzo


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~. 'l.Y

-J- Enclosure to Despat""~h No. 684

para salvar vidas adicionales y que estoy seguro mereceran vuestra aprobacion. .Estoy seguros que apreciareis ia medida, no solamente consistente en proseguir con exito la guerra, sino de que es esencial ~ctuor sin demora.

"hun desde antes de que los aliados deser::b' .. rcc,ran en Italia, existia ya un importante movimiepto de personas perseguidas de verias razas y nacionalidades h<.cia este pais. Este movimiento estuvo indud­ablemente impusado par el hecho de que, a pesar de todos los esfuerzos de los fascistGs para incitar a la intolerancia, el cordial pueblo Italiano no podia ol_vidar su vieja tradicion de tolerancia y humani­tarismo de tantos siglos. Con el desembar~o de los aliados aumento esta corriente de e;ente perseguida que huia, buscando ampara detras de los canones de L.s Naclones Unidas. 3in embargo, en vista de la situc:cion mili.tar en Italia, el numero de refugiados que podian ser atendidos alli era limitado. Las fuerzas militares aliadas, en vis­ta de sus primordiales responsabilidades, no estaban capacitudas, hablando en forma general, para alentar la huida de refugiados del territorio enemigo. Esta infortunada situacion, impidio la huida del mayor nllillero posible de refugiados. Como el numero de refugiudow que viven en el Sur de Italia· aumenta, su atencion constituye una carga adicional e importante para las autoridades militares.

"El cuidado de los refugiados en el Sur de Italia se lla hecho tan recargado que, a menos que muchos de los refugiados que han consequido huir a esa zona y que llegan diariamente en particular de los paises balcanicos puedan ser prontamente transladados a lug_.res de refugio en otras purtes, la huida de refugiados a esa zona desde el territorio ocupado porlos alemanes, sera seriamente obstaculizada.

"Es evidente que es necesario actuar con rapidez para hacer frente a esta situscion. Muchos refugiados en el Sur de Italia han sido y . estan siendo trasladados temporalmente a refugios en el territorio de otras naciones unidas y amigas. Sin embargo, en vista del numero de refugiados que se encuentran todavia en el Sur de Italia, el problema no seria resuelto a menos que se encontraran refugios temporales para ellos en otras zonas.

"En vista de esa situbcion sumamente urgente, ha sido indispensable que Estados Uhidos, manteniendose al nivel de nuestra herencia y de nuestros ideales de libertad y justicia, tome medidas inmedlatas y la/ responsabilidad para hacer frente al problema. De acuerdo con ella, se han hecho arreglos P'ora traer inmediatamente a este pais a mil refugiados que han hqido de sus paises al Sur de Italia, los cuales al terminar la guerra seran devueltos a sus patrias. Esos refugiados son predominantemente mujeres y ninos. Seran alojados a su llegada, en un campamento desocupado del ejercito en la costa del Atlantica, donde permaneceran bajo las re­stricciones de seguridad convenientes. El ejercito tamara las necesarias precauciones de seguridad y el campamento sera administrado par autoridades militares designadas. La Junta de refugiados de guerra tendra la re­sponsabilidad total de este proyecto".

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ei.l·cuie.r ai:.\"g:m~a of April :;x

A .il;}~@ 1\..:~.s MJM :t¢q,Uu:l·~oi b;t t;ho .Yoreip Minillter·

Spaa.i.tiue; afi'.ha.nd lw

~oaeioa tor thla ~~rp~ue

l'ora1p CCJlo:ai~ll It<ighv 'poo2ibl:t b& \f nHug i;~ .• :bak~ c~rtaia - - . .

llWIIMir ot th4il' Olir'.! naUonalua J:'lUl!.il~<~the;,~ ish.,:tiltGrer . . .

. whe,t natlonaliUec ill pro11~ctive child o!lll4ig1"4tion ~J'$

rGpreeenhd. .•.

Page 11: Folder 12 Cooperation with Other Governments Latin America Peru · 2014-12-05 · follov1ing rooe1pt or tha inatruot1on under refe1•enoe \ ' an appropriate note tranom1tting the

.. • · ..• _ It' there Bi~ private agencies in theto\Ul~ ~.o:~h_i¢\ y~ · · ar~ a!)oredited 'dlling ahd able to undettake a profmii!{.f()r· tho

oofii of.· •rctu~u ,qbil.dr~ni. the War }lefll,g\f~~ J?oaro ·_. ~s :ocmtident · .. · that. it can. Ill¥ke::arran~immts to :p:t-oviii$ those: agencies, ad~V!l'tc:,tund~·i'or the lliaintonanee, edtt¢11.'~'-on an<! ril.fii:re·of as

·. maey ob.i,ldrlritt as the Government of that :country wo•1].4 l~!urUling 'to ~mitj; $ll6Ulc\ it prove necessary, .funds wo~d: undoubt\e!il.,'r ll$ a:vaiJ,e.ble t6 mset troUSVQl'~tiOll oxpensea from SW:lt~rland :. to'··. thit-AoWit:cy~ . ' ' ' . '• . . . . ·.' ... -· . • ... ; • '

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. · •.. :'

. J_ '--;\_ t"··, ~-'\"'<>;J..-,'J... i"!}, ..... ·..-rr-·"'- tr.::_~~ ~·:~f~.~t1L"i-<00. ~"';J:r.: !:--c?-;~11 ':· -'~':., \ ~-.·,-,-~,-,._,· .. f ""'':-~)~: ~-···--.~:--' ••. _,...·: :.~.; •-. ·:_~· ..• _',· ·~ ---·- -____ - ..... -_~--...-~;;· · ~ ~ '?~hir~ll -:~rr}u. rrr·~.~ !f.•:l.("'-1:"t;;cU. t>~d

t_.,_h_i J d:t\?.n it i a ~)rf,P8-J"f-'d t-t' ~dnd t .


M1.ea 9haunoey {for tho .SC)o 1y) Abrahamson, f.kzin, Boi·nstoin, Cohn». · Dul3oi!i~·- FL:iedullln, Gaatol:i~. H()(lel, Lau.gbl:tn;, -l.ess~r, Lwd'ord, :.Jianri~ V.&nrmn~ !'.1arkaj ·McCormack, Pa'\ll; Piihle, Pollakp Rainsp S_at•goyp Srilithp>h, Stewart, Woian:teii111 n·. D. ~itej :Files · . ' .

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Ssc.:tl\lt~TY Ot- 8tat:e-,_ W~nh:'ll1!l;"\;Oll,.\U. ()

F.$feren~~~ D~psst~mtv~ oi?oulGr ~&cr~t airgraN datod March 310 1U013 p m in MrulMtion with pallapo:rts of 4q.u'btful validity issv~ to na~~onal~ of Lat~~ Americ~ countries 'in, teNed in Axia coo.ntdt~~<" bba!l!ljva ooni'1dent1al teleg1•as no, 105, datl$d Ja:!lW..TJ' 22 3 JHiL e ·aM daspatch no, !lfl68 of J'rotn !l>r.f 260 last

':t'h;; Deoratary a~~er-!!.1 of the ii'o:reip ot'fic@ stated that tb~t l.!wise GoV01'Miel1t llOlll:ll three months Binceu bad IJnbl~Uttevi a list· of ao1118 48 ~g of· pe nonll interned.· in his ccuntr1~ '11ho bad Pen.Yian p&.alsporlls and ~nqub~d as to vhetho:r tho> l1\uuvian GGvel'llll1l9nt would honor the atU!eo 'i'he Peruvian Government$ replied 1n the nepti~caa far a s those 48 p:l l'!l!Olli!J Al'$ &once rued,. the mAfl~.:j. iS C);lOSodo

. _, ~-·.. .

Xo. reply to -sw <»arhost !'GCO!Il!lledaU~ that it 11\ the futnsa doubtful ooe~(; of i;h!IJ nature arose u lilpt ~'possible to gha euch ausW'Gr a6 wollld on!aJlUulu crou.dtl' tend to p:tot0ot th~ Il? !"BOll sf'faoted,. wh1le in ~he' .¢P of the Adao tlw St\'ICl'f.lti\l'f &aeral exp!!'09Sud ayapat~ wi:.,ll this auueattono

Tlw Bl! G~noml s t&.t&d that while there, had 'b3on BQIINI P•1~·1en pasopcn"t ir:N~gul.ariUea_ u ltouania as well as in Swit:erbnc\0 ha did Mt consider tl:iat ·a7q doubtfltl lomvian paaspor0 cases woUld arise ia Bveden.

7U JrJ(f bor



·'' ·~·-.

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· .~ rt~t--·. ~- '-'~·.

;. J \.


Lima, March 16, 1944,

No. 9243



X Subject:


Expression of view concerning attitude in south Peru rega~ging war refugees.

The Secretary t~fillfm'tVQD.,'§IiE~~~ Washingto_, D c __ '


.I have the honor to refer to my despatch no. 9203 of March 10, 1944, and to the Embassy's despatch no. 9017 of February 11, last,· responsive to the Department's circular eirgrams of Janu­ary 26 and Febrllary 29, 1944, concerning the situation of war refugees, actual and potential, in respect of Peru.

Supplementing and in essence confirming the data already Sllbmittcd, there follows an excerpt from a letter of March?, received from the American Vice Consul at Arequipa, Jack G. Dwyre, This text indicates a feeling of remoteness on the part of the population of south Peru to questions relating to victims of Axis oppression, coupled with apprehensiqn over the extension of refugee, especially Jewish, economic influence in Peru:

"Reference is made to the Embassy's letter dated February 1, 1944, asking for any comment there might be regarding the contents of the Department's airgram of January 26, 1944 with respect to the Govermuent 's policy in the rescue of the victims of enemy oppression.

win the above connection it is believed that the contents of the Department's airgram has little appli­cation in southern Peru since any action that may be taken in regard to the admission of victims of Axis persecution will stem from Lima, and not be subject to any direct control upon the pert of local officials.

Wflowever, in an effort to determine what might be the reaction of the public in general looally to the possible admission into this region of Jewish refugees, the subject has been broached casually to various Peru­vians. The consensus of opinion would seem to be that locally commercial circles would not favor any general influx of Jewish refugees into commerce in southern , Peru. One person attributed the disprpportionately · high cost or living in Bolivia to the influx there of so many European Jewish refugees.



l ! .• • --·· ,r) f . !. ....


State Dept. Letter, 1~11·12 BYR. ~ ;IIX'ks Date.~.g£) 4)S?~ .·. . . . . .·

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?ll JP bw

- 2 -

"When it was remarked that there seemed to be vast regions on the eastern slopes in southern Peru, it was pointed out to me that Europeans could not sur­vive the conditions of living in those regions in tl::eir prasent. unaeveloped state, .ond that IJoth:in~: c O'J.ld be done to ~eep European refugees from drifting into Are~uipa end other commercial centers as long as tte •montar1a' regions were so completely undeveloped in respect to transportation, conununications and other means of deriving a livelihood from the aduittedly abtmdant natural resources which they contain.

"It vias also -pointed out that the wc~tcrn slopes of southern Peru were already highly overcrowded and co•.1ld not possibly sustain any la!'ge influx of colonists until vast irrigation projects opened up more thousanGs of hecteres of cultivable soil. Frankly, the attitude locally seems to be cui te indifferent to the fete of victi~s of Axis oprression, und the imrlic&tion is chat if the region is to oe opened up to any appreciable number of European refugees, money Iau:st come from out­side sources to d~velop the country 1 5 natural resources with which to o-ustsin su~h colonists.

"Since persons in Bouthern Peru have aiJp'olrently thus far given little thought to the possibility of the admission of European refugees, it is not b10wn what influence the reaction of Sure:ws might llave upon legislation in Lima."

Res pee tfully yours,

Jefferson Patterson Charge d'Affaires a.i.

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No. 9203

Lima, March 10, 1944.

Subject: Oral expression of view by a Foreign Office otfi­cial concerning admissibility into Peru of war refugees.

. L!>w ri! · ·· -~ - .. ., __ _ The Honorable ~~~~E!!!!::Jf

The Secretary of State, · Washington, D. c.



I have the honor to acknowledGe the receipt of the Depart.'1lent • s ~" circular airsr= of February ZSi, 1'344, ?:30 p.n., wherein, with reference to the Department's circular airgram of January 26, 1944, -,; ?:00 p.m., the President's l"iar Refugee Board tl:rough the Department ~ re~uested the Embassy to nake clear to the Peruvian Government the position of the United States Government in reGard to war refugees and to explain the desire for cooperative action.

Since no reply has as yet been received from the Foreign Office to tb is Embassy's note no. 1652 of February l, last, Rent .Jl ir~ compliance with the Department's above-mentioned circular air-gram of Jsnuary 26, I took occasion to invite the attention of the Secretary General of the Foreign Office, on calling on him on March 9, to the continuingly deep interest of the United States Govern-ment in alleviating the situation of sufferers from 'enemy persecu-tion and to the hope of ray Government thot cooperative action might be forthcoming from the Peruvian and other governments.

Dr. Correa recalled the Embassy's note and stated that the Peruvian Government was and had long been deeply sympathetic with the tragic situation of victims of persecution as well as of the incidence of wer on innocent populotions.

However, the situation confronting the Peruvian GoverruneEt in respect of its obli~~~ons to the Peruvian people had not appre­ciably changed since 1938 when the Government had informed the Refugee Committee ot-"LOndon of the obility of Peru to absorb solely refugee agriculturalists. It was unfortunate that so few of the refugees appeared to fall within that category ••

Moreover, now that a war was on, all i~igrants to peru would have to be especially carefully scrutinized to avoid the admission to the territory of the Republic of dubious persons who might prove to be Axis agents.

.---.-.-,~ .. --··------·--- -~-~- ----


DECLASSIFIED titate Dept. Letter, 1-11-72

By R. H. Parks Plli!> SEP 1 4 197(

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·- . . ·: -.. --

. Tln)" cubutBilOO of tb<ii, l)®ps;rtment'e a1r~am un!ler rot~--0 W$8. cOIJ"®iwioQto4 to :the ~i'uvton t.'lniater for: Foratgn Mf'Glrs iwd Wo;r-; Gb1p h\ tliQ ll!i:lbilsoy's nl)te n.o. 1662 ot' ll'ebruary 1. 19M. Atter oiltl:!,Jltilf, '\'he 1.\otlon tnl!:a'!l by _t>rcitlldent Rooaevelt, 1t ~sa ·sttited in the~ note to tho ll'oro1f}l. 01'1'1o.o that tbo GoYGI'.DmeJlt ot the United

.Stb1;CIJ willd ~pproc-into lU1 e:q,~al91on o:t t!lo vtewo ot the l'Giillv1u Gove~lcnt conocrn1r.a tbiD ~uest1on,'q8»~1"ll7 wlth refereuoe to (().) tho ·o."':tont io \'lllil)h w.1r .retl~ee. f'iOm.~pe BJ;'o :.poml\t&d to ~:~DtfJr l:'OX'lA, (tl) tl\e Ultonli to wb1oh h,.-\t OJlCO~oe f.iM CoOp&J.'f.l'tcll 1n .the cntrt of tht~se refug\il~P .into l>eru, t!i!d (c). th~ l:1.11.11tationa, if annr; \<bleb ~r11 trr.IJUBOll 4'>~ the cmtq.1nto the colintq ot war re~el3 f:rom l~tirops. · · · ' ·· · · · ·

: ~~ l'Eipl~ of t.bc Minf.IDtE~l\' t'ur .for~ wt:h be 0Qlllllllm1• onted tc: ~ J1cpnrtmeut ~a E,Oon ee. 1t ti3 ~eooiv~. It is lint1oi•

··. pate¢, Jxowevet,. thet litaoll :>elll1/ \Y1U. be <t.els~ (lnd th$t it will be nonodiiiln1 tu1 or· I.UII$fltivoll; . · · · • .·. · · ·

. .. Ooptca ot tho Dapnl.ot:Ae~tto eir~ w«~re tronmltted to the J\ll1Qr1oen Ville Oonaulo at .')requ1pe~ end lqu1toG 111l:th a requoat tor .oomiuc.;ut on tho ·attuntttm 1n thone two dl&trtcto. 'Ihf.o ·11:1tormat1on will be tronemi ttild to tho !loport:uent tn' a ·oubfiCqllllnt deatiStOh. ·

Tho ~ea~ot~'ld-ot til.u ;o.ruv~c atti tudo tow61:d sfr.vtsh ~uti ... . Cal ntfU(teoG atil.l 1a &U. llOCUrtit.e 1'9fatJOt1on of tbe fe~llq ill J.leN

toda)' •. AltbouiW a.t tbtt t~me ot tmd~v1im QoJifCJreilce 1n 19~ ~118 · · . ~basoy ot~ ~·. ·:ro1)(lrt.~ in .tta tel~ no. 11~ Yorcb 25, ·'1 ~·~'·•

·. 19313, that .Peru would bG glad to OCIOllOl'O'te 1n a~l!tietbiS Gertiwl .amct All&~len p011t1oal :~,•otUgeea, 'and thcit aub~:~tant1ol nUl'll1wl'8 m1gl).t

· cOl!IO to !'em provlt'\ea they ;~~o not ~lntcd wltb Ccin.m~J¥, the · · roaotton tn l'o:rll Wfla Wlt&vo~nble. ~'be lim'baeer'a 4eepo.t(lb IIOo 356, doted Mu~oh oo •. ).9001, roliortcd upon cut $d1torlel.. ;m Jl;·eomeroto·ot L1lllao 'nle pnper, tno14ent~lUt Wt11l retorl'Qd tcUlll· ttp~J'aaolst".

. . . . .,. . ' ·. .

_j_ --

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O.o~ula,;: ~u~!<t no. U9, dated Uopt~er;l?,: 19~ •. Blllo ro•

-. ported th~i; Peru llc;d oxcludsd Jet~O by tro&lf.l ot' .a cont11lon1iial 01~

\lttlru:, de:t&!l ~leptOOJ.~_ar 9 ~ l!ma, aO.Ib'cauGd to Feruvieil OOJlflult'll'. o1'­

:f1pore• ·.In <J~:w.:lt<:h no. 6'/3 or s_optt;Gller 11158, tbo $l:l.boaar,. ·

J.'tlpfl:J;'t¢ .. ret;fll'tl.:t~ tba ott1tu.i!,_a o~ the Forl.\vian Gov~:rnmc;nt toward

tho. 1l:4iiierat1o~ of Jewa •. Tho .t'Gport. indiotttGA Ill de:!'U11te unaaoi•

;nc~a al:!out tlltli f.P>hjoct· on the 1J8rt of. the ~ruv1en cuthw1t1eu.

lD. hi,; rui1Vt'11 IJ~R. t~o ~ e~, O.ei.ed tleat'll;tber il2, ).938 t . tlte. Oolll!leroiru

P!1;~uoh6 repo.t·tod oil, developmci!it& in ~"&:>N relati~ to jews. l'iia rc­

J.»rt rotlrlot~~d· 11<· t1eq11lo(!_. t~rati.:.J:'m;~sh. i'fiGlWG, lf\ ooiiaaet:e1ol. eirqlaa •

. · l'G;!.'U,:.l!olic~olio,. iu· fi ru~iiro~~ ot'thi.(futerti;o'VOX1ilr.l3~t..J. .QOJlltlittec

on ·nc~'u(.!;Gfil3~ ,~ 1\'l~. !:'rliuo~eco ~i.e Ce<ldol.~n. then Pe"ruv'-tin ll!in1eter

to li'rtmoe, ~ea .:~he l'eruvi~ · ~proecnltoti vo · :et · thf.l·l.t'V ian meetinG .·in

llilOO. th~. J\l:t'rt:l\}o <DoMV1do~. ~h::m :peruv:l.tlll'-ete:l:' to Grant »1:1 .. :

·tr.,n,. rcpreBiin'Wtl·Ji'<>r¥.· CB the dGl&ectG to· th\1 ~eautlve 00Jlll14ttee .

n.t tl«i +-ondc'n .lilaet1.1lgfi Whi<:h ~ere held ,ttt t'h1! ·111m() oi' t~ .i'¥'1ari

-Cotlfe~nae. _' · , · · ... ,. .-· · ··

~~'1\illg -to the ~1 tuatto:f( 'j;llet ·. e,;it>tl.l et: the ~:a.<e:~aent •, . the

'I'GOt'Jnt caG,I) ocmoei'll:tilg. J.>oUPh 1e\'l l'.'4)1'Ug~(;)U :l'n Gei'IlltmY· iiWolveif. ,

_!to(tw:1ty fl'icitor111, ee woll 'US a X"eluotru1ne -to edmlt. thusa 1~10h

rvi'\~Geas into .l"~:S.'t\, (ln4 I.'IIJ. :l.a not il o).ao~- i_na~?tltiori ot. the Fe~~ · V1e:n atti tow11rd suoh refueeea. Refenl'.ICIO 1e me.tte to tho •

. be.tlllll"' fl d~apotukLOD J.lo ~ SGGU. tlf' D~ocm~oi.:. 29, .1945 j no • 8665 Of.,

. 1W3u.i:lcy 25~ 19~4, to tQlGt';l'Qlll no•. al, ;r~uu:t>y 21~ ll. a.m. • fl'~

~h<~ Dopeirtr~ii.t, tllid :to t~le.l!.'ml,,a~l.lY'll .t.~J;earemjm. ~05 ui' ll\lllusrr

22t .5 ·P~Il.\.· . . . . . . .. ·

. t't 1<~ riot "' I'lbtte~ ·of x·~c~:t1d. b.c.w oltiQei; J:>eruv1~ c~iuot.ll@· , · orf1o~~,,&.tlhcrtd :UQ tb~::3.'batl.'ict1ve 1nntl'U~t1pne i~aue4

in 19.38~

. . ,~ . . ·.· . . . . . '. . ' . . 'liu.t·



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- . -. -, .

· ..•.. ··. . .. .£n' nrtlclG 1D '~ QGtholio wooldy newspaper Verdades ot Novem... .

·her. 20, entitl~ "tatiD J\!llOrlca. eM i!:urop<san Nef!IGOea" • gives a vi ..

wh1oh p1•ob~bl7 is tMrly repreaontativc Qt Oothollc, ·ooaaert&tiva

Optilioidn reeard to ~e queution of' rece1V111G retuge61i 1D. l'l'tN.

D.oacr:tbiJIS as laudable tho ~tn<leuvor to hlllp iunooent vlcitlms ot the

Europetm WCU',. tba writsio ~1~ that euoll endef:lvors obo11ld not pro•

vo~ new problUm& for·othor countries by oxte~tQs boep1te11ty to .

· elementn that mii~t cnd~ISOI' tbe ~tiJoliO bases of our 'lbero-.Amerioen

.. · poreonallty, Q\ir Or.thol1o tre.d1tlon, end t.ho 1ntnngib1l1t:r of OUI'

· .reopcottve .ttUt~onfll.ltica" ~ B~tlns '"en moro speo1flc • the Writer .

etHt~li that. "under llO Ci:rcuil\etti_uolll should \'16. l!lOOOpt the 1Jnpouition

of ·o;t't'erlng &a;ylWn to f01•6igQ.Ol.'S Ot· OOJ\tl'!l).'7 roligiOilB bel1GfBe Of

•.. excooeive liborat· ollf.ltoma, end or luorlll. no1'1!W · dittorent fl'Qill·our

. owntt o ~ do eo 'WO~tl.. bring aboliti a grave p;roblem fOr the country's rcligiOI.l~ unlti ru\d 1t8 notioni:ll 111Gill&o .•.. · .

• • • • '- ' • • - • r •

. . . ?11th ~1fio ~"<1601-d to"th;s paints rolaed 1n the J>.epartment'e

8ir6l'lll!l1 it u.o:v be anid toot; tor all. ,Praotiou li\U'POiltius, 3'ev~10h

rotugf:iea tll'fJ not. Pel'lllitted e.ntr;r Ulto Poru. So fei• c:u{1u kl\oylll, there ·is no roatr1ot1ve policY· ope:rnting ogeiut other .Don•Ana ·

neUonflls, but in actutll prnct1oe t~ll e.pplioat1ono for vtoaa uo

oiosel.y eorilt1nl~ed tor ueour1ty rGafJoniS. Sooondly; J?eru g1vee.

no enoouragemcnt to tho entry of pol1t1oel rei'ugoee, partiol.llerl:v

j~•• Ite cooperation in this problem hao. !;leon limited. to a l:olltine

pai>t1o1pi1t.1on. in th!'J ~ctlv1t1GB ot the !ntergo~JIIIlOntal oOJielttoo on .Ro!ut;oeri•: ln the tllii-d place, rue•u~1ng the foll!U'e of peru to

coope:rots in the ent~;r ot poll' rotugeee~ Peru m16ht take the'.· .

poeition that ita cooperation 1e unneaes8ory in a'ny lllflter1al WB:Yt · .· .·

oince L'lt!llh loG:L'uSfleS OO\lld find plo.CEIO Of reaidenoe til OOimtrieB

rllUOh l)lOoer end; moro ilooeealblG then. l'eill~ 'i/ ·: . . . . . . . .·

.. . Peril llil«<lt. rnaice aome wn&ll OOll.trib!AtiOP. to an llltflrnati~. . .

· ttmd for tl\~ l'f.lUQt of retugou or misht ogreo to aooept temporarily, :. ·.

·.·if not ~O~entlft B l~~ted XIUIJib~ Of ~~rota. 1~ 18 l~kol:Y · . . . I ·•' ' •

:· ~


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j :-

that there \'lould be ao wny reraervut1onn t:hd in actual p.raot1oe J'ew1sh ·il'in1@."uti<m atill ~pu.ld be diaoourcg~, 'l!ho plain :tact rOOtaina thllt Jct;a al:'i;~ not waloOllle, oncl !.r,ost viat1tlS or l~a:.:1 opprsa­a1on v.llo or<~ ~Jr~i:~Yt::.~r ·in .Med of aeaist~moe Er..!pposedl:r are Jews.

l/ T!Jo.:-o is enelo1.1ed a ;aer..orandum by };;g. RollMd Welch, Ue~ond Bear<',bJl'lf ·cr! .il:!ilblltlBIOY1 resardin~ tlw 1o>i!ell oolony 111 Peru, Whilo tl:-.o in:l.'onmtion. ol1o1ted by !Jr. iielch tror~ the Jow1eh loe.dora with wllO!il. hl!l tnlkoo ind:lcatsa thet Jewo ere not weloooo 1n l>eru, it o~o fnilG t.o E.l. vo aviC\enoa of eer1oue :pereeoution or tho Jews or of unu.uc llt~ro.r.;llit'!l l'!u!'te>red by th«.M.

'X1l1n ~:~tmr:;::;y 10 or t.ho op1D1on t,bat HttJ.o cpo1utULee or oven ra!ll t>ymp&thy -'>".ill be o:o:psoted from Peru in the problem at' relieving tbe J' !DFIS Of 1~,\l'O!!El.

Er.clotl:uro: z.t._.,l\,:w~;nilw:: b7 !~l'. W0lGh


~.JJ'J.' m:B b':.~

'l'o tb~ l)i:liJl~rtt:l<mt l.n or:l.e11llll rille\ ;-,cotocroyh.

Rm:rp~ctfn.lly youro, ·

0\oorg.e H. Butler Ulwre0 d '1if1'ai:rce e. .1.

l r I t ' !

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,.-- ----=~---


,._J::i10ltiilUI'O llOe ~'to': ~Silll~Jl IiD•

9017 or- »'ebr!lFJ¥;/ 1:1,., l~A. from

Allieri'Oon J.Smbaesy, ~.-

Febr~U~ry u. 1944.

J"fm1eb Colony 1n .Perq

There ero abo11t ~.C'IOO Jewe in Peru, eaoording to illtol'!ll.etlon

~ooo1ved from the thr0e ~irtarent JewiSh o~~~z~t1one. tber~ la

the Socledst\ do &lnet1cono1a Isreel1ta de 18'10, Yildoh bee a melllber-o

•hlp of 603 porsoM, of which 406 Dot'IC from Germeny end the rent

from Jll;&utrift, ozeoJloDlovck1o, l'oland, t',n4l nearby oountr1oa. Walter

Ne1oaer is t.ho president of this or~al1Zat1on. Althoush the St•lioty

dot.uu beolt to lB70, ll!r. 'Ne:leaor told llllil tbu.t 1t did not have mo:•e

than ten meL'Ib(IJ:I5 before 19::1~. By 1900 there wore 69 J:lel!lbere IUIII all

of the,,othol'a oumo to 1-'Eiru. otter 19~ eJui llP to the o11tbrellk of the


Thor~·ia nleo the ~~16n loraol1ta del Perd, the president ot

whioh 1a Ha:L Huller. M:\". Uellor hns told me thst ll!OBt ot the !i.Wlb~rs

in h1s organ:l.~st1on 8l'tl :l.'rC!4 Rwr.cn1a, C~aohoelovakis, l'olsiA, lllld

iloroo from Auetr1a. 'l·h1~ oeuoc1a.t1on hna Goo lllDI!Iben but !. t tatccu in

only tbe hetldl!l of fi!Ertl1ae and I.4r. BGllor eet1mateo thot these flCO

fuwilios !~bubly n~~r 2,000 persons.

The ·th1r11 Jewioh o.rselt1znt1on 1a tl\G 3oo1edad do »enm'ioenoia

lol:'ael1 ta S&f&rdi, of wllloll Jooobo l!'renoo 1s pre15idont. Tht.B eooiety

bl mcdo up of Jewa trOll\ 1ohe :Ncsr l!:est, vii tll e han4fll1 of le\la trcm

Spein. Mr. Frt.ll.oo has told me tlle.t tllore ore 200' membera un·'i that

thie luoludCD membo~s of f~lioa.

Tho presidents of ell tbreo ot theua orgau1zst1onu haTo a lQO&

11et or ooraplainto about tbe ant1-.Tow1flh att1 tude or tho presOI.t

PeNvten GovenJJ.llent aa<t thay l$Y mD~t of tbe bl8lllC ror their tl'lll.lbllil£

at tho OooX' ot Dr. Soli' y t4uro, li1n1stor t:or Foros1n Affairs. - 'ltlo

- prea1dontCJ ot tho oraun1zations oldm tlwt Jmviflh 1mm1srents wer1•

welcomo during tho,uia a<lr.l1Jliatro.t1on, 60JIIG~hat restricted dtuins

thlf SSnohez Corro rie;111W, treated \!lith l1benl.1 ty dilr1XI6 tho Betm·

v1dos edl!linietrstion untU erter 1\133, but s1-ven alroout no oons1de~·

atton b:Y tho l'rado Govo:nllllent after 1939. '.\'hey claim that the ant; ..

1ow1ah proPfll~ds epree6. by the Gel'llWn llovcrnr.wnt and b1 the l1oz1

Party 1n Peru heo bean reaponu1ble for the s~1ns dislike that hlsl

Paruv1Qil otr1a1ols hGVG had for Jews. It will be obvioue tbut their

remarks do not- seem to bo borne out by their t1gureo. 'l'hat 1s to

euy, Hr. Ncief;O:O ole~1med thut ruost of t11e members of the ooc1oty ot

which he 1B president osme to :Peru in l9W and 19~9.

Tbe preoid~nta of ~lo essooiotio»s ftr& abl~ to o1te a large

numller or opao11'1c ooaem whori'i tha Peruvian Oove1'lllllent, after the

outbX'OWt of the 'iiBl'a ellowed sn1mou1ty to the Jewish people. They

told me t'~t in 1940 "the JoWlsh soo1ot1ec nuked the Minlstry tor

i'oro1p .Affairs· to pormi t tllem to briDS into FeN 1100 children Of

le\111 ln COilXltrieo 000Upie4 bf the GG1'11Wl8o 'They ee1d that ~ of

these woro tho ohlldron of 1f1Wfl 1n conoentrnt1o11 oempa Ol' wore


• .Stnte D~pt. Letter, 1·11·72 1 4 1972 By R.. H. Pro:ka Date_ S~\' ·- '


~ -' ~- :

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orplllms of ~owa. The· throe aoo1ot1om planned to pli!.O"O theee:.ohildX'tln 1xv1ewish homo11· in Peru end they were willill6 to e;uarcntee to tho Peruv1nn Govol'ZIIl'lent tllat tho children 1r1ould not beaO!liG publ'-o ohe.rges ..;r rcqueet ~&a refueed' ond tlley olaiJ;led that oo® ott1obl in·~ l"orflifl.U Cif1.'1oo ooid tha.~ it uus top bed thnt ·woy ouuld not e.ooofia:w.. c.\ata tho children \lut tbll.~ tll.e tl1ff1oulty "«eo tfult. the l1t.tle onea would avent.uelly 6rott up into Jews. 'riley .cald;lt Dr. li'rederiok I..ocbl:lsnn, noted o.rohacwlogiet. ·rrot~.t.l'slcfitine and· ·tho pesseaaor of fJ paovP<>rt, 0l'ldlllllVOred in 3.942 to obtain a too;.PI).r.u:y visi­tor' a vise whieh wollld enable .b:lm to npenil t'ittoen days' 1n .reru. Tho l"oro1gn CJf1'1c~ den:l.eri the X"eCJ.IlS[;t until the Brlt1ab. Oovernment inte:rvsnod rmd r.t'te.r th'il oxohane;u of n01r.e oi'f1cial x:.otea t&olimcnn '!'!CIS pon.<.itt¢d to oome here to!;' fifteen llnyu in 19-re.

They told en 1nstin:tC$ where u. Jew trevsll1ns from. Chilo. to Eouedor enooovo~L~ to obt~1n e transit v1Ga ro~_POru.but that this T.'t\15 rei'ueed by iille ~Ol''"1Gn Ot.f'1ao, Ae a rnatter of tact this tl':l.p

wca rwde wytVfl::T whan the 'trtlvell(tr loa:rncd that no transit. v1Sil W!lll

rctluircd by pcraoru~· trevc:~lli~ by pluno atcppiD€ liVer n1gh,t 1n


.Mr. HellC!r 1.\.towfid me:; a l~>tt\ll' ;{'roll\ tho lwhol-~oor Pencil Ooo­peny nt Ntm York :in \'1h1ah htr. lleller WM reo,ueeteel to obtain rraru tho l'ernvii'Jn Govorw:..;nt ~mleeio.u tor 0110 at thl91r t7.'1l•tell1ng

odt:IS)'lleu, WU.:UGin .O!Uijo:iok, fl !Jv.eah e1thwn fJld the beru.'Cr of a

czech p_ci.aa-pon. to ro!l'.a1:l foo.r da.,e in reru in trsn.eit to l'lol1ViE1 and ChUo. !tr, Haller &li1cl t.e r~u., the :rortuest but that the Foreign

CJi't1oo htnl rerus~ lt. lt 'WI.IIli Mr. Holler•o opinion that tbe viea WilD oot gr~mtod ba:~r.n~e tha l'•M',; nru;:c '11'~10 ·olen1.Ph. Ur. Holler. ed­mittc;d to me, hoWJGVer. t~t he did not kl.\O"'If 1f tb1a l!ialo~ waEJ .:rowleb,

In l~B~I UlG ~o'tl'1t~l1 I:)Oclety '!.old tl1e Peruvian Uovel'I\Wllnt that ·

thay could bring to !"'<ll'll from (I~()Qlloolovak1a & loJ'~"' and !mJi!Ortimt

tactcr.y ownlld by fiv~ Jer1o~ '1'1:\oy Geld that t.b.e fsotory would be 1~vcd her~ look; stock bnd bu1Tel ond tbat tbo ownerc would bring with tb(lffi Mtplo' tinenoo~t. J\1tll.ou€h ;tht> ~in1Gtry of .fome.Dto una."

osrtein other b:t·u:nohoe of tha l~ruvilll! Go'iol'lJJU<Illt wero en.~iouo to N~~ tho t&otory bro~;bt bore. tho praeidento of the Doeietioo olai:L.~I'J. thot the .l-.\:1llis"tt1~ for ll'on~ign J\.f!'o1r~> 1ntewenoo end stopped

thft n~got1~t1on5.

'ltl~ soo1o~1e~ hove wrmt-od t.o op<~,,,· il flObool hei'e l!l!ltl to bzollla fl'Olll J3uenoi'l A1roa sn cdtloe.tor \1lio 16 Jt~w1sh i:mt. th~ .rer-uv1en 09vern­mont hao rctuaod to give th~~ & lioenao for th~ oparst1on of tbe nchool or a v1se for" tho ttlaoher.

'l'lle proaidG.ntw of the l.loe1tlt1tlO ooy that thsy h~ve wied to br1~ in mt one J"IWI1sll Raboi ao tm.t they· oolllcl 0pe11 their own·' BynagO(;l\C but that th61 l'Cl'UViau GOV<lll'Jl,"\l.Ont hall 8Wll;Qed thnt

end there 1s now no rsHgious meeting pleolll, altho\!.{1h oll· tJlrae aocietitJl'l hove t.hoir mm club rooos.

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-~- .. ~-

1~o hood• or the orgun1zet1ona cited ~1 other lnotanooa lllln!Ue:r to thoau e:1v~ bu.t l made no notes ot them,

Incidontally. thoy COJI1pldno4 tbat. the lJJ!m li1gh Sohool, en Amortcen 1nmt1tution, ~lao had c qu.ota tor Jswiab students and that 1t wae r.raoticaUy impossible for ·;Towieh reotdonto to aet thotr child~ ~tered in tb1~ educottcnsl 1nst1tut1on.

In tliiJCWlB'-116 tbeae JDAttcrs tilth the :t.eods of tho .rewiob aoc 1et.1cus I • or com:oe, llll;\dO no .l'Gf1111•ences to th& De partrnent 'a air~ or to eny. other 1no~ruct1ono or to negOt1&t1ons with the ]i'eruv1e~ Gove;rnr;wnt. Mo~:~"t ot thecs .IIIOD IUivs long kn01m tbat I havo bec;n intei'Uato<l ~ e~ll of t.Jte Vfildows !'oro.!.~ coloniee in .Peru.

noUud l'ieloh

RW re bw

Page 25: Folder 12 Cooperation with Other Governments Latin America Peru · 2014-12-05 · follov1ing rooe1pt or tha inatruot1on under refe1•enoe \ ' an appropriate note tranom1tting the

Paraphrase by llloJ oU. Januuy n, 19114


/ Reference is made to your despatch 86SS December 29, l9h3 re Jews of

PoliSh nationality possessing pasaporta of Plmlvian G~t which were improperly issued and which the IVI"l1Vian Govemment refuses to reoo.gnize as valid. Altllough it is not· clear from ~ despatch whether yqa are referring to Yolish Jews in Europe or those residing in Peru., it. is assumed that the Polish Jews in Europe are being re.t'arred to~

Inasmuch as the Department would not w18h to endanger the persons concerned, you are requested to ask PeruviAm officisla .concerned to grant the Polish request on hu11Um1tar1an grounds. 'l'h1a action :18 reoGIIII!landed for the reason that the si.tuat:l.on of retugeea in possession of Peruvian passports is no doubt better than those witho}lt paaaport11 or any other papera, The latter frequent~ ate sent to obnoentrat:l.on C811ip8 where they undergo evan mo~ hardship ancl sut.tering. The Peruvian Govemment ought not to have stl'Ong objections to reoognilillg the ~dity of the l:l!.'!.~porta in question inaamuoh as the Polish Gowmment does not expeot \'IIi to grant to these refupea, cnoe ~ ~~ is over, any of the normal privileges attaching to Pel'llvian ettileDihip.

. -·-·.

wl.easo inform thia Departm.ent of the Peruvian Government•• reaction to approach. ·

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UPC 51910 " No. 125-0G HASTINGS, MN