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B.Becky Collins Graphic Designer &[email protected]

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B. Interactive

2014 - Interactive brief - Frend (fuelling recovery enabled by nutrition and diet).

As a designer, I have a passion for interactive design. Using my own style, and Adobe

design suite, I responded to a national issue in order to create an interactive smart phone


Social, Health and Economic Impacts report, commissioned by Beat (a charity supporting

those living with an eating disorder) in February 2013, estimates that more than 725,000

people in the UK are affected by an eating disorder

Although many eating disorders develop during adolescence, it is not at all unusual for

people to develop eating disorders earlier or later in life. Reports showing cases from as

young as 6 years old.

With the increasing number of young people developing eating disorders, I designed a

smart phone application called ‘Frend’ to allow younger sufferers to balance both eating

and activity in conjunction with GP, therapist, and parental support.

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B. Competitive

2014 / 2015 - Smint Competition Briefs - Pixel art poster.

Over the course of my 3 years at university, I took part in Smint’s creative briefs, designing

both packaging and posters for the brand, matching their original look and theme.

In 2014, the brief was to design packaging for Smint boxes, relating to the original brand

whilst being as original and creative as possible. I designed my pieces around the style of

pixel art. Small squares coming together to make something big. I felt this was a suitable

style, matching the product and the brand. (Small items being part of the bigger brand).

I used their original style of ‘fresh to impress’ to design a cold, fresh landscape to match

this. The design was chosen as a runner up and I was able to attend the Smint exhibition in


In 2015, I used the same style in a much more developed way, creating a large scale pixel

landscape to advertise the brand. This showed how my work and style had developed over

the course of the year.

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B. Grounded

2015 - NASA Competition Brief interpretation - Gravity.

As a personal project, I took on a brief designed by NASA , focusing on the utilisation

of smart watches in space, for astronauts working for long periods of time out of the


The Brief called for a platform in which astronauts could access their daily tasks as well as

completing personal checks to manage their well being.

In response to this I created ‘Gravity’. A smart watch platform which enables astronauts

to record messages, store photos and write reminders, as well as receiving and storing

images and voice recordings from family and friends back on earth.

The application was created to allow astronauts to be grounded, even when they are

far from home. This allows them to remain human in a high tech environment, like the

conditions they will be working in every day.

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B. Progressive and Productive

2016 - ‘How can we measure growth?’ Brief - Sprout.

For my final major project at university, we were asked to think about our themes in

question form. My theme being ‘growth’, I was asked to consider how we can design a tool

to measure this. Steering away from the typical forms of recording growth, such has weight

or height, I decided to look into how we can record personal growth and development

through technology.

The Application ‘Sprout’ was designed to record your personal growth through your own

virtual garden. Achievements are laid out and adapted to each individual, specifying

certain milestones or goals. Once these have been achieved and evidenced, the application

rewards the user with currency in the form of building blocks, animals, tress and houses in

order to build and grow their own garden. The more you keep growing and achieving, the

bigger and more interactive your garden is.

These gardens could then be shared with friends and family to provoke competition and


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B. Branded

2016 - Ongoing Cafe branding project - Guinea Pig

As a self confessed hipster, I developed an almost snobby relationship with coffee during

my second year at Bournemouth University. During this time me and my friend Rosie (both

working at the arts bar and both wishing it was a little more stylish looking) came up with

the coffee shop brand ‘Guinea Pig’.

The concept behind the cafe would be a healthy, hipster like place to test your taste buds

in. Combining good coffee with good customer service, Guinea Pig would be the new

student hang out for only the most hipster of people. The designing of this project, seemed

like a very good chance to gain some experience in branding and logo design.

I kept the brand simple but bold. The colour stands out against the black, and the logo icon

can stand alone. The development of the piece was the most interesting part of the project,

starting with a small idea, a design process and then the expansion of ideas as both me

and Rosie became more interested with the project.

If we both had the money and the time, I am sure you’d be seeing these signs all over the

place by now.

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B. Original

2016 - Final Major Animation Project - The Big Wide World.

As an illustrator and designer I love simple, stylish pieces of work. For my final major project

at University, I wanted to use animation and illustration to bring my own original story to

life. This came in the form of ‘The Big Wide World.

The story portrays a young girl and her ambition. Whilst Ambition remains by her side, she

never has to explore the rest of the world, knowing that he is all she would ever need. So,

wanting her to have a better experience of life, he leaves her to wander in the world alone

for a while to grow and change.

By the time they meet again both Girl and Ambition are different and no longer rely on

each other to live in the big wideness of the world.

Using Adobe Illustrator, After effects and Photoshop to create the final piece, my knowledge

and confidence in these programmes developed quickly.

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Looking at the brief for the good life, I knew instantly that this project would allow me to create something ,which could

help people in real life situations, something I’m passionate about as a designer.

Coming from a background of eating disorders and a family history of various medical problems, it was a project, which

felt natural for me to undergo.

Approaching it very widely, I looked at the physical and social aspects of chronic illnesses. What they may look like, feel

like and how they where perceived by society.

Chronic decease is persistent or otherwise long-lasting in its effects or a disease that comes with time. The

encouragement of a healthy diet early on in this case is something which should be underestimated.

As a designer, I feel I like to focus on the more human elements to any project. Looking at the emotional response as well

as the physical response of design in order to make an impact. The brief asks us to empower people to manage their

own care and I want as much as possible to take into account gentle, kind and emotionally responsible encouragement

within my work, in order to relate and impact the appropriate audience.

I focused my attention to Fibromyalgia, a chronic decease which causes deep tissue pain based on over exertion or

too little activity. Balancing ones own diet and daily activity is the only way to truly manage the illness. I created ‘MOC’

(Management Over Cure) to allow the patient to track their daily activity via a smart watch which would then be made

visual on a tablet, Tv screen or smart phone. This way the illness could also be seen, as one of the main issues I found

within people with Fibromyalgia was that they had a hard time showing people what they where experiencing as there

was no physical symptoms. The way I visualised this was a little tank of water and a boat. The water would fill up when

the patient did too much, in turn the weather would become back and the boat would be out of control. When the

patient did too little the tank would empty and the boat would be unresponsive. This was a great way to visualise how

balanced a persons day had been. Other features of the app where an alarm system for medication and a food logger

to control their diet and receive doctors feedback without having to make appointments constantly. This overall reduced

time and costs for doctors and allowed the patient to manage their illness themselves.


2015 - The Good Life - RSA Brief

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