food demo for bariatric patients


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Food Demonstration for Bariatric Patients

Special Event November 16, 2o14Stephanie Bachmann |

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Each month at IU Heath Arnett in Lafayette, Indiana the bariatric patients have a bariatric support group meeting. For the November meeting a fall inspired food demonstration was organized. This meeting took place on November 6, 2014 at 6PM at IU Health Arnett in room 410. The number of attendees was 12 people which included the bariatric dietitian, Nicole Harmeson RD. The purpose of this cooking demonstration was to teach patients how to prepare and cook foods that are appropriate for the bariatric diet. Additionally, this food demonstration offered an opportunity for the bariatric patients to sample new foods that not only followed the strict bariatric diet but also met the patients’ request for cauliflower, spinach, and pumpkin incorporated in a dish. This food demonstration also provided education to the patients on the nutritional value of turkey, cauliflower, spinach, and pumpkin.

Event Planning


The menu for this food demonstration consisted of turkey meatballs, roasted cauliflower, spinach chips, and Fiber One™ pumpkin bars. These dishes were selected for multiple reasons. The bariatric diet has every meal begin with the patient consuming three ounces of protein. Several of the patients stated that they were tired of eggs being a source of protein, so another protein source was selected that the patients would enjoy. Turkey meatballs were chosen for the food demonstration because a turkey meatball was something different and it was a very flexible recipe that patients could flavor to taste. After consuming the protein, the patient can eat a serving of a nonstarchy vegetable. The patients had requested cauliflower and spinach for the food demonstration. Roasted cauliflower topped with parmesan cheese was selected because it was a simple dish to assemble that included few ingredients and a way to spice up plain cauliflower. When deciding how to incorporate spinach into a dish, a spinach salad was immediately rejected because this dish is too filling for bariatric patients. Since spinach is a vegetable that most people typically try to avoid, the need to make a unique but appetizing dish was recognized. Spinach chips were chosen as the best option to meet this criteria. When the patient is done eating the nonstarchy vegetable, if the patient feels they still need food, they can eat a serving of whole grain, fruit, or a starchy vegetable. Since a request of the patients was to include pumpkin in the food demonstration, it was decide that pumpkin should be the last dish in the food demonstration. When talking with Nicole Harmeson RD, she talked about the use of Fiber One™ Original Bran cereal as a way to incorporate fiber into a bariatric patient’s diet. After researching the idea, Fiber One™ pumpkin bars were chosen as the last dish in the food demonstration.

*See attached recipe card, PowerPoint, and talking points

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Decorations and Theme

The theme for this food demonstration was fall themed, as it took place in the beginning of November and included a pumpkin dish. The room was set up with the patients sitting at tables facing the front of the room. The food demonstration was given at the front of the room facing the patients. There were two tables at the front of the room, one holding the food that was to be served and another that was used to demonstrate the recipes. Behind the demonstration was a PowerPoint that contained the ingredients needed for each recipe that the patients could easily view. The demonstration table was decorated with a cream colored table cloth. The table holding the serving food was decorated with a cream colored table cloth, orange and yellow colored linen, mini pumpkins, gourds, mini bales of hay, and plastic leaves.

Equipment and Supplies

The four recipes in the food demonstration required either a steamer or an oven. Since the food for the food demonstration was prepared in the kitchen at IU Health Arnett, there needed to be communication with the chef so a time could be coordinated as to not interfere with the cooking schedule. It was decided that the best time to use the oven and steamer was after 2PM. Additional equipment that was needed in the kitchen was a sink to wash the cauliflower and spinach. The food demonstration took place in a conference room that did not contain any cooking equipment. A catering cart was used to transport the food, supplies, and some of the equipment to the conference room. A chafing dish was used in the conference room to hold the turkey meatballs and roasted cauliflower at 140⁰F. The supplies used in the food demonstration included Styrofoam cups used to serve the patients water, disposable serving cups used to serve the patients the food items, plastic forks, and paper napkins.


A promotional flyer was created informing the patients when, where, and who to contact for questions about the food demonstration. The flyer was posted on the hospital bulletin board and emailed to the patients in the support group. The food demonstration was also mentioned in the October meeting for the bariatric support group. The day of the event there was a sign leading the patients to the conference room that the food demonstration would be taking place in.

*See attached flyer



The budget for the food demonstration was appropriated to be $50 by Nicole Harmeson RD. This is the same as the budget had been in the past. Nicole Harmeson RD stated that the usual cost is $3-$4 dollars a person. Although budget accounts for ingredients, supplies, and

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labor, the budget Nicole Harmeson RD accounted for only included ingredients and supplies. This added cost of labor increased the actual cost of the event which led to the event being over budget.


After reviewing the recipes and ingredients, the pre-service cost was estimated to be $20. Each recipe was estimated to cost approximately $5. Following the food demonstration, a post-service cost was calculated. The post-service cost for all of the ingredients used in the food demonstration was $34.15. This included ingredients that were used to make the food samples the patients ate as well as the ingredients used to demonstrate how to make each recipe.

LaborOne foodservice employee, Nicole Harmeson RD, and two dietetic interns from Purdue

University were needed for the food demonstration. The dietetic interns prepared and cooked the food for the demonstration, set up the room for the food demonstration, performed the food demonstration for the bariatric patients, and served food samples to the patients. Nicole Harmeson RD supervised the food demonstration and assisted in serving the patients food samples. The foodservice employee needed was a dishwasher who ran the dish machine to clean and sanitize the dishes used in the food demonstration.

Name Position Hours Worked Pay

Stephanie Bachmann Dietetic intern 8 $10/hour*

Monica Duffy Dietetic intern 8 $10/hour*

Nicole Harmeson RD Registered dietitian 2 Salary unknown

Andrew D Dishwasher 1 $10/hour

*The dietetic interns were unpaid, but if a foodservice employee were to perform the tasks of the dietetic interns the pay would be $10 per hour.

The pre-service cost of the food demonstration included eight hours of work from both dietetic interns, two hours of work from Nicole Harmeson RD, and one hour of work from a foodservice employee. The salary of Nicole Harmeson RD was unknown, but foodservice employees at IU Health Arnett are paid on average $10 per hour. This totaled 17 hours of work from foodservice employees (dietetic interns and dishwasher) costing $170. The post-service cost was also $170 and consisted of 17 hours of work from foodservice employees.

Variable Costs

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There were a few variable costs associated with the food demonstration. One variable cost was the use of fresh cauliflower over frozen cauliflower. Fresh cauliflower is more expensive than frozen cauliflower, but for the food demonstration fresh cauliflower was used to demonstrate how to properly cut a head of cauliflower. Additionally there is less moisture in fresh cauliflower than in frozen cauliflower, which decreased the time required for the preparation of the roasted cauliflower. Another variable cost was the use of different forms of garlic. For the demonstration cloves of garlic were used, but the patients were informed that garlic powder or minced garlic could also be used. One final variable cost was the use of plain Greek yogurt and Fiber One™ Original Bran cereal in the Fiber One™ pumpkin bars. IU Health Arnett does not purchase plain Greek yogurt or Fiber One™ Original Bran cereal so both ingredients had to be purchased just for the food demonstration. Total Expenses Compared to Budget

The total expenses of the special event consisted of food, labor, and supplies. This came to a total of $205.38. The cost of food was $34.15, the cost of the supplies was $1.23, and the cost of labor was $170. The total expenses ended up being much greater than the budget. The difference between the budget and total expenses was $155.38 over budget. The major reason as to why the event was over budget was due to the cost of labor required for the event. The total expense of the event excluding the labor cost of the unpaid dietetic interns was $45.38.

Production:Ordering Worksheet

The ordering worksheet includes the ingredients used in the food demonstration.

Item Quantity Purchased

Quantity Used for Event

Cost of Quantity Used for Event

Onion 50 lbs 1 large onion $0.38

Peeled garlic 5 lbs 5 cloves $0.22

Ketchup 114 oz 1 t $0.01

Salt 26 oz 3 ½ t $0.04

Pepper 5 lbs 2 ½ t $0.09

Ground Turkey 10 lbs 2 lbs $3.63

Olive Oil 1 gal ½ C $0.50

Italian Seasoning 6.25 oz 1 2/3 T $1.50

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Fresh Cauliflower 3 heads 2 heads $10.80

Baby Spinach 10 lbs 3 C $2.72

Fiber One™ Original Bran Cereal

16.2 oz box 4 C $2.13

Plain Greek Yogurt 32 oz ¾ C $0.75

Orange Juice 48 4oz containers 1 C $0.46

Canned Pumpkin #10 can 30 oz $2.23

Eggs 15 dozen 4 eggs $0.74

All Purpose Flour 50 lbs 3 C $0.27

Sugar 25 lbs 1 ½ C $0.23

Unsweetened Applesauce

144 2oz containers 12 oz $1.00

Baking Powder 32 oz 1 1/3 T $0.28

Cinnamon 18 oz 2 t $0.13

Baking Soda 36 oz 2 t $0.11

Ginger 15 oz 1 t $0.12

Chopped Walnuts 6 lbs 2 C $5.81

Total Cost $34.15

The ordering worksheet includes supplies used in the food demonstration.

Item Quantity Purchased Quantity Used for Event

Cost of Quantity Used for Event

Disposable Serving Cups

200 2oz cups 48 $0.48

Plastic Forks 1000 count 36 $0.47

Styrofoam Cups 1000 4oz cups 12 $0.17

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Napkins 8 packs of 500 count napkins

12 $0.11

Total Cost $1.23

Production WorksheetThe production worksheet consists of all recipes used in the food demonstration.

Recipe Title Ingredients Amount Produced

Recipe Modifications

Recipe Source

Turkey Meatballs

Onion Garlic Ketchup Italian

seasoning Salt Pepper Ground


23 Meatballs

Exclude basil leaves and thyme because those are not common ingredients the patients would have.

Add Italian seasoning to replace the basil leaves and thyme.

Roasted Cauliflower

Cauliflower Garlic Olive oil Salt Pepper Parmesan


4 cups Omit onion powder because it is not a common ingredient that most patients would have.

Add ¼ cup of parmesan cheese.

Can substitute garlic powder for garlic.

Spinach Chips

Spinach Olive oil Italian

seasoning   Salt

2 cups Added extra olive oil to help cover all the spinach leaves with Italian seasoning.

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Fiber One™ Pumpkin Bars

Fiber One™ Original Bran cereal

Baking powder

Plain Greek yogurt

Cinnamon Orange

juice Baking soda Canned

pumpkin Ginger Eggs Salt All-purpose

flour Walnuts Sugar Apple sauce

32 2 inch Bars

Omitted glaze on the bars to decrease the carbohydrate content of the bars.

Replaced oil with plain Greek yogurt to reduce the amount of fat in the bars (3/4 cup Greek yogurt for 1 cup of oil).

Replaced half of the sugar in the recipe with unsweetened applesauce to decrease the carbohydrate content of the bars.

These recipes were selected to meet the dietary needs of the patients along with following the requests. All of the recipes were modified in some way, making them new recipes. The turkey meatballs offered a different protein choice for the patients that was appealing and had flavor. Cauliflower was a request of the patients, so the roasted cauliflower was selected to make this request more appetizing. Since spinach was another request from the patients, it needed to be incorporated into the food demonstration. Spinach chips were chosen as a way to make spinach interesting and tempted the patients to try the spinach chips. The Fiber One™ pumpkin bars were selected to meet the request of incorporating fiber and pumpkin into the food demonstration.

Production ScheduleThe production schedule includes all production tasks performed for the food


Task Date By Whom

Prepared ingredients for 11/4/14 Stephanie Bachmann and

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turkey meatballs for sampling and food demonstration

Monica Duffy

Prepared roasted cauliflower ingredients for sampling

11/4/14 Stephanie Bachmann and Monica Duffy

Gathered dry ingredients for Fiber One™ pumpkin bars for food demonstration and sampling

11/4/14 Stephanie Bachmann and Monica Duffy

Thawed turkey for turkey meatballs

11/5/14 Stephanie Bachmann and Monica Duffy

Formed turkey meatballs 11/5/14 Stephanie Bachmann and Monica Duffy

Prepared spinach chip ingredients for food demonstration

11/5/14 Stephanie Bachmann and Monica Duffy

Purchased plain Greek yogurt for Fiber One™ pumpkin bars

11/5/14 Stephanie Bachmann and Monica Duffy

Gathered wet ingredients for Fiber One™ pumpkin bars for food demonstration and sampling

11/5/14 Stephanie Bachmann and Monica Duffy

Baked turkey meatballs for sampling

11/6/14 Stephanie Bachmann and Monica Duffy

Baked for Fiber One™ pumpkin bars for sampling

11/6/14 Stephanie Bachmann and Monica Duffy

Baked roasted cauliflower for sampling

11/6/14 Stephanie Bachmann and Monica Duffy

Prepared spinach chip ingredients for sampling

11/6/14 Stephanie Bachmann and Monica Duffy

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Baked spinach chips for sampling

11/6/14 Stephanie Bachmann and Monica Duffy

Gathered food and supplies on a catering cart to transport to the conference room

11/6/14 Stephanie Bachmann and Monica Duffy

Production Diagram Below is a diagram of the area and equipment used in the kitchen. The sink was used to

wash the cauliflower and spinach. The two preparation counters were used to prepare all four recipes. The oven was used for the Fiber One™ pumpkin bars and the spinach chips. The steamer was used for the turkey meatballs and the roasted cauliflower.

Service ScheduleThe service schedule includes all service tasks performed for the food demonstration.

Task Date By Whom

Set up conference room for food demonstration

11/6/14 Stephanie Bachmann, Monica Duffy, and Nicole Harmeson RD

Performed food demonstration on turkey meatballs

11/6/14 Monica Duffy

Served turkey meatballs to patients

11/6/14 Stephanie Bachmann and Nicole Harmeson RD

Performed food 11/6/14 Stephanie Bachmann

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demonstration on roasted cauliflower

Served roasted cauliflower to patients

11/6/14 Monica Duffy and Nicole Harmeson RD

Performed food demonstration on spinach chips

11/6/14 Monica Duffy

Served spinach chips to patients

11/6/14 Stephanie Bachmann and Nicole Harmeson RD

Performed food demonstration on Fiber One™ pumpkin bars

11/6/14 Stephanie Bachmann

Served Fiber One™ pumpkin bars to patients

11/6/14 Monica Duffy and Nicole Harmeson RD

Answered patient questions related to food demonstration

11/6/14 Stephanie Bachmann and Monica Duffy

Cleaned up conference room after food demonstration

11/6/14 Stephanie Bachmann and Monica Duffy

Ran dishwasher and put away dishes

11/6/14 Stephanie Bachmann, Monica Duffy, and Andrew D.

Service DiagramsDuring the food demonstration, a PowerPoint was displayed with the ingredients used for

each recipe. The demonstration table was in the front of the room facing the patients so the patients would be able to see what the dietetic interns were demonstrating. To the right of the demonstration table was the serving table. This table had a chafing dish which kept the turkey meatballs and roasted cauliflower warm before serving them to the patients. This table also had disposable serving cups, plastic forks, Styrofoam cups, water pitchers, and paper napkins which were distributed to the patients.

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Demonstration table

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Serving table

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Dietetic interns

Evaluation of Event

Customer Satisfaction and Quality Control

When the food demonstration was over, the patients were given an evaluation to complete. Some questions were based on a scale of one to five, with one being bad and five being very good. The patients responded by saying the food demonstration was very informative and made making healthy choices easier. The patients stated that they learned about substituting ingredients in a recipe to decrease the carbohydrate content, that turkey is a great source of protein, and that pumpkin is a fruit. When the patients were asked if they thought they could make the recipes at home, the patients responded saying they could make all four recipes at home. All of the patients enjoyed the taste of the food and found the demonstration interesting. The patients also thought all of the food was of good quality, and that the information in the food demonstration was presented very well.

Resource Management This food demonstration was performed using a limited number of employees and

equipment, and efficiently utilized the available resources. Only a steamer and an oven were used to make all four recipes, and this was coordinated with the foodservice employees. All recipes used limited ingredients, and several ingredients were repeated in the recipes. The preparation for the event was planned in advanced and finished in a timely manner. The food demonstration was also performed in an appropriate amount of time to grasp the patients’

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attention and kept the patients intrigued. The food demonstration was also performed in the allotted time the conference room was reserved for the event.

Production and ServiceThe production of the food for the food demonstration was executed professionally and

with no problems. All of the food was cooked properly and tested by foodservice employees and the dietetic interns to ensure excellent quality before serving to the patients. The food demonstration was not only informational for the patients, but the patients also enjoyed the food and the food demonstration. Rapport for the dietetic interns was developed through the food demonstration as patients felt comfortable asking questions about substituting ingredients in other recipes.

ImprovementsAs with any event there are always ways to improve. An improvement to this event

could be comparing the foods that the patients were currently eating to the foods in the food demonstration. Doing so would show the patients that the food in the food demonstration was healthier and still followed the bariatric diet. Another change could be making different kinds of vegetable chips, so the patient had a variety of chips to choose from. A suggestion from the patients was to provide the serving size and nutritional information on the recipe cards. All of these improvements will be considered for future events.

ConclusionThe purpose of this food demonstration was to show bariatric patients recipes that

followed the bariatric diet and were easy to make at home. The budget for the event was $50 and required the labor of two dietetic interns, a dishwasher, and Nicole Harmeson RD. The event had a fall theme because it took place in the beginning of November. The recipes used incorporated turkey, cauliflower, spinach, and pumpkin, which were all requests of the patients. The four recipes demonstrated were turkey meatballs, roasted cauliflower, spinach chips, and Fiber One™ pumpkin bars. The patients stated that they enjoyed the food and learned a lot from the food demonstration. From this event I learned a lot but the most valuable lesson I learned was how important it is to listen to the requests of your audience when putting on an event. By listening to the requests of the audience, the audience will be more willing to try something new and be more inclined to listen to what is being presented. The bariatric patients that I presented to already had a very restricted diet, so by incorporating the patients’ requests in the recipes, the patients were excited to try the foods and more likely to make the recipes at home. By listening to the patients’ requests, I built a relationship with the patients and the patients felt comfortable asking questions after the food demonstration. Additionally, by listening to the patients’ requests, the patients instilled trust in me which is something I want to continue in future events.