food for life vrindavan

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  • 8/3/2019 Food for Life Vrindavan


    Food for Life Vrindavan: Official site - Site Content Rights Reserved

    New Year Gift Festival 2012

    Dear Friends,

    FFLV New Year Gift Festival has been going on for the last 15years. Thousands of very poor children every year on the first of January receive a gift pack from us. Last year we did 4,800 giftpacks, and that was a very difficult year, this year we hope wecan do better.

    It cost US$ 5 for a gift pack, which includes school bag, pencilbox, toothbrush and toothpaste, a toy or ball, chocolate, toffeesand biscuit, a woolly hat for the coming winter and some hope

    It is this time of the year again when we call upon you to help usgift smiles to Vrindavans poorest children.

    Send in your contribution today and please forward this messageto your near and dear ones. We are confident we can do it againthis year.

    Please contribute!!!

    The Bhakti Foundation Inc, a tax-exemption non-profitrganization; help poor children in India, provide full sponsor toducation, health and food in Food for Life Vrindavan, Sandipani

    Muni School.

    We received any kind of donation, now we need a house inMiami, Florida, to establish our headquarters. You can donate aoreclosure, bankruptcy or abandon house, townhouse, office,

    mobile home, motor home, car or boat, any property or anything

    o lend a hand and assist our benefic work. Our members areull-time volunteers without compensation interest.

    We offer a federal tax-exemption receipt.

    ontact our agent by phone in Miami: 305 244 7634


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    Just remember these children have never seen a gift in their lives. You could be the fortunate soul to giftthem a big smile. We will also be posting updates on progress and way for donating. On behalf of

    Vrindavans children we wish you a wonderful end of year 2011 and may the Lord give you strength andendurance to leap forward in 2012.

    Please download the slide show now and forward to your friends, we stil l have a long way

    to go and lit t le t ime left .

    From the left Nikitta Thacker(Student), Connor Franklin(Student), Anoop Watts(Project Leader, The Discovery Academy), Rupa Raghunath Das(International Coordinator FFLV), Jayne Hewitt(Teacher, The Discovery

    Academy) and Colette Edwards(Student)

    On December 8 2011, the partnership between The Discovery Academy and Sandipani Muni School took another step ahead when three students and two teachers arrived in Vrindavan. They attended the morningprogram next day have just begun their exploration. On July the 13 , 2011, four students and three


  • 8/3/2019 Food for Life Vrindavan


    Colette Edwards

    members of the staff had visited the schools in the UK. This twinning project began during the summer of 2008 and has gone from strength to strength over the past three years. The purpose of starting this projectwas to give students from both schools the opportunity to learn about globalization and diversity.

    During the visits teachers and students from both schools have had the opportunity to experience life in theUK and India.

    This is my second time in India and I love itmore and more every minute that I am here.When visiting Sandipani Muni School, I really enjoywatching all of the children and seeing how happythey are even though materially they do not havemuch. These children are a true inspiration andmake me realize how lucky I really am : ColetteEdwards, Student, The Discovery Academy.

    In the year 2012, two teachers and three studentsfrom SMS will again have a chance to visit theschool in the UK. The names of the students andteachers are yet to be finalized.

    FFLV started free daily Yoga classes for all interested people.

    A systematic introduction to the practice of Yoga, a step by step approach for developing strength, flexibility,good breathing habits, concentration and relaxation. Yoga postures (Asanas), breathing exercises(Pranayama), relaxation exercises, introduction to proper diet, positive thinking and meditation.

    Classes are held from 9:30 to 10:30 am at Sandipani Muni School, Burja Road, Chaitanya Vihar, Vrindavan.
  • 8/3/2019 Food for Life Vrindavan


    In any questions, please dial +91 789 500 2907.

    Sunitas Success Story

    Biting my nails, when I sat there, waiting for my turn, watching the players from other countries, with posh

    standards and all facilities, my heart pumped faster. And then I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and remembered my time at school, with my friends, with my coachif I can do it there.I can do it anywhere!

    And she did it!. This is a success story of our girl Sunita, who won a Silver in an international KarateChampionship, where five different countries participated.

    If I was not at FFLV, I would have got married by now. Sunita

    Thank you to you all friends and supporters of FFLV who made this happen for her. Now it is time to give achance to other girls who will, otherwise, never get a chance to tap their talents. These girls have so muchpotential!

    FFLV is always finding new ways to benefit these girls. Our current plan is the Global Giving Competitionthat we are participating in. We can win this competition if we have maximum number of donors. We just askyou to donate $10.00 and encourage your friends to do the same. We will be automatic winners if we are inthe top 6 organizations. We will get a share in the $80,000, which is the prize money and also a chance tobe displayed on the Girl effect website for one complete year!

    A mu sical morningby

  • 8/3/2019 Food for Life Vrindavan


    On Monday, the 25th of October, our school was treated to the melodious sounds of Blue Indigo, a traveling

    music group from the island of Hawaii. The concert was a beautiful infusion of east meets west. The bandconsists of six members, of which Brihan dasi is the lead vocalist and plays the harmonium and harp. Theremainder of the group play the bansuri flute, violin, clarinet, tabla, drums and sitar. The mixture of theseinstruments produced enchanting sounds which had the audience captured in rapt attention. The groupbegan their performance with traditional Indian bhajans, which the children enthusiastically sang and clappedalong to. The bhajans were followed by Celtic tunes and the show ended with mesmerizing westernclassical music.

    The group are on a tour of India until Novemberthe 5th. Other places where they will beperforming include Rishikesh, Almers officersclub, Maduban, Vrinda kunj and Gangi ghatkunj.