for better health 10 food. 10 they're high in vitamin and fiber content.they're an...

for Better Health 10 Food

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Post on 27-Dec-2015




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for Better Health

10 Food


They're high in vitamin and fiber content.They're an excellent source of antioxidants, compounds that protect our bodies from the stress of day to day living. The antioxidant

anthocyanin has triple the stress-fighting power of vitamin C and is known to block cancer-causing damage as well as the effects of many age-related diseases. They give

your memory a boost. The antioxidants in berries are believed to enhance brain function. Fresh berries are kind to the waistline; they are naturally high in water and low in calories. Dried berries also provide excellent nutrition, but since most of the

water is missing, their calories are more concentrated and you'll usually wind up eating more of them.

9The inexpensive

legume family, which includes beans,

peans, peanuts and lentils has priceless benefits. Versatile beans taste great,

and the high – protein and complex

carbohydrate food provides steady

energy that lasts for hours.


We all know that citrus fruits are loaded with vitamin C. They are the perfect antidote to a cold, dreary day.

7Protein is an important part of every diet, and can be find in fish, skinless chicken and turkey, pork tenderloin and certain cuts of beef. Protein is crucial for tissue

repair and building and preserving muscle.

6Olive oil is a staple in the

kitchen, but it’s also an excellent source of

heart – healthy monounsaturated fats,

vitamin E and antioxidants. Used sparingly, it’s an

excellent replacement for unhealthy saturated

fats, like butter.

5Each type of nut or seed has its own set of

benefits. Almonds, pecans and pistachios are rich in protein. Walnuts contain omega 3 fatty acids. Sesame, sunflower and pumpkin seeds

are high in heart – healthy plant sterols.


4All fish are great sources of

protein, but cold- water fish, like salmon is high in omega 3 – fatty acids. Our body can’t produce these fats, so it’s

essential to include them in your diet.

3Although most people think of tea as a

soothing and delicious beverage, it posseses a remarkable wealth of antioxidants.

Drinking green tea might boost metabolism and black teas can promote oral health.


Stock you fridge with a rainbow of vegetables and you will have a natural pharmacy in your kitchen. They are crucial component in any healthy diet because they contain a lot

of vitamins.

1Whole grains are delicious,

inexpensive and packed with protein, B vitamins, minerals and fiber. Research shows a

diet high in whole grains may help prevent heart disease, some cancers, obesity and


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