for curriculum developers, teachers & administrators training workshop advanced features

For Curriculum Developers, Teachers & Administrators For Curriculum Developers, Teachers & Administrators Training Training Workshop Workshop Advanced Advanced

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Page 1: For Curriculum Developers, Teachers & Administrators Training Workshop Advanced Features

For Curriculum Developers, Teachers & AdministratorsFor Curriculum Developers, Teachers & Administrators

Training Workshop Training Workshop Advanced FeaturesAdvanced Features

Page 2: For Curriculum Developers, Teachers & Administrators Training Workshop Advanced Features

Section One:Section One:IntroductionIntroduction

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WelcomeWelcome to this Class Server 3.0 training workshop. This training will provide more information about the advanced features used by teachers and curriculum developers.

Please sign in and pick up a training packet which includes:

Class Server Quick Reference Guide

(If not already received in The Basics workshop)

Advanced Features PowerPoint printout

Make notes, or keep it and refer to it later

Informational Sheet about getting more information

Find more Learning Resources, access the Class Server users group, other useful information

Evaluation Form

How are we doing? Please be sure to fill out the evaluation at the end of the workshop

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This workshop is approximately 4 hours. After completing this workshop that covers Class Server Advanced Features, you will have a good understanding of how the program is used, and be able to complete the following tasks:

Practical uses for Curriculum Developers / ManagersWorking with Standards, Creating and Distributing Learning Resources to schools, Advanced Editing Features

Teachers – using complete view Add new teacher profile, Using special characters (math/foreign language), Using rubrics, Create groups, Autograde Assignments, Create reports

Administrator AccessUse the Admin Tool to Add, Edit Teachers, Students and Classes, Manually Add new teachers and students

Student useClass Server sign in, View and Complete assignments in Class Server, complete assignments with separate attachments, View graded assignments

About this Workshop

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Section Two:Section Two:Curriculum Curriculum StandardsStandards

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Working with Standards About Curriculum Standards

A curriculum standard describes what a student should know in a subject area, usually based on grade or year level. Teachers can add standards to Learning Resources and assignments in Class Server - Teacher, and then assess student achievement against those standards. After teachers assess student achievement against standards, they can create reports showing the results.

Standards are commonly presented as high-level, general concepts, followed by specific details. In Class Server, the specific details are called benchmarks and skills. A benchmark or skill is a specific level of a standard that you can use to evaluate a student's work. For example, Mathematics is a standard, Computation is a benchmark, and Add and subtract whole numbers is a skill.

Student achievement can be evaluated on a standards scale of 1 to 4, where 4 is Advanced and 1 is Below Basic. The next series of slides will help get you started using Curriculum Standards Editor.

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Microsoft Curriculum Standards Editor can be installed from the Class Server 3.0. CD. This tool helps curriculum directors or Class Server administrators find or create curriculum standards for teachers to use in Class Server.

Once standards have been uploaded to a Class Server school, they can be customized for your school or district by the person at your school who currently manages assessments.

Working with Standards Using the Microsoft Curriculum Standards Editor

Instructions for adding curriculum standards to Learning Resources or assignments will be covered later in this training.


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Working with Standards Install Class Server Curriculum Standards Editor

To install, complete the following steps:

Insert the Class Server disc into the CD drive.

In Welcome to Microsoft Class Server Setup Wizard, click “Next”.

In Select a Setup Option, select “Install Class Server Curriculum Standards Editor”, and then click “Next”. Click “Finish”.

In Welcome to the Install Shield Wizard for Microsoft Class Server 3.0 - Standards Editor, click “Next”.

Accept the license agreement, and then click “Next”.

In Destination Folder, click “Next” to install to the default folder -or- To select a different location, click “Change”, select a folder, click “OK”, and then click “Next”.

Click “Install”. Click “Finish”.

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In Curriculum Standards Editor, click “File” from the top navigation menu, then choose “Download standards from the Internet”.

Right-click an .xml file from the list, then click “Save Target As..”

Close the Microsoft Class Server Curriculum Standards Download web page and return to the Standards Editor window.

Working with Standards Find Standards Appropriate for Your School

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Working with Standards Open Standards File

In Curriculum Standards Editor, click “File” from the top navigation menu, then choose “Open”.

Select the standards file you just downloaded, then click “Open”.

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Working with Standards Edit or Delete Standards Appropriate for Your School

While using Curriculum Standards Editor, you can add, edit or delete standards, benchmarks, and skills, as well as rearrange the order of the standards.

To remove standards that are not applicable to your school, highlight a standard, click “Edit”, and then click “Delete”.

Once the appropriate standards loaded in Curriculum Standards Editor, they must be uploaded to one or more Class Server schools to use them. A Curriculum Manager should maintain this regularly to make sure the data is current.


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In Curriculum Standards Editor, click “File” from the top navigation menu, then choose “Upload”.

In the Upload Standards window, type the Class Server Web address of the school, for example:

Enter Class Server administrator's user name and password in the Username and Password boxes.

If more than one Class Server school should receive the same standards, click “Add a School”.

Repeat process until all schools have been entered.

Click “Upload to All Schools”. If you receive a message to replace

existing standards, click “Yes”.

Working with Standards Upload Standards to Your School

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Working with Standards Maintain Standards

Maintain your school's curriculum standards as they are updated. The process for updating your school's standards will completely replace the existing standards with the new standards.

If you have made changes to your school's standards, you can merge your standards files, and then upload the new merged standards file to your school. This will keep any customized standards that your school has developed.

When you combine standards, the standards are merged and new standards are appended. All of the files you want to combine must already be in the required XML format.

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Working with Standards Merge Standards Files

To Merge Standards Files

From the Standards Editor, open a standards XML file.

On the File menu, click “Merge Files”. The Open Standards File dialog box appears.

Choose another standards file to merge with the existing standards file.

Click “Open”. A message appears after the

merge. Click “OK” to close the message box.

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Before we continue...Before we continue...

Does everyone now have Curriculum Standards Does everyone now have Curriculum Standards Editor installed?Editor installed?

Do you have a good understanding of how to find Do you have a good understanding of how to find and edit standards, or create your own?and edit standards, or create your own?

Do you know how to upload standards to your Do you know how to upload standards to your school(s)?school(s)?

Would you like more time to cover anything in this Would you like more time to cover anything in this section?section?

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Section Three:Section Three:Learning Learning ResourcesResources

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Getting Started

1. Launch Class Server.2. Enter your User Name and Password. This should be the same login and password

used to get into Windows.3. Choose the “Work Online” button.



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1. From the home window in Complete View, choose the “My Learning Resources” button.

2. Select “Create a Resource”

3. Choose the “Blank Resource” from the Select a template window.

4. Choose the “Blank” theme in the Select a theme window. Click “Next”, then “Finish” to complete.

Working with Learning ResourcesLearning Resource Editor





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Working with Learning ResourcesLearning Resource Editor, Advanced Editing

Have the HTML page you wish to use for a template ready and open in your HTML editor to use as the foundation.


Open your default HTML editor and select a web template you want to use for Class Server, or create a new one to use with Class Server. Save the web page, then leave it open.

For this demonstration, the example shown is a pre-formatted HTML page that has been edited in Microsoft FrontPage.

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Working with Learning ResourcesLearning Resource Editor, Advanced Editing

From the Learning Resource Editor Window...

Choose the “Advanced▼” button. Select “Edit in Default HTML Editor...” This

will launch the primary program you use to create HTML pages, such as MS Word, Front Page, or another HTML editor.

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Working with Learning ResourcesLearning Resource Editor, Advanced Editing

For this exercise, the example shown is a pre-formatted HTML page edited in Microsoft FrontPage.


1. Select the tab for your pre-formatted HTML window. Select all of the text in the HTML window (“Ctrl+A”), then copy the text (“Ctrl+C”).

2. Select the tab for “Page.htm” that is your blank page just created in the Learning Resource Editor.


In Your HTML Editor...If you are using Front Page, you will see two tabs reflecting two open web pages, the one you just created, and the blank one from Class Server.

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Working with Learning ResourcesLearning Resource Editor, Advanced Editing

Still in Your HTML Editor...

1. Paste the text you just copied (“Ctrl+V”)

2. Choose the “Preview” option. Make any necessary edits, then “Save” the file.

3. Return to the Class Server Learning Resource Editor window.

In the lower left corner, there are options to see the layout, the HTML, and the preview. You can use these to toggle back and forth while you are creating your new template.





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Working with Learning ResourcesLearning Resource Editor, Advanced Editing

Click on “Show Student View” to preview it inside of Class Server to verify there are no formatting errors.

Edit content for your new page in the Learning Resource Editor, or choose “Advanced...” to perform any complicated edits in the HTML editor.

Back to Class Server Learning Resource Editor View...

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Working with Learning ResourcesLearning Resource Editor, Advanced Editing

Click on “Change Title and Properties” to name your new Learning Resource.

We will be referring back to this later, so name it “My HTML Sample” and leave the other fields blank for now.

Name, Save and Close

The “Recommended” fields are the first eight in the list. By completing this section of the lesson, your learning resource will be more effectively indexed and searched when shared with other teachers.


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1. From the home window in Complete View, choose the “My Learning Resources” button.

2. Select Learning Resources (for this example use any of the samples)

3. Share Learning Resources with your school(s) depending on how curriculum library was set up.

Working with Learning ResourcesDistribute Learning Resources to Schools




Here is a reminder of how to share Learning Resources you create. For more information, refer back to the information presented in the Basics, or see the Quick Reference Guide.


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Return to the My Learning Resources window and a choose a title to edit.

Double click on the file, or choose “Edit” from the lower right pane.

This opens the Learning Resource Editor.

Working with Standards Align Learning Resources with curriculum standards

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Working with Standards Align Learning Resources with curriculum standards

1. Click the “Change Standards” link in the toolbar. The Review, add, or delete standards window appears.

2. Click “Add Standards”.



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Working with Standards Align Learning Resources with curriculum standards

From the Add standards window…

For this example, select Historical Understanding (8-10).

Scroll through the standards to find standards 1.1, 2.1 and 3.1, and then click the check boxes for those selections. Typically, you will select the check boxes for those standards appropriate to the Learning Resource’s content, and then click “OK”. The selected standards appear.

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Click “OK” to close the Review, add, or delete standards window.

Lastly, click “Save and Close” to save the Learning Resource.

Working with Standards Align Learning Resources with curriculum standards

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Does everyone now understand how to find and edit Does everyone now understand how to find and edit Learning Resources, or create your own?Learning Resources, or create your own?

Are you able to align Learning Resources with Are you able to align Learning Resources with standards?standards?

Do you need more help using any of the advanced Do you need more help using any of the advanced editing features? editing features?

Would you like more time to cover anything in this Would you like more time to cover anything in this section? section?

Before we continue...Before we continue...

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Section Four:Section Four:Administrator Administrator UsesUses

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Principal, Administrator, Registrar Uses

1. Choose “Tools” from the top navigation, then “Administrator...” which will open a new window, as shown, with options to maintain information about teachers, classes, students and the school home page.

2. To make edits to any of the areas mentioned, click on one of the links.

The Administrator Tool can be used to Add, Edit and Delete Teachers, Students and Classes manually into Class Server. It can be accessed from any window in Class Server.



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Edit Teachers, Classes, or Students

1. The Administrator window will open with the tabs to make edits to Teachers, Classes, or Students.

2. Once you click on the tab, another screen appears with options to make the edits to individual accounts. This example shows the screen to edit classes, where you can add or remove students, and grant access to other teachers to a particular class.



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Principal UsesCreate and Print Reports

From Complete View

From Basic View

Principals should have access to all teachers and students in their schools.

You can create a report, export it to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, then print it for use in conferences with teachers and/or individual students. The reports wizard can be started from the home screen in basic view and complete view.

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Individual Student Report

Teachers may access the Create a Report feature from the home screen, or from the Assignment Manager as shown here.

After the Reports Wizard appears, choose the “Standards report for a student” option (bottom) in the Reports Wizard to create an individual report for a student.

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Individual Student Report

Since we are creating an individual report for a student, the next screen asks you to select a class or group, then to select a student.

Choose “Finish” to complete this task.

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Individual Student Report

The individual student report is displayed and can now be printed, or exported to Excel.

If you have chosen more than one student, you can view the next student by choosing “Previous student” or “Next student” on top of page.

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Individual Teacher Report

To pull information on an individual teacher, the process is similar. Select the “Create a report” button to launch the report wizard.

Choose the option for “Scoring chart” in Assignment scores report, then click on “Next” to continue.

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Individual Teacher Report

In the Select a class or group for assignment scores screen, choose a teacher for this report.

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Individual Teacher Report

The individual teacher report is displayed and can now be printed, or exported to Excel.

This report shows all the students in this teacher’s classes, grouped by subject.

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1. To create a group, click on the “My Students and Classes” button (lower left), and start the My Students and Classes wizard.

2. Under My Groups, select the “Create a group” option, then “Next” to continue.

Using My Students and Classes Create Groups

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Using My Students and Classes

1. Select a teacher from the drop menu. Then choose the student(s) from that class for your group.

2. Give the group a name, “Fitness Award” or “Honor Students” for example. Then choose “Finish”. The group you just created will be available in the list of My students and classes next time you choose it.


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Using My Students and Classes

Start the Reports wizard again.

Choose to create the “Standards report for an assignment” option.

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Using My Students and Classes

Notice the group you just created is now available in the list to Select a class or group.

Choose that group, then choose “Finish” to complete this task.

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Using My Students and Classes

This report reflects the work from the students in that group.

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Do you know how to access the Administrator Do you know how to access the Administrator tool?tool?

Do you know how to manually add or edit teacher Do you know how to manually add or edit teacher and student accounts?and student accounts?

Do you understand how to create reports?Do you understand how to create reports?

Would you like more time to cover anything in this Would you like more time to cover anything in this section?section?

Before we continue...Before we continue...

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Section Five:Section Five:Teacher UsesTeacher Uses

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Add New Teacher Profile(s)Teachers with students at more than one location

1. Launch Class Server as you normally would. From the sign in window, click on the “Account settings” link.

2. The Teacher Account Settings window appears. Choose the option to “Create a user profile” then click on “Next” to continue.



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Choose the option to “add a school”, then click “Next” to continue.

Add New Teacher Profile(s)Teachers with students at more than one location

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Add New Teacher Profile(s)Teachers with students at more than one location

Your server administrator will have to provide you with the URLs for your Class Server schools. They should look similar to the examples shown here.

After the new school(s) are added, you may select the school location you need from the sign in screen.


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Learning ResourcesImporting Word Documents

From My Learning Resources, choose the “Create a resource” button to launch the Learning Resource Editor.

Choose “Import Word File” from the Create a Learning Resource Wizard. Complete the next series of screens that follow.

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Learning ResourcesImporting Word Documents

This example shows how a basic Word formatted document will look after it is imported into the Learning Resource Editor.

You may choose to distribute the new Learning Resource as a worksheet, or you can alter it by adding questions and further formatting the text.

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Use Encarta 2004 Export to Class Server Learning Resources

Encarta provides articles and other media covering a broad range of historical and current-event topics. This information can be used to create Learning Resources in Class Server.

Encarta includes features such as: Visual Browser Timelines Dictionary Tools

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Use Encarta 2004 Export to Class Server Learning Resources

From Encarta, find the appropriate subject matter for your class. Once you have found the information appropriate for the class, choose the “Export to Microsoft Class Server” option as shown.

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Use Encarta 2004 Export to Class Server Learning Resources

After you have exported the information from Encarta, the Learning Resource option will appear. If Class Server is not already open, it will launch and prompt you to sign in. Next, it will prompt you to accept the Learning Resource or cancel.

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Use Encarta 2004 Export to Class Server Learning Resources

After you have chosen “OK” to save the Learning Resource, it will appear in your list in the My Learning Resources window. From there, you can make any necessary edits and assign it.

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Use Encarta 2004 Export to Class Server Learning Resources

This is what the article will look like in Class Server. Some additional formatting may be necessary. You can also add pages with questions about the article.

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Special Characters Using special characters with the Advanced editing feature

How did they do that?

In the next few slides, you will learn how to integrate special characters in your Learning Resources.

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Special Characters Using special characters with the Advanced editing feature



From your desktop:1. Click on “Start” , then choose

“Run...”2. Type ‘charmap’3. Hit “Enter”

This will load the character map program. If teachers are using it regularly, they can create a shortcut on the desktop by copying the existing shortcut from Start Accessories System Tools Character Map to their desktop.

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Special Characters Using special characters with the Advanced editing feature


This Windows application is especially useful for Mathematics and Foreign Language Teachers.



From My Learning Resources:1. Click on “Create a resource” ,

or edit one you have already created.

2. In the Learning Resource, choose the “Advanced” option to use your default HTML editor.

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Special Characters Using special characters with the Advanced editing feature

After you paste the special character into the HTML editor, you may have to select it, choose the appropriate font, then adjust the size as necessary.




From your HTML editor:3. Click in the workspace where

you want to insert a special character. Then run charmap.

4. Find the character, choose it, copy, then paste it into the html page. Save the file, then return to Class Server Learning Resource Editor when you are finished.

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Align a Learning Resource with Curriculum Standards

If you are a Teacher, or a Curriculum Developer, at some point you will probably create Learning Resources for your school.

After Curriculum Standards have been loaded into Class Server you may choose to align a learning resource to specific standards. This step will save teachers time later on when they assign work to their students, as they will use the standards the author has already built into the Learning Resource.

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Create a Curriculum Standards Aligned Assignment

If the Standards have not already been added to a Learning Resource, they can be added to assignments. This option is available in the Assignment Wizard. This option is available in both Basic and Complete Views. After the state standards have been loaded into Class Server, and Curriculum Directors have made any necessary edits to make them “local district specific”, you can use them to align assignments.

Each assignment can be aligned with appropriate curriculum standard(s). This process is something that can be started while creating Learning Resources. However if you choose to change the standards for a particular assignment, it will override the standards originally aligned to the Learning Resource.


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Working with Standards Create Assignments Aligned with Curriculum Standards

Align Assignments

In My Learning Resources, select a Learning Resource, then click “Assign”, the Assignment Wizard window appears.

Click “Next”, the Add title and general information window appears.

In Student directions, type instructions to specifically address the Learning Resource.

Click “Next”, the Review, add, or delete standards window appears.

Click “Add Standards”.

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Working with Standards Create Assignments Aligned with Curriculum Standards

From the Add standards window…

For this example the standards for Social Studies: Historical Understanding (8-10), should be visible in the display window.

Click “OK”, and then click “Next”. The Select grading options window appears.

Select “Yes, I want to approve the results using Class Server Grading”. This is not an auto-gradable assignment.

Click “Next” and the Distribute the assignment to students window appears.

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Working with Standards Create Assignments Aligned with Curriculum Standards

From the Distribute the assignment to students window...

1. Select the class(es) from the Select a class to assign to list. Click “Add” to assign to the Entire Class, and then click “Next”.

2. The Add assignment dates window appears.Change the Due date and time from the default of tomorrow at 8:00AM to next Tuesday at 8:00AM.Select the assignment will be distributed immediately option..

3. Click “Next”, and the Assignment summary window appears.Review the information, then click “Finish” to distribute the assignment to your class.




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Grading AssignmentsCreate an Autogradable Assignment

One of the ways that Class Server can help you spend more time with your students is by “autograding” certain types of material, such as multiple choice or fill in the blank questions. If you choose the “autograde” function, the student will be able to refresh their home page and get immediate results on the assignment.

After students have submitted their assignments, they can be graded using the grading tool.

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In Assignment Manager, click “Create an Assignment”, then click “Next”.

In the Include a Learning Resource window select “Yes, include a Learning Resource”, then click “Next”.

Grading AssignmentsCreate an Autogradable Assignment

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Select Learning Resource (quiz), then click “Next”. Fill out the Unit, and Student directions fields, then click “Next”. The Review, add, or delete standards window opens, showing you the standards this

Learning Resource is aligned to, click “Next”.

Grading AssignmentsCreate an Autogradable Assignment

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Select the autograding feature from the Select grading options window. Select “No, I want to return autograded assignments directly to the students” if you want to use Class Server to grade and return this quiz.

Click “Next”.

Grading AssignmentsCreate an Autogradable Assignment

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In the Distribute the assignment to students window select your class from the Select what class to assign to pull down list.

Click “Add” to assign the quiz to the Entire Class, then click “Next”. In the Add assignment dates window change the Due date and time from the default of

tomorrow at 8:00AM to today at 2:00PM. Accept the default setting of “The assignment will be distributed immediately”, then

click “Next”. Review the information in the Assignment summary window. Click “Finish” to distribute the quiz to your class.

Grading AssignmentsCreate an Autogradable Assignment

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Using the Grading Tool

*The grading icons (happy face, sad face, checks, etc.) can only be used in short answer, essay answer questions, and teacher comments boxes.


Navigate to the Next Page, or the Next Student

Navigate to the Next Page, or the Next Student





Point Value

(can adjust manually)

Point Value

(can adjust manually)

Student Assignments

Student Assignments

Student Name – current assignment being graded.

Student Name – current assignment being graded.


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For this example, select the assignment you want to review. Click the “Grade” button.

Using the Grading Tool

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When you grade assignments, you can work offline and save your work at any time. The next time you work online, the grading information will be synchronized with the school server.

Using the Grading Tool

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Click the “Correct Answer” button (the green checkmark) at the top of the window. The checkmark will be placed wherever the insertion point is positioned.

Select the answer that you want to grade, and click the “Highlight” button to color background yellow.

Position the insertion point where you want the face to appear, and then click the “Happy Face” button.

Using the Grading Tool

Recommended activities to explore the grading tool.

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Working with Assignments For Teachers using Basic View

From Class Server Basic View, click on the option to “Create an Assignment” which is found on the left side navigation.

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Working with Assignments For Teachers using Basic View

The Assignment Wizard opens and you are instructed to fill in the fields for a new assignment.

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Working with Assignments For Teachers using Basic View

You will be asked to select your class, choose the due date and time, then review the details for this assignment and finish.

The default option for creating assignments in Basic View is to print and manually distribute the assignment.


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Working with Assignments For Teachers using Basic View

Click on an assignment listed to bring up this window with the following options relating to that assignment: Edit Preview Print Grade Copy Delete

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Do you know how to create a new profile?Do you know how to create a new profile?

Do you understand how to import Word Documents Do you understand how to import Word Documents and information from Encarta to Class Server?and information from Encarta to Class Server?

Are you comfortable with the advanced editing Are you comfortable with the advanced editing features, and using external editors such as features, and using external editors such as Character Map?Character Map?

Can you create a Curriculum Standards Aligned Can you create a Curriculum Standards Aligned Learning Resource and Assignment?Learning Resource and Assignment?

Do you know how to use the Grading tool?Do you know how to use the Grading tool?

Would you like more time to cover anything in this Would you like more time to cover anything in this section?section?

Before we continue...Before we continue...

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Section Six:Section Six:Student AccessStudent Access

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Working with StudentsSchool and Class Web Pages

In Class Server, a school page is a Web page that contains information about your school. The school page provides space for your school administrator to list news, current events, and Web links. The school page can also include your school logo and a description of the school.

Class pages, by comparison, contain information about specific classes, such as assignments for the current week, related events, and news items for the class. A class page is automatically created for each class.

Anyone can view the school page, but only a Class Server administrator can edit it. You and your students can view your class pages by clicking links on the school page, and you can edit the class pages for your own classes.

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Student Access to Class Server Student Sign in

Students can access their Class Server school web pages from a web browser. The student will sign in with their usual school login and password.

When a student logs into the class home page, they will get a personalized view with the option to view all of their assignments from teachers using Class Server.

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Student Access to Class Server Student Sign in

After the student logs in, they will see their school Class Server web page. From this page, the student has access to any news in their classes, and homework assignments.

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Student Access to Class Server Class Web Page

Link for Students to Access AssignmentsLink for Students to Access Assignments

Teacher and Administrator Editable Content Areas

Teacher and Administrator Editable Content Areas


Name and School

Logo Based on sign in


Name and School

Logo Based on sign in

Reminder Note if Assignments DueReminder Note if Assignments Due

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Student Access to Class Server Student Sign in

2 1. Select “My Assignments” to open the assignment page. Students who use this option can work on their homework from multiple teachers in one place.

2. The new window opens displaying all of their assignments and the status.

3. Click on a link to begin an assignment, or view the graded results.



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Do you know how to help your students sign into the Do you know how to help your students sign into the class web page?class web page?

Can you explain to your students the different areas Can you explain to your students the different areas for them to pay attention to?for them to pay attention to?

Do you know how your student can assess and Do you know how your student can assess and complete Class Server assignments?complete Class Server assignments?

Would you like more time to cover anything in this Would you like more time to cover anything in this section?section?

Before we conclude...Before we conclude...

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Section Seven:Section Seven:SummarySummary

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Thank you for being here!

This completes the Class Server Advanced Features Workshop. You should walk away from here knowing how the program is used, and feeling confident about using the advanced features in the program. Make sure you take the training packet with you, as it will provide you with reminders about what we covered today.

Please do not forget to fill out the evaluation and leave it behind for me. If you have immediate questions, please see me after the workshop.

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