for maximum benefit a series of 12 treatments ishiking in the mountains, being close to a waterfall,...


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Page 1: For maximum benefit a series of 12 treatments ishiking in the mountains, being close to a waterfall, or walking on the beach? Negative IONs may explain it! Negative IONs are mol-ecules
Page 2: For maximum benefit a series of 12 treatments ishiking in the mountains, being close to a waterfall, or walking on the beach? Negative IONs may explain it! Negative IONs are mol-ecules

For maximum benefit a series of 12 treatments is recommended - 2-3 times per week and then maintenance thereafter.

Have you ever wondered why you feel so good when hiking in the mountains, being close to a waterfall, or walking on the beach? Negative IONs may explain it! Negative IONs are mol-ecules which have more electrons than protons thus giving it a negative charge. These IONs are created in nature as air molecules are separated due to sunlight, and moving air and water. Although the peace of being surrounded by nature is reason enough to go outside, evidence shows that nega-tive IONs released in these environments can aid your body’s health and well-being. Additionally, Pierce J. Howard, PhD, the director of research at the Center for Applied Cognitive Sciences in Char-lotte, N.C. stated that:“Generally speaking, negative ions increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsi-ness, and more mental energy,” Research conducted by Columbia University showed that negative ION generators were as successful as antide-pressants in relieving winter and chronic depression.

Other potential benefits of Negative IONs include:•Reduction of allergy symptoms.•Help with asthma related issues.•Reduce respiratory-related illness.•Aid in regulation of serotonin to the brain.•Migraine headache relief.•Fatigue reduction.•Help individuals sleep better.•Improve performance of mentally-oriented activities.•Improve physical performance.•Increase concentration, body energy, and productivity.•Improve blood circulation and strengthen cardiovascular system.•Help regulate hormonal imbalances.•Ease joint-related pains and body aches

Congratulations on receiving your VITALITY fx Detoxification Station. The system is a powerful new way to experience cellular detoxification. Your Ionic Detox foot spa system will be a valu-able resource to empower people to live happier , healthier and more productive lives and also add significant additional revenue in many ways. More and more evidence suggests that the toxins in our environment, foods, water, air, personal care, cleaning and beau-ty products, plastics, petrochemicals, herbicides, insecticides, pesticides hormones in meats, medicines, pharmaceuticals, dusts, dust mites, allergens, bacteria, viruses, pathogens, elec-tromagnetic pollutions from our cellular phones, computers, TV's, microwaves, power lines etc. can have a very negative effect on our bodies and our health. The presence of toxins in our bodies in any amount is not healthful or beneficial and the accumulation of toxins is harmful and may lead to fatigue, general aches and pains, declining ap-pearance, performance, decreased focus and mental sharpness, premature aging, allergies, and many chronic diseases.Although it may seem harmless to many people, medical science is discovering that releasing and cleansing these toxins can have a great impact on health. An ionic detox foot spa or a series of them can help your bodies natural cleansing and detoxification process. Feet soak in electromagnetically charged water and a half hour session may help recalibrate energy levels and detoxify cells. With a VITALITY FX Ionic Detox Foot Spa Treatment, your body is completing an electrical circuit where a small current, too low for you to feel, is passed through your body stimulating and creating an energizing and refreshing effect. At the same time, a larger current is directed to the array placed in water. The array contains two sets of metal plates or rings, one set of which act as the anode and reduction at the cathode. As part of this process, gas is released, either oxygen of hydrogen. Bubbles will form de-pendent on the amount of fats released from the body during the process. The treatment will infuse your body with negative ions to balance relax, refresh, restore and de-stress. The 30 minute treatment can revitalize your health - giv-ing you more energy and alleviating many symptoms of poor health due to toxicity in the body. Many people experience more energy - better sleep - less pain - blood sugar regulation - less allergy symptoms - relief from headaches and many other health benefits.

Page 3: For maximum benefit a series of 12 treatments ishiking in the mountains, being close to a waterfall, or walking on the beach? Negative IONs may explain it! Negative IONs are mol-ecules

1. Do you experience fatigue or low energy levels especially around 3 pm in the afternoon?

YES / NO2. Do you experience brain fog, lack of concentration and/or poor memory?

YES / NO3. Do you eat fast foods, fatty foods, pre-prepared foods, or fried foods on a regular basis?

YES / NO4. Do you drink coffee and sodas during the day to “get yourself going”?

YES / NO5. Do you smoke cigarettes?

YES / NO6. Do you crave or eat sugary snacks, candies, or desserts?

YES / NO7. Do you have less than 2 bowel movements per day?

YES / NO8. Do you feel sleepy after meals, bloated, and /or gassy?

YES / NO9. Do you experience heart burn or indigestion after eating?

YES / NO10. Are you overweight or do you rarely exercise?

YES / NO11. Do you experience reoccurring yeast or fungal infections?

YES / NO12. Do you experience frequent headaches or migraines?

YES / NO13. Do you have arthritic aches and pains or stiffness?

YES / NO14. Do you take prescriptive medicine on a regular basis?


Toxic Build-Up Test 15. Do you take prescriptive sedatives or stimulants?YES / NO

16. Do you live with or near polluted air, water, or other environmental pollution?

YES / NO17. Do you use fluoridated toothpaste or drink fluoridated / chlorinated water?

YES / NO18. Do you experience depression or mood swings, (mental highs or lows)?

YES / NO19. Do you have bad breath or excessive body odor?

YES / NO20. Do you have food allergies or bad skin?

YES / NO21. Are you showing signs of premature aging?

YES / NO22. Have you ever used an internal cleansing product or followed a complete internal cleansing program?


If you answered “yes” to 4 or more of the above questions or answered “no” to question 22, then you are a good candidate for an internal cleansing program and would greatly benefit from an Ionic Detoxification treatment schedule.

Page 4: For maximum benefit a series of 12 treatments ishiking in the mountains, being close to a waterfall, or walking on the beach? Negative IONs may explain it! Negative IONs are mol-ecules

Our bodies accumulate different types of toxins every day through eating, drinking and breathing, as well as exposure to medications, chemicals, toxic environments, etc. These toxins cause cells within the body to die faster, which leads to pre-mature aging and diseases. Our bodies have organs and systems to detoxify them. Still, over the years the accumulation of toxins, improper diet, and sedentary lifestyles causes the excretory organs of our bodies to function suboptimally. This leaves us with lethargic and weak immune systems, as well as a susceptibility to diseases that can often lead to early and painful death. Symptoms such as hormone imbalances, flu-like aches and pains, poor nutrient absorption, constipation, poor digestion, flatulence, fatigue, weight gain, excessive mucus, poor concentration, headaches, edema, memory disorders, depression, inflammation of joints and muscles, skin problems, bad breath and strong body odor are all associated with toxic build-up in our bodies. Diseases such as Chronic Fatigue, Allergies,Fibromyalgia, Thyroid Diseases, and Cancer, to name only a few, have been directly linked to environmental toxins in the body. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that there are more than 20,000 chemicals that our bodies cannot metabolize. The toxic substances that can’t be removed from our bodies are stored in our fat cells and organs, causing an epidemic of modern diseases and obese patients around the world. The Columbia University School of Public Health reports that 95% of cancer is caused by diet and environmental toxicity. According to the EPA, our bodies accumulate 210 micrograms of just plasticizers (toxic phthalates) every day! Our modern world mandates the need to make healthy choices. The Ionic Detoxification system helps to eliminate toxins and give the body a boost. It is a positive step to sustaining good health.

Why Detoxify? Through proper detoxification, we can significantly reduce the accumulation of toxins, prevent diseases, slow down the aging process and enjoy a disease free, longer, and healthier life. Amongst all of the detoxification methods in practice, the Ionic Detoxification Foot Spa is probably the best method.

The Theory Behind theIonic Detoxification System

The technology of the Ionic Detoxification system has been in development for several decades. The induction of alternating positive and negative ion charges during the same treatment is based on a process called “Iontophoresis.” The FDA approved Iontophoresis as a healing modality in 1970. The field of Electro-Therapeutics was experimented with in the early 1720’s. By 1833, Dr. Bernard Raymond Fabre-Palaprat, a French physician, successfully demonstrated that potassium iodide, (blue in color), introduced into the skin via a negative battery terminal on one arm, would travel to another area of the body attracted by a positive pole. This opened up a whole range of possibilities in using electrical currents to stimulate, transfer, and administrate fluids and specific compounds inside the body. At that time, it was not understood how fluids were transferred through cell membranes, but in 2003, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to two American scientists, Peter Agre and Roderick MacKinnon, for their discovery of an ion channel system within cell membranes that generates an electrical signal to allow certain nutrients and fluids to pass through the membrane. This channel system maintains the balance of the bioelectrical distribution of nutrients and waste products in and out of the cell. All of the symptoms of aging and degenerative diseases are in one way or another associated with poor hydration within the cell. This

Page 5: For maximum benefit a series of 12 treatments ishiking in the mountains, being close to a waterfall, or walking on the beach? Negative IONs may explain it! Negative IONs are mol-ecules

diminishes the cell’s ability to repair itself and eliminate toxic waste. When cells dehydrate, they bunch up, fusing their membranes together and eliminating important surface areas for these ion channels to work. Over time, the body becomes more and more toxic and unable to transfer vital nutrients needed for repair or cell replication.

Live Blood Cell Analysis

DehydratedBlood Cells

HydratedBlood Cells

The principle of the Ionic Detoxification system is to use micro current to facilitate the movement or transfer of ions in and out of cells and restore the balance of positive and negative charges of cells. This painless, non-invasive micro current opens up the pathways to the vital ion channels. The “boost” or energy the body receives from the ion water module (array), which sits down in the water during a treatment, allows this amazing detoxification process to occur. As water is ionized it is split into H+ and OH- ions (and sometimes into H3O+ and H2O2 ions), similar to the way water cascading over a waterfall becomes ionized. These ions are then able to enter the body through the 4,000 large pores of the feet. Then the circulatory and lymphatic systems transport the ions throughout the body.These ions neutralize oppositely charged toxins in the cells that are normally slow to exit the body. In this way, all the body’s organs, including the liver, intestines,

In a 2009 survey, 126 users of ionic detox systems were asked what specific health benefits they or their clients received from using ionic detox foot bath systems. Their answers included: pain relief (42), including less joint stiffness, less headaches, less knee pain, less foot pain, less general muscle pain and more, increased energy (29), improved sleep (23), improved digestion (10), toxin reduction (9), decreased swelling (9), circulatory system improvement (9), reduced weight (8), skin improvements (8), emotional improvements (5), respiratory improvements and much more.

Ionic detox has been known to:• Remove toxins, free radicals and body waste products

that can cause health problems (In an Aug. ’04 study by Carlos A. Lopez-Moreno, MD, there was a significant deposit of urea, creatinine and glucose in the foot basin in 12 patients with chronic illnesses.)

• In a 2008 study by Center for Research Strategies (, 31 participants underwent ionic detox two times per week for 12 weeks. The amount of aluminum and arsenic in their blood was measured before and after the 12 weeks. The average blood

Health Benefits of IonicDetoxification

kidneys, lungs, skin, and immune system, can become energized and stimulated to function optimally. The body then rids itself of these toxins through its normal processes of urination, defecation and sweating. When the body is able to eliminate toxins and metabolic waste, then inflammation, edema, and swelling all decrease, allowing the body to repair itself and reduce pain within muscles and joints.

Page 6: For maximum benefit a series of 12 treatments ishiking in the mountains, being close to a waterfall, or walking on the beach? Negative IONs may explain it! Negative IONs are mol-ecules

aluminum level decreased by 46% from 79.8 ppb (parts per billion) to 43.1 ppb. The average blood arsenic level decreased 24% from 4.6 ppb to 3.5 ppb.

• In a 2002 study by Doctor’s Data in St. Charles, IL, there was an average increase in toxic metals found in the foot basin from nine independent sessions. Here is a list of metals that increased in concentration: Copper: 905%, Aluminum 339%, Lead 233%, Iron 174%, Manganese 140%, Antimony 128%, Cadmium 119%

• Raise pH levels. Approximately 95% of people experience a state of acidity in which their blood pH is lower than 7.45, indicating an excess of hydrogen ions. This makes an ideal breeding ground for worms, parasites, microorganisms and other critters that lower body function and cause disease.

• Inactivate viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungus• Relieve pain and tension including headaches• Purify the blood and lymph• Increase peripheral circulation• Stimulate and balance the immune system• Enhance nutrient absorption• Reduce inflammation and unwanted fluid retention• Help clear up skin• Assist in weight loss• Slow down aging and improve body flexibility• Quicken recovery time from disease or injury• Increase oxygen in the body • Rejuvenate and energize your whole body • Improve sleep

Many sellers of ionic detox foot bath systems have misinformed their customers that the colors they see in the water are toxins that have exited the body. This is mostly false. During the session, the water in the basin will always change to a brown/orange color due to the electrolytic reaction involving the array, salt, water, minerals and impurities in the water. But when feet are in the water, the colors are also affected by oils being released from the sebaceous glands, the dead skin cells and the user’s own acidity/alkalinity. Some of the neutralized toxins will also exit the body back out through the pores of the feet due to osmosis. An unusual amount of a particular color may indicate that a person has accumulated toxins in certain areas or from certain conditions and that ionic detox is helping those areas. (see chart) Always remember that the presence of negative ions in the body mainly helps the body rid itself of toxins through its normal processes of urination, defecation and sweating. Only some toxins leave the body through the pores of the feet. Therefore, color changes in the water should not be the main focus. Instead, focus on how

Why Does the Water Change Color?

Water Color

Body Area Where Toxins Are Being

RemovedBlack Liver, Alcohol, AsthmaGrey Heavy Metals

Brown Liver, Tobacco, Fat Waste

GreenKidneys, Bladder, Urinary System,

Feminine ProblemsLight Green Immune Systems

Orange Arthritis, Rheumatism

White with Bubbles

Lymphatic Systems, skin allergies

White with Particles Flatulence, Candida

Page 7: For maximum benefit a series of 12 treatments ishiking in the mountains, being close to a waterfall, or walking on the beach? Negative IONs may explain it! Negative IONs are mol-ecules

you feel. For additional proof regarding overall health improvements from ionic detox, free radical test kits may be utilized.

Effective Detoxification

To get the most out of Ionic Detox, it is important to take in specific nutrients that will help the body better function to release toxins through urination, defecation and sweating. The goal is to bring the body back to balance and optimal health. Eat plenty of fresh veggies & fruits (limit sugars and sweets and refined, over processed foods, identify and eliminate artificial sugars and potentially harmful ingredients from your foods, water, air, environment, personal care and beauty products)

Required for Everyone:

- Drink Plenty of fresh water (we recommend spring water, or the purest water possible from a reliable source.)

- During an ionic detox protocol it is important to replenish essential nutrients that are missing from our diets. We recommend VITALITY FX liquid Essential as it is a complete range of essential nutrients in a concen-trated liquid delivery system that has been specifically designed to bridge the gap between what GOD intend-ed you to get from your daily diet from the foods you eat, and what you actually get when eating primarily processed foods, convenience, fast and manufactured foods. VITALITY FX liquid Essential is all in one bottle and easy to take, tastes great and features over 200 nutrients, along with Super nutrients, the 7 Wonders of Natural Health and 7 Key nutrients & co-factors.

- During an ionic detox protocol it is important to consume enough fiber both soluble and insoluble. This cleanses and rejuvenates the colon, digestive tract and provides major health ben efits like disease prevention, improved digestion, lowered risk of heart disease and cancer and enhanced overall health and wellness. Probiotics are also very important to rebalance and restore intestinal order, improve immune system function and increase absorption of nutrients and these beneficial and good bacteria can strengthen and pro-tect your health. Digestive enzymes are energized pro-tein molecules essential for the digestion of food, brain stimulation, cell tissue and organ repair as well as generating cellular energy. We suggest taking Vital-ity FX Fiber Plus as it is a gentle daily total digestive tract cleanse and revitalizer which has the perfect fiber blend from 8 natural sources plus Probiotics, Prebiot-ics, a full range of digestive enzymes , L’glutamine, 200:1 Aloe Vera gel, Flax seed power and slippery elm all in one bottle in the perfect synergy and amounts.

- To improve energy, performance and effective body cleansing and purification we suggest a quality meal replacement shake to replace one mealdaily. This will give your digestive tract a rest and replenish your body with essential nutrients , amino acids, quality proteins & more . We recommend Vitality Fx Replenish Instant Meal Shake that is simple, delicious and packed with everything your body needs and nothing it does not need ( like sugars, refined carbohydrates, ar tificial sugars, preservatives, binders, fillers)

Go to for more info and to order.

Page 8: For maximum benefit a series of 12 treatments ishiking in the mountains, being close to a waterfall, or walking on the beach? Negative IONs may explain it! Negative IONs are mol-ecules

• It is recommended that the average healthy adult undergo 30 minute sessions two times per week for 5 weeks. Following the 10 sessions, a maintenance program of 1 session every 7-10 days is recommended.

• It is recommended that the average healthy 13-17 year old, using the machine with adult supervision, should undergo 15-20 minute sessions one time per week for 10 weeks. Following the 10 sessions, a maintenance program of 1 session every 14 days is recommended.

• It is recommended that the average healthy 10-12 year old, using the machine with adult supervision, should undergo 10-15 minute sessions one time per week for 10 weeks. Following the 10 sessions, a maintenance program of 1 session every 14 days is recommended.

• Ionic detox is not recommended for children less than 10 years old.

• To prevent over-activation of the digestive organs do not eat or drink anything during the session.

• After the session, do not move rapidly. Take 3-5 minutes of rest and get up slowly. However, if you become hungry or thirsty, eat or drink 15-20 minutes after the session.

• Some people become tired, hungry, thirsty, dizzy or get headaches after ionic detox. If this occurs, try decreasing the frequency or duration of treatments or try decreasing the amperage to 1.1.

Treatment ProtocolsDo not use the Ionic Detox system if you:

• Have a pacemaker or other electronic implements• Take medication for hypertension• Have had an organ transplant• Are pregnant or nursing• Have epilepsy• Have open wounds on your feet• Are currently undergoing any form of radiation or

chemotherapy• Are a hemophiliac or taking blood thinners• Are a child under 8 years old


DisclaimerThese statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The Ionic Detox system is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Do not immerse the main unit in water at any time.

If you are a health care professional or practitioner or beauty professional please call 877-890-6395 or go to to inquire aboutour wholesale pricing program so that you can offer your clients these formulas.

Page 9: For maximum benefit a series of 12 treatments ishiking in the mountains, being close to a waterfall, or walking on the beach? Negative IONs may explain it! Negative IONs are mol-ecules

Detox in ActionI was employed as a wellness assistant for a successful Health & Wellness center & spa for over 2 years and per-sonally experienced amazing results with patients who did the ionic detox footspas as part of their therapies. People with joint pain – headaches – low energy – acidic range in their ph - and compromised immune systems reported great benefits when detoxifying the body with the ionic detox footbath. Also I myself have had periodic problems with allergies and fatigue which were always much better when I had foot spa treatments. I would recommend these treatments for everyone who is serious about optimizing there health.

Georgia Bessett

I sleep better, have more energy and mental clarity. It has relieved my aches and joint pain and allergy symptoms. It has drawn out toxins from my body which has improved my health and apperance!

Kay Moss Salon & Spa owner

I am feeling great!!! I have been detoxifying two times per week and I feel so much more energy, my mental focus and clarity has improved and it really refreshes and relaxes me. I really notice that it helps me sleep better and alleviates aches and pains. I was experiencing headaches often and since using the footspa I do not have them at all. I would not want to live without it

Susan Tayko


Before Ionization

5 minutes lapse

15 minutes lapse

30 minutes lapse