for Ämm $tar - chronicling america...ornamental fanot «roods wlijhare on viewin their rooms ovbb...

ÄmM $tar Vä. XXIV. WASHINGTON· D. C . TUESDAY· DECEMBER 27. 1864. ?«· 8.689. ? FOR ?G?? FiOLIDAYS. PIIILI A SOLOMO!«·' Christmas Preparations» PHI-LIP A SOLOMONS, 332 PENEBÏLVANIA ATENDE. »eepe«trully announce thai their HOLIDAY«TOOK at ready fer inspection ; een«l»tisg of BOOB». .)«gaatly lllsrtseted. both AMERICAN AN» FORBJOB. hi the mast superb styles of stadia«. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, a ever on· hundred ? arieti··. BIBLB0. PRATER BOOR·, HTM ? BOOR 8, af every denomination, in the varíen» styles ef hi»ciM.·. Ae., Ae. Is »ddition to their usually variad assort-ent «j Good«, they have IMPORTED DIRECT FROM PARIS. . most reehtrthe stuck of ORNAMENTAL fANOT «ROODS Wlijhare on view in THEIR ROOMS OVBB THE STORE, «abraeing a ruperb collection of ARTICLE« OF VERTU, to which the attention of Connoisseur» is invited. BOLD AND SILVER PENS AND PENCIL CA8B8. BCBBER PEN AND PENCIL CASES, OOLD MOUNTED. CHESS AND BACROAMMON BOARDS. a RITIRO DESKS IN GREAT VARIETT. FORTE M0NNAIE8 FOR LABIES AND T??- TLEMEN. PIABIES, FORTE FOLIOS. DRESSING OASES. TOVR1.-T8'CASES. «ASK STS. WOBK BOXES, PANCT INKSTANDS, CIGAR STANDS, ODOR BOXBS, JEWEL CASES, Ae., Ac, A·., BJBTROPOLITAN BOOKSTORE. BO »M PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. Between Ninth and Tenth ntree*·, deW-tf WASHINGTON, H OLIDAT GOODS AND TOTS. I teg leav» to Inform the citizens of Georgetown aad Washington that my HOLIDAY GOODS ar» bow ready for examination. The assortment la mmaieta, and good» of th· choicest quality. Tbey .¦Mist of ANNUALS, tbs POETS, BIBLES, PRAYER and HYMN BOOKS, in the finest bind- lo«i ; PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, WRITING DBS ? 8, and WORK BOXBS, of rosewood and papier mache, inlaid in th· roost élaborât« ¦».oner with pearl and German silver; together with JEWELRY. GLOVE aud PERFUME BOXES, WATCH and CARD CaSlS, and a full lice of the finest SPEAKING aad CRYING COLLS, DOLL HEADS, and TOYS, to he found in lb» market. My aseortroent of the American Cast Iron Tori laiieved to be th· most complete to be found ia ihe Pittriet, embracing every kind made. Plea·· call and examine my atork befo*/· par- «hafing elsewhere. G.CRANDELL, S »It· No 1 'J*" «ridge st.. Georgetown. D. O ? HERB IS NOTHING LIKB LOOKING AROUND WHKN YOU WANT TO BUT A HOLIDAY PRESENT, And while you are looking take a look it RUSSELL'S BOOKSTORE, 33.1 7th street, near Pennsylvania »renne, Aad see the Largest, Mi»«t Vi- ed, Riehset, and . Obeape»t stock of PBOTOOBAPH ALBUM«·*, WRITING DESKS, La/liee* Workboxea aad Dressing Cases. Gentie- ati'· Dre»»lrg Case«, Ladies' Companion»; the Poet» ia fine binding, GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, PENKNIVES, Cigsr Ca»ea. Book» ia beet binding, Ae. ¦I.,-» an offer tor the article you want and you . »ball ha>v«j it without regard to coet. are ' «eLiaa«trerytbiag In thi» ot«.·re cheaper than any »lace in the city. Re»*.e_b.*r, RUSSELL'S BOOKSTORB, 7th street,between Penn. »venue and D street. Under A v, nue Uou«e. P. 8.Just received % .u.·» eolleetioa sf C'-il- -r. · - Booh«, Builditg 3loc_i, Lili'«* Blocks or A ? t Gam·. Ac._doe 14 dUaal I'FR. RUPPLRT'S TEMPLE OF FANCY, No. MB 7th strtft between D and B. Inri« rt«ror ill of new TOYS aad FANCY MODS ««Ui»«».1 for Cbr stma» Presen'»». DULLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A *r»»kt »*»r',"t> ol rOBTMOB-IE». CARD CABES. WORKSTANDS. BAr-KETS, PERFUMERY, from the best factories. »RITIJO LLSK*. WOi'.KDOXhS, and CABAS, GAMES CHES3. BACKGAMMON BOAHD3, CllNA VA:»E8, ORNAMENTS. MABKS, HOJBY IiORir>:S. I «diet ?.? w.»b to av· : i t»«»· u*"a»l crowd aro sfter.üljy invite«! to r.ake ther brl*»ti»os as early as «"it· rient. deolO V r*BEie«l_JJ la COMING. ???.) i.pen to day ·». fl« «· APSOBTMENT OP GOODS llflaMly tor tb« »»c-mioD. r in* L*«**Coil»r«.Ttni*»d Laco Co!1a**s. Kid and ?'· · « (rlovee. V ornili« Be-tch, b·.atttah«d and «.riitiro, jf.-t-d ?<<·. 'in .-Me:·» .aahreidsr« i (Jo·lar·. Me ?»«*. Also,811 Baarasand Bnarf kirbous. to- »«»·' iTWith », tir.» nsf»or»i:ient of/.'i»riyr sn ! Wool- »i ·· ita, a beaatifnl n»··-.· «itTleuf Hair Nets aud K. » : «1res»··, »ith »n »Mort fleet of LAflES' AM» MiS:E8 BATE, trimmed »nd n·..trimme«!. .' » li*r ·· »seor.i*_t of Hi»e Fii.Cy Goods, L..«* le««' Won K.ii··. Writing D*rk«, 8»tchel», 1 ? : .. :;t¡.·«. ?'..I«*· Article». Ac A«*. '¦·..'.i r ».··'. a Bo« » «ortmi-at cf TOYS of all kit da with *?,·.G.) t .her article« »oitabU ?·t pre» *»·« L·.·? «.ver j body »n ! get your supply frcrn Il »P WELL'S lb«·»» Sto-«), «if)-J E »treet n»ar Uth. ti li Depot f«.r Bf-weii A Warner« toloriSe «Vr»oior »g th» heir de 19 lw / < T( Rl'SSiiLL-e itOORSTORlT- aB yo* ? »LIUA'i PRESENTS. ·· ? »ui·« t ???? ·.. ?·«- )iii«e»t in «ty'e And price-. _<"'¦ n»n.tabl· l<ir prj-eute lo nieva bei· of the Bathali» «Jisurch ·¦»¦?> fc ve-th street west. n.»ar _5»e I « 1_l'enokvlv«ni»»veBoe. NOTICE TO THE PCBL1C. % We would info.-m oar customer» .n<! th«· ??,??· g"oei»'.!y th«: h*ve r.·· * «·?> bini at >>ar ? ??T? FURNITURE E**rABLi«-'IiMBST »»«.ry extaaalvcaad ««..eral assortment mf ine sad i«i**dium «iha'lty FURNITUR*. «»ÍLT MIRRORS. Ac. *»"· » - r»u «ell at great bargain«. Peredas ia »ani at FURNITURE »rid BOCBBBBBMBfl GOOD;» ·> in we'.' to ".n «I e t_-.i.i our-to«i at No - 3*1 Ttl Mgeel betw-wn .? G,»?_?» »v»u«e and Û ¦Ir»· et <i ?··. i»». !>«,Rï(,OEa VIMMBAMAN mgU NAW BOOT AND SHOE STORE fl__5 OHA8. ? B.'.fLY A CO., STS P«:»»evi.v_*JiA avxiob, __ B*' 1 th aad -t»» »ts., o*»r th« Kirkwoei lions» »«.? id re«pectful!y I-.ior. taeir Fri »adi asd ta· Pibi»e. ta»t th«y will opeo On MON DA V. October ?, 1864, A 3o« »at a«w assort.«nt of LALIES GENTLEMAN. hfISSB8, BOY*, AND Cl!ILDRP*r . HOOTS AND SHOES. s»·"- 'it in th« Latest «at m-»st IBM.¦_Ml etyl·. WeaiL" »e'l at fTMoaab'e prie·», aid hope by trict stWatioo and iotegtity, to m«xtt j fair ahar . th» Pati.* pati nage. ?»-tk·oh»»- atlantica ha« been paid to th* Ladle· D-p»· ;Ui»,_· of braioeea, and wa ß*? a fely so.: of <«· ef tne a&e«i a.wrt_«_t af LADIES' ???G8 AND SHOES In ?* eity OB._. B. BAYLT A OO. .aiirtt »o.eT«spenB..v..*>«t uth aad_ih sta DIABO POE PALE -s?· upright PIAN» far ¦ »«I« P»iee¿7» ru : -»,-«..,> ?. :... --_¦- »s« >r,..Dï Ai«·.» o·« t.»· b: ih JEnnl *;'·_«wo. .Jae.oii-s'i . g to«wagon »·tß ?'«·>»$_" At J JiiUBVaNAL'S La«*T Beer B_aa. .«»r;.««· ill _4 ? Slrwe»·. C»»;t*»l faul. AMUSEMENTS. CANTERBURY HALL. MUSIÓ )CANTERBURY HALL, 1 AND HAL LÍ0ANTER11URY HALL. { TU ? AT IB Loci-i-JiA Ars».s, jr<gr Corner of Sixth street, Rear of National amé Mstroreluam Hotels. ß?ß?ß? Lba ¦,.___...,,.,. Proprietor Joss Habt-.___..8tai.e Manager Lonts 8io_LO«T-._Ral let Master Jen EaroTi-Musical Dlreotoi A CARD.Mr. Lea, nroprietor of the above Pop¬ ular piare respectfully intimate· to the goodly citizen· ard the comrminit· of Washington, that he sp-ires pains or expense in ? electing and »u gaging the BBST AND M08T TALENT I'D ARTI8TE9 in the profeesicn; and, with his characterietie zeal as an old established MANAOBB AND CATEREB ron PUBLIO AMUSEMENT; Proudly declares his Troupe foi OPERA, eOMBDY, FARCB, OB PANTOMIME, Second to none in the WORLD. In pTorf of whieb the following Array of Artistic Abilities is respectfully submitted to the intelli¬ gent and amusement-taring people: Lfcfct week of TONY PASTOR. TONY PASTOR, TONY PASTOR, TONY PASTOR. TONY PASTÜB. The very Czar of COMIC BINGBR8, COMIC SINGER-», COMIC SINGERS, COMIC MNGERS, COMIC SINGERS, who·· loqaaetons and garrulous powers to cor -o late and verify the sublime and ridiouloas, has ban jet never been equalled. MESSRS. MURRAY AND HI TCHINr-OM, Ml RRAY AND HI'l'OHINS-N, MURRAY AND Ï1UTO.I INSON, MURRAY AND HUT0HIN3.N. the wonderful and lastly eelekrated GYMNAST*. GYMNASTS, GYMNASTS. and Professors of ATHLETIC BXBRCIBBB, appear in their extraordinary GYRATORY GLORE PERFORMANCE; G-RATORY GLOBE PERFORMANCE, and with their TBAINED SAGACIOUS DOGS, SAGACIOUS DOG 8, SAGACIOUS DOGS, SALACIOUS DOGS, PUNCn, DASH AND IPORT4 PUNCH. DASH AND SPORT. PUNCH, DASH AND SPORT. PUNCH, DASH AND 8PORT. La*t week of MON8. MATHTIEU MON3 MATTHIEU who will fcppear ia AND HTLT·* DI8IRKK, MLLE DISIIiKE. TWO NEW BALLETS. TWO NBW BALLETS, assisted by the entire Ballet Troupe, entitled THB BIRTH DAY OF MARY, **dthm VIVANDIERE. EEAUTIFULEINGING, GRACEFUL DANCING, ARTISTIC GRBUPING8, And Side .putting NBGRÜ EXTJ AVAGANZA8. The Ntw aad Brilliant ENGLISH PANTOMIME, with Tricks and Scenery imported by Mr. Leg at a c_»t of over FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, FIVE 1 HOU ¡5 AND HOLLARS, in full rehear*..], and will be prodne,- during tbe Holidays, whan tbe '«h«.'·· Auditorium will be tur.-d lato a GORGEOUS BOUDOIR GORGEOUS BOUDOIR AND PALACE OF J-NCUANTMENT. ¦eenrt-iaa ? rod need willk« kntirely new NEW PBO-OÜN_LM. Every Seat in the Home will be so arranged aa to enable all to obtain a FULL VIEW OF THE STAGB. which is being now litt-d up with NBW AND 8PLEND1S 8CBNBRT. Nothing will be omitted whieh will tend to the comi-ri cf our patrons and mojsm the PANTOMIME or HARLEQUIN KANTA8IO: li Ai.L.Ki I IN .ANTASIO; 11AKI Eu UN FANTABIO ; OR, THE PAIRY OF THE SILVER BGG. THE CHEF DOXY RE OF THE SE ABO» MATINEE ON SATURDAY. MATINEE i'N SATURDAY, MATIN ai. ON SAICRDAY, rhen aU the C-_-pao> wiiiaiipear. NEW YEAR'S DAY, SI* YEAR S DAY, MONDAY, JANUARY 2, MONDAY, JANUARY _. TWO PERFOBMANOBS, AFTERNOON. AT 3, AFTERNOON, AT 3, EVENING, AT S. tV.Nlî·.. AT ». KOTICE.-Th· following talented artistes ore eBg*.g*ri, and will shortly appear M'LLE ANNETTI G .LLBTTI, M'LLB AH NETT l O ALLETTI, MLLE ANN ET ? GALLETTI, th* Greatest Danwuse in the world. THOMPSON AND KERNS, the bcit and most original Bong Doaoo men in the profession. DEL-??? G ? AND WARD, acknowledged ·*t »11 to th· Champion Clog Dancers of America. JOIIH MULLIGAN. tèe aneenalled Bthiopiaa Comedia·. AMUSEMENTS. KOR DB NBW THEATER. Tenth street, about Pennsylvania avenu*. A CARVIsTl OF FUN CHRISTMAS WBEK, engagement of tbe popular Comedian. MR i ??? ? DREW, .Rsisted by the Washirgt«ia Kavorite, Miss St:SAN DKNIN, THIi? (TUESDAY) EVENING, December .1. Tbe I'er ? ·; nn e will commence with Petit· Pi si..a . ? MONri. J ACVlUES. ¦OKB. JACQUES.-FRANK DBEW Followed by Drew's Great Burlesque ot CAMILLE, CAMILLE-._FRANK DREW To conclude with ?. J. Byr »n'e Famous Extra- ganza of MA7.EPPA; Ob. AN UNTAMED ROCKING HORSE. MAZEPPA, alias C-ssimere.FRANK DREW OLINfcKA.SUSAN DEXIN WBDNESDAY-FRANk" DREW end SUSAN PEN I? will appear in the drama of RIP VAN WINKLE and the extraganza of MA/ EPPA. eitOVEK'S THEATER. Pennsylvania Avenne. near Willard's Hotel. CHRISTMAS WEEK. Return to the 8tage of the voting, heantiful, sud Talented Commedienneand Washington favorite, SOPHIE 01 MBER KUHN, who will appear THIS (Tuesday» ENENING, Deeember.7. in tbe beautiful cbaracter, JESSE BROWN ¡or THE RELIF.FOF LUOKNOW. To conclude with the farce of THB QUIET FAMILY. To morrow night. The Colleen Bawn. THE OXFORD HALL OF MUSIC ARO PI-IALOTHECA, Ninth street, fronting on Pennsylvanie svenne Great attraction, for the Holidays. Houses fall all the time. Immense sneres· of MISS KATHLEEN O'NEIL, The last great scnFation, TIM HATES, Champion Single Clog Dancer of America. HUG II BY DOUGHERTY, the great ¡Stump Ora'er from Pennsylvania· BARRY CARTKR. Th·- ereat Comic Singer. M'MB V.ARZATII and M0N8 ANTONIO, The best Dan«·«-· in the World. The great Corps de Rallet.c mmsting of twelve beautiful young ladies, and ?«e.ty other Star perforroanere. FOX, CURRAN A MORRIS, Proprietors. T.adieK ?? ?? ? BES every SATURDAY, and on NBW V BAB'S DAY, commenciogat half past two «le 27 lw FOR THB HOLIDAYiT" ? RESENTS FOB THE HOLIDAYS T. POTENTINI, No. 37 9 Penneylvania svenne. Has the pleasure to announce to hie nnmer¿ni friends and patron·, that he has just reoeired the most Ruperb and varied assortment of FOREIGN CONFECTIONS. PBE8EBVE8, Ac, of his own importatioa. consisting In part of FRENCH CANDIES. GLACES. PBESERVES. BON BONS.Ae. He would also esll special attention to his un¬ surpassed as-ortment of FANCY CAKES, CANDIBH, Ae. of his own manufacture, for which he challenges eompetition in manufacture and delicacy «if lavor PRIYATE PARTIES OWMMITTERS. *e.,are reeaeetfally requested to examina his Incireasad facilities far furnUhing DINNERS, SUPPERS tbe shortest possible notice, to which he' gives hie personal supervision, t.aviti« now a CORPS OF COOKS AND WAITERS who are nn equalled in their I'i.e. Parties wishing to sfnd present« of Cakes and Confectionery to their friends in the ARMY COUNTRY, or elsewhere, can have their orders promptly rJlled, a. ? immediately forwarded tu their des'inatinn His popular RB8TAURANT AND PRIVATB DINING ROOMS for ladies and gentlemen will b.» continui d as heretofore, to which he would re¬ spectful)*- call the attention of Citizens and Stran¬ gers, where at ail tirut-s mesi- are served at a few minutes notice ht the most recherche sy le. dec .0 im*_ CVLXGAÑT HOLIDAY GIFTS. ALBUMS in everr variety and style. Eleg-Dt und BOOK*, POETS. JUVENÏLB8. Ae ill BLES PRAY. R BOOKS. HYMN BOOKS. Ac WRI'ING DESKS. WORK BOXES. DRESSING MOROCCO GOODS. CHILDREN'S GAMES, &*c., GOLD PBNB AND PENCILS, FANCY STATION ERY. Don't forget to at the Old Emporium. BHBPHEBD A RILEY, de lf-îw_ Corner 7th and D streets. SUITABLE PBE8ENTS fOB TRI HOU- DAYS. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, the greatest vsrietv in this city. CARIES DLY1SITE0F OKLKBRITIBS, Plain si.d colored. ????? GLASSE1», FIELD GLASSES, FINB GOLD SPECTACLES, STKKB0SC0PE8 AND VIE «VS. at tbe lowest prices, at FRANKLIN «\ CO., Optician·, -'II Pa. tiv betw«·- ani Litli sts., and 3*·-« Pa av., Natio.-U Hotel Building, dec 20-tf 8 PIBX WORKS. FIBE WORKS. Justreeclved an assortment of FIRE WORKS or tbe boli'«ays. FIRECRACKERS.TOP.PBD.l.S, «PIT DEVILS BLUE LIGHTS. 11N WHEELS BO MAH CAN DLF.5 EKY RO0K!'T8, MINES, SCROLL WHEEL?, CPACBER PISTOLS. TORPEDO BOWS. Ac, Acwhoiesule and retail,al BOSWLLL't* Fancy Store 3081 Street, éì9 lw_[Cl.ronACcn Unioni ni^ar luh at. TO THE CATHOLIC CITIZEN- OF WÁ-HÍÑG- J TON, AND OTHERS I bave again returned from the Northern eitiei with the r.r.evt nnd finest stock of PBATBR ROOKS. STATUARY,CRO-B-tS, MEDALS. FINE ENCRA"· ING8, with acd without frames, ever of- fertd in this -itv BOOKS FOR CHILDREN, und a variety of other articles soi ta bip for presents,»H of which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. M. D. RUSSELL. Bookeeller and Btattoa·., dec 1 .-ijan 1_.V_6 Seventh strget. jSÂTB DK/koIÊS D0ÍB8 D-TSTHASBCRG RIS DE vjiau'aUX PETITS POIS. R1M DE VEaU AUX TOMATES, BIS DE VEAU A L'OSEILLE. TlirFFFS DU PBRIGORD AU NATUREL, PATE l»K FOIES GRAS. BKGASëB TRU M-EE, UKPES 4 L'HUILE, CHAMPIGNONS. _, . BAUR1C0T3. For sale br RING A BUROHBLL, de H-Eft Vermont svenne and 16th street TREAT BARGAIt-S. Prime SUGAR*, 19c, 2îc and Tie. New BUCK W H BAT, GOLDEN 8YRU1», only $1.-0 Bert BLACK Tit. only SI 25 New CITRON, CUKRANTSand RAISINS Cilici Brand«: FAMILY a»d EXTRA FLOUR Fresh SPICES, all kind· CANNED FHUITS. Choice MINCE MJAT Cb'-ice TUB end PRINT BUTTER Fresb FLAVORING EXTRACTS Old BOURMON. WHEAT and RYE WHISKEY Chi tee WINES, BRANDIES and SBGARS, For sale low. »VANS. delB-lOt*_**7 9th st , be* Dani E. Ill PORTAN ? TO FBMALBS-DB. ????.?- IdAN'S PILLS.The eombina'Jou ·. ingre¬ dients in these Pills is the result of a long and . _t.>nsive practice. They are mild In their opera¬ tion, and certuin in correcting all ir.'egularities. painful meiiStniMti-in-, removing all obstruction·, whether from cold or ot h-t cansas, hesda««he, pain In tbe side, palpitation of tbe heart, whites, all nervous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the baek and limbs Ac, disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of nature. Dr. Oheeseman'a Pills was the commencement of anew era In tbe treatment of these irregularities which kavo consigned so many to a ur«·mature grave. No female can enjoy good health anDsi ..lie is regular, and whenever an ohetrectiontake« d lace the general health begins to dneliue Dr _,-.·.· m an'». Pills are th« most effectual remedy ever known for all complaint« peen liar to female« To all elapses they are invaluable, indoef ng, with certainty, periodical reguiariiy. ? hay ore known to thousands who have used them at aifferest pe¬ riod« tbronybout thecountr». having the sanction of some _f the moat emlnont physician· in Amari ga. BxplieH direction·, stating when tbey should not be used, witb each box; the priée, ene dollar r»r bea. containing frero 60 to W pills. Pills «eut j mail promptly, by remitting to the proprietors Bold br DrBggiRtsg.oeraUy. _._ HUTCniNGB 4 HILLYBB. Proprietors, nov s-Dtetwn ei Oedar atreet New York. ?UFOUB-8 STRATEGY AND, TACTICS Do¬ pare«'· Militar ? Art and ?'Stir-, Hall <*k . Military Art and Scieoee. MacDongill'e Cum· pair- of Hannibal; Loudoo. Leslie on the Im· ploy meat ?* Light Troops; Loadon. Jervi·'Men¬ na] of Field Operations; London. Saahai'e M id »rn War. Yat··· on Strategy; London Jo aim s ?._,,;·? of Waterloo. Jomini'a A'-t of War Schalk> Art of War Schal*'" Campaigns of lSi$_ or· Uta Marrront's Spirit of Mil«ta-y In-'ttu tioas. [bot BO] FBANOK TaYLOB. LOCAL NEW8. C'hristnia·· Notwithstanding the streets and avenues ot the city wore merged in mod, and yesterday «cas kept moist by a drizzling tain, the fee ti vi¬ tina nenal to the day were celebrated with due effectiveness, and noue seemed to enter into it ith more zest than did tbe patients at the hospitals In and around the city In nearly e«.ery hospital extensive preparations were made for a feast, musical eutertainmente, fire¬ works, theatrical exhibitions, ana, in most of tbe hospitals, interesting devotional exercises were had, thus affording something for the di- vertisement of all, of whatever turn of mind. < AMVBKLI. HOSPITAL. At «2 o'clock the inmates of this hospital (about ìlio in number) were seated at a table laden down with turkeys, vegetables, sauces, preserves, jellies and a multitude of other eat¬ able«, to which they did ample justice. Speeches wero delivered by A. *F. Sheldon, surgeon in charge, Chaplain Gaylord and othprs. The patiente are much indebted for their sumptu¬ ous le-ist to the kind liberality of Mr·. John T. Heard, of Boeton, for a contribution of «?50; Mrs. Bunker. te.1u3.CO, as a contribution from the itieste of th« National Hotel; from Mrs Bun :an, of Philadelphia,«¿95 pounds .., choice poultry; Betides very valuable aid from Rep- Teseiitativee Hooper and Kelly. The iliil-reut wards were gaily decorated, and especially the library and reading-room ball, where was had, in tbe evening, a social ball, In winch pa¬ tient!, officers aud visitors mingled, and all enjoyed themselves to the fullest extent; the esce lent bttnd or the hospital adding largely ¿o the Bleasnraa or the occasion, with this hos¬ pital is liicii connected an excellent dramatic company, which performs eveiy Friday eve¬ ning In tbe large ball lltted up tor that pur¬ pose. rnii.r r. s. hospital. At thi·* hospital the patiente were by no m?an*J for-rotten, for on Saturday evening they were entertained with a fine display of firework·, after which the Bramati Association and Ethiopian imitators, composed of the convales¬ cents, t acb gave a performance in their halle. tbe former giving creditable Impersonations in ..Box and Cox," aun the "Blundering Ser¬ vant,''and the latu r giving «'Mesmerism,''and .«The Black Mail," in a spirited style, with ballade, stump speeches, Ac, that were in¬ teresting "iui calculated to pass time away pleasantly. On Sunday morning, the wards were found iu apple-pie order, the Surgeon in charge having uttered a premium for tbe three wards found in the neatest and cleanest con¬ dition. Each ward wae handsomely decorated and beautiful and Appropriate designs sus¬ pended in the dlfforent wards; one of which (in ward 6,) was "For General Thomas," and was formed by entwining together tbe branches of ceaar, pine, Ac, aud presented a very pretty appearance. On Sunday, at 1-2 o'clock, the patients (about 60) sat down to tables bend¬ ing beneath a heavy weight of tnrkeys, and numerous other eatables and delicacies of the the season, which were disposed or with a relish by all. who were in the best or spirit», bet au ¡-e or the varied entertainments cotton np ror the occasion. MOUNT PLBASANT HOSPITAL. On Sunday morning this hospital was trimmed off in fine style, ( through the exertions ni the patients and a tew volunteer aids.lady friends ot the hospital)..for the pleasant oc¬ casion of a Christmas dinner. Tbe dinner was well gotten np. tbe tables being literally covered with turkeys, vege¬ tables, mince pies, cran ht rry sauce and many other palatable dishes, beside· an abundance or apples aud cider.the number seated being about H.o patients. Grace was »»aid · he Chaplain or the hos¬ pital, alter wbicu the patient« ««went in" and did tbelr best, butconld not consume all that bad bien prep»-r«Ml tor them. They are under many obligations to Mrs. M oree, w bo Unirti y furnished for tbe feos t a whole barrel of cranberry sauce and other delicacies, und hus been much d**voted to tbe patient» tor a long time, wait mir on them with a mother's tare and furnishing them with many Mule dainties not always at command in a hos¬ pital. STANTON HOSPITAL. The arrangement·* here to feast the .-lek and wounded weie very extensive, the executive steward (Mr.G. W. Jaques) Raving been in- dnstriouely engaged 1er a week pas-1 iu getting up a immer v. inch all tbe inmates of the hos¬ pital could paitake of His efforts were emi- nestly inccessfnl, the appreciation of the men, expressed In valions ways, while at the dinner'.ahi·-, clearly demoiibtrat-d. The din¬ ner, consisting of roust turkey, roast ? ef, slewed chicken, boiled ham, sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, turnips, kale, «law, celery, cu¬ cumber pickles, crauberry tauce, bread, but¬ ter, coffee, tea apple*·, cakes, stewed fruit, mince pie», apple pfci &<*., and a ««mug of ale" lor each man to "wash the aubstantialsdown," all provided from the bo«pit*il fund.was spread in the dining room of the hospital, upon three tables extending the entire longtn of th.· hall The room was beaut.uliy decorated with e vercrcem-, American lla¿e and shields being displayed from prominent positions. In th»· center ol the room, and midway of the «enter table. .«·:«'.' .? i... .·· ?'tu i-;o.:i ; ii.v, tattettilly tninmed, which uttractej tb» attention of all prêtent, ai d which many ol the patients de¬ clined reminded th»»m of Christmas times at heme. At 1 o'clock the huiile sounded, when about «2311 or -J:;o men filed m the »side doors ot the din m ft i. v.· m, and ? imped the ir.¡»el ve» arouud tb-tanlei-, andai! were abundantly supplied. UapL Sbillingiuw, the military osetbtauL and commanding oinci r of the K'iard at Stanton, deter.lined that bis men should not be out- don«·, bad r. -uinptuous dinner prepared under the direction of hi.- es-'imabl** wife, and ser\¿*d to the men by Dis lair daughters.Jeunie and Maggie· in «ine of the rooms attached to üu» quarters. Tnis dinner was as.good as any that could obtained a- any of our city hotels, and after grace Lad been mid by Orderly Sergeant Cornell, the thirty-eight men or OaptCS 's com¬ pany besan an earnest attack on thegocd things befoie them, with a determination to enjoy me opportunità allo)did. Cupi. Sliillinglaw ñeing a (Scotchman, he had a plentiful supply of the lavmite "bot punch,''which was freely served to Ih« men. I' can b«· said to the cr««dit of Capt. S that although -ooie ten or twelve ol bis per¬ sonal friends were m attendance, none of them were Invited t<> aine until hi« men ¦. -d eaten to then hean'e content, and left tne. table. This fact was noticed by the brave boys, and upon leaving the table they drank a ..bumper" to the captain, I ..- wile, nnd dau-zbters. At the present time there are only about «Jîr» patiente ni S'il«um Hospital, although there are excel¬ lent iiccommenattons for 500 men. Dr. Benj. ? Wilson is the snrgeon in charge, aud he is ablv assisted hy Acting Assistant Surgeons J. B. (ieilaud, B.W. I'rentiee, \V. H. Millar and Wm. Bryan. The stewards are (1. W. Jaques (executive), ? E. Woodward, J. ('azans and J. (J. ?ose. There is not a li >i pitia in Wash- iiigtc'ii that can boast of a better corps of offi¬ cers than Stanton. I»«.1 ..LASS HOSPITAL. This hospital, which is located on the corner of 1 and «2d streets, in a row of large four story brick buildings, immediately opposite Stau ton, was by no means behind its neighbor with its Cbris'.mas dinner, which was served at -2 o'cl'k in the »Chapel," some two hundred and fifty men setting down to the tables, which fairly groaned with such good things as poultry, po¬ tatoes, onions, turnips, bread, butter, coifee, pies, cakes, apple*», ale, Ac. The dinner woe purchased from money of the hospital fund, and was prepared under the direction of the Staters of Charity. There were some thirty patients wn.i were unable to attend the bible, but Hiey were well provided for, and served with ai»umptuoas repast ia their van- out waids. The mess rooms of this hospital, la which tbe guards and atteudants partook of tbj-ir din¬ ner the «rn.· as tarnished to the patieji. in the Chapel was hang with the ditfeesnt army corps badges, made of evergreens and ar¬ tificial flower», the handiwork of Private A K. Ferres. Portrai'B of distinguished person a lie s were prof u* el ? displayed, aud at the head of the tables bung life-size pictures of Grant .nd Sherman, under which were tae words, ««Pride of America." Douglass can accommodate 5 '() patients, bat there are now -orne «¿00 vacant bed·. Surgeon W. F. Nome has charge of th la hospital, and be isassi.ted by Dn. C. Car vello, G. P. Hsn- awalt, ? L. Height, H. Gt*>bon·, jr., snd ?. B. Hitz Lieutenante F.Band, is the otficer or tbe guard, and the hospital stewards ara Messrs Hope, Lewis, and Plummer. ????? HOSPITAL. This boepi.1. (in which kept the sick aud dies bled military prisoners,) was also pro vided witb sn excellent dinner at 3 o'clock m Sunday. V rongh the exertion· of their etBcere, the ward» heing tastefully decorated with ever¬ green·, paper ot variane ooiori, Ac. About -HiQ were eeaud at tbe tables, and everything pasted off pleaaanily, much wit ana humor being displayed in the meanwhile. Immediately attor the dinner tbe patiente were treated to an excellent sermon, wbien must have had beneficial effect, as the gentln- menl ? surgeon In charge, P. Glennan, U. «S. V , reported tbat not one of the inmates were in the guard-house on the next morning. XBOUV BOeriTAL. At this hospital the usual services were held on (Sabbath.Rev. Ür. Imanaban delivering an excellent discourse. Yesterday the patient·, guards, Ac, were entertaiued with a fine din¬ ner prepared under tbe direction of the officers, and furnished from the hospital Innd. About 1* o'clock the patients assembled.that is all those able.numbering with the members of the V. R. O. on duty there 610 and headed by tbe band, they proceeded to the dining ball, where they weie seated under the directiou of Executive Steward Hramhill. A few remarks were made by Surgeon N. R. Mo.ely in charge, in which he congratnlated.the company on the retnrn of another Christmae, and stated that we had made a full year's progress in putting down tbe rebellion, Sherman having rione much of the work, and to-day while extending their congratulations on the return of the Christmas season, tbey could congratulate themselves on the capture ot Savannah. The dinner consisted of turkey, geese, cbiek* en, beet, mutton, vegetables, Ac, and was topped off with fine old fasbioned plum pud¬ ding and pie. Those who were uuablt· to go to the table were provided for in the wards. The dining ball was handsomely decorated and while tbe patients were engaged in eating, the flue baud performed a number of appro¬ priate airs. The various wards were fixed up in style.the ward masters having emulated each other in tastefully adorning the wards, the officers having offered a premium for the best looking ward as to cleanliness, con¬ venience, Ac. This ??Gß? induced the ward masters to do their best, and the consequence was that every ward bore some semblance to a fairy bower. During the morning three ol the officers appointed as judges visited and in¬ spected tbe wards, and united in deciding in favor of Ward II, which was most.beautifully and tastefully decorated. Subsequently the officers, with a number of guests, dined in tbe chapel, partaking of a dinner exactly similar to that partaken of by tbe patients; and aiter full justice was doue, a number of sentiments were offered and drank· and speeches made in response to two excel¬ lent ones by Ur. Walsh (who wae officer of the day) who congratulated his fellow officers on the hieb reputation of tbe hospital, which was now spoken of in every city as one of the best. At ',% o'clock a grand concert gotten up under the direction of Messrs. A. V. King (stage man¬ ager) and J. ti. Perkins (musical director) took place in the dining hall, where all the patriots who were well enough to be there and quite a number of invited guests were in at¬ tendance. The programme embraced over twenty pieces, amone which were a number ot comic and sentimental songs, dances, solo« on various instrument»-, inducing tne on a tin dipper bandle. LI-TOOLV nnsriTAL. Extensive preparations were made at this hospital (of which Dr. J. C. McKeeis tbe head) for a proper observance of the day, and every ? »·. officers and patients, vied with the other in making tbe day as much like a holiday at. home as possible. In the morning an exami¬ nation of the colored school cum posed mostly of tbe children of the contraband laborers em¬ ployed about the hospital, and taught by Mieses Hill and dates,) took place in the près- enee of the parents and friends of tbe scholars, numbering about too, and after Its conclusion, everything having passed otf well, each schol¬ ar received a Christmas gift of a cornucopia with candies, Ac Quite a number of whites were present, among whom we noticed Senator Hurlan, Rev. Mr. Hntler, chaplain of tbe hos¬ pital, and Dr. Cohen, superintendent of colored schools, all ot whom made short, as well as the Burgeon in charge, who was accom¬ panied by hie staff. Steward Johnson attended to the distribution of the presents here. Rev. Dr. Adams, of New York, aud others of the linrlsttan Oommlesion were also present. At '-.. o'clock the grand affair of the day.the Christmas dinner.came off*. The patients and attendants, numbering about 1,300, gathered in the dining hall, win« h was tastefully deco¬ rated, and after the Divine blessing had been implored by Rev. J G. Butler, the chaplain, ti.· y fell to and did full justice to tbe turkey., "?···'·-, chickens, pies, &«., which bad been handsomely prepared. Tbe table was sup¬ plied witb ale, and wae set out under the di¬ rection of Mr. Dudley, th« ODmrnissary Stew¬ ard, who performed bis part admirably. This room was decorated with evergreen-*, Mage, «v.. -, and the eight of thirteen hundred ol our brav boys feasting atone time was well worth seeing. Among the motto, were the ullowing: »Onr -ñirgeon in charge, may he on te promoted, but not to leave us." "Th«» Executive Officer, abould he he taken away, may he speedily be promoted." "Liberty an 1 I nion, on« and ineeperable." ««Merry, ¡'Jerry Christmas," with flume of a turkey, with «in!·· hint fork erii, k in it After the inner man had been fully sane-tied, the a-»,,u_bHge gave three cheers for the Surpeon in charge, (Dr. McKce) the Executive, (Dr. VV. Lindsley, Ol this city,) for the President and lor tbe army and navy, aud separated to their quarters. While the men were at dinner, an unexpected dlvertisement was presented. The kiti-hen is iu lull view of the dining hail, and is luruish.d wi'h an extensive cooking appa¬ ratus, and as the men were takiug iheir de.sert, a figure, representing Jeff. Davis, was run up directly over the range, the. tops of which were simultineously taken off, causing the tire to iii:ht up the ligure luid i's surroundings with aeortol irfernal glare, eivingavivi'l re¬ primer, tat ion of the Union soldier's idea of the ar· h traitor's " This ¡iff_lr caused great excitement, aud .Tetr. was groaned lusti¬ ly, while many exiiaimed'-Ameii" tothedoom foreshadowed lo him. The buri'i-on in charge was the recipient of a very batídseme present during the dav. a very beautiful horse, fully eiiuippcd with sartdl··, biiclle, holsters, and flue pistols, which was sent out to him in charge of a colored boy, with a rhrd «aylng it was a present from his i*hl!a. delpbia friends. Dr. MiKe. is a nio.t excellent officer( as the fine condition of th. hospital uuder his charge testifies, and he as well ihe various olii cere, anione whom is Executive Steward Hardy, deserve much credit for the mariner in which, the day wa. spout iher. yes¬ terday. At Branch Hospital, which is an adinnct to Lincoln, aid is under the charge ol Dr. M-lvee, the day was observed by the patten's, about :..',<! in uumber, who are mostly composed ot those convalescing from Lincoln. All the ward- vere heavily trimmed wiih evergreens, as also was the dining room, wliere th«> men eat down about !?% o'clock, aud after grate had heei. said by Kev. ???. Ferry, they "moved iu." and scon tbe turkles and other poultry roast et, ham and e<:gs, mince pies, «fc , which was washed down wnh coffte, be^r, and t-a, bore t< · limouy to the manner in which the men ei gaged themselves; but so plentiful was the supply that they could uotget through wi:h it. Alter all were through with eating cheers were Eiven for the President and Drs. McKee aud Lindsley. Dr. VanZandt, is now in immediate charge of this ho-pital He with his assistant, and Stewurds Brush and Mi -hai-,, saw tb&t every tli i i. g was prepared for the dinner, and were rewarded by the approbation of the men. From what little we have observed at the various· hospitals, we have noticed that that class út dieu designated as stewards hold very renponsilil- poeitlons, and that it takes men with considerable tact aud a great deal energy to till those places, and yet we are informed that their pay is not much more than the non- co irmi-ßfoned officers. We hear that an effort will be made during Ur.s Congress to increase the rank and pay of this clase, aud we feel sure tbat tb.e members of cither House who have Visited tbe hospital, or who are acquainted with the du'les of these ofn.eis will give their votes for an increase of their pay. MAIUNB G.??? _l Ks>. At the marine barracks, accordiug to the time-Huno, ed custom, the men, numbering witb the guard lrom the Navy Yard, over.00, were treated to a Une dinner, con»i»:iu_ oran end¬ less variety of dishes to which they did full justice Col. Zeilen and "miy, with rhe staff of tbe corps and many officers were present, aud before tbe men sat down they were addressed by Lieut _»ok"s who now commands the post. After doing mil justice to tbe edibles, a num¬ ber of toasts were offered and responded to by some of tbe non* commissioned officers and men. The dinner was gotten op by Sergeant Major Dunn, Quartermaster Sergeant Waiter, aad Sergeant Reynold·» and tbe manner In which tbey performed tbeir part won tbe encomiums of the officers and men. Til. R-DLIOIOUB ??ß?????-B or Chbikt- .?? ·.- AttbeOatbolicand Epis copal Oh arches ae, Christmas day (Sunday) was ob¬ served witb special emphasis At St. Matthew'· (Jhurcb, (Catholic) Rev. ('has. White, pastor, at. a. m , Mozart'· First fila-· wets sung, at lia. tu., (.rand High Ma··, v.·itti orchestra. Von Weber's Great Mas· in ft, in most » tlecttve style. Prof. Pertbeaa was the organist bere, and the leading parte by Miee Kate Anderson, Mr«. N. Callan, Mrs. Geifer, and Prof. Cnincilla. At St. Patrick'» Chnrch, (Catholic) the mnsto wm also of a high order. At S a. m . tbe choir (full) sarg Mozart's Oreat lath Mas», in O. and at 11 a. m , Grand Mas» in 11, by Well». Prof. Caulfleld is the organist here, with Mies Mary Murray, Mr·. Canlfleld, Mr« s V. Noya«, and ober* ot mnaical note in the vocal parts. Ke v. J. A. Walter, the pastor here, prefaced hie sermon by an eloquent appeal in behalf of St. Charles College, Baltimore, the alma maUr of so many distinguished Catholic divine». At St» Dominica» (Oatboltc), the music waa also very superior. Prof. Meltsbach presidia·; st the organ, and Mr» Brown. Mr. J. Matti.t- ly, Mis· Matttuglv, Mr lardella, Mr. A. Smith, ar-d others of fine vocal abilities of tho congregation contributing their aid on the oc¬ cisión Mozart's great Maas No. 7 was given here in admirable style. Rev. Mr Lynch said the early (I o'clock) Msss here, and Rev. Mr. Ralph preached, and the second Ma»· was .aid by Rev. Mr Bokle, Father Lynch preach¬ ing St. Domlntck's Chnreh wa» very beauti¬ fully dreeaed with evergreen« and flower·, and the whole Interior presented a very cheerful and attractive appearance. In accordance with the.ioyfnl nature or the day At St. Alovsim Church, (Catholic) Christ¬ mas was celebrated with much f-etlvtty. On Christmas Eve, the young ladies of St Aloy- sive' Academy, under the care or the Sisters of Mercy, gave nn entertainment at two o'clock in tiie afternoon, during which the young la- die» performed several piece· on the piano and spi ke several dialogue·. Atter the perform¬ ance, Misses Mary Kckloff and Mary Riely ? ame np and r resented, on the part ot tne scholars, a handsome writing de«k, accom¬ panied with ? neat and appropriate addre*·, to which Father Wiget replies, with much feel¬ ing. Tbebovs attached to the male departm«Bt, under the charge of Mr. J. P. Brophy, held theirs at ? p. m , in which the same order of exercises took place, snd during which Msster Gecrge Dudley presented, on the part of tbe day and Sunday school scholars, the Rev. Father Wiget with a complete set of harne«». The aff¡»ir passed off with great credit to the schol¬ ar». The Bchoole are in the meet ftonnabing condition.those of the SL-ters number 400 and the male department 300. ? in Christmas morn¬ ing, at .s a. m , a solemn high mass was song. The chnrch was heautiruliy decorated Witt} evergreens, and the altar dreased with white eamelias. The music was most solemn and impressive Besides the mass, Mr» Kretech- mar sang the » Adesta Fitteli»:" and "There were Shepherds keeping their Night Watches" was also sung with the greatest reeling by Mrs. ? , and the Rev. Father Hitzelberger ad¬ dressed a few but impressive words to all present. At II a.m. the church was again filled, and the grand twelfth ma «ui Mozart was per- lormed in grand style by the an 'ir, and the ser¬ mon preached by the Rev. Father Stonestreet. on the birth of our Savior. On Monday the children of the parish bada large Christmas tree. During the evening the children enjoyed themselves greatlv, and all will remember with reelings of joy the Christmas at SU Aloy¬ sius. At »St. John's Chnrch (Episcopal) foil and heavy festoons of evergreens, suspended from the central sky-light and diverging therefrom, had a fine effect; and this was sdded to by th* delicate tracery of green along tbe extent of the gallery panel work. The services were con¬ ducted by Rev. G. W. Smith. This church hue been distinguished for years for the excel¬ lence ol He quartette choir, which is constituted at present as follows:.Mi»* Emma B»· Turner, Mrs. Cleary, Mr. S. V. Noyee, Mr. Parker. Organist, Mr. Medicg. The musical aervioea were Te Demut, composed by W. S. Lloyd; flea- ediitvs, by Winter; anthem, "While shepherds watched," Ac , by Lloyd. At the Church of the Epiphany, the "dim religious light" of the beautiful interior of in- fine church edifice was turtber reduced by tho wealth of evergreens and rare flowers, dis¬ posed in wreathe, festoons, and botfueta. throBghout the building. Among the orna¬ mental inscriptions were the following, '«Be¬ hold, thy King cornetti," »G?to us a Child is born," "King of Kings and Lord of Lorde," .«The word was made flesh," Ac. Tbe music wa- under the direction of Signor Strini, conductor ol the choir, assisted by Mr. h p ·??, who presided at the organ. The open¬ ing sentence, the prayer from Stralicila, with appropriate words, was beanti.illy rendered by Mre. Blanchard. The main featare of the music for the day was a Te De um composed for the occasion by Mr. Kroell. The harmonies were massi ve and the solos beautifnl; one of whicb, an alto solo, was effectively rendered by the performer, and admired by the entire congregation. The Jubilate, by Rosenthal, and the Psalm, with music, by Mozart aad Ros¬ sini were effectively rendered, especially the bass solo in tbe latter piece, performed by Sig¬ nor Strini. Tbe beautiful eoprano solos were very tastefully executed. Rev. Dr Hall, rector, occupied the pulpit, and delivered a discourse from ibe 14th vene, let chapter of Joba'· Croupel, ««The word was made flesh," Ac. Tbe children of the pariah were not overlooked tbis Christmas. Tho teachers of the Sabbath School, at considerable expense, prepared for them a tree laden with gilts, jnsi such as would please the children, and 'hi*· was preeented to the children of the perish on Saturday afternoon. Trinity Church ( Episcopal) was also finely decorated with green and with beautiful flow¬ ers. The heavy wreaths of green carried spi¬ rally up the column«» of the church had a fino effect, as did the various emblazoned Inscrip¬ tions framed in green. Prom.nent amongst these, upon a white ground, appeared the words, «Olory to God in the E.ghost,** and over tbe altar appeared a b-uun'ul »Star of Bethlehem " Tne services were conducisi here by the rector. Rev. Mr. Keeling. The mnaical services given here too were of & superior order. ( lrace Chnrch ( Episcopal) was handsomely and «ppropnately dressed wit h evergreens aud holly, and with erose ol nvergreens above the altar. A prominent feature wan tbe escatch- eou w hlch ornami".·.»öd the centre of the gal- leTy at the west end. It is intended to repre- _ent the banners ol the tout principal trIbes of lerccl united unter ene cognizance, sur¬ mounted by the crowt» representing the royalty of.lesps. Ibis shield is divided into quarter¬ ing» by a cross ot green, wh'ch is illuminated by a smaller cross of gold. Ou tbe tiret part ia a In n gold, ou a giound of blue, to repre¬ sent .Tudub: in the sei cud, a a gold Held, to represent Ephraim: in the third, a man. on a ground of gold, to represent Reuben: and ir the fourth a golden, ou a Held of blue, to represent D.iu. Thege denote, by tho lion, power; the ox, patience: the man. religion and reason; ilie'eaglt·, wisdom, egillty aud sub¬ limity, tbe whole indicating th·* original church oi Ciôd as colle·, ted lu tbe twelve tribe·, and now surmounted by th·? crown as being under the ';' of Jetus (,brier, whose natal day iliese. ornamentstiona were Intended to honor. The rector, Rev. Dr. Hjlmead, preached from St. Luke,Sdchapter, nth verse. The noir j^ertormniices, conducted by Mr., were admirable. At the Church of the Ascension, (Episcopal.) the services were coud ncted by th -rector, Rev. Dr. Pinckney, who preached from Isaiah, FM. The church was very handsome!y decorated with devices in cedar, ivy and palm, accom¬ panied by beanti!ul Möwen*. A triple arch o er the altar bore the words «»Counsellor," "The Almighty God," ·« Prince ot» Peace." Above was a ¡,llt star in gilt, ornamented with evergreen, representing the Star of Bethlehem The font was decked with a profusion of white japónicas and other rare llower«. Th·» altar railing bore the Inscription, "Glory to Mod in the highest," and the choir trotti bor·· lue w.irds, ««To yon Is born thi- dav a Savior win a is Christ tbe Lord." The admirable quartette choir at this church (Mrs. Hunan· soprano·, Miss Ocndricti, contralto, Mr. W. St. Mew. busso; Mr. Van Bnskirk, tenor, with Mr. E. S. Kin. lall as or-rauistiperformcd in mpsrsujfio as open ing an them ;«Whi!a Shepherds Wat',li«*d, Ac." by Lloyd; after which resile, by Laud-, grand Te D<-um, by Lloyd; Juoilale. bv Carr. At Christ Church, (Eplccopal.) Rev Mr. Harris preached The church was finely dec¬ orated with evergreens, aad in di fièrent por¬ tions of the building appropriate motto s were displayed, among them one over th«* d »or, " Messiah is King." The enoir. under the lea.1- eisbip ot Mr Samuel Cross, was verv er- fective, and was accompanied by Mr. Myriek on the organ. The English Lutheran Chur« *i, (Rev.J.G. Putter,) was very tastefully decorated with evergreens, bv the ladies of tbe ongregatioa, and presented a beautirul appearance. The services were made particularly Interesting by the participation iu them by the Sunday School, under their superintendent, Mr. Pratt. The school rloimeii several Christmas anthems in very fine style. The paator, during tbe <!aw, delivered two discourses without announcing ? text, and which may be entitled lessons frorn the manger, in these discourses urlucipal points connected with tbe incarnation were discussed. Interesting services in connection with tho day, we learn, took place at tbe otber Catho¬ lic, Episcopal, and Lutheran churches of tbe eity and District. FROM New ©RL_AwS. Cairo, Dec. V4.- The steamer Magata, fron New Orleans on the I7tb instant, has arrived. The Evening Star, .rom New York, bad reach¬ ed there. The George Cromwell, for N««w Yorlr*, left on the i7«*h. __,_ The prize cchooaer Jalla, of Nassau, with an assorted eargo, was captured off Brazos river on the 5ta, by the U. s. steamer Dacotah. She had arrived safely at New Orleans. Tbe gunboat Nsrci r sus was blown up in Mo¬ bile Bay on the 9?? Instant, by a torpedo. No Uve» were lost, bu» several persons were scald¬ ed» All her map rial was saved. The boat will probably be raised. ¦ . General Dana has ordered all arms, ammu¬ nition, and military pyro ecbriea in tbe haadn of private citisene to be sbipp<*4 north of Cairo previo as to tbe 1st of January. Perone touad bo nth of Cairo with such property, or me m i~ terials need for their manufacturo, will ha ar¬ rested and imprisoned.

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  • ÄmM $tarVä. XXIV. WASHINGTON· D. C . TUESDAY· DECEMBER 27. 1864. ?«· 8.689.

    ?FOR ?G?? FiOLIDAYS.


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    «hafing elsewhere. G.CRANDELL,S »It· No 1 'J*" «ridge st.. Georgetown. D. O


    And while you are looking take a look itRUSSELL'S BOOKSTORE,

    33.1 7th street, near Pennsylvania »renne,Aad see the Largest, Mi»«t Vi- ed, Riehset, and

    . Obeape»t stock ofPBOTOOBAPH ALBUM«·*, WRITING DESKS,

    La/liee* Workboxea aad Dressing Cases. Gentie-ati'· Dre»»lrg Case«, Ladies' Companion»; thePoet» ia fine binding,GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, PENKNIVES,

    Cigsr Ca»ea. Book» ia beet binding, Ae.¦I.,-» an offer tor the article you want and you

    . »ball ha>v«j it without regard to coet. W· are'«eLiaa«trerytbiag In thi» ot«.·re cheaper than any»lace in the city. Re»*.e_b.*r,

    RUSSELL'S BOOKSTORB,7th street,between Penn. »venue and D street.

    Under A v, nue Uou«e.P. 8.Just received % .u.·» eolleetioa sf C'-il-

    -r. · - Booh«, Builditg 3loc_i, Lili'«* Blocks or A? t Gam·.Ac._doe 14 dUaalI'FR. RUPPLRT'S

    TEMPLE OF FANCY,No. MB 7th strtft between D and B.

    Inri« rt«ror ill of new TOYS aad FANCYMODS ««Ui»«».1 for Cbr stma» Presen'»».DULLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.A *r»»kt »*»r',"t> olrOBTMOB-IE». CARD CABES.


    from the best factories.»RITIJO LLSK*. WOi'.KDOXhS,



    MABKS, HOJBY IiORir>:S.I «diet ?.? w.»b to av· : i t»«»· u*"a»l crowd aro

    sfter.üljy invite«! to r.ake ther brl*»ti»os as earlyas «"it· rient. deolO V

    r*BEie«l_JJ la COMING.???.) i.pen to day ·». fl« «·

    APSOBTMENT OP GOODSllflaMly tor tb« »»c-mioD.r in* L*«**Coil»r«.Ttni*»d Laco Co!1a**s. Kid and

    ?'· · « (rlovee. V ornili« Be-tch, b·.atttah«d and«.riitiro, jf.-t-d ?

    in the profeesicn; and, with his characterietie zealas an old established



    Proudly declares his Troupe foiOPERA, eOMBDY,


    PANTOMIME,Second to none in the


    In pTorf of whieb the following Array of ArtisticAbilities is respectfully submitted to the intelli¬gent and amusement-taring people:



    who·· loqaaetons and garrulous powers to cor -olate and verify the sublime and ridiouloas, hasban jet never been equalled.


    the wonderful and lastly eelekratedGYMNAST*.GYMNASTS,GYMNASTS.

    and Professors ofATHLETIC BXBRCIBBB,


    and with their




    who will fcppear ia



    assisted by the entire Ballet Troupe, entitledTHB BIRTH DAY OF MARY,

    **dthm VIVANDIERE.


    ARTISTIC GRBUPING8,And Side .putting


    The Ntw aad BrilliantENGLISH PANTOMIME,

    with Tricks and Scenery imported by Mr. Leg at ac_»t of over


    1· in full rehear*..], and will be prodne,- duringtbe Holidays, whan tbe '«h«.'·· Auditorium will betur.-d lato a



    PALACE OF J-NCUANTMENT.¦eenrt-iaa ? rod need willk« kntirely newNEW PBO-OÜN_LM.

    Every Seat in the Home will be so arranged aato enable all to obtain a

    FULL VIEW OF THE STAGB.which is being now litt-d up with

    NBW AND 8PLEND1S 8CBNBRT.Nothing will be omitted whieh will tend to the

    comi-ri cf our patrons and mojsm thePANTOMIME






    rhen aU the C-_-pao> wiiiaiipear.




    EVENING, AT S.tV.Nlî·.. AT ».

    KOTICE.-Th· following talented artistes oreeBg*.g*ri, and will shortly appear


    THOMPSON AND KERNS,the bcit and most original Bong Doaoo men in

    the profession.

    DEL-??? G ? AND WARD,acknowledged ·*t »11 to h· th· Champion Clog

    Dancers of America.

    JOIIH MULLIGAN.tèe aneenalled Bthiopiaa Comedia·.


    Tenth street, about Pennsylvania avenu*.A CARVIsTl OF FUNCHRISTMAS WBEK,

    engagement of tbe popular Comedian.MR i ??? ? DREW,.Rsisted by the Washirgt«ia Kavorite, MissSt:SAN DKNIN,THIi? (TUESDAY) EVENING, December .1.

    Tbe I'er ? ·; -· nn e will commence with Petit·Pi si..a . ? MONri. J ACVlUES.¦OKB. JACQUES.-FRANK DBEWFollowed by Drew's Great Burlesque ot

    CAMILLE,CAMILLE-._FRANK DREWTo conclude with ?. J. Byr »n'e Famous Extra-

    ganza ofMA7.EPPA;


    PEN I? will appear in the drama of RIP VANWINKLE and the extraganza of MA/EPPA.eitOVEK'S THEATER.

    Pennsylvania Avenne. near Willard's Hotel.CHRISTMAS WEEK.

    Return to the 8tage of the voting, heantiful, sudTalented Commedienneand Washington favorite,SOPHIE 01 MBER KUHN,

    who will appearTHIS (Tuesday» ENENING, Deeember.7.

    in tbe beautiful cbaracter,JESSE BROWN ¡or THE RELIF.FOF LUOKNOW.To conclude with the farce of

    THB QUIET FAMILY.To morrow night. The Colleen Bawn.THE OXFORD HALL OF MUSIC ARO

    PI-IALOTHECA,Ninth street, fronting on Pennsylvanie svenneGreat attraction, for the Holidays. Houses fallall the time.

    Immense sneres· ofMISS KATHLEEN O'NEIL,

    The last great scnFation,TIM HATES,

    Champion Single Clog Dancer of America.HUG II BY DOUGHERTY,the great ¡Stump Ora'er from Pennsylvania·BARRY CARTKR.

    Th·- ereat Comic Singer.M'MB V.ARZATII and M0N8 ANTONIO,The best Dan«·«-· in the World.The great Corps de Rallet.c mmsting of twelvebeautiful young ladies, and ?«e.ty other Starperforroanere.FOX, CURRAN A MORRIS, Proprietors.T.adieK ?? ?? ? BES every SATURDAY, and onNBW V BAB'S DAY, commenciogat half past two«le 27 lw



    No. 37 9 Penneylvania svenne.Has the pleasure to announce to hie nnmer¿ni

    friends and patron·, that he has just reoeired themost Ruperb and varied assortment ofFOREIGN CONFECTIONS. PBE8EBVE8, Ac,

    of his own importatioa. consisting In part ofFRENCH CANDIES.


    BON BONS.Ae.He would also esll special attention to his un¬surpassed as-ortment of

    FANCY CAKES, CANDIBH, Ae.of his own manufacture, for which he challengeseompetition in manufacture and delicacy «if lavorPRIYATE PARTIES OWMMITTERS. *e.,arereeaeetfally requested to examina his Incireasadfacilities far furnUhing DINNERS, tbe shortest possible notice, to which he'gives hie personal supervision, t.aviti« now aCORPS OF COOKS AND WAITERS who are nnequalled in their I'i.e.Parties wishing to sfnd present« of Cakes andConfectionery to their friends in the ARMY

    COUNTRY, or elsewhere, can have their orderspromptly rJlled, a. ? immediately forwarded tutheir des'inatinnHis popular RB8TAURANT AND PRIVATBDINING ROOMS for ladies and gentlemen will b.»continui d as heretofore, to which he would re¬spectful)*- call the attention of Citizens and Stran¬

    gers, where at ail tirut-s mesi- are served at a fewminutes notice ht the most recherche s y le.dec .0 im*_CVLXGAÑT HOLIDAY GIFTS.ALBUMS in everr variety and style.Eleg-Dt B« und BOOK*, POETS. JUVENÏLB8. Aeill BLES PRAY. R BOOKS. HYMN BOOKS. AcWRI'ING DESKS. WORK BOXES. DRESSINGMOROCCO GOODS. CHILDREN'S GAMES, &*c.,GOLD PBNB AND PENCILS, FANCY STATION

    ERY.Don't forget to at the Old Emporium.BHBPHEBD A RILEY,de lf-îw_ Corner 7th and D streets.SUITABLE PBE8ENTS fOB TRI HOU-DAYS.

    PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS,the greatest vsrietv in this city.CARIES DLY1SITE0F OKLKBRITIBS,Plain si.d colored.????? GLASSE1», FIELD GLASSES,FINB GOLD SPECTACLES,STKKB0SC0PE8 AND VIE « tbe lowest prices, at

    FRANKLIN «\ CO., Optician·,-'II Pa. tiv betw«·- ani Litli sts.,and 3*·-« Pa av., Natio.-U Hotel Building,dec 20-tf



    BOSWLLL't* Fancy Store3081 Street,

    éì9 lw_[Cl.ronACcn Unioni ni^ar luh at.TO THE CATHOLIC CITIZEN- OF WÁ-HÍÑG-J TON, AND OTHERS

    I bave again returned from the Northern eitieiwith the r.r.evt nnd finest stock of PBATBRROOKS. STATUARY,CRO-B-tS, MEDALS. FINEENCRA"· ING8, with acd without frames, ever of-fertd in this -itvBOOKS FOR CHILDREN, und a variety of otherarticles soi tabip for presents,»H of which will besold at the lowest possible prices.


    RING A BUROHBLL,de H-Eft Vermont svenne and 16th streetTREAT BARGAIt-S.

    Prime SUGAR*, 19c, 2îc and Tie.New BUCKW H BAT, GOLDEN 8YRU1», only $1.-0Bert BLACK Tit. only SI 25New CITRON, CUKRANTSand RAISINSCilici Brand«: FAMILY a»d EXTRA FLOURFresh SPICES, all kind·CANNED FHUITS. Choice MINCE MJATCb'-ice TUB end PRINT BUTTERFresb FLAVORING EXTRACTSOld BOURMON. WHEAT and RYE WHISKEYChi tee WINES, BRANDIES and SBGARS,For sale low. »VANS.delB-lOt*_**7 9th st , be* Dani E.

    IllPORTAN? TO FBMALBS-DB. ????.?-IdAN'S PILLS.The eombina'Jou ·. ingre¬dients in these Pills is the result of a long and. _t.>nsive practice. They are mild In their opera¬tion, and certuin in correcting all ir.'egularities.painful meiiStniMti-in-, removing all obstruction·,whether from cold or ot h-t cansas, hesda««he, painIn tbe side, palpitation of tbe heart, whites, allnervous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in thebaek and limbs Ac, disturbed sleep, which arisefrom interruption of nature. Dr. Oheeseman'aPills was the commencement of anew era In tbetreatment of these irregularities kavo consigned so many to a ur«·maturegrave. No female can enjoy good health anDsi..lie is regular, and whenever an ohetrectiontake«dlace the general health begins to dneliue Dr_,-.·.·m an'». Pills are th« most effectual remedyever known for all complaint« peen liar to female«To all elapses they are invaluable, indoef ng, withcertainty, periodical reguiariiy. ?hay ore knownto thousands who have used them at aifferest pe¬riod« tbronybout thecountr». having the sanctionof some _f the moat emlnont physician· in Amariga. BxplieH direction·, stating when tbey shouldnot be used, witb each box; the priée, ene dollarr»r bea. containing frero 60 to W pills. Pills «eutj mail promptly, by remitting to the proprietorsBold br DrBggiRtsg.oeraUy. _._HUTCniNGB 4 HILLYBB. Proprietors,nov s-Dtetwn ei Oedar atreet New York.

    ?UFOUB-8 STRATEGY AND, TACTICS Do¬pare«'· Militar ? Art and ?'Stir-, Hall bon·, jr., snd ?. B.Hitz Lieutenante F.Band, is the otficer ortbe guard, and the hospital stewards araMessrs Hope, Lewis, and Plummer.

    ????? HOSPITAL.This boepi.1. (in which 1» kept the sick aud

    dies bled military prisoners,) was also provided witb sn excellent dinner at 3 o'clock mSunday. V rongh the exertion· of their etBcere,the ward» heing tastefully decorated with ever¬green·, paper ot variane ooiori, Ac. About -HiQwere eeaud at tbe tables, and everythingpasted off pleaaanily, much wit ana humorbeing displayed in the meanwhile.Immediately attor the dinner tbe patiente

    were treated to an excellent sermon, wbien

    must have had beneficial effect, as the gentln-menl ? surgeon In charge, P. Glennan, U. «S. V ,reported tbat not one of the inmates were inthe guard-house on the next morning.

    XBOUV BOeriTAL.At this hospital the usual services were held

    on (Sabbath.Rev. Ür. Imanaban delivering anexcellent discourse. Yesterday the patient·,guards, Ac, were entertaiued with a fine din¬ner prepared under tbe direction of the officers,and furnished from the hospital Innd. About1* o'clock the patients assembled.that is allthose able.numbering with the members ofthe V. R. O. on duty there 610 and headed bytbe band, they proceeded to the dining ball,where they weie seated under the directiou ofExecutive Steward Hramhill. A few remarkswere made by Surgeon N. R. Mo.ely in charge,in which he congratnlated.the company on theretnrn of another Christmae, and stated thatwe had made a full year's progress in puttingdown tbe rebellion, Sherman having rionemuch of the work, and to-day while extendingtheir congratulations on the return of theChristmas season, tbey could congratulatethemselves on the capture ot Savannah.The dinner consisted of turkey, geese, cbiek*

    en, beet, mutton, vegetables, Ac, and wastopped off with fine old fasbioned plum pud¬ding and pie. Those who were uuablt· to go tothe table were provided for in the wards.The dining ball was handsomely decorated

    and while tbe patients were engaged in eating,the flue baud performed a number of appro¬priate airs. The various wards were fixed upin style.the ward masters having emulatedeach other in tastefully adorning the wards,the officers having offered a premium for thebest looking ward as to cleanliness, con¬venience, Ac. This ??Gß? induced the wardmasters to do their best, and the consequencewas that every ward bore some semblance toa fairy bower. During the morning three olthe officers appointed as judges visited and in¬spected tbe wards, and united in deciding infavor of Ward II, which was most.beautifullyand tastefully decorated.Subsequently the officers, with a number of

    guests, dined in tbe chapel, partaking of adinner exactly similar to that partaken of bytbe patients; and aiter full justice was doue, anumber of sentiments were offered and drank·and speeches made in response to two excel¬lent ones by Ur. Walsh (who wae officer of theday) who congratulated his fellow officers onthe hieb reputation of tbe hospital, which wasnow spoken of in every city as one of the best.At ',% o'clock a grand concert gotten up underthe direction of Messrs. A. V. King (stage man¬ager) and J. ti. Perkins (musical director)took place in the dining hall, where all thepatriots who were well enough to be there andquite a number of invited guests were in at¬tendance. The programme embraced overtwenty pieces, amone which were a numberot comic and sentimental songs, dances, solo«on various instrument»-, inducing tne on atin dipper bandle.

    LI-TOOLV nnsriTAL.Extensive preparations were made at this

    hospital (of which Dr. J. C. McKeeis tbe head)for a proper observance of the day, and every? »·. officers and patients, vied with the otherin making tbe day as much like a holiday at.home as possible. In the morning an exami¬nation of the colored school cum posed mostlyof tbe children of the contraband laborers em¬ployed about the hospital, and taught byMieses Hill and dates,) took place in the près-enee of the parents and friends of tbe scholars,numbering about too, and after Its conclusion,everything having passed otf well, each schol¬ar received a Christmas gift of a cornucopiawith candies, Ac Quite a number of whiteswere present, among whom we noticed SenatorHurlan, Rev. Mr. Hntler, chaplain of tbe hos¬pital, and Dr. Cohen, superintendent of coloredschools, all ot whom made short, aswell as the Burgeon in charge, who was accom¬panied by hie staff. Steward Johnson attendedto the distribution of the presents here. Rev.Dr. Adams, of New York, aud others of thelinrlsttan Oommlesion were also present. At

    '-.. o'clock the grand affair of the day.theChristmas dinner.came off*. The patients andattendants, numbering about 1,300, gathered inthe dining hall, win« h was tastefully deco¬rated, and after the Divine blessing had beenimplored by Rev. J G. Butler, the chaplain,ti.· y fell to and did full justice to tbe turkey.,"?···'·-, chickens, pies, &«., which bad beenhandsomely prepared. Tbe table was sup¬plied witb ale, and wae set out under the di¬rection of Mr. Dudley, th« ODmrnissary Stew¬ard, who performed bis part admirably.This room was decorated with evergreen-*,

    Mage, «v.. -, and the eight of thirteen hundredol our brav boys feasting atone time was wellworth seeing. Among the motto, were theullowing: »Onr -ñirgeon in charge, may heh· on te promoted, but not to leave us." "Th«»Executive Officer, abould he he taken away,may he speedily be promoted." "Liberty an 1I nion, on« and ineeperable." ««Merry, ¡'JerryChristmas," with flume of a turkey, with«in!·· hint fork erii, k in it After the innerman had been fully sane-tied, the a-»,,u_bHgegave three cheers for the Surpeon in charge,(Dr. McKce) the Executive, (Dr. VV.Lindsley, Ol this city,) for the President andlor tbe army and navy, aud separated to theirquarters. While the men were at dinner, anunexpected dlvertisement was presented. Thekiti-hen is iu lull view of the dining hail, andis luruish.d wi'h an extensive cooking appa¬ratus, and as the men were takiug iheir de.sert,a figure, representing Jeff. Davis, was run updirectly over the range, the. tops of whichwere simultineously taken off, causing the tireto iii:ht up the ligure luid i's surroundingswith aeortol irfernal glare, eivingavivi'l re¬primer, tat ion of the Union soldier's idea of thear· h traitor's " This ¡iff_lr causedgreat excitement, aud .Tetr. was groaned lusti¬ly, while many exiiaimed'-Ameii" tothedoomforeshadowed lo him.The buri'i-on in charge was the recipient of a

    very batídseme present during the dav.a verybeautiful horse, fully eiiuippcd with sartdl··,biiclle, holsters, and flue pistols, which wassent out to him in charge of a colored boy, witha rhrd «aylng it was a present from his i*hl!a.delpbia friends. Dr. MiKe. is a nio.t excellentofficer( as the fine condition of th. hospitaluuder his charge testifies, and he as well a«ihe various olii cere, anione whom is ExecutiveSteward Hardy, deserve much credit for themariner in which, the day wa. spout iher. yes¬terday.At Branch Hospital, which is an adinnct to

    Lincoln, aid is under the charge ol Dr. M-lvee,the day was observed by the patten's, about:..', meneat down about !?% o'clock, aud after grate hadheei. said by Kev. ???. Ferry, they "moved iu."and scon tbe turkles and other poultry roastI» et, ham and e