for pensioners - enfield...period pay day pay day 2017 apr 28/04/2017 friday may 31/05/2017...

1 Welcome to the twelfth edition of our newsletter Welcome to the 2017 pensioner’s newsletter, which has been compiled for individuals who currently receive a pension from Enfield Council. Our aim is to provide you with information that you will find both useful and interesting. In this issue: Payslip Distribution 2017 Form P60 Pay Dates 2017/18 Public Sector Pension Increases Budget 2017 Tax Code Changes HMRC - Personal Tax Account National Fraud Initiative Payslip Distribution 2017 The pension payslips will be issued as follows: March Payslip At the end of March you received a payslip for month ending 31st March 2017. This payslip shows the total pension paid and any tax deducted for the whole financial year 2016/17. These figures can be found in the “Tax to Date” table on the bottom left of the payslip and they will appear on your P60. April Payslip Along with any tax code changes for financial year 2017/18, your April payslip will also show, where applicable, any pensions increase from 10th April. This means, should you qualify, a proportion of your April pension will be at the old rate and a proportion at the new rate. Please see below for further details of this year’s pensions increase. May Payslip If applicable this payslip will show the new rate of your pension for a whole month following pensions increase. This will normally be the last payslip you will receive until March 2018. We no longer issue a monthly payslip unless there is a variation to the net monthly pension of at least £1.00 when compared with your May payslip. ISSUE TWELVE PAYROLL&PENSION services update UPDATE for Pensioners Exchequer Services

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    Welcome to the twelfth edition of our newsletterWelcome to the 2017 pensioner’s newsletter, which has been compiled for individuals who currently receive a pension from Enfield Council. Our aim is to provide you with information that you will find both useful and interesting.

    In this issue:

    • PayslipDistribution2017

    • FormP60

    • PayDates2017/18

    • PublicSectorPensionIncreases

    • Budget2017

    • TaxCodeChanges

    • HMRC-PersonalTaxAccount

    • NationalFraudInitiative

    Payslip Distribution 2017Thepensionpayslipswillbeissuedasfollows:

    March PayslipAttheendofMarchyoureceivedapayslipformonthending31stMarch2017.Thispayslipshowsthetotalpension paid and any tax deducted for the wholefinancial year 2016/17. These figures can be foundin the “Tax toDate” table on the bottom left of thepayslipandtheywillappearonyourP60.

    April Payslip Along with any tax code changes for financial year2017/18, your April payslip will also show, whereapplicable, any pensions increase from 10th April.Thismeans,shouldyouqualify,aproportionofyourAprilpensionwillbeattheoldrateandaproportionatthenewrate.Pleaseseebelowforfurtherdetailsofthisyear’spensionsincrease.

    May Payslip If applicable this payslip will show the new rate ofyour pension for a wholemonth following pensionsincrease. This will normally be the last payslip youwill receive untilMarch2018.Weno longer issue amonthlypayslipunlessthereisavariationtothenet monthly pension of at least £1.00 when comparedwithyourMaypayslip.


    PAYROLL&PENSION services update

    UPDATE for Pensioners

    Exchequer Services



    Pay Dates for 2017/18For pensioners who have their pension credited to bankaccountsintheUnitedKingdompaydatesforthe2017/18yearareasfollows:


    P60Before31stMay2017youwill receiveaFormP60.TheP60showstaxablepay,taxdeductedandyourfinaltaxcodeforthetaxyearstartingApril2016.ThesameinformationwillbegiventoHMRevenue&Customs(HMRC).

    Your P60 is very important. You need to keep it safe in case you are asked to complete a tax return.IfyouloseyourP60youcanuseyourMarchpaysliptoobtainthefigures,asexplainedabove.IfyouneedacopyofyourP60pleasecontactthePayrollTeamusingthecontactdetailsattheendofthisNewsletter.

    Period PayDay PayDay


    Apr 28/04/2017 Friday

    May 31/05/2017 Wednesday

    Jun 30/06/2017 Friday

    Jul 31/07/2017 Monday

    Aug 31/08/2017 Thursday

    Sep 29/09/2017 Friday

    Oct 31/10/2017 Tuesday

    Nov 30/11/2017 Thursday

    Dec 22/12/2017 Friday


    Jan 31/01/2018 Wednesday

    Feb 28/02/2018 Wednesday

    Mar 29/03/2018 Thursday



    Pensions Increase 2017Ifyourpensionbeganonorafter26thApril2016,youwillreceiveaproportionofthefullincreaseinaccordancewiththetablebelow.

    Public Sector Pensions IncreasesLocalGovernmentpensionsareupratedby the increase intheConsumerPrices Index (CPI). EachAprilHerMajesty’sTreasury uses CPI in the previous September to ensurepensions are keeping upwith the cost of living.CPI is theGovernment’smeasureofhowpricesarerisingorfalling.


    From To Percentage

    increase(%)Pensionscommencingonorbefore25April2016 1.00%

    26April 25May 0.92%26May 25June 0.83%26June 25July 0.75%26July 25August 0.67%26August 25September 0.58%26September 25October 0.50%26October 25November 0.42%26November 25December 0.33%26December2016 25January2017 0.25%26January 25February 0.17%26February 25March 0.08%


    • areaged55orover,or

    • haveretiredduetopermanentill-healthregardlessofage,or

    • arespousesanddependantsofformeremployeesorpensioners.



    Budget 2017 UpdateIncome Tax Allowances

    2016/17 2017/18

    Personal Allowance £11,000 £11,500

    TransferableTaxAllowanceformarriedcouplesandcivilpartners £1,100 £1,150

    Rate % Net Taxable Pay

    BasicRate 20% £0to£33,500

    HigherRate 40% £33,501to£150,000

    AdditionalRate 45% Over£150,000

    Income Tax Bands

    What is the Personal Allowance?NearlyeveryonewholivesintheUKisentitledtoanIncomeTaxPersonalAllowance.Thisisanamountofincomeyoucanreceiveeachyearwithouthavingtopaytaxonit.





    Transferable Tax Allowances for Married Couples & Civil PartnersThis allowance is currently set at 10% of the personal. Itallowsaspouseorcivilpartnerwhoisnotliabletoincometaxabovethebasicratetotransferthisamountoftheirpersonalallowancetotheirspouse/civilpartner.Therecipientmustnotbeliabletotaxabovethebasicrate.Therecipientiseligibletoataxreductionof20%ofthetransferredamount.


    Changes to your personal detailsIt is extremely important that we keep our records up to date so thatwecankeepyouinformedofanychangestothepensionschemeandinsomerarecases,avoidthepossibilityofpensionpaymentsbeingsuspended.Couldyouthereforepleaseletusknowofanychangestoyourpersonaldetailssuchas:Surname,address,bankingarrangements,maritalstatusetc?


    Tax Code ChangesOccasionally HMRC issue tax code changes to individuals directly. These code changes areissuedapproximately4weeksbeforeHMRCnotifythePayrollTeam.

    If you receive a change of tax coding, wait approximately two pay days and if by this time your tax code has not been reflected in your net pension payment, please contact the Payroll Team and we will investigate.

    Why do I pay more tax since I started to receive my State Pension?IfyoureceiveaStatePensionyoumaypayadditionaltaxonthepensionyoureceivefromEnfield.ThisisbecauseStatePensionisclassedasataxableincomeeventhoughitisnottaxedinitiallywhen it ispaid toyoubyThePensionService,partof theDepartment forWorkandPensions(DWP).

    WhenHMRCallocate your personal allowance itwill be reducedby the amount of yourStatePensionsothatthetaxdueonbothsourcesofincomearedeductedfromthepensionyoureceivefromEnfieldCouncil.



    HMRC – Personal Tax AccountIn2015HMRCintroducedthePersonalTaxAccount.SincethistimeithasbeenphasingintheuseofthisnewonlineaccountandbyApril2016alltaxpayers,bothbusinessandpersonal,havebeenabletomanagetheirtaxaffairsonline.


    h t tps : / / .uk/persona l - tax-account?utm_source=HMRCPTApage&utm_medium=GOVUK&utm_campaign=PTA


    • checkyourIncomeTaxestimateandtaxcode

    • fillin,sendandviewapersonaltaxreturn

    • claimataxrefund

    • checkandmanageyourtaxcredits

    • checkyourStatePension

    • tracktaxformsthatyou’vesubmittedonline

    • checkorupdateyourMarriageAllowance

    • tellHMRCaboutachangeofaddress

    • checkorupdatebenefits youget fromwork, for examplecompanycardetails andmedicalinsurance



    National Fraud Initiative TheCouncilisrequiredbylawtoprotectthepublicfundsweadminister.Thismeansthatwemaysharethe informationprovidedtouswithotherbodiesresponsibleforauditingoradministeringpublicfundsforthepurposesofpreventinganddetectingfraud.



    Youdonotneed to takeanyactionat this time.However, youmaybecontactedagain if theexercisesuggeststhatyouarenotreceivingthecorrectamountofpension.

    Further information is available on the GOV.UK website at


    Please note that any changes in your circumstances, such as a change of address or bankaccountdetails,shouldbereportedtoPayroll&PensionServicesinthenormalway.




    Exchequer ServicesPensionTeamThomasHardyHouse39LondonRoadEnfieldEN26DS

    ForanyqueriesrelatingtoyourpensionsuchaspensionsincreaseorGuaranteedMinimumPension(GMP)ratespleasecontactthePensions Team:

    Phone: 02083793168Email: [email protected]

    For any queries relating to your pension payments, such as tax code changes or bankaccountchanges,pleasecontactthePayroll Team.

    Phone: 02083795059 02083796101

    Email: Surnames A to C [email protected] Surnames D to H [email protected] Surnames I to M [email protected] Surnames N to R [email protected] Surnames S to Z [email protected]

    Other useful numbersFor information relating to yourState Pension, please contactThe Pension Service on03456060265

    For informationonyourTeachers Pension,pleasecontactTeachers Pensionson03456066166

    Forinformationrelatingto taxpleasecontactHM Revenue and Customson03002003300

    Pleasenote forHMRevenue&Customsenquiries youmaybeasked toquote thePAYEreferencenumber,thisis120/B32 anditmaybehelpfultohaveyourNationalInsurance