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COLTS CRICKET COACHING AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PURLEY CRICKET CLUB 2010 Based on The Cricket Development Plan By Stephen Macdonald © Copyright Macdonald Design Ltd 2005

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Page 1: FOR PURLEY CRICKET CLUB Purley colts coaching and... · To work with the Cricket Committee and to promote the development of Colts Cricket





Based on The Cricket Development Plan

By Stephen Macdonald

© Copyright Macdonald Design Ltd 2005

Page 2: FOR PURLEY CRICKET CLUB Purley colts coaching and... · To work with the Cricket Committee and to promote the development of Colts Cricket



Key Objectives and Targets

To set overall guidelines for the development of Colts cricket at the Club.

To work with the Cricket Committee and to promote the development of Colts Cricket at the Club.

To promote working relationships with the County Club, Regional Cricket Management, Schools, the Local Authority, neighbouring cricket clubs and sponsors.

To oversee and organise the overall coaching structure and policy for the Colts Section. To encourage senior players to take the various coaching and umpiring courses and to actively encourage coaches, senior players, 'A' level students and older Colts (with an interest in coaching) to assist in coaching the junior teams.

To organise the Colts training nights arranging for each age group to be adequately equipped and supported by the correct level and number of coaches.

To work to provide innovative coaching facilities and to make sure that they are available to all groups (such as net opportunities, bowling machine practice, video sessions), etc.

To work with the senior section to identify talented players and to ensure that Colts players are being integrated into the senior teams and are carefully managed and handled after they are selected.

To work with the parents, being available to discuss any issues of concern or set general development strategies for each of the teams and players.

To provide a figurehead that will represent the Colts Section and the Cricket Club generally. To be a first point of contact for other clubs, the County or other organisations, but being careful to direct enquiries to the correct source rather than trying to resolve all issues personally, i.e. Direct by taking responsibility but having enough confidence in the team to delegate responsibility correctly.

To work with all parties to recruit players and administrators being responsible for appointments by way of vetting and interviewing proposed candidates as required.

To continually review the needs of the team managers and to ensure adequate training is made available geared to the specific needs for each team manager.

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To organise all matches ensuring pitches are provided of the correct length, to ensure that all equipment, boundary ropes, balls, etc. are provided to suit the type of match and the age group requirements.

To organise all support personnel such as coaches, umpires and scorers. To ensure that all drinks, teas and other general refreshments are in place.

To oversee the training sessions and warm up drills before matches either taking charge or supporting the team coach.

To set, in conjunction with the coaching director or the team coach, the overall playing policy for the team based upon squad depth and expectations per age group.

To liase with the player's parents, school team coach, regional and county manager to set expectation targets for the player and to liase on coaching and development specifics.

To work with the coaching director and the team coach to develop tactical and fitness schedules for the team and for the individual players. The manager will be free to enlist the help of club players (particularly first XI players) to demonstrate technique, give seminars or discuss the specifics of various elements of the game.

The team manager will act as a conduit between his/her player’s parents and the cricket section/main club, enlisting support for social events and general duties where possible. The manager will encourage full support from the players and parents for all fundraising and social aspects of the club.

The manager will liase with the colts fixture secretary, the league representatives and other teams as necessary to deal with late modifications to fixtures or introduction of additional fixtures to ensure that fixtures do not clash and that facilities are suitable to the match type.

The manager will discuss the development of the players with the senior team captains or with County/Regional managers to ensure that opportunities are provided for the older players to move smoothly up into the adult teams and for younger colts to be given the opportunity of representative cricket.

To liase with other team managers and coaches and the coaching director with regards to coaching sessions, particularly when more than one side are sharing the facilities on a given date, e.g. working out a rotational system for sharing nets, video nets or match play areas.

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The team manager should always emphasise the strengths of the club to the players and the parents. They should encourage the best conduct at all times from his players, parents, the support staff and himself/herself, being aware that he/she sets an example for all to follow. The manager will endeavour to play the game fairly and with respect for the opposition and for the game at all times. If faced with a different approach from the opposition, the manager will refrain from matching this approach whilst taking a firm and reasoned stance with the opposition manager at the time. The manager will report any extreme behaviour by the opposition to the coaching director. The coaching director and the manager can than follow this up (in a considerate manner) with the opposing team or the league as necessary.

The manager will be responsible for individual and team discipline, taking whatever actions are deemed necessary to redress any poor behaviour. In extreme cases, players will be referred to the coaching director, who in liaison with the team manager, team coach, the player and the player's parents, will take the appropriate action which will cover all sanctions up to and including dismissal from the club and return of membership fees balance.

To encourage attacking positive cricket wherever possible; to emphasise taking risks when developing skills supporting individuals when they try to experiment if they are not at first successful.

i.e. Encourage batsmen to play their strokes, spin bowlers to spin the ball, fast bowlers to bowl with pace, seamers to try to swing and cut the ball even if accuracy is affected in the short term.

To ensure that the coaches and the support personnel adopt the same philosophy even in the face of short-term criticism – educate those who watch and support the young players to follow the same philosophy.

Set player targets to encourage the players and the team to strive for improvement.

Set, and expect, high standards of fitness, fielding and general commitment and team spirit. Stamp down on all displays of selfishness and arrogance amongst the players. Ensure that each player respects the other members of the squad whether they are county standard or fighting hard to retain their position in the team. They should all be equally valued.

To work with the team coach (or the coaching director when necessary) with regards to selection. To take into account the views of the coach when selecting the team. To have the final say in selection matters, styles of play and tactics for various match situations and to be responsible for ensuring that all players are notified of match selection and attend the matches on time.

To ensure all players are fully paid up members of the club and have paid coaching fees

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To work with the Coaching Director and the team manager to implement the coaching programme for the respective age group.

To develop training exercises that best assist the implementation of the age group coaching programme.

To set out team tactics, in conjunction with the manager and to spend time collectively and individually discussing tactics and team strategies to the level dictated by the age group coaching programme.

To implement individual and team fitness and stretching exercises to meet the specific age group requirements.

To work on mental development of the players, setting standards for behaviour, discipline, concentration, teamwork, dedication and clubmanship.

To work with the Coaching Director, team manager, parents, school coaches and Regional or County coaches to develop a consistent coaching programme for each individual in the team.

To help players to specialise and develop individual skills where possible.

To be positive and to encourage attacking bold cricket with individuals in terms of technique and strength of purpose and with the team in terms of positive, focused tactics and collective enthusiasm and determination.

To encourage the players to adopt a respectful honest approach to the game, their own abilities and to the abilities of others. To encourage fair but determined play and to advocate a sportsmanlike approach to all matches, even if the opposition does not display the same attitude.

To continue to develop their own personal coaching skills, sharing knowledge with other coaches from the club and outside. To work with other individuals when they coach or deliver coaching Sessions/Seminars.

To develop a programme of coaching sessions with the team manager and the coaching director and to integrate these sessions with the other teams to ensure harmony of purpose when facilities are shared with other teams.

To take all team warm ups at matches. To work with the manager on match days imparting knowledge and tactical awareness to the players before and during the game and to make helpful comment at the end of the game.

To work with the Cricket Development Officer and the Sports Clubs Sports Development Officer with regards to school and community coaching initiatives.

To direct the other coaches, players and 'A' level student helpers and to enrol them within the session plan for each coaching session.

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U'7 - U'9 COACHING Emphasis should be on fun and match playing with short, sharp technical coaching often in groups. Cover all aspects of the game and keep interest high by providing as much action as possible. MATCHES Arrange pairs games against other clubs and 'in house' games giving all players maximum opportunity to take part in the games. GENERAL CONDUCT Emphasise the first principles of concentrating during practice and listening to coaches. Take firm action with 'disruptive' players. Ensure that parents understand that the Club are employing professional coaches with the emphasis placed on skills development, not 'babysitting'. If the Club’s young players continue to be disruptive it will spoil sessions for the others and these players will be asked to leave the club. NUMBERS At this age, the Club should adopt an open door policy to encourage as many players as possible to start to play the game. The number of regular coaches attending coaching sessions will govern the numbers. A ratio of a maximum of 15 students per coach should not be exceeded on a regular basis. Numbers can expand provided that adequate space is available. The maximum target number will be set at 60 players with four-five coaches in one session. If numbers exceed this level a second session should be considered on another day. TARGETS AND EXPECTATIONS At this age, the Club are concerned only that those young players are enthused about the game. It should be fun, exciting and fast with an emphasis on action rather than theory. However, towards the end of the season it is hoped that the better of the players who will be available for the following seasons U'10 squad selection have been identified and that all players will have had a chance to play either in matches against other clubs or 'in house' organised games. MANAGERS TARGETS

To assess the ability level of each individual within the group and by making recommendations for the following years U'10 squad. To ensure that highly talented U'8 and U'9's have been given an opportunity at U'10 level and that the best players have progressed to U'9 Regional and County Squads or training courses.

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SQUAD SELECTION At U'10 level the Club are keen to identify the more talented players with a view to staying

loyal to them for the next five years of their cricketing development. Consequently, selection for the U'10 squad should be carefully considered. This will require the input of the Coaching Director, the U'7-U'9 Manager, the U'10 Coach amongst others. Selection for this squad will not be closed and a second training group of players will be encouraged to attend club-training sessions. Junior players will therefore have the opportunity of developing their skills at their own level with slow developers (or players of smaller stature who take longer to develop through lack of strength) not being discarded or overlooked. Players who develop strongly through the season should join the squad, possibly at the expense of players who are not committed or have not progressed. The squad training will be more match orientated and aimed at the development of the more able players. The training squad will offer more basic skill acquisition. Both groups will mix up to play practice games within training sessions so that players' progress can be better monitored. The teams for matches will generally be selected from squad group with the odd wild card from the training group. Membership fees will reflect the expectations of match play. MATCHES The League will generally be played on Sunday mornings and the format will be pairs. Every effort should be made to arrange friendly games against other clubs using alternative formats - i.e. TIME or OVERS with no pair’s restrictions. On free Sundays inter-club matches should be arranged that use all squad players and selected players from the training group. GENERAL CONDUCT Emphasis will be placed on team play and teamwork. Basic tactics will be introduced with players taking turns to captain teams. Introduce the players to fielding positions and general tactics for each type of bowler. Therefore, the important learning curve for this age group will be group interaction. Reward and emphasise team ethics and players who encourage and support their team mates both in matches and training. Reward those who help out at training (carrying kit or clearing up after a session). Strongly admonish players who are selfish, arrogant, unpleasant or disrespectful to their fellow players, officials, coaches or the opposition. Stamp down heavily on displays of petulance or bad sportsmanship in matches. Emphasise that they are representing their club in all that they do and encourage a neat, tidy and professional looking appearance. They will have plenty of time to pick up bad habits later on; let’s start with some good ones! Bad behaviour on a consistent level will be dealt with as detailed in the first section. NUMBERS A squad of maximum 16 players supported by up to 18-20 others in a training group. B team matches may be explored. TARGETS AND EXPECTATIONS Players should be introduced to match play with an emphasis placed on applying the skills and techniques that they are learning during the coaching sessions. Fundamentals of tactics and match play can be worked on with fielding being of particular importance. Work on all types of fielding techniques emphasising its importance and its potential for fun and excitement in its own right - work at removing a fear of the ball which will hamper fielding skills development. The team will be expected to compete with determination and

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commitment yet no burden of expectation will be placed upon results. Teams will be encouraged to try to win but this will not be achieved at all costs. All players should have an opportunity to bat and bowl. Players within the squad should be given an equal chance of playing in matches. Players should be encouraged to try different techniques (wicket keeping) should all be given an opportunity to captain or should be urged to play positively pushing their respective skills to the limit. MANAGERS TARGETS To assess the ability level of each individual within the squad and the training group during match play conditions, making recommendations for the following years' U'11 squad. To ensure that the players finish the season with a basic awareness of fielding positions and general cricketing tactics. To continue to implement skills acquisition in all areas of the game and to identify players who have specific and specialist skills. To ensure that the better players have an opportunity of progressing to Regional or County Squads or winter training courses by liasing with the respective Regional or County Managers.

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At U'11 level the numbers will be reduced to a single squad of maximum 25 players although 20 will be more manageable. This group will progress through the system for the next four years with only minimal changes and consequently the selection for this age group will be critical to the success of the Colts development strategy. Some tough decisions may have to be made at this age group with numbers effectively being trimmed from a possible 36 players down to 20-25. It should be anticipated that new players might also join the club at this age group. MATCHES Will be generally played on a Sunday morning in the league to a pairs format. As with U'10 cricket the free Sundays should be filled with friendly cricket against other clubs or inter-club matches using the whole squad with a few U'10 players who will gain valuable experience. The better U'11's will often be used by the U'12's who often play on Friday nights in order that they are extended and gain experience. GENERAL CONDUCT Matches will increase in intensity and therefore greater emphasis will be placed on the importance of team spirit, supporting team mates and positive attitudes. By now, the Club’s attitude towards conduct should be clearly understood by all parties, as should be the general attitude towards playing the game in a respectful, sportsmanlike and fair manner. Those who wish to conduct themselves in a different manner should be clearly instructed to the contrary, or, in extreme cases, asked to leave the club. In this age group a determined will to win will be encouraged but again not at the expense of enjoyment. NUMBERS The squad will not exceed 25 members and will ideally be 20 players. TARGETS AND EXPECTATIONS The individual development of technical skills should be the highest priority at this age. However, the Colts players are now at an age where the introduction to reasonably complex cricketing strategy and tactics will be possible. Most junior players of this age will now be able to soak up a huge amount of information because they will have mastered a whole range of basic skills and have sufficient powers and mental attitudes to be able to apply them. Therefore, they will be ready to move on to the next level of the game where, for example, tactics need to be employed to get players out. Similarly, players have sufficient technique and confidence to hold catches either in close or on the boundary or affect run outs, all of which is necessary because players of this age can hit the ball powerfully all round the wicket and bowlers can bounce the ball and bowl with enough pace to produce catches behind the wicket. Therefore, the next two years are pivotal for the young player. Encourage the players to try out all aspects of the game and to explore more detailed techniques in the areas of the game they excel in. Ensure that all coaching is positive and does not foster a defensive mentality. Encourage a slow bowler to really spin the ball rather than fill them with concerns over length and line. Encourage the captain to continue with a bowler even if he has got hit a few times by

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ensuring that a field is set that limits the negative effect of a few bad balls yet still provides every chance of taking a wicket. With regards to the approach taken in matches, it is important to stress that you play matches generally with the objective of winning. However, at this age, the actual winning or losing is less important than the methods employed to try and win. So the general expectation of the player and the team is that they set out to win in every game by means of sound skills, good tactics and a determined approach, particularly in the field. If they do not win, they should not be admonished provided they have tried hard. The coach should work on strengths and weaknesses in their game at their training sessions. Finally, this age will also see the introduction to stretch and specific cricket related exercise. This will form the bedrock for their future fitness development plan. MANAGERS TARGETS Emphasise skills development and knowledge acquisition. Make team work a high priority and start to focus the players minds on playing purposefully by striving for victory at all times and not playing defensively or being cautious with their desire to try out new skills. If a player shows the confidence to employ a skill that previously has been beyond their level of attainment be encouraging, even if they are unsuccessful in the context of a match. Next time they try it they may well be successful and this could lead to major improvement. Ensure that players finish the season with far more knowledge of their skills and the game as a whole even if this skill is, as yet, unharnessed. Ensure that the better players have progressed to Regional or County teams, even if this limits the number of matches that they can play for the team.

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U'12s At U'12 level the squad will be taking shape. Deficiencies will have become obvious (e.g. a lack of a good wicket keeper or pace bowler). Each player will now have developed certain specialist skills (which might still transform as the player's size and strength develops). Team spirit, fielding strength and more astute strategy awareness should now be strong features of the squad. This season is one of reinforcement and further individual skill development. Most players will have developed bad habits that will be more ruthlessly exposed by the opposition. Therefore, the player, the coach, the manager and other influential persons (including obviously their parents) should be consulted so that priorities should be established that allow the player to focus on the correct development of their game rather than be confused by conflicting advice. The selection for the team should now be more performance related with players striving hard in a competitive environment for a place in the team. However, they should do this in an atmosphere of encouragement and not threatened with removal from a squad or replacement by outside players in a desire to chase trophies. Once again, the teams should play league games with a desire to win games and the league but with success being measured not by the attainment of these goals only but by the progress that they are making as cricketers and as a team. NOTE: In order to win junior league matches decisions can be made that restrict the development of certain types of players (E.G. spin bowlers). However, it will be of far greater benefit to the senior club to produce one good quality spin bowler at 16 rather than a battery of average medium pace bowlers, who have learnt to play restrictive defensive cricket at Colts level. This long term thinking should always take precedence over short term coveting of League titles at U'12, or any other age. MATCHES Are generally played on a Friday night and are either PAIRS or 20 over formatted. It is essential that friendly matches played over a longer duration should be arranged for Sunday mornings. GENERAL CONDUCT The squad members will now have played at least three years of cricket and they should now be focused in terms of their application, attitude and preparation for both practice and matches. If players do not display this type of attitude then they should not be signed to the squad. Generally disruptive behaviour will be less of a problem than apathy. However, at least with a disruptive player you have something to work with. If a player is apathetic and generally disinterested, this attitude is far more destructive to the squad as a whole. If the coach is certain that this attitude is not just a short-term condition the player should be asked to leave the squad. However, sometimes this apparent attitude is actually one of developing self-awareness or lack of confidence and every step possible should be taken to provide a platform for the player to rekindle their enthusiasm for the game before taking drastic action.

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NUMBERS The squad will not exceed 20 players and ideally will be reduced to 16-18. However common sense should prevail and if managerial resources allow two teams, an A and B may be incorporated. TARGETS AND EXPECTATIONS Continue with objectives from U'11 age group of progressing with skills acquisition and learn to apply the learnt skills more consistently in match play. Greater emphasis should be placed on the mental approach to the game attempting to harness ability and build a strong team ethic into all practice and match situations. Cricket related fitness and stretch exercises will form a regular part of the training sessions and the players will be expected to have a keen grasp of tactics and cricketing awareness. MANAGERS TARGETS To harness the talents of the team to create a strong competitive unit that have learnt to work as a team to achieve success. Individually, the players should now have developed core specialist talents and each player will have worked hard with their fielding skills. Each player should have a firm grasp of team and match tactics, field placings and general principles of field placing strategies, etc. Each player should have an understanding of general warm up and down exercises together with a basic routine for fitness and stretch, which will eventually progress to form the players individual fitness programme. The more talented players may now be associated with a Regional or County team and consequently may not play in all of the matches. However, they should be encouraged to play at the highest level possible and should feel part of the squad even if they are often called away to play representative cricket. The better players should also have had the opportunity of attending club seminars or presentations from specialist coaches or senior players with specialist players of other age groups (e.g. all of the clubs junior off spin bowlers will attend a seminar or demonstration put on by the 1st XI's off spinner). Each player will have worked up a set of goals for the season which will be analysed and re-targeted for the next season. Each player will have completed a video net session at the start and the end of the season. Progress will be assessed between the two videos and this analysis will assist the targeting for the next season. The squad recommendations will be provided for the next season's U'13 manager. The club should annually host an U'12's tournament and success in this tournament (and in several other regularly attended U'12 tournaments) should be one of the year's targets.

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This pivotal season will generally see the matches switch to 20 overs a side games not pairs. Captaincy will now take on a key role and leadership skills will be important. The identity and character of the side will be shaped with various players established as leaders and others as troops. This will often be based more upon early or late adolescent change and not upon actual or potential cricketing development. Therefore, do not be fooled by those players who appear to be today's leaders. The others will catch up. Stick with the players with genuine talent and build up their confidence. This is a difficult period for your junior players with huge physical disparity between the players affecting the players performance. Once again, the unity and teamwork of the side will be vital for success. Skills have generally speaking been learnt and it is unlikely that a boy will suddenly develop outstanding talent where none has existed to date. However, all players have much to learn in terms of technical refinement and have only just started to appreciate that cricket is very much a mental game. Therefore, this is the season when the mental aspects of the game are stressed. Goal setting will be crucial as will preparation, fitness and stamina training. A solid fitness programme will be put together for each player with weaknesses analysed and exercises to combat them introduced. The captaincy should be allocated to an individual who should be a player who commands respect, has cricketing intelligence and communications skills and ideally will be available for most of the matches. Individuals will also be charged with organising training sessions to give them a taste of command and session planning. Fitness and fielding skills will be vital as a high proportion of matches will be played on full squares and grounds not Colts grounds. MATCHES Are generally played on a Sunday morning (at this age group they will not clash with regional matches as league games are played prior to the commencement of County fixtures). Matches are of 20 overs a side. Friendly fixtures should be arranged where possible to fill in any blank weekends. The team should enter the NATIONAL U’13 KNOCK OUT COMPETITION. Progress in this event is always desirable and can lead to a mini tour as the finals are held at one of the Test Match Grounds. GENERAL CONDUCT Various adolescent hormonal changes will start to come into play this season. Therefore, some tolerance and understanding should be displayed towards young people who may experience fairly violent mood swings. During this season some of the players will begin to rebel against any form of authority. This situation will need to be carefully handled by the manager and the coach who will still wish to command respect, whilst endeavouring to maintain a healthy working relationship with each player. Ensuring that the team takes ownership for its performance is important. Impress upon the players that it is now their team, not the managers or the parent’s team and as such they are responsible for their performance to each other. This form of bonding is important. The players will learn to fight and be responsible for each other and this is an important lesson to be learnt.

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NUMBERS Ideally, the squad of 15-18 players will be maintained. TARGETS AND EXPECTATIONS To continue to develop and hone their personal skills as they progress from junior to adult cricket. The matches will start to take on a more adult flavour this season and the chance to play longer innings or bowl to orthodox cricketing fields should be relished. The coach will need to be as mindful of the mental aspects of the game as the physical. The players will now be encountering opponents who can bowl extremely quickly in proportion to the players development and therefore confidence can be badly affected by this physical intimidation. Also batsmen can now strike the ball with power and it will be vital to work at fielding techniques that get the players used to this pace. Therefore, key targets are to work at the mental side of the game building up concentration, confidence and setting great store on courage - both physical and mental. Tactics will now be a key element. Pick a strong captain with good technical knowledge, who will set a good example to the players but also encourage the other players to think for themselves and continue to experiment.

The teams should go out to win and should be selected on performance. All aspects of a players performance should come into play when selecting the team and this will include their fitness and the attitude they display in training. The process has now begun to groom players for the senior sides. The Club are looking for players who are technically accomplished but also are good team players with a good grasp of cricketing knowledge and a dedicated attitude to training and preparation. Opportunity should be given to the most talented players to player in older age groups and the Surrey Trust teams on Sunday MANAGERS TARGETS The manager must maintain the overall technical progress of the players whilst dealing with the complexities of the young players adolescent development. To concentrate on the mental and physical aspects of the game building a solid fitness regime and setting standards and expectations of physical and mental courage that are key aspects to the development of good all round cricketers.

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This is the season where the young player moves from playing junior to adult cricket. By the end of the season the better players will have played for the senior sides and the Academy side. Matches will be of longer duration and a full size ball and 22 yard track will be used. The challenge will be to prepare the players in the early part of the season to play adult and senior colts level. This will involve building up the players' confidence in their ability to communicate with adults. Therefore, invite senior players to take regular part in the training sessions so that the senior and junior players can get to know each other before they take the field together for the first time. This will break down barriers and help the younger player to relax and be able to take their chance in senior cricket when it comes. Players now need to encounter the extra pace and power of adult players so that they are not overawed when they are selected. Young bowlers will struggle to get used to the bigger ball which will cause difficulty, particularly for the spin bowlers, many of who’s hands are relatively small in comparison to the ball. Your better players will now relish the extra dimension of these games and although the league is important this year the main goal should be integration into senior cricket. MATCHES League games will still be 20 overs a side but every effort should be made to play friendly games over a longer period. Matches will generally be played on Friday evenings. GENERAL CONDUCT The league campaign will be hard fought and challenging with players not "retired" but able to bat through, even though bowlers will still be restricted to a few overs. Therefore, the top players can now dominate which will tend to unbalance games. It is vital, therefore, that your better players are supported strongly because they will also conversely feel extra pressure to succeed. This is good experience for these players who will now go head to head with the star players on the other side. Good fielding and tight bowling is therefore essential or a star opponent can walk away with a match. All of this is good preparation for adult cricket in all respects. By now, your players should have come through the worst excesses of adolescence. However, many of them will be ready to seek a fresh challenge. It will now start to become obvious which of your players will progress to the upper level of the game. The better players will now come purposefully to the fore, either through genuine talent or through the weight of their personality. This will be a time to keep the stronger players feet on the ground, ensuring that they do not become lazy and complacent against lesser players and a time to boost the confidence of those of your players who have technical potential but are intimidated by the strength of physique and character of their opponents. Integrate the players with adult role models as often as possible so that they pit their skills against the next level that is Adult. . Some of your players will also be developing other social interests that may alter their focus. This is inevitable and should not cause confrontations. However, players should be aware that they are competing for a place in the team and that a focused approach is required. If players do not concentrate on their game as much as others their places should be put in jeopardy. Again it should be noted that League success is to be encouraged but the agenda is to produce top-level players for the senior teams.

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NOTE Top level sportsmen combine natural talent with committed and focused application. NUMBERS The squad will now probably be set at 14-15 players as much through natural wastage as conscious pruning by the coach. TARGETS AND EXPECTATIONS To ensure that the best individuals have an opportunity of playing at 3rd or even 2nd XI level on a Saturday or Sunday Surrey Trust. The next level of players should play regular Sunday Surrey Development and Saturday 4th XI. These players should also make themselves available for selection for the Academy side. Selection for any of these teams should be presented as major goals for the players and the attainment of selection should be marked with great congratulation. These players should also now have developed a personal fitness and preparation programme that is geared at strength and agility development together with stamina and speed work and will also take stock of diet. MANAGERS EXPECTATIONS The manager will now work with the senior captains and coaches to take long term decisions about the players in the squad. Some will be fast tracked into senior and upper level colts cricket whilst the better players will be balancing the other cricketing demands of county and school cricket. Work with all parties to provide clear support for the player but focus that player on his own goals with regards to the club. The other squad members will now be approaching the age when they will have tough decisions to make. If they are not able to force their way into adult cricket or are not developing as strongly as others, yet are still enthusiastic, it may be useful for them to gain experience with your feeder clubs. It should be a keynote for the manager to open up options for all of the squad, not just the better players. Therefore, The Club expect their League sides to be competitive and successful and for the individuals within this squad to be keen to move onto the next stage of their development with confidence but not arrogance. The learning process for these players is about to begin all over again and they need to be prepared for this culture shock. They will need your support.

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U'15/16/17 Often regarded as the "problem" end of the Colts sections, the real issues are contained within the philosophy of this statement. The unsuccessful colts structures see this as being an end whereas it is really a new beginning. In other words, this is now the key integration period of junior into senior cricket and the previous age groups are building towards this objective. Therefore, the senior colts age groups will see a diversity of approach which is far more geared to the individual than to the team. Although League matches and cup competitions are played, the main aim is to work with the individuals to establish them within senior teams, the Academy team and with feeder clubs for the players who cannot obtain regular cricket in the senior club teams. Whilst trying to keep the group together, where possible, the manager will work with the Coaching Director and the senior teams captains to ensure that passage between colt and senior cricket is smooth. This will not be a straightforward process with setbacks encountered along the way. However, if the whole of the Colts structure has worked the players will be respectful, yet competent, will have developed a good technical base and will know when to apply it as part of a team. Similarly, the senior players will have got to know the Colts players over the previous couple of seasons and will therefore look after and support these young players as they enter the senior arena. MATCHES League games will be played on Sunday mornings over extended periods of 25-30 overs a side. Academy games will be played over a variety of formats on Sunday afternoons. Otherwise, the players will be encouraged to play for the senior Saturday and Sunday teams as well as special games such as cricket week fixtures. CONDUCT - PREPARATION The players should now be treated as "young seniors" with expectations over their behaviour geared towards the adult "Code of Conduct", but obviously with indiscretions treated with their lack of maturity taken into account. Squad members in the U'15 - 16- 17 age group will be expected to have developed a fitness, exercise and practice programme and will also be expected to attend senior nets and training sessions dependent on which sides they are playing for. SQUAD NUMBERS The principle will now be to field sides that are appropriate to the competition with county and senior responsibilities taking precedence over league fixtures. The strongest possible teams should be fielded in the National Cup/County Cup Tournaments. Encourage non-selected players to assist with adult cricket by way of scoring, etc. where possible. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES

The National and County Cups are the jewels in the Colts Crown and are highly prestigious. Therefore, the U'16 teams should go all out for success in these competition. Obviously, the cricket should be focused and positive, even aggressive (within the laws and etiquette of the game). The players should now be mature, experienced young sportsmen with good technique and a sound grasp of tactics. They will often be over-ambitious and lack concentration. However, their grounding in adult cricket should have taught them about the importance of mental strength and this is the aspect of the game that can now only be gained by playing with adults in pressurised situations.

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MANAGERS TARGETS The management role will be multi-faceted at this age group with a variety of formats used by U'15/U'16 League teams, the National and County Cups, 20 overs matches and Academy games which will be full length.

The manager will also be expected to oversee the progress of the players into senior cricket and representative cricket. Therefore, the manager should not lose sight of the primary objective - that of moving the players on from Colts cricket into adult cricket and should send his players out to play positive, aggressive (yet fair) cricket at all times, teaching discipline and focus to ensure that the players achieve their full potential.

NOTE: Young players often misunderstand the term ‘aggressive’ as to read ‘petulant’. Verbally antagonistic actions should be heavily discouraged as should gesticulation and general displays of arrogance and disdain for opponents. Show respect for opponents at all times but compete as positively as possible. Remind your players that cricket has a habit of bringing arrogant players down to earth with a bump.

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Unless you open the batting you have only two minutes warning before you are due at the crease. In two minutes there is very little time to do anything other than gather together equipment and be on the way to the crease. If you are to be in the best frame of mind when you arrive at the wicket then the bulk of your physical and mental preparation needs to be done well in advance of your turn to bat.

The first requirement of batting is to adjust to the light, pitch and bowling as quickly as possible. This requires calmness and good observational skills, coupled with a sound defence. With this approach you can markedly increase your chances of surviving the difficult first few minutes of an innings. After that run making becomes more a case of self control, technique and strategy.

Good batsmen have the ability to "play within themselves". This may mean playing at perhaps fifty percent of full capacity and selecting shots which minimise the risk of being dismissed. Good players are successful because they can discipline their natural urges over long periods.

Emotions can be the undoing of any batsman, therefore consistently good players control their feelings. Some of these feelings experienced are:


Prior to batting

Early in an innings

Nearing a personal best score

In the nineties

Tense match position


Not scoring quickly

A poor bowler has you struggling

Slow pitch and ball not coming onto bat

Batting partner keeps taking a single off the last ball of an over

Batting partner not reading a match situation correctly


Running many threes and fours

Poor physical preparation

Too much tension

Batting against good bowling for some time

Extremes of heat

Self-confidence or belief in your own ability has a major impact on your cricket performance The confident batsman will plan how to succeed and will set out to achieve his goals. The less confident player will play conservatively and try to avoid failing. Preparation will assist you greatly in building your self-confidence.

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The psychological skill that is more important than any other in batting is concentration Batsmen need to focus intently when they are on strike, starting from about the time the bowler begins his run-up until the ball is dead. The ability to focus intently and then relax is an art that can be learnt and practised. Batsmen in good form will be able to effortlessly shift their focus from their game plan, to the bowler, the ball, the fielders, their partner and so on. Without concentration you will not be able to cope with the demands of batting for any length of time.

Concentration is the ability not to be distracted by thoughts, fielders or unfamiliar surroundings. The use of specific breathing techniques and practising your batting at training while players are walking behind the bowler or trying to distract you can be useful.

Good concentration comes from being well prepared, in control, and focused on what is happening at the moment. The ability to relax and refocus after a disruption such as a poor shot is vitally important in building an innings.

To achieve your full batting potential requires motivation, concentration, confidence, self-control, and an understanding of tactics. Improvement in these areas will lead to greater consistency, bigger scores and a greater enjoyment of the game.


It is the bowler who initiates the action of the batsman. This means as a bowler you have the first opportunity to influence what happens in the game. Success as a bowler requires motivation, determination and a high level of fitness.

Good bowlers regularly assess their strengths and weaknesses and then set goals to improve any area of weakness. To be a good bowler will require you putting in many hours in the nets to perfect the craft.

Bowling can be exciting, satisfying or downright frustrating. There is no room in good teams for bowlers who cannot control their emotions. Tensions or loss of control affects rhythm, accuracy, the ability to swing or spin the ball, and to think clearly.

Emotions can be the undoing of any bowler, therefore consistently good players control their feelings. Three of the most common feelings experienced are: Tension

First over of a spell

Limited overs game

Bowling to a very good player

A close game


Can’t get a batsman out

Bowling from the wrong end

Best deliveries aren’t getting the edges

Dropped chances and misfields

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Bowling into the wind

Long spells

Not physically fit

Not relaxing between overs


A strong sense of self-confidence is important for a bowler because the rewards for bowling do not always come as you expect. Your best ball can be hit for six, the pitch can be flat and unresponsive, other bowlers can take wickets bowling rubbish and so on. Bowlers should develop a belief that they will be rewarded for persistence.

To achieve consistent success as a bowler you need to apply the same concentration to bowling as batsmen do to their batting. Study the batsmen develop a plan and then bowl to that plan. Apply a well-developed routine before you bowl and during an innings.

Bowlers need to plan their delivery then focus on delivering the ball. You can relax your focus between deliveries when fielding, and when not bowling. As a bowler you should shift your focus from your strategies, to the ball, to the batsman, to the target, to your body position or feeling and so on. The ability to relax and refocus after a poor delivery is important.

Good concentration comes from being well prepared, in control, and focused on what is happening at the moment.


When a team with bowlers who bowl good line and length is backed up by fielders who hold their catches, excel in ground fielding and return the ball quickly and accurately, they place a great deal of pressure on the batting side. For this reason, fielding can make a difference between winning and losing.

The first psychological battle for fielders is their lack of interest in the task itself.

Non-bowlers are often the keenest fielders and make the task of fielding as challenging and enjoyable as possible by setting themselves high standards on the field. Bowlers often have a strong preference for bowling all day from one end and resting while someone else bowls from the opposite end.

Successful fielding, like all cricket activities, requires a large amount of practice, together with the ability to switch concentration on and off.

For the slip fielder it means being able to focus on the bat as the bowler is about to deliver, and being in a state of mind to catch the ball should the ball find the edge or fly nearby. For the midfield positions like the covers, square leg, mid-off, the demands are to prevent singles, cut off potential boundaries, chase the balls hit through the infield and return them accurately, take catches, and back up throws from the other side of the wicket.

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The ability to switch concentration on and off has a lot to do with the routines or rituals that good fielders practise and employ in games.

The routine that you employ may vary during a days play but the key for fielders is to be alert for catches and opportunities in the field. Fielders, like wicket-keepers, can have their confidence shattered by dropping a catch. When this happens it is crucial that you put it behind you and get on with making the most of the next opportunity.

Fielders have the most opportunity to relax their concentration, remembering however their role is to back up and support the bowler. The intensity of your concentration may depend on your fielding position with positions close to the wicket requiring the most intense concentration.


Most cricket teams are made up of possibly, five batsmen, four bowlers, one all-rounder and one wicketkeeper. This highlights one of the immediate pressures faced by wicketkeepers, in that there are limited opportunities. Taking this situation one step further you can see that often at a club the fourth best batsman plays for the first team when the fourth best keeper could play for the fourth team.

It is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of the wicket-keeper because, like good umpires, a good keeper will often go unnoticed. Bowlers are in a good position to judge the value of the keeper.

A good keeper has the ability to bring the best out of the bowler, by not only taking the catches and stumping opportunities but by encouraging and advising the bowler, organising the field and providing valuable input to the captain.

Like batting and bowling, the keeper should understand his own game. It is important to know how well you are performing during a match . This means recognising any weak areas and as much as possible changing these while out on the field.

It is vital to your teams fielding effort that as a keeper you concentrate on every ball. A good keeper knows that his errors will reflect badly on the whole fielding effort. Keeping wickets efficiently will require the ability to switch on concentration when the bowler runs in and maintaining full alertness until the ball has been played and become dead. Relax between deliveries and between overs so that you can maintain a good level of concentration throughout an innings.

Emotions can also play an important part in "keeping performance" and your work will require steadiness and a calmness that will enable you to be controlled rather than hyped up. It is also important that you put any feeling of disappointment aside if you have missed a catch, stumping or run out opportunity. The ability to focus totally on the next delivery is crucial to your performance.

A good wicketkeeper will bring to their task a sound set of skills, supported by motivation, concentration, self-awareness and a love for their sport. By developing these psychological areas you can maximise your performance and contribution to the team.

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When playing junior cricket, you must meet the highest standards of behaviour at all times. Bad sportsmanship will not be tolerated.

Cricket is a highly competitive game. Both teams are trying hard to win. With every ball bowled the fielding team is trying to get the batsman out, whilst the batsman is determined to defend his wicket or score runs. Play hard but FAIR.

The following will make the game fun for all the players, umpires, scorers and spectators.


The Captain, with the bowler’s help will set the field. Go where you are told to. Do not argue or take up a different position because you think it’s a good idea.

Applaud a new batsman when he arrives at the wicket, not when he is just setting off from the pavilion.

Applaud batsmen when they reach 50 or 100 runs.

As soon as the bowler starts his run-up, the fielding side must be silent. Shouts of encouragement may only be made after the batsman has played his shot.

At the fall of a wicket it is natural to congratulate the bowler, but avoid ‘football style’ celebrations. Take your fielding positions in good time to greet the new batsman.

Do not attempt to distract the batsman when he is playing a shot.

Keep off the pitch at all times, particularly when changing fielding positions and when gathering together to celebrate a wicket.

Quickly give the ball back to the umpire when a wicket has been taken, the umpire will return the ball when the new batsman has arrived.


Be padded up ready to walk on to the pitch. Do not hold up play.

Accept all umpiring decisions without question. If an Umpire gives you out, you must leave the field without protest, even if you think the Umpire is wrong. Save your comments for the dressing room.

Either waiting to bat or having already batted, watch the game and encourage your team mates. Again you must be silent as soon as the bowler starts his run up.

When running between the wickets, never run on the pitch itself.

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At the drinks interval, the fielding Captain is to serve the Umpires first, then allow the batsmen to have their drinks, with the fielding team taking theirs last.

The Umpires, followed by the opposition are to be allowed to take their tea before the home team. Queue quietly without pushing.


As the players leave the field at the end of an innings the fielding side will allow the batsman to cross the boundary edge first, applauding their opponents. The rest of the batting team will applaud their batsmen and then the whole of the batting team will applaud off the bowling team. Asking the star performer to ‘lead off’ the bowling team as a reward for outstanding bowling or fielding performances. The umpires will then follow.

At the end of the game the same actions will be followed with players from both sides shaking hands with their opponents and with the umpire

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Additional comments The document has been prepared as a guideline to enable Team Managers, Coaches and indeed Colts Parents to have a clear line of sight on our goals and expectations for every colt joining Purley CC. The main purpose of the colts section is to produce senior cricketers for the club and to play for one the clubs regular league sides at whatever skill level they are able to attain. Babar Qureshi Chairman October 2010 This document is an extract from the 2005 Cricket development plan prepared by Stephen Macdonald – some elements have been revised to take account of changes since the 2005.©copyright Stephen Macdonald – no part of this document may be reproduced with express permission by the author Stephen Macdonald.