for release in am's, sunday, may 15th: -- the university...

ews DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATION James E. Murphy, Director - Area Code 219, Phone 284-7367 Notre Dame, Indiana For release In AM's, Sunday, May 15th: 66/18 Notre Dame, Ind., May lh -- The University of Notre Dame will extend its sophomore foreign study program to a second European country, and, for the first time, include young women from nearby Saint Mary's College, it was announced today by Dr. Thomas E. Stewart, associate vice president for academic affairs. Stewart said twenty-five Notre Dame students and twenty-one students from St. Mary's will spend their sophomore year beginning this fall at the Catholic University of the West, a coeducational institution at Angers, France. Another group of forty Notre Dame students will spend the 1966-67 school year at the University of Innsbruck in Austria where the Sophomore Year of Studies was inaugurated two years ago. Stewart announced the appointment of Prof. Charles E. Parnell, of the department of modern languages, as resident director of the Angers program for a two-year period. He also named Rev. Lawrence G. Broestl, C.S.C., associate professor of modern languages, as director of the Innsbruck program succeeding Rev. Thomas Engleton, C.S.C. One hundred Notre Dame students will have completed the Innsbruck program in June, Stewart noted. "We are very much pleased with its develop ment," he said, "and we're convinced that a year of study abroad can be a significant factor in a student's educational development." more

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Page 1: For release In AM's, Sunday, May 15th: -- The University^I)€lfn4} Notre Dame, Indiana DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATION HIIHHflHH James E

ewsDEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATIONJames E. Murphy, Director - Area Code 219, Phone 284-7367

Notre Dame, Indiana

For release In AM's, Sunday, May 15th: 66/18

Notre Dame, Ind., May lh -- The University of Notre Dame will

extend its sophomore foreign study program to a second European country,

and, for the first time, include young women from nearby Saint Mary's

College, it was announced today by Dr. Thomas E. Stewart, associate

vice president for academic affairs.

Stewart said twenty-five Notre Dame students and twenty-one students

from St. Mary's will spend their sophomore year beginning this fall at the

Catholic University of the West, a coeducational institution at Angers,

France. Another group of forty Notre Dame students will spend the 1966-67 school year at the University of Innsbruck in Austria where the Sophomore

Year of Studies was inaugurated two years ago.

Stewart announced the appointment of Prof. Charles E. Parnell,

of the department of modern languages, as resident director of the Angers

program for a two-year period. He also named Rev. Lawrence G. Broestl, C.S.C.,

associate professor of modern languages, as director of the Innsbruck program

succeeding Rev. Thomas Engleton, C.S.C.

One hundred Notre Dame students will have completed the Innsbruck

program in June, Stewart noted. "We are very much pleased with its develop­

ment," he said, "and we're convinced that a year of study abroad can be a

significant factor in a student's educational development."


Page 2: For release In AM's, Sunday, May 15th: -- The University^I)€lfn4} Notre Dame, Indiana DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATION HIIHHflHH James E

Sophomore Year of Studies...2

According to Prof. Parnell, the Notre Dame and St. Mary's students

hound for France will sail from New York August 26th. From early September

until mid-October, they will be engaged in an intensive language and orienta­

tion program on the campus at Angers. During the regular academic year, from

mid-October to June, the American group will take courses in French language

and literature, the history of the arts, French history, Christian anthro­

pology, philosophy in France and political and economic institutions.

All the courses, Parnell said, will be taught in French by faculty

members of the Catholic University of the West who will take into account

the background and needs of the American students. The Notre Dame-St* Mary1s

group, he said, will be incorporated as fully as possible into the French

student life of the university. Half of them will live in university residences

and the other half in private homes, exchanging the type of residence at mid­

year. All will take their meals at the student restaurant along with the

French students.Parnell explained that the basic cost for the Sophomore Year of Studies

in France, including round-trip travel from New York, is approximately the same

as the overall tuition-board-and-room fee at Notre Dame or St. Mary's.

Angers has a population of 130,000 and is, in many ways, typical of

French provincial cities. It is southwest of Paris, about a three-hour trip

from the French capital and an hour's drive from the Atlantic. It is the site

of the University of Angers which was founded in the fourteenth century, but

which passed from the scene at the time of the French Revolution. The Catholic

University of the West at Angers was founded in 1875* It is a regional Catholic

university representing thirteen dioceses of western France. Its rector, Rev.

Jean Honore, heads an institution of 3,200 students who are enrolled in four

colleges and a number of affiliated schools and institutes of higher education.

Page 3: For release In AM's, Sunday, May 15th: -- The University^I)€lfn4} Notre Dame, Indiana DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATION HIIHHflHH James E

I)€lfn4} Notre Dame, Indiana

DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATIONH IIH H flH H James E. Murphy, Director - Area Code 219, Phone 284-7367

For release in PM'a, Monday, May l6th: 66/19

Notre Dame, Ind., May 16 — Details of the Doctoral Program inTheology to he inaugurated by the University of Notre Dame next September were announced today by Rev. Albert L. Schlitzer, C.S.C., head of the theology department.

The University's plans to offer the Ph.D. degree in theology as well as to establish an Institute for Advanced Religious Studies were disclosed by Notre Dame's president, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgb, C.S.C., at the opening of the international conference on "The Theological Issues of Vatican II" March 20th.

According to Father Schlitzer, the doctoral program will be opento men and women, lay and religious. At the outset its three areas ofconcentration will be Systematic Theology, Biblical Studies and Liturgical Studies. Later, he said, concentrations in Ecumenical Studies, History of Religions and Pastoral Theology will be offered.

Selection of applicants for the doctoral program in theology at Notre Dame will be made on the basis of "outstanding academic ability, adequacy of preparation and capacity for creative scholarship," Father Schlitzer said. The applicant must have a master's degree in theology or its equivalent and a working knowledge of Latin. In addition to the Graduate School's general requirement of facility in two modern foreign languages, preferably French and German, the applicant must also have a certain facility in Greek and/or Hebrew depending on his area of specialization.



Page 4: For release In AM's, Sunday, May 15th: -- The University^I)€lfn4} Notre Dame, Indiana DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATION HIIHHflHH James E

Theology,. .2

Father Schlitzer said two years in residence at Notre Dame before the dissertation will be required of those seeking a doctorate in theology, Students who receive the Ph.D. degree, he said, will be prepared to carry on research of recognized scholarly value and to teach on the college and university level.

Twenty-five faculty members, all of whom hold the degree of Doctor of Sacred Theology, will be associated with the Notre Dame program, Father Schlitzer said. They are Rev. James Burtchsell, 0.8.0,, Dr. Josephine Massing berd Ford, Rev. John L. McKenzie, 8.J., Rev. Edward Slegman, C.PP.S., and Rev. Guy Couturier, C.S.C,, Biblical Studies.

Also Rev. Charles J. Corcoran, C.S.C., Rev. John S. Dunne, C.S.C., Rev. Eugene Gorskl, C.S.C., Rev. William Jenkinson, Rev. Augustin Leonard, 0.P Rev. Luke Miranda, Rev. Edward O'Connor, C.S.C., and Father Schlitzer, Systematic Theology.

Others include Rev. Earl Johnson, O.S.B., Rev. John Miller, C.S.C., Rev. D. James Sullivan, C.S.C., Dr. Cornelius Bouman, Rev. Louis Bouyer, Rev. Aidan Kavanagh, O.S.B., and Rev. Boniface Luykx, O.Pream, Liturgical Studies.

Additional theological specialists include Rev. Victor DeClercq, C.I.C.M., and Rev. Jean Laporte, petrology; Rev. Francis DeGraeve, S.J., history of religions; Rev. Leon Mertensotto, C.S.C., moral theology; and Rev. Josef Goldbrunner, theological anthropology.

Theologians Bouman, Bouyer, Couturier, Goldbrunner, Kavanagh and Luykx will teach at Notre Dame during the summer session.

For additional Information, applicants should write the Dean of the Notre Dame Graduate School or Rev. Albert L. Schlitzer, C.S.C., head of the Graduate Program in Theology, Notre Dame, Indiana.

Page 5: For release In AM's, Sunday, May 15th: -- The University^I)€lfn4} Notre Dame, Indiana DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATION HIIHHflHH James E

Notre Dame, Indiana

Code 219, Phone 284-7367

F or r e le a s e i n AM's, Sunday, May 22nd: 66 /21

Hot r e Dame, In cL , May 21 B arbara Ward, th e I n f l u e n t i a l B r i t i s h

econom ist and a u th o r , w i l l d e l iv e r th e p r i n c ip a l ad d ress a t th e U n iv e rs i ty

o f N otre Dame’s 1 2 1 s t annual commencement June 5 th (Sunday) a t 2 p-m. (E S I),

ill; was announced to n ig h t by Rev. Theodore M. H esburgh, (3.S *C. , U n iv e r s i ty

p r e s id e n t . W hile s e v e r a l women have re c e iv e d h o n o ra ry d e g re e s from N otre

Dame, she w i l l be th e f i r s t t o se rv e a s commencement s p e a k e r .

F a th e r H esburgh a ls o announced t h a t H is Eminence Ju an C a rd in a l

D andazuri R ic k e t t s , O .F .M ,, A rchbishop o f Limu, P e ru , w i l l p reach th e

b a c c a la u re a te sermon d u r in g an ou tdoor Mass w hich he w i l l c e le b r a te f o r

N o tre Dame’s 1,627 g ra d u a te s and t h e i r g u e s ts a t 9 &,m. Known p a r t i c u l a r l y

f o r h i s work among th e p o o r , th e 52-y e a r -o ld P e ru v ia n p r e l a t e was th e

youngest member o f t h e C o llege o f C a rd in a ls when th e Second V a tican C ouncil

opened in 1 9 6 2 ♦

H onorary d o c to ra te s w i l l be c o n fe rre d on th e two s p e a k e rs , F a th e r

Hesburgh s a id , as w e l l as on e ig h t o th e r d is t in g u is h e d f ig u r e s in e d u c a tio n ,

government and b u s in e s s , The h o n o rary deg ree r e c ip ie n t s in c lu d e W alt Rostow,

S p e c ia l A s s is ta n t t o th e P r e s id e n t , and David B e l l , d i r e c t o r o f th e Agency

f o r I n te r n a t io n a l D evelopm ent, W ashington, D ,C .; Judge R ich a rd B, R ives o f th e

U. (3. C ourt o f A p p ea ls , F i f t h C i r c u i t , Montgomery, A la . ; and W illiam R.

D aley , C lev e lan d , O hio, i n d u s t r i a l i s t and 21 member o f N o tre Dame' s Board

o f Day T r u s te e s ,


DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC James E, Murphy, Director -

Page 6: For release In AM's, Sunday, May 15th: -- The University^I)€lfn4} Notre Dame, Indiana DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATION HIIHHflHH James E

ID commencement*. .2

A lso r e c e iv in g h o n o rary d eg rees w i l l he Rev, I . M« B ochenski, 0 .P . ,

th e n o ted p h ilo s o p h e r and r e c t o r o f th e U n iv e rs i ty o f F r ib o u rg in

S w itz e r la n d , Rev, G odfrey Diekmann, O .S .B ., an a u th o r i ty on Roman C a th o lic

l i t u r g y a t S a in t J o h n 's U n iv e rs i ty , C o l le g e v i l l e , M inn .; Dr* Helmut H a tz fe ld ,

p r o f e s s o r o f Romance languages and l i t e r a t u r e a t th e C a th o lic U n iv e rs i ty

o f A m erica, W ashington, D .C .; and Dr. J u l iu s P r a t t , American d ip lo m a tic

h i s t o r i a n and v i s i t i n g p r o f e s s o r o f h i s t o r y a t N o tre Dame.

B arb ara Ward, th e w ife o f Commander S i r R o b ert Jack so n , i s f o re ig n

a f f a i r s e d i t o r o f The Econom ist o f London* She i s th e a u th o r o f a number

o f books in c lu d in g The R ich N ations and th e Poor N atio n s and th e fo rthcom ing

N a tio n a lism and Id e o lo g y , a volume d e a l in g w ith A f r ic a . A f te r s tu d y a t The

Sorbonne and a t O xford, where she to o k a f i r s t c la s s honors d eg ree in

p h ilo so p h y , p o l i t i c s and econom ics, th e f u tu r e Lady Jack so n became a s s i s t a n t

e d i t o r o f The Econom ist i n 1939* L a te r she was e le c te d to membership i n th e

C o u n c il o f th e Royal I n s t i t u t e o f I n t e r n a t io n a l A f f a i r s . A g i f t e d m u sic ian

who once c o n s id e re d a c a r e e r a s a c o n c e r t s in g e r , sh e has s e rv e d as a G overnor

o f th e B r i t i s h B ro a d c a s tin g C o rp o ra tio n and o f London1 s S a d le rs WeUs and Old

V ic t h e a t r e s . She was a p r i n c ip a l p a r t i c i p a n t in th e i n t e r n a t io n a l co n fe ren ce

on " The T h e o lo g ic a l I s s u e s o f V a tican I f h e ld a t N o tre Dame l a s t March.

C a rd in a l L an d azu ri, as A rchbishop of Lima, heads a See o f some

1 ,8 5 0 ,0 0 0 C a th o lic s b u t has o n ly 600 p r i e s t s to s e rv e them. Scion o f one

o f P e ru ’s g r e a t , w e a lth y f a m i l ie s , he has s a id , " I am th e p a s to r o f everyone,

b u t e s p e c ia l ly I am th e p a s to r o f th e p o o r, th e s ic k and th o s e who s u f f e r . 11

He h as le d th e Church’s b a t t l e f o r s o c ia l j u s t i c e n o t on ly in h i s own

c o u n try , and p a r t i c u l a r l y among th e In d ia n s t h e r e , b u t th ro u g h o u t L a tin

A m erica.


Page 7: For release In AM's, Sunday, May 15th: -- The University^I)€lfn4} Notre Dame, Indiana DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATION HIIHHflHH James E

MI> commencement., ,3

O rdained in 1939> th e f u tu r e c a r d in a l d i r e c te d th e N a tio n a l

Union f o r C o lleg e S tu d e n ts i n P e ru e a r ly in h i s p r i e s t l y c a r e e r . Fo llow ing

World War I I he s tu d ie d in Rome, e a rn in g a d o c to ra te in canon law a t th e

F ra n c isc a n P o n t i f i c a l U n iv e rs i ty o f S t . Anthony in 19^9* In a d d i t io n to h is

n a tiv e S p an ish , h e speaks f l u e n t l y in E n g lis h , F rench and I t a l i a n .

At th e age o f 38 i n 1952, he was e le v a te d to th e h ie ra rc h y and named

C o ad ju s to r A rchbishop o f Lima. He succeeded t o th e See in 1955* He was

named to th e C o lleg e o f C a rd in a ls by th e l a t e Pope John XXIII on March 19 , 1

N otre Dam e's B a c c a la u re a te Mass and commencement e x e rc is e s a re

sch ed u led t o be h e ld on th e m a ll n e a r th e e n tra n c e to th e U n iv e rs i ty .

In case o f in c lem en t w ea th e r, e i t h e r o r b o th o f them w i l l be t r a n s f e r r e d

to The S tep an C e n te r .

Page 8: For release In AM's, Sunday, May 15th: -- The University^I)€lfn4} Notre Dame, Indiana DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATION HIIHHflHH James E

Sophomore foreign study program expanded Angers, France, program announced

Doctoral Program in Theology to begin in fall of 1966.

Notre Dame to conduct summer teacher training institutes in science.121st annual commencement June 5, 1966