for shelter islaiid purk ootmne ljag | 40%gf...

BJBJJB ^ |HMB»BBBBT ^^ffii^ r^B iWBBrinf i ^ffiW I %£M I P atrons admire the rare irnpres- 1 mfr M J9^** B »»ve«»«»» oi cax servicer. Evsn ¦ 1^ y5^ I * e * east ©J^ensiv® iB rnorked 1 I Sn&nOl by a compelling beauty, a ten- 1 I *** '#' M I der dignity, a deep solemnity. 1 ^^Lmff lMOtig s ^* mamma* WWSRAL lEUVtct «ofMN 8E^.^ ' 4fSi.MA5N ST. SWVf^IAl> Ww^ t240S ? "Bv»fr.,—„ iwmBrara»r Tfiiminis*iaTa miBSiit-T»)i «JL "' ¦ »»i S ruiujamT^r wiffBt} / ^ R1VEBHEAD X i f BUHDIHG SUPPLY i 1 ' I''* WhJMWWW**" "* Si au3 OsTftANDEH AYE NM E § TEL. 385© RIVERilEAD ' I ' " FEATURING 1 Sheelrock * I a ' ' ¦ •?" ¦ ¦ - ¦ I B11 T«*M«h0 «.< TnaitWaJ C5 Al--*~ ¦ * Asa Aj ^va v** UMWiMWva •• MVM **'^ ¦ Devo© Points | WASHINGTON MEMORIAL PARK I will have EASTER suAiojsc SERVICES Sunday, March 28 1 ' I at 6:30 a, m. « , '- . . I Conducted by I SeSden Community Church | and ' ' !•- ¦ | Coram Methodist Church I Stuart Gracey, Soloist : * CoFwiucfina 0>r>i«' i 1 \ " . - . " ~ ~" ' i Honor Gracey, accompanist j No a Admission c_ / W4s m^~^ mi * omAi w ^ f ¦ J' rfflf f Entrants on Cinil M, e Coram , ' L. I. * Wffl Not ¦ (Ctertt!.nfl»d from Page 1) are 1, 400, 000 milk cowa In New York State where dairying b a V&y important industry. vw W»nnctt J Simms. chief of th* bureau of Animal Industry of th* United Stotes Dept of Ag- riculture, toe principui apsaktf at the meeting, ex^Uuned th; posi- tion ef United Statu* Dept of Ag- riculture with respect to the e»- tfifciishtnent of the jrosaaed ISK - orafciry, the seriousness " the foot e*d mouth dtn ai * and ~~ great aead {or such a labcrstc. . . Dr Shnnu gave tassrsscsa that the buildings tor the proposed lab- oratory would be ecnsArusied and maintained so that danger of eon- t&gie a . would b* at a rr-ln ' rcum. He sal 9 only healthy cattle would Sir brought to ' the ioborstory for tgcperhnental purposes and fh-Ti tine " experiments . were concluded thfey would ' tsa slaughtered and their c-sircajse e would he destroye ] In 'incinerators. A high fer.c would be constructed around to* < area and mry precaution veuld ba taken to prevent rats or blrea ftpin. entering tha Immediate area eurrocodlng the buildi&gs. 1st serfage would be thoroughly treat- ed before being pumped Car Into the ocean tc prevent contamlnt- tion. Tho cattl* would be fed an-i watered from ft* outside of the Mires and only ' the technicians avoid come into contact with the asifasJa. These technician* would ehaag* their clothing; take a cbower bath and have their -Joth- rng iteriUted before they left the b*.m*. Even the air in the barbs would be sterilised. A laboratory for the stuoy of ' Use foot and m&uth dlsensi- is lo- i sated is a . d-iiry are* , abcai. £0 - raUes 'frcm, tendon, lEngkutd , so- . cording to Dr Simms , and there > has ngycr bae. any eontagion re- ' . ported In that area. He also stated I i^*t lehsratoriw for- ' the study of I ibe disease ' are located in the met- ' sopoHtan areas of Amsterdam, ssonaad , Unite, iSwttseriand , and otbb? tsmAri *a 'z>t tSnnrpr Dr Simms explained that the SSSt S55, 352t!t 4!?? *- *>«s Soma; eadstod em the continent of Eu- rope and ' every otter ' continent axospt Australia; that the death rate of anlnuls afflicted by the ' dtoc ase Is low , but that there is a> b% financial loss because the aaimals are unable to eat , they I wee weight and It takes a long period for tiiem to recover. There 1 have been six cutoreaks or tite < disease In the United States sifice 1900 , the last one in 192?. Blisters < form in the ra. -imbrsna cf the I jnouth and in the feet ot tho s&i- ' aal*. . The necessity of developing s ¦ vacdn* against the disease was atreksed by Dr Simms , declaring < tfcat In another war It had been < pretl' .etud that saboteur ; on the i Wtl&td Sates might sow the germ < it tht toot and mouth disease in < fesge cattle raising areas in or- > £er to reduce the T- .utt and milk ' - st-PPiy. In his u^ ' mior. , 'Jitre would ** test danger cf contstfin ?rom tne proposed iaboratuty than from pocksge* of meat sei;t to people la) the United States by relatives in European countries who have been led to believe that an ade- oaate amount ot meat and other Mod* i* not obtainable In this country. H»s pae&ags sending ceunpe&n has b*>n reported as be- teg Inspired by European eommu- tVstjt . The meat thus sent from Europe is carefully inspected by V S officials, but titers is a pos- sibility that some of it may ' bn tkst of animals that were afflicted by the foot and mouth disease and tt i.v^bt »iip past . the inspectors in tUs country. Dr Simms oatimoted that ep- prt->amat6ly «AOa. 0CO would be expended onnaslly for the asalu- Penance of the proposed laborsStory i£?h?djr>g salaries of technieiasts , feed , etc. it he* been repecieO iiwi if the !cii:!5^eR ss-ff psn^"'? tot Congress and that to be In- troduced would provide an appro- priation of W*,0UC, ax> for the s* tabllthment of the proposed' lab- oratory. There are rumors also that the amcttitt of the ^proprU- tton may be sa high ss $33,000, 000. The principal reawn why - the Secretary of the United ;5tate-e D«pt of Agriculture lit giving most favorable consideration to Ifecstt- Itig the proposed laboratory at Montauk , according to Dr Slmme, it |ta proximity to New York City, **!*>?* similar research work ir lifting conducted at Columbia Uni- versity, Rockefeller Institute and the Medical Center and also v ;: .htn a short traveling distance to Hsr- vr.rd , Yale, Princeton and ocrnell j Universities and the University tt\ Pi-nnsylvania where slsiiltr «- ioarch work is also bei££ conduct- ed. Close contacts with V. itf ,* uni- versities , , Dr Simms pointed cat wuuiu tic v-ci' jt advarit^^vCuff , Lu uw aclantUts and other 'technician* ir th* study of the disease at the proposed J. . iratory. Dr S!ir>nia also esrp lalnsd that it would be veo" dlftcult to obtain scientists and technicians for the proposed laboratory If it were to be located >n sa isolated area be? cause they insist upon attractive surrounding* for themselves atd their families. Albert Tucker , of West Ssv-ville . superintendent of the New Ycrk State Bureau .of Marine Fisheries , stated that the Kor . York State Conservation Dept of «hich Perry FJ Duryea of Mbnbtuft: is Commis- sioner , was cpfjosid to thp loca- tion of the proposed ' laboratory at Kontauk for the reason that tHc i. h and sbeihisii industry here iais^t bo damaged by the sewage that would be emptied Into the ocean . Doubt eras expressed by Supt Tucker and State Senator S Went- worth Hortor> thet this sewage wo-jld not be a :ri«n»ce. Dr Cintms auu Or Arthur H Davis , the latter County Oor . unl *- doner of Health of Sttifolk Coun- ty, were s^kad if the foot and mouth .disease was communicable tq human hatngs and both replied that therj was no definite proof that It was, although there bad bees *jcU report*. ' Ml** ' Glr.dy* Vunck. of Ssyville, who Is associated with the Cuffolk CcnHOlkfeted Pr«ss of Bay Shore , resd %JI excr^-pt from a book Ant waa wi!Uen in IMS by Dr Wit'ism Arthur Ha«*n, of Cornell Univer- sity, In which he stated that taere had seen Oases of the disease be- ing os*snittnteav>d to human be- tEfcA but thsy w«re rare and not very serious. Dr Hacan , who 'is an outstanding authority . on the disease , is est* of t&s fear pront- inent scientist * en the United States Dept of Agriculture ' s foot and mouth disease edri*»ry eom- taittee. County Commissioner of Pub- lic Welfare Richard T Gilmartin , who takes great pride In the herd of Holsteln cattle at the county farm and who Is secretary of th» Srifiolk County Dairymen ' s Aram and a resident of Mcntauk. re- lated that according to the records or siasi nampcon town mat tn 1«8S there were about 4 , 500 head of cattle grazing at Monteuk. In the early days Montauk was the leading «itt* e arsa on Long J^Jand. QaotSsi o ' from the report t>2 the Dept of Agriculture ' s census of 1943. Comi-ijsrfarsar Glimartln stated there were 6.8% milk ' cow* in Suffolk , the total production of milk being four million gaUcas , and Che value of the dairy prod- ucts that year in the county was $2, 337,043. The latest unofficial census lists about 5^00 cow* and spproxiusately 8, 000 other t-levan fo-ted animals, including pigs, goats and sheep in the county and there are probably thousands . i*f deer in Suffolk. Ciovca footed ani- mal* are ciuseptible to the disease ,. Oth»n who took active part in the dkoassion were Aba KaU, East Hampton, president of the Suffolk County Dairymen ' s Assn; Super- visor 5&r ' oert L Mulfqrd Jr , of East Hamptc- A -j Town , " and Amherst W Davis , Mt uinal. vice chairman of the SuSoik - County Farm Bureau. It was reported chat the Suffolk County Board of Supervisors , and the Village Boards of Bast Hamp- ton end. Notfhport had gone on record as being opposed to the lo- cstlon of the proposed laboratory in SuffoUc Cbuaty. . Senator Hor- ton stated that he had also re- ceived a communication from Meade C Dobsen, executive direc- tor ef the I^sng Island Assn . ex- pressing opposition to the project for the csuaty. Dr Moore and other speakers lugb^cofcniaendad Dr Simms for th* frtnst' and gonest msaner In which he had presented the sub- ject and the valuable information he had Imoattmt tn th. ¦ iuita»~« Other reasons why the proposed laboratory would be undesirable were that it would , have a very detrimental effect on the summer rosed hwrtrmig end would deprvss realty values in the county and particularly in the Hamptons. County. AgriC yHursi Agent Wai- ter G Been w.u Assistant County Agricultural Aguui. Juliai- . Wright the . tetter beta, in charge of the dairy and poultry departments of the Suffolk County Fsnr, Bureau, eaope-ated with the Suffolk County Dairymen ' s Assn In the m-tangc- ments ter the meeting. Dr Albert Pontick. & veterinarian of East Hampton, reported that tho members f oi his profession In the county had discussed the propova! to establish tno laborstcry In Suf- folk. &ut had iioi taken any definite action in the matter. Contribute 40% Gf Ouota In the first three week* of the annual Red Cte*i Fund campaign , Suffolk Count' s residents contrib- uted £48, 303 , or nearly 40 per cent of the county' * ;54,330 quota, it was reported yesterday by the Suffolk Red Cross Advisory Council. With only a week till to go tor the rr.r.Ii, part ot the 39*8 drive, volur.iicis throughout tho county art lr. -ft, 'slfy!ng their coverage in an tSoit to send the . campaign ove; the to; by March SL C: tl' .r n < x chapters comprising SuCcILv , Shelter Island reported collections totsHng 1*176 , or about 77 pet cent <"J It* twO quota. Tl ^e North Fork Chapter L a close , sec- ond with $3AfiQ, or S7 per cent of it* <b^380 goal Babylon Chapter Is third with colkciicnb agg>-cg5tlnc W. 85» , or 80Ji per ce. - .t of a *l3 ,?00 quota. The other chapters and their re- spective rr jarta a;« Nottli Suffolk, IliMO , or GO per cent of quota; Hatnctan , $7, 377, or 44 per cent and SiaiS Sufio!!^ $10 , 292 , or 40 per cent Kepcrts trcm ttrancn car.irmci in -the South Suffolk Chapter Indi- cate that its workers may stage a "Garrison finish" in the closing days of the campaign in an * effort to have the chapter outdistance the five others in the final, report. For Shelter Islaiid Purk i>.» -it/TiHlve holding* in Shel- ter Island of the late S Gr^r ry Taylor, fsrned New York llotf.l 'nan , may become n town park , ac- cord! eg to the tcs m* of Taylor ' s w'l! Xitd in Manh£tt«n Surrogate' s CCUrt The will provlets that the prop- erty known a* Taylor ' s Island, go to hi* nap hew, ftepben Steohano ef Klkin* Park. Pa, for bis per- sonal use and that, upon hi* death }t go to the Township of Shelter bland. The condition I- thst it be set UP *s a public park *r.3 be known a* Taylor ' * Ialuid Fsrk. A iiind of $10, 000 ts provided i:,«sn- r-Mlo to maintain tUe buildings on the property. Mnet of the remainder of the astato 1* l«ft to the Tayior Scholar- ship Foundation, Inc, for ! ' ,: ¦ gen- orel purposes. Tha widow , Mrs lor. , 7. Tr.ylor. Is left only $2,500, th- v-ill noting that hs haa provided .V. her amply during bis lifetime. T*yTor was born S Grego ry Tav- oulaiis in Greece, came to the United States as a youth, and learned tho hotel business from bellhcy up with the Manager Hotel chain. At the timo of hi* death in February, when he was 39 years old. Taylor was president and di- rector o: the Hotel St Moritx. In 1813 Taylor and his wife moved cut of their suite in the hotel to rc ske good his promlE* of a reser- vation for a soldier boy who had made it for "li utd when" from Berchtesgsden or. Litler' s personal stationery. Air Ferrie§ (Continued from Page 1) airline^ operates profitably, end ac- cording to its first purpose. Cost flfufeS based on experiencco , rath- er ' than prc-Jectif M, Indicate a profit with load factor of 49%." IAF ' announced that its fare be- tween Central Long Island and Bridgeport, Connecticut will be SSxi (or 13.S cents per passenger mile; ; between £aut Himpwt and New Li-don, Connesticut , the fare will bs jr *? <M >1 cents per pas- senger mile). Passengers between the first -i»=i*d point* save three hours travel time for th* SSKM coartf) as ' surface - travel; betTr ' Wfi L5t« . Utter t*w ix>iat£ tir^j, ssvir.r is four hou . ^. - sr,d urteen minutes at a cost of 8c-st* less than rail- road fare. On Ut* route segm*nte in the 'Oommuti.r Area " of New York City, fate* graduate down to 8 cents per passenger mite , and are exempt from the 19% transporta- tion tax'If use is made of commu- tation ticket*. OotMne LJAG | (Continued fruin * J ago 1) at the rocetirijf to be held this (Thursday) "vemr.g in ouuii.uiu, Ferris G TfJ'Wge . <:¦ " Ewt Hampton, ' a director ot tite- coun- cil , will preside at the meeting to be held at . Water , Mijl on Friday evening. . ' . :.! Meetings will also be ' Meld ' In the Polish Hall , Port Jefferson Sto: tion on Mondsy '' e^nmg, JBEs^cr) 29; tht . Grepniawn ' . ComV ^imlty Hall. Grccniewn, un 'Wednejifiay evening. March 31,. and . ^it tiie Town Hall, Shelter ftiirid, ofi Fri- day, Apri' . 2. . "'V The meeting at SJiilter Island will be at a p m. The . other meet- ings will be held in Uie evening, bejinnlng at J o ' clock, . ' ' , . . Protest (Continued ftosi Page 1) not properly rate candidates on emotional maturity, judgment, re- sourcefulness , tact and Initiative , the 'cmpUant decler«<3. Justice Pierce ' H , Russell issued ft standing order Friday restrain- Intr tb- ryimnWnxfhn r twwn t^rtl^v- Ing any appointnipate until the case is decld iU. ' . Justice . RusMll Issued an order to ' the commis- sioners demanding that they Show cause why they should not be made to cancel the Hit and orifr sew examinations. The netting; will lie held in Albany .today, Marsh J5. Bttit, it was leased Placed low on the list because ,. although fcs wrved five ycaft lit , £i;. ' .frSisd forces , he Is not- considered ' to be a New York State veteran. He en- listed from hi* former home in New Jersey. Both Betit and jPh*> Ian were given provisional ap- pointments shortly after the or- ganization of the .Division at Vet- erans Affairs . They have . been- a*- tive In veterans organizations m the county tor many years. Supreme Cloiirt (Continued from Page 1) vene In Riverhead on Monday, April C , M 10 a m , with Judge D Ormonde KiU-hle presiding. The fcliowlng residents of East- cm Suffolk have been drawn by Commissioner of Jurors E Con- way to serve as grand jurors at that term; Sherwood C Beeb? , Cutchogue; Arthur J Caiace , Sound Beach; J Logan Dare , Selden; Alma Q Davis , Coram; Elizabeth E Davis and Charles W Rush, Amagansett; Oliver G Davison Wit Ml? ; P-oil H R Dettoer ? t$ ChftHe* tt Ne*- bitt RiverheaJ; John Biters and Arth' -i* W Goei«- -;r, Huntington StaUoa; T John rolks Jr. A»r-dty- vilie ; Charles V ioii^tt, Bright- waters , - ' Minnie Girshoff and Maude S Ritchie, Patchogue. Also Charles T Glover , Mattt- tuck ; Dorothy Bamberger, Oreen- port; Theodore Haasaler , St James; Louis C Heilmaa and T lor- ence Robins , Lake Ronkcokoms; Henry F Hetas. Sslbrcch: Paul Kelley. Bayport; H Stuart Ort- ioff . Half Hollow, Hunnngun. -; Harry F Pearsall , Centerpoit; Emerson M Raynor , Westhat ^; - ton Beach ; John ? Soffel , Smith- town Branch; John M Sprague. SayvUie; John Spurga and Grovar E Woodward. Fort Jefferson, and Benjamin T West , East Setauket Residents of Eastern Suffolk who have been drawn to aerve *a trial jurors at that terra follow: Peter J Berewiy, Danlei Fisher, DeFor- est Turbusr? " and Albeit P War- ner, Riverhead; Mary Broughtoa ,; .Mildred F CSeseland, Alma H Nlcoll . Oorge W Corwin . and Edna C Webb, Southampton; Ada L Dot.ob.ue and Marie D Ta- bor , Sag Harbor; Frank G Dries. Pecoalc; Earl H Fisher , Maty- tuck; Grace V Halsey, Water Kill; FdiiB Heniry, Selden; JohS i*y- rnan. South Jamesport; Csfrsc A KMsi-n, Yt.phank ; Amy H "R^ynnr, East .Moriches; and . Emil A Wer. - ne. ' . Port Jefferson. Th* Moot Impertaas Featarr of a MoAesei -Kewtpaper la Sertk* to Its Readers—Ksad Vho doMty Bx&smrt. Suffolk Hard (Continued from Page 1) and Sunday) , leaving New York. ?3:55 6. ~; ' riiiSqafe- -V. -e, 13'M p, m; Jamaica, ilSft y to for New Hy<3+ Pork and Intermediate su- ti^na to Korthport ,, ,, No. SV i<t»$y > except Saturday and Sunday), leaving. New York, 6.03 p m; Flatbvlth Ay* , 4:B8 p m; Jamaica , Ji JJ p ra;tof llineola and intermediate *isiio$», to Port Jef- f*t50ft . " ' . ' ;. ' . ' No, 6Ss (dally except Sunday) , leaving New York, 11:19 p m; F^, tbu*h Ave, ll:U r p m; Jamaica, il:t$ p m for Mlneqla and Imme- diate statidh* to Port Jefferson No. tot (Saturday ' ' smb /? , !ea-v" log New York, tiq » m; Fiatbush Ave, 6;M pa: jKpibi. «:*5 P » . for- N*^ R^Je yajk and ' Inter- mediate stsilena t* , JSrt Jofferson. No. 4608 <Sunday orly). Isarmg Ncr York, 9:81 a m; Flatbiuh Ave , 9:47 a tn; Jamaica; JOilS ate for Northport and Kisis* fszi . State Hospitm. . . No. 4K6 (Sunday only), leaving New York , 6:S5 p m; FlatbuiU Ave 6:34 p m; JarEstca , 8:97 p m for |%Mte«^1« «-. » ^»--«->i^»- -f-" ,.,. . —y.^ ^—>w ai*,w *+**l "m. m i i. .,1 W»*i/..» to Port Jefferson. ' , - - ra*sst, ' XJbto : ' Lossea No. sat /sally rexc-?: Saturday and Sunday),' 1«4 TISJ; New Tork. 3:45 a »; Fiatbush " Av e, 3:48 a m; Jamaica, 1:1% a *i for New Hyde Psfk and intermediate sUtions to BJcksviUe. No. «0 l i t i iy except Saturday ¦ nd Sunday), )»a.efaup N«w York 3:16 p mr Fltttoosh Ave. 3:14 p m; Jamaica , 3S37 p m for- Mlnrola and Intermediate stations to Ronton- kema. No. 312 (daily except Saturday and Sunday) , leaving New York, 3:54 p m; Flat' ousU Ave, 3:47 p m; Jamaica, -;:17 p m for Yaphai- .k and- In^naediatc at at ion* to Greeiii^rt No. 960 M=!Iy ercept Saturday and Sunday' , leaving New Yet'*. 5:43 p m; . Ksteash Aya\sl47p ts; Jamaica, 6:10 p a for Westbury and tn^srseediate stations to Baby- lon . Np. S52 (daily cseept Saturdiy and S^sjday) , leaving-New Tork 9:SS r it; Fiatbush , Ave, 9, -Sy $ m; Jamaica; »;5S p m for HJck*viile and istfsrmediate stations to Baiiy- ton- No. 206 (Saturday only), leav- ing N«w York. 1:10 p m; Fiatbush Ave , 1.08 p rs; Jamaica , 1:31 p m for Holtsville and lntetmcdlate stetfcnts to Qroeaport. No. 346 ' (Saturday only), leav- ing New York, 7:07 p m; Fiatbush Ave , 7:00 P rs; Jsmaisa , T:33 p-» for Me. -iilon Ave an£ intermediate station^ to RonVonkosna. M _ No, i!t*Z (Suaday only). leaving New York , t- M' m mi Fiatbush Ave , 9^6 a is; Jamaica. 10 a m top ri et h p sg e and Internjedls '* . stations to Central IsBp State Hos- No. SU» (Sunday osly), leaving Flatbu ^ Ave t 9M a m; JaassJce, %av j& a m for Wnelawn and ihter- i mediate .fmtnaa to Pilgrim State '•s^* •s.i^t - -> . - ' uwepHui . * - No. tm (Sflrtday onl y), letving Net? York. 4:JX » m; Fiatbush Ave, <^1 m: Jantalce , i$t *s:m tor.New Hyde Park and IstahnedJ- ste stops fO.BspiloW* No. in (deiiy axcept Saturday and Sunday). Wvinv R»™»WI«> &40 a BLU I {ntarnktdjaite sta- ca, if vtrJom ' SJISB^SBWBB V , AW. . No. . JOS . (daily txtspi. eundsyi . leaving Qraejipott ~ $m * ¦ m- . and lntormedttte stations to 4SintoU. for Jamaica , New Tori; aad F!it- buah Are. No. $46 (daDy except Sunt ' oy) , leaving Ronkonkoma , 5:51 p m , »sd intermediate stsUo- .u to Min- eols, for Jsmsies , New York and Fiatbush Ave . No. "; (3»turday only) , leav- ing RoA^cai- 'f-. - .ji , 7:65 p m, and iBtoKrrtdiate st»f>iv3 to Ne»- Hyde J" a?k , i&r Jsniaica, New York,and Flstbiuh Ave. No. t2Z5 (Sunday only ) , leaving Pilgrim State Hospital , 3:30 _P m ror jsmnics, New Vork ami n«- bu*h Ave. .. ' - No. 4537 (Sunday otil y) , leaving Central, iriip StRte HospjUl, S:S5 5 m. sad Brtntwood, 3:54 p m for amaica, New York tnd Fiatbush Ave. No. 4JJ9 (Sunday only) , leaving Ronkor-irsnis. S;09 p m, and inter- meals.v- -itiiocs to New Hyde Paflit for Jajnsica , New Tork and ~ i»ibu»h Ave. ¦ : Ms s U ' JJfj fe Sroncc Cote ' No. 83 (daily. «tcept Saturday and 9&&OK leafS* W«w York , I3:at am; F^dferfiAva , tStSS a rfi for Bajry lbn and ' fntonaedfete »ts- tfons to PstehogttB. ' , Kb, 4 »: <dau> except Saturday and Sundas -) , ?rst'?!r.E New York 6:08 a m; Fiatbush Ave 9:01 a m; Jsmalcs. *24 f a m for . Babylon and Srrterm^diate sto-js Patchogut No. 58 (d^liy except Saturday and Smiday) , leaving New York, IjitS p " m: snatbssrr Ave, 13:65 p m; Jami' cs., f:i? b m for Baby- lon and lr.tcrnaedis.te Etatloas te Patcharue. No. SO (daily ' except Saturday ar.d Sunday) , leaving Kew York, 3:50 p ta; Fiatbush Ave , J:*T p ro: Jamaica, "4:31 p m tor Speonk and Intermediate station- tc '•lontauk. No. 32 (Saturday only), leavins: New York , 13:19 p m; Fiatbush Ave , 12:13 p m; Jamaica , 13;43 p r\ tor Sooth Farrntagrls le and inter mediate stations fa Patchogue , No, . 13 (Ssturdey only), leaving New York , 11:56 p m; Fiatbush Ave, 13:30 p ra; Jamaica , IdB p m for Canter Mrjricb*s f.n.i inter- mediate stotisss to MflEU'Uk. . ., No. 34 (Satarai? only, leaving New York , las } ia; Flsibuah Ave , 1:11 p m; Jamaica, 1:54 p ta for Babylon .and intermediate stations to flptppk . v - ' , No. ,. ii. (Saturday only), leaving New York, 7:18 p *n; Fiatbush Ave. 1&) p m for Babylon ' and inter- mediate ptatians to Patchogue , . No. 46 (sntsJOay emiy), hnvtnp NOW York , UOS p ru; Fiatbush Ave. li:« p m fojr Jetasir. sad liiX^cmeiuttie «UUOM V« oyt<(w>. . No. *3&6 (Sunday onjy), leavinc York , 8:85 a m; Fl*tSo«b Ave , 8S6 am; Jamaica , •:» a nt for Babyten and lnttraiedlW* . station* to Montauk. . Ke. " if . (daily except Saturday .— J '4t^~M~L.\ «.,.._4- «»_ H^. ..U SzSti am, sod istorsmlate stations to Ws&tert .rjosr. Jaiaaica . New Y(ti?k arid lwh>Va Avis , " , K<3. 91 <{!*tl!y . exeeipt Saturday ij;i Ssn4^}, leaving . Patchogue , 8;« ¦ •tnj, , ajiS t'strrmsaate stetisni to Babylon tor Jsiaaica , Jfew Tar& anu Fiatbush Ave, NO. 65 (daily esteept ' Saturday and Sunday), reaving Prdbchc&ii. 11:58 am, and intarroedieto &v«r tion* to Jlabyloa-for j ' aciaic*\JHirR' York and ftttowai , Af*. ^ - o No. 78 (dsiM, . levins; Patchogue u:» p " rn, ' fijid .tatofflwdiate ^- Uohs to Bab^n WfMjfc}, ' flpf No, * «V. s §*^rdgr difeirS; reding Pfttebogo ' e 'SiftS ' J»i' w ** . ,5 l?W?*- umi* »i*uoa* ,,w( ssarrTj. -n rpr . , ji- maics,: New . ' ^firk; \ ' *w : \ ¥ &f - - , 3 Ave. ' u> , ' v , ' ' - . " ;'- ; ' - ¦ " No. 9 (Saturday only) , leaving Speonk , S:4i pm, and ftttermedUte staUons ut: W$v£* tot J*aMu6a . New York a%il |»UoUsh A>e , No. . 4041 <SujrjeW . 0niy), Isavfng Speon v 5-47 p^«»d%|«in(»diate statlmu ' to . Mtaeo ^ for Jsms ' cs . I^ VF York and Fiatbush Aw. i r s. K-S! ^Sunday •?•'*>, ixavin*; Montauk , 3-3S p m. and Interme- diate stations to Speonk for Ja- maica, New York and Fiatbush Ave. No. 4037 (Sunday chly). lea-ring Patchogue. 9:59 p m , and , inter- mediate stations to Bnbyion for Tamaicc , New 'tek and F^atrash Ave. S' LI OtylSrrBlnalT Lauding the p»op ;>;?! f?r a Lang Tv iand n?.ii Road terrsimi? at T^osg laltsil C;iy to Kelp t-elieve rraent -commuter congestion , LX&H' . offi- cials declared they will poll riders on ' the- line to get the puMIe' a re- action to the p lan. Possibility that a termtna! aaay be set up in 5J daya at the station and yard there wn* voijed by. the road' * new 1>cs3 . Qen Maasger David E Smucker , after an inspec- tion tour c the yard and facilities with representative* of the Public ' ¦ Service Commission and Nrw.vj- SuffoCt Coramrrter * s Oorarrlttte . The ' Cnunty JBevlew ' is year ' best aJtr^eUting .tnodnsss tn ' Birerbcad g^^vS ^J^ 1 *?* ***** R ass* ike hUgMt r»i' .ii«|asl«ai is SJLJqgLlJgjfet ftM-l ' w't ReseiTes To Irfe ' eV AtSril 2 Aa orfanisatlem. meeting of Vol- imtee, c Battalion tlnlt 3-38 of Buf- (o 'k County will be !ie!d «t the Henry Perkins Hotel . RivcrhWd en Friday, April 3, at 7:30. Quest- ionnaire* have previouah- b- - .cn sub- mitted by Copt M Y Uecluy and the affirmative answers received, Volunteer CO Unit S-S3 haa been activated and Gordon S Ah)e» of Jajnesport has been appointed a* Conunscding Officer. Commendet L it LiPorte . dUector of CSC Re- serve 3rd Nav«i District win ad- dres* too group. Those wishing refreshments or dinner can congregate In the Grill at 640. All attending are requested to wear their uniforms es picture* wil bs taken. Commuters PSC Case Is Ready A move by preferred stccJihold- ers of the Lon g Island Lig hting Co to have the Public Bervvce l Oommlislon suipend hearings or. t. proposed merger cf tt:c utility and its subsidiary companies was turn- ed down bv Milo Maltbte , P^C chairman , st a hecrsng Thursdsy. Percival E Jackson , an ftttor- nev ar.d stockholder,' called on Ma 'lfc' .e to defer further hesrinff) liiitil the Securitle* Exchange Com- i.;Ur.icn rales whether compaip- iii. - .iagement has the right to file a plan with that body in advance or without sHocfeholder ' approval. Msitcie denied art . nwtion de- clnrinsj '"Wl IWM b Wtepei- d^nt ' ot s^:- *UK.fniw- M ' .. '. Johfi P Dslsy. ' 6* U LSi-tei Court, West HenpsfeM. toptw^ring. toe Uni«r„ t«cal K«S, bargalrite*|j irnlt for the LILCO , Nassau-Suffolk B- .inr t-i, - Co and Queenrtu/ouzh Gss and Electric Co , supported the merger piiui. ' . ' Tiie merger, he s.^lu , would be advtrtageous to t" e workers of tho Uvec compa:i '- .j because it would "insure the mai.ktcawicc of an over-all bargaining unit av;d stand- ard wages throughout ths s;-st-m. Although " tho comp&nlt' .i have pk-dgerl they Would not discharge psrsonnel as a result of the mer- ger, Thomas Boc th, chief account- ant for tiie companies , testified mat $100 , 000 annually would even- $i«lly »» isved In the general ac- counting depajtnWnt ay pot ?e- pUtrtng svsff wsmbsrs as they leave tho ovspnnr* employ. The Bearing was adjonrneo until Mnrch ^f Ti ff T .f. T MI I ¦ ' •< ¦¦ SOmBASWIGJt <Ut "TWBt ^ sVfxB JC- Otfary of Old Towrl CS«s?&#, SouWamptssj, an- nounce She' %ngt*ernftBt"Gf'* trwlr daughter; Peggy Frances , tarThom- sa M BenMtt.. «ou ot 'tt r . s^a Sr* Ai-rtjid BSpott of , ; H«4ry . IW. Soulharntierat . MM Jean Cameron , oaugoter v. Mayor ' and Mrs Cameron, had an Indent last Monday evMsUif in New York. She suflrred a might concuslioii and a-safew tbatB/ier lhjiiry. ' ¦ , ''"t! Mrs loa Guldl , who spent the winter with her son and dsugh- ter-M-law; Kr ' inj Mrs Adokpri Qulai , - . reterned td _ v hey home' in Sayvftle last ' «*»«&: . - - -v-. A daughter was born to Mr and Mr* Oscar Nuthnagle ~-i Water Hiii at the Southampton Hospital on March 3. School closed oil Wednesday of this week for Easter vacation. The 194S graduating class will go to Washington , D C on Monday. Patricia Squires , a student at Ithaca College an. * v .^r brother , lied, of Syracuse University, will be iKsfce this week for their Saster vacs.tir.r- . Mrs Rcr^icS Cameron returned t^ti icat ¦ s-ici; Zroj a the Sputh- amptoti Hoiplui and is cosvai- 5*ctiiS at hsr Iv-sie on Herrick Jlrl ' Mis* Kfj zcy Holaen , stu^rit auric at RoaMvelt Hospital and Slosne ' s Bcspitsi, - was husiz for the wsekend. Mr and iin. Robert T Cameron HI '4 daughter. Joaa. ' Jsft last week for a viait with Mrs Cunerez' s family in Virgiils . Mr and Mrs O A Widener of Rrwpect St rstumed home WsJ- aeiday from a motor trip to Flor- ida. Miss Alice Hudson of White Plains will spend part of her East- er vacation with Kiss Myra Bur- nett in Southasapton. . ^sjaa. -ss e . i-j -^f^- ¦ --- -- ^ ¦ -.^-v.s..— . , .** r^^«iN-*'.:.i>i->TSa I . M ^'iica Any person wtx^ sholl deposit or throw stones in | } the gutter or gross adjoining c town highway, or shall I j <jU. -iO«i* tyr throw unrun a Wiahiuav. suits, popfers. snow. S . ice, stones, sticks or other rubbish shoi? be liable to o | | penalty of tan dollocs WOOD). No stone or orhsr | rubbish shall be drawn to and dsposited within the limits i I of any highwqy, except for the purpose of filling in a 1 | d«>pr*>«icn or otherwisfi improvir.o fh« hi ghway without |j|j \he consent and under the direction of ths Town Super- | j inieiidsjit of Highways. ¦ j MYRON C. YOUNG, I Supt. of Highways | Town of Riverhead J I Rsllif iiw.o.You i*u8 ^-i I: I " . -^iSt- . - STT' - . *«* ¦« | I &- ±- .„ *J' ~l : M , i f l £f c£.- - L S I ' ' ^^ Mtfffrfffs e fifi8' ' ' ' JOtfleJUW' I . ¦ - ?m.:^U?&w&>;. - - ¦ . - ¦¦ .. I tllE IMSIIRfllCE ! At long last , you <an have 55, 000 coverage io Savings I , lfenkLif^s^a»BC^-S5 , 0(K), tl»»w!ifmt ai^»r^^ I by tist Legislature of the State qf New York. i ¦ If you DON*T have Savings Bask Life Insurance , | now is the time to get i^ Ho* is tic time to as: ! Sav- |j ings Back Life: irt$uraace policies are available in | amouals as Iittlew$250--^amucA ai $5, 030—to all I insutabie p ersons, ages 1 rnontlj to 65 years. 11 If you DO have (he finest Life ' Insurance we can I J offer... but act <:::oug h of it... now is the time to I j increase your life insurance. I] vyrffs VDAAy*«,vse *M*sd*4* *sff*rsssrl*Ni Oeeot SSNN 11 |j f oat t&We hmftmt. rti^wa. saj ^w>^J . jj 81 rail, Tee raa soy *M* l*w-(«t pr*#»cs».,«V ijm$ * II RIViKHiAP SAVINGS BANK I ¦ T' ' 'a»*«*»*-. ' J - »* «> ii * i * * I! I sawBvsoar «uw«*»i»f A** Mm II MEMU5R VmiHAi. DIPOSIT IMSUHAMCE COUP. f - ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ '^e esai i ¦ ! M*a»^ M*fBW»w»i«MSfMia ^Mi»*»M«s»saat *a»w^^Mi 1 | r^- , - - f . .. .: "" vj . | § /|F ' ¦ I U.^SSEL1TS@N ¦ EASTSH eWT-Ft&WEBS I «# #l| feisM&s •v -u- ,. ' CORSAGES .. , V i - j Leo R. Mitchell Pi»rt»t I JAM.ISPORT , L. I. . Tel. 442 "We Telegraph Flowers I Everywhere!" I «JJ*BB*MB*BSSBBBBSSESB **BBBBBSBBBBBBBSBBBPK ^iBBrSMBa *MHinaiBBBB *B

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Page 1: For Shelter Islaiid Purk OotMne LJAG | 40%Gf^|HMB»BBBBT^^ffii^ r^BiWBBrinfi^ffiW I %£M Patrons admire the rare

BJBJJB |HMB»BBBBT ffii r^BiWBBrinf i ffiW

I %£M I Patrons admire the rare irnpres- 1mf r M J9^** B »»ve«»«»» oi cax servicer. Evsn ¦1 y5 I *e *east ©J^ensiv® iB rnorked 1I Sn&nOl by a compelling beauty, a ten- 1I *** '#'M I der dignity, a deep solemnity. 1

^ Lmff lMOtig s^*mamma* WWSRAL lEUVtct «ofMN8E .^' 4fSi.MA5NST.SWV€f^IAl> Ww^ t240S

?"Bv»fr.,—„ iwmBrara»rTfiiminis*iaTamiBSiit-T»)i «JL "'¦ »»i S ruiujamT^rwiffBt}



'I''* WhJMWWW**""* Si


Sheelrock * Ia ' '¦•? " ¦¦ - ¦I B11 T«*M«h0 «.< TnaitWaJ C5Al-- *~ ¦

* Asa Aj va v** UMWiMWva ••MVM**' ¦

Devo© Points |



I will have

EAS TERsuA iojsc

SERVICESSunday, March 28

1 'I at 6:30 a, m.« ,'- . .

I Conducted by

I SeSden Community Church| and •''!•-¦

| Coram Methodist Church

I Stuart Gracey, Soloist :

* CoFwiucfina 0>r>i«' i1 \ " . - . " ~ ~ " '

i Honor Gracey, accompanist

j Noa Admissionc_

/ W4sm ~^mi*omAi w f¦J'rfflf f

Entrants on Cinil M,e Coram,' L. I. *

Wffl Not¦ (Ctertt!.nfl»d from Page 1)

are 1,400,000 milk cowa In NewYork State where dairying b aV&y important industry.

vw W»nnctt J Simms. chief ofth* bureau of Animal Industryof th* United Stotes Dept of Ag-riculture, toe principui apsaktf atthe meeting, ex Uuned th; posi-tion ef United Statu* Dept of Ag-riculture with respect to the e»-tfifciishtnent of the jrosaaed ISK -orafciry, the seriousness " the foote*d mouth dtnai* and ~~ greataead {or such a labcrstc. . .

Dr Shnnu gave tassrsscsa thatthe buildings tor the proposed lab-oratory would be ecnsArusied andmaintained so that danger of eon-t&giea. would b* at a rr-ln'rcum.He sal 9 only healthy cattle wouldSir brought to ' the ioborstory fortgcperhnental purposes and fh-Titine" experiments. were concludedthfey would' tsa slaughtered andtheir c-sircajsee would he destroye ]In 'incinerators. A high fer.cwould be constructed around to* <area and mry precaution veuldba taken to prevent rats or blrea •f t p i n . entering tha Immediate areaeurrocodlng the buildi&gs. 1stserfage would be thoroughly treat-ed before being pumped Car Intothe ocean tc prevent contamlnt-tion. Tho cattl* would be fed an-iwatered from ft* outside of theMires and only' the techniciansavoid come into contact with theasifasJa. These technician* wouldehaag* their clothing; take acbower bath and have their -Joth-rng iteriUted before they left theb*.m*. Even the air in the barbswould be sterilised.

A laboratory for the stuoy of 'Use foot and m&uth dlsensi- is lo- isated is a . d-iiry are*, abcai. £0 -raUes 'frcm, tendon, lEngkutd, so- .cording to Dr Simms, and there >has ngycr bae. any eontagion re- '.ported In that area. He also stated Ii^*t lehsratoriw for-'the study of Iibe disease' are located in the met- 'sopoHtan areas of Amsterdam,ssonaad, Unite, iSwttseriand, andotbb? tsmAri*a 'z>t tSnnrpr

Dr Simms explained that theSSSt S55, 352t!t 4!?? *- *>«s Soma;eadstod em the continent of Eu-rope and ' every otter ' continentaxospt Australia; that the deathrate of anlnuls afflicted by the 'dtocase Is low, but that there isa> b% financial loss because the •aaimals are unable to eat, they Iwee weight and It takes a longperiod for tiiem to recover. There 1have been six cutoreaks or tite <disease In the United States sifice1900, the last one in 192?. Blisters <form in the ra.-imbrsna cf the Ijnouth and in the feet ot tho s&i- 'aal*.. The necessity of developing s ¦vacdn* against the disease was •atreksed by Dr Simms, declaring <tfcat In another war It had been <pretl'.etud that saboteur; on the iWtl&td Sates might sow the germ <it tht toot and mouth disease in <fesge cattle raising areas in or- >£er to reduce the T-.utt and milk '-st-PPiy. In his u 'mior., 'Jitre would** test danger cf contstfin ?romtne proposed iaboratuty than frompocksge* of meat sei;t to peoplela) the United States by relativesin European countries who havebeen led to believe that an ade-oaate amount ot meat and otherMod* i* not obtainable In thiscountry. H»s pae&ags sendingceunpe&n has b*>n reported as be-teg Inspired by European eommu-tVstjt. The meat thus sent fromEurope is carefully inspected byV S officials, but titers is a pos-sibility that some of it may ' bntkst of animals that were afflictedby the foot and mouth disease andtt i.v^bt »iip past . the inspectorsin tUs country.

Dr Simms oatimoted that ep-prt->amat6ly «AOa.0CO would beexpended onnaslly for the asalu-Penance of the proposed laborsStoryi£?h?djr>g salaries of technieiasts,feed, etc. it he* been repecieOiiwi if the !cii:!5 eR ss-ff psn^"'?tot Congress and that to be In-troduced would provide an appro-priation of W*,0UC,ax> for the s*tabllthment of the proposed' lab-oratory. There are rumors alsothat the amcttitt of the proprU-tton may be sa high ss $33,000,000.

The principal reawn why - theSecretary of the United ;5tate-eD«pt of Agriculture lit giving mostfavorable consideration to Ifecstt-I t ig the proposed laboratory atMontauk, according to Dr Slmme,it |ta proximity to New York City,**!*>?* similar research work irlifting conducted at Columbia Uni-versity, Rockefeller Institute and

the Medical Center and also v ;:.htna short traveling distance to Hsr-vr.rd, Yale, Princeton and ocrnell jUniversities and the University tt\Pi-nnsylvania where slsiiltr «-ioarch work is also bei££ conduct-ed. Close contacts with V.itf ,* uni-versities,, Dr Simms pointed catwuuiu tic v-ci'jt advarit^ vCuff ,Lu uwaclantUts and other 'technician* irth* study of the disease at theproposed J. .iratory.

Dr S!ir>nia also esrplalnsd that itwould be veo" dlftcult to obtainscientists and technicians for theproposed laboratory If it were tobe located >n sa isolated area be?cause they insist upon attractivesurrounding* for themselves atdtheir families.

Albert Tucker, of West Ssv-ville.superintendent of the New YcrkState Bureau .of Marine Fisheries,stated that the Kor. York StateConservation Dept of «hich PerryFJ Duryea of Mbnbtuft: is Commis-sioner, was cpfjosid to thp loca-tion of the proposed 'laboratory atKontauk for the reason that tHci. h and sbeihisii industry hereiais t bo damaged by the sewagethat would be emptied Into theocean.

Doubt eras expressed by SuptTucker and State Senator S Went-worth Hortor> thet this sewagewo-jld not be a :ri«n»ce.

Dr Cintms auu Or Arthur HDavis, the latter County Oor.unl*-doner of Health of Sttifolk Coun-ty, were s^kad if the foot andmouth .disease was communicabletq human hatngs and both repliedthat therj was no definite proofthat It was, although there badbees *jcU report*.' Ml**' Glr.dy* Vunck. of Ssyville,who Is associated with the CuffolkCcnHOlkfeted Pr«ss of Bay Shore,resd %JI excr -pt from a book Antwaa wi!Uen in IMS by Dr Wit'ismArthur Ha«*n, of Cornell Univer-sity, In which he stated that taerehad seen Oases of the disease be-ing os*snittnteav>d to human be-tEfcA but thsy w«re rare and notvery serious. Dr Hacan, who'isan outstanding authority .on thedisease, is est* of t&s fear pront-inent scientist* en the UnitedStates Dept of Agriculture's footand mouth disease edri*»ry eom-taittee.

County Commissioner of Pub-lic Welfare Richard T Gilmartin,who takes great pride In the herdof Holsteln cattle at the countyfarm and who Is secretary of th»Srifiolk County Dairymen's Aramand a resident of Mcntauk. re-lated that according to the recordsor siasi nampcon town mat tn1«8S there were about 4,500 headof cattle grazing at Monteuk. Inthe early days Montauk was theleading «itt*e arsa on Long J Jand.QaotSsio' from the report t>2 theDept of Agriculture's census of1943. Comi-ijsrfarsar G l i m a r t l nstated there were 6.8% milk 'cow*in Suffolk, the total production ofmilk being four million gaUcas,and Che value of the dairy prod-ucts that year in the county was$2,337,043. The latest unofficialcensus lists about 5^00 cow* andspproxiusately 8,000 other t-levanfo-ted animals, including pigs,goats and sheep in the county andthere are probably thousands .i*fdeer in Suffolk. Ciovca footed ani-mal* are ciuseptible to the disease,.

Oth»n who took active part inthe dkoassion were Aba KaU, EastHampton, president of the Suffolk

County Dairymen's Assn; Super-visor 5&r'oert L Mulfqrd Jr, of EastHamptc-A-j Town," and Amherst WDavis, Mt uinal. vice chairman ofthe SuSoik- County Farm Bureau.

It was reported chat the SuffolkCounty Board of Supervisors, andthe Village Boards of Bast Hamp-ton end.Notfhport had gone onrecord as being opposed to the lo-cstlon of the proposed laboratoryin SuffoUc Cbuaty.. Senator Hor-ton stated that he had also re-ceived a communication fromMeade C Dobsen, executive direc-tor ef the I sng Island Assn. ex-pressing opposition to the projectfor the csuaty.

Dr Moore and other speakerslugb cofcniaendad Dr Simms forth* frtnst'and gonest msaner Inwhich he had presented the sub-ject and the valuable informationhe had Imoattmt tn th. ¦iuita»~«

Other reasons why the proposedlaboratory would be undesirablewere that it would, have a verydetrimental effect on the summerrosed hwrtrmig end would deprvssrealty values in the county andparticularly in the Hamptons.

County. AgriCyHursi Agent Wai-ter G Been w.u Assistant CountyAgricultural Aguui. Juliai-. Wrightthe. tetter beta, in charge of thedairy and poultry departments ofthe Suffolk County Fsnr, Bureau,eaope-ated with the Suffolk CountyDairymen's Assn In the m-tangc-ments ter the meeting.

Dr Albert Pontick. & veterinarianof East Hampton, reported that thomembers foi his profession In thecounty had discussed the propova!to establish tno laborstcry In Suf-folk. &ut had iioi taken any definiteaction in the matter.

Contribute40%Gf Ouota

In the first three week* of theannual Red Cte*i Fund campaign,Suffolk Count's residents contrib-uted £48,303, or nearly 40 per centof the county'* ;54,330 quota, it wasreported yesterday by the SuffolkRed Cross Advisory Council.

With only a week till to go torthe rr.r.Ii, part ot the 39*8 drive,volur.iicis throughout tho countyart lr.-ft ,'slfy!ng their coverage inan tSoit to send the .campaignove; the to; by March SL

C: tl '.r n <x chapters comprisingSuCcILv, Shelter Island reportedcollections totsHng 1*176, or about77 pet cent <"J It* twO quota. Tl eNorth Fork Chapter L a close, sec-ond with $3AfiQ, or S7 per cent ofit* <b 380 goal

Babylon Chapter Is third withcolkciicnb agg>-cg5tlnc W.85», or80Ji per ce.-.t of a *l3,?00 quota.The other chapters and their re-spective rr jarta a;« Nottli Suffolk,IliMO, or GO per cent of quota;Hatnctan, $7,377, or 44 per centand SiaiS Sufio!! $10,292, or 40per cent

Kepcrts trcm ttrancn car.irmciin -the South Suffolk Chapter Indi-cate that its workers may stage a"Garrison finish" in the closingdays of the campaign in an* effortto have the chapter outdistance thefive others in the final, report.

For Shelter Islaiid Purki>.» -it/TiHlve holding* in Shel-

ter Island of the late S Gr r ryTaylor, fsrned New York llotf.l'nan, may become n town park , ac-cord! eg to the tcs m* of Taylor'sw'l! Xitd in Manh£tt«n Surrogate'sCCUrt

The will provlets that the prop-erty known a* Taylor's Island, goto hi* naphew, ftepben Steohanoef Klkin* Park. Pa, for bis per-sonal use and that, upon hi* death}t go to the Township of Shelterbland. The condition I- thst it beset UP *s a public park *r.3 beknown a* Taylor'* Ialuid Fsrk. Aiiind of $10,000 ts provided i:,«sn-r-Mlo to maintain tUe buildings onthe property.

Mnet of the remainder of theastato 1* l«ft to the Tayior Scholar-

ship Foundation, Inc, for !',:¦ gen-orel purposes.

Tha widow, Mrs lor., 7. Tr.ylor.Is left only $2,500, th- v- ill notingthat hs haa provided .V. her amplyduring bis lifetime.

T*yTor was born S Gregory Tav-oulaiis in Greece, came to theUnited States as a youth, andlearned tho hotel business frombellhcy up with the Manager Hotelchain. At the timo of hi* deathin February, when he was 39 yearsold. Taylor was president and di-rector o: the Hotel St Moritx. In1813 Taylor and his wife movedcut of their suite in the hotel torcske good his promlE* of a reser-vation for a soldier boy who hadmade it for "li utd when" fromBerchtesgsden or. Litler's personalstationery.

Air Ferrie§(Continued from Page 1)

airline^ operates profitably, end ac-cording to its first purpose. CostflfufeS based on experiencco, rath-er' than prc-JectifM, Indicate aprofit with load factor of 49%."

IAF' announced that its fare be-tween Central Long Island andBridgeport, Connecticut will beSSxi (or 13.S cents per passengermile;; between £aut Himpwt andNew Li-don, Connesticut, the farewill bs jr*? <M >1 cents per pas-senger mile). Passengers betweenthe first -i»=i*d point* save threehours travel time for th* SSKMcoartf) as'surface- travel; betTr'WfiL5t«. Utter t*w ix>iat£ tir j, ssvir.ris four hou. .- sr,d urteen minutesat a cost of 8€ c-st* less than rail-road fare. On Ut* route segm*ntein the 'Oommuti.r Area" of NewYork City, fate* graduate down to8 cents per passenger mite, and areexempt from the 19% transporta-tion tax'If use is made of commu-tation ticket*.

OotMne LJAG |(Continued fruin *Jago 1)

at the rocetirijf to be held this(Thursday) "vemr.g in ouuii.uiu,

Ferris G TfJ'Wge. <:¦" EwtHampton, ' a director ot tite- coun-cil , will preside at the meeting tobe held at . Water, Mijl on Fridayevening. . '.:.! •

Meetings will also be' Meld 'In thePolish Hall, Port Jefferson Sto:tion on Mondsy ''e nmg, JBEs^cr)29; tht .Grepniawn'. ComV imltyHall. Grccniewn, un 'Wednejifiayevening. March 31, . and . it tiieTown Hall, Shelter ftiirid, ofi Fri-day, Apri'. 2. ."'V

The meeting at SJiilter Islandwill be at a p m. The. other meet-ings will be held in Uie evening,bejinnlng at J o'clock, . ' ' ,. .

Protest(Continued ftosi Page 1)

not properly rate candidates onemotional maturity, judgment, re-sourcefulness, tact and Initiative,the 'cmpUant decler«<3.

Justice Pierce' H ,Russell issuedft standing order Friday restrain-Intr tb- ryimnWnxfhn rtwwn t^rtl v-Ing any appointnipate until thecase is decld iU. '. Justice . RusMllIssued an order to ' the commis-sioners demanding that they Showcause why they should not be madeto cancel the Hit and o r i f r sewexaminations. The netting; will lieheld in Albany .today, Marsh J5.Bttit, it was leased Placed lowon the list because, . although fcswrved five ycaft lit , £i;.' .frSisdforces, he Is not- considered' to bea New York State veteran. He en-listed from hi* former home inNew Jersey. Both Betit and jPh*>Ian were given provisional ap-pointments shortly after the or-ganization of the .Division at Vet-erans Affairs. They have . been- a*-tive In veterans organizations mthe county tor many years.

Supreme Cloiirt(Continued from Page 1)

vene In Riverhead on Monday,April C, M 10 a m, with Judge DOrmonde KiU-hle presiding.

The fcliowlng residents of East-cm Suffolk have been drawn byCommissioner of Jurors E Con-way to serve as grandjurors at that term;

Sherwood C Beeb?, Cutchogue;Arthur J Caiace, Sound Beach;J Logan Dare, Selden; Alma QDavis, Coram; Elizabeth E Davisand Charles W Rush, Amagansett;Oliver G Davison Wit Ml?; P-oilH R Dettoer ? t$ ChftHe* tt Ne*-bitt RiverheaJ; John Biters andArth'-i* W Goei«--;r, HuntingtonStaUoa; T John rolks Jr. A»r-dty-vilie; Charles V ioii tt, Bright-waters,- ' M i n n i e Girshoff andMaude S Ritchie, Patchogue.

Also Charles T Glover, Mattt-tuck; Dorothy Bamberger, Oreen-port; Theodore Haasaler, StJames; Louis C Heilmaa and T lor-ence Robins, Lake Ronkcokoms;Henry F Hetas. Sslbrcch: PaulKelley. Bayport; H Stuart Ort-ioff. Half Hollow, Hunnngun.-;Harry F Pearsall, Centerpoit;Emerson M Raynor, Westhat ;-ton Beach; John ? Soffel, Smith-town Branch; John M Sprague.SayvUie; John Spurga and GrovarE Woodward. Fort Jefferson, andBenjamin T West, East Setauket

Residents of Eastern Suffolk whohave been drawn to aerve *a trialjurors at that terra follow: PeterJ Berewiy, Danlei Fisher, DeFor-est Turbusr?" and Albeit P War-ner, Riverhead; Mary Broughtoa,; .Mildred F CSeseland,Alma H Nlcoll. Oorge W Corwin.and Edna C Webb, Southampton;Ada L Dot.ob.ue and Marie D Ta-bor, Sag Harbor; Frank G Dries.Pecoalc; Earl H Fisher, Maty-tuck; Grace V Halsey, Water Kill;FdiiB Heniry, Selden; JohS i*y-rnan. South Jamesport; Csfrsc AKMsi-n, Yt.phank ; Amy H "R ynnr,East .Moriches; and .Emil A Wer.-ne.'. Port Jefferson.

Th* Moot Impertaas Featarr ofa MoAesei -Kewtpaper la Sertk* toIts Readers—Ksad Vho doMtyBx&smrt.

Suffolk Hard(Continued from Page 1)

and Sunday), leaving New York.?3:55 6. ~ ; ' riiiSqafe- -V.-e, 13'Mp, m; Jamaica, ilSft y to for NewHy<3+ Pork and Intermediate su-ti^na to Korthport, , , ,

No. SV i<t»$y > except Saturdayand Sunday), leaving. New York,6.03 p m; Flatbvlth Ay*, 4:B8 p m;Jamaica, Ji JJ p ra;tof llineola andintermediate *isiio$», to Port Jef-f*t50ft . " '. ' ; . '.'

No, 6Ss (dally except Sunday),leaving New York, 11:19 p m;F ,tbu*h Ave, ll:Ur p m; Jamaica,il:t$ p m for Mlneqla and Imme-diate statidh* to Port Jefferson

No. tot (Saturday'' smb/?, !ea-v"log New York, t i q » m; FiatbushAve, 6;M pa: j K p i bi. «:*5 P ».for- N* R^Je yajk and

' Inter-mediate stsilena t* , JSrt Jofferson.

No. 4608 <Sunday orly). IsarmgNcr York, 9:81 a m; Flatbiuh Ave,9:47 a tn; Jamaica; JOilS ate forNorthport and Kisis* f s z i. StateHospitm. .

. No. 4K6 (Sunday only), leavingNew York, 6:S5 p m; FlatbuiU Ave6:34 p m; JarEstca, 8:97 p m for

|%Mte«^1« «-.» ^»--«->i^»- -f-" — ,.,. . —y.^ ^—>w ai*,w*+**l"m. m i i. .,1 W»*i/..»to Port Jefferson. ' ,-

- ra*sst,'XJbto: 'LosseaNo. sat /sally rexc-?: Saturday

and Sunday),' 1«4TISJ; New Tork.3:45 a »; Fiatbush" Av e, 3:48 a m;Jamaica, 1:1% a *i for New HydePsfk and intermediate sUtions toBJcksviUe.

No. «0 l i t i iy except Saturday¦nd Sunday), )»a.efaup N«w York3:16 p mr Fltttoosh Ave. 3:14 p m;Jamaica, 3S37 p m for- Mlnrola andIntermediate stations to Ronton-kema.

No. 312 (daily except Saturdayand Sunday), leaving New York,3:54 p m; Flat'ousU Ave, 3:47 p m;Jamaica, -;:17 p m for Yaphai-.kand- In^naediatc at at ion* toGreeiii rt

No. 960 M=!Iy ercept Saturdayand Sunday', leaving New Yet'*.5:43 p m; .Ksteash Aya\sl47p ts;Jamaica, 6:10 p a for Westburyand tn srseediate stations to Baby-lon.

Np. S52 (daily cseept Saturdiyand S sjday), leaving-New Tork9:SS r it; Fiatbush, Ave, 9,-Sy $ m;Jamaica; »;5S p m for HJck*viileand istfsrmediate stations to Baiiy-ton-

No. 206 (Saturday only), leav-ing N«w York. 1:10 p m; FiatbushAve, 1.08 p rs; Jamaica, 1:31 p mfor Holtsville and lntetmcdlatestetfcnts to Qroeaport.

No. 346 ' (Saturday only), leav-ing New York, 7:07 p m; FiatbushAve, 7:00 P rs; Jsmaisa, T:33 p-»for Me.-iilon Ave an£ intermediatestation to RonVonkosna. M _

No, i!t*Z (Suaday only). leavingNew York, t-M ' m mi FiatbushAve, 9 6 a is; Jamaica. 10 a mtop riethpsge and Internjedls'*.stations to Central IsBp State Hos-

• No. SU» (Sunday osly), leavingFlatbu Avet 9M a m; JaassJce,%avj & a m for Wnelawn and ihter-

i mediate . fm tnaa to Pilgrim State' •s * •s.i t • - -> .- 'uwepHui . * -

No. tm (Sflrtday only), letvingNet? York. 4:JX » m; FiatbushAve, <^1 m: Jantalce, i$t *s:mtor.New Hyde Park and IstahnedJ-ste stops fO.BspiloW*

No. in (deiiy axcept Saturdayand Sunday). Wvinv R»™»WI«>&40 a B L UI {ntarnktdjaite sta-

ca, if v trJom' SJISB^SBWBBV, AW.. No.. JOS. (daily txtspi. eundsyi.

leaving Qraejipott~ $m *¦ m-. andlntormedttte stations to 4SintoU.for Jamaica, New Tori; aad F!it-buah Are.

No. $46 (daDy except Sunt'oy) ,leaving Ronkonkoma, 5:51 p m,»sd intermediate stsUo-.u to Min-

eols, for Jsmsies, New York andFiatbush Ave.

No. ";*» (3»turday only), leav-ing RoA cai-'f-.-.ji, 7:65 p m, andiBtoKrrtdiate st»f>iv3 to Ne»- HydeJ"a?k, i&r Jsniaica, New York,andFlstbiuh Ave.

No. t2Z5 (Sunday only ), leavingPilgrim State Hospital, 3:30 _P mror jsmnics, New Vork ami n«-bu*h Ave. .. ' -

No. 4537 (Sunday otily) , leavingCentral, iriip StRte HospjUl, S:S5

5 m. sad Brtntwood, 3:54 p m for

amaica, New York tnd FiatbushAve.

No. 4JJ9 (Sunday only) , leavingRonkor-irsnis. S;09 p m, and inter-meals.v- -itiiocs to New HydePaflit for Jajnsica, New Tork and~i»ibu»h Ave.¦

: MssU'JJfjfe Sroncc Cote 'No. 83 (daily. «tcept Saturday

and 9&&OK leafS* W«w York,I3:at am; F^dferfiAva, tStSS a rfifor Bajrylbn and 'fntonaedfete »ts-tfons to PstehogttB. ',

Kb,4 »: <dau> except Saturdayand Sundas-), ?rst'?!r.E New York6:08 a m; Fiatbush Ave 9:01 a m;Jsmalcs. *24f a m for.Babylon andSrrterm diate sto-js J» Patchogut

No. 58 (d liy except Saturdayand Smiday), leaving New York,IjitS p" m: snatbssrr Ave, 13:65p m; Jami'cs., f:i? b m for Baby-lon and lr.tcrnaedis.te Etatloas tePatcharue.

No. SO (daily' except Saturdayar.d Sunday), leaving Kew York,3:50 p ta; Fiatbush Ave, J:*T p ro:Jamaica,"4:31 p m tor Speonk andIntermediate station- tc '•lontauk.

No. 32 (Saturday only), leavins:New York, 13:19 p m; FiatbushAve, 12:13 p m; Jamaica, 13;43 p r\tor Sooth Farrntagrlsle and intermediate stations f a Patchogue,

No,. 13 (Ssturdey only), leavingNew York, 11:56 p m; FiatbushAve, 13:30 p ra; Jamaica, IdB p mfor Canter Mrjricb*s f.n.i inter-mediate stotisss to MflEU'Uk. . . ,

No. 34 (Satarai? only, leavingNew York, las } ia; Flsibuah Ave,1:11 p m; Jamaica, 1:54 p ta forBabylon .and intermediate stationsto flptppk. v-', No.,. i i . (Saturday only), leaving

New York, 7:18 p *n; Fiatbush Ave.1&) p m for Babylon' and inter-mediate ptatians to Patchogue, .

No. 46 (sntsJOay emiy), hnvtnpNOW York, UOS p ru; FiatbushAve. li:« p m fojr Jetasir. sadliiX cmeiuttie «UUOM V« oyt<(w>.. No. *3&6 (Sunday onjy), leavincK« York, 8:85 a m; Fl*tSo«b Ave,8S6 am; Jamaica, •:» a nt forBabyten and lnttraiedlW*. station*to Montauk.. Ke." if .(daily except Saturday

.— J '4t^~M~L.\ «.,.._4- «»_ H ...U

SzSti am, sod istorsmlate stationsto Ws&tert .rjosr. Jaiaaica. NewY(ti?k arid lwh>Va Avis,"

,K<3. 91 <{!*tl!y . exeeipt Saturdayij;i Ssn4 }, leaving . Patchogue,8;«

¦•tnj,, ajiS t'strrmsaate stetisni

to Babylon tor Jsiaaica, Jfew Tar&anu Fiatbush Ave,

NO. 65 (daily esteept ' Saturdayand Sunday), reaving Prdbchc&ii.11:58 a m , and intarroedieto &v«r

tion* to Jlabyloa-for j'aciaic*\JHirR'York and ftttowai, Af*. - o

No. 78 (dsiM, .levins; Patchogueu:» p" rn,' fijid .tatofflwdiate -Uohs to Bab n WfMjfc}, 'flpf

No, *«V.s§* rdgr difeirS; redingPfttebogo'e 'SiftS'J»i' w**. ,5l?W?*-umi* »i*uoa*,,w( ssarrTj.-n rpr. , ji-maics,: New .' firk;\'*w:\ ¥ &f - - ,3Ave. ' u> , ' v ,' ' - ." ;'- ;'-¦ • "•

No. 9 (Saturday only), leavingSpeonk, S:4i pm, and ftttermedUtestaUons ut: W$v£* tot J*aMu6a.New York a%il |»UoUsh A>e,

No. . 4041 <SujrjeW. 0niy), IsavfngSpeonv 5-47 p «»d%|«in(»diatestatlmu' to . Mtaeo for Jsms'cs.I VF York and Fiatbush Aw.

irs. K-S! Sunday •?•'*>, ixavin*;Montauk, 3-3S p m. and Interme-diate stations to Speonk for Ja-maica, New York and FiatbushAve.

No. 4037 (Sunday chly). lea-ringPatchogue. 9:59 p m, and , inter-mediate stations to Bnbyion forTamaicc, New 'tek and F^atrashAve. S'

L I OtylSrrBlnalTLauding the p»op ;>;?! f?r a Lang

Tviand n?.ii Road terrsimi? at T osglaltsil C;iy to Kelp t-elieve rraent-commuter congestion, LX&H'. offi-cials declared they will poll riderson' the- line to get the puMIe'a re-action to the plan.

Possibility that a termtna! aaaybe set up in 5J daya at the stationand yard there wn* voijed by. theroad'* new 1>cs3. Qen MaasgerDavid E Smucker, after an inspec-tion tour c the yard and facilitieswith representative* of the Public

'¦ Service Commission and Nrw.vj-SuffoCt Coramrrter*s Oorarrlttte.

The' Cnunty JBevlew'is year' bestaJtr eUting .tnodnsss tn' Birerbcadg^^vS J^1*?* *****R ass* ike hUgMt r»i'.ii«|asl«ai isSJLJqgLlJgjfet ftM-l 'w't

ReseiTes ToIrfe'eV AtSril 2

Aa orfanisatlem. meeting of Vol-imtee,c Battalion tlnlt 3-38 of Buf-(o'k County will be !ie!d «t theHenry Perkins Hotel. RivcrhWden Friday, April 3, at 7:30. Quest-ionnaire* have previouah- sub-mitted by Copt M Y Uecluy andthe affirmative answers received,

Volunteer CO Unit S-S3 haa beenactivated and Gordon S Ah)e» ofJajnesport has been appointed a*Conunscding Officer. CommendetL it LiPorte. dUector of CSC Re-serve 3rd Nav«i District win ad-dres* too group.

Those wishing refreshments ordinner can congregate In the Grillat 640. All attending are requestedto wear their uniforms es picture*wil bs taken.

Commuters PSC Case Is ReadyA move by preferred stccJihold-

ers of the Long Island LightingCo to have the Public Bervvce

l Oommlislon suipend hearings or. t.proposed merger cf tt:c utility andits subsidiary companies was turn-ed down bv Milo Maltbte, P^Cchairman , st a hecrsng Thursdsy.

Percival E Jackson, an ftttor-nev ar.d stockholder,' called onMa'lfc'.e to defer further hesrinff)liiitil the Securitle* Exchange Com-i.;Ur.icn rales whether compaip-

iii.- .iagement has the right to filea plan with that body in advanceor without sHocfeholder' approval.

Msitcie denied art .nwtion de-clnrinsj '"Wl IWM b Wtepei-d nt'ot s^:-*UK.fniw-M ' ..'• .

Johfi P Dslsy.'6* U LSi-tei Court,West HenpsfeM. toptw^ring. toe

Uni«r„ t«cal K«S, bargalrite*|j irnltfor the LILCO, Nassau-SuffolkB-.inr t-i, - Co and Queenrtu/ouzhGss and Electric Co, supported themerger piiui. ' . '

Tiie merger, he s. lu, would beadvtrtageous to t"e workers of thoUvec compa:i '-.j because it would"insure the mai.ktcawicc of anover-all bargaining unit av;d stand-ard wages throughout ths s;-st-m.

Although " tho comp&nlt'.i havepk-dgerl they Would not dischargepsrsonnel as a result of the mer-ger, Thomas Bocth, chief account-ant for tiie companies, testifiedmat $100,000 annually would even-$i«lly »» isved In the general ac-counting depajtnWnt ay pot ?e-pUtrtng svsff wsmbsrs as theyleave tho ovspnnr* employ. TheBearing was adjonrneo until Mnrch

f Ti ff T .f.T M I I ¦ ' • < ¦ ¦SOmBASWIGJt<Ut "TWBt sVfxB JC- Otfary of OldTowrl CS«s?&#, SouWamptssj, an-nounce She' %ngt*ernftBt"Gf'* trwlrdaughter; Peggy Frances, tarThom-sa M BenMtt.. «ou ot 'ttr.s a Sr*Ai-rtjid BSpott of, ;H«4ry. IW.Soulharntierat. MM Jean Cameron, oaugoter v.Mayor' and Mrs Cameron, had anIndent last Monday evMsUif inNew York. She suflrred a mightconcuslioii and a-safew tbatB/ierlhjiiry. '¦ , ''"t!

Mrs loa Guldl, who spent thewinter with her son and dsugh-ter-M-law; Kr 'inj Mrs AdokpriQulai, - . reterned td_v hey home' inSayvftle last '«*»«&: . - - -v-.

A daughter was born to Mr andMr* Oscar Nuthnagle ~-i WaterHiii at the Southampton Hospitalon March 3.

School closed oil Wednesday ofthis week for Easter vacation. The194S graduating class will go toWashington, D C on Monday.

Patricia Squires, a student atIthaca College an.* v.^r brother,lied, of Syracuse University, willbe iKsfce this week for their Sastervacs.tir.r-.

Mrs Rcr icS Cameron returnedt ti icat ¦s-ici; Zroj a the Sputh-amptoti Hoiplui and is cosvai-5*ctiiS at hsr Iv-sie on Herrick Jlrl' Mis* Kfj zcy Holaen, stu ritauric at RoaMvelt Hospital andSlosne's Bcspitsi,- was husiz forthe wsekend.

Mr and iin. Robert T CameronHI '4 daughter. Joaa.'Jsft last weekfor a viait with Mrs Cunerez'sfamily in Virgiils.

Mr and Mrs O A Widener ofRrwpect St rstumed home WsJ-aeiday from a motor trip to Flor-ida.

Miss Alice Hudson of WhitePlains will spend part of her East-er vacation with Kiss Myra Bur-nett in Southasapton.

. sjaa. -sse . i-j -^f -¦-- - -- ¦ -. -v.s..— •.,.** r^ «iN-*'.:.i>i->TSa I. M^'iicaAny person wtx^ sholl deposit or throw stones in | }

the gutter or gross adjoining c town highway, or shall I j<jU.-iO«i* tyr throw unrun a Wiahiuav. suits, popfers. snow. S .ice, stones, sticks or other rubbish shoi? be liable to o | |penalty of tan dollocs WOOD). No stone or orhsr |rubbish shall be drawn to and dsposited within the limits i Iof any highwqy, except for the purpose of filling in a 1 |d«>pr*>«icn or otherwisfi improvir.o fh« highway without |j|j\he consent and under the direction of ths Town Super- | jinieiidsjit of Highways. ¦ j

MYRON C. YOUNG, ISupt. of Highways |Town of Riverhead J

I Rsllif iiw.o.You i*u8 -i I:I ". - iSt-.- STT' - . *«* ¦« |

I &-±-.„ *J '~l :M , if l£f c£.- -L S

I '

' ^Mtfffrfffsefifi8' ' '' JOtfleJUW' I. ¦- ?m.: U?&w&>;.- - ¦ . -¦ ¦ .. I

tllE IMSIIRfllCE!At long last, you <an have 55,000 coverage io Savings I,lfenkLif s a»BC -S5,0(K),tl»»w!ifmtai »r^ Iby tist Legislature of the State qf New York. i¦ If you DON*T have Savings Bask Life Insurance, |now is the time to get i Ho* is tic time to as: !Sav- |jings Back Life: irt$uraace policies are available in |amoualsasIittlew$250--^amucAai $5,030—to all Iinsutabie persons, ages 1 rnontlj to 65 years. 11

If you DO have (he finest Life' Insurance we can I Jo f f er . . . but act <:::ough of i t . . . now is the time to I jincrease your life insurance. I]

vyrffs VDAAy*«,vse *M*sd*4* *sff*rsssrl*Ni Oeeot SSNN 11|j f oatt&We hmftmt. H» rti wa. saj w> J . j j81 rail, Tee raa soy *M* l*w-(«t pr*#»cs».,«V ijm$* II

RIViKHiAP SAVINGS BANK I¦T' ' 'a»*«*»*-.'— J- »* «> ii * i ** I!


sawBvsoar «uw«*»i»f A** M m I I


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eWT-Ft&WEBSI «# #l| feisM&s

•v-u-,.' CORSAGES.. , V i- j

Leo R. MitchellP i » r t » t

I JAM.ISPORT, L. I. .Tel. 442

"We Telegraph Flowers IEverywhere!" I