for society

Our environment We, & Our society - By D.Srinivas redd

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we,our society and our environment


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Our environment


Our society

- By D.Srinivas reddy

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“ He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god." --SOCRATES

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Society Humans need to invest their time on the creation of tools hoping for a

much better productivity in future.

Humans are designed to depend. This also creates a very strong need to co-exist, to a much higher level than other species.

Looking at it in a different perspective, he has to depend, on whatever or whomsoever, to get all the basic necessities for his well being, he has to depend on others to overcome his weakness

He is physically the weakest animal on the planet yet he has made himself the most powerful by forming a SOCIETY!

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This lengthy proof of the society’s existence has made us believe that it will exist no matter what and ironically we have taken the existence of our society as granted ! Humans have stopped realizing that human society is a chain, we no

longer concur that we need to co-exist, we no longer realize that we need to contribute back to the society, we no longer realize that we do have a social responsibility.

Humans are social animal, if you remove the society part from him, Humans are animals. We simply cannot survive like an animal, we are biologically too weak for it, we will perish faster than any other creature on this earth.

If we agree to this school of thought, let us all check our day to day actions with respect to the society through which we are causing harm, if not immediately, let us device a ‘realistic’ plan and time frame in getting those thoughts and actions out of our mind and body. As a first step, let us look at the existing social evils:

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Social evils1. Religion

2. Superstitions3. Politics

4. Terrorism

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Religion Religious practice promotes the well-being of individuals, families,

and the community.

The practice of Religion also leads to a reduction in the incidence of domestic abuse, crime, substance abuse, and addiction

Moreover, these effects are intergenerational, as grandparents and parents pass on the benefits to the next generations.

The dispositions and habits of religious practice also leads to political prosperity .

The mere Politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity.

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Superstitions The foundation of superstition is ignorance, the superstructure is faith and the dome is a vain hope. Superstitionis the child of ignorance and the mother of misery.  In nearly every brain is found some cloud of superstition.

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Politics There is no perfect defination for "Politics" as such but it is related to the political parties and the game or rather say tactics they play/apply to win the majority of the people by winning their confidence or trust.

Communal Politics and caste politics has always been the essential ingredient of Indian political infrastructure.

This has so much inculcated in the entire system of politics that everything from the grass root level to the upper most level of hierarchy is being dominated by caste and community

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Terrorism Terrorism is a political virus. Greed for power, injustice and

intolerance breed terrorism.

The words ‘terrorism’ and ‘terrorist’ were first used as political terms to describe atrocities of an occupying establishment – say colonial government.

Terrorism in India can be attributed to many low intensity conflicts within its borders.

The regions with long term terrorist activities today are Jammu and Kashmir, Mumbai, Central India (Naxalism) and Seven Sister States (Independence and Autonomy Movements)

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Social problems1.Child labor2.Illiteracy3.Population4.Unemployment5.Dowry6.Eve-teasing

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Environment Environment is the basis for the formation and living of

the society… without the environment living of humans and other species would be difficult….

And now we are destroying it in many manners……… In today’s blind technological competitive world we are forgetting to care our environment…

This, now brought us into a great danger… which we haven’t thought of……..…

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DraughtThis is the picture of the draught in west -bengal

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This is the picture of tsunami, Japan

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Volcano in Hawaii

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Impact of earth -quake

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Twister In North America

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So, this is what’s happening in our world around us today…….. Whose impact we are suffering…

Not only natural calamities… other things like global warming, effects of radiation, nuclear hazards… and lots more….. Awaiting for our destruction…..

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It is said that some lives, are linked across timeConnected by ancient calling, that echoes through the ages


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So let us all GO GREEN… Let us put our society above us, just for our survival

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Thank you