for spring 2010 journal abim - sunset 12th...

Volume 2 Spring 2010 The LABIM Journal Mexicali Rocks and Rolls The first weekend of April shook up our congregation in Mexicali, but outside of some ceiling tile falling down, both the school and church buildings escaped without major damage. The home of one of their members, however, did sustain sig- nificant damage and we are assist- ing the Mexicali church in helping her to rebuild her home. (See Terry Hinton if you would like to make a contribution.) Repairs to the church building will be taken care of by the congrega- tion. Immediately following the earth- quake the people had very little to eat or drink because all the stores in the area were closed. Banks closed their doors too, so even if you did have money, the business of restor- ing things to normal took time. (Roads and canals were destroyed.) (Homes & businesses were devastated.) (Moving outdoors for safety.) (Where do you begin?) (Many people had no power for days) The cabling that allows us to send our students classes taught by instructors in Houston and Oregon was damaged by the quake, but only interrupted the schedule for a few days. Mexican officials quickly re- sponded to supply water and food. (Essentials were freely distributed.) The Woodward Park Church of Christ headed to Mexicali for Spring Break!

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Volume 2

Spring 2010

The LABIM Journal Mexicali Rocks and Rolls

The first weekend of April shook up our congregation in Mexicali, but outside of some ceiling tile falling down, both the school and church buildings escaped without major damage. The home of one of their members, however, did sustain sig-nificant damage and we are assist-ing the Mexicali church in helping her to rebuild her home. (See Terry Hinton if you would like to make a contribution.)

Repairs to the church building will be taken care of by the congrega-tion.

Immediately following the earth-quake the people had very little to eat or drink because all the stores in

the area were closed. Banks closed their doors too, so even if you did have money, the business of restor-ing things to normal took time.

(Roads and canals were destroyed.) (Homes & businesses were devastated.) (Moving outdoors for safety.)

(Where do you begin?) (Many people had no power for days)

The cabling that allows us to send our students classes taught by instructors in Houston and Oregon was damaged by the quake, but only interrupted the schedule for a few days.

M e x i c a n o f f i c i a l s quickly re-s p o n d e d to supply water and food.

(Essentials were freely distributed.)

The Woodward Park Church of Christ headed to Mexicali

for Spring Break!

Left: Pablo, who is a bi-lingual member of the church in Mexicali, interprets for Joe.

Right: Esteban took Joe and other members of Woodward Park to visit the Morales COC, where Joe taught them how to share their faith with other individuals. The church was very excited to get this infor-mation and is looking forward to using Joe’s materials as they reach out to their com-munity with the word of God. Amanda, Thien, and Cedric also went to Morales.

Spring Break in Mexicali and Morales

Young men who are now attending classes at LABIM, our preacher training school in Mexicali, go to Morales each Sunday to take them the word of God. With just two men and ten ladies in attendance, the church in Morales doesn’t have a pulpit minister of their own. This is a great opportunity, however, for our students.

Left: This is the classroom and fellowship hall for the church in Morales. Until recently it had a dirt floor, but one of the women raised enough money by doing odd jobs to have their floor cemented. The church did the work itself, of course, and they now have a great room to meet in.

Below: Until recently, the men in our dorms didn’t have any hot water, but your generous gifts have purchased this new water heater for them. By the grace of God it didn’t fall over during the recent earthquake: It has now been strapped to the wall.

Right: David, who is from Yuma but now attends the Morales church, is bi-lingual, and interpreted for Joe as he taught them how to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with another individual. Below Right: In the cen-ter, of course, is Esteban Lopez, and on the right hand side of that picture is the other male member of the church in Morales, Sarabia Simon Mendoza. This little church is some of the “first fruits” we are seeing from our work in Mexicali, but we are expecting a tremendous harvest.

Right: Jose Cortez and Maria Dominguez were recently bap-tized into Christ at the Mexicali Church of Christ. They are very excited to be members of the body of Christ and are expect-ing to bring their friends too. Jose is a professor at the local University and is working on his masters degree. Additionally, there are several young people attending services in Mexicali who want to attend LABIM.

VBS in Mexicali

Wow! What an impact the word of God had in the lives of several children during the Spring break. Thank you to everyone who participated with your support and involvement. The poster to the left was made by one of the members of the church in Mexicali (what talent!).

Below: Members of the church in Mexicali who served as “staff” during this years VBS all wore the light-green T-shirts you see in the picture below. The other children include a number of visitors from the community who came because of this outreach campaign. This year’s theme had a scientific (Chemistry) flavor that really held their attention. God was glorified, and the children grew in their love for Jesus Christ.

Below: Do you recognize these two mad scientists? Cedric Rowe and Charles Patterson participated in this years VBS classroom.

Below: Daniel Martinez, who is a student at the Latin American Bible Institute in Mexicali, and his wife, Melinda, were the primary teachers at this years VBS. The proud parents of a baby boy, (Amilkar), they are tremendous workers in the Lord’s vineyard. Daniel will soon finish his first year at the school, where he is an excellent student. He is also active with the youth in the Mexicali congregation.

Below: The church in Mexicali has a wonderful area, (combi-nation basketball court, fellowship hall, and playground), just outside the school’s dormitories, where a lot of the Vacation Bible School activities were held. The church outreach in this community is having a real impact for God’s glory, and young men are already getting in line to attend the LABIM (school) to start the new semester in August. Praise the Lord!

Signs: This handmade sign says this is a “Play Area,” and the church in Mexicali played with young people who attended their Vacation Bible School. But as they played, important biblical principles were being taught and the love of Christ was being lavished on those children. Several people from the WPCOC joined them—It was a matter of sacrifice, courage, and faithfulness. Thank you for your commitment to follow Jesus; to go to the people and places he would go himself.

7886 N. Millbrook Avenue

Fresno, California 93720

It takes more than $450 a month to

meet the operating expenses for

one chair (with a student). Your

contribution, however, may be $50,

$100, $250, $500, or more, each

month. You can mail your gift to

the address below, or you can

send it along on-line.

Latin American Bible Institute

of Mexicali (LABIM)

Woodward Park Church of Christ

7886 N. Millbrook Avenue

Fresno, CA 93720

Ph: (559) 446-2550

Thank you for your prayerful

consideration of this project.

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cans to help pay for many of the

things our students need:

Room and Board

Live videoconferencing

Class materials & Supplies

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Woodward Park Church of Christ.

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directly, we’ll see that you get as

many cans as you need.

Thank you for your prayerful

consideration of this project.

Thank you for your prayerful

consideration of this project.

Thank you for your prayerful

consideration of this project.


The work you are supporting in Mexicali is touching the lives of more and more people. The young men we are training at the Latin American Bible Institute have tremendous role models like Esteban Lopez, Liberato Ovalle, and Joe Boe, who have prepared themselves for just this type of work. Paul taught Timothy to find men he could train to preach the gospel; men who could in turn be teachers of other men. And Paul told him, “What you heard from me, keep as the pat-tern of sound teaching” (2 Tim. 1:13). Jude tells us in vs. 3 of his letter that we are to “contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.” This is a matter of serious consequence—The souls of many people will be affected for eternity by the work you are supporting. Stewardship is the care and management of every gift God has given us, including the Gospel. The elders of the Woodward Park Church of Christ, with Terry Hinton overseeing this particular work, are managing every dime you invest in the school in Mexicali. Thank you!