foreign policy of the united states of america

Foreign Policy of The United States of America

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Post on 25-May-2015



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Sam Snipes, American Government Class.


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Foreign Policy of The United States of America

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What is Foreign Policy?

A foreign policy is one nation’s relationship with another in hopes of

achieving a goal. For example:

If Nation A has the

same form of

government as Nation


They may mend their

foreign policy to enter an

agreement to protect

each other.

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The Truman Doctrine

A prime example of US Foreign Policy is The Truman Doctrine that was established in 1947.

US Relations with the Soviet Union were failing and Greece was in the midst of a civil war.

The Soviets were supporting one side of the Greek people in hopes to control them and then

the nation of Turkey.

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American President Harry Truman asked Congress to support Greece

and Turkey.

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He felt that if the Soviets took control of Greece or Turkey, the US would be in danger.

Therefore, $400 Million dollars and military support was sent from the US to keep America


Although the events were independent of the US, foreign policy insured that we were safe

and that we had allies in the west.

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The North Atlantic Treaty Origination has one goal: “…safeguard the freedom and

security of its members through political and military


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The US and NATO

The United States joined NATO in 1949. We provide political and military support to the other nations involved when they are in need. They, in return, promise to support and defend us when we need it. Our foreign policy is strengthened when we have 27 other nations agreeing to

protect us.

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NATO Today o Recently NATO has been involved with Russia and the


o Russian government claims they legally annexed Ukraine's southern Crimea region

o NATO members like Poland and the Baltic states fear that the Russian military in Crimea could be a threat to


o NATO has canceled "all practical civilian and military cooperation” with hopes of protecting NATO members.

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The United Nations The United Nations was created after WWII to “maintain

international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress,

better living standards and human rights.”

The United States provides military support to the UN

and houses the UN headquarters. Our foreign

policy supports the UN because of how brutal the

world wars were and how we hope to prevent another one.

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o While the United States is pulling troops out of Afghanistan, the UN is working to maintain stability and peace in that country.

o On July 15, 2014 a suicide attack on a market in Paktika killed 43 innocent civilians.

o The Taliban, who was responsible for the 9/11 attacks, is also still wrecking havoc in the capital with IED’s.

o The UN hopes to establish a functional government and internal peace before America leaves for good.

The UN Today

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Goals of The World Hunger Organization

1. educate the general public and target groups about the extent and causes of hunger and malnutrition in the United States and the world

2. advance comprehension which integrates ethical, religious, social, economic, political, and scientific perspectives on the world food problem

3. facilitate communication and networking among those who are working for solutions

4. promote individual and collective commitments to sustainable hunger solutions.

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The United States supports the World Hunger Organization because the US doesn't want anyone going hungry. Having food is a right of all people, and the US Government works to make sure that

gets done.

The Government also believes that feeding hungry people in other countries will improve our relations

and support with them.

This Foreign Policy benefits the people being fed and the US support in foreign nations.

The US and The W.H.O

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The World Hunger Organization Today

o The World Hunger Organization is currently studying which foods provide the most nutrition.

o They are also interested in buying and developing farms in countries that have a high hunger rate so the citizens can be self sufficient.

o The United States is supporting the actions of The W.H.O and have special funds committed to feeding people here and abroad.

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You and I: Foreign Policy

Because the United States is designed to represent the average citizen, foreign policy is designed for us! The Truman

Doctrine was designed for our security. NATO is designed for our protection. Every foreign policy is made in the

interest of people the United States to insure domestic Tranquility, provide for

the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the

Blessings of Liberty.

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