foreign rights guide fall 2016 – schirner verlag...whoever sets out and walks away, might look...

Rights Guide Autumn 2016

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Page 1: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

Rights GuideAutumn 2016

Page 2: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

The twelve nights – those are the twelve nights around Christmas and New Year that stand for the coming twelve months and give an insight into the web of life. Together with Jeanne Ruland, we can consciously shape these nights – with rituals, blessings, burning incenses and practical exercises. We take a moment of intros-pection, reflect on the past year and open up for what the new year may bring. As this is a very personal time, the workbook leaves a lot of space for our own notes, thoughts, visions and dreams. We can experience the magic of life more intensively.

O c t O b e r 2016

Jeanne RulandMy companion for the twelve NightsAn enlightening companion through the 12 holy nights

paperback, 144 x 205 mm, approx. 200 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 12,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1247-6 World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

Jeanne ruland has discovered the guidance and foreordinations of the invisible realm from early on. She experienced the incredible richness and power that life provides for us in every situation. She knows about the special meaning of the twelve nights and wants to pass this knowledge on to her readers. Her book »The secret of the twelve nights« has already been published in the 17th


The long-awaitedworkbook

more then

120 000 copies


The Secret of the Twelve Nights(publ. Nov 2009)

Jeanne Ruland‘s works have been translated into eight languages

Page 3: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»What do you want to create - bring into the world? Where do you want to open up spaces? What are your dreams?«

Earth Angels are human beings who cut their own path – full of joy and courage. They have found their calling: making the world a better place and using their creati-vity in order to spread harmony and love. With her card deck and book »Earth Angels« Ute Leilani Meuser raises awareness for the spirituality of the new time. Painting, dancing, writing, creating a collage… with the help of this toolbox, every earth angel can inspire their creativi-ty in order to discover themselves and their own vision.

O c t O b e r 2016

Ute Leilani Meuserbeing a MuseCreate your own version & live your vision: of yourself, of the earth and of peaceful relati-onships

paperback, 190 x 200 mm, approx. 176 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 16,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1248-3

World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

Ute Leilani Meuser is graphic desig-ner. In her work she interweaves her spiritual experiences and trainings. Since her childhood, she has felt deeply connected with nature where she feels free and is allowed to dream and fly. Since 2004, she has followed the call of the spiritual world and has held trainings and workshops on shamanic


Earth Angels(publ. Sept 2014)

Finding your inner

Creative Soul

Page 4: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is only one way – your own. «

The young doctor Nida Janusz doesn’t know what the world is coming to: Three hours of her life are missing! She cannot remember what she has been doing during this time. There is only one thing she knows for sure: She has booked a flight to Mongolia. In order to solve this mystery she sets out for a journey – a journey that will change herself and her life forever. An interpreter, a shaman, a yak – Nida encounters many humans and beings that bring her closer to her true core. And with every day that passes, she understands better that this journey to a foreign country was rather a journey to her own soul.

J U Ly 2016

Ina Ruschinskithe Paths of the SoulA woman’s magical journey to herself

paperback, 120 x 185 mm, approx. 280 pages

€ 12,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-3042-5 World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

Ina ruschinski has been devoting herself to shamanism and energy work for many years. A lot of the magical moments in her life, her experiences, developments and emotions are reflected in this novel. Ina Ruschinski is a kindergarten teacher, horse-riding educator and Reiki master. She lives in Oldenburg and has been working in a social institution with children, teenagers and horses since

The successful

self-discoveRy novel now available as papeRback

Page 5: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»eating is supposed to create joy, not stress – because stress is what we are trying to reduce with the help of Ayurveda.«

The harmonizing, stimulating and wholesome effects of the Indian Ayurveda are well-known. But unless you are taking an Ayurveda cure or go on holiday in India, it may seem difficult to find the right foods and spices that help provide your »Dosha« with energy and balan-ce. Katharina E. Weyland is going to change that! She is an expert for this fascinating natural medicine and with the help of delicious recipes from regional and seasonal products, she gives inspiration for Ayurveda cooking at home. The straightforward dishes – like endive and blood orange salad, mushroom-asparagus risotto or beetroot curry – just make you happy and healthy!

J U Ly 2016

Katharina WeylandAyurveda recipeswith Domestic Ingredients

paperback, 115 x 165 mm, approx. 112 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 6,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-5143-7 World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

Katharina Weyland lives with her husband in Sri Lanka. The certified food coach devotes herself – in addi-tion to western nutrition counselling – to the teachings of Ayurveda. Her style of Ayurveda has grown out of her in-depth knowledge and her own intense experience – with a strong focus on


AyurvedA cuisine suitable for daily use

AyurvedaBalance and Detox(publ. March 2016)

The Small Series

Page 6: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»the most powerful medicine is the natural healing power within every one of us.« (Hippocrates)

Anke Jacobs is a general practitioner and knows the great healing power that is inherent in every human being. And she knows how it can be activated and reinforced: with the help of intuitive body-mind-soul medicine combined with integrative medicine. In her approach self-awareness merges with both alternative and conventional treatments. Readers learn to see themselves as a unity of soul, mind and body. They can take an active part in their healing processes or in preventing illnesses, with the help of healing thoughts, body-oriented therapies and wholesome behaviour. Anke Jacobs always keeps sight of the reader, providing comprehensible explanations and practical instruc-tions. Every healing process is unique and everybody has to find out for themselves what works best. How does this work? By intuitively following your »soul-heart way«.

J U Ly 2016

Anke JacobsIntuitive body-Mind-Soul MedicineFollow the way of your heart and soul to strengthen your self-healing power

paperback, 144 x 190 mm, approx. 128 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 14,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1249-0

World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

Anke Jacobs studied applied cultural studies and travelled to international music and culture festivals as an event manager. When she herself was diagnosed with a benign brain tumour, she started her path towards medicine. She recovered without any conventional medicine treatment, only by applying her own therapeutic methods. Thereafter, she wanted to learn how to diagnose and treat by Western standards and decided to pursue a degree in medicine. Since 2013 she has been a general practiti-oner in her own practice for holistic medicine where she practices her intuitive body-mind-soul medicine in combination with integrative medicine and medical

A guide to self-healing through the strength of your soul

Page 7: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»Hyperacidity of the body is the root cause of all diseases.« (Paracelsus)

Acidity in our body damages the cells, speeds up the ageing process, diminishes the joy of living and causes diseases like rheumatism, osteoporosis and even can-cer. Stress, anxiety and our »modern« diet, containing many white flour products, sugar and meat, lead to acidosis in 90% of the population. In order to neutralise the extremely low pH values, the body overexploits its own resources. Nutrition expert Barbara Simonsohn shows how you can eliminate the »acid basis« for civilization diseases with the help of dietary change, reasonable exercises, massages and Reiki. This way we can live longer, age in good health and keep our vitality and beauty.

S e P t e M b e r 2016

Barbara SimonsohnAcidosis therapyHow to naturally deacidifyyour body

paperback, 134 x 205 mm, approx. 136 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 12,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1251-3 World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected] backlist

Naturally regulating the acid-base balance

barbara Simonsohn is a popular expert and bestselling author for food and health topics, especially Super Foods. She has studied social scien-ces and has lived and worked in the gardens of the Findhorn-community, the pioneers of a sustainable agricul-ture in the north of Scotland. In this time she has come into contact with holistic healing methods as well. She practices and teaches Reiki at home and abroad.

Siberian Pine Nuts(publ. April 2016)

Super Food Hemp(publ. Nov 2015)

Page 8: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»Self-expression can become a wonderful butterfly. Let’s start to fly! «

More and more people suffer from functional disorders of the thyroid. This can lead to hormonal chaos, depres-sion, fatigue, increase in weight and severe immune deficiencies. People concerned are often resigned, feel neither well informed nor taken seriously nor treated well by conventional medicine. But the little butterfly-shaped organ stands for very fundamental topics of life: self-expression, authenticity and equality of men and women. Sabine Hauswald not only explains the physical basics but also the mental and spiritual meaning of the organ. This way, the book provides a holistic help for self-help: in order to regain quality of life, health, power and happiness!

D e c e M b e r 2016

Sabine Hauswaldthe thyroidHolistic treatment of functio-nal disorders

paperback, 144 x 190 mm, approx. 160 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 14,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1255-1 World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

Sabine Hauswald has twenty years of experience in the medical field. After numerous advanced trainings and self-experiences in TCM, natural healing, Ayurveda, energy work, astro-medicine and astrology, she is now working as an astrologer and coach. Suffering from a thyroid disease herself – with both partial hypofunction and hyperfunc-tion – she was able to gain deep insights in the holistic

Resetting the whole endocrine system

Page 9: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»expand your consciousness, promote your health and invite success and abundance into your life.«

Everybody needs energy in order to live. The more energy you have the better you can face the challen-ges of everyday life. Vital-Energy Coach Erwin Mischkin shows how to easily maintain or even increase your energy level – with the help of 99 vitalizing recipes. Smoothies, dips and desserts – all the raw and vegan delicacies are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Eve-rything is quick and easy to prepare.

O c t O b e r 2016

Erwin Mischkinblender recipes for Vitality99 energy-boosting creations

paperback, 134 x 175 mm, approx. 144 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 9,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1252-0

World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

erwin Mischkin has always been interested in the topics of nutrition, exercise and holistic living. After 20 years as a motion therapist, he felt the urge for change and set himself up as a vital-energy coach. Today he shows people how to find their way to vitality and

Power and energy in no time

Page 10: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»there are tools that help you practice asanas and pranayamas in a more effective, simple and stable way. they provide support for your body and let your mind relax, thus enabling you to enjoy all the advan-tages of yoga. «

The Yoga block provides support in all positions – for the stabilization or intensification of Yoga exercises. Though small and handy, it turns out to be a great help in practice: making positions that have been hard to perform way easier. Straightening oneself is easier, the breathing volume increases and the relaxation is deeper.

O c t O b e r 2016

Gertrud HirschiPracticing With the yoga blockBasics and training sequences

paperback, 115 x 165 mm, approx. 112 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 6,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-5144-4

World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

Gertrud Hirschi has been heading a yoga school in Zurich since 1982. For many years, she has been coping with the meaning and impact of Yoga, mudras and mantras and has written several books on this topic. Besides television appearances, she also passes on her knowledge through workshops for yoga teachers and

the first guidebookespecially on the topic

»Yoga Block««

The Small Series

Page 11: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»the organ clock has its origin in traditional chinese Medicine (tcM). the foundation of this millennia-old holistic healing method is the rhythmic system of the universe. For our health and well-being it is wor-thwile to be mindful of this system and respect it.«

How can the liver know what time it is? What is the reason for the different organs being active in specific diurnal rhythms? And why is it useful to gain know-ledge about this? All the functions of our body fit within a 24-hour rhythm. And every organ is particularly active at a certain time. Complaints that repeatedly appear at the same time of the day can indicate that there is a problem with the respective organ system. Lothar Ursinus explains in an easy-to-follow way eve-rything we must know about the so-called organ clock. This shows the various systems’ interaction and how we can do something good for our organs. Furthermore he provides valuable tips for everyday life.

J U Ly 2016

Lothar Ursinusthe Organ clock– Simply explainedUnderstanding our energy cir-cle and recognizing illnesses

paperback, 134 x 175 mm, approx. 144 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 9,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1197-4World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

Lothar Ursinus is one of the leading experts on alternative medicine in Germany. He heads the centre for natural medicine Alstertal in Hamburg, is co-founder of the laboratory for holistic me-dicine and developed the indivi-dual nutrition program »gesund & aktiv« (»healthy & active«). He is the author of several books and numerous other


Revised classic in a modern layout

My Blood Tells Me...(publ. Jan 2015)

Loathar Ursinus‘ works have been translated into five languages

Page 12: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»Air weaves the universe, breath weaves the human being.« (Upanishads)

Our life begins with our first breath and ends with the terminal breath. Breath connects us to the world. But many people don’t know how to breathe properly any-more – they lose their vitality and get sick. The healing breathing techniques Markus Schirner has collected in this compact reference book are easy to perform and provide us with new vitality, power and health.

N O V e M b e r 2016

Markus Schirner breathing techniquesPlenty of simple breathing exercises for self-healing,rejuvenation and harmoniza-tion

paperback, 134 x 175 mm, approx. 144 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 9,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1254-4 World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

Markus Schirner is an examined teacher of kinesiology, Brain Gym, Touch for Health and a massage therapist. His special fields are aroma and herbal lore, meditation- and respiratory therapy as well as the Buddhistic philosophy. He is a publis-her and author of various workbooks on his special


Your True Aroma(publ. July 2014)

breAtHING properly is heaLing

Markus Schirner‘s works have been translated into seven languages

Page 13: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»break down your goals into small steps and think for the long term. be flexible but outline a general time-table, and don’t lose sight of your objective!«

There is a pattern all successful people have in com-mon. Graphic artist Su Rihs makes those »Essences of Success« accessible for everybody, through a combi-nation of clear messages on the topics of »marketing«, »money consciousness« and »personal attitude« plus powerful energy pictures. The 56 cards do neither promise quick wealth nor predict the future. Instead, they challenge to work intensely on one’s success and personal issues. The cards support decision-making, provide impulses and orientation. They show ways to bring one’s company on a successful track and keep it there over the long term.

S e P t e M b e r 2016

Susanne »Su« Rihsthe essence of Success56 messages of self-reflection that lead to a profitable enter-prise

card deck, 56 cards with guidebook 89 x 127 mm,

€ 19,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-9084-9 World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

Susanne »Su« rihs is a creative di-rector, advertising manager, graphic designer and author – and has been a successful entrepreneur since 2003. In her career she experienced many ups and downs and therefore perfectly understands the blockades and anxieties of companies. She points out simple and indepen-dent ways to the individual path of

bringing about SUcceSS with eaSe

Page 14: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»Our body gives plenty of information and hints on what is good for us and what is not. All we have to do is listen to our body and read the signs.«

For the most part we only pay attention to moles when they become abnormal and have to be removed. Tradi-tional Chinese medicine and Chinese facereading, how-ever, are aware of their importance: Moles can reveal character and personality and can even tell us about life tasks and destinies of their owners. In this book, readers discover the connection between this ancient tradition and our modern life style. Fascinating insights help to open up to the deeper meaning of the body moles.

F e b r UA r y 2017

Eric StandopFacereading – MolesTheir secrets, their meaning

paperback, 134 x 175 mm, approx. 128 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 9,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1260-5

World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

eric Standop is an examined peda-gogue who concerns himself with techniques that try to see human beings in their wholeness of charac-ter, health and soul. He gains access to this holistic view with the help of face reading. He heads the »Acade-my of Face Reading« in Hong Kong and is a lecturer for relaxation tech-niques at the Pedagogic University of Karlsruhe.


What MOLES reveal

FacereadingCharacter and Personality(publ. Oct. 2012)

eric Standop‘s works have been translated into three languages

FacereadingDetecting andUnderstanding Diseases(publ. Sept. 2013)

Page 15: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»the forest is a generous friend that doesn’t wait to receive but gives generously as soon as we open up to it.«

The forest – a place of retreat and peace. The funda-mental principles of life will be revealed to those who live in harmony with nature and its inhabitants. This book gently guides us back to nature, to our roots, to our origins. It shows how simple and precious an appointment with the forest can be – in all weathers and all seasons. Exercises, affirmations, meditations and prayers help us to get access to the wisdoms of the forest. This way we can let go of worries and anxieties, find safe ground, grow and build up new strength – or just be.

S e P t e M b e r 2016

Alexandra Meierthe Wisdom of the ForestorHow to live in harmony with nature

paperback, 134 x 175 mm, approx. 144 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 9,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1258-2 World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

Alexandra Meier has been dealing with Yoga, alternative health practi-ces and spirituality for 20 years. Since her childhood, she has had a strong connection to nature, especially to the forest and the realm of natural beings. She supports chronic men-tally ill people to get back into the flow of life and leads a leisure club for people with disabilities.

A Rendezvous with the Forest

Page 16: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»basically everybody can perform Jin Shin Jyutsu. We intuitively lay our hands on painful areas, on oursel-ves or on our pet – to soothe and ease the pain.«

Jin Shin Jyutsu is a gentle way to harmonize the ener-gies of life and thereby strengthen the immune system and stimulate the body’s intrinsic healing powers. By simply holding certain points on the body you can strengthen your health, relieve symptoms and initiate a profound healing process – which does not only work for humans but for animals as well. The experienced Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner Tina Stümpfig-Rüdisser shows how to perform this healing method on dogs. With the help of simple explanations and descriptive illustrations, everybody can learn the adequate grips and do something good to his pet – even without any pre-knowledge.

AU G U S t 2016

Tina Stümpfig-RüdisserJin Shin Jyutsu The healing art for dogs

paperback, 134 x 175 mm, approx. 144 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 9,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1256-8

World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

tina Stümpfig-rüdisser is a psychologist and special pedagogue who has been working as a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner with humans and animals for many years. Both in individual therapies and in group seminars, she shows that everything we need to be happy and healthy lies within ourselves. She has published several books on this

activate the self-healing power by laying on of hands

Page 17: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»each rune stands for a certain power. If you want to get to know the runes, you have to sense these pow-ers.«

Runes are more than just Germanic characters. They contain the secrets of coming to life, being and passing away. They are tools of the art of prophecy, emblems of essentiality, of acting and the circumstances of life. Furthermore, they contain energy and magical power.The expert for European natural religions Igor Warneck makes us familiar with all these aspects. No matter if we use them as an oracle, a talisman or in physical exer-cises: We will hear the call of the runes.

S e P t e M b e r 2016

Igor Warneckthe call of the runesAn introduction to the world of runes

paperback, 134 x 175 mm, approx. 144 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 9,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1257-5 World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

Igor Warneck grew up in the woods of Vogelsberg Mountain. He intensely studied life, the runes and tarot, wrote several books, was introduced to a gypsy’s ancient healing arts and learned from the Sami in nort-hern Norway. He is now working on a contemporary concept of the European nature religions. He offers holistic healing and harmonization at all stages of life.

the magical power of the archaic symbols

Page 18: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

Recurring problems in everyday life, e. g. fatigue, oc-cupational failure or illness, can be caused by mental blocks. Scientific medicine often is at its wits’ end, but with shamanic techniques we can interpret the body as an expression of the soul. Our hand shapes, foot posi-tioning and skin appearance tell us where in the body such energy blocks like traumas, fears and self-esteem issues are located and what their origins are. Thanks to numerous photographs of the different hand shapes, this revised and updated edition makes it easier to reco-gnize the respective causes – and resolve them.

JA N UA r y 2017

Reinhard StengelWhat Fingers can tellSoul-Shamanic interpretation of diseases and blockages

paperback, 162 x 220 mm, approx. 192 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 17,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1261-2 World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

reinhard Stengel, also known as »Rainbowman«, has worked in the management sector for a long time. In 2004 he decided to work as a healer and shaman. Today, he is a popular trainer and holds speeches with full audiences all over Germany. His successes in treating psychologi-cal disorders and physical complaints speak for


Soul Dialoguewith your Body(publ. July 2014)

The Schirner bestseller – revised and with NEW PICTURES

Reinhard Stengel‘s works have been translated into four languages

Page 19: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»It is no longer necessary to think: ‘What’s done cannot be undone’ and live with the consequences. We can take action and transform our experiences in a positive way.«

For shamans, time is not linear. Hence the past is not ir-revocably determined but approachable at other levels. Reinhard Stengel shows us techniques how to have a look at what previously happened, how to influence the events and thus change their consequences. In this way, old injuries, emotional scars and inner blockades can be healed. After all, we are no longer the result of our experiences but truly self-determined.gnize the respec-tive causes – and resolve them.

S e P t e M b e r 2016

Reinhard StengelJourney into your Own PastResolving old blockades and breaking new ground

paperback, 115 x 165 mm, approx. 96 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 6,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-5145-1

World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]


In Between the Worlds(publ. August 2014)

Back to your own ideal future

The Small Series

Reinhard Stengel‘s works have been translated into four languages

reinhard Stengel, also known as »Rainbowman« has worked in the management sector for a long time. In 2004 he decided to work as a healer and shaman. Today, he is a popular trainer and holds speeches with full audiences all over Germany. His successes in treating psychologi-cal disorders and physical complaints speak for

Page 20: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»With the help of yoga, kids are more balanced. they learn how to stay calm and enjoy the silence.«

Children love to discover and learn in a playful way and they enjoy motion and Yoga. In this book, our little ones can experience all this at once: Jennie Appel and Dirk Grosser provide magic imaginary journeys that guide children into the colorful realm of the Indian gods. Meditations referring to certain animals give them an understanding of the asanas, e.g. a journey to the great cobra. The ten- to fifteen-minute meditations are easy to read aloud, suitable for children and yet very profound. They can be used to conclude the day or to round off a sequence of movements.

S e P t e M b e r 2016

Jennie Appel & Dirk Grosseryou Are Never AloneFor Little yogis and yoginisTogether we are more …and get much further

paperback, 134 x 175 mm, approx. 144 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 9,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1259-9 World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

Jennie Appel is a yoga teacher, thai-yoga practitioner and focusing counselor for children. Since 2006 she has been working in her own practice »A space for growth« with shamanic techniques and chakra

Dirk Grosser is an author, musician and consultant for people in spiritual crises. He has many years of experience in the mystical branches of the world religions and the respective meditation techniques. He is the father of two

a Yogi cannot start early enough

Page 21: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»Our sense of smell is very closely connected with the emotions. therefore, certain scents can bring earlier experiences to life again.«

»Our brain is like a shelf full of books. As time goes by, more and more of those books – our memories – fall out of the shelf.« This is how a pediatrician explains little Tilda her grandfather’s dementia in the movie »Head Full of Honey«. Nowadays more and more peop-le are confronted with this illness when close friends or family members are affected – or even themselves. The experts for essential oils Karin Opitz-Kreher and Christa Opitz-Böhm have a look at this topic from a new per-spective: the olfaction. Odors can help to reduce stress, support the memory and feel the joy of life. Essential oils of therapeutic quality are valuable tools to facilitate happiness despite dementia!

S e P t e M b e r 2016

Karin Opitz-Kreher &Christa Opitz-BöhmHappy Despite DementiaSupporting people affected and their relatives

paperback, 115 x 165 mm, approx. 112 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 6,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1197-4

World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

christa Opitz-böhm is an exami-ned nurse and alternative practiti-oner in her own practice covering gynecology, ophthalmology, preventive medicine, regulative medicine as well as different mas-sage techniques. Since 2013 she has been applying essential oils in her

Supporting the memorywith the help of oils of Melissa,sandalwood etc.

Karin Opitz-Kreher is educated in Aura Soma, Aura Soma Body-work and harmonizing foot reflex zones. Since 2013 she has used the traditional knowledge about essential oils and offers workshops in this

The Small Series

Page 22: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»An animal in need is a holy object.« (Ovid)

It is known that animals can support traumatized people. But what if our animal friends need help them-selves? Anxious dogs, scared cats and incalculable horses are not uncommon nowadays. Often the reason for such conditions is a trauma – which is not only a problem for maltreated animals, but also for those who have grown up in a safe and calm home. Even incidents as banal as a milk churn toppling or a thunder cracking may frighten our animal companions. The experienced animal therapist and communicator Beate Seebauer provides helpful support in such cases, offering diffe-rent exercises, meditations and therapeutic options to reconcile our pets with their souls.

S e P t e M b e r 2016

Beate SeebauerHelping traumatized AnimalsPaths to healing the souls of animals

paperback, 115 x 165 mm, approx. 112 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 6,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-5146-8

World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

beate Seebauer is a trained alternative practitioner, an animal therapist and animal communica-tor. When her terrier Fijack fell ill she accompanied him to his death, thereby finding out about her special ability of non-verbal animal communication. She has been supporting pet owners in commu-nicating with their pets ever


The Way to become an Animal Whisperer(publ. Sept 2015)

Holistic support fortraumatized pets

The Small Series

Page 23: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»In order to live in harmony with an Inner child that feels guilty a great, almost holy might is required: compassion.«

Feelings of guilt emerge when we violate an emotional contract, i.e. an agreement with another person. As a child, we conclude many of such subconscious ag-reements, most of all with our parents, in order to get looked after and be well-protected. But having conclu-ded them subconsciously, we cannot consciously fulfill, question or terminate these contracts. When we are grown up, our Inner Child oftentimes is still involved in those emotional agreements. We would like to cut our own path but constantly feel the urge of those involve-ments, in the form of guilt feelings.Susanne Hühn supports us in recognizing those con-tracts our Inner Child once concluded and in resolving it with a lot of compassion. This way, we can finally let go of guilt and go our own way.

D e c e M b e r 2016

Susanne Hühnthe Inner child– Letting Go of Guilt

paperback, 134 x 205 mm, approx. 128 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 6,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-8336-0 World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]


Developing Self-Esteem(publ. Feb 2015)

putting an end tofeelings of guilt!

The Small Series

Susanne Hühn is a trained life coach, a holistic physiotherapist and a suc-cessful author of spiritual self-help books and novels. Since 1986 she has supported people in their recovery. With her numerous books and CDs she is among Schirner‘s bestselling authors. Furthermore, she conveys her knowledge in talks and seminars in Germany and

Page 24: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»A Zen student asks the Master: »Do I have to get lost in order to achieve my goal? « the master replies: »Since I don’t have any goals anymore, I don’t get lost anymore.«

Not only can Zen stories be nice, funny or wise but also powerful, educational and uplifting. They encourage us to reflect and follow suit, impart wisdom and initiate personal healing and change.With a lot of humour these short tales from Zen Bud-dhism reveal profound wisdom and often surprising insights. Sandy Taikyu Kuhn Shimu, the popular Zen master und teacher for the Asian arts of life and move-ment, has collected 80 of such stories that touch our heart and stimulate our mind.

S e P t e M b e r 2016

Sandy Taikyu Kuhn ShimuIn the Shade of the Pine treeInspiring Zen stories for body and mind

hardcover, 105 x 170 mm, approx. 136 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 9,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1264-3 World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

Sandy taikyu Kuhn Shimu is an author and teacher for the Asian arts of living and movement. She has developed the WU LIN principle and her own method of counseling, the WU LIN coaching, is co-founder of the WU LIN organization and of the WU LIN Zen-line. She sets a high value on integrating the traditional teachings into modern everyday life in a practical way.


Buddha on Board(publ. July 2015)

Buddhist stories about the way to happiness

Sandy kuhn‘s works have been translated into three languages

Page 25: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»Not living your life purpose causes great suffering. the longing for a purpose can only be satisfied by living our dreams. «

»What does my own path look like? What is mycalling? « One day these big questions come up for eve-rybody. The shamanic teacher Lisa Biritz knows: There is something unique in every one of us that is to be discovered and expressed. But we often hide or ignore this centre of our life – due to indecision, blockades, guilt feelings, anxieties or even depressions. The cards featuring the wonderful illustrations by Francene Hart make it possible to unveil and pursue the plan of your soul – for a worthwhile life full of enthusiasm.

S e P t e M b e r 2016

Lisa BiritzVision of the SoulFraming a fulfilling and inspi-ring life plan through shamanic work on your soul

card deck, 44 cards with guidebook 89 x 127 mm,

€ 19,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-9085-6

World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

Lisa biritz has travelled the world and studied shamanism according to both Sandra Ingerman (core shama-nism) and Sun Bear. Furthermore, she accompanies people in swimming with wild dolphins. She is the author of several books and lives in


Shamanic Fasting(publ. March 2015)

it feels goodto know your way durch schamanische Seelenarbeit

44 Karten mit Begleitbuch


Lisa biritz‘ works have been translated into three languages

Page 26: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»this book is a workbook – this book is a ritual. It could also be entitled »How to create the new world«. but an attentive reader will realize that this book is so much more – it is a reVOLUtION. «

A liberated and released world … the golden age … collective awakening … since 2012 these have been recurring themes in spiritual circles. It has been said that the new world is already there. Christine Arana Fader knows this belief to be the first step – because you can only create a new world you believe in. »Cha-kra revolution« is a workbook for all those who are ready to take this step. New thoughts, new ideas, new courage and new vibrations can easily be implemented with the help of meditations, impulses, new colours for each chakra and a lot of space for your own notes. The author’s motto is: Change requires change. For cou-rage, courage is needed. New thoughts emerge from new thoughts. And a new vibe needs new colours.

AU G U S t 2016

Christine Arana Faderthe chakra revolutionA workbook for your way into the new world

paperback, 144 x 190 mm, approx. 160 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 14,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1262-9 World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

christina Arana Fader has grown up protected by the spiritual world, which has prepared her for her task from early on. Within the last years she has made a name for herself with her dragon work and is therefore known as the »dragon woman«. With great commitment and love, she makes the energy of dragons, Avalon and the New Time accessible to the people in her workshops and thus opens up new possibilities and horizons.


Dragon‘s Wisdom(publ. April 2014)

great workbook offering a lot of space for your own creativity

and personality

Page 27: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»Like the light that brings to life the seeds in the ground in spring, brigid helps us to express our wishes clearly, enabling us to make them come true here on earth.«

Brigid, the Celtic goddess of light and a Christian saint, embodies the unity with nature and altruism in a unique way. By discovering Brigid’s light within oursel-ves and nourishing it, we connect ourselves with the world and all its beings in a completely new way.Jennie Appel and Dirk Grosser invite us to discover the traces of Brigid in our world, to follow them and to become keepers of light that stands for a new way of dealing with ourselves, with others and the treasures of our planet. For this purpose, they describe Brigid from a holistic perspective, combine myths and legends with exercises and meditations, and unite female and male energies to shape a modern way of the goddess that makes us arrive in the here and now.

O c t O b e r 2016

Jennie Appel & Dirk GrosserbrigidLiving the wisdom of a saint, goddess and druidess

paperback, 134 x 205 mm, approx. 2016 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 14,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1267-4

World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

Brigid – celtic goddess and christian saint

Jennie Appel is a yoga teacher, thai-yoga practitioner and focusing counselor for children. Since 2006 she has been working in her own practice »A space for growth« with shamanic techniques and chakra

Dirk Grosser is an author, musician and consultant for people in spiritual crises. He has many years of experience in the mystical branches of the world religions and the respective meditation techniques. He is the father of two

Page 28: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»you have the power: you are priest, king, healer with heart and soul. you are free to go your way of the priesthood of Avalon in this century and in this time. It’s the path of love.«

Avalon, a mystical place full of mystery and magic, the place of the sacred priests. They honoured the great goddess, the elements and nature. By performing their rituals full of love, dignity and mindfulness, they internalized an attitude of appreciation and found pure strength and truthfulness. With the help of detailed descriptions of the ritual practices from Avalon and their meanings, you can experience these effects, too. The rituals presented in this book help to recognize and use your full potential, in order to become one with yourself, with Avalon, and nature.

S e P t e M b e r 2016

Anne-Mareike Schultzthe Priest of AvalonDiscovering the power of the great goddess within yourself

paperback, 134 x 175 mm, approx. 144 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 9,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1265-0

World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

Anne-Mareike Schultz came into contact with shamanic knowledge through her ancestors. After finishing her law studies, she fell into natural medicine and opened a joint practice together with her twin sister. She gives lectures on the topic »Avalon« and regularly offers spiritual seminar trips to power places in


Avalon‘s Legacy(publ. March 2015)

rituals From avalon – full of love and mindfulness

Page 29: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»When she feels anger, she is angry. She dances, when she is happy. Nothing is prohibited. She is al-ways herself. And this is what she wants to show us.«

Adam’s first wife Lilith is a symbol for autonomy and freedom. When we embrace the heart warrior as part of our personality, there is a lot we can learn from her. Lilia Christina Martiny knows that with the help of Lilith’s power, women can realize their ability to live every facet of their personality – light-hearted, wild and free. Poetic texts encourage you to become creative from the source of life. This book gives strength and unclou-ded joy in every situation.

The card deck is a wonderful visual companion to the book. Enchanting pictures and personal messages from women you can identify with: young, old, happy, sad, thoughtful and simply gorgeous women. They remind us of the fact that we all are part of a large sisterhood.

O c t O b e r 2016

Lilia Christina Martiny & Jamin BojéA Heart Warrior’s ManifestoMessages from Lilith’s Heart

paperback, 134 x 175 mm, approx. 136 pages, color illustrations throughout€ 9,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1266-7

card deck, 44 cards with guidebook 89 x 127 mm, € 19,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-9086-3

World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

A Heart Warrior’s Manifesto

Lilia christina Martiny studied dance, acting and singing. Because of the disease of two of her four children, she travelled to the shamanic healer João de Deus who accepted her as a medium. Today, she is working as a therapist and psychological coach and mainly advises women on their personal way of

Jasmin bojé is a passionate photographer. Far from her busy everyday life, she finds peace in nature and in spending time with animals she takes pictures of from all angles. She is also taken with the individuality of human faces. In her photos she understands how to capture the unseen and hidden and to fill precious moments with

Page 30: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»What the caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls a butterfly. « (Lao tzu)

In a cocoon, the cells of the caterpillar gradually trans-form into imago cells. These contain the structure of the butterfly, they swing in a higher frequency. At first, the system of the caterpillar fights these cells as if they were foreign bodies. But as soon as a certain number of them have developed, something remarkable happens: The imago cells become aware of the fact that together they are creating something new. It’s the beginning of the metamorphosis into a butterfly. A similar phenome-non can be found in people: We reject information that favours growths, simply because it offends our previous mindset and way of living. The experienced therapist and coach Susanne Hühn provides many exercises and suggestions that encourage us to embrace, incorporate and live new knowledge - and to spread our wings!

N O V e M b e r 2016

Susanne Hühnthe Imago ProcessHow to master changeorAbout the natural loneliness of the caterpillar in its cocoon

paperback, 144 x 190 mm, approx. 160 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 14,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1270-4 World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]


And what about Me?(publ. Sept 2015)

We bear the FUTURE within OURSELVES

Susanne Hühn is a trained life coach, a holistic physiotherapist and a successful author of spiritual self-help books and novels. Since 1986 she has supported people in their recovery. With her numerous books and CDs she is among Schirner‘s bestselling authors. Furthermore, she conveys her knowledge in talks and seminars in Germany and

Page 31: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»Discern your true self, this wonderful blossom, wai-ting for the light of your self-love to open it up to its full beauty. to the unique and marvelous being that you truly are.«

We are overwhelmed by the abundance of information and countless possibilities our world has to offer. How can we find out what is really important and right for us? Which paths should we follow to be truly happy? As a first step, we have to remember the knowing and conscious part of our self – the I AM. Gaby Shayana Hoffmann shows how to playfully re-connect with his inner knowledge – to open up to life with courage, curiosity and lots of joy.

The cards encourage us to feel happy, creative and satisfied in the here and now. Imaginative and colorful blossom mandalas create positive feelings and give an impulse to open up like a blossom ourselves.

O c t O b e r 2016

Gaby Shayana Hoffmann I AM Light and LoveBack to your true self with joy and ease

paperback, 134 x 175 mm, approx. 144 pages, color illustrations throughout€ 9,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1269-8

card deck, 50 cards with guidebook 89 x 127 mm, € 19,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-9087-0

World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

Gaby Shayana Hoffmann is a holistic spiritual artist and author. Under the name of »Dolphins Dre-amDesign«, she has been creating art since 2002 – among others mandalas, pictures of light beings and power images that touch the heart and the soul. It’s her central concern to remind other people how unique and wonderful they are, which is reflected in her


The Tao of Mindfulness(publ. Sept 2015)

Gaining clear insight intyour own beinG

Page 32: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»When you are in touch with your soul, it feels like visiting a dear friend. No preparation is needed as if you visited the queen, neither is it a privilege to be earned.«

How can I live in a more powerful and light-hearted way?What can help me to solve a problem?How do I reach my goals quickly and effectively?

Susanne Weikl has been searching for a special power that can answer her questions – and she has found it in her own soul. Our soul is the perfect companion, as it knows best who we are and what our inner plan is. It provides plenty of solutions for our worries. The author shows how to nurture this source of energy. With the help of simple techniques, we learn how to develop a relationship with our soul and to integrate its inspiring energy into our lives. We are then all set for the challen-ges of everyday life, are more relaxed and finally able to enjoy life jauntily.

N O V e M b e r 2016

Susanne WeiklSoul touchDiscovering your own soul as a source of inspiration and energy in everyday life

paperback, 134 x 175 mm, approx. 136 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 9,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1271-1

World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

Susanne Weikl is an alternative prac-titioner (psychotherapy), shamanic healer and Alaka’i (Huna teacher) of Aloha International, Hawaii. With a lot of enthusiasm she shares her vast knowledge through single sessions, trainings and by educating certified Huna practitioners. She has been working as a therapist and healer in her own practice in Germany for more than 10 years. In her work she benefits from encounters and exchanges with healers from all over the


Harmony in 3 Minutes(publ. Jan 2016)

The soul as a source of inspiration

Page 33: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»Writing this novel was as if my fingers were filled with magic and a loving being whispered the words to me.«

In »Fay and the otherworld« the main character em-barked on a fascinating journey – a journey to herself. In the course of this journey she discovered that there is another world apart from our normal world: the other-world, in which power animals and spiritual guides stand by her side. After a vision quest in the mountains, Fay now returns home – and immediately reality cat-ches up with her: mail from the job center and from her landlady. Will everything change now? Will Fay stay on the newly found path and keep listening to her soul? A time full of challenges begins.

J U Ly 2016

Sabrina DengelFay and the everyday World

paperback, 120 x 185 mm, approx. 304 pages

€ 12,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-3052-4 World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

Sabrina Dengel has been given a deep closeness to nature as well as pro-found knowledge of healing powers of nature by her great-grandmother since early childhood. In the last twenty years she has been trained in shamanic healing techniques, ceremonies and rituals by different cultural


Fay and the Other-world (publ. Sept 2013)

The sequel to the novel»Fay and the otherworld«

Page 34: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»burning incense helps you sharpen your senses for the most important things in life and make decisions according to your gut instinct.«

The world is populated by gnomes, sprites, dwarfs… But most people can neither perceive nor communicate with them. Burning incense, which has a long tradition among indigenous people, can help with this. The expert Annemarie Herzog presents simple, approved formulas which facilitate getting in contact with nature spirits, angels, unicorns and elves. When in close com-munion with nature, it is easier to live a fulfilled, creative and happy life.

O c t O b e r 2016

Annemarie HerzogSpirit burning Incense for your Mind

paperback, 134 x 175 mm, approx. 128 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 12,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1197-4

World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

With her expert knowledgeAnnemarie Herzog supports people in performing energetic home clean-sing and incense burning rituals. She organizes the well-known health fair »gesund und glücklich« (»healthy & happy«) and writes for the same-named


The Pharmacy of Burning Incense for your Soul(publ. Oct 2015)

Making contact with thespiritual worldwith the help of incense

Page 35: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»you cannot understand the universe without firstly learn to understand the language in which it is writ-ten. « (Galileo Galilei)

Everything that can be touched or thought of is based on mathematical and geometric principles. If we under-stand them, we can also understand the relationships that work both on a large and on a small scale – even without studying math. Our brain can generate and understand those rules by itself. Dr. Diethard Stelzl, the renowned spiritual researcher and teacher, takes the reader on an exciting and insightful journey through different numeral systems – to »whatever holds the world together in its inmost folds.«

M A r c H 2017

Dr. Diethard StelzlSymbolism and mysticism of numbers

paperback, 134 x 205 mm, approx. 200 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 14,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-1273-5

World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

numbers– an inexhaustible source of wisdom and knowledge

Dr. Diethard Stelzl is a scientist, mental trainer, Huna teacher and spiritual healer. For more than 20 years he has been dealing with spiritual questions concerning the universal order, ancient wisdom, old rites of initiation, numerology and especially Hawaiian shama-nism called Huna in theory and

Coming into Money(publ. Nov 2015)

Page 36: Foreign Rights Guide Fall 2016 – Schirner Verlag...Whoever sets out and walks away, might look back – perhaps feeling a bit of nostalgia – but will never turn back. there is

»I AM the greeting. the new morning greets you like an opening rose. A sound in the colors of love embra-ces you with a smile.«

The Hail Mary is world-famous as part of the Rosary and in the setting of Johann Sebastian Bach. It is a prayer that touches our hearts. In combination with the po-werful words of I AM – which bear witness of our own creative power – it lets us take the path of joy, mercy and love. After the Lord’s Prayer with its masculine connotations, Irma Streck now examines the female qualities of the divine consciousness. With the help of the prayer, we can find those qualities within ourselves: compassion, consolation, protection, devotion and tranquility. By the means of expressive pictures and effective exercises, the author invites us to discover new ways of conducting our lives – for more mindfulness and peace.

O c t O b e r 2016

Irma Streckthe Hail Mary and the beauty of I AM A prayer of 9 images

paperback, 115 x 165 mm, approx. 112 pages, color illustrations throughout

€ 6,95 (GER)

ISBN: 978-3-8434-5149-9 World rightsavailable

Contact:Katharina LaufsForeign Rights+49 6151 39 18 31 [email protected]

Irma Streck is a spiritual artist who calls her special kind of drawing »light-drawing«. She works as a freelance artist, drawing therapist, teacher and author. In her courses and seminars she accompanies people who want to discover their creativity and extend their


The Lord‘s Prayer and the Power of I AM(publ. Nov 2015)

The HAil MARy – thefeminine way to dedicATion

The Small Series