forerunner ministry & lifestyle

School of Worship & Intercession “Forerunner Ministry & Lifestyle” – Johann Williamson I. WHO/WHAT IS A FORERUNNER? A. We can take the direct definition - [the Random House Dictionary] 1. An omen, sign, or indication of something to follow; portent. 2. A person who goes or is sent in advance to announce the coming of someone or something that follows; herald; harbinger. B. Two things are highlighted or implied in these definitions: 1. Forerunners are signs of that which is coming. The fact that forerunners are now beginning to arise in the earth is an indication of Jesus’ imminent return. 2. Forerunners are sent by/for whoever is coming after. Forerunners are called and set ablaze by Jesus Himself as he sends forth his message to the lovesick hearts of believers. C. Another approach is taking the implied meaning from the parts of the word itself: 1. Fore: speaks to something that precedes (comes before) 2. Runner: refers to one who runs with a message D. Mark 1:1-8. The role of the forerunner is an integral part of the message of Christ himself. “The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ…” II. THE FORERUNNER OF THE FIRST AND SECOND COMING OF CHRIST PROPHESIED A. Most of the prophecies of Christ coming reference both His first and second coming. B. There is often a seamless but clear transition from first to second coming [the Day of the Lord]. This is made clear by the references to All peoples/the whole earth [the scale at which End-time events will occur] , the glory or power of the Lord [signs in 1-Jamaica House of Prayer

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Forerunner Ministry And Lifestyle


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School of Worship & Intercession“Forerunner Ministry & Lifestyle” – Johann Williamson

I. WHO/WHAT IS A FORERUNNER?A. We can take the direct definition - [the Random House Dictionary]

1. An omen, sign, or indication of something to follow; portent.2. A person who goes or is sent in advance to announce the coming of

someone or something that follows; herald; harbinger.

B. Two things are highlighted or implied in these definitions: 1. Forerunners are signs of that which is coming. The fact that forerunners

are now beginning to arise in the earth is an indication of Jesus’ imminent return.

2. Forerunners are sent by/for whoever is coming after. Forerunners are called and set ablaze by Jesus Himself as he sends forth his message to the lovesick hearts of believers.

C. Another approach is taking the implied meaning from the parts of the word itself:

1. Fore: speaks to something that precedes (comes before)2. Runner: refers to one who runs with a message

D. Mark 1:1-8. The role of the forerunner is an integral part of the message of Christ himself. “The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ…”

II. THE FORERUNNER OF THE FIRST AND SECOND COMING OF CHRIST PROPHESIEDA. Most of the prophecies of Christ coming reference both His first and second


B. There is often a seamless but clear transition from first to second coming [the Day of the Lord]. This is made clear by the references to All peoples/the whole earth [the scale at which End-time events will occur], the glory or power of the Lord [signs in the heavens & earth particular to the End-Times], or the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord [the manifestation of fearsome judgment upon the earth].

1. Isa 40:3-5 The voice of one crying in the wilderness: "Prepare the way of the Lord; Make straight in the desert a highway for our God. 4Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill brought low; the crooked places shall be made straight and the rough places smooth; 5 The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, And all flesh shall see it together; For the mouth of the Lord has spoken." (emphasis added)

2. Mal 3:1 [NIV] "I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come," says the LORD Almighty (emphasis added)

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3. Mal 4:5 [NIV] 5Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. (emphasis added)

III. JOHN THE BAPTIST AND THE FORERUNNERS OF THE FIRST COMINGA. Jesus speaks clearly of John the Baptist as his first-coming forerunner

[Lk 7:27; Mal 3:1]

B. Though John the Baptist was the very one prophesied, there were other persons of like mind who also functioned as forerunners. Luke 1-3 seems to be an account of “the forerunner company”.

1. Zechariah and Elizabeth were likely chosen because they were not just a priestly couple but also those who were eagerly waiting for the Messiah and praying for His coming. The Spirit of prophesy that manifested in Elizabeth [Lk 1:41-45] and Zechariah [Lk 1:67-79] may well suggest that their lives were spent in hopeful expectation, so much so that the Lord sent the testimony of Jesus [Rev 19:10] to speak through these willing vessels.

2. Simeon is clearly depicted as being a forerunner [Lk 2:25-35]. His character was godly, his constant hope (and likely prayer) was for the Messiah to come, and when he had seen the Messiah his life purpose was fulfilled. This is similar to John’s own testimony of “now this joy of mine is fulfilled”

3. Anna also lived an extraordinary forerunner life [Lk 2:36-38] of remaining before the Lord, praying and fasting and awaiting Jesus’ coming, and telling ALL THOSE who were also waiting for His coming (The rest of the forerunner company)

IV. [The spirit of] Elijah and the Forerunners to the Second ComingMal 4:5 [NIV] 5Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and

dreadful day of the Lord. (emphasis added)

A. Though Jesus mentioned Elijah in reference to John, there is an interesting dynamic between Jesus’ reference [Matt 11:14] and John’s own reply [Jn 1:21]. Jesus’ phrasing of “if you are willing to receive it” and John’s own understanding that he was not the one suggest there likely was a partial manifestation of the Spirit of Elijah upon John at that time. The full manifestation is yet to come.

B. The references in Malachi 3 & 4 refer very clearly to the Second Coming of Christ – not just the first. Therefore the fullness of the spirit of Elijah and his 3-fold ministry of signs & miracles, prophetic visions & dreams, and his anointed preaching, will be released in the generation of the Lord’s return.

C. Just as there was a forerunner [John the Baptist] company in John’s time, so too

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there will be an ‘Elijah company’ that prepares the nations when the Lord sends Elijah.

1. There is a call for those who would live the lifestyle of John, Anna, Simeon and all those who were waiting for His coming.

2. These are they who will proclaim ahead of time what is coming.3. The word speaks of those who are longing for his return [2Tim 4:8, Matt

25]4. The word speaks of the watchmen who will not keep silent day or night

until end-time events occur [Isa 62:6-7]; these are the forerunners with the message of Elijah, doing as he did in his time and as John did in his.

D. It is even thought that the fullness of the spirit and power of Elijah that was upon John [Lk 1:15-17] at Jesus’ first coming will be sent in Elijah himself as the Second Coming of Christ approaches. But whether or not it is literally Elijah, or the spirit and power of Elijah being referenced, the scripture clearly links that anointing with the great and terrible Day of the Lord – the Second Coming of Christ. [Mal 4:5]


A. John the Baptist and Anna in the temple are primary examples of what the forerunner life entails.

1. John lived a life of voluntary weakness in the wilderness. He lived the fasted lifestyle before the Lord, studied prophetic scripture ardently and proclaimed boldly that which the Lord revealed to him and the message of the coming of the Lord.

2. Anna was a biblical prophetess. She moved in dreams & visions, and likely signs & wonders. She never departed from the presence of the Lord but served the Lord with fasting and prayer day and night! Finally, she boldly proclaimed her message to all those who were waiting for the Lord.

VI. WHY FORERUNNERS: THE NEED OF THIS HOURA. Above all, forerunners prepare themselves to prepare others for the Coming of


B. God is sovereign, and still He has so humbled Himself as to make aspects of His plan/desire contingent upon us.

1. Ezek. 22:30 [NKJV] 30So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one. 31Therefore I have poured out My indignation on them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath; and I have recompensed their deeds on their own heads," says the Lord God.

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2. Matt 24:14 [NIV] And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.

3. Rev 5:8 & 8:3-5 speak of the golden bowls filled with the prayers of the saints, thrown onto the earth in judgment: we must fill the bowls for Him to release the judgments.

4. God has sovereignly set up watchmen, intercessors and worshipers to precede and establish His kingdom purposes on earth.

C. God will arise in the earth in response to the new song: it is forerunners that must hear and teach His Bride globally this new song of praise and loving adoration.

1. Ps 40:5 [NIV] He has put a new song in my mouth-- Praise to our God; Many will see it and fear, And will trust in the Lord.

2. Isa 42:10-13 [NIV] speaks of the Lord rising after the new song is sung. [42:1-10] shows that the new song arises because the people behold Jesus.

3. Isa 24:14-17 [NIV] shows the new song bringing the revelation of Jesus’ fearsome presence!

D. Christ is coming to a spotless Bride: the forerunner will be part of the means of purifying. Forerunners prepare themselves to prepare the Bride.

1. She must be washed [Eph 5:25-27]2. So John/the Forerunner came preaching a new message from the heart

of God: a message of repentance, purification and zealous love [Mark 1:1-4]

3. The promised messenger of Mal 3 would be the precursors to the refiner’s fire and launderer’s soap. That the Lord’s people would be able to stand in the Day of the Lord.

E. The Bride will call and the groom will answer: forerunners prepare her heart to call out to and long for her Bridegroom!

1. Rev 22:17 The Bride calls out and [22:20] Jesus answers2. Rom 10:14-15 [NIV] “How then can they call on the one they have not

believed in … and how can they hear without someone preaching to them?”

3. Isa 40:1-3 shows the Lord using His servant the Forerunner to comfort His people.

F. That the Lamb receives the reward of His suffering!! May the longing of His heart be satisfied! [Jn 17:24]. Truly Jesus is worthy of extravagant devotion!

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VII. THE FORERUNNER CALL. HOW THEN SHALL WE LIVE?A. The forerunners to the first coming of Christ give us a clear example of both the

purpose and the lifestyle of a forerunner. From their lives we are challenged to:

1. Follow the example. John the Baptist and Anna serve as the clearest references to forerunners at the time of Jesus’ first coming and patterns for us before His second coming. Their message and lifestyle were directly and indirectly described in the gospels.

2. Yoke ourselves to the Spirit of prophecy. There was also a pronounced linking of the Spirit of prophecy with the anointing of the forerunner; in John the Baptist and Anna the Prophetess; also in Mary, Elizabeth, Zechariah and Simeon; and the prophets of old who spoke of messengers before the Lord appears. Truly, the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy [Rev 19:10].

VIII. Lessons from the life of John the Baptist and Anna the Prophetess: the Forerunner Message

i. Forerunners have a clear message to deliver: the message of the coming of Christ and the events surrounding it; and the display of the heart of God.

1. John’s message was 2-fold: knew and spoke of (the signs of) the times, and he challenged the immorality and godlessness prevailing in the time leading up to Jesus’ appearing, even that which was present in the standard of the religious establishment.

a. John the Baptist’s message was “repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand” [Matt 3:1-2] and declared fearlessly to the Pharisees “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?”

b. John was familiar with the prophetic scriptures, being led by the Spirit even into his own identity according to prophecy [Jn. 1:22-23] and likely identifying the imminence of Christ’s coming by what was prophesied regarding the season. Jesus even reassured John not by a direct answer to “are you the One” but by quoting prophetic scripture. He met John at a familiar place.

c. John also came with a new message of baptism and confession for the forgiveness of sin. [Mark 1:4] Challenging the previous paradigm of (empty) sacrifices. He saw what Hosea the Prophet saw as he proclaimed “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” [Hos. 6:6] and David (another prophetic messenger) as he proclaimed “the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit… and a contrite heart”

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d. John was tender to those who were open to the Lord so they even rejoiced for a time in his light [Jn. 5:32-35] and forcefully bold with those who were against the Lord. He preached redemption to the people and woe to the Pharisees and to Herod, and so being persecuted and losing even his life for righteousness sake.

2. Anna the prophetess is sometimes referred to as the first evangelist. Long before John came preaching she gave thanks to God for Jesus’ coming and spoke of Him to all those who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem (through the Messiah). She lived a prophetic life before the Lord and was able to immediately recognize the child as the Christ. Indeed it is likely that over her 60+ years of total devotion to the Lord she was able to watch as the signs borne out in prophetic scriptures manifested: when Christ came she was ready.

3. Jesus himself chastised the Pharisees and Sadducees for being able to tell the natural seasons but not the signs of the times, then went on to challenge their heart posture towards God [Matt 16:1-3]. The people of God, and particularly forerunners, must be aware and speak of the signs and events surrounding the Lord’s return [End-Times as laid out in scripture], and humbly challenge ungodliness and ideas that misrepresent God’s heart. This is the message of the Forerunner.

4. For further dynamics of the purpose of the message and ministry of the forerunner see heading VI: “Why forerunners: the need of this hour.”

IX. Lessons from the life of John the Baptist and Anna the Prophetess: the Forerunner Lifestyle

i. The lives of these God-chasers as recorded in scripture [ ] paints a picture of a set-apart lifestyle. These were hearts extravagantly devoted to God, lives of worship, prayer & fasting, anointed preaching and evangelism; and above all showing forth the heart of God.

ii. From these exemplary messengers, and referencing basic tenets of scripture, we derive seven (7) basic commitments that comprehensively (though not exhaustively) outline the forerunner lifestyle.

1. Pray Daily: Prayer is firstly about intimacy with God. Daily we commit to strengthening this closeness with the Lover of our souls.

a. We must establish a close relationship with God and live from this place of intimacy. Jesus Himself lived this way. [1 Thess. 5:17; Lk 2:37; 6:12; Ps 145:18-19; 1Chron 16:10-11]

b. From this place intercession is simply partnering with God’s heart concerning issues in the earth and what we declare

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comes to pass [Job 22:25-30]c. As Forerunners are called to stand on the walls and to

prepare the bride – we must be vigilant in being before the Lord and speaking His kingdom into the earth: we pray “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”; and join and keep watch with Jesus [Lk 18:1-8; Is 62:6-7; 56:7; Matt 26:40-41]

d. Here at JaHOP, intercession is primarily for the heart of God concerning the Church (and ministries) as well as the nations of Jamaica & Israel.

2. Fast Weekly: Fasting serves the core purpose of opening our hearts to receive more from God: we deny our physical self so our spirit can gain ascendency.

a. Forerunners, like John and Anna “serve the Lord with fasting” – we LIVE in the place of yearning for more and more of God’s Spirit and presence and power. David spoke of fasting as a result of zeal for God’s house. [Matt 11:18; Lk 2:37; Ps 69:10]

b. Jesus himself used a contrast to suggest that fasting opens us to feed our souls on the words from God’s mouth. Fasting also opens us to the release of God’s power into our lives for His work. [Matt 4:4; Lk 4:1-2,14]

c. Jesus himself said “when you fast…” and spoke of a fast that will come from longing for the bridegroom, for him. [Matt 6:16-18; 9:15]

d. This ministry suggests fasting at least one day per week. This again facilitates greater intimacy as our hearts grow in longing for the Bridegroom.

3. Do Justly: We must bear good fruit; this is the result of the Spirit living within us.

a. John warned of it; Isaiah, Amos and Micah prophesied of it; James admonished us about it. Jesus’ passion is justice: to make the wrong things right, this is the heart of the Father as well. [Matt 3:8,10;Micah 6:8; Isa 58:6-10; Amos 5:23-24; Jas 1:27; Ps 89:14-15; Jer 9:24;]

b. We who love him must love what he loves and show forth righteousness by committing to do works of justice in His name. John mentions that to love God is wrapped up in doing what He says. James speaks of faith being linked with deeds. [ 1Jn 5:3; Jas 2:14-17]

c. Indeed Jesus said as long as it is day (while there is still time to prepare the way and prepare the Bride) we must do the works of the Father. [John 9:4]

d. By our righteous acts flowing from the heart of God, those who are saved are beautified and blessed. [Rev 19:8; 22:14]

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4. Give Extravagantly: the essence of the forerunner life and call is cultivating a heart of love and devotion for God and from there to be able to bring His kingdom. Giving extravagantly is yet another way that God uses to stir our hearts toward Him.

a. Its impact on the heart is deep and begins immediately with our decision to pour our love upon Him.

b. Jesus watches and takes notice, it moves His heart! John (and Anna) gave their whole lives, for that very reason Jesus calls John a burning and shining lamp; Mary of Bethany gave her whole heart and her whole inheritance and it moved Jesus himself to come to her defense as the very disciples criticized her extravagance. [Mk 12:41-44; Jn 12:3-8; Matt 26:7-13]

c. Additionally giving advances the work of God upon the earth – God blesses us for the sake of His fame. [Ps 67:1-2; Deut 8:18]

d. God rewards us by blessing us in return and by strengthening our love and excitement for him. It stirs our hearts as we see that God takes notice, and even challenges us to test Him in this [Mal 3:10]. David said he would not offer unto God offerings that cost him nothing. Will you? [2Sam 24:23-24]

5. Live Holy: holiness is more than moral purity; holy means “different from everything else” or more clearly “what God is like”. So to live holy involves pursuing a life of choosing God rather than sin, but it means so much more: it means being like God in every way.

a. God says be holy because I am holy [1Pet 1:15-16]. God is the blessed, joyous, content God; the source of all that is good and pleasant in the universe: He is not calling you to the drudgery of duty; He is calling you to dive into the superior pleasures of who He is. [Ps 16:11; 27:4; 37:4; Lk 10:41-42; Rom 14:17]

b. This is a work of the Holy Spirit upon a heart that is pursuing intimacy with God. Paul says to the Corinthian church that when we behold the Lord we become like Him. His Spirit brings freedom. [2Cor 3:17-18; 4:6; ]

c. Fasting, prayer and giving facilitate this closeness. d. In response to His loving leadership let us give ourselves to

pursuing total (and early) obedience. He makes it possible. [1Jn 5:2-4]

e. What better for a Forerunner than to live in the place and pursuit of intimacy; and what better way to display God’s heart than to be changed to look like Him from this place?

6. Lead Diligently: Jesus said to go and make disciples. Our love for God will not stop at serving Him; it extends from the place of intimacy to touch the hearts of others.

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a. For His glory we set out hearts to mentor and encourage in the ways of pursuing the heart of God; knowing that he is indeed with us as we go. [Matt 28:18]

b. As part of preparing the way John gained and mentored disciples and pointed them to the Lamb of God. [Jn. 1:35-37]

c. As we lead we escape the trap of ‘going it alone’ and hoping to do the work of God ourselves. We glorify Him together. [Eph 2:19-22]

d. As we lead and make disciples we help to bring to fullness and perfection the Body/Bride that will call longingly for Jesus [Rom 12:6-8, 11; Col 1:22-23; 1Tim 4:11-16]

e. The Lord takes notice of our stewardship and rewards our heart for Him. [Matt 25:21; 2 Tim 4:7-8]

7. Speak Boldly: Forerunners are sent by the one they represent and they look like the one they represent. Jesus himself is called the faithful and true witness, and so must we be as well.

a. He is called the way, the truth, and the life. He spoke everything that the Father told him to. His speaking was biblical, clear, bold, tender and humble. We too must operate in this way. [Rev 1:5; Jn. 14:6; 12:49; Acts 14:3]

b. Paul said to the church in Rome, how can they believe when they haven’t heard? Like John the Baptist, speaking tenderly to the people and boldly (with HUMILITY) to those who opposed Christ so too we must be committed to preparing the way of the Lord by burning with His message. [Rom 10:14,17; Jn. 5:32-35]

c. Preparing the way addresses speaking forth for salvation, exposing lies, challenging immorality, proclaiming by the Spirit of prophecy, and understanding God’s judgments and End-Time plans/events surrounding His coming. [Mk 1:2-4; Matt 14:3-4; Rev 19:10; 2Thes 2:5, 8]

d. The courage and drive to speak boldly, and the heart posture to do so with Christ’s humility each come from the place of deep intimacy with God. Let the voice of the Forerunners arise! [Phil2:3-5, Jas 3:17]

X. The Forerunner Commitment: Will you live your life as one preparing the way?

i. We are all in some way called to be forerunners, every one of us is called to long for His appearing and promised rewards for it [Heb 10:35-37; 2 Tim 4:7-8; Phil 3:20]. We’re all called to be faithful stewards of what God has entrusted to us [Jud 1:3] and to spur one another on to good works as we see His Day approaching [Heb 10:24-25].

ii. Won’t you take this invitation to count the cost [Lk 9:23-26; 14:25-34], and prayerfully commit to being led by the Lord into the wilderness [Mk 1:1-3; Lk 4:1], to sweetly hear His voice [Hos. 2:14] and arise to run with all your

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heart for Him [Lk 1:80; 4:14]? Commit to a season of prayer, and allow the Lord to assure you that though it seems daunting He Himself will do the work in you for His glory. Indeed, it is not by might, nor power, but by His Spirit says the Lord. [Zech 4:6]


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