forgive and be forgiven - kofc1960.orghomes that practice reconciliation affect the world around...


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Page 1: FORGIVE AND BE FORGIVEN - kofc1960.orgHomes that practice reconciliation affect the world around them, and a parish filled with families that are growing in the art of forgiveness




Patapsco KnightIssue 15.02 • February 2015

Knights of Columbus Patapsco Council No. 1960







Page 2: FORGIVE AND BE FORGIVEN - kofc1960.orgHomes that practice reconciliation affect the world around them, and a parish filled with families that are growing in the art of forgiveness







Co-Editors:Rick OstopowiczTim McCarthy

Submissions welcome by the 20th of each month.

Contact us at [email protected] or (410) 207-0939.

2 • Patapsco Knight Newsletter •


COUNCIL REPORTS4 Council Chaplain’s Message 5 Grand Knight’s Report 6 District Deputy’s Report

Deputy Grand Knight’s Report

7 Program Director’s Report

Chancellor’s Report 8 Programs and Committees

FEATURES3 Council Officers

3 December Calendar of Events 9 Loyola Retreat House

10 Medjugorje Message 11 Knights Out Inn Specials Beaumont News 12 Family of the Month

OUTSIDE THE COUNCIL13 Supreme Council News State Council News 14 Baltimore Chapter of Grand Knights

Fraternal Benefits News

Save the Date!


Page 3: FORGIVE AND BE FORGIVEN - kofc1960.orgHomes that practice reconciliation affect the world around them, and a parish filled with families that are growing in the art of forgiveness


3 • Patapsco Knight Newsletter •

Grand Knight

Scott Luco (410) 744-1559 | [email protected]

Deputy Grand Knight

Bernie Wrisk (410) 536-9194 | [email protected]


John Journell (703) 725-4692 | [email protected]


Anthony Viscardi (410) 719-0099 | [email protected]


William Luco (410) 744-1559 | [email protected]


Charlie Meyers (443) 604-9797

Financial Secretary

PGK Michael Doetzer (443) 695-8508 | [email protected]


Rick Ostopowicz (410) 207-0939 | [email protected]


Ernie Schaefer [email protected]


Tim McCarthy (443) 610-7584 | [email protected]


PGK Barry Casanova (410)442-2040 | [email protected]

Trustee – 1 year

PGK Ken Horvitz (410) 218-8527 | [email protected]

Trustee – 2 year

Mike Blair (443) 286-3756 | [email protected]

Trustee – 3 year

PGK Warren Norris (443) 794-7338 | [email protected]


Father Gene Nickol [email protected]

A full list of the Council Officers, Program Directors, and Coordinators can be found at

Thursday, February 5Beaumont Holding Company7:30 pm

Friday, February 6Baltimore Chapter of Grand Knights Chapter AnniversaryColumbus Gardens

Wednesday, February 11Council Business Meeting8:00 pm (Rosary at 7:30 pm)

Thursday, February 12Baltimore Chapter of Grand Knights Meeting - Patapsco Council #1960 (Ladies Night)

Wednesday, February 18First Degree and Second Degree Exemplifications7:30 pm | 8:30 pm

Wednesday, February 26Officers Meeting (KOI) 7:00 pmLecture Meeting (Main Hall) 8:00 pm

Events are also posted monthly to our Council website:

If you have an event that you would like to have listed, please send it to

[email protected].


F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4

Page 4: FORGIVE AND BE FORGIVEN - kofc1960.orgHomes that practice reconciliation affect the world around them, and a parish filled with families that are growing in the art of forgiveness

4 • Patapsco Knight Newsletter •

One summer long ago, while playing outdoors as a child, I cut myself on a rusty object. I immediately ran home and presented the wound to my mother, who took me to the pediatrician for a tetanus shot. As the doctor prepared the needle, he tried to engage me in conversation. “Tell me what happened, young man,” he said. My response was, “Gimme the shot. We can talk later!” “So much for child psychology,” he sighed, giving me the vaccine in short order.

If only dealing with spiritual wounds were that simple. Moms and dads know how to help their children when they are physically injured or ill, but they are often not as well-equipped to deal with the deeper injuries that are part of life. I refer to the emotional pain that we inflict on those whom we should love the most: our parents, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends. As the popular old tune puts it, “You always hurt the one you love.”

Have you ever stopped to think about why we are so prone to hurt our loved ones? I’m sure there are profound answers to that question, but let’s stick to the basics. One of the reasons we hurt our loved ones is because they are close by. We’re with them all the time. We’re eating the same food, waiting to use the same bathroom and competing for the same affections. Sharing a household,

there are plenty of reasons for family members to become irritated with one another.

When we’re at home, we see our family members at their best and worst. We see them when everything is going well but also when they are grieving, disappointed or just plain out of sorts. We see them when they are generous but also when they are petty. Early on, we learn what makes our loved ones happy but also what gets on their nerves. And whether we like it or not, our family members know us in just the same way. Most of the irritants pass quickly and are forgotten, but sometimes the wounds run deeper and can do lasting damage if they remain untreated.

It would be simple if we could heal such wounds by going to a doctor for medication or a shot. But more is required. The ultimate healing for emotional and spiritual wounds is called forgiveness. In fact, the family is our first school of forgiveness (see Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1657, 2227).

Of course, it’s not always easy to forgive a person who has wronged us, because our pride often gets in the way. But when we fail to forgive, our wound festers and becomes a chronic open sore. Grudges and hatreds make our inner life painful, doubly so if they are directed at those under our own roof.

It is not easy to forgive and forget, yet the Lord teaches us to pray each day, “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Jesus’ words ring in our ears: “If you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your transgressions” (Mt 6:15). To forgive others, we need the Lord’s help. We need to go to the source of forgiveness, Christ crucified and risen. And we do this by regularly making a good, honest, unburdening confession of our sins in the sacrament of reconciliation.

There was a time when most Catholic families went to confession every Saturday afternoon. I remember standing in line for confession many times behind my parents as well as friends and neighbors. Truth to tell, I was a bit nervous about

the whole thing, but I thought, “If they can do it, I can do it.” To this day, every time I receive the sacrament of reconciliation, I think of the good example and encouragement my mom and dad provided for me. “You’ll feel better after you go to confession,” mom promised — and she was right.

I often think that family members would get along with each other a lot better if they resumed the practice of regularly going to confession. After all, the sacrament of reconciliation is more than therapy or anger management, necessary as those steps may sometimes be. In this sacrament, the Lord wipes away our sins and gives us the grace to start afresh. And if we are truly open to this wonderful sacrament, he helps us to forgive those who have wronged us, including those closest to us. Once we’ve experienced God’s merciful love, we will grow in our capacity to forgive, even when something unthinkable happens.

The most important skills and lessons are learned first and foremost in the home, and that is certainly the case with forgiveness. When a husband and wife welcome God’s mercy into their hearts and grow in their capacity to forgive each other, they teach their children an invaluable lesson: the ability to forgive and forget. This includes learning how to talk over disagreements, trying to meet the other more than halfway, and developing the capacity to control one’s anger and to avoid words that sting and wound. None of us, least of all myself, has perfected the art of forgiveness, but when a husband and wife are serious about it, their good example is likely to influence their children.

Homes that practice reconciliation affect the world around them, and a parish filled with families that are growing in the art of forgiveness will be a joyful and fruitful parish. Families that help young people learn how to forgive are doing our hardened and polarized culture a favor.

What better way, then, to begin the New Year than by resolving to build a domestic church, a family, and a home that knows how to forgive and be forgiven?


Supreme ChaplainArchbishop William E. Lori

Page 5: FORGIVE AND BE FORGIVEN - kofc1960.orgHomes that practice reconciliation affect the world around them, and a parish filled with families that are growing in the art of forgiveness

5 • Patapsco Knight Newsletter •

With the Post-Holiday doldrums behind us, Patapsco Council is charging into February. Although we were snowed out of our First Degree Exemplification in January, we are on track to add some new Brothers during our “Double

Header” First and Second Degree evening on February 18, which happens to be Ash Wednesday. Please come out and support your new Brothers as they take the first two steps on their journey to Full Knighthood in our Order.Speaking of Ash Wednesday, our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper is also just around the corner. This traditional meat and pancakes meal serves as a reminder that the next day we dive into our Lenten Devotions and preparation for the Glorious Feast of Easter! This year we will amp up our preparation for Lent with a presentation of the Stations of the Cross by the Monastery Parish youth following the meal. Thanks to PGK Michael Doetzer for chairing the dinner; please contact him if you can volunteer to help out during the event. Our second annual Fabulous Fifties Sock Hop is February 7; please contact PGK Dennis Brose for tickets and to volunteer for the event. It should be a fun evening with plenty of good food, drink, dancing and fellowship for everyone. Although I will not be able to attend, I wish everyone a great evening; take pictures so I can see how much fun you had!The reason I will not be able to attend the Sock Hop is because I will be in Emmitsburg with Mount Saint Joseph Theology Teacher and Brother Knight Pat Martel leading eight MSJ students at the Mount 2000 Retreat. This Eucharistic Retreat is put on annually by the seminarians of Mount St. Mary’s for high school students to encounter Christ through prayer, song, study, and Eucharistic Adoration. Seminarians have told me that this retreat is excellent preparation for their Priestly Ministry to youth in their Parishes, and the example these men provide to the youth is truly inspirational. Several of the MSJ retreatants are considering vocations to the Priesthood; please pray for them as they discern God’s call.Vivat Jesus!

Grand KnightScott Luco


Page 6: FORGIVE AND BE FORGIVEN - kofc1960.orgHomes that practice reconciliation affect the world around them, and a parish filled with families that are growing in the art of forgiveness

6 • Patapsco Knight Newsletter •

I would like to tell you about a dear friend, John Morrell, who passed away on January 9. We held his wake service and Rosary on January 10. He was a Brother Knight. John’s wife asked their Pastor to get the Knights to say the Rosary for him, and we had eight Brother Knights from five different councils show up to pray the Rosary. The funeral home was packed to capacity by 7:15. We began the Rosary at 7:30, and that led right into the wake service. How wonderful was it to have that group of Brother Knights show up for John.

That is what you are a part of. A group of men who will pray for one another. When we come together for one member, who nobody there actually knew, that shows what a great group of men we are. That is something to talk about and be very proud of. That is what the Knights should be all about. I want to end this month with some words from our Supreme Knight: our principles are just words if we don’t live them out.

Vivat Jesus!


Deacon Hugh Mills

Deputy Grand Knight Bernie Wrisk

D id anyone make a New Year’s resolution to give more to charity this year? It is not that difficult to do when you are engaged with your Council. Just reading this monthly newsletter provides multiple opportunities for you to get involved. Look at all the

programs we offer, and contact anyone to ask how you might take part even in the smallest way to give a little of yourself. Inviting a friend or a regular acquaintance you see regularly at church to join the Knights is an easy thing to do. Attend a business meeting once and see how our Council works, then hang around afterward to mingle and ask any brother Knight how you might be able to help. It doesn’t take much effort, and anything you do to contribute is so appreciated by our Council and our community. Just a little bit of your time can have such an incredible impact on our Council efforts. I have been giving of myself for the past four years and can’t believe how much joy it has brought to my life. I truly believe you get so much more out of what you put into your time volunteering for the Knights of Columbus.


Page 7: FORGIVE AND BE FORGIVEN - kofc1960.orgHomes that practice reconciliation affect the world around them, and a parish filled with families that are growing in the art of forgiveness

7 • Patapsco Knight Newsletter •

B rothers and Patapsco Council family: Yes, it is cold and yes, I finally succumbed to getting one (a cold, that is) that I had avoided so far this season, although

I think my poor wife has had one off and on since October. What can I say but that we all eagerly await February 2 and that ground hog’s decision. Past time to head south? This month also marks the close of the third Surge for Service Reporting period, so Event and Program chairs must have completed reports to me NLT February 15—except for PGK Mike Doetzer, who will be writing on the Shrove Tuesday Dinner on Feb. 17, so he gets a 72 hour dispensation! That has always proven to be a popular, reasonably priced event that gives us a chance to get our name and history of good works out into the Catholic community. For those who made it to DC for the March, I hope that it was a good experience—now if the powers that be would just take some action. Good luck to our Council/District Basketball Free Throw competitors in the statewide contest coming up. We also have other events, such as a Sock Hop, coming up, so if you can make it that should be a good time. Special thanks to

those that sent in an extra check to defer costs of the Patapsco Knight—it all helps and allows us to wisely allocate funds into our Council’s projects. Gasoline goes down further, but I fear another shoe will fall. Pray for Peace and that terrorism will be returned to the history books. There are folks who want to return to life 1,400 years ago ... no thank you. After all, that was before not only ice cream but toilet paper, too. It is a messy world, but we cope. Yes, April 15 is still coming. It is truly a tragic day, as Abraham Lincoln died 150 years ago on April 15, 1865 (fooled you, didn’t I?). Spring and the State Convention are just around the corner. The Council has many activities planned, so don’t be left out. We are seeing more young (or, at least younger) folks—that bodes well for the future of the Council. Another plug to attend a Council Meeting—when the weather breaks, you will have no excuse! You are missing prayer, some fun, and comradery. We have a very active Council. Join in to make it even better. Stay warm and check on your neighbors and Brothers. Mary, Queen of Knights, pray for us.


PGK Barry Casanova


John Journell

I lead our Rosary Team, which meets to pray the Rosary wherever requested, such as funerals and memorial services. Saint Pope John Paul II said, “The Rosary of the Virgin a prayer loved by countless Saints and encouraged by the Magisterium. Simple yet profound,

it still remains, at the dawn of this third millennium, a prayer of great significance, destined to bring forth a harvest of Holiness.” The Rosary is a very powerful weapon that we all need to be saying in one voice. As the Blessed Pope Pius IX stated, “If I had an army to say the Rosary, I could conquer the world.” Let’s all pull out our Rosaries in daily prayer, let us honor and ask for help from our Blessed Mother, and please join our Rosary Team to honor our Blessed Mother and those who request our presence when they need the power of the Rosary the most in their lives. Send an email to me and I will make sure you will receive notice of when and where we are needed. Finally, notify me if you know of anybody who would like to have our Rosary Team in attendance.

Page 8: FORGIVE AND BE FORGIVEN - kofc1960.orgHomes that practice reconciliation affect the world around them, and a parish filled with families that are growing in the art of forgiveness

8 • Patapsco Knight Newsletter •

Church (PGK Michael Doetzer)Brothers, Keep February 17 open on your calendar for our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. We will serve dinner from 5:00 to 7:30 pm for this traditional pre-Lenten event. Tickets are $5 per person with family discounts available. Come enjoy this annual event with family and friends. Remember that our annual retreat will be on the weekend of March 6-8 at Loyola on the Potomac. Please contact Tim McCarthy for more information at 443-610-7584.

Community (Jacob Luco)Patapsco Council will be holding its Annual Irish Night Party on Friday, March 13, 2015. Festivities will begin with dinner being served from 6:00 to 8:00 pm in the main hall, followed by music provided by Rigadoo, a traditional Irish Band. Reservations are strongly recommended. Contact the Council Home at 410-744-8754 or Mike Karpers at 410-744-1472. A $6 cover charge is payable at the door. The Knights Out Inn will be closed that evening.

Council (PGK Dennis Brose)There will be a 50s Sock Hop at the Council Hall on February 7, 2015. Contact PGK Dennis Brose for more information, or see the flyer in the online newsletter.

Culture of Life (Tim McCarthy)On January 22, a group of 100 met at St. William of York for the 10:00 am Mass. After Mass we enjoyed a hearty breakfast in the parish hall, then boarded the bus for the trip to Washington. At the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, we met 1,300 young people who had their own Mass at the Verizon Center. We brought our own lunch to eat at the Shrine. Then we joined hundreds of thousands for the walk to the mall. Members of one of the K of C Councils invited us to stop along the way for coffee, water, and hot chocolate. A host of national speakers joined us at the mall. We have been making this journey for as long as the Israelites wandered in the dessert. Our journey ends when the Supreme Court orders that the slaughter of innocent children must end.

Family (DGK Bernie Wrisk)A Night Out with Mom is another successful fundraiser that our council offers annually to our community during the Mother’s Day weekend. Although DGK Bernie Wrisk has chaired the event for the past two years, he would be happy to pass on this role to any Brother willing to take that lead. The DGK would be happy to assist and continue to be on the committee to ensure your success. If not the chair role, any assistance in joining the committee for this very welcomed event in our community would also be appreciated. If any interest contact DGK Bernie Wrisk at 443-604-8372 or [email protected].

Youth (David Slade)Our Council/District Basketball Free Throw Competition winners will compete in the statewide contest on February 14. Good luck to all of the participants!

John Faggio Food For The Needy Program (PGK Edwin Cogswell)Brothers and friends of Patapsco: Thanks! The FFN committee thanks you very much for your loving hearts and generous donations to the John Faggio Food For the Needy Program this year. Because of you, we were able to buy and distribute over 5,000 pounds this year. Thanks also to all the Brother Knights and friends who helped get the food, packaged it at the Council, and delivered it to the needy. Special thanks to the Brothers who donated their trucks and vans to pick up and deliver food. Last year we lost Brother Knight PGK Tom Slifker, who for years coordinated the program; his family joined us for the food distribution day. Tom’s memory lives through this program. Again, thanks to all for helping so many others. Congratulations to our raffle winner, Brother Bill Jahnigen, and thank you to all who purchased raffle tickets.

Charity (DGK Bernie Wrisk)The 3rd annual 4 Miles for Charity Run is set for Saturday, June 27. Do you want to join the committee that makes this event grow to be the top fundraiser of our Council? That is the goal of the chairman, our DGK. We are about to start meeting on a regular basis if you want to help be a part of this huge event. Any and all help is appreciated. Contact DGK Bernie Wrisk at 443-604-8372 or [email protected] to find out how you can help.

Fourth Degree (Ernie Schaefer)Meetings normally take place every fourth Thursday at St. Agnes Council, Frederick Road, Catonsville. Meetings start with mass and dinner with a meeting afterward. We look forward to seeing all Fourth Degree Sir Knights at the next meeting on February 26.

Recruitment (PGK Warren Norris)Keep a form 100 or one of our membership business cards handy at all times.

Volunteers NeededThe Franciscan Center, a ministry of the Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi, is seeking teams of volunteers who can share their time one or two days a month to serve in the Center’s soup kitchen. It’s a wonderful opportunity to share hot, healthy meals, and hope, with men, women, and children who are among Baltimore’s most vulnerable citizens. Volunteers serve from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm, Monday through Friday, throughout the year. Anyone interested can contact Angela Hall at 410-467-5340, x113, or email [email protected].


Page 9: FORGIVE AND BE FORGIVEN - kofc1960.orgHomes that practice reconciliation affect the world around them, and a parish filled with families that are growing in the art of forgiveness

9 • Patapsco Knight Newsletter •

F or more than 30 years, our late brother, PGK Tom Slifker, led the Brother Knights of our Council on retreat each year. Nothing would honor his

memory more than a big turnout at Loyola on the Potomac in March.

Loyola Retreat House is at the mouth of the Potomac amidst 200 acres of forest and wildlife. The view over the eastern cliff is breathtaking.

The theme for March is “Behold the Face of God.” There are talks throughout the weekend, but attendance at the talks is not required. If you prefer just to stay in your room and reflect, that’s a perfectly valid way to make your retreat.

I have always come back from the retreats with new insights on traditional Catholic values. To those members of the Council who have never visited Loyola, please consider doing so next year.

There is a fee, but no one has ever been asked not to come if they couldn’t pay the fee. Contact Tim McCarthy at 443-610-7584 for further information

Do it for Tom. Do it for yourself.


Page 10: FORGIVE AND BE FORGIVEN - kofc1960.orgHomes that practice reconciliation affect the world around them, and a parish filled with families that are growing in the art of forgiveness

10 • Patapsco Knight Newsletter •

Our Lady of Medjugorje’s Monthly MessageJanuary 25, 2015

“Dear children! Also today I call you: live your vocation in prayer. Now, as never before, Satan wants to suffocate man and his soul by his contagious wind of hatred and unrest. In many hearts there is no joy because there is no God or prayer. Hatred and war are growing from day to day. I am calling you, little children, begin anew, with enthusiasm, the walk of holiness and love; since I have come among you because of this. Together let us be love and forgiveness for all those who know and want to love only with a human love and not with that immeasurable love of God to which God calls you. Little children, may hope in a better tomorrow always be in your heart. Thank you for having responded to my call.”








Medjugorje is a favored place chosen by God in which the Holy Virgin Mary has appeared daily for nearly 30 years

Page 11: FORGIVE AND BE FORGIVEN - kofc1960.orgHomes that practice reconciliation affect the world around them, and a parish filled with families that are growing in the art of forgiveness

Knights Out Inn

FEBRUARY SPECIALS February 6 Pork Chops February 13 Fried Chicken February 20 Shrimp Creole February 27 Imperial Crab

In addition to our specials, we serve a regular menu of crab cakes, chicken tenders, shrimp salad, fried shrimp, cheese steak subs, and rib eye steaks. All meals are served with delicious sides and salads. Please

come and join us for a great evening of fraternity and family fun.

11 • Patapsco Knight Newsletter •


The Council Hall has a beautiful brand new sign out front, as well as a lot of TLC taken to make the grounds look their best.

Be sure to refer people to for all of their rental hall needs!

Page 12: FORGIVE AND BE FORGIVEN - kofc1960.orgHomes that practice reconciliation affect the world around them, and a parish filled with families that are growing in the art of forgiveness

12 • Patapsco Knight Newsletter •

Our council recognizes the Paul Buckley family as our Family of the Month. Paul and his wife, Pam, have raised their children—Rachel and Ryan—in the Catholic faith as parishioners of St Mark. After passing through St Mark School, Seton Keogh, and Loyola for high schools, both children are now in college. Paul and Pam promote the faith by reinforcing Christian tenets in everyday life, including respect and dedicating themselves to service

of others. Besides being a member of the K of C and giving of his time at some of our events, Paul also has volunteered for the CYO, CAA, and community services sponsored by his company.

Please suggest future Family of the Month candidates to Bernie Wrisk via e-mail at [email protected] or call (443) 604-8372.


Knight’s Prayer

Our Lady, Queen of the Knights, bless all the activities of our Order. Keep us true to our pledge, to extend the kingship of thy divine son on earth. Through Thine intercession, win for us the grace, ever to exemplify in our public and private lives, the virtues that should characterize those especially dedicated to the service of the heavenly court. Make us always aware that as your Knights, we are constantly observed, our faith judged, and our Order appreciated. Accept, O Mary, this renewed pledge of fealty and devotion, of Thy Servants, the Knights of Columbus.

Please remember the following people in your prayers.

If you have any prayer intentions for someone in your family, please contact Chancellor John Journell to get the person’s name included in our prayers. You may also fill out a prayer request form on our Council website. We believe in the power of prayer and would be happy to include your family members in our prayers. You can send your prayer requests to John via e-mail at [email protected].

• Paul Boettinger • PGK Bob Carhart • PGK Reggie DiSante • Robert Hoffman • PGK Ed Canter • John Lackey

• Wil Baldwin • Jim Manning • Patricia Johnson • Paul Buckley• Phyllis McVearry • Brad Jaeger

• Norman Sanford• Sal Fertitta • Monsignor Arthur Valenzano• The Jonathan Driscoll family

Page 13: FORGIVE AND BE FORGIVEN - kofc1960.orgHomes that practice reconciliation affect the world around them, and a parish filled with families that are growing in the art of forgiveness

13 • Patapsco Knight Newsletter •

On Jan. 22, braving the winter chill of Washington, D.C., hundreds of thousands gathered to witness to the sanctity of every human life by participating in the 2015 March for Life. Joining them was Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, who addressed the marchers — including thousands of Knights and their families — and thanked them for their support of the culture of life.“Thank you for your witness and your stand for life!” Supreme Knight Anderson said to the crowd. “We face new threats this year — new efforts to legalize doctor-assisted suicide. But we will stand up for all those at the end of life, as we do for those at the beginning of life. We must build a culture of life for all those who are vulnerable or who suffer — their life is a gift! Today, we celebrate the gift of every life.”Knights and their families, including many college Knights from

throughout the country, gathered for the march, which this year focused on the theme “Every Life is a Gift.” Many carried council banners and flags, but these were just one indication of the Order’s presence.

Scattered among the crowd were also thousands of K of C “Defend Life” signs, which the D.C. State Council distributed to marchers.Along with the supreme knight, several other speakers addressed the crowd, including Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and members of congress from both parties. The march was led by Jeanne Monahan Mancini, president of the March for Life Education and Defense Fund.During his remarks, Supreme Knight Anderson told participants that the latest Knights of Columbus-Marist polling shows that more Americans are embracing the culture of life. The January 2015 poll results indicated that:• 84 percent of Americans want significant restrictions on abortion.• 84 percent say laws can protect both a mother and her unborn child.• Two-thirds of Americans say our abortion rate is too high.• And 60 percent of Americans say abortion is morally wrong.“Why is public opinion turning toward life?” Supreme Knight Anderson asked. “Because you stand up for life! Because no amount of propaganda can cover up the pain of women who regret their abortion. And because when women know the truth they choose life!”


STATE COUNCIL NEWSNEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEARStephen J. Adamczyk, State Deputy, Maryland State Council

Got any resolutions? How about we consider some for the Knights: 1) At our Supreme Knight’s request, we consider it a moral obligation to offer membership to every Catholic male over the age of 18; and 2) again, at Carl Anderson’s request, we hold degrees for candidates and not hold candidates for degrees. I think if we follow his simple suggestions, we can double our Order in the state of Maryland.

I would also like to ask for your help in making our jurisdiction better. We cannot improve those areas we do not know are broken or in need of repair. I know full well there are some items that fall between the cracks. PLEASE help us identify those areas (mistakes, oopses) and make them better. Bring them to your State Officers’ attention so we can repair damages together and keep the ship afloat.

Lastly, as part of my New Years’ resolutions, I will be praying more for all of my Brother Knights and your families. Your health, your wellbeing, and your children mean a lot to me and to our church. We are the future of our Catholic faith. I can only ask that you continue prayers for me and the leadership of the Knights in Maryland as well. That we may continue to lead in a moral and just manner.

Remember your first degree…do you have your rosary with you? Do you pray it often?

Vivat Jesus!


Page 14: FORGIVE AND BE FORGIVEN - kofc1960.orgHomes that practice reconciliation affect the world around them, and a parish filled with families that are growing in the art of forgiveness

Friday, February 6, is the Chapter Anniversary at Columbus Gardens. Patapsco Council will host he next meeting on Thursday, February 12. The event will be Ladies Night.

F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t h t t p : / / w w w . b a l t i m o r e c h a p t e r g k s . o r g /


F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 5 S C H E D U L E

During the month of January, we spend a lot of time thinking about ourselves. What will our New Year’s resolutions be? How will we change our lives? What will 2014 bring for us?

But what about the ones you love? Is protecting them part of your plan for 2014? Sure, there’s a lot that you do to protect your loved ones. You make sure they’re safe. You make sure they’re taken care of. You do your best to make them happy. But what if you weren’t there for them?

What if you couldn’t be?

Many are afraid to think about life insurance because they’re afraid of their mortality. But life insurance isn’t about dying, it’s about helping your family to live if and when something should happen to you.

Life insurance allows you to continue providing for your family after you’re gone by seeing to it that they have the money they need to be as safe and secure as they have always been. It can provide mortgage protection, income replacement, retirement income, final expenses and so much more.

And life insurance doesn’t need to be a gift that you’ll never see given. Your family can benefit from your policy while you’re still here to see them enjoy it.

So this Valentine’s Day, when you’re out buying that box of chocolates or flowers for your wife to express your continued love for her, make a point to schedule time with your professionally trained Knights of Columbus field agent to get your wife a special life-giving gift that will help you to protect her and your whole family for decades. Contact your agent today.



14 • Patapsco Knight Newsletter •


Page 15: FORGIVE AND BE FORGIVEN - kofc1960.orgHomes that practice reconciliation affect the world around them, and a parish filled with families that are growing in the art of forgiveness

Patapso Council No. 1960 Hall 1010 Frederick Road Catonsville,

MD 21228

Saturday, February 7, 20158:00 – 12:00 pm

Featuring the wonderful sound of "Sounds of Vinyl" for your musical entertainment.

Menu: hot roast beef, hot turkey, gravy, red skin potatoes, Caesar salad, green beans, roll & butter

Dessert: Cherrie's Jubilee over vanilla ice cream

Food prepared by Chef Michael Karpers and the Beaumont crew.

Beer, wine and soda

Ticket prices: $25:00 in advance or $30:00 at the door.

Prize for best 50's costume and a prize for the hula hoop contes, at s well as door prizes.

For tickets and information, please contact Dennis Brose at 443-575-6445 or [email protected].

You can also contact the Knights of Columbus Hall at 410-744-8754 or [email protected].

See You There!

Page 16: FORGIVE AND BE FORGIVEN - kofc1960.orgHomes that practice reconciliation affect the world around them, and a parish filled with families that are growing in the art of forgiveness

St. Mark’s Roamin’ Catholics c/o Carol Suarez

116 Hillside Rd., Catonsville, MD 21228 410-744-7092 | 410-818-3490 (cell) [email protected]

2015 Trips

February 18 (Wednesday) Harrington, DE – Slots $10.00 in free play and a free buffet lunch Cost is $30.00 – due with reservation March 8 (Sunday) CHERISH THE LADIES (Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day early) Weinberg Center for the Arts, Frederick, MD Cherish The Ladies have grown from a one-time concert concept to an Irish traditional music sensation, literally the most successful and sought-after Irish-American group in Celtic music. Now celebrating their 30th anniversary, hear firsthand why The Washington Post dubbed them a “thoroughly engaging performance brimming with spirit and soul.” Cost. $97.00 – includes an outstanding brunch at DUICHES DAUGHTER Restaurant. $25.00 deposit due with reservation. April15 (Wednesday) NY, NY – 9/11 Museum and Memorial Includes transportation and admission to memorial and museum. Time in Battery Park for lunch on own. Cost $87.00 – $25.00 due with reservation. May 12 (Tuesday) Odyssey Cruise Washington DC Experience DC like you’ve never seen before on the all-glass vessel the ODYSSEY. Enjoy a delicious lunch as you drift by the sights of the Washington Monument, Capital and much more. Cost $97.00 – $25.00 deposit due with reservation. June 17 (Wednesday) MYSTERY TOU If you like to be adventurous, come join us on this Mystery Tour . Cost is $85.00 (cost includes lunch) – $25.00 deposit due with reservation.