

Upload: estibaly347

Post on 29-Jul-2015




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Activity: Teacher gives them different scenarios to reenact

to allow them to determine how they would respond to challenges of forgiveness. Students create situations, such as a friend wishing to shoplift, another group of friends wanting to vandalize, peer pressure from a crowd doing bad act that could challenge a child's values. Discuss with students how they would react to certain situations. Try to make the situations as realistic as possible so the children get practice in standing up for their value “forgiveness”.

Activity: Make a Forgiveness Book':

students put together a book of blank pages and staple it. Teacher Assist young children in any of the areas that it is needed. On the cover, students draw a large heart and write the words "forgiveness" or a phrase “It takes a strong person to say sorry, and an ever stronger person to forgive”. Students can then draw pictures of people, places, big and little things about forgiveness. If they are too young to print, you could print the sentences they tell you about each page. When it is finished they can read it as often as they want. Then all class does a reflection.